Till 1JEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, XOVKMBKK 2X, 1UU. 11 BRIEF OITY NEWS Llrbttaf riatuxea, Burtens-Qrandon Co. rueiity storage tm co soar. see. eve Boot Frist I Now Bf con Frees SeautlftU Ail Kodsrm lomn J or Sale n the easy payment plan. Btnkcra Realty lnveatnnnt Co. Phone Doug. MIS "Today Complete Mrli yrogTani" classlfitd' section today, and appears In Tha Bea EXCLUBIVELT. Find out what tha various moving plotiire theatera offer. attar BaaUaaa ta tha feeling of tha best Judge right now. Tou bettor your buaineaa b locatmg In The Be building (tha building that la always new). Office. Room 102. TMevea Btaal Photos The Lake Btreit atudlo, Twenty-fourth and L?- sireote. vii visited by thlevta Thursday nl?ht, who broke a showcase In front of the place and carried away eighteen pictures. Villi a uoiHrrraoa - The South Bide Chill Conservation league will meet at Castellar school next Wednesday. December 1 Regular league program will be given. Members are all asked to attend. rata Xleserta Bismarck Paul W. Kteser, an Omaha sy. brother of Henry Kleser, the bookman, leaves Aberdeen, where he haa been on the editorial staff of the Aberdeen News, for Bismarck. JC. D.. to aaaume tha city editorship of tha Pally Tribune. Photograph BxhiMt Mr. F. A- Rlne hart hi giving; a very Interesting exhibit of photographs at' his studio. Mr. Rlne hart la showing tha work of the best photographer of the country, and ha especially attractive groupa from Eng- land and Berlin. Vurk Start la right Ed Turk, !0 North Fifteenth street. Council Bluffs, engaged in a fight early Friday morning with an unidentified antagonist at Thir teenth and Douglas streets. , deceiving a bad cut below the left eye. The wound was dresaed by Dr. A. J. Edstrom, after which Turk was allowed to go home. meterre to Chief Sana Complaints from tha Anti-Saloon league to Police Commissioner A. C. Kugel against tho use of big palms and potted plants as window screens haa bean referred to Chief of Polloe H. W. Dunn, with In atructlona to take what ateps ha deems necessary to enforce any law that are being violated. BorUngtOB SCea to Chioafo All of tha Burlington pasaenger men from head quarters and tha local offices have gone to Chicago, where they will attend the annual family meeting that will run over. Into next week. At this meeting the advertising plana for next year will be outlined and a division of the appro priation for carrying on the work be made. December 1 for each 1 face value must parry a 3-ctnt Mamp. Their Is not Mamp tax on regular rail road tickets, hut the party occupying a sent or berth In a sleeping oar must pay a 1 i-ent tax for each rldo. While rail ticket are exempt from tax. ticket sold any place m tha United States for pesaap on a vessel going abroad must pay a tux of II whera the rate la 110 and riot exceeding t-V: II where the rat la $30 and not exceeding too, and $5 wtiere It exceeds f. Bee Want Ads Are Famous as Result Getters MRS. GUGLER RETURNS FROM EUROPEAN WAR ZONE Mrs. O. E. OiiKler. 2.VH North Twenty fourth street, who haa lieen In Germany visiting relatives since last May and who was "bottled up" In that country because of lack of transportation on account of the war, has arrlre.l heme. !he Is glint to Krt hack In Omaha and will hold a family reunion. "Words cannot describe the early anxiety of the folks who have relatives In the great struggle." says Mrs. Ouajcr. "but the Hermans are confident of vic tory. When the wsr Is mentioned their enthusiasm over the outcome takes the form of Inevitable success for the Valer iana. tUnco the first scare haa coolcil off a unlet reserve has come over the general populace, and now their determi nation la to win, win at any cost." Mrs. Ougler has several neplews In the German aerial corps, two of whom wera killed recently In making reconnoltciing flights over positions of the allies. Bee Want Ada Promtee Results. Hal Brady Marries NadahWeems, Stage Beauty, at Chicago Hal M. Brady, 'son of John 8. Brady, was married In Chicago'1. Thursday to Hiss Nadab Weema, a 'member of the theatrical '. company playing "Under Cover" and a daughter of the proprietor of .the Weema Laundry company of Quincy, 111., acocrdlng to ' Information which ha reached Omaha. ' Neither.' the bride's nor the bride groom's parents were pleased by the sud den marriage. The couple, however, .iaa gone , to Qulncy to visit the .young woman's parents. "I knew nothing of my ac.ns7imteYnplated mairlasre." rsald"! John fct Brady, "and I have had ho word j from hlin In this matter. I am not pleased, but, of course, it Is possible that X may change my mind later." , , . Mr. and Mra. Weema also were Ignorant of the wedding plans of their-daughter. Tha marriage followed a brief acquaint ance, Miss Weema deciding that she preferred motor cars and a cozy bunga low to the strenuousness of stage life. Miss Weema studied at the Emerson School of " Expression in Boston before going on the stage two years ago. She met Mr. Brady first In Chicago. Matters' Lawyers . Argue for Delay ; in Hearing Case , Lengthy arguments by counsel for Thomas H. Matters, In support of. his motion for a continuance of his case, were made before Federal Judge Page Morris yesterday. Matters to defendant in criminal prose cution brought by the government, fol lowing indictment on numerous counts on tha charge of abstracting funds and Issuing unauthorised certificates of de posit of the First National bank of Sut ton, which 1 alleged to haVe failed bo-, cause of Improper practices by the men connected with It United State District Attorney F. S. Howell argued vigorously in tha afternoon against further postponement of the trial. The defense alleges that It cannot aafely go to .trial for two months, because the government officials have not allowed Matters' lawyers to examine the book and paper of the wrecked bank. The case has already been continued several times. Unless a further rontlnu anc la granted, the trial will begin Mon-' day morning. Red Cross Christmas Seals Now on Sale in" Down Town Stores , 1 1 -i Red.Croes Christmas aeals are now on sale In all tne downtown atorea of Omaha. A little later on -there will be special atands in the postofflce and, other prominent placea with volunteers In charge to give everyone an opportunity to Contribute to the good of the causo. The money thus gathered Is to be used for the prevention and curtailment of tuberculosis among Americans. When application is made by the local com munity M per cent of the proceeds are available for local work and the balance goes to localities where the means are short of the needs. During the last six years Sl.&OO.fttt have been raised by the salo of the red seal sumps, and this money has done immeasurable good In stamping out tha so-called "white plague" in iho United States. RAILROADS LEARN HOW THEY MUST HELP PAY WAR TAX The railroads have received their In struct' ons relative to the war revenue tax. that becomes effective Docember 1. So far as the railroads are concerned each bill of lading must carry a 1-cent revenue stamp. The shippers, consignees or a gen Ik must supply tho stamps, attach and cancel them. All bond Issued after Friday, Nov. 27, 1914. -BURQESS-NASH COMPANY- STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -BURQESS-NASH C0MPANY- -Phone Doug. 137 Safe EwSatarfay f Latent SPECIAL EXHIBITION SATURDAY On our Second Floor of a magnificent collection of fin Imported Fancy Silks, Velours. Novelty Velvets and we Invite tou to come and view thl gorgeous display. . i Many of the material are those from which were made the models shown at the recent Fashion. Fete of "American De signs for American Women" held at the Rlts-Carlton hotel, New York, and are very deslr able for evening and afternoon gowns, tailored suits, evening wraps, waists, etc. The materials vtll be placed On Sale Monday at. About Third the Ileal Value. IMPORTED -'JflEWELR Y NOVELTIE Including Values From $1.50 On Up to $10.00 p HE jewelry offered is nil new mm up-to-date; in fact, it is n lot of samples that we JL secured from a bijnmporter on I? if th avenue, New lork, at a very' low price. They are samples which the importer received from Europe early in the summer, but of which shipment was later cut off. The f't that they are -sample pieces makes the offering: all tho more important, as iu most instances tliere is only one of a kind. Then, too, it affords a splendid opportunity to buy for Christmas gift giving. Here's an idea of what the offering includes: Watch Bracelets Gun Metal Mesh Bags Pearl Beads La Vallieres ' German Silver Mesh Bags Sterling Silver Novelty LaVallieres Jet Chains .. Jet Braid Pins Barret s-Vash Co. Kals. JTloor. 00 . Coin Purses Jet Barrettes Men's Cuff Links and Scarf Pin Sets Gold Knives Vanity Cases Back Combs Novelty Bead Chains Velvet Neck Bands, Etc., Etc. Snrgaaa-sTaak Co. irala Too. at $t0 Dainty New Ideas In NECKWEAR BEAUTIFUL assortment, em bracing the very latest crea tions' the "Douvlet," "Clover Leaf." "Tommy Llptpn," etc, in lace and organdy. For Saturday we feature the Queen Elisabeth collar, very new, at 60c and 25c. Burgess-Wash Co. Main floor. Women's Pure Thread Silk HOSIERY Saturday at 65c and 85c Pair Instead of $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 IT'S another one of the very Important "pickups" made by our repre sentatives' who were recently In the eastern market. A maker's surplus of women V pure ' thread silk hosiery odd lots and what he terms "Irregular!" a little Irregular in the weave, but not seconds. We bought them at a price that enables us to offer you regular ' 11.00, $1 25, $1.50 and $1.75 hosiery for 65c and 85c & pair. Women's $1.00 to $1.25 Bilk Hoae, Gc Pure thread silk hone. Mark or white, with lisle garter tops; full fashioned, regular made foot, high spliced heel and double toe. Women's $1.K0 to $1.75 Silk Hose, PSc Pure thread silk, full fashioned, regular made foot; some have lisle top and all silk throughout; some finished with one or two gold stripes and other colors In black; also plain colors, navy, pearl, bronze, Copenhagen, taupe, green, mahogany, pink, sky blue, etc. Bnrrass-Wash. Co. -Main floor. Women's $2.25 French Kid Gloves In Another Big Sale Saturday $1.15 IT'S the second shipment of t&at very special purchase which was the cause of such active buying a week or ten days ago. Fine quality kid gloves of strictly li.st quality at but a trifle more than half of what the regular price would be If bought In the usual way and right In the face of a scarce market too. The gloves are fine French glace kid, strictly perfect. In black, white, tan, gray, mode green and navy. There's not a pair In the entire assortment that would sell for less than 12.25 the pair. Your choice Saturday, at. the pair, $1-15. - Come Saturday morning and get your share you'll want half a doen pair at this price when you see them. ' ' Borc.ss-ITasli Co Mam rioor. Center aiala In Inexpensive Waists There's Nothing So Desirable as "Wirthmor" Models at $1.00 YES, desirable, for they're always correctly styled and serviceable, fcr unlike most inexpensive waists. . - . . ra n they're'carefully and dependably made. Many women Have learned that it's a wise economy to buy several of these waists and Ihey return again and again to see the new models as they are placed on sale. There's four new styles to choose from weekly; they're always sold at just $1.00, though they're always worth more. , The new arrivals on sale Saturday. Importer's Stock of Art Needle Work Goods at a Remarkable Reduction A TIMELY rale offering placet in art needlework goods In the most part at but a fraction of what the regnlar price would be, and at a time when you are anticipating Christmas gifts, too. ',, . $4.00 to $8.00 Embroidered Centerpieces, $3.08 f. Center pieces embroidered in elaborate designs; rose, violet, poppy and conventional. Worked with fiber silk and finished with hand-, made cluny lace, fringe and novelty braid edges. , v $1.00 to $S.OO Pillow Tops and Barks, $2.28 Finished edges, elaborate hand embroidered designs of all stylet. French eyelet and Dresden designs In floral and conventionale. ; . $340 to $10.00 Hand-Made Scarfs, $2.2ft Sizes 20x45 and 20x54, and hand-made, finished in the newest tyle edging;, Imported French rose and braid designs. $3.60 to $5.00 Dresses for Infants and Children, $1.05 , Best quality nainsook with dainty French embroidered designs; ready for use. . Also dresses in linens, white, pink and blue, embroid ered elaborately. A large line of styles. ; $3.00 to $JV0O All-Linen Towela it $1.1)8 Embroidered and crochet edges with monogram and French em broidery designs in white and colors. $:t.OO to $6.00 Hand Kmbroldetvd Undergarments, $1.08 Undergarments, hand embroidered and made up, all sices, in gowns, chemise, corset covers, drawers and skirts., $4.00 to $0.00 Linen Pillow Canes, $3.7A pair ' Embroidered In white. French embroidery. A large number of designs, extra Jarge size. , ,. , Bur .-Wash Oo Third Floor. Women's Dress SHOES With a Com bination of Style and Comfort, $3.50 IF you want real snap, style and fit combined in one shoe, we have just what 3rou are look- The shoes are mane from selected leath- in patent, dull and vici kid, either plain or tipped toes, medium weight flexible sewed aoles and Spanish Louis and Cuban heels. As to the quality, they are the best that can be produced at the price pair. $3.50. ' Misses' and Children's Fine Hress Shoes Real dressy styles for misses and children, in pat ent ana aim learners, black cloth and kid tops, plain or tipped toes, flexible sewed oak soles. Children's aUes 8 J, to 11, at. ..... . .$2.50 Misses' Ues 11U to 2, at $2.73 Bnrgaas-sTaek Co Mala Floor. Specials for Saturday CARNATIONS, 2c Ea. Frsh cut, Iocs' at.m, asortd colors ami white; special at Cut Klowsr aao lion, each S Borgses-aTaak Ca. Mala 71oor. HANDKERCHIEF Store Now Ready GREAT piles of snowy, lovely things, such dainty, "giv able" affairs you will want to make out your ChrlBtmas Hat at once. Prices are all the way from 5c, for the simplest sort, to $25. Ou for that exquisite one of real lace. Special for Saturday p 10c Handkerchiefs. 5c Women's linen lawn, jrood size. witu colored roll hem. Handkerchiefs at 10c Women's tine lawn, hemstitch ed: also with assorted colored borders. , ' Handkerchiefs at Be ' Men's linen lawn and colored borders, very special. Handkerchiefs, 8 for fiOc , Men's colored Initial handker chiefs; come 8 In a box. Bargees-Baaa Co. Mala rioor. CHOICE n. Values $1.50 to $10 Charming Fur Trimmed Broadcloth Suits at $19.50 For Saturday That Are $35 Values RICH, new. creations, chuck full of style, distinctive and individual. Mado with the new short model coats and full plain flare skirts. The material is a fine quality of broadcloth in a range of colors that will please almost anyone. Tailored Suits at $13.95 Made of serge and cheviot, finely tailored 5 sev eral very pleasing styles for selection. Black, navy, brown and plum. - Exquisite Dresses for Afternoon and Street Wear, Regular $16.50 tc $35.00 Values, Saturday at $10.90 and $19.50. The dresses represent the season's very newest ideas in style, materials faud colors, and the range of selection affords very unusual opportunities for buying a handsome dress for street or afternoon wear at an extremely low price. Fine serges, silks, velvets and satins have been employed in the making, in plain or combination effects. Rome have full flare tunic skirts with panne velvet vests and fur trimmings; other vel vet and satin combinations. . Scores of pleasing styles in the most favored colors. A Remarkable Selection of Women's and Misses' Coats at $15.00 and $19.50. Remarkable from the standpoint of variety, as well as value. - Made of plain cloth,, mixtures,, ilbellnea, etc., la new flare styles, with or, without belU; large. collars and cuffs. i . . Girls' Dresses at $2.98 For Affes 6 to 14 Years. . Made of corduroy and serge, In a splendid line of colors. Masque styles. Bnrr.sa-sTasn Co. Bsoond Floor. Girls' Goats at $5.00 , ' For Ages 8 to 14 Years Heavy cheviot, with collar' and cuffs of plaid; combination storm collar. Barraaa-Wasli Co a.oond Floor. ing for . ; I I era, Boys' Long, Warm CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS, Saturday at $4,98 JUST the sort of overcoat the boy wants. .Made of good quality of Chinchilla, in sizes 0 to 17 years. Ulster style, with shawl collar and belted backs. Ulue only, very special Children's. Overcoats, $3.45 to $12.50 Chinchillas, Cheviots, Tweeds and Imported Homespuns in the latest models and colorings. Boys' Winter Suits, $3.45 to $16.50 Latest models and patterns of the season, Single breasted Nor folk s in cheviots, tweeds, homespuns and worsteds. Every suit guar anteed to give satisfaction. Boys' Warm Sweaters at $5.00 Boys' Shaker. Sweaters In blue, brown, Oxford and bottle green, pure worsted; special at $5.00. - Barg-sas-sTasli o Tourta rioor. Here He Is Once More Bless His Dear Old Heart Dear Old Saint ar- s morn- , X HE rived on time thl lng, and after paradin through many of the streets, holding receptions to the little folks and grownups, too, he returned to the "tore where be swung open the gates of Toy Town so that every- f body, big or little, might come to t see and enjoy. And such a buszlng and whirring such an uproar as came from tm land of make believe. Trains whls ting around sharp corners; men of war and submarines in battle array; dolls that talk, dolls that walk; walking animals, too all waiting to entertain their very welcome guests, the little folks of Omaha. Then there's Santa Claus who comes through the sky in his aero plane, hovers over some little boy or girl's home, descends down the chimney, fills the stockings and away again. But we'ehan't tell you another word This Is Just a peep to children far and near Santa Claus bids you a welcome as big as the store. A Gift for Every Child Accompanied by an Adult The Millinery Event of the Season Unrestricted Choice of Any Trimmed Hat in the Millinery Store Saturday $5.00 Including Hats That Were Priced $10 to $25 THINK of it, choice of this' great array of new creations ... hats ' that have been trimmed up within the past week or ten days. "Putty" Hits ' Whit Hts "Sand Color fHets Corl8M Mat ; "American Ba&uty LHI&ta But coma and aa tnr vnnfuif . beautiful display here ready for you come and realize the true Importance of ' the values offered. t t . Barf aaa-ITaah Co aoa4 fwp Kim Reduction on Bucks Base Burners Continues Saturday S47.50 $49.50 $55.00 $57.50 BUCK'S Bate Burner has a double base which gives it twice the hot air ctrcnlatlon of any base burner on the market. This causes , It to deliver twice the amount of heat with the same amount of coal. .' Buck's Base Burner, rerulexljr 160.00, Saturday Buck's Baaa Burner, ratularl? ' 113.00, Saturday ,. Buck'a Baaa Kumar, rafularly 170.00, Saturday ...... Buck'a Baaa Burner, regularly , $75.00. Saturday Hlg-h grade Cedollne Hardwood Floor Polishing- Mop. worth 15c, Saturday ., , 4o Waxlt Furniture Polish, regular 36c vals., Bat. Iaa Extra nlft) trade nickel or copper finish Chaflr.V Uiahes SS.00 Coffee Machlnea, nickel or copper finish, extra, hlsi trade as.OO Aluminum Coffee Perculator, first quality, t-quart alsa, Saturday , 9lM Oaaserole, large alsa, worth 1 2.80, Saturday ,,,, S1.S9 Casserole, email else, worth 11.25. H&turday , ,.; ee Klectrio Irons, tuarantead quality ..ta.M Holl man Pood Chopper, No. Jl. Saturday gse Hollmon Food Shoppers. No. XI. Saturday. ......suo Holtman rooa norpers, no. it, Saturday..., 7c Burteaa-sTaaa Co. aasemeat. BUBfiESS"WASH CJOMBrOT "EVERYBODY'S STORE" in FREE Lessons in ART Embroidery for Children Are tlven by a oompatent Inatructar every Saturday morning, from to IT aduUs. la to I p. in. . torgees-srasti Oov -Ikirf rioor.