12-A rilB OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: NOVEMBER 29, 1914. BUSINESS OUTLOOK IS BRIGHTENING UP Vice Treiident Eaxling" of Milwiin kee Eoad Seei Trade Reriral in the Near Future. WAR SCARE IS HOW ABOUT OVER 4 mfrlrail Purpart- to Absorb e rtrltln Held Abroad- Frella tm ' be Rmmt la Alradr Mark ImproTfi, Workmen's Gompensation Insurance to be Effective December 1 WORKMAN'S LAW EXPLAINED Compensation Statute Will Go Into Effect Within Few Weekt. t MUTUAL COMPANY FORMED That America will toon be able. If the balance of traJe continues In IU favor, to handle all the securities now helil in Europe, waa the. opinion of II. B. Earl In:, vice president of the Milwaukee road, who paaaed through Omaha on his way to Kan Francisco to stse up the Renrral situation on the Paclflo coast. Mr. Earl Ing haa Just completed a trip of the same kind through the east and recently at tended a bla; conference of railroad .and buslnen men In New York City. "I found condition much Improved as compared with my last trip alone the Atlantic aea board and the difference In the feeling toward the future waa moat marked." Mr. Earllng attributed much of the changed sentiment to the attitude of the publlo toward the larger business Institutes.' Revival la Ortala. "It Is the Impression In the east.' be said, "that we are going to have a great volume of business and that while the changed conditions have not been felt ma. terlailjr as ret, nothing can bold back a commercial revival. 1 do not speak from the standpoint of the railroads, for they can handle wtth preaent facilities a much larger tonnajre than Is going at present. The problems of th railroads must be adjusted as a separata entity. "We are hopeful that the Interstate Commerce eommlaaloo will consider the merits of the railroads In the near fu ture, and permit some changes which will put transportation operations on a prof itable basts. When this Is done and the dividends and Interest established as a regular business matter, then I confi dently believe the American Investor will come forwad. buy stocks and bonds In American Institutions, take up gradually the securities held In Europe, and the .United States will be free of the conse quences of diplomat! o and .hostile tur moll that haa been set afoot during- the last four months. "1 do not know bow much of American securities are held In Europe, but should the demand for 'American products go forward in the future as It haa In the past, our Investors, with' the balance of trade aa a base, could absorb these se curities within a wary short time. We know that Europe must buy here and if we held these securities we would be self contained and there would be no occasion to fear a further shrinking or breaking of market values by reason of the sudden liquidation of American securities held In Europe, when demands for liquidation came on. "On the whole I believe the change Is Juat around the comer, and when it comes. It will record the commercial re vival n the United States." Maaafaetarera Oraaalae Mataal Ia saraaee Company Carry Oae Another's Rlak la Matter of Liability lacarred. Little Girl Lurned j Starting Fire in ' Eange With Coal Oil Maude Richards, aged 10 years, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Will Richards, tat 1'lerce street, was severely burned when she used coal oil to start a fire In the range. The flame flared up so suddenly that the little girl's dress caught fire and she was badly scorched .about the limbs before her mother, who was sick In bed, could aid her. Mrs. Richard waa also slightly burned. The two were attended by Dr. C. B. Folts and the little girl was taken to fit. Joseph's hospital. Mr. and Mr Richards have been aep arated for several months and, being In straightened circumstances, the little girl waa the only one who cared for her mother during her Illness Polios Matron : Ellen Gibbon bs taken charge of the case. . J Navy Men of Omaha Planning Big Ball Members of the Omaha Navy crab and 4har ax-nary men are planning to hold th biggest end best navy bail ever known In Omaha. Saturday even Inc. December 11. at Metropolitan hall. It will be the third annual ball given under th auspice of the club. Many Omaha men who hav seen serv ice on Uncle Sam' ships, but hav not yet joined the local club, are beoonUng interested In It and the danc. A large attendance 1 expected at th next regu lar meeting of th club, to be held in the CrtMid Army room, at th court house, next Friday evening. ' William I Hackett Is president of the dub. He and Secretary Daniels ar artiv In arranging for th balL UNI OF OMAHA STUDENTS' TO START LIBRARY FUND A library fund la to be established by the students of the University of Omaha. A number of concerts, lectures and plays are to be given in the near future, the lroceed of which will go toward estab lishing, this fund. The student body, working la co-opera tion with yh Junior class, will give a eon cert next Saturday at the- university gymnasium. As much school talent as I possible will be uaed, though . a number of outsiders will ale have a part on the program. Miss Grace Poole has been u g&aed fur several piano parts. At last ambulance chaning Is to be tnded in Nebraska, when the workmen's com pensation law, approved by the people of the state by popular vote at the last election, goes Into operation. The law will likely be declared In operation within the next few week. The law Is specific In fixing the amount of compensation due to Injured employes for specific Injuries whlls on duty. In esch case It specifies a given per cent of the employe's wages to be paid for a stipulated period of time after such In Jury. It Is designed to do away with costly litigation, which has been a detrl merit both to employer and emptoyod. Mataal Coapaales Formed. Born Important change wilt be noticed In the conduct of business In the state For example, the manufacturers of the state have already organised for the pur pose of forming a mutual Insurants com' pany to carry one aothars risk In the matter of liability Incurred from the In Juries sustained by employes in their plant. Th companies hav the privilege' of organising mutual companies. Insuring with a blanket Insurance under any of the existing liability Insurance corn pen lee, or carrying their own rlak In the matter of liability for Injury of employes. Some will still carry blanket Insurance with liability companies. A large per cent of them have already signed the agree ment to come Into the new mutual com pany, A few will carry their own risk This latter ease occurs In the Instance In which a man has a small manufactur ing concern, employing perhaps not more than two or three men, and being an em ployment . that Is In no way dangerous o life or limb of employ. Such an em ployer doe not car to pay a heavy pre mium to an Insurance company annually to protect htm against liability for In Jurie when he knows th chance ar a thousand to on that 'no accident will ooour In hi little plant He may choose to carry hi own risk; that Is, carry no Insurance, but set aside a little fund on his book tobe used for a liability fund. In case he should have an accident Will Accentuate. Safety. Grant Hamilton of the legislative com mute of th American Federation of La bor. In speaking to the Central Labor union In Omaha a few day ago, made a point wheni aald .of th compensation law. ' "You are not merely , selling legs and arms for H00 apiece or whatever th price may be, but under thi law uoh safety precaution must develop that It 111 be practically Impossible for ucb ac cident t occur." Stat Insurance .Commissioner Brian ha mad th following analysis of th lawi Th workmen'! . oompemaatJon taw, passed In th 1MI legislature, having been suspended from operation owing to a referendum petition being Tied with th secretary of state, asking that the law be referred to th voters at th general lection In November, 19lt, and aa the unofficial tabulation evidence th adop tion of said law, I believe It of Interest to the publlo to glv a digest of th most Important feature of th act Th law will be In fore and effect within ten day from th 23d day of November, at which time the vote la of ficially canvassed by th stat election board, "The law will apply to every employer In this state employing five or more em ploye, except those employing household domestic servants, farm laborers and railroad companle doing Interstate com merce, who ar subject to conn reus and not within th provision of this law. "Part I is so framed aa to penalise both th' employer and the employ If they do not elect to com within th provisions of Part IX , Application ml Law. "Part IXBvery employer (other than thoa exempted.) automatically com within th provision of th workman' compensation law and will be governed by It provision unless th employer poats. and thereafter keep posted, in a conspicuous plac or plaoe where hi workmen are employed, a written or printed notice of hi election not to be bound by Tart II, and h must fll a dupllcat of such posted notlo with th Insurance commissioner, and unless vry employ give! A written or printed notice to his employer of hi refusal to be bound by Part II and file a dupllcat proof of th aervlc of such notice with th In aurano commissioner, h will automatic ally com within th provision of the law, and be governed by It provision "If an employer haa given notlc not to accept th provision of part II he may ater waive such notlc by posting In a conspicuous plac a written or printed notlc of withdrawal and fll a dupMcate notlc with' th Insurance commissioner. "If an employ has given notlc not to accept th provision of part II, he may later waive such not lei by posting In a writing directed to the ' employer and servs same i upon his employer, or his went, and flit a duplicate with the In surance commissioner. The waiver will not be effective until noon of the fifth day after filing the required notice with the Insurance commissioner. ( natrartnra ) aabroaraeo. "The owner la not responsible where a contract Is let to a contractor or a con tractor la not responsible whers a con tract Is let to a subcontractor If all done In good faith, provided the owner re quires the contractor to procure a policy according to this art No compensation will be allowed for the first fourteen days after disability begins unlee such dis ability continues for eight weeks or longer. Purina the first twenty-one days after the disability begins the employer Is liable for a reasonable medical and hospital service not to exceed $300. "For the first 8"9 weeks 60 per centum of the wages received at the time of In- Jury, and the maximum amount received shall not exceed $10, and the minimum amount received shall not be less than $S per week. Provided, that after the first 3n0 weeks of total permanent disability the employe shall receive 40 per centum of th wages received at the time of ac cident but not more than $. per week, or lea than $4 per week. Beeelts for peel fie lajary. "Khali be 60 per centum of the wagei receive! at the time of the Injury for (he periods as follows: For the loss of hand, payments for 175 weeks. Kor the loss of arm, payments for US weeks. Kor the loas of foot payments for ISO eeks. For the loss of leg, psyments for 118 Wf-eks. For the loss of eye, payment for IS weeks For the loss of two or more of such members not constituting total perma nent -Usability shall be the aggregate time of periods specified for each. For the loaa of both handa. arms, feet, Itaw and eyes the same benefits will be ild aa for the total permanent disability. Death Iteaeflta. "In rase of Injuries resulting In death the dependent shall receive 60 per centum of the wages received for a period of 360 EVERY CHILD'S MAGAZINE X-MAS NUMBER ATTRACTIVE The Christinas edltl-m of Every Child's UagaElne. stilted by (Intro Sorenson, Is the moat atirac'ive nu:nbr that has yet U--n is.uvl. . Ail the departments con tained in a grownup' magazine .are tlup'.ii'at-d lit this periodical la a simple ai.d (i icii style for children, and the b: el ia a aiorvhouae of useful, 1q tiitc.no reading, bealdes containing I urea and poems of fiction to delight Uu little Iota. crrrrrr u'rrj-izua To promote peace, hap- ARRESTED IN CHICAGO FOR STEALING AUTO IN OMAHA Walter pi, Thomas and Charles Ouyer l ave beeu arrested by th Chicago police 1 ,r the theft of a $.W4 inachioe from te lal CaxUrcar company, two wka ago. Hie c&r has also been recovered and th to men will be brought back to Omaha t.y I'eUictive John Psuuowkki, whj k.&ve for that city at once. piness and good health J it is necessary to keep j the Stomach, Liver and Jtowela working hanuo- J ' niously and at the first LJ sign of disturbance 0 you should 'resort to oIIOSTETTER'sS STOMACH BITTERS It helps Nature restore . j Ktrvnp-tli nn,l niirnr 4t L-J . ' " f V .AQUA IU r-i the entire digestive ays- r' Li tern. Try a bottle. e o .m m ni n ti weeks, and for an amount of not more than $10 or leas than $S per week, and In addition, burial and sick expenses not to exceed $100. "If the employe Is Injured by reason of wilful cegllgence or by reason of being Intoxicated, no benefits will be pall. "If the employe It employed by two or more employer, the benefit will be pay able In proportion to the wages paid by each employer, unless a contract Is made between themselves of the burden of the Compensation to be paid. "No other Insurance held by an em ploye will detract from the compensation under this act "No agreement by an employe to waive his rights will be valid. "Notice most be served upon the em ployer or his agent as soon a practicable after th happening of an accident and a claim for th compeneatlon must be made within six months to be valid. "Notlc of an accident mus be In writ Ing. signed by the person or by a person In hi behalf." . X.OTS, President. r. A. PBAXTZK, Tic President. O. W. VATTLII, Tie President. TAXK T. XAMXLTOsT, J. W. OXACS. Secretary. The Employers Mutual Liability Insurance Company OF NEBRASKA ' A MUTUAL COMPANY CREATED BY THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT TO INSURE EMPLOYERS AT COST Office: Woodmen of the World Building i . ' Telephone Donglas til 5, DIRECTORS tbo. o. nm, Presides) Bryita-Kasuaev Dry Oood Oe. PXAJrr T. KAJtTLTOsT President Omaha Oaa C. Prank B. .TOXHaOaT acretary and T Omaha Printing' Co. A, J, ZrOTS - ' President IVovelaad Para Oo, If. a PBTBBB President M. C. Peter mil Co. overeign Command Woettw af the World. CK W. WATTUIt Pre. Omaha ft OouneU Bluff ret By. nu B. TTPBXZB, . President TTpdlk OraU C. PATX T. MtUMMBm, President ttlaur lCaaafaetarla Co. ChMna Counsel, CBOPOOT BOOTT, Omaha Batlonal Bank BaOAing. This Company has been organized by large employers of labor in Nebraska in order to obtain their-. Compensation Insurance at actual cost Your Liability Insurance becomes void December first when the new Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Law goes into effect. WIRE. CALL OR TELEPHONE FOR INFORMATION REGARDING MEMBERSHIP IN THIS ASSOCIATION FOR S Workmen' Compensation Insurance -CONSULT- McCague Investment Company H. K. MANSFIELD, Liability Mgr. 1506 Dodge Street OMAHA, NEBR. ASK US FOR RATES s TELEPHONE Douglas 415 Complete Copy of the LAW Furnished Upon Application. LAW EFFECTIVE, DEO. 1, 1914. A. J. LOVE, President FRANK J. HASKELL, Treu. LOVE-HASKELL CO. Telephone Douglas 380 Omaha National Bank Bldg. We would be pleased to discuss the Workmen's Compensation Law with you before placing this protectionphone us as we believe our proposition will interest you. COURTESY PROMPTNESS iaaaaBMMM ACCURACY J. H. Mitheii Co.,ic. Leader in Workmen s Compensation Insurance-" Representing "Tfie Old Fidelity Company" City National Bank Bid;. Douglas 1278 AETNA ; Life Insurance Company Accident and Liability Department The Largest Company in the World writing Compensation, Accident, Health and Life In surance. Assets $114,000,000 John Dale & Sons GENERAL AGENTS 305 Karbach Blk. Phone Douglas 489