TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: NOVEMBKK 2J, TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Loam on Property Said to Be a Little Easier. CHOI'S MOVING SOME BETTER Dealer Sar Money Not Hard lo Vet n MnrdiC it Was a Few Werke or Month First Tenant Has Moved Into the New 1 U.S. National Bank The general feeling imnnf real estate men la that money Is a little easier. They declare It In et least a little easier ti Bet loans than It was wme weeks ago. They find It rnnler tn Rt loans on real rotate than It ' some weeks ago. They hold that Is a goo I sign. The banker arcount for It partly by the statement that crops In the west arj moving a little better than they did a few weeks or a month ago. They hold that while farmers for a time held their wheat for war prlcea, or at least for a dollar, are now Retting all of a dollar for It that they are beginning to let go of It. At j the same time the corn prop Is about gathered, and some of It Is beginning to mova on this market. All this means that the farmers are getting money of their own Into their hamls an! putting It Into circulation. This Is bound to produce a wholesome effect, they say, when one considers that many farmers had ac tually been borrowing money from the country banks to do business rn, while they had thousands of bushels of grain lo their bins to back up their mans, but refused to sell It because they wanted better prices. It will mean that farmers who had these loana will now pay them up with the proceeds of the sale of their grain, tbat tha country banks win In turn meet their obligations with the city banks, that the city banks, not being crowded for money in this way, will stand more rao to extend loans to the business men In tha city, and that a general easier con dition will result. Much of tha apparent tightness of money, both real estate men and bankers say, has been due to the Jong holding of grain this fall for higher prices. Real Estate Man's Creed is Here Given A real estate man's creed, as con densed to tabloid form by W. 8. El well at tha Washington real estate conven tion In Taeoma a week ago Is as follows: "An honest service, In an honest Hold, for an honest fee." In his address Mr. El well said: v "I toast the aelf-respectrng real est i to man as a good and faithful servant of tha community. Ho marches through tha wilderness side by sld with tho Pioneer, and from the time the first stone Is laid until akysrrapers begin to sml.e own on a teeming population, h is tha real missionary of civilisation. And, he la not only a missionary, but he Is a home missionary at that. He Is the ad vocate, tha capitallser. tha publicist for the town. H. I. everywhere the optlmlnt fmlr advertiser of them all. His literature goes out by the ton-an.I ha asks no subsidy, but pays the hill "? '!b"crlbe" t0 th ommon hind. ! he do who )''nts a tree, tea' fTP'Uble "h'de' !U frU,t nJ Its fine Influence on the landscape! And what does ha do who makes it Possible for thousand, of frugal w,! of the fireside, each beneath his own vl. ,d fl, tr,T Thus ha capital. humh,. 7 "d th hopP' of "" tn humble circumstances and brings about a community cltl.en.hlp (hat would no otherwise be possible. Thus I .pen "). name in capital letter, because hi. nam" about such transformation." New Code of Realty Axiomns is Compiled t- T - . il1rmon ot Wood. Harmon & to and of th, rnlted Ctie. n.tJy a" aoclatlon of New York. I. attracting It tentlon among real estate men. Mr. Harmon define, a .ea, lom.. J aTL !T lf-evllent lru th-t is true drei" m0BVt- ot of a hun Tha "near- aaioum read: lose ,u most r,nui in.K an Investment ht l,,,r N'fL th? PProlmat value of and aibtrat thef .,'. .V,UU by i taxes multiplied by i Tnd lit Um M continue ly move In the dl7e."T,m of thl fashionabf. residential sections Trad! '"Mon rather than .h'o Veekl rarely pay moiw than Interest on tha cost of construction and do not share anrt the buravn of the land Investment? . bu"J"1 should b, con- a ri eted for a tenant without ample sav curliy for a rental that will pay1 j cent on the Value of the land, and I per cet.t on the cost of the Lull, II, i. V Jjo. -Land increases more rapidly In value at the center and at.out the perl 57. cU,f"- '1'"tant or de clining In value In the 'interiuediata seo- llOliS. No. 10-Tha factors thst have the greatest operating power In changing tea.1 estate values are fashion and trans? portatlva. No 11-A lot of land within the S-cent far- ,ine Is Intrinsically worth at least more than a lot of land on a W cent fare .utie. No. 13-A buyer can afford to pay nearly to Jr cent more for a corner lot thaa for one in the Interior of a block in a retail district, owing not only to hltrSier rentals, but to stability of oc cuj.Hnry. Mr. Harmon is known as one of the reaU.-it addition exploiters In the- country The C. II. Krnwn Jewelry company Is the first to occupy rooms In the new I'nlted Htates National Unnk building. This company moved Its fixtures and stock Into its new quarters, at the north east corner of the new bull ling at Sls teenth and Fa mam streets, last Friday. Work on the other srls of the build ing Is not finished and it mny be some weeks before any other tenants can oc cupy their quarters .In the building. Tho quarters of this Jewelry company Were finished, however, so thnt tvw thnt tho company is lorsted, the name even ap pears on the rindows of the new build ing. The awning, frames or rnrks to shade the win lows on the west and south side of the building have also been put into place, and the work that remains to be done on this new building Is nil Ins'de finishing work. The heating plant has been in operation for a few weeks so there Is no difficulty anticipated now Inaflnlshlng the building on sched ule! time. The. outside board fence has come down and the corner looks almost normal again. Lincoln Highway is Covered from Coast to Coast The Uneoln Highway crowd that drove from Omaha to Fremjiit Friday to cover their apportioned section of tho highway during the dsy, my tho roads are 'bully." They found much work being done on the roads between Omaha una Fremont. Four cars made the trip from Omaha. Kach car carried a party headed respectively by Harry Lawrle. H. W. Jewell, H. U. Waldron and II. E. Frcdrlckson. George Wols, ,lHdge county consul, made the section of tho trip between Fremont and Bchuyler. Donald McRae of. Counoll muffs, consul for I'ottnwattamle county, Iowa, made tha trip across hi. county, across tha Douglas street - bridge, and Into Omaha. Complete report of the con dition of the highway by sections as It was covered are to ba made to the headquarter, of. tha Highway associa tion at Detroit. , . Dying Mother Asks Postmaster to Help Locate Wayward Son Tha appeal of a dying mother to find her wayward son before It la too late, Is contained In a pitiful letter reoelved by Postmaster John C. Wharton from Mrs, Margaret Keeley of 612 Sixteenth street, Denver. Phe says that she is suffering from tuberculosis and I. trying to keep1 up Ufa and hope by working for her room and board until her son, Cameron Keener, can ba located and Induced to return and comfort her In her last days. She writes: "Will you help a heart-broken mother locate her son? I have no support save him. He ha. always been dear to me, and my mother love cannot let him go. That Is all that keeps me alive." The .on was last heard from at North riatta. .; v . ,fl'i . URE IS FORJOME CHANGES Wants Consolidation of Taxes for Accommodation of Taxpayers. ONE-FIFTH VALUATION WRONG WoaM Also Raise Rate of Interest a Delinquent Tacea from Tea to Fifteen Tr feat to Act mm Penalty. Appearing' before the Omaha Real Es tate exchange on Invitation last week, County and City Treasurer William O. t're spoke on taxation and some needed legislation hi taxation and revenue mat ' ters. He pointed out that the county la a ' year and a half behind In Its accounts ! now, so thnt It Is paying Its regular obll ; gallons with warrants Issued against rev ' enue It intends to collect a year and a half hence, and declared that noma day : this matter must be brought up to date. I 'He argued for a consolidation of (axe. so that a taxpayer might pay all hi. taxe. at once Instead of having them strung all through the year In the form of numerous bills and duns. "The con solidation of taxes would be a great ac commodation to the taxpayer," he said. He suggested legislation to Increase the rate of Interest on delinquent taxes In order to make It more Ilka a penalty than like an Interest rate. He said the preaont 10 per cent was not enough to force tha delinquents to pay up their taxes, while he believed 16 per cent would be much better. He said Illinois had a delinquent rate of 23 per cent, which wo. automatic ally Increased each three months until ; by the end of the year It was about 100 per cent. "naraeals I.etrlalatlon. He suggested also legislation that would do away with the one-fifth valuation j process of levying taxes. "It Is that old ! system," ha said, "that Is tha cause of j our bonds not being carried In New York, The New York bank commissioner has ruled us out on account of this." When on the subject of delinquent taxes Mr. Ure ssld Vt per cent of the tax payer, have paid their 1610 taxes, and that the other i per cent ara delinquent. "Now, the fact Is," ha said, "because that per cent of the taxpayer, ara delinquent, the rest have to pay a little more to make up for those who have not tald. On thl. point John W. Robbtns was In clined to argue, for he declared that If all but 1H per cent had paid their taxes there was no excuse for raising tha de linquent Interest rate, as that was as good Bea Want Ad. Produce Results. Work on Crcighton" Working Girls1 Home ; May Be Smarted Soon Plans for the construction of tha Crelgh ton Working Girls' home have been com pleted and it I. rumored that actual work . of const ruction will start within a few ' week.. The building, to ba constructed , from the bequest by Mr. Crelghton for ; that purpose, will cost tloO.dOO. It will ba built near the Central High school, within easy walking distance of tha business Mo tion of tha city. CSS liliB J. iauis safe imm Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam ' PH0N8 DOUGLAS 393 wwjisj ; '!.' i iiswiiiiim'ii niiJMiw'HJPii Doubles Their Capital Stock to $200,000 Secretary of State has Issued thl. permit to Roma Builders of Omaha, Nebraska, Popular demand for tha share, of thl. company made It necessary to Increase Ita original lasua of stock within a period of 4 years. The Secretary, Mr. Bhlmer, aaya the demand upon his Company to build new houses warrant, thl. in crease. By the time this Issue Is all taken It I. possible that tha re ceipts will take care of new build ing contract.. When thl. condition arrives tha Company will Issue sharea there after only to Ita own shareholders. Tha reason It la said that Home Builder.' shares ara so much sought after as an Investment la tha fact that they earn 7 Inter eat and participate 1b the builders' profits whloh gives every ah ara an annual earning of 10 to 11 and tha further fact that. This Company does not spec ulate In building houses to sell. It builds ' only for those who order Ml ara prepared to pay back money furnished them. Home Builder, aand. oat to Ita prospective Investors a free book let called tha "New Way." which axplaina ita plan fully. Two More German SpiesJ)ealt With (Curri SKndcnre of the Associated Press.) Rt'AIUNU. KnKl.ind, Nov. lO.-Two so'.'llers. a lm.e torjioral and a private In the Hunts regiment of Kluhener'ai dew army, stationed at fodford, "have j rwn proved to be Uernisn spies snd have beva dtult with" ly the military authorl- v.. . M oi u.-r relating to the movements uiirf ( ruposed movements of troi. were found !n their possession. Store Your Goods Whore They Will Be Safe Where You Know They Will De Safe Security and Efficient Service Always f r l 4 8J 't- STORAGE GO. waT I . Ha a, ySBft - I I 1 Jl STORING The meat mod ern, the neat equipped and tha aafest warehouse and storage structure In the middle west. Fire proof, rat and mica prpof ; dust proof, and dirt proof. MOVING RACKING rtions u. about prlcea on separate locked rooms. Douglas 41(1. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 006-013 South Sixteenth St. ih S"snt AJ Column- of The Bee Are Resd Iaily by rVopie In Ucorcb nf 4d Ttrttsej Oi';rturiitiea Y i ft 1 1 n f at "V. WTTNiy L I . si n REPAIRS XR Furnaces, Stoves (Iy vvatfr frontq W PROMPT KKRVirK T. out iionuv r f U - TV ; r uiutuia oiuvo Aep&ir wor&s lSO' DonrUa Street, raoaa Tflt ao. We are interested in the man who owns his own home Much of the property placed on the market in re cent years was acquired a long time ago as a specu lation by -men who realized that the time would come when the natural growth of the , city would make their holdings worth fortunes. Property under such ownership develops slowly, however, and in most cases not at all. When these prop erties are offered for sale, they are bought by a thrifty, ambitious people who set about to building homes, beau tifying the grounds and in all ways making the property a credit to themselves and the city, as well as enhancing , its market value. The Omaha Bee is interested in the man who owns his own home. It is interested in seeing these unde veloped properties made into comfortable, modern homes for the sort of people who are making Omaha one of the most desirable cities in the country to live in. Most of the properties offered now are worth every cent the pricep asked and in numerous cases much more. There are no "inflated values," and yet these prices rep resent very satisfactory profits to the owners, and in a few years the buyers will be able to figure their own profits at comfortable sums. These conditions can be verified by anyone who takes the trouble. Omaha real estate is a splendid investment for the large or small investor alike. It is made especially easy for the home buyer, who is offered monthly terms well within his reach. If you are Interested, there is a large numbser of prop-' erties offered for sale today and we publish the de scriptions in the Real Estate columns of the classified section. When you investigate you will be as enthusi astic as we are. i Telephone Tyler 1000 THE "OMAHA Everybody Reads Bee Want Ado