Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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Magnificent Cal Ready to Present "The College Hero"
Over Five Hundred of Beit Known
Young People Taking Part
la to Rala Panda for tk Benefit (
Cklld Savins; Institute To Be
Pbrovra Tkreo Nlks at too
Bimadela Tknitrr.
'The College Hero," to be staged at
the Brandeis theater on Monday, Tues
day. Wednesday and Wednesday matinee
for the benefit of the Chlld'a Saving In
stitute, la musical hurrah, and well It
has been named, for at the rehearaal of
the 60o participants on the stage of tha
Brandols laat Wednesday, It u hurrah!
hurrah! hip, hip, hurrah! from the rise
to the fall of the curtain. The cheering
filled every corner of tha big auditorium;
la slang terms) It almost raised the roof.
Whipped late Skape.
Rehearsals have been In progress for
four weeks and the huge chorus of 500
participants have been whipped Into
shape. The production promisee to be the
most popular of its kind ever staged, and
it will undoubtedly yield splendid sums
toward the work of the Child's Having
Tho advanco sale of tickets at tha Bran
dels theater assures great financial suc
cess. The nursery committee of the
Child'a Saving Institute have labored con
ttnually for over four weeks to bring
this about, and their work haa not been
In vain, for thousands of dollars worth
of Okets have been sold, so that finan
cially, as well as artistically, "The Col
lege Hero" will be a winner next week.
Never before has an amateur cast be
come so popular, every one of the great
army of 500 taking part, from Mrs.
PriuSett s and Miss Patterson's cafe and
fool ball guest gioup. down to the small
est jockey boys, taking part In the plsy,
are wild with' enthusiasm.
New scenery and costumes have arrived
from eastern cities and are all ready for
the production.' -At the blowing of the
whistle on Monday morning a great force
of carpenters, stage handaand electrician
will start to work on the stage of the
Brandeis, adjusting the heavy platforms
and scenery and putting it Into place.
Cast of Characters.
Arranged In the order of their first ap
pearance: Helen, the hero's sweetheart.. Alice Duval
A ticket seller Robert W. Hughes
Jack, a cheer leader Frank Sanders
Student Alembers of Foot Ball 8tuad
Ned Russell Philip
Tom Jerold V. Stryker
Hratton. foot ball roach. ... 1-outs Loring
Jpr. Peckham, president of Sagchum
college Charles Uocherty
. Madame Frane, dean of "co-ed" fac-
. u'ty Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe
Elsie, Helen's friend.. Dorothy Haarmann
Mercedes, a co-ed banjolst... Harriet MeU
Senator Flske, father of the hero
Albert W. Jefferis
1 Parkins, captain of campus cops....
Robert Thompson
Campus Cops
John Rayley, Kennet Reed, Robert Con
nell Ray Iiowe. -Lucky
Jim, who follows the ponies.... '
Harold A. Doherty
Pete the Pest, the college mascot
William T. Lawrence
Richard Flske, the college hero, eon of
Senator Flake Charles R. Oardner
Judson, a reporter... John N. Baldwin
Janette Halcyon Cotton
tUastoo, bead waiter of the Downtown
cafe Ray lxwe
Jimmle, a bellboy Paul Reese
Cabaret Entertainers
Madison Parke. Frances Todd
Hudson Rivers . Taylor Belcher
Mtsa Pascell Marie Stewart
Vlncon Pascell J. Kwlng Forbes
Myrtle Montrose Gretchen Langdon
James Schuyler Thompson Wakeley
The Firefly Elinor KounUe
Jack Fleet Foote Dick Stewart
Sylvia Golden Mildred House
Quartet Frank Malm, Louis P. Loring,
Winfield O. Shrum, John F. Royley.
Quartet-G. A. Johnson. E. M. C'ook,
William A. Forrey, J. Hlggins.
Cafe Entertainers
Madison Parke, Hudson Rivers, Vlncie
Pascell, Vincon Pascell, Myrtle Montrose,
James Schuyler, Firefly, Jack Fleet
Foote, Sylvia Golden.
, Leader, MUs Lenlce II use. i
Misses Mlaaes
Ruth Hart, Helen M. Harrlj,
Gladys Ethyl.i MUleiMlnerva P. Fuller.
Mabel Morrjw, Hortenao rluKnan,
Alnetta t'alnv.r, Helen I Weeks,
Uladys V. Goj lirinn, Lucile Dennis.
Sophomore Girls and Mr a.
Leader, Mr. Dick Richards.
Misses Messrs.
Margaretta Welsh, Stanley Dillon.
Margaret McCoy, C'hauncey C Mullen,
rTancis V. Burke,
Robert W. Higlios.
Harvey Rice,
Dick Richard3,
joe Weinberg,
Basket Ball Team in "The College Hero"
i : rV, x- S?. ' s --v )mfy
W ' '"7?; 1. - x )I
. . ib - ."a. VL -)y'
h 'LI; h a l ' ' : " j
Executive Committee fiatArrtn(ed
for Every Expense of Affair.
care nl Prices Maeii foe Beta the
Vnvlova I'rrfortanncr ess for
the Ilia: tlntltVhtra Is
lo rollnft.
was raised. of thla being the re
sult of a free-will offering At the Mis
sion church the total amount raised was
l"37.2B; thus making a grand total of
Wendall W. Moore
Harry R. Caldwell
Russell Larmon
Charles Peterson
Frank Campbell
Robert Edwards
1'hllip L. Gllmore
Ralph .Fowcll
Lydia Burnett
Winifred Brandt
Helen Howe.
Kllzcbeth Carr
Ruth Barth. McCoy
Katherlne Gould
Marjorle Cavers
Ida Langdon
Margretha Grlmmel Walter Johnson
Gretchen Iankjdon Donald Khepard
Catherine Uosa John Jenkins
Stella Robinson Russell Best
Qeraldlne Johnson
Leader. Alton Elllck.
(Dorothy Sherman. Alton Elllck,
Ionard A.Spauldlng.Charlcs Qlltner,
Nathan P. Hpaudlng, Philip Warner.
Gordon Pray, r
Sororltr and Fraternity.-
leader, Miss Louise schlndel.
Janet Watson,
Klla G. Peterson,
Mae L. Walsh,
lAura Peterson,
GUdya Van Sant,
Julius Steinberg,
Cromble Schlndel,
E. B. Bratton,
Pearl KllnKbeii.
( laia Llndley,
Marion Pearsall,
Oeil Charles,
Mabel NelHOn,
Dorothy E. Wright, F. W. Carenter,
Ktta Carpeater, Emerson Goodrich.
' tiyntnaslam Clrla. '
Leader, Miss Dorothy .Meyers.
Josephine Garvin,
Ruby Swensun,
Ruth riwenson,
Dorothy Meyers,
l.ilia Hoke,
i rltda Peterson,
Jessie Ncale,
Eeilne East,
Harriet Morse,
Mabel EtchUon,
Helen Borsheun,
Buddette Ellis.
Clifford Long,
Henry Dolan,
Moee Howard,
t-teve McCarthy,
Varsity Crew.
J. 1- McCarthy,
Len Riley,
John E. l' orneteck,
Francis O'Connell,
Senior Girls and Hti,
Leader, Miss Mildred Todd.
Misses Messrs.
Abys CeJcBte Coad, Paul Shirley,
K. N. Benson,
Win, S. Huston,
Karl 11. Burket,
Harry Fuller,
E. T. Campbell,
W. H. Bwails,
George F. Englcr,
Will Elliott
Mabel Allen.
Grace Slubaugii,
Duruthy Smith,
Irene Carter,
Mildred Todd,
Blanche Deuel,
Harriet Copley,
iick-n Vanuumn,
Banjo Girls.
Leader, Miss Alpha Fay Field
Misses Misses
Elizabeth Wright, Lenure Allen,
jutiicrine ciuiie-
Liietciien Allen,
.. eanor Slaouugh
i'-nith Howe
Doris Bsrry
Jeanette Rutherford,
Martha Smalley,
Mary Alice Taylor,
marKarei ecnurig,
Kutnorine i.lneburg Dorothy Huchen,
itoun ta Coulter, lone togg, New- Lydia Burnett,
branch, Mildred House.
l'at ,mon,
4.oH Glrla.
Leader, Miss Harriet Sherman.
Misses Misses
A.iua 'lhoiiipson Evelyn Ledwich
oilier Coli r Mary Rouse
..i. en Welsh Corlnne Elliott
.i-len Bicknell Florence Uussell
ancy E. bpaulding Herriet Sherman
Martha Noble Dorothy A. Alter
iO.canor Austin Susanna Jobst
loulae Bailey Helen Giltner
Fiancis Cleland Lois KouDins
l.ila Miller
Cntheiine Conrad
Helen Curtia
Winifred Brandt
Margaret Wllliuins Luuy Uarvlu
Trnals Girls sad Tenals Hes,
Leader, Miss Garaldine Johnson.
MUse Misses
l: izabeth Pcrrlgo Evelyn Horton
...ce L. Runhton tJrace Harte
Helen Shepliaru Gertrude Donovan
Dorothy Caianagh Messrs
Carolyn Holiuquist Phillip Thomas.
Dorothy Buliacb Walter Chamberlin
Lois Hobbina
lluzel l.pdlke
tiertrude Peyche
xrothy Ktiilinser
Marion Coad
Rutli Elisabeth LeedvJamea Connell
Helen Welsh Herbert Drexel
Beatrice Johnson Don Klplinger
Robert i.cbiians
Paul Whit hey
Stewart McDonald
Ronald C Barrows
Aiex Crawford
Vera in Bofs. ' '
Mittle Ward,
Nora Horn, 1
Mary Horn.
Charles K. Burke,
Fred H. Schaefer,
Hugh McCulloch. .
Duster Browns. '
. Leader. Ellison Vlnsonhalcr.
Messrs Messrs.
James Welsh, Nelson I'pdlke,
Sam Carlisle, Ralph Camnbell,
Robert Downs. Cornelius Clarke,
Winston Cowalll, t'larence HilnK,
Dickie Stewart. ' Prescott Flndley.
John Clarke,
Basket Ball Girls.
Leader, Miss Marcaret Holdcn.
MlHaea Misses
I'.llicl Mel,
Ruby Kllngbeil,
Katherine Singles,
Mary Doud.
Helen Bicknell,
Lillian Wirt.
... V s
Sprite Who Will Dance in "College Hero
Elizabeth Smylle,
Marjorie Menold,
Helen Dotwellor,
Pearl Kllnbeil,
Ann Axtell,
Virginia Hatplne,
Dorcen Holden,
Foot Ball Men. .
Leader, Edwin Goult1..
Mesers. ' Mesers.
Russell Brnndt, Edw. A. Daugherty,
Edwin Gould, Victor Graham,
Bryce Crawford, jr. Lawrence Ortmnn,
Wynian Robbins. Fred . Kylor,
H. Stewart McDonaldClmrles Allison,
Earl W. Ixiwe, Donald Hall.
Jack Sward. Alex Crawford,
Wilson D. Bryans, Kussoil Best,
RalDh Benedict
Robert McShane,
Russell W. Brandt,
Arthur Herring,
James W. Reynolds,
J. Porter Allen.
Charles R. Perrigo,
Edward Fuller,
Frank Sanders,
Robert Stori,
Clarence Squires,
Roderlc Crane,
Gerold Stryker,
K. D. Wldenor,
riwlifht K. Danforth. Phllln Thomas. '
Bernic Holrrquist, C. Clary Hanlghen",
Robert Booth, Edward Perley.
Foot Ball Gaeata.
Alice Jacquith,
Halcyon Cotton,
Eleanor Mackey,
Lucile Bacon,
Marjorie Howland,
Charlotte Callahan,
Harry A. Koch,
Allen E. Tukey,
Taylor Belcher,
J. Frank Mead,
Herbert J. Cornell,
John E. Forbes,
Austen Galley, J
Tea Maids
Frances Millard Todd
Frances Hockstetter,
Helen Kpeneter,
Ann Glf ford,
Janet Hall.
Messrs. '
Frank S. Selby,
Wayne C. Selby,
George Engler,
H. T. Campbell, -Newman
Robert Coni.elL
and Walteirs.
Leaders, Mlsa Hazel Howard and
Cha-les Aiatison.
it - . , .
Bossie Says Omaha
Has No Reason to
Complain of Milk
Dairy Inspector ' ClaAicia Bossie criti
cises the llanscom park women who re
cently declared preservatives were used
In milk sold In their district by city dairy
men. ' .
"We make from 300 to 500 tests a year,
and for six years we have found no milk
In which preservatives were used." said
the Inspector. "Anyway, what would be
the use of preservatives atXthls aeaaon
of the year?" v
"The women complain that milk will
stay sweet for a Week. It will atay rweot
for a much longer period if kept at a
temperature of aay 48 degrees.
"The dairymen do not need to use pre
servatives. Omaha' la not Buffering from
an over-supply of milk. The entire prod
uct Is sold each day."
The executive committee In charge of
the charity hall at the Auditorium t
cetnher l hr arranged fur every expense
item connected with the production, so
that the nrl proceeds to be given to char
ity will' be sK amntint bVa the gitar
antee pahl to lvwa and nerTnmpahy.
Tha liitH-o music will .he fiirn1Md
grails by tha Omaha Muslclnfm' aiaiola
tloh. The printing of circulars Is being
furnished free hy the 'vat-Ion printing
rompanlra and paper houo. the flofal
decorations by the florists of the tlty.
the eloclrle rffect hy the electric supply
houses. Tlie l.aemmle Film Service frill
supply all moving picture shows a ssrlrs
of five colored sterecptlcan picture to
be thrown on the flcreen every evening
for-two-weeks prior td the engagement.
The public service corporation are mail
ing 15,000 card announcement wllh their
mall on December 1.
The Thomas Cusaek company will plac
the . hill posters free of charge. All It
order that the largest poailble amount
of money will he available for charitable
purposes. .
The stale of prices will be: Lower
flour seat. Including dancing privileges.
$6 erh; boxes, from 2 lo !0; first row.
haloony. M&o; next three rows, f!; next
three rows. $1.60. and the 1al thrae rows,
II." "n.ilcony aeitt holders may hive
dancing privileges for an additional pay
ment df I2.M each. ,
The first box sale ha already been
made to George A. Joslj n, and the flrt
ticket kale hna been made at the box of
fice. Many reservations have alrsady
coifia by mall, and mall orders to tha
Auditorium box office with checks a"
companylng will be filled at tha orders
are received.
Dresher Bros. Doing Winter
Cleaning Work Previously
Deemed Impossible.
Set Yours in Quickly and Meet
Winter With a Smile. .
Fontenelles and New
Bank May Celebrate
Opening Sdme Time
A tentative plan ii ndw on foot
whereby the Fontenollo hotel and the
United States National bank, buildings
may celebate their opnlng days to
gether sometime In February. The con
tract for the construction Of the Fon
tehelle reads that It nhall be turned over
lo tha occupants by February . The
t'nltod States National bin building la
to be turned over to the ooeupanti about
that time also. A plan Ik being consid
ered where by the dedicatory exetolirte
tor both might be held on Washington's
blrthady. February 22.
, TaanksglTlas; ortertngta.
WAITSA. Neb., Nov. UspeclaU-The
local Lutheran and Mission churches
took their annual Thanksgiving offering
missionary purpose yesterday. x
Lutheran church a total of IS74.TO
Frank Bullta,
W. H. Smalls,
R. M. Kwltzlcr,
Mark O. Ward,
A. Brandon Hoelt,
Earl H. Burktrt,
Dan Beal.
Harriet Copley.
Helen Van Uusen,
Paul Shirley,
K. T. Campbell,
W. H. Smalls,
George F. Engler,
Will Ellltt.
Helen E. Smith,
Helen Chesney,
Agnes Russell,
Lois J. Howell,
Ida Harlow,
Carol Howard.
Marjorie Foote,
Maids aad Bell Boys.
Leader, Miss Mildred Todd.
Misses Misses
Alvs Celeste Coad. Blanche Deuel
Mabel Allen.
Grace Slabaugh,
I-iorothy Smith,
Irene Carter,
E. Newman Benson
W. B. Huston,
H. Burket,
Harry Fuller.
Tafe Guests.
' Leader, Mrs. Harold Prltchett.
Mesdames Mesdamea
Jack Webster, Fred Hamilton.
Misses Mimes
Mildred Butler, Elizabeth Davis,
Daphne Peters, Ala. y Burkley,
Meue Davis, Marie Stewart.
alters ol
Paul Duffy,
William L. Pearles,
Thomas F. Tobln,
Edward O'Neill.
Gerald B. Savoy,
Frank J. Tobtn,
Lester Carroll,
John J. Cordea,
Earl Carroll,
Soldiers of I'sele la so.
A Detachment from the First Battalion
Fourth Infantry, Nebraska National
the Florida.
Cyril El McCarthy.
Joseph A. Stanks,
N. J. Kesaler,
Charles Kanne,
Vincent Cain,
'Will Gllmore,
Emery Plank.
C. T. KounUe.
A. A. Mi-Ur.'.
Geoige JokI'ii,
A. L. Fainiwurtli,
A. 1. lleo l.
Isaac Coles.
A J. Loc.
John J. Sullivan,
John T- rttewuri. Jr.
11. M. McClatianaii,
Frank Carpenter,
Ewing Brown,
J. H. Taylor.
W. W. Slabaugh.
Joseph Barker,
Mesdamea -Fred
H. E. Patterson,
N B. Cpdike,
C. M. Schlndel,
W. E. Reed.
T. B. Wilson.
C. W. M. Poynier,
(leorge L. Alley,
K. C. Williams,
C. E. Oobbey,
Joseph Weeth,
W. A. DtBoru,
T. B.'Garrelt,
Barton Millard,
W. A. Redick.
Board of Directors.
W. A. DeBord, C. E. Cobbey,
James H. Taylor, E. C. Williams,
Barton Mlllanl, George L. Alley,
Ir. McClanshan, Mrs. G. A. JoMyn,
Dr. C. W. M. 1'osnterMrs. A. A. McGraW.
John J. Sullivan. Mrs. Joseph Weeth
W. W, Slabaugii,
Patronesses. (
Meadamej Mesdames
E. II. oviacue, OsKood '1. Esistman.
Samuel 1 1.11 . Jr , K. M. Morsmun, Jr.,
C. C. Georg-.
W. F. rtpl-ltton,
Clement Chose,
C. B. Her.
Ward M. feirgtsb,
E. O. Bi son.
Arthui Rcminrton,
J. E. Hiwmers,
F. B. Johnson,
H. W Yates.
C. E. Yost.
L. 10. Congdon.
J. M. DauKherty,
Joseph Baldrige,
J. R. Lelimer,
M. C. I'etcrs,
O. C. Redick,
Edear Morsman,
Arthur Gulou.
J. N. Baldwin,
Gould Diets.
U F. Crofoot,
John Brady,
Thomas Kilpatrlck.
Jessie Millard.
Luther Kountze,
F. H. Davis.
E. P. Peck,
Harold Glffcrd.
Ben Gallagher,
E. W. Nash,
Ella J. Squires,
E. M. timonhaler,
A. L. Idohler,
C. W. Lyman,
L. C. Nash,
c. C. Allison,
C. N. Diets,
Gerrtt Fort,
Milton Barlow,
Geo. A. Iloagland,
Walter Page,
A. C. Smith,
F. P. Klrkendall,
John A. McShane,
F. H. Davis.
Frank Brogam.
Canadian Troops
On Way to Egypt
WINNIPEG. Man.. Nov. 2S.-A cable,
gram received by a relative In the city
from an officer with the Canadian con
tingent at Salisbury plains contained the
statement that Canadian troops were go
ing to Eiiypt almost immediately.
Christians to Rally .
At the North Church
On Next Thursday
A big rally will be held at the North
Side Christian church. Twenty-second
und Lothrop streets, Tbuisday, when a
team of Christian workers will nuet for
the purpose of interesting the members'
of this particular denomination of
Omaha and vicinity to make a canvas
for the expenses of the church and Its
missions. The team consisting of Presi
dent J. L. Garvin of William Woods col
lege, Fulton, Mo.; W A. Baldwin,
former state secrtary of Nebraska Mis
sionary society; Mrs. Calls. Scott Willard,
state Hfccetary of the Christian Women's
Baptist Mission, and Rv. H. II. Harmon
of Lincoln. President Garvin and hli com
pany have held auccefitul rallies in Kan
ktts and Nebraska and hsve everywhere
met Willi an enthusiastic reception. A
meeting will be held for women at 2:31
p". in., at 6:30 p. in., the men T. Ill take
dinner together at tha church and at
7.30 there will be a mass meeting for
all. Delegates are expected from ten
churches In this vicinity. The. Flint
and North Side churches bave plana
already made to canvas their Whole
membership Sunday afternoon, Decem
ber 13, between 2 and 5 o'clock.
The semi-annual good fellowship din
ner of the Commercial club Is set for the
evehlng of December S In the Commercial
club dining room. Something n,w Is to
come off in the way of cabaret entertain
ment during the i out no of the banquet,
a"corJlng to Coiiimisloiit.'r Manlcv of tha
Commercial clul
There'll Come a Time
when couBtant leaning on coffee is bound to result for most people
in shattered , nerves,, heart flutter, biliousness, headache, or some
other of the well known coffee Ills.
It's the drug, "caffeine." In coffee about 2V4
grains to tha cup that raimea the trouble.
If coffee disagree., try . , ' v
the pure food drink
free from
the drugs, caffeine and tannin, or any other harmful
Nothing but the goodness of choice wheat, roasted, with a,blt
of wholesome molasses, enters Into Postum. A beverage of de
lightful taste and aroma, used with benefit by young and old.
"There's a Reason"
Postum cornea In two forms:
Regular Postum, which has to be boiled 15c and 25c pkgs.
Instant Postum soluble made In the cup, Inntantly 30c and
50c tins.
. Cost per cup Is about the same for both kinds.
Grocers Everywhere Sell POSTUM
If the ordinary, every-day eort of
cleaner were to be confronted with,
the work that Is now touring Into
Dresher Brother's $57,000 Cleaning
Ac. DyMng plant at 2211-2313 Far
nato Pt., he would promptly throw
up his hands and say: "I am stag
gered; 1 cannot turn out that amount
of work In the time specified!"
Ftut, the strong are the viator la
every case. Dreshers have' always
tackled the large tanks with a vim,
and have been successful because
doing so. If Drrhfirs agree to hav
your a Inter cleaning work finishes.
In a hurry, you may depend upou
gettluK it Just that way.
Want your suit, dress, frock, cape,
wrap, fur, or overcoat cleaned In a
hurry? All rlbt. Want those same
garments ripped apart, reatyled,
etc.? All right. Want some clothes
dyed In a hurry? All right. Dresh
ers are amply fixed to do all this
work rightly, quickly and cheaply.
It takes a live, constantly moving?
force of eighty to one hundred oper
atives to accomplish all this, but
Dreshers have this many and have
them right here at this plant.
. So send In your winter work now
tell Dreshers to get it out In a
hurry and it will be gotten out. If
you lire out of town sepd the work.
In by parcel post or express and
Dreshers will pay return charges on
the package, no matter whether the
work amounts to lOo or 10.
A phone mesnage to Tyler 845
sets In operation a special delivery
force a wagon or auto will come
to your home Just as quickly as
horses can pull or gasoline can pro
pel. If you happen to be near
Dresher tho Tailor at 1515 Farnam
street you may leave your package
there; or, at the Dresher Receiving
station In the Brandeis Stores.
Don't forget It! Dreshers are
equipped to do things on a large
I'll and
MVA-wtetmrtlBMBB apstswr
tlmai at BUsnd. Mm
tha 4er plas waoJa anmic
t& ratling ntn of tsm
Oulf and you enjoy hoat
tng. hashing:, flak lag.
hantfaig. gaaflsar. taawfcs
Isug si c- sec-
taiwssrasi aMil tvaAa asm if
efl for mika will Uve
eaka. a annual with
aaagtaje bsmsl rank Mr
grt aadl i rias i j wfeasw Uaai
ana aait j trig an ear
la wa. Writ for
niosKraaatd booklet
tV I" eaneilent
ee'y, Blloxl Ooaases
etal dak,
aza Moie
r -
Wbea la Chicago, stop at the Plata m
quiet and relined hotel, faring Linmla
Park and overlooking Lake Michigan. w
rooms with private bath newly fKraiehed.
A room with a bath lor S1.50 ana) up.
Weekly, tf.OO and so. Two roons eattee.
3.00 per day and up. Weekly. 15.00
and up. Only twelve minutes by electrlo
cars to theatre, business and shopping
center. Good cafe In connection. Muder
ate prices. Write lor booklet to Maoaaer.
Hotel Urcsiin
Broadway ai 29 St.
"An Hotel Where CueaU are Made
to Feel at Home'.
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense. '
Exceptionally Accessible
500 Kooau Mrei Rntoareaf Ckerfat
Slot I looms With tunning Wstsr
f 1.00 totJ.OOpcrasr
Single Booms vith Tu or Sbowor
. tl.SOiotSOOiwresr
Deubls Boobs vita Runalni Wster
li.UO to psrtur
Ooubls Boeas wits Tub or Show
13.09 to 6.00 acr asy
EDWARD C. FOGG. akMfkf fliraesar