Tiir: m:k: omaha. Saturday, xovkmbek 2$. inn. IS19 21 P0UG1AS ST. AFTER TtlAUKSGIUHlG SPECIAL BLUE SERGE SUIT SALE We secured aa saoeptlenal lot of serge salte aaaee from aa American Woo lea Co. fab rle eerge. Vbeae enlta eanbraoe tbo bee of tailoring ant coma In 8 er S-bnttoa taodela. Coats are satin or serfs lined, rants are peg or semi-peg. Tiki Afrintai; of This Money-Saving Event II5ARNSTEIN SPECIAL KAN X AH $5 SHOE $3.50 $15 Values $10 Values .jwb turaishinj Specials ne Caaslinere Wool nenn. sae I 7 ualltr. ..... V Xaokwaa fttpeelal Jkruir 60o shapes :T,.'.V.25c Adler's Dress loves Sl.00 , BpSclaJ Tain as closed c retch .Union Balte . , bro, et.ao, sa.ao SPECIAL TRGUSE8 VALUES Will be fonnn tavttr Say la OmUin'i eg et Troueer -1PV. Mote the savings CJ1.00,$2.GO, $3; $3.50, COftOUB-OT AND BttTB Sf ftaSI AV BACK ASOT1 sUOB. ... OUR OVERCOATS I stand aat la styls and valne. ' Ratardajr we tiara Bnaolallcad om tba below nrioeci S7.i)U, J.50, 511.75, $15 At f "Jf .t'r,.VA vr-vyv MmR LUNCH FOR CHRISTMAS CREW Men in Charge of Santa Clam Ship Guest, of American. 0X0UGHLTN MAKES ADDRESS Jearaallst Describes Enthaslaem AnfHrta Wn aad Calldrea Vkt f'natrthavl the Enterprise. The Drexel Kid Say ni "It takes m so long to wear out my sieet . Shod Shoes. Ma thinks I go barefoot roostV of the time, but I don't It win surprise you rt you have never bought. aV W TEEL HODi HOES BIG ALIMONY IS ALLOWED Mrs. Beisie Tarry Ii Given Thousand Five Hundred. Ten ALSO PAID BY THE MONTH LONDON, Nov. 27. There waa a large gathering at the American Luncheon rlub today at a rrpsst given In honor of the arrival at Devonport this week of the Christmas ship Jason, bringing Chrlst tnai presents from the children of Amer ica to the voting folk of the warring coun tries of Kurope. John' Call an O'lughlin. N representing the newapapera In the Cnltet Ktatea whlrh allied In rolleotlng the preaent acnt hjr the children of Amerh-a, waa the. KUeet of honor. The Jaaon In preparlcg to leave Itovonport tomorrow for Cranes, and consequently Ita officer could not bo preeent. Walter Illnea Page, the American am baaaador, prealdod. Among thoaa prea ent were Ixird Northcllffe, Blr Oeors? Klddell and Robert P. Skinner. Vie American consul general. ' Mr. O'Lough lln described the organlaatlon of the en terprise nnd the enthusiasm with which American women and children con tributed to the unique undertaking. Sir Ocorgo KUldell ' expreaaed the apprecla Uon of Qreat Britain, lie raid Amer icana were noted for their origtnal idea and the enthusiasm with which they car ried them out. Pago explained that the British government had taken charge of the glfta, and that they would be distributed through the British and Belgian relief committees. for your boy now real, .hard wear yo.i can get out of a patr. They outwear1" two patra of ordlaary boya shoes. . Boys' ,1 to 6Va.. 82.50 Little Gents', 9 to : 1 1 H f ;o 83.25, Parcel Post Paid 's ' Bexel. 1419 Farnam And Bvatdea This la to Par Mine Ilaadrett to Hta Wife's Atlor ya - Halt Not ontested ' fcjr DC. Tarry. Mrs. Bessie Tarry waa awarded $10,600 alimony, one(of the largest allowancea of the kind ever made in a default divorce suit In the history of the local district ecurt, when aha waa . granted legal separation from Vr. Kdward R. Tarry, medical special!, by Judge Sutton. Mrs. Tarry alleged In her petition that her husband earned I12.0U) a year In his practice. The court found , that his poaseeielons are worth 122,000. He waa also ordered to pay $100 a month to his wife for one year and to pay a, fee of 1900 to hie wife's attorneys. Mrs. Tarry charged her husband with extreme cruelty. Ha did not contest the suit and a property settlement waa made outside of court. ' 99 off way :MORLI.CEtfS II HttM i Original and C?!ni.&t MALTED MILK ?bi Fooddrlnk (or JUI Igtu More fcealthful than Tea or Coffee. . Agree .vith the weakest digerfico. Deciout, invigorating and nutritious. pich milk, rnaherl jgfam, powdct tonik A quick lonch prepared la a minute. Tale to .nWJhitiC AA for IIORIICK'S. ,C7. Others are imitation. Thirty-Fivo Bodies Are Recovered from Wreck of Battleship smraitNESS, England. . Nov. 27. Thirty bodice from the British battleship bulwark were recovered from the river Thamea today. The Bulwark waa blown J up off Hheerneaa yesterday, presumably the result of an internal explosion. Most of the bodies so far reoovered. ara mutilated beyonl Identification. Many pathetic acenea were witnessed aa relatives gathered In an effort to ob tain information concerning those on the Ill-fated warship. Up to the present time, however, the authorities have not given out a. list of the lost.. ; The British government while regret, ting Its naval loaeea during the war, la apparently In no fear that Us pre-doml nance in number of fighting craft will be threatened seriously. - 'Britain can loae a superdraaduaught very month for twelve months without a single loaa to the enemy," said W Ins ton Spencer Churchill, first lord of the ad. mlrelty, in the House of Commons to day, " end yet he in ss good a position of superiority as It was at the outbreak of tho war." Mr. Churchill added that there was ne reason for nervousness or alarm regard ing the British navy or the effectiveness of Its work. The French navy, he said, haa complete command of the Mediter ranean, while the Japaneaa navy Is la control of the Pacific Army Aviators to Be Given Tests Under a . Warlike Condition WASHINGTON. Nov. ' 2?.-Aerlal i connalsance work in which actual war like conditions will be stimulated as far aa possible Is to be the test for army aviators this year who nter the contest lor the Macks y troops, presented several yeere ago by Clarence It. Maekay through the Aero Club of America. It la awarded annually for the beet record In carrying out certain prescribed conditions.. It waa announced at the War department todav that marines, artillery and calvary will be moving shout the territory over which the aviators must fly. The contest will b held near San Diego, Cal., about IMcember IS and will be par' ucipated in by the Fourth regiment of marines, the artillery garrison from Tort Koaecrans and a squadron of calvarv from San Tsedro, Cat. The recnnnalsance la to start from a point about 109 miles from Ban Diego. The goal of each flight IS to bn maintained near Kan Diego on which la located the army aviation school. The cup Is to be competed for by teams, each composed of a pilot and an ob server. Accuracy of locations of the troops below, with their composition and strength, also the time required to make the flight., will be counted in tho judg. Wig.'' As complete a report as possible with a map must be aubmlttad at the terminus. Fifteen ' minutea before' atart. Ing each team will be given a copy of the Instructions, Filers will be disqualified If they get below 2.G0O feet and for every minute they are below 3,000 feet points will be deducted. There will be five Judgea. three representing the War de partment and two the, Aero Club of America. . . . .... . Extraordinary Sale of Women's and Misses9 Superf ioe Suits Never before such fine stylish suits in a November Bale. New York's Premier Suit Maker offered us a choice lot of suits at a ridiculously low figure. We ordered them sent for Inspection, and they were found no unusual that we kept the whole lot. They were made to sell for prices ranging up to $55.00. Materials Carbardine, Crepe, Poplin, Men's Wear Serge, Broadcloth, Diagonals, Cheviot and Imported Clolh." Chiffon. "Ripple Colors Styles Labrador, blue, navy, Russian green, plum, wisteria, Tete de Negre (Nigger Brown),' and black. Demi-tailored, three-quarter, semi-fitted coat; long seven eighth coats, or the more, extreme short coat - models; some with wide bell effects; fur, velvet and braid trimmed. The skirts to these suite are excellent styles. Saturday and Monday Suits worth to $55.00 in sizes from 34 to 42 on sale at . . . OMAHA'S FilSTEST GROWING STORE 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Just a Word to Prospective Buyers Don't compare these suits with ordinary $20 suits; compare them with suits worth double that, and don't overlook the fact that from a atyle atandpolnt, no suits being shown In the city surpass them. They're the kind of suits that the best dress ing woman in this community may wear with absolute con. fidence In their correct styling. Only 122 per Jar sad yet the untold benefits to be gained liuiatt are prlcelsu. It ttves new lilt and energy to wk tumacht, omitipatad bow. e!t,ditOfdercd livur and kidneys, siul dears the complexion a nothing cIm can do. It contshunstursl lauat ive, curative, and encr. guuig siopertiet dertveJ from iruit, and Never Falls lo benefit any man, woman, child or bahy who drinks It ta.li aioming hrtora break laat. Wonderfully gnnd for cxpevtant and mining mother. When vou know Its purity, plttatant taste, senile action, and rare power to correct dUorders and upbuild the ayttera, you will discard phywe. pill, mineral av.tcr.. and rely on l- ruil-Vlsor to etcy overcome biiHMinesa,contipation,tn .lUKlInn .li'L luu.l..lu kn.lAlh,, a, ...I. DAsk yoor uealar or by Mall treat as ifVrwthflr rWMfMN a, Wtrd. MrvM STEWART IOOD COMPANY 44 sacsMtty aUdlag, Chicago a :0(nanaX JEflLy Omaha LIOUOR ' -nnd- DRUG Treatment 1502 S. 10th St Phont D. 7ZZS OMAHA Urges Development Of Trade Eelations With South America BUEN08 AIRES. Nov. r.-Thi Naclon, referring to the presence of Dr, Romula P. Naon. the ambassador of the Argen tine republic. In rhllalelphla, Novembe St, and lila discussion of trade matters, l urges the Industries of the V'nlted States ' to take advantage of the present ctrcum- stances and develop business relatione I with Argentina. It says American busi ness should send traveling men to Argen tina, to ahow their wares ant give pub licity to their Intaotlona The Prensa. In an editorial published today, declares that the- attitude of France and Qreat Britain on the aubject of the preservation of the neutrality of Colombia and Ecuador does not con template any attempt on the sovereignty of these countries. Franca and Ureat Britain, the paper says, will ask the good offices of the 1'hlted Ktatfe to make this neutrality respected; they will In no sense Intervene. t The Prensa advises the countries of iouth America to observe the strictest neutrality In the present war. Head of Latter Day Saints Church is r- Reported Dying INDEPENDENCE. Mo., Nov, S7.There wss no chango today in he condition of Joaeph Smith, president of the Reor ganised Church of Latter Day Saints, who Is near death at his home here from heart disease. The aged head of the Church wss stricken several days ago. but news of bis Illness wss withheld. Today, however, members of the family admit ted hit condition wss alarming. President Bmltb Is 81 years old and for several months has been In 111 health. Recently he became blind and waa forced to abandon many of his dutlea aa editor of the alnta' Herald, the official pubiN ration of the church. Mr. Hmlth la a aon of Joseph 8. Smith, founder of the Mormon church. He waa " horn . In ' Kirtland. O., in SSi and educated at Nauvoo, III. Whan the main body of the Mormons migrated to TJtan. he remained with the family of his mother, Mrs. Emma Haie Pmlth. He wss opposed to polygamy and In 1100 becsrne president of the reorganise! church, which did not affiliate with the Utah church'. He waa editor of the Kalnta Herald, the organ of his denom ination. ,' n a t I t L. HAH? LALSAfJ Bse) ftfcat Whilst tU hah t i.,MM.sst ft V: iiuaftus tritserlk. l asajatur Orj Mi Ml 1 vS ItmaUat e.SWiAg, Austrians Repulsed by Montenegrins PARIS, Nov. V. The consul general f Montenegro today gave out the fol lowing communication under data of Oettlnje, November Si! "EiKhl Austrian baltalloiia yesterday attacked" a Montenegrin brigade near Vleuegrad, on the Drina river. They made every effort to drive the Monteoe- r na from their position, but were un successful. "The . M witenegrtus repuUx-d thi-m. In- . lifting great lat-a They pursue the tnemv and took 1ri quantities of war .imtorlul. ar well aa muny prLoiiera Carrariza Arrests . Mexican Employed 5 by General Funston WA8H1NQTON. Now r.-DesplU Car- ransa's guarantees that Mezlcana em ployed by Major Oenera! Funaton In ttt administration of Vera Crua would not be molested, the arrest of one such Mex ican was reported to the State depart ment today by Conaul Canada No de tails were given. The new civil govern- ment at Vera Crus has been announced. but has not yet been put In full operation. Consul Canada reports the police attll apparently ara undor military control. Continued quiet prevails- and Generals Agullar and Martlnes have reiterated Carransa'a promise of protection tor American life and property. - Communication la alow from Mexico City snd officials today expreaaed the odinlon that Villa probably already haa entered the capital. A Sensational Rocker Bargain WELL WORTH $8.00, FOR SATURDAY ONLY Special Terms: 75c CASH, 75c A MONTH THIS HANDSOME SOLID COMFORT ROCKER is very massive in appearance and mado ot sppcial lr elected wood and finished in a beautiful high grade American quartersawed imitation oak, bril-' liantly polished in golden. The baek is high and: wide, with neatly carved side panels, but not tufted, as shown in illustration. Seat is large and roomy upholstered over full set of steel springs. The up holstering used is of the highest grade. Imperial leather. This is a genuine bargain and only another instance where our ability, to sell, you furniture at factory prices looms up. This rocker will make a very acceptable Christmas gift On sale Saturday only at this amazingly low price. ( Iff v (4 1 iff"! I W ' n ml'-' ' ts2aL---- DES1EABLE SSpmWU XMAS GIFT Store Open Saturday Erenlng Solid Oak British Collier Khartoum Blown Up LONDON. Nov. r.-The British ad miralty this evening announced that the collier Khartoum had been blown up to day by a mine off Oriraaby. The crew of the Khartoum waa landed at Orlmaby. (Irimahy la on the Mouth bank of the Humber, fifteen nillee aoutheast of Hull. The Khartoum was of tons aat. II wss HVfea t long, forty feet beu and twenty fee deep. The Vrsset as built at fetuckton In April, li&3. fTrrrfi-Sniokine . t a - a V'.'VVf OA l tit Planus AT..1 A COMPL.ETT1 ! 8 M ( K t K TABI.K. Wtth drawer for ci gars and plpea and a complete aet of braaa ci gar, match and a e h . holders. Made of srenu I n e quarter- o a si. btantll nils finished fumed. A piece of fur. ' ntture that will be greatly appreciated by all smokers. And look at the price only . 3.75 4r ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED $3.00 A MONTH $SS GREAT BLACKBOARD SPECIAL tSe. THIS "WONnBRPUI. ",A,V5 SPECIAL, AT THE 11 VV PRICE MENTIONED cannot be duplicated alee where for double the vi ivt. i ne boards are as incnes h and IS inches wl nubs tantially made with heavy wood frame. Can be uaed ln either alse. Just the thine fne K . littla one. Only' 619 of thm and specially priced while thia a ni a 1 1 quantity laata 9-9 M r WONDERFUL SPECIAL Only 19c 50 PHOKE OBOEKS SBsT' m ONT.V i CUSTOMER Hartman's Special Kitchen Cabinet OUR NEWEST MODEL, KIT CHEN CABINET Exactly like Ill ustration. Sliding mcnepuioj metal top, a a n 1 1 a ry metal and fisjs flour bin with atfter, me aurar bin. a complete aet of handy spice cans. China com partment white en i ed lined. Metal cake box and wire ahelvlng In base. Don't fall to see thia great value $18.75 ' a n t u m n ' i ' Iff i fiJiv mm nth . 1. etal d" and (Tii. 5.. -v" t of I ft - SL1DIM METAL TOP 'ill'" r e- COLKH' CELE BRATED HOT BLAST . HEAT ER. The world renowned stove. Perfect atr-tlght gas and smoke , consumers. Will ' hold fir 36 hours without attention. A marvel and a wonder. No other heater la Its class. A guaran teed fuel saver la every respect. W Priced up from A WONDERFUL VALUE IN A 3-PIECE BRASS x BED COMBINATION 'Cenatatlng of guaranteed brass oea wun heavy I-ln, posts and ten good s I s e d fillers. Satin finish only. Spring Is all angle iron frame, woven wire top, copper coll supports In center. Mattress made of sanitary '.bra with soft cotton ton. Com. jlete outfit, only FREE! A HANDSOME BO-PI ECK COM. PI.BTB DIN ' Ell SET GIVBlf AB SOLITELY FREE THIS WEEK WITH EVERY PIRCHASF. OP ISO OK OYER. CASH OR CREDIT. l.e ( aab St.ee a Meat a. Ameticai's Greatest ilonse Faralshers, l AfnsV! f? ."ii" mm II 1 11 11 wL 1 II f 11 it $lJTyfJlZ3f stove lissV's M!r'rT TLken I a..w Ca5V . 12.00 ' Menth jatfcllaS aiMIS"! ME...! -nrJUENT 8TREL. . RANaaW Made full site, large 14-lnch oven and six-hole top. fUove reits on sanitary aleel base. Haa nickel towel bar. otherwise elaborately nickel trimmed. All the newest llli lm- f"A rrovemente. A wonder. HII ul value apeelally priced tjlaaAetlv Everybody reads Eee want ads