Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 5

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    Tim m:i:, dmaha, Vhihav. .November 27. tan.
Mutt Should Forget it Was the Last Thursday in November
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud"Fisher
J iiKX F0? V , ' '
CHOP J rHG Ut) &0N TecLML J - , ' ' , ll 4j
V . I INTO THB wfVP. T,Rv, ( M THfSvXSClVllNt .
jf ' plp
I 1 , . '
I - .i ... - mm
South Dakota Barely Beats Creigh
ton by 9 to 7 Score.
cstly Fwmbles Near Goal Line and
Dad fteneratshlp Prevent LocI
Scoring; When Tunchdnirui
Were In Stftbt.
To a Turk) day buttle which bristled
with open and spectacular plays, the
south Dakota Coyotes escaped by a
fang's breadth with the annual battle
with Creighton university on Creighton
field yesterday afternoon. The climax
of th big battle was a thriller, and the
crowd of 5.000 people were screaming
wildly for the local boys to win. With
the score 9 to 7 against them, and with
five seconds to play, Creighton lined up
for the final scrimmage, with the Coyote
posu thirty yards distant. Tamlsiea, the
big linesman who does the drop-kicking
for the Blue and White, dropped back
and prepared for a try at the distant
posts. Before he was quite prepared,
liurford sent the ball sailing back, and
Tamlsiea In a desperate effort sent the
ball hurtling toward the bar. To many
in the stands it seemed to clear the bar,
but it really flew a foot wide and the big
game was' over.
Score First Toachdowa.
For the first time In history Creighton
scored a touchdown on South Dakota.
It came In the last quarter, with about
three minutes to play and was of the
hnlr-ralsing variety. Creighton had bat
tled the Coyotes In South Dakota terri
tory for three quarters and could not
score. Plats, the demon halfback on the
Blue and White, standing on his own
thirty-yard line,' threw a long forward
pass to Captain Bill Brennan on South
Dakota's tlilrty-five-yard -line. Although
two Coyotes snagged Brennan, he es
caped both and flew the remaining yards
' for a touchdown. Amidst a landslide of
applause Tamlsiea booted a goal.
Creighton Forces Play.
The result of the game does not indi
cate the brand of ball displayed by the
two teams. With the exception of the
first quarter Creighton had the ball in
Coyote territory most of the time, and
on several occasions Ferguson of the
visitors punted from behind his own goal
linn. Creighton lost the game because of
poor generalship when near the' Coyote
soul and because of fumbling early In the
Both of the Coyotes' counters came In
the first quarter. After two minutes of
play Ferguson kicked, and both Plats
and Carrlg fumbled the ball and Potts
of Dakota recovered. Vldal booted a
drop from the twenty-yard line.
Following a fumble by Shannon, Wllley
recovered the ball and line plunges car
ried it near to Crelghton's goal. On. a
fourth down Arehart was offside and
Creighton lost five yards and it was still
South Dakota's ball and another chance
at goal. Parliman carried it near the
line and Ferguson plunged across. Potts
missed goal.
The first quarter ended with the ball In
Crelghton's possession on the Coyotes'
forty-yard llr.e.
1 'hoi tile ls Costly.
In the second quarter Creighton carried
tiio ball roar the Coyoto goal. Carrig
was tackled, threw the ball along the
ground to Piatx, who packed it up and
s!:ot It to Arehart cn the two-yard line.
This latter gentleman promptly muffed
tho bull and a chance, for a touchdown
a as lest. The quarter ended after Vldal
had carried the ball on a thlrty-flve-yard
run around left end. on a criss-cross, to
Crelghton'a twelve-yard line.
The third quarter was all Crelghton's
TI1.1 Creijjhtun line which had not been
to brUiiuot In its defence, threw back
the rushes of Vldal and while
tho Creighton ends downed the fleet Par
liman and Vldal. Plata was hurt when
nls head struck violently against the
I'.ard earth, but the game little bolrback
would not !-ave the fray.
Blue nud White Seem Dasrd.
Another touchdown was lost to Creigh
ton when a forward pass from Plats to
Brennan fell Into Parllman's arms and
the. little Irishman was downed on his
own one-yard line. On the following pxiy
l'.ur'nrd blocked Ferguson's punt and the
i-UI fell 011 South Dakota's ten-yard line.
While Creighton men looked on a Coyote
pounced 011 the ball.
Forward passes and lino plunges by
Vise and Shannon carried the ball to the
1 oyote three-yard line. With three yards
lu go on the final down, and with the
grandstand Streaming for a touchdown,
a forward pass over the line failed.
Vidal tried a drop kick from the fifty
and another from the forty-three yard
.mark, but both failed.
Ksrly in the game Tamlsea tiled a drop
from the thirty-three yard line, but
Plats, as U'saal, Stars.
For the Coyotes Vidal was the best
ground gainer. Parliman played a pretty
game, at quarter. For Creighton the work
of Plats at half, Wise at full and Bren
nun's reception of forward passes fea
lurod. Tamlsea's kicking was superior to
Vldal's, while Creighton made more head
way at the forward pass game than tho
Coyotes, who are noted for thla style of
1.1 Of
WUnt ,ko t u-ebca Had to S.y. j r"aC 01 S U iI0re WW
Couch Miller of Creighton: We shuulu sistifole Attack of LoCftls.
have beaten tbem. But for the mislays ! -
In the first hulf when near their .oal.jxjjj W0RK pftQVES AN AID
we would have scored 6 r oral limes. Our j
uj b frui uie uuhl .usc oi uij year
and should have won.
Coach Cortrlght of South Dakota: Per
fectly satisfied. Would bavo been
lighted with a one-point victory.
ch;ihton. 1 SOLTll DAKOTA
menu. (O.) 1.1.R:
CoMchinu,' of Tom ml e Mills Trans
forms Osiska Imto Improved
Team aud l,no lloys
.ctcr Hnd t'baacc.
i amtlea
I UurVurJ
1 Arvhurt
1 Ou-rlg
, 1 lati
....n.o !Uo....
.....R.T.I I..T....
U.K., UK.... .y.B....
..O. Hunter
.... U4n ly
....a. l'otta
.. H. nrou.a
.W. WiUay
. E. Hanol
...G. Vlilal
....O. Sprau
Karsuaon 1C)
Houlh IJaKOta. Duiuhii lor
eprague at left half, Conway for Man
ary at right guard, Harmon for uuman
at left half, Duncan for Brooks at left
guard, Manlcy for Hengel at lett end,
Manary tor Horner at right tackle, tion
dolio for Parliman at quarter. Touch
downs. Fersuson, Brennan. Drop kick:
Vldal. Referee: W. H.. Klsenmann of
Kenyon college, Ohio. Umpire: Ous
Uraham of Grlnnell. Head linesman Wil
liam Brennan of Ames. .
Sioux Falls High
' Plays the Wendell
Phillips to Tie
Bruised und bleedlm; umlir a teirtblo
purplo and white avalanche that brooked
no Opposition, Lune Tech, one of the
prides of Chicago, tasted ignominious tle
feut at the hands of Tommle Mills' gal-
j. fariinnui iunt littlo band of Omaha warriors yes
terday, 10 to '3. Heralded as a squad of
assassins who would sweep all before,
the I.ane men fought hard, but they were
like pygmies trying to stop a giant.
Battered and frayed, the Lane line
crumpled like paper before the well-sustained
attacks of the Omaha lads and
Johnson, Lutes, Berry, Morearty and Wil
son followed through the great, gaping
holes made by the Incomparable line for
yard after yard and first down after
first down. Occasionally Quarterback
Nichols called for a forward pass and in
variably long gains were made by the
aerial route with Lutes heaving the pig
skin, and Wlthey or Wilson on the re
ceiving end.
Came, a Gripping Display.
Both teams fought with a determina
tion that made the fray an exhibition of
the most gripping foot ball seen around
these parts In many a day. Combative,
maneuvering and plodding with untiring
nd fighting with Uger-llke
i.OUX FALLS, S. D.. Nov. 26.-(8pe-clal
Telegram.) Sioux Falls High school,
6; Wendell Phillips. Chicago, 6.
Playing a tie game. Sioux .Falls High
school and Wendell Phillips High school ambition
today gave one of the best exhibitions j ferocity the match was fought, but al-
of foot ball seen on the local grounds ways with Omaha earning an advantage.
this season. The Wendell Phillips team Omaha drew first blood in the opening
played open plays and the forward pass 'period when Lutes booted a drop kick
to perfection, but Sioux Falls beat them through the poets from the twenty-five
on offensive work. Chicago had the ball
on the four-yard line when the whistle
Chicago was the first to score six.
Sioux Falls made a nice forward pass the
last quarter for a touchdown, tying the
core. Chicago on Its touchdown failed
to -Ick goal.
Chicago started the game with great
energy and threatened to sweep all before
it, but Sioux Falls settled down to the
same sort of spirited playing and every
Inch of ground was hotly contested
Haskell Indians Lose
To Oklahoma Eleven
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. M.-Uslng
forward passes with end runs and trick
plays, the Oklahoma university foot ball
team piled up a 33 to 13 score agalnet
the Haskell Indians here today. Each
team scored a. touchdown In the opening
period. After that the Oklahomans gave
a wonderful exhibition' of open field work
and won with ease.
yard line. That score galvanised Omaha
into a band of Irresistlbles. If they were
peppery before they were demoniacal now.
In the second quarter a touchdown was
pushed over and in the third period a
second touchdown was counted and Lane
could but make one field goal on points.
Game Starts Blow.
The play opened slow, neither team
quite sure of itself. But gaining confi
dence Omaha started to run the ball and
Lutes slipped his kick over for the first
Invoice of points.
A few minutes later Lutes cast the
ball high over the heads of the Lane
men. The ball sailed fast and true to
the Irrepressible Wlthey, who had Just
entered the gome. Wlthey made a clean
catch and was not downed until forty
yards had been made. Then the quarter
Toachdowa Scored.
Soon after the second quarter opened
Lutes punted far into Lane's territory.
Blucltt touched the ball on the bound
and Wilson, sneaking down the field like
a frightened rabbit, fell on the ball on
Lane's fifteen-yard line. The backfleld
was called into action and the ball was
pushed up under the shadow of Lane's
goal post. Phillips carried the ball on
a tackle through tackle play and fumbled,
but Captain Berry, ever alert for mis
haps, recovered over the goal line for the
touchdown which made the score 9 to 0.
After the kickoff Omaha again started
to work the ball toward Lane's goal, but
Pennsylvania Loses, Twenty-four to
Twelve, on Home Ground..
Vlailofs Do ot I'lay with naooth
neas that la Ksprolrd, Fumbles
and Penalties taaalsg
!, of Groand.
PHILADKLPIIIA. Nov. 2C.-Oomell de
feated Pennsylvania In their annual game
on Franklin Field here today, U to 12. In
an Interesting but loosely played contest.
The Quakers gave the Ithacans a bad
Ncare in the Ihlnl period when, with the
score 10 to 0 against them, they reversed
the form Ihey had shown and before
Ccrnell eould recover Its equilibrium
Pennsylvania had forged to the front. K
to 10. The Quakers, however, did not hold
the lead long, for Cornell again put Its
scoring machine In motion and when tho
period had ended the visitors again had
the advantage, 17 to 1J.
Cornell was looked upen aa an easy
winner and the switching of the lead to
Pennsylvania and then back again to the
Ithaca team threw a lot of life Into the
game and gave the supporters of each
side a good chance to cheer.
Lark Kspeeted Kmoothneaw.
Cornell did not play with the smooth
ness that was exected. Fumbles and
penalties caused It Ions of much ground.
The visitors showed the power of being
able to score, however, and barring the
fumbles were seldom stopped In their
Forward passs greatly aided in scoring
two touchdowiB. In fact the Quakers''
overhead playing was as fine as has been
aoen here tills season.
for Munstck, McCutcheon for Anderson,
Hill for Phllllppl. Klelnert for Hill.
Philllppl for Klelnert. Anderson for Mo
Cutcheon, Munslrk for TU'ey, Collins for
Collyer, Snydor for Munslck. Mc
Cutcheon for -Anderson, Inuts for Bhel
ton. Jnnileson for OalloRlv: Pennsylvania,
Moffet for Mathews, Wltherow for Nor
wald, Avery for Tucker, Merrill for Mur-diK-k,
Seolhach for Hnpklne. Hopkins for
ieelbach, (totwala for Koekefeller, Seel
bach for Hopkins, Nnrwald for Harris,
Hochefeller for (Jotwals, Dorlias for Hen
nlng, Price for eelbach. Mathews for
Moffet, ITniuhart for Koons, Koous for
Uurquhart, Wray for Rockefeller. .
Becomes Missouri Valley Champion
Team by Beating- Topeka.
Brown Wins from
Carlisle Indians,
Twenty to Fourteen
PROVIDENCE. Nov. .-New and ver
satile foot ball enabled Brown to defeat
r Carlisle, SO to 14, today; Burled under a
core of 20 to 0, the Indians, fighting
gamely, outplayed the home eleven de
cisively in the last quarter. - On straight
foot ball they twice marched nearly th4
length of the field for touchdowns. Ca
lac, in addition to carrying the ball across
the goal line In both Instances, kicked the
Calao was the Indiana' only consistent
ground gainer and his kicking waa a
feature. Brown outclassed Carlisle In the
first half of the game.
A series of fumbles gave Brown a
touchdown near the start of the game.
With the ball deep In Carlisle's territory,
Pratt of the Indians dropped the ball on
a pass. Gordon recovered It and ran
behind Carlisle's goal posts, where he
fumbled. Ormaby saved the touchdown
by falling on the ball. Gordon kicked
Brown scorod Its second touchdown
within a minute after the opening of the
second period. The quarter started with
lh. festl 1. 1 1 , 1
fSf.1. r"' Z after a few lay. Brown tun-
back, tallied on a long forward pass
from Oordon and a ten-yard run. Gor
don kicked the goal. Wallette Inter
cepted a forward pass in the shadow of
the Carlisle goal and prevented another
score toward the end of the period.
FAIRBURY. Neb., Nov. 26.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The Fairbury High school
foot ball eleven concluded the season by
losing to the high school alumni. Supe- 1 this time to fail. The plskln was car
lor weight of the alumni team counted , ried to th twenty-five-yard line from
In their favor. The high school made wh-.r no further gains could be made,
their score on a sensational fumble I Luies attempted another drop Ulck. but
catch by Lea, resulting in a seventy
yard run and touchdown, lleusty and
Munn were the stars of the alumni, and
Ia and Wilkinson for the high school
Score, 13 to 7.
it was blocked and Kuop, the star of the
Iane team, snapped up the ball and ran
forty yards toward his goal before downed
by Berry and Koreirty.
latatc Makes Field Gnnl.
'p. " . j But Lena could not gain anj nijoitt
UAbt. UtrEAl E.D BY dropped bark to boot a field goal from tho
WESTERN RESERVE TEAM j llm for lona lhro
1 winnna tor tne third time atnrtcd a
! rush toward Lane's goal after the klck-
, off. A beautifully executed forward pass
Jrom Lutes to Neville netted forty yards,
placing tho ball on Lane's ten-yard line.
But Omaha fumbled sod Captain Baer
picked up the ball and started for his
own goul. He had a good lead and he
sped over the chalk marks with the
swiftness of a deer. From out of thd
mess of athletes little Wilson was seen
to emerge. After the flying Baer went
Wilson, and after a chase of eighty
yarJs he tackled Baer on the ten-yard
line. Just then the whistle blew, ending
the half and Lane's last chance was gone.
Fumble la Costly.
in in imra quarter umana started a
CLKVELAND, O., Nov. 2C.-Vestern
Reserve defeated Case, 14 to (, In their
twenty-second annual rrldirrA duel thin
afternoon. Reserve relic! oieam work;
Case on Individual ability and trick
plays. Reserve scored in the second and
third quarters, Case getting Its only
touchdown six minutes before final time
was called.
Wither kicked goal.
Lane Tech., S.
Score: Omaha. 16;
see-sawed up and down the field.
Features of the period were a forty-two-yard
pass, Shuler to Shelton, for a Cor
nell touchdown that was not allowed be
cause of an Illegal forward pass, and a
try at a field goal by Barrett, which was
blocked. In this period also Cornell was
penalised thirty-five yards, half the dis
tance to Its goal line for Illegal substitu
tion. Score: Cornell, 10; Pennsylvania, a
cares Two Toatkdowsi,
Pennsylvania showed real foot ball
ability in the third period, scoring two
touchdowns. Getting the ball on their
own -forty-one-yard line on a punt, the
Quakers carried it on line plunges and
end plays fifteen yards from the Cornoll
goal. Hero Averv. nlavlnar tnr Ttirkr
Knop was the brightest satellite on the 1"t forward pass to Merrill, who
vUitlng squad. Playing right end on o.'-1 tu'led across th goal for a touch
feni,e. the husky Chicago man played, on ! down- failed to goal. Forward
the defense either tackle, either guard Pu,'" Kav" Pennsylvania Us second
or center as he saw fit, and time an(j ! touchdown.
e.ain ne broke through the Omaha lino 1 Jn th 0I'iicll eleven mark Avery
Cornell. He Contributed 17 of Cornell s 24
points and slopped many of Pennsylva
nia's plays.
Kirks Rasy Field Coal.
In the first period Cornell worked the
ball to Pennsylvania's thirteen-yard line,
and here the hobie team held. Barrett
of Cornell then dropped back and kicked
an easy field goal. I
Phillips, who took Hill's place for Cor
nell, fumbled at the opening of the sec
ond period and loat the ball on Pennsyl
vania's eleven-yard mark. Pennsylvania
failed to make any Impression against
Cornell's line and punted to Cornell's
forty-yard line. The Ithacans resorted toil
straight hard line plunging and carried R0LLA MINERS PUT
the ball to a touchdown by Barrett- Bhu- ciino lisinr-n - 1 aiiim
ler kicked the goal. SKIDS UNDER ST. LOUIS
For the remainder of the period the ball
ins t'p -Pert y-Oae Points, While
Topeka Is 1'nahle to . Cross
' fioa Llae for Single ,
LINCOLN, Nov. 2.- Special Telegram.)
Lincoln , High school established' Its
claim to the Missouri ralley champion
Ship by defeating the Topeka High school,
41 to 0. Nearly 1,000 people aaw the
game. Rough work characterised the play,
although no one was Injured. .
Lincoln's fast backfleld gained at wilt
through the Topeka line and around the
ends. Frappla, the Lincoln star, was put
out of the game for slugging.
Lawrence High
Edges Out Ahead
in Beatrice Game
BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 26.-(8pecial
Telegram.) In a fiercely fought game
here today, Iiwrence High school, Kan
sas champions, defeated Beatrice High,
IS to V
. After three scoreless quarters, Lupher
went over for Lawrence's first touch
down, following a fumble near the Beat
rice goal. Beatrice rallied and also
crossed the goal from Bchults's thlrty-flve-yard
run. Goal was missed.
In the Is st few minute of play Greas
intercepted a Beatrice pass, dashing
thirty yards for a touchdown, goal being
missed. Attendance. 8,000. Lineup:
Kaundvra ,
Htubba ....
I Vaaoionill
I Laalatt
Wood wars
The Indians scored soon after the be- 1 l.uhar
ginning or the rinal period. The quar
ter opened with the ball In Brown's ter
ritory, and Carlisle, by plugging the op
position line for small but consistent
gains, obtained a touchdown. Caliu!
crossed the line and kit ged goal,
the end of the period Calao
scored and kicked another goal.
Play Last Game for Omaha.
Six men played their last game for
Omaha. Lutes. Johnson. Berry, Beard,
Wlthey and Wilson all will graduate in
the spring. Ai played wonderful foot
wui ana deserve unlimited praise.
and nailed runners for big losses.
mad a perfect pass to Koons, who
followed ths ball Ilka a hawk I caught the ball as ho dashed over th-
very play. He exhibited the neatest bit ' cul iine nd put ,'ennslvanla In th
of line work seen In a h'gh school foot'"u1' Averjr ,Bil1 ut a'- A fw
bull game, and If it had net been fo-' Utr ,Mt'r Cor"e11 uBln wcnt from,
hla indomitable efforts Onv.lia would ! tuUine v',nt on itH own forty-flv-yard
undoubted!;,- have run uo a mn. h I ""' "e" ran through the Pennsyl-
acore. , w'e',r vanla team for fifty-five yards and a
NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. SS.-fSpncial
Telegram.) The Norfolk High school
team closed the foot ball season' this aft
ernoon by defeating the Lincoln Araies.
34 to 7. It was the Aggies' first defeat fourth rush for touchdown, but this time
of the seaaon. The Norfolk team has .failed throuh a coatlv fumhU xinr,,-iv
been beaten once this season, by Lincoln,
fc to 7, early In the season.
Bancroft Trli
LYONS. Neb.. Nov.
as Lyasi,
26. Kt,M.ful Tol-
gram. A great, enthusiastic crowd saw
Lancroft defeat Lyona today. Both aides
fl1iBiy'l ?c,1nt game, but a little
n"k,"L Vyr'.n" "' tn victory to
Bancroft. 21 to 7.
M hole Tfmiii 11-. .
J-?. Uan' de'e'v unbounded
lho line held on the
credit for its work.
?ccre: Cornell 17; Pennsvl-
on, Peterson. Beard,
y, all played the foot ball of their'
tlve carvers nml i., w.
vaiilo. 12,
Forward Passes lel.
Urilltant forwsrd Dosses holtied Penn.
! SVlvAllta tn ram, IK- ln t U. t .
- " ' " J ' wnil ,1 ( 1 1 1 U ICU.V J T I -
rfl... - . . .
a.iu uiocKed 00 tho off. m m !
.. - w , , , 11-- ,
Koe-. Philip. l" '
'ant h,ii ,u." Ita frm its own thirty-yard line to Cor
tl B.
Kline 01
J. Kllpatrtrk Ul
C. Kllpatrlrk
. ....Harman. ltkm
l-H Bohnai
K.B Day
twalvn I?mrl.
Wallgh Of Lincoln. Head HnnmiH' f , a
of Omaha. ..
Q B...
Notre Dame Defeats
The Syracuse Eleven
SYRACUSE, N. T.. Nov. H.-Terrlflu
Plunges by Fullbach Eichenlauh lnl th
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26. The Rolla School heavy Syracuse line of forwards .nH fre-
or Alines eleven, with a preponderance of i quent fumbles by the Orange enabled
weight, muscle and gridiron skill over the
Bt. Louis university team, defeated, the
latter. 63 to 0, here today.
In the last five minutes St. Louis twice
carried the ball to Roll a' s fifteen-yard
line nad once the locals tried a place
kick; the miners, however, blocked the
kick, gained the ball and advanced about
thirty yards on the same play.
Injuries, penalties and disbarments were
numerous. Left Tackle Copley, the
miners' bes. ground gainer, was taken out
for slugging, as ' were also Welch and
Gross of St. Louis. Halfback Imlay of
Rolla suffered a fractured jaw In the
second quarter, but returned during th
next quarter and tore the Ht. Louis line
to pieces. ' 1
respective carvers and ir, k- . . ! twenty-tlgla-yard mark, when
Khould also come in for J'enn,,rvnl' hlrty-lght-yard line. The
glory The effects r L. ; Ithatan" nal'ed the ball to the ten-ysrd I
could manilestlv lZ JZ ar'. ?"c"ny'v"" .. Cornell!
"ii-nois, Neville, Berry,
scone dually as bright.
juiuuiie .Mills hhould all
nis snare of tho
tlon displayed by ;U Inon. u w
much Improved team that played Lane
and Coach Tommle Is the ,,, who did
the work.
The lineup:
ouaiu 1
Johnson and ,,. , ... """-"vc-ra" un oy tol-
.,.. v. w,n, 11 lo uuv snce me oau to
W1HXER, Nov. Z4-(ieclal Telegram.)
Wianer Cornfeda defeated the Univer
sity of Nebraska freshmen team thla aft
ernoon, by a score of 27 to 0. From the
very beginning the Wianer eleven had
the better of the visitors. The latter,
however, acquitted thcmaelvea in splen
did style and. took their defeat in a cool
manner. Local followers of the gridiron
were profuse In the commendation of
the visitors as sportsmen and declared
they were the finest bunch of fellows that
ever played Wlsner.
I . :
Notre Dame to defeat Syracuse today by
a score of JO to 0.
Notre Dame's first score followed a
Syracuse fumble on the twelve-yard line.
In the final period the Syracuse defense
was shattered and Notre Dame literally
marched down the field
A series of forward passes one brought
the ball to the shadow of the Notre Darae
goal, but the home eleven .was unable to
cross the line.
Britons Will Not
Suppress Foot Ball
LONDON, Nov, "S!:The situation' at
present does not demand legislation for
the suppression of foot ball," said Pre
mier Aoqulth in the House of Commons
today, replying to a quesUOn as to
w-hethcr such a move waa under way. A
The premier added that negotiations wjth
the foot ball magna tea were progressing,
from which satisfactory results were ex
pected. .
The sgitatlon against foot ball because
It is interfering with recruiting continues
in the British press.
HASTINGS. Neb.. "Nov. M.(8pee1al
Telegram.) Hastings college closed Its
foot ball season today by defeating Kear
ney Normal. 20 to It Both of Kearney's
touchdowns resulted from fumbles, one
coming after a run of sixty yards and
the other after one of seventy..
ine sensational feature was Pettorf's
dodged and squirmed his way for forty
yards on the kickoff from bis ten-yard
line for the middle of the field. A for
ward pass. Lutes to Wilson, netted first
duwna. Thn Mnr..Hv . w. ! Nlrhoia
.., ...v. .limiuvicu uuriy jrarcis to ine
fhllhpa .
hrd . . .
Kmm ...
Beware of Cheap Bahafltates.
In these days of keen competition It Is
Important that the public should see that
they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
anj not take substitutes sold for th
sake of extra profit. Chamberlain's
three-yard line. But Nichols fumbled the
next pees, due to Knop breaking through
ani throwing him In the act of passing,
and Larie recovered the escaping ball.
Lane punted out of danger and Omaha
returned the punt. When Lane tried to
run the ball. Lutes intercepted a for
ward paaa on the forty-five-yard line.
A forward pass from Lutes to Wlthev
"""" nemeoy nas stood the teat and netted thirty yards and Nichols added
been approved for more than forty years seven more. Lutes wss then nuah. ..i.-
Cbtainablo everywherc-Advertisement- for the final touchdown of the year.
Harry (C )
touchdown :
W K.ILE t.iut
'.'.il'o lit O.
. L T ! K.T
. 1..K 1(1 K
..I-H Ik.II
, 1 niji, i.utca
Uaar (P.)
... rW-ftrotdtr
.... LmbrlKii
... flckarlDg
.(. Taompaoa
v h ' ""I"1 ultitutes: Omaha
Withey for Morearty. Morearty for John-
Morearty. Morearty for Withev. flrud
xuJrl:ng"J0'"u "Vnan for Peter..,,,.
ML tl1 foI Berd; Lana Tech.. Mitchell
for Hehroeder. Lurch for Puden. I'aden
f.,r Pickering. Feferoe: Halllsran, N.
t,,r,,,i'w ,T,"P'r: Caldwell. iu,0ett.
Iluad linesian: Lofgrun, Nebraska. Time
of quartera: 15:00.
Allan ...
) Haaxa
llarratt .
huler ..
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl.. Nov. 28.-A
- BLf O a4 frxaaasa -.a ai a . . . . I a J ai I
at a f old goal by Barrett. Pennsylvania ! I 1" JT J!' ?J , 7 r"n ot yard, for a touchdown
worked the ball to It. own forty-flve-y.rd ' .oi' hJ w n 7 '" f' receiving a punt. Two hundred
line, where It lost It on down., then Cor- V- "ttm' be,WM" Oklahoma Kearney people and a band accompanied
nell plugged Pennsylvania's line .gain for I ZT Z, h . v'olor"0 w,',cn lr, normal tem-
another touchdown. Phllllpl carried It ! 0kU,no,n team won, 7 to 0, when The game closed the first year of Max
over und Barrett kicked goal. Final .'T' uartrb,ok' klcke - Old Towle. x-Cornhusker. a. coach. During
score: Cornell. 24; Pennsylvania. 12. j ,,yl oot baU w"" umt mot'y y both the season his team has won four Im.
Llnrun sr, ...nimsr ' team.. - portant games by the total score of 110
f OHNKU.-24 I pcnnsYLVania-ii. ! : ' " . I lo "' two and lost but one. the Ut.
CHRISTIAN BROTHERS Ur to Wesleyan. next to which Hastings
Harria . . I h.ia th ... .
. vi me state conier-
ence teoms. The lineup:
; f; shun.
" Hygas
;;.": S.a:;;.,":2
21 " I
. g. C'aoaaroai
iv.v.fcl? r. -.v-.r rC wJ
nulu u . "
u,,t..i....iAM.. ' i.. ...... aaaj
Clurker: Key More. Work and
UK ...
y b ...
.. .K O.
.. . K.T
.. .g b
,..K H
Mcore by periods: l today. In the second quarter Sacksteder,
Cornell. S. 7 7. 724: Pennsylvania 0. 0. I ths local right halfback, dodged ten
II. O-ll Referee: N. A. Tufts. Brown. t.rkUra .i.,l k. j
ran seventy-five yards for a touchdown.
. Roaaall
ST. LOCIS, Nov. 26.-The Dopsuw uni
versity from Green Csstle, Ind., offered
little resistance to Christian Brothers
J. Bltner
Herk.lallar am . . , Tamllaaua
Ttirkar - ' - " .v.vj vm v v iitti a? UM -
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
I mplre: V. L. Fults. Brown. Llnetman:
W. R. Okeson. Lehiajh.. Field Judge: J.
t Ilolderson, Lehlsjh, Time of periods:
IS minutes each. Cornell scoring, touch
down: Barrett fl). I'hllllDa. (),,ala frnm
loucnaown: Harrett (It, 8huler. Klold
snai: uarreit. Pennsylvania scorl
toucodowns: Merrill, Koons. Bubst
rioid ,
tltu- '
Soiurf ,
" ..
C. Pru
Bled ar Psrastoala
Is seldom written of those who cure
roughs and colds with Dr. King's New , Verlc Toilette Traa! )a.
Discovery. Get a bottle todar. ion aai YORK, Neb.. Nov. M. iSn-l.i -rv.
Cornell, Phillips for Hill, Tlileylll. All drugglrta. Advertisement . a,an1 Island college foot ball eleven d-
I feated Tork college this afternoon. U to t