rilK OMAHA St'XhAY 1 il 1 :: NOVKMIlKi: Ji, 1'I4. A rha tier Baby is world s Wonder Every tiny Infntit makes life's per tractive mitlcr and brighter. And what ever there la to enhance Its nrrlvnl and to ease and comfort the expectant mother should be Riven attention. Among the real helpful things in an external ab dominal application known rs "Mother's Friend." Thero Is scarcely a community but what has Its enthusiastic admirer of this splendid embrocation. It Is so well thought of by women who know that most drug stores throughout the United States carry "Mother's Friend" as one of their staple and reliable remedies. It ts applied to the abdominal muscles to relievo tho strain on Heamcnts and tendons. Those who hnvo used It refer to the ease and comfort experienced during the period of expectancy; they particularly refer to the absence of nausea, often so prevalent as a result of the natural expansion. In a little book are described more fully the many reasons why "Mother's Friend" has been a friend Indeed to women with timely hints, buk gentlons and helps fir remlr reference. It should be In all hemes. "Mother's Friend-' insy he hsd of alnit any firnesmt. I. tit if you fall to find It write us direct nnd also write for book ti Krsdfield Regulator Co 403 Lamar Bids., Atlanta, Ga. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Knights of Pythias - Hold Annual Election of Officer. TO ORGANIZE A NEW SOCIETY randlnai Inn Itrot krrknoil Will Ini tiate barter Mtrnkfr, of Ike Omaha Lodge on Monday taenia. Receding Gums From Microbes and Acids So much of beauty and health detenus upon the condit.on of your teeth tnat their care nnd preservation should be a matter ol Kteal com-eni to ynu. The mouth is the gateway of nutrlipin. it should be clean. Von don't carry decayed lood la your linner uuiia-wny carry inod In the cavities and crevices ot vour teetti' asks the New York World. Some people know nJmost noihimr about the proper rare of the mouth and teeth. Tney allow yel:ow furrows on the tongue. vellov or pale brown coatings on the tuetli, black ened condition of tne lewh on tun inciue, etc. Then comes a little nncrooe that lives and thrives and multiplies on these conditions, bores holes in the teeth, makes crevices and lnierts the whole upper and lower ranges of ttetti you have sure sums, liMinened teeth, inl lamed, red and swollen gums, teeth dropping outward or forward, bleeding tfuiiis, exudations from the teeth,, and oaor tnat is at once orten slve to you and to everyone, the gums will shrink away Irom thn neca ot the teeth, and peculiar sentiitions come from drinking hot or cold diinks. eating sweets etc. All at once onu reaJiies tnsl tho entire range of tee.ih Is in rebellion nnd action is necessary; even tha nervous system may become Impaired. Now, these conditions can be readily overcome. You can destroy Hie microbes, rob the teeth of their yellow coating, stop the soreness over nlKht if you will Just get four ounces of fluid ergan from your druggist (that's all you will need), and use a teaspoonful morning, noon nnd night, rocking it to and fro In your mouth lor a minute or su. lou will awake mornings with a nense of cleanliness in your mouth, the senMtlyencss will disap pear, and your teeth will be firm and .'strong, gradually becoming normal. You iiwu 1101 pun your leem or creaie new places for the dentist to fill with gold or porcelain. Advertisement. , , J For Grip, Influenza, Coughs, Soro Throat Two sizes. Itc and $1.00. at' all drug lists or mailed. Humphreys' Homed. Medicine Co., IB .'Ullam St., New York. Advertisement. XeWaska lodge No. 1. Knights ,of Pythias, hld Its annual election last Wednesday night, choosing officers to be 1 Inf tailed at the first meeting In January, whn a special ceremonial will mark the event. Following Is the ro?ter of oft leer chosen: Chancellor commander, A. A. Taylor; vice chancellor, 1.. U. ly; pre late, I A. .Mhiiko;): master of work, tiarvln Hi own; kcei er of records and seal, I'r. liny A. Hodge; master of flnnnre, Edward Arnold; master of exchequer, J. W. Fyfe; master at arms. Fred J. Sulli van: inner guard, H. C. Larson; outer guard. M. B. Jennings: trustee. H. Fried- ; man; delegates to the gtand lodge, II. U, Ai! rsiin. C Hrltt, tl. V. Cornier and . Hugo Mcli hlor; n1tcrnnte. I", H. Bnl loiiilie, J. W. Cooler. T. R. Hi. van! nnd It. Put ton. The third open meeting of the winter season will be held next ' Wednesday evening, when the knights will eitertain tlielr ladles, a special program having been planned for that purpose. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I I-ast Monday night Henson lodge. No. J 221, conferred all four dcgiees of the su j borr'lnate lodge upon T. H. Morton of H nson. A special d.spensatlon wr.s I necessary to do this, and as Mr. Morion was 21 years old on that date, he now bears tiie proud diKtinctkn for the prc e'lt of being the youngest Odd Fellow in the world. A largo number of visiting Odd Fellows were In attendance and Ihu degree work was not finished until after midnight. lodge. No. ci, con ferred the initiation drgree; State lodg-. No. 10. conferred the first degree; Hen son lodge. No. 221, conferred the second degree; Jonatliaan lodge. No. 23S, cm:- i ferred the Uiird degree; Canton Krra Millard. No. 1, Was present In full uni form and took part In the degree work. Most of the Omaha lodges held elec tions Iant week for officers for the ensu ing term of six months. Three of the lodges will elect officers tomorrow night on account of the election falling on the last meeting; night In November. Ilcse Rebekah lodge. No. 139. elected the following officers last Tuesday even ing: Mrs. Maude Reeves, noble grand; Mrs. Bertha Morgan, vice grand; Mrs Agnes Baker.' recording secretary; Mtas Jennie Peterson, financial secretary, and Mrs. J. P. Peterson, treasurer. Te Organise fw Society. A lodge of the Scandinavian Brother hood Is to be organized In Omaha Mon day evening under the direction of Frank Burman,. grand secretary and treasurer, who formerly lived In Omaha for seven teen years. Tho organisation will be per fected at Danish Odd Fellowa" hall, Twenty-fifth avenue and Leavenworth street. There are .ow In the United States 186 lodges, one being Installed at Minneapolis last Monday evening, that being the first for Minnesota, and the one to be organized here tomorrow night will be the first for Nebraska. A deputy will be appointed for Nebraska and the headquarters 0f the order will be In Omaha, t It Is strictly an American or ganisation, Engllah being spoken, the ob ject being to- arouse a better American spirit among- the people who have come from the Scandinavian countries. It also provides for sick benefits. If benefits are not desired a man may join aa a social member. Once a month a lecture and musical entertainment Is provided. ' Tribe of Ben 11 nr. Mecca court. No. 1H. Tribe of Ben llur, will hold election of officers Thursday evening at Baright hall. Following ths business meeting there will be an enter tainment and refreshments will be served. Olrott Lodxr, A lecture In the assembly hall In tbe City National Bank building under the auspices of the Olcott lodge will be given Sunday at 8 p. m. by Kauris J. Qulnby. Subject. "Morals the Science of Happi ness." Tho lecture Is free. Ladles Auxiliary to Clan Gordon. The regular meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary " to. Clan Gordon, No. C3, will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hlslop, 3182 Fowler avenue, next Wednesday afternoon at o'clock. Woodmen o the World. The annual election of officers for Alpha camp. No. 1, Woodmen of the World, will take place on Tuesday even ing, December 1,- at Barlghfs hall, Nine teenth and Farnam streets. Ijidlee of the Msersbera, Iaui-el hive. No. 19, Ladles of the Mao rabees of the World, will give a card party Thursday afternoon in their hall in Continental building. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. COMING CHANCELLOR C0MMAN-1 Rf nra rrn "Rattnw der neb lodge no i x p otorago naucry i TIIE OMAHA BKE- Tim HOME TAIIi , Woodmen Circle. Garfield circle. No. 11, will meet election of officers Thursday night. for Druid camp No. 24, Woodmen of the World, will give a rard party and recep tion for the member and their families on Monday evening at Frenxer hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker streets. Dur ing the month of November fifty-six ap plications were received. The new club house at Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue will be ready for occupancy about February 1, 1915. Election of of ficers ill take piano on Monday evening, Docemlx-r 7. r ' -A I v. , ; y f 1 ! - , . V ,t ' ' f n x-v-7' . f Needs Attention in Cold Weather "WKh the coming of the cold weather, the storagt. battery used In connection with the starting snd lighting system may require a little extra attention." states C. J. Cotkhlll of the Nebraska Packard Cars and Men in War Service Under French Flag Flv Packard ears equipped sa military ambulances are. In dally service between the firing ling In Flanders and the Ked Cross establishments which serve as In termediate relief station, hruwn i.. Haynes Auto Sales company, distributers ' field hospitals and the military bane In this territory of the Haynes, Amertra'a j Thee cars are operating under the lm first car. "A cold motor requires much mediate control of the military authorities crsnklng and consequently mtioh current , and are succoring the wounded of both iney were donated for Red Cross Is used. The effect of cold on a storage battery Is to make It slugglah." ". hydro meter should be used frequently to see that the battery Is not lelng discharged to too low a decree. "A storage battery will gradually be come discharged when standing Idle, even sides, purpose by n,e Packard Motor Car com pany or I aria The manager of this company Is R. N. Goode, who arrived In Detroit this Week from the French capital. "Paris is reacting more normally than when no cuncnt is being used, due to j London from the first great strain of the Taylor YOUNGEST ODD FELLOW IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Immense Addition to Hudson Factory Cheering evidence of satisfactory pres ent and future business conditions Is hhown by the announcement of Immense additions to be made to the already enor mous factory of the Hudson Slotor Car company. So pronounced has been the success of the Hudson Six, and so insist ent the demand of the public for cars that the present plant, large as It la, has proved Inadequate to handle the business. It has therefore been decided to add a third story to the main factory building and to three of the largest wlnga, an addi tion of floor space 2,200 feet lung by 60 feet wide. In construction the aidillon will con form io the piessnt style of pressed brick and concrete. Work on the additional story will begin at once. It la to be completed and the enlarged premises ready for oocuppany on March 1, 191S. This Is arranged so that the company will be In the best possible shape to handle what promises to be the record year of Its (Oslery, 1 Photo by Parr. Baker Electric Road Show is to ExhibiJ; in Omaha The Orr Motor Balea company. Twenty- fourth and: Farnam streets, has secured complete exhibit of Baker electric pleasure car models, which will bo shown In their display rooms from November SO to December 6. The new light Baker coupe, which has created unusual interest all over1 the coun try since It was announced about a month ago, will be one of the chief centers of Interest In the exhibit. Thla car weighs one-half ton less than many of the big five-passenger electrics seen on the street. It is designed with a unique seating ar rangement that makes it Instantly con vertible from a four-passenger into a two or three-passenger car, merely by folding tho front aeata out of the way. The showing of thla new light car will In it self attract a g6od deal of attention, but In addition theWhtblt will Include the beautiful Baker double drive brougham, a magnificent electric of the larger tyie. the fuel that a slow chemical action Is taking plnca at all times within the bat- l tery, regst-dlcss of whether the current Is being used or not. When a car Is not to be used for as long as two or three weeks, or the car Is to be stored, the bat tery should receive n complete chnrgo before allowing the battery to stand, and It should receive additional charging at least every two or tin cc weeks, until tho cells begin to gas or bubble freely. This charging is lent done by allowing the battery to rcmnln in the car without dlx- IturMng any of the connections, bv al. I lowing the nglne to run t the samel1"11"0- 1 speed as Is attained when tlm car Is traveling at about twenty miles er hour. "In onlor t. avoid freezing of the bat- ! tery, 11 should always be ke I chnrged cond'tlon. A fully , tcrv wilt not freexe at any of tho tem peratures ordinarily experienced." Interesting Facts About Regal Motors Most motorists are content to ride around over the power plants of their automobiles and leave what goes on In side the mechanism to Providence and the skill of the builder, saya M. H. Young, technical man at the Itegnl Motor Car company. Take the average automobile motor with a five-Inch strone. How many people know that with ordinary gearing it re volves 2.444 times In driving the car one mile, while the pistons travel aproxl mately one and one-half miles. In tho mean time 4.674 gallons of pure air and two wine glasses of gasoline have trnverscd the engine's system, together with a tablespoouful of lubricating oil. Sufficient heat has been generated in tho motor to cook an average meal If suitably employed. . Kach valve has opened and closed 1.222 tunes, and, as there are eight valves In a four-cylinder motor, there have been 9,778 valve movements. There have been 4.SSN sparks at the four spark plugs. The wheels have revolved 611 times ami the occupant has ridden comfortably over f.20 lineal feet of ground In two to fofir minutes. If he were - walking ha would possibly cover the same distance in fifteen minutes, tak ing about 3.000 steps to do ao. AVIth the motor running at 400 revolu tions to the minate, there are 1,300 power Impulses in that time, or twenty every second. Maxwell Company Establishes a New Agency in. Omaha The Maxwell Motor enmpany of Detroit has establlnhed an agency at Ninth and Jones strets under the management of O. 11 Williamson. The new branch oc cupies a four-story building and an as omblylng plnnt will be Installed In the near future. .The service department II a new feature that should prove popular with Maxwell awner. A. II. Wheoles. who Is tvell known In ,auto circles, has full charge of the) sales department. Mon dsy a buffet luncheon will be served at the new horn to all the dealers tn this territory. 1 mpa Johnstone J4e Feds. T'mplre Jim Johnstone, this season with the American assoclstlon, will be a mem ber of the Federal league staff next sea war, said Mrs. Cioode. "There Is a total absence f dire prediction and of mnnie- I Ipnl riprch"nnlon. The Zeppelin bogle' is a stranger there, not lcauee tlio peo ple are m-ido of sterner stuff or that they do not rtilly esttmae the skill of tho kaiser's airmen, hut because ' they are Frenchmen ami less cautious perhapa thnn their stolid cousins. "All or the French drivers from the Packard branch are In the service. Juloe Faron, of my best men, was killed by (Icriuan rifle fire while acting as chauffeur for n Prltlsh along the line of Detachable Sedan Top Kissel Feature "The KlsselKar detachable sedan top Is making Immediate buyers of many who did not Intern to Invest la a new car until spring-," saya I I Clarke of the KlsselKar. "These buyers appreciate that winter driving la of more practical benefit than In the summer, but have hitherto felt that the expense of two cars or two bodies waa excessive.1 With the one com partment KlsselKar and the detachable Sedan top they get the same luxury at a cost but little In excess of that of a tour ing car alone, "Motorists seeing this combination for the first time are astonished at Its fine appearance, every Important detail of the most up-to-date closed car being pre served, even the hinges ot the door are concealed. It costs practically nothing In either money or delay to change from closed to open car. It la really a wonder and Bo one should miss seeing it." itaoui icnix't. c.ur assistant man ager, was put in charge f the motor concentration camp at Dllon. Ho finally pt In a fully I "r1'' ",0 Inaction and has since Joined charged bat- ' w ""roplane service. All men are in I groat demand." , jHupmobiles Carry French Gendarmes in Paris Streets TO MAKE AUTO TRACK OF SHEEPSHEAD BAY COURSE NEW TORK, Nov. 28. "Tha Passing of Rheepshead Pay. Bueh could be tho title of a book on the transformation of the old and beautiful race course of the Coney Island Jockey club to a two-mile automobile track. It Is too true that at last some one. or a cpmpapy had come along with $2,000,000 prepared to purchase tho old home of the Coney Island Jockey club, unquestionably the most picturesque and, until a few years ago, the most fashionable race course In this country. It. Is almost aacrllege to broak up such a splendid Institution, which for rears has been the scene of some of the great est thoroughbred struggles In the history of the American turf. Not a horse of any prominence ever raced in this coun try that has not at some time or other left the Imprint of Its hoofs on the Sheepihead Hay course. The equine struggle between the classiest of horses for the richest prixes have been so fre. quent that It would take column to enumerate themi "Motoring to war" is the way John !. Poole, F.uropean export manager of the Hupp Motor Car company, who Is In Paris, France, describes the maneuvers of the French army. "On reaching Paris Inst Sunday," writes Mr. Poolo, "I still found quite a number of taxlcabs running about and a few motor buses. However, there are more of the old horse driven cabs tn evidence than have been seen In late years. Con ductors of the motor buses are women, who seem to perform their service In an entirely satisfactory manner. "Yesterday I walked through the Champs Klysees and Avenue Orarule Armee, where all the best motor csr dis play rooms are located, but they are all closed tight now, and take on a very desolate aspect. On tho streets you see many motor car ambulances carrying the wounded to the hospitals. It in only re cently that . the government haa . com menced to send tho wounded tn Paris, and I am sorry to say there are large numbers coming In dally. "Army motor cars In large numbers 'dash madly through the streets, either going to or from the firing line. You can Imagine my surprise when turning off the Champs Klysees I saw two Hup tnobllea come tearing down .the street loaded with French gendarmes. The lit tle oars were shot full of holes, but they were still going. Practically every Hup mobile In France haa been taken oven. In fact, not one of tha sub-agencies of our French distributers have a single car In stock. This, no doubt, holds good with other American agencies as well. Therefore, Detroit maker will secure practically no business from France for soma tint to come." ' RECORD RUN IS MADE BY 1 ' MAXWELL TOURING CAR A message from Billy Carlson, driver of one of the Maxwell racing cars the last season, tells of a remarkable run which he has Just finished, from Los Angeles to Phoenix, Arlx. , Carlson made the trip In a 1915 stock Maxwell touring car. The distance waa CIS mllea and tho car made the trip in thirty hours, including several stops along the route. The Maxwell was "tuned up" to the minute before the trip waa started, but owing to the length of the Journey many adjustments were prophesied. However, Carlson's own words tell the tale: ine Maxwell proved Itself equal to the hard task. Pome of the going was tough and would teat the strength of any car. I certainly was surprised and pleased when I arrived at Phoenix, to .7T.. rnurtn UAnt Ur IHt MINOR TIRE INJURIES look back over the trip and truthfully say that I never made an adjustment during the entire run. I know of no greater test for a car than the ons J through which I have Just put that Max- well." Many motorists do not realise the im portance of prompt Httentlon to small ruts or Injuries In their tires, says L. Oreenwald, manager service department, Firestone Tire and Kubber company. It la especially important, tit thla lime of the year, that this warning be heeded. A cut In the tread or cover of the case has a tendency to expand when that part of the tire la in contact with the road. This permits mud, grit, pebbles and other foreign matter to lodge in t lie opening. When the injured psrt of the tire is re lieved of the weight of the-car the foreign AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS BOOMING ON PACIFIC COAST The Ban Francisco representative of Dodge Hros. reports rbiuiishlng condi tion of t'ade in western states. Although California has over 120,orv motor earn reglMterei In that stats at the present time, the 1915 season .shows no slowing down of automobile sales, according to J. lu. French, Hon Francisco represents tive for Dodge Bros. "Iealer on the Pacific coast are find' Ing it difficult to secure enough cars tn fill orders right now," says Mr. French matter, which has accumulated, acta as ( ..,, we ,re Iooklg ahftl(1 , . of our wedge and with each involution this foreign matter is forced further and further between th cover and fabric, not Infrequently completely aeparatJng them. Examine your tires carefully at regular Intervals and especially after lig trips. Tacks, glass ur any other matter which may have become Imboddcd in the tread blggekt sellings seasons In U1G. The Fan Diego and fan Francisco expositions will bring thousands of vls'tora to California, and we confidently expect to send many of those who come by rail and biiat home For Indigestion and Illllonsnesa use Dr. King's New IJfe Pills. Itld the stomach and bowels of all Impurities and tone up the system. 23c. All druggists. Advertisement. YOUR tal?w3i4 rxn LiJ AT HQSPE'S SELECT IT WOW! Why not mako this Xniaa one to bo remembered, rind happily remembered by nil the members of your f airily T "(let your Piano at llospe V where yonr neighbors have boon buy in R their pianos since 1874 This is our 41st Christmas and -we want to make it your Best Christmas by supplying (ypur home with a piano that-has a world-wide reputation for (one and beauty. Select your piano now. We will deliver it in time for Christmas. Grands MASON HAMLIN $800 up KRAMCH ft BACH ffWO op BRAMBACH 9455 KIMBALL $7SO Uprights MASON ft HAMLIN ' . 9B50 tip KRANICH ft BACH ' , f4SO up . , BUSH ft LANE 8SO up KIMBALL ' 25 up ' CABLB-NKLBON c 9250 up i , Players APOLLO Q 9030 up KRANICH ft BACH 900 up HOSPK 9660 up . . ' ( Terms ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. a. .Hosp 1513 Douglas St. Our 41st Christmas , via the cross-country route In touring cars, i aiirurnla la leading the country In the making nf aood nu.1i nr. OiiiAA should be remmed before any serious , having been appropriated recently f..r u am ago is none, nmn away an niuu to I this purpose. permit a thorough examination or tne tire. By tua use of '-Curt-Cut," or similar preparations Intended for emergency re pairs, small cuts, punctures or snags ran be healed and thus prevent them growing and becoming serious. Irge cuts or In juries should be 'vulcanised at once by an experienced and competent repair pisn. Ked. Uet rark. It Is said that the Federal league had secured an option on a new park site In Cleveland. It is located at Kuclld ave nue and Kast Seventy-first street. Ilumir has It that the Kansas City franchise wu virtually guaranteed to Cleveland at tli. recent league Hireling In New. York. V. M. llramley and other Clevelauder are said to control Uie trmu his. A Clossd-U Coupe While It nova Tbe 11S HVMOV i-0 Cabriole rrioa 17ttO, t. o. b. Detroit THJS WONDERFULLY POPULAR CAR TIIK Hl'IWO.V Light fUt-40 Convertible Roadster oc Cabriole w4 In troduced during the season of 1914. IU instant popularity proved that it satisfylngly HUed a public demand. The combination af coupe with the open roailMer at once caught tho fancy of motorists. In the 1915 model as was to be eipectod tho Hndaon engineers have found ways to liniTove even the remarkably perfect 1014 model. The new "staggered" seating urrantrement provides wonderfully luxurious swid convenient seat ing capacity for Uiree. The driver's et Is excellently placed. It fur. nlshcs a very easy and comfortable driving position. Vet It does not in any way obstruct the seat for the other occupants. This attractive model has many other desirable fea ture. Oume lu, see them and let us tell you about them. The Opea SVoadater When It Vhlnea Tha 11S HTTMO Ma-iO Cabriolet Mm tlTSO, t . o, a. Jtiott GUY L. SMITH 2563-65-67 Farnam St. "Service First ' Omaha, Neb. (