T1IK I1EK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER LS, 1J14. WANTKI. TO BUY HLIUHTI.Y 'is.-d plan. Wrli. kOFFi K furniture bouaht and sold C. Hei. 1J7 Fsrnanv Ooue tiM J. wk pry s.i-hinci n.mhes u;i n ;tth. SLIGHTLY, used pianos. Webster ;."2ti? WANTED TO BENT Farm and Ranch Lnadt. WANTED TO P.ENT-A farm on shares with very thing fur:ilahed. Address G Coppock. riorcpc. Neb. REAL KSTATE FARM A RAM II LA .NIK Foil SALL' Colorado. 't FOR BALK mn-acrc relinquishment, f fenced, and 110 acres plowed; ail level, productive; dark loam soil; mini ( town. Snap. Will be Hold very Boon. tW takes It, , C. M. MORTON, J W 8. 3d nt.. Welling. Colo Mlaauurt. to POtt'.N, $6 mommy, buys 40 acres train, fruit, pou.try land; near town; . price tiJO. $10 monthly buys M) acre. write tor list cheap laud. Bo 4d-v, Carthage, Mc. RENTERS and homeseekers una yout Carey r.ght and aeouro a Montana farm now. lo you realise that farm proauct ' will command extremely high prlcea dur v tng the next few years.' Tina la your op- jiortuiilty to got started on a farm of youi , own. The Vailer lands produce from 3 - to 66 buenels- wheat,- to low of ol). 41) to Tessa bushels barley, 4 to tons altaifa pel acre. Let ua send you booklet and tell I you how easy It Is to get started. Val.ei Farm Sales Company. Box 30, Valier, I Mont. Nebraska. ONE OB THE BIGGEST BARGAINS IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. $0 acres smooth, rich, valley land, tn Morrill county; must be sold quick. Write us for price. HICKS LAND ACJENCT. Omaha. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1.200 a. Neb. ranch; some Improvements, t springs, good alfalfa land; haa 40 a. now. Will take 0 a. Iowa or eastern Neb. land and carry balance back. T RAVERS BROS., TO Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1163. o Wlaeoaslm. Upper Wisconsin Beat Dairy and general crop state In the onion; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prloea, on easy terras. Ask for book lei M on Wisconsin Central Land Grant, fetat acres wanted. Write about our , graalog lands. If Interested In fruit lands, 1 ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la l Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. Soo I Line My Minneapolis. Minn. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Importing Nationi Waiting for Soft Spots in the Market. CORN IN A WEAK POSITION Yell (mil la Laeklaa- Market Strength Rrrainr the Favor able Weather and Oat look for a Rise Craw. OMAHA, Nov. 27. 1911. importing nations continue to buy all the wheai ava. tabic, but are anxiously waltinx lor soft spots on which to In auguiate the buying movement. There are circumstance and conditions surrounding the wheat market that may be called decidedly bearish. It la only nec ssnry to look at the western leieipts of wheat trom oay to tiay to see that enor moua quantities of this grain are ami to come ofr tho farms and that the pro ducera are willing to part with R at present prices. Wh.le the officials at Washington have plnced the wheat crop of the I'n.t'd States at 00,UXU hii., there are some who volunteer the opinion that this esti mate la out of linn and that 26.0tO bu. would be nearer the mark. The corn market In believed tn he In a weak position because of the good weather! for maturing that grain and the fact that1, iria work nas neon on a larger scale than ever known. The west Is offering the corn more freely, while on the other hand the buying by exporters Is not as liberal as was hoped for. it Is expected that the receipts of this grain at western points will show further Increases, as the hedging sales are on a large scale. The price of oats will drpend whol.y on the export takings. The demand from abroad has been much smaller lately, an 1 this haa proved a stumbling block for the bulls. More of the crop of oats haa been sold to exporters than ever known before. Wheat was VfrlHe lower. Corn waa tyfyle lower. Oats were Vu Wo lower. Clearances were; Wheat and flour BKAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Miscellaneous. WO guarantee bargains In stock farms and ranches. Writ Willis Cadwell Broken Bow, Neb. The Bargain Man. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans. 5, a. i per cent J. H. Dumont ft Co..l arnam, umana. WANTED City loana. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina O'KElkt hi HbAu tOiA ii, ju.. . I 101$ Omaha Natl. ' Douglas 2716, 1 HARRiJjN MORTON, am Oin. Natl. W TL f arm luana Kioke lnv.Co. Omaha GAliVLN BliOS ft" MLSt WANItL1-City- loans and warrants. VV. Karnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam., ( CITY property. Large loans a specialty. w. H. Thomas, zat state Bank uag. flvO to $lo,0u0 made promptly. F. D. Vtead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta. MONET gu hand- for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. t?7 CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co., UO jiouz Branarb) Theater Bldg. SEE ua flrat If you want a farm loan. United State Trust Co.. Oraar.a. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have customers for houses of six and. seven rooms and up to $4,6o0. We would be pleased to hear from parties .wishing GALLAGHER &. NELSON, Git Brandela Bldg. . ; Omaha. Neb. I HAfE 2,t) cash and dear improved irrigated farm, worth W.000, to trade for y-room mouen house, west Farnam, Dun dee, Beirus Parle d.ntnct. Phone Wamut JJ47. Will Build to Order $500 to $600 Down See the Following and Make Your Selection Fine corner lot. Just south of Hanscom park. 1 block from car, on paved street, with paving paid; price very low. Three lots facing 41at Ave., between Page and Burt; 2 corners; paved street and paving paid. Prices ranging $750 to ttm. Four nice lot In Dundee on paved street; two blocks from car. Prices rang ing from J1.0U0 to $1.3u0. Bring in your plans or we will have some drawn for you , and build you a home to meet your requirements. Terma $500 to $400 In cash down and the balance equal to rent. Each and every one of the building sites in an actual bargain on which we have mide exceptionally low prices in order- to clean up, Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 4'J8 . 19 Blocks West of Postoffice Close to very best locality, 43x122; only $600. $10 now and $1 per week, if you pay cash 5 per cent off and we'll build. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. BEST HOn?E BARGAIN IN OMAHA. New 6-room modern bungalow; Dewey Ave. and 81st St.; west Karnam district, only $3. WO. W. H. HOMAN. 331 Board of Trade. 1 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 3,300, 7-room modern home, hot water heat, full cemented ' basement with laundry; south frout lot, fine shade trees and lawn. .Parlor, din ing room and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms and bath on second floor.' Will make terms. V. T. SMITH CO.! 1111-12 City Nafl Bank Bldg. D. 2819. Omaha. o ABSTRACTS UK TITLE. 1 KKRK Till Guarantee and AUatract Co a modern abstract otliue. JUi b. lilb. bt. Phone Douglas U7. rti.UL) Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of tic to Nebraaaa. 'Mi Liaudels Tbeaver. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE JHNE HOME. FINE NEIGHBORHOOD. We have Just listed a splendid 7-room house, strictly modem, large lot, beauti ful Tlaw, easily worth $6,5uo, with mort gage of only $2,250 against it. Can ex change equity for a piece of land in Ne braska or Iowa. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. Ware Block. WILL trade 1,920 acres near Haigier, Neb for Red River valley or northern land Andrus. 830 Endlcott Bldg.. Bt. Paul, Minn. - ( REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 4 Acres Cheap Facing 2 Streets Close to Cherry Croft Farm. Owner wants to sell this week. All In the natural sod. Rich soil; good neighborhood. Easy terma. Price rirht. HA8TINQS & IIBYPEK, 1614 Harney St. You Won't Regret If You Buy This Acre for $575 $10 Cash-$10 a Month On Clifton Prlvc, Just out of Benson; 1 block to paved road. Set It out to fruit and it will make you a splendid profit. HA. STINGS & HEVDF.N. PiU Harney Kt. Have You Seen The Benson Poultry Show? . . If you have, don't you want to raise poultry while holding your position in town? Fine acre and a half Joining Benson on main traveled road. Slopes gently to the south. Is an ideal tract. Price Js7b. $15 ah. $12.50 a month. 1 ACTINGS ic HEVDEN, 1614 Harney St. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Price reduced, modern home, 8 rooms and bath, hardwood finish, full cementod basement. Will make easy terma or might take automobile as part payment. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111-12 City Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 2S19. Omaha. o REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I Am Forced to Sell a new five-roouv all modern house recently purchased by me. This house Is located in the West Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beaut. ful lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. A del reus, M 2 Bee, or after ' t p. m. phone Webster t149. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Three Houses for $4,000 Close in, corner lot. two paved streets, paving all paid, (-mom ail modern house 'and two small cottagea; total monthly rental $49. Wa want an offer. Glover & Spain 919-20 City National.- Phana Douglas 8962. VACANT LOT BARGAIN. East front on 17th at Center tt.. 49ttx 182 feet; only $6u0; $10 down and $10 a month. W. R. HOMAN, S3! Board of Trade Bldg. ( REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $2,600 Small Payments Five-room cottage, good location. Par lor, dining room finished In oak. Large kitchen. Cement walks. Near car and school. American Security Co. 17th and Douglas. Douglas M13. ,-$100.00 Cash 3310 Ohio St.. a good 4-room house; lot 50x130; city water- good neighborhood. $Hj rash and balance ilk rent. This is worth the price anked. 34A Sahler Si. A S-rooin house with .ell; lot M'sl-"!). This can re had on easy "tayinents. V, .11 make a good home for you. Creigh, Sons & Co. rhone Douglas jus Bee Bldg. $200 Cash Balance Like Rent Something Special Price Reduced Must Sell K-room modern cottage: larae narlor. dining room and kitchen; two bedrooms with bath between; near car and school. American Security Go. 17tn and lougias 8ts. Phone Douglaa 6011 $4,OjO-$40u DOWN.. Balance $3u monthly; full two stories, brand new modern houae. east front, paved street, rooms and sun parlor. Amos Grant. Douglas iM m Brandeis Theater. . . Swift & Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Nov. 2Sth. Dividend No. 113 Dividend of ONE DOLLAR sad SEVENTY. HVK CENTS (il 7b) pr share oa the eapltal stock of bvrift A Coorpanjr, will be paid on Jan. 11, lUlK. to stockholders of record. DaclO, U14, as shows oa Lh. books of the Company. On account of annual masting, transfer books will bsclosod from Decembarlu, 1914. to January 1 WIS, inclusive. P. B. HAYWARD. Itmun 7 Stock for Sale ! An omaha corporation in active busi ness for twenty years offers for sale 1 fitty shares guaranteed seven per cent i preferred stock redeemed from fortuar owners. No agents, will sell direct. A 197 Caie of Bee. eounl to l..no bimhrls; corn, 47.01" bush els; oa. 47Si hiisheln I Liverpool opening; Wheat. SW1 lower; corn. tni'4d lower. Primary wheat receipts were XflRl rtOtl bushels ami shipments 1 W.ftui bunhels, auaim.t receipts of l.ivVi.OKi biiKhala and chlpnient of 1 4-".7.iHX bushels lM vear. Primal y corn receipts warn l..U.0't hiiKhel and shipments 72J.tn bimh-la, nanlnKt rccclpta of I.I79.0IO bunhels and hiptnents f 4M rt bushels Isst voar. Primary oats receipts were 9Ti.oo bisah els and shipments MUflm bushels, aralnst 1-e. elpt. (,f 7.H buahela an I shipments of 744.0") bushels last year. CARlA.1T HECKIPT3. Wheat. Corn. Oats. t hlcaco jl- i5 Minneapolis ST74 Duluth an? Omaha M .VI $7 Kansas City FC7 -l 3 Pt. lxuls 171 9.1 Wlnnliwg Li lhese sales were reported today: Wheat .No i haru winter: cars, l.7. No. H hard winter: 1 car iriarki, l.nt: 1 car, $i.'l; S cars, $l.i. No. 4 hard winter. 1 car, $l.uii: l car, (1 ct. No. 4 mixed: 1 cr. i.(V,',. No. 2 duium: i car. l.i:i4. No. 3 spring: I car, $1.V7. No. 4 spring: car, $i.iu. No. $ durum mlxea: 1 car, I.R Corn No. 2 wnlie: 4 cara, 6Mc; No $ wiate: 1 car. fcsc. No. 2 vcilow: 1 car. i'c; 2 cars. 6.v; No. 3 yeliow: K cars, Wc; 4 cara, f7c; No. 6 yeuow: t cars, fue. No. 1 mtxcu: 1 car. b.c; I car. 6ic; No. 2 mixou: 6 CHra, 5"c; No. mixed: 1 car, 57"c; 10 cars, 67V.C No. 4 mixed: 1 car, Mc. No. mixeit: 1 car. 67c. On is No. 3 wnlte: 10 cara, 4uc. No. 4 white. 4 cars, 44 V 1 car. 4J'4 No grade: 1 car, 44Wc. Uye-No. .1: i curs. $1.01. Omaha Cash Prices Wheal : No. 2 hsrd, $1.0tlil.0N; No. .1 hard, $1.0u,yti 1 .07; No. 4 hard, !nHic(fi$1.0n; No. 2 spring, $1.071. l.W: No. 3 spring. $1.0b-i'il.ii; No. 4 spring, m-'d $1.0. 4 No. t durum, .l.KPvfi 1.14; No. 3 durum, $l.121il.ia. Corn: No. 1 white, oSVuJHSc; No. 2 white. fi&YSV; No. I white, 67Vm"'c: Nit. 4 wliite. -67e (TVic; No. & white. j7(uo7'c; No. whl,e, WV,tin7c; No. 1 yellow, irfili.-Jto : No. H yeuow, iv'"a.ix,4c; No. X yel.ow. 57tioo; No. 4 yellow, n7vU-ri7c: No. .1 yeliow, 57iHlir67Vlc; No. yellow, Wtimc; No. 1 mixea, ,"iic; ?so. z nilx.nl. h.'irjS7Sc; No. 3 mixed, BTihWHc: No. 4 mixed. n7c; No. 6 mixed, M4jfl67c; No. mixed. Ni-Viiiwe. lists: No. 2 white, 4l4''ntS o; stamlard, 464.V4c; No. 3 wblte, 44'4i:; No. 4 white, 44Vd44V Barley: Malt ing. j72c; No. 1 feed, .WlitiOc. Itye: No. 2. $l.m1.01Vi; No. 3, tl.otV4yi.01. I ' ' ' CIMCAtiO GRAIN AMD PROVISOS Featare of the Tradlna- aad t losing Prlrra on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 27 Wheat smashed down In price today, seml-demoraltzcd by surprisingly bearish estimates or a nig yield rrom the harvest now going on In the Argentine Keuubllo. The market closed extremely weak 2ii34iC lower than Wednesday night. Corn suffered a not decline of NifV and oats of llc. In pro visions the outcome varied from 5c off to an advance of 2Suo. Violent breaks characterised the wheat market right from the start. British re ports Indicate a possible crop of as much an 2"0,Ouo,OiO bu. In Argentina, with an ex- portaoie surplus or Ml.oon.oio liu. inoi withstandlng that authorities were In clined to discredit such iiitures and to put the maximum surplus at 95,oon,om) bu., there waa generar commission house sell ing that uncovered many stop-loss orders and prevented any lasting rally, re porters were busy taking advantage of the fall In quotations, but the amount of transatlantic business done was not con sidered large In view of the sharp dec, Inn. Hedging salea against heavy purchasing of cash wheat In the southwest formed an additional burden on the market. In the northwest farmers still maintained their disposition to hold. Shorts' covering held the corn market relatively firm. There also was much buying of corn by speculators who at the same time were sellers of oats. The latter grain was further weakened by the depression In wheat. Seaboard oe mand proved good, but fulled to dloour age the bears. Provisions were moderately active, but price changes were narrow. Packers bought moderately whenever the market seemed likely to undergo any notable decline. Oram prices furnished by Logan & Bryan, office 815 Boulh Sixteenth street: Article I Open.) High. I Low. Closed Yes'y. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Killing: Cattle Steady to Strong; and Fecden Fully Steady. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE TO TEN OFT Vmi beeai and I .a safes mt All Kinds Active at Meadr t ttroag rrlres All Are gold la eiMS, KOUTH OMAHA. November 24. 1fl4. Reeeluts were: Official Monday .... Official Viiesoay .... Of.lclal Wednesday Official Thursciay . Kstimate Kriday ... Cattle, tloga "beep .. i..t 4..VH9 It. si ... 7,.t 1M1 .. 1i7 d.126 S.as .. "2 4.1S1 MM .. 1,VW , 4.SHH) 7,fctM Five days this week.!4.M4 ?!.JM 4K.M3 Kama days last week.. !" 2.14t U.HH Mimi days 3 wks aao.?.llS 4.fW bl.fc79 f'ame daya I wks ago.20.S" 23. 2M M.4 Ha me dava 4 wks ago. Strain 14 7M Xtt.M fame days last year.. .74 34.81i 41.017 The following table shows the receipts a. rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live etock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1II4. 1SM4. Dec. Csttle M;.2fA (D.7.4 4i.aH Hogs 2.ft;,) t.1S.'-'i SM.tl'V ! Sheep 2.M3.1W J.IW1.2J7 7.05i The followina labia knows ths average ' prt-e for Iioks at the r.outh Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date, lull. 1913. 1HU.1H11.1I0,1.IU. tk ( Mi 0 B I J( s.l TM I 7 771 121 7 I 7!H $ tiJ Il T T 711 1 M I T 7SI M "I T 47 7 4 I i e th 7 Mj 7 l4 " I ' 4o, J tui ( .., I S, 1 M n . 131 7 b7, 7 75, 7 Ml f ST I 7 SS i 71 14) 7 701 7 741 7 kil . 7 741 I as Is 7 6 7 1 M t Wi 7 r 1: 7 $1 I l 7 JI Si i 7 3i 7 n H 17: 7 MMi 7 3 i 7 44 7 W 6 64 If T 7 H 7 7i l 7 Ml 7 S H 1 7 M 7 tail 7 71 7 20 7 4 5 70 Nov. Nov. No. Nov. .VOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Sunday. Holiday. Itt-ceipia ai.d uispwaltton of live stock st the L'nlon stock yards, bouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at t o Clock yesterday; RECEIPTS-CARS. CatUe.Hogs.Sheep.U'ses. Missouri Pacific .... 10 I nlon Pacific 2 17 2. 1 C. A N. W., west.. U 30 3 2 -'., L P. fa. ft O.. f zi 3 1 C, U. & Q., eajit 1 C, 11. V... west... 36 of Idaho ahestfleld gradea were on sale, thera being some like those at :" yes terday that brought the same prlc this morning. There wss a noticeable impr.ve ment In the demand for all elnda of killers. Including both sheep ami lambs, and prices were regarded generally steady to strong on Inmbs and the same on wes In Instances ewes looked, a dime higher. Practically all the ewes ere either from the range or from the Idaho w hi at flelda and sold at H fci(4.i the most of them going at $4.fiMt4 There were no strictly good ewes on sale, which haa been the case for some little time back. No wethers or yearlings to apeak of were offered. There waa no feeder trade worthy of mention owing to the lack of rece pts. The feeder demand, how ver, remains about the aame as ft haa been all the week. Today's receipts were placed at 7.(00 head, compared with last Friday and 7.MJ head on the corre sponding day a year ago. For the week the trade has been fairly satisfactory from tha standpoint of the sellers and at the ssme time the supply n nr-n weii up to normal notwith standing that Iowa haa been unable to ship because, of the ourantlne. Prices are ltjlic- better on I sin ha than a week ago and strong to lojm higher on aged sheep. I.amba have been In the best de mand while at no time did the packers seem to be In much need of anything on tha mutton order. Of course the scarcity of choice yearlings and aged sheep did not encourage buyers anv. Tha week's receipts total 4s:a head, against 62 307 met wers: ann i tu, a year ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $T7TW 20; lambs, fair to good, $).10ti.70: feedcra, good to choice, $C.KiMi.4u: feeders, common, $R 60m H5; yearlings, good to choice. $7.10rTaf; year lings, fair to good. HMi7.I0; yearlings, feeders. $Ti.5oii.l0: wethers, good to choice, $u.&4j6.10; wethers, fair to good, $, front 6.K; wethers, feeders, $4 u4.!i6; ewes, good to choice, $4.Mj.10; ewes, fair to soou. i.wg.n; ewes, feeders. l3.sMr4 .VV NEW YORK JSTKK MARKET HUNGRY IN OMAHA "INCONSIDERABLE Interest Centers Mainly Abont Reopening- of Exohang-e Today. MOVEMENT 13 AN EXPERIMENT Oa Warfare There A p rears Is Resssa la Asprea)ad Belling at Lara Proportions, Teresa Artlag as Check. no 7 44V 7 711 7 731 Ml I 7 il I il 4iV 7 6 7 7lii 131 T m " ia, 7 24! 7 4IIV l 7 M4s, Ml 7 271 7 MS I 7 671 7 00 1" l 7 W I " CO ( ( 7 7 Ml Wl 7 m ft 7 Bl 241 " Y Si o IV 7 W 7 fcl C Wl T7 o 3 7 441 7 47 I 831 t 04 1 - 7 4ti 121 II H I M Total receipts 67 73 1 31 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattie. Hogs. Sheep. 4H 7tt 37 ' ii $47 34 I IS 3 4 6 10 M & $1 l.nu 6I4 74i "rii 4 J.l.H ."'i lit 2.67 v Wheatl I Decil IMfViil iaj'4i May. 1 lVu 1 Mt 1 18V4 ' I Corn . - I Dec. 625-34 Msy. t!)4iii 'iWs Oats Dec. 4HfM 4 May.liaH'a B2S Pork Jan.. 18 60 18 62Vi 1 12 1 12 1 V1 17T 1 W 1 2V,' -T2V!6a,4ff'Vfi3'&46 ' 6-Sv, IW.1S -i!J 4X 6U.1 611 4U 63 May. Lard Jan.. May. nibs Jan.. May. 18 87H -18 92 9 S2H! 10 07 9 mk 10 30 18 97H 9 ."i-9,i 10 17H, 9 9TH 10 27'a is 47W 18 .vm 18 OS la 83 I 18 87 'r I IS 2Vs B 8?4 10O7V4 9 8TH 10 17 9 87"il 9 S2-4 10 10 10 W'M 90 10 30 9 R7V 10 20 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, tl.UVui.H; No. 2 hard, $1.12ftl 144. Corn: No. 2 ve'low. lfa70?; new. 3-V' 4Hc; No. 8 yellow, CSVi'Wc; new, 2e.. Oats: No. 3 white, 1(J4'!4C; staiid- nl 4ik.'ul9ac. Rve: No. 2. $l.07V. barley: nr.8c. Heed: Timothy, $3.766.26; clover, $10 onrn 14.(0. Provisions: Pork, $17.50; lard, $10. 12; rihs, $9.62jl0.o0. HI TTtH Mfldv; creamery wiw, KGOS Steady; receipts. 4.197 cases; at mark, cases Included. 2"r29Vc; ordinaty firsts. 27'MKo: firsts. 20r)c. POTATOIiS Lower; receipts. 60 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin, aso7e: Minne sota. 4(i84i"C. POULTRY Alive lower; springs, iwm lOVic; fowls. 9Wft 10c. - Nevr York (Iraeral Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 21 ai'UAR-Raw, firm; molasses. 3.82c; -itrlfugal. 4.01c; sales. 1S.O00 bsgs. Refined, steady: cut loaf, C.tOr; crushed, (90c; mould A, B.fifio: cubes. 6.36c; XXXX powered. 1 2fie; fowdered. f.tOe; fine graniilMted. t.loo; Xamon.1 A, 6.1oc; confectioners' A. 6.00c; No. L 4 06c. BUTTsTR Easy ; receipts. 6.300 tub; creamery extras (92 score), 4"4tf34He; creamery (higher acoring), $Tc; firsts, 30T(i33Hc; seconds, KW&r; process extras, 2TVa26VC; ladles, current make, firsts, 2J((t224c; seconds,- 21i21Vkr; packing stock, current make No. 2, 20j21c. CHEESK-Steady; receipts, 1.9O0 boxes; state whole milk, held specials, ltc: state whole milk average fancy, li'tf 16 c; state whole milk colored spe cials, iy((15'4c; state wholo milk white spec ala, 164c; state whole milk colored average fancy, 141-i8Hc; stato whole milk averasa fancy while, 14H 4il5c: skiins, 3(?fl3Vo. ' EOS Flrnwr; celpta, 7.109 case; fresh gathered extra fine, 41i43c; atala gathered extra firsts, 3il0c; state gathered firsts, 3fj3c; senonds, Sfa-instate, Pennsylvania and ntarby hennery whltea, 54jt.ui:; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites. 3bnj,bbc-. state. Pennhylvan'a and nearby hennery browns, 43 15c; stats. Pennsylvania and nearby sthered browns and mixed colors. 36(5430. ... POl'LTRV Dressed, dull; western roasting chlck.ins. lt19c; fresh fowls, )2'4 rCl(k'; turkeys, Ufi22o. Kansas f'ltr Ursia and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 27. WHEAT No. S hard, $1.0701.08: No. 2 red, $l.O7t1.074j; December. ll.04Vftl.04',; May. $1.10. CORN No. 2 mixed. UllVic; No. 2 white, tJHitilc; December, SoSc; May, leSc, OATH No. 2 white. 458c; No. I mixed, 44M6 BUTTER Creamery, 31c; firsts, 29o; seconds, 2Hc; packing at oik, 21c. KIK1S Klrata. 30c; seconds, 23c. POULTRY Hens. 11c; roosters, 11c; tur keys, lc. Minneapolis firaln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 27. WH EAT December, $1.17S; May, $1 16'4: No. 1 hard. $M6S; No 8 northern. $1.12 1.15V No. 2 northern. ll.OsTsVl.U. fuOl'K-Unchanged. HARLKY-oTiiWc. RYE ll.03ftl.04. , MRAN-$22.00. CORN No. I yellow, 65Hio7Vc. OATS No. $ white. &41,1?c. FLAX-81.43il.4i. t. Laala Grata Market. HT. LOUIH. Nov. 27-WHEAT-No 2 red. Sl.llfrl IS: No. I hard, S1.13l.m.; December. $1.09',;: May. $115i. COKN No. 2. tV4c; No. 2 whIU, Hci Dec-ember, 2 ih;i?c; May, 68'ic. OAT8-N0. X 48c; No. 3 white, 49V4c Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 27-WHEAT-Spot. weak: No. 1 Manitoba, a d; No. 3, s d; No. 2 hard, 9s (Vid. r'utures, easy; Decem ber M ta. CORN Hpot, dull: American mixed, new, 7s. futures easier; January, 6s &'d. Morris A Co 1 Swift & Cp Cuaahy Packing Co.... 'Armour Co fell WW Kg & CO , J Mo. '--ii.tha Packing Co, bii'jlrea ! Kotn Packing Co ctmahy, Kansas City., benton, Vansant & L. F. H. Lewis J. H., Hulls !J. b. R4t Co... Hosenstock Hros , Sullivan Bros Roth I Baker, Jones & tiinltli., Jonn Harvey Kline Other buyers t78 Totals 2,102 4,70 7.Ut4 CAT i LE Receipts were moderate, but till thuru was a fair run for a Friday, cars being reoorted In. For tha week iiece.pts amount to 14,614 head, being larger than a year ago by almost a,wj head. Beef steers were In very light supply and commanded good steady to stroimwr prices. 1 he best corn-fed here were good enougn to bring $9.10. Cows and heifers sold uulte freely at steady to strong prices. The offerings were all cleaned up before 10 o'clock in the morning. There wure not enough feeders on ra'e to rt-aily make a market, but tne feeling Was fully steady with yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime ycarlluaa, $9.umfrlu.u0; good to cnoica corn-ted beeves. KUwilo.uu; fair to good i corn-fed beeves. . $7.7pcitt.76; common to I.I. 1.. .. . I,: I. .:. 1 7 7n .mul In cnoice corn-fed rangers, H.0Utji.6O; fail to good corn-fed rangers, $i'.aoiu.li, common to fair corn-fed rangers, J.M; good to choioa hclters, $ii.60'u7.2u; good to choice cows. u.ii.i5; fair tu j good cows, ij.uxgv. it , common to tair cows, $4.ouij6.26; good to choice Blockers and teeuera, $t.jd"au.7o; fair to good stock I ers and feeders, $a.oy 1.28; common to I ialr Blockers and feeders, $j.iKui.60, ! stuck htliera, 4.7uui.26; atock cows, $1 jO U6.oc; stock calves, $i.u0ti4l.uU; veal calves, I $i.76UlO.Oo; bulls. Slags, etc.. $4.7txiti.76. li!,cli' O 1 4-JWtS. Av. Ft. No. a. Pt. Hi ID 1IM a) ll)7 II M 111 Ili'T 10 14 I I ji.u,,o AND ilEIFERo. IS 7 00 COV'i Urrl I 70 10 110 4 96 1107 01 HEIFERS. 1 760 I 0 1 179 4 7t BUL.-fl l no ih l uio t to I .' Hi I 60 1 bu) 00 2 1U 6 so biov an: fkedkmh 1 713 tt I US 7 T5 iiuuo nuppiica amouiiiiiig tu umviiilnK like seveniy-iiirce cara, or ,w heau. 'Una puts the run for tne five tlaya at X,0)l head, being sdghlly laiger Uian a ago. but smaller man last year by i.oou head. .nh the exception of a few loads of prime buuhers ihut were pougut on a snipping oiuer eany at a biiiim advance, tne traue openea out dun ami eany kl.ler ulus were ad oi loc lower, ehlpplng oruerS were very limited tins morning and, as ra-'Kers nad nearly tne wiio.e suppiy at tneir uutposal, tney took their time aoout buying inein. tut4Ka were not inuilneu to cut loose eany, and waited in hopes that anlwers would get fresn oraers, out as the morning aavauued wlin very iltiie change in bius, a tew loaus started to move here and there at flguiea mat were generally bitcluc lower, this movement was very ragged. In fact, tne traue re mained very now throughout, bat in the end moat of the ottering were cashed at the decline named. flapping purcuaae were really too scarce to rut mucn Ice, and the general trade la 6'tfluc below Thursday. Bulk ol the aaies waa nmue at ;.j .jO, with the lea desirable kinus as low as $.3u, and a few toad bougnt on shipping account scattered on JP to $7.85, the top. The week trad haa Just been a suo cesaion of sharp iluciuatious, put on the whole today's values are very little bet ter than the close of last wak. Th only consistent thing about the market for the week has been the steady decline In ex tic me light and pigs. Pigs, which were selling from Ib.ou to $7.26 iaat Maturday, are from a half ooliar to tn extrem cases 76o lower, and while the underweight hog show Irs deciiue, they have been forced down Just a persistently. The main reason for this break is the fact that the pig supply ha remained fairly large, while the demand dropped oft al most entirely. Representative sales: No 253 ffd lambs !4 fed lambs 290 f"d lambs 174 Idaho feeder lambs 103 Idaho lambs 83 Idaho ewes 181 culls 64 fed lambs 2W Ted lambs 2"0 Wyoming cars 233 fad lambs 3 native ewes 1 native lamb 1331 Idaho lambs 367 Idaho lambs 200 Idaho lambs 10 cull 7 Idaho lamb 364 culls Av. 70 79 84 SO as no 10 . 72 54 , P'2 72 2m; , 140 7U , 70 , 63 , r , no , mi 'r. 16 8 13 9 16 7 10 I 16 4 90 4 00 8 U 8 K 4 76 9 60 4 76 8 00 I 00 8 3d 8 60 8 26 4 4 10 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKKT Catllti Firm .Hog steady lo Higher Sheep Higher. CHICAGO, Nov. 27, 'ATTLW Receipts, 3.000 head; market firm; native steers, $f.Sf.4rl0.fiO; western, $6.6nj9.im; rows and heifers, $3.60w.20; calves, $s.0HHi 11.26. HOUS-Recelpts. 21.000 head; market steady lo 6o hlnher; bulk of sales, $7.4M 7.o; light. $7.(6i.66i mixed. $7.23(67.76; biavy, ,.w.a.7.T6; rough. $r.ai'.lB; pigs. I ; iXVrr7.'. SHEEP AND LAMI'S-ltereipts, O.miO ih-ko; marnoi jim,( i.ic ni. r. sheep, ri.Wd) .oo; yearlings, $.00.8.00; iambs, 7.00ti.4o. Kansas City Live Vtoek Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 27. CATTLE Receipt, irumu head: market steady; prime fed steers, SIO.OWII.OO: dressed be if steers, $7.Mi.76, western steers, $7.if 9.60; stockers and feeders. $.0u4N 00; bulls, fu.oviM i.w, raives. fti.ww IU.ZTI. HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head' bulk of salos, $7.60(li 7.76; heavy, $7.Kh7.70; packers and butchers. $7.5Mt7.W: llaht. $7. Tuft'?. 80: plkn. $ii.76i J. JO. MIEEP AND LAMBS-Ilectlpts. 3.300 houd: market -higher; lumhs, $s ri0uJi.2'i; yenriings, $0.50oj'i.76; wethers, $fi.2M1.60; ewes. $4.i54i&.60. I St. Loil, Lira Stark Market. fT. LOU1H. Nov. 27. CATTLB-Re-celiils, 6,200 bead- market higher; native beef steers. $7.60f( 10.76; cows and heifers, $6.0mfi9.26: southern steers, $6.96iti7.76; cows and heifers, $4.0O4j6.0O; tiatlve calves, $4.00 fjlOOO. HOaP Receipts, 20,100 head; market lower; pigs and lights. $...Wfi.7.T0: mixed and butchers, $'i.3Mi7.W; good heavy, $7.60 J'l.NI. SHEEP AND 1.AMBK-Recelnts. 1 .49.1 head; market higher1 native muttons, $5.60 t?i.A; ia nins, nvvmj.in,. I No. 11.. 1.. , 31.. 14.. 7.. 4.. No. Ar. gs. Pr. 1 140 ... 1W t 141 ... 1 (0 111 1 ... IM It ' SO T 40 - H JN III I W t.....K4 100 7 4 fc tU 7 46 , I U1 ... 146 I i 44 n tm 71 167 ... T 6 tt : im t7 6 HO 7 W ...-. - 66 14 1 60 67 1st SO T 60 St tH ... 160 tt tn 13 t i mo t 1 ui 11 ... 166 77 316 $ 7 6 74.... U... Tt..., IW.... 41..., 64.... 64.... 71... J ... M... TT. I. 11. 64. li. 64. - A, gh. Pt. ...! 300 7 6 ...611 ... 1 66 ...Ul 40 T SO ...1.6 ... ft ...im lie 7 ...Id 10 76 ...r i In ...ua m m ...MM ...w .im ...M ,...! ...14 ...4 ...Ml ...Sit ...tm 7 Ti'A 176 7 Tt I1 1 Tt 1 60 1 60 1 tu 1 at 1 tt 1 S6 1 66 nus. to ia ... t TS u it ... to 43 12 ... at 61 144 ... 1 U .SHKti'-Most of the rwce.pt came from the range again this morning, but the Proportion of corn fed stuff from Ne braska feed lots wa a little larger and th ouallty a little better, there being several load tit rornrxi lam na good enough to sell up to $3.16. The bulk of the fed offerings moved at $.6ui9.vu, quality mr.A finish lltitf lmnnrt.nl f , . I . I n A tennlnlng th prtc. guiu a sprinkling J JJjJ Sloax (llr Live- Htock Market. BIOUX CITV, Nov. 27. CATTLE Re oelpts. 400 head; market steady; native steers, $7.1641 8.00; butcher steer. $..26o.00; cow and iieirer, 84 owji&.&o; ranners, $4.26 liO.OO; ntockevs and feeders, $.'i.4i'4j0.fi;, calves, $5.019.00; bulls, stags, etc., $T..2i 6.75. HOC18 Recet-pts. 2,900 head; market steady: heavy, $7.10a7.36: mixed. U.OlWil 7.10; light, $7.WI.07i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.500 head; market 10c higher; ewes, $3.&tKuvt.6o; lamb, $.2&3f.76. I NEW YORK, Nov 27.-Lorsl Interest In financial affairs todav converged mainly aiKUit th Stock exchange and Its re opening tomorrow for limited dealing In bonds. The movement was rcown.ed a panaklng laiaely of tha nature of an ex periment, and. aslile from Its bearing on ecurliiea as a whole will ba regarded auordmg the best and only available test of domestic Investment condltiona On the aorface there appeared to he no reasons to apprehend a selling movement of large proport.ona. the terma Imposed acting as a check to any heavy selling for rmeianers. it was known, however, that tne exigt-ncles created by the European war have brought about pressing neces sities at home and tula llualiotl may have to be reckoned with. It la, perhaps, atmiethlng more than a oolnc dence that the Paris Bourse Is tn resume operations on a strictly cash basis rly in tha conilna month and that soma of the smaller exchange in thin country are to take similar action next week. Money for all periods showed greater ease and the fact that a regu'ar money market would accompany trading on th exchange from Monday next might tie ac cepted as further proof of a gmdtial re turn to normal. Banks of th clearing house will report a large rash lose to morrow, according In most forecasts, but the surplus of these Institutions as dis closed In last week'a statement will not be affected to an appreclabl extent. Exchange on London waa steady, aight diafts allowing some firmness on a moderate inquiry. In continental changes frsms and marks moved con- trarlly. the former being almng and the latter Increasingly heavy. The Hunk of England statement showed another rela tively small loss of gold and a reduction In llahllltv reserves The Imperial Hank of Germany added more than $8,000,000 to Us vast hoard of gold and recorded a large decrease In current notes. The first crit ical settlement sine the outbreak of the war wa impending In Iondon, without untoward Incidents, so far as could b Judged from the course of prices. Returns for October made bv several of the larger railroads were In keeping with other cxhiblta for the same period, l'nlon Pacific showed a net loss of $763,000. which wou'd have been much larger but tor a marked decrease In cost of opera tion, and Chicago V. Northwestern lost $477,010, which also would have been greater but for a saving In rhnrgea. Organised Charities Say They Were Able to Care for Practically All Who Applied. MOST OF THE SUPPLIES LEFT Are Glvea ta the Orgraalsatloaa Which Will Hc that They Are t'aed Where They Will Da Moat Good. Head of local rharltleg say th num ber of really naady who were not fed from th donation by the school children for Thanksgiving wa "Inconsiderably" and that these will be properly taken cara of by tho endorsed charitable or ganisation. Mis Nellie Magee of th City Mission turned away several. br supplls running short. 'Thar waa om disappointment be cause a large portion of tha donations were placed where they will be used at different time during tha winter," gold Mis Mabel W. Porter of tha Associated ChariUea Another donation wilt be received from school children for the Christina offer ing to tha poor. Inmate and employe of th county hospital and poor farm at 306 pound of turkey, eight pack of potatoes, sixty pound of crsnberrles and quantities of dressings, pudding and pies. Matt IUIey. 88 jrsrs old, told Supertntendnnt Roger that it was the best meal he ever ate In his life. ( of fee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 27.-4TOFFEE The market waa quiet today and business in all departments appeared to be waiting for the reopening of the exchange next Monday, After Wednesday's notices, es timated at ubout 60.00U bags, according to the latest figures, there was lesa liquidation through tho voluntary com mittee, and December rallied several points front the recent low figure on covering, while the spot market also ruled steady, around "4o for Rio 7 and lOu for Hantos 4a. Coat and freight offers from Braxll were unchanged to a ahade lower. Sides of 6,2uO bag wore reported th.-oiigh the committee, with December closing at 6.;h JfK-. and May, 5.svn.:H)r. Magazine Carries Big Story on Omaha The T. P. A. Magnslne, th official or gan of the Traveler Protective associa tion, ha a three-pag article on Omaha, aa a Jobbing center in it November Is sue. The article, with three large cut of section of the jobbing district, was furnished by the bureau of publicity. The Trawler' Protective asoclatlon la to hold It annual convention of next year In Omaha. In each of a series .it Iswiie of this niagaatn for ft time now, the ' magnslne la to use an trtlcle on Omaha The Convention City. Theae article are furnished by the bureau of publicity and ' they rover one phase of Omaha' bualnest activity at a time. Tl:o next Iswue w-lll ' probably cover Omaha' packing industry. OMAHA UK. MS HAL MmRKBT. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb carton. Sic; No. 1, 60-1 u. tuba, 31C. CHEKMfc imported Swiss, 3He; Amer ican riWisa, iu; tiioog tiwiss, Uu; twins, lot; daisies, 1dvc, triplets, piftc; Young Amer.vas, is tic; oiua label Pries, i?c; iniv bur.er, 3-40., .0c; l-ili., vo; New xorg wiuie, .jc, InipurU'U iroucu Houueiort, 4uC. REEK CL'TS-Kibs: No. 1. lie; No. 2. It-; No. 3, liSso. Loin: No. 1, ltfrxc; No. i. i6Mic; No. a, i3c. Cnucka: No. 1, lioc; No. i, 10c; No. 3, Vc. Rounds: No. 1, 13c; No. 2, 12c; no. 3. Uc. Plates: No. 1, Vc; No. it. V No. I, sc. KIbH Tiout, 14c; Urge crapplss. 16c; stuiuun, kSkc; halioul, llc; i-ii.iiiral cal lisn. lie, pis., 14c; picaeiei, 10c. PuULThlT tiruneis, I4vc; spr.ng chick ens, lie; bona. tijlic; cocka, c, ducks, Iwo, govae, o; turaeya, luc pig. out, per no., sue; uucks. lull taatnerea, luc; gec-e, full loaUiereu, eo; juai. No. i, l.ov, No. 3, sue v Market quotation furnished by Oillnski giu.t curuvauy: KRL'l'le oranges, extra fancy Valen cia. st, 112 im ia, luua, lisa, and guos, 4. uo pr box; tied Hail Valencia, ail sisea, $3.7o per box. Lemons, lancg luus, lawa, 6.6j per box; cliuua Red Ua.i, uua, aw, 66.00. Orapetruil, dm, 64b, Ms and aus, 42.V6. Apples, pei box: Extra fancy Wash ington white winter Peannines, all sises, $2.vo; fancy Washington while winter Pearmtnea, $1.76; extra fancy Washington Winesap, $1.76; extra fancy Hpltaenburg, $l.eii; Oregon Spliaenburg, $l.a; Oregon Raldwiii, $1.60; Coluiado unwrapped, fancy Jonathan, 6L36; Washington axna fancy and tancv Hoovers, $1.40; choloe Colorado Jonathans, $110; fancy Colorado Wealthys, $1.10; fancy Colorado Mo Manuns, $1.10; tancy Colorado I'llcr, $1.10; I am y Colorado Maldon llltiah, $1.16; Idaho fancy Orliuea Uoldrn, $1 6u; Idaho choice Orime Oulden, 11.36; Washington fancy Grimes Uolden, $1.60; Idaho fancy Jona than, $126; Idaho fancy Fulton, $1.26; lbano fancy strawbeny, $1.26; Idaho fancy Wolf River, $1.25: Washington Wagners, $1.26; New York Baldwin, per bhls., $2.76: New York Greenings, per bill , $3.00; Kansas Black Twigs, per bbl., $J.j0. U rapes: Calilorma Emperors, $3.60 per lb.; lil per crate; choice Malagas, $6,011 per keg; fancy Malagas. $d.6o per keg; extra choice Malaga, $6.26 per keg; extra fancy Malagas, $i.0u per keg. Pears: Anou, $2 60 per box; Jersey, $2.26 per box; Klieldon, $3.60 per box: Lawrence, 13 uO a r box; Bosco, $2.60 per box; Easier, $1 26 per box. Hananas: Per bunch, $1.76(9 $.W. Llmss, $1.76 per box. VEGETABLE Cauliflower. $150 per crate; cabbage, JHc per lb.: rucumbera, 2-dos. box. $2 60; cilery. Michigan, 36c per dot.; California Jumbo celery, 76o per dox ; peppera, 60c per backet; tomatoes, $1.26 p, r basket; California head lettuce, $1.00 per dot ; onions (shallots). 6"e per do.; leaf lettuce. 40c per 40s; radishes, 60c tier doa: onions, yellow, 3c per lb.; red, l4o rr lb.; white, 2Hc per lb.; horseradish, 6 per case; garlic, Italian, 10c per lb. potatoes: Idaho. 70c per bu.j Red River Ohio. teV per bu. ; Minnesota whites, too per bu ; Kansas sweet potatoes, $2 60 per bbl. J Jersv sweet potato, $200 per ham per. Bquash. lHc per lb. Pumpkins. l4o per lb, Cocoanuu, $3.76 per sack, 76c per MIfCFILANEnrBNut: No. 1 Call, fomla walnuta, le per lb.; filberts. l24o; long Naples. lo nsr lb.; pecans, 1314c per lb.; Jumbo pecan, lie per lb.; almonds. 20c per lb. Miscellaneous: Shelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; cracker Jack. $3.60 per case, $1 71 per half case; checkers $1 SO ir esse, $1 75 per half rae; Dromedary dates, 11 00 per box: sugar walnut di.txs. $1 40 per bx. Honey: $3.76 per case. Ktgs. 12 12-os . Wc. Cider, per keg, $3 00,; half barrel, $6.00 Baak 4 learlaga. OMAHA. Nov. 27. Ttsnk- clearings for Omaha today were $3.620,266. tM, and for correHnding dav last vase ia 701.. New York Money Market, NEW YORK, Nov. 27.-PR1MB MER CANTILE PAPKK-4VU5S per cent. STERLING EXCH ANOE Eusler: slxty dsy bills, I4 8K26; for cables, $4.bi6; for demand, $4.Ms6. SILVER Har, 9c. LONIKN, Nov. 27. SILVER Bar. 22 13-lnd per ounce. MONEY 1 per rent. DISCOUNT ItATKri Short and three months. 2 ier cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. METALH-lead. quiet, $I.S0U4.CO; lmdon, id Id 6a. Hpelter. quiet; $6.20(6.30; London. 26 los. Tin. firm at $33.lkwn4.60. CVinper, elec trolytic, $12.76; casting, $12.3tnffti.7S. Iron, unlet and urchanaml. At Lor.don: 'tijMit coppei, i'i is 1. Fu tures, f ht zs tit ripot tn, 1 141 101. rni- ttl" S, 'HOfia. ST. 7X)Clf, Nov. S7.-METALB-Led. firm; :i.M). Hpelter. firm; $6.l66.17Vi. I - Mt. Jnaenh Live gtoek Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Nov. V. HOOS-Recelptt, 3,6(0 head; market steadv tn 6c lower; top, $7.M); bulk of sales, $7.6.VW7.75. CATTLE Receipts. Iflil head; .market steady; steers. $7.27iti 10.60; cows and heif ers, $4.60Dr.60: calves $.oon.oo. BHEEP AND LA MH.S Receipt, 1 OftJ head; lambs, 2r(fr36a higher; lambs, $3.60)1 $.60. . Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 27 -COTTON -'Spot, qutetr middling Upland, 7.7V No sales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 27. COTTON-Hpot, moderate business, price easier: Amerl ran middling, fair, 6.4d; good middling. 4.7M; middling, 4.4iid:, low midilllng, 3d, good ordinary, S.21d; ordinary, 2.7d. Bale, 6,000 balra. Dry ood Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. IRY OOODfl rAllAN mnrt as as wA irases . . IS 7 I Luss.vae swtaay aaiiig jr cat nn, i uir. 11 UUI Vfiy tronc and price rising. Silk, doclinintf. HANSON TO ADDRESS OMAHA WELFARE ASSOCIATION With an addrea by National Secretary Hanson, the Omaha Public Welfare as sociation will open It winter- work next Tueeday at S p. m. at th Commer cial club room. All person Interested In the association's work, which Include the study arid betterment of charity and correction condition, are Invited to at tend, Rabbi Frederick Cohn Bay. He 1 president of the organisation. General Secretary E. F. Denlson of th Toung Men's Christian association I chairman of the program committee. Th association wa organised last spring and consist of representative of various charity and correction organisation and of social service and public welfare worker. OMAHA BRITISH TO GIVE -BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT The British Empire association will give an entertainment for the relief of the British people made destitute and de pendant by the war. It will consist of vocal and Instrumental mualo and speeches. The date I Decem ber 10 and the place at th Swedlah audi torium, Sixteenth and Chicago street. A preliminary meeting of the association will be held t Jacob hall December S. to arrange th detail. Money 1 coming In from many sourest on pledge already made. The entertain ment Is to arouse more general interest and provide additional fund. SANDERS SIGNS WITH THE INDIANAPOLIS BALL TEAM "Pep" Sander, the semi-pro pitcher who worked last summer for the Stars nine and heaved several gam for Omaha agajnat Western Isagu team, haa been , signed by th Indianapolis club, accord ing to good advice. Bloux City. Lincoln, De Moines, t. Joseph and Omaha were all after Sander to sign up, but tt la aid Jimmy McGill outbid them all with regard to salary and Sanders will go to the American association team. PARISIAN PALATES ARE TUNED TO COARSE BREAD (Correspondence of the Associated Preas.l TARIS. Nov. MS. Attention haa already been railed to the fact that Paris was never so well nor no cheaply fed as since the wr began. This situation conttntie and applies to the country, excepting the gnfortunate region that have been rv aged by the orcnpatlon of the nostlle troops. Paris suffer In this respect from only one thing; It delicate taate la rebolllous to the coarser quality of bread to which baker were confined by government or der, and are praying that the bakers be permitted to furnish the "pain de fait-' talsle," as they vail the finer qualities pf Frenrh bread. PIGS SQUEAL AND SCARE INDUSTRIOUS THIEF AWAY The heart rendering squeal of a pair of young pig belonging to James Allen of Bellevu spoiled the plan of an "in dustrious" thief seeking the wherewithal for hi Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. Allen, who wa occupied In an emporium at Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets, rushed out In time to see a man driving rapidly across the vlodttct In the direction of South Omaha. The pig In -the meantime were "esconced" In the middle of the car track and furnished considerable amusement for B. crowd ,of pedestrian. ... OMAHA PLAYERS IN STATE LEAGUE HAVE SIGNED UP Several - Omaha boy who have been playing in the Nebraska Stat league will change the location of their activities next aummer and every on ha gone up to a larger league. Plympton. who pitched for Kearney, purchased hi re lease from that club and will go to Racine In the Wisconsin-Illinois league. Woodruff and Erlckaon, two other Omaha boy who played at Kearney, will go to Tia next aummer, and Veneres, a local oml-pro, will get a chance to prove hi worth with the Keokuk (Iowa) club. Y.M.A SQUABS WIN AT , SELBY ATJJASKET BALL The Toung Men' Christian Association Squab, a basket hall team, put the trimming to th Shelby (Ia.) High gcbool. team, 23 to 1. The game wa played at Shelby and th Squab war treated to a nifty turkey feed at tha bom. of Mr. Jennie Wayne following tha gam. WILLIAM M'COY, DEAN OF CHICAGO HOTEL MEN, DEAD CHICAGO. Nov. r.-WUtlam McCoy, dean of Chicago hotel men, died at his heme here today. Hi career a a bont- face covered thirty-five year In Chicago. I si --J "a: 2r v i -..SI tl J.-i iT H l In W ' H .;J7 iT n't .V .. ..a lA '. '? .ifi .If: Hi J" 1" H I it DURUM WHEAT HOLDS UP WHEN THE OTHER DROPS On a report of a 200,000.000 bushel wheat crop In Argentina, th Omaha wheat market sold off two cent per bushel. Th top price her waa SLOT, with most v of th sales made a cent under this price. " However. Durum bald to the high prices of Isst week, th top bing around $L13i ' On th decline, corn followed wheat and , old from 67 tip to 63H cents. Rye re tained Its -foimer strength and closed at 01. Omaha receipt were: Wheat, 66; corn, 63; oats, 27 car. n 1 1 ci e. H CATERPILLAR GOEg TO WAR. Tractor Exhibited at F re moat Now . a War t Earapei, Nebraska people who attended the Na- . tlonal Farm Power demonstration con ducted by the Twentieth Century Farmer ; at Fremont Iaat August will be Interested In the sequel to tb record-breaking per formance of tha great Holt Caterpillar tractor, which successfully handled twenty-four plow. Tbla tractor and a large . consignment of sixty and seventy-flv horsepower site are en th way to om European port, undoubtedly for warlike purpose. Four European armies now engaged In the struggle Russian, English. , Gorman and Austrian - are using Cater pillar to mov their heavy gleg gun and ammunition, and further order ar ' being placed. Wagon embodying tb same principle of an endless steel track of large area are accompanying the ship ment. , T .' A .f. 'T .' ri r A 't 1 1 ' ! 1 ( t 9 i'r Be -Want Ad Produu Result.