Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1914, Page 10, Image 12

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Till: HEE: 1 OMAHA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER i!7, 1914.
Dwight Evans, Wearing Ames Col
or. Take Cros-ountry Run.
Billiard Cracks Here Today
KYas Leads All t War to Ike Flaj.
Ib, Wkri Rraaa Maa II I m In
tbe Last Block at the,
l,e( Contrat.
IwUht Evans, an Omaha boy. runnln4 1
under the color of Anes. won first
place In th annual cross-tounlry run ,
conducted ljr the Toung Men' Chrla
tiaa association. Kvana finished the
three and one-half-mlle course, over pave
ments, up hill and down and throuuli
the crowded streets". In nineteen minutes
four and three-fifths scronds, lowering
the record made last year.
Evans la a grsduste of the Omsha
High school of the cIsm of 11J. Ila ves
prominent In claaa athletics and th
htgn achool. but never mad any of tha
flrst-rlsss teams there.
Oolden Krats of the t'ntversity of Ne
braaka was aecond. Krati took the lead
early In tha race and held It until ha
turned from .Sixteenth, atreet onto Har
ney to ko to the finish line In front of
tha "T." But Kvana had aaved himself
for a sprint and he passed Krats at tha
corner and sprinted home in tha lead.
The I'nlve'rslty of Nebraska team won
the cup presented for team winner. The
Omaha "T" team was aecond.
John Filler, the little Greek lad. led
tha Omaha runners home. He finlshej
fourth, with-Kvana. -Krats and Mrte
Legler of Tork ahead of him.
' Tbe Wlnaers.
19Fln,t-Dwlght Kvana, Ames. Time:
5Vond-Golden Krats, Nebraska. Time:
Third Merle Tverfer, York.
F'virthJohn Filler. Dmuh.
Fifth Walter Haecke, Nebraska.
Klxth-Henry Tsscale, Nebraska.
Peventh Teter IMaa, Omaha.
Kehth Aaron IJavtdson, Thorpelan
Athletic club.
Ninth O. C. PpauMlns. Omaha.
Tenth-J. B. Richer. Nebraska.
Magic City Eleven .
Conquers Ashland
ASHLAND, Neb.. Nor. t,-peclal Tel-eram.)-8outh
Omaha High school de
feeted Ashland High school on the local
gridiron this afternoon, 19 to T. The
visitor came down with a lance hunch
of rooters and a band In special trains.
8011th Omaha made three touchdowns;
Ashland, one. The visitors scored their
points on straight foot ball.
Ashland's touchdown came at the, end
of the first quarter by a pretty forward
pass, Hamsbenter to Wilson, who ran
forty yards to the goal.' The visitors' out
weighed the locale at leant twenty pounds
to the man. but Ashland made up part
of this dlffcrenoe in speed. The game was
very rough. Mneup: ' .
rnler KUlRlt.
.....n t. r t.,
....h o m.ti.
J I I I '
Kark maker
y.artaa ...
A mi LAND.
i aimer
. U' KarnKbrar
...a.... . K.H. WIim.b
11!. I, Hi rlr
K.H. K.H Bulla
Iteferee: Ksmnki, rx- 'rolghton. Em
pire: Jones. ex-loane, Ulead linesman:
VX'tm. CK-C'otner. Time of quarters: IS
rsiinul'S. .
Battling Levinsky .
And Tom McCarty
Fight to. a Draw
NEW TORK. Nov. 2.-Tom. McOnrty of
Ijewlnton. 11 out., fought a hard and 'fast
ten-round draw wth Rattling levinsky,
a local heavy wnlght. In Brooklyn today.
McCarty weighed 1R0 pounds and Ievln
sky graled five pounds leas. McCarty
proved to Im a fast fighter and he was
on the aggressive nearly the time. te
vmsky's experience and clever blocking
saved him ' from punlshmertt, but Mc
Carty had the better .of 'the .Tlrst three
rounds. The fourth, wa . Levlnsky's on
olever hitting, but .McCafty . shaded blm
in tha two following rounds. - .
Levinsky booked lefts to the face and
hooked McCsrty on the body during; the
last four rounds, while McCarty's Jabs
drew blood from Ivlnsky's nose and
mouth' In the seventh. It was the fastest
bout between the big men seen here In
several months and McaCrty appeared to
better advantage than In either of his
previous bouts here.
At another Brooklyn club Soldier R art
field, a local welterweight, hold Jack
Rrltton of Chicago to a ten-round draw.
Tom .Gibbons-of a fit. Psul stopped Rllly
uiover of Boston in ' six ' rounds at a
Rronx club. ...
cA ., . :J
Hoyer of Western '
Brews Bowls Total '
Of 631 in Singles;
BIOCX CTTY, la.. Nov. K-Melnle Ho
ver, a member of the Hloux City Western 1
rilrews. bowlevi a total of 6!1 In the sin- j
Eles of the Mliwe-t toumey todsy and
went Into first place. Charles Hebb. the
6-yer-old veteran,, lead off man for the
Hanferd five-man team of. Bloux City,
t'Pi'lcd over Kl pins and went to second
putcA Kd O'Donnell, secretary of the
local bowlers' association, scored 614 and '
csptured third place. Matt Faets of Chi
cago, who heretofore led the simfles with
609, was shot down to fourth place."" Ranks
of Lincoln now holds fifth place and Joe
Sweeney, captain of the Western Brews,
rolled 606 and Is In sixth place. ',
Py rolling 1.121 in the -doubles today
Bweney and Hoyer went Into eighth place j
in that event. Whltlock and Towns ot
the Hanfords scored L110, and Wasber
and Austin of LeMars, la,, i,10. Flve
mn teams occupied the alleys tonight. .
Magnates Pleased -With
Treatment at
Omaha Convention
That the national convention" of base
ball leagues held In Omaha a few weeks
aro was the, most representative gather
Ing ever held by the association la de
clared by repeated lettet-s to the bureau
of publicity from delegates who attend jd
the meeting. They are all expressing
appreciation at- the way they were
treated In Omaha and of the success of
the convention.
"I would not feel satisfied If I did Sot
write and convey ' my thanks for the
convention entertainment," says Clyde
Shropshire, president of the Nashville
Rase Rail association. In a letter to the
bureau of publicity. Naehvllle was
Omaha's closest competitor for the 1911
convention. Omaha .won It over tbo
Nashville fellows fry a margin of two
Big Auto Races Will
Be Held in 'Frisco
SEW TORK, Nov. IS. Entry blanks
for the 191ft Vanderbllt cup and Interna
tional Grand Prlx'races were being mailed
today to automobile dubs throughout the
country. The Vanderbllt cup event for
400 miles will be run on Washington's
birthday at the Panama Pacific exposi
tion in San Francisco. The International
will be held over the same course on
February 27 to 300 miles. The circuit
la only about four miles long and the
racers must traverse It seventy-five times
In the International event Entries will
close on February 10.
A lause in the Grand Prix blanks state the number' of care entered Is
too great considering the length of the
'Course, ' the contest committee of the
Automob.,e Club of America may run an
F. W. Harper, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.;
Bill Murray Knock's.
. OutEdPetrpskey!
Klghting Billy Murray knocked out Bailor
Kd Pctroskey here today . In the socond
round of bat was ft) have been a
twenty-round bout. (
The result was a complete surprise for
Petroskey la-jne of the mosf durable
middleweight In his division and was
never knocked out before except by
George Chip, who in turn has two knock
outs to his credit against Murray,
Tetroskey was knocked down for" the
rount of nlno In the first round.
Eddie Pullen Wins
Corona Road Race
CORONA. Cal.. Nov. . 2,-Eddle Pullen
won the 8i0-ml!e Corona road" race this
afternoon.. . Time, 3:26;32. Ilia spaed aver
aged elghty-peven miles sn hour.
O'Donnoli, No. a. was. second,. and Old
field third., Pullen' speed for 'the dis
tance smashed all existing, records. The
.best previous mark was that of Thomas,
who made, eighty -two nlcs an hour at
Indianapolis last May.
O'Donnells time. . 4:20:1; Old field's,
l.28:W. leFalma wss fourth, his time
was S;3l:61. ........... . 1 . . .
Sutton andDemarest
to Exhibit in Omaha
George Mutton and Calvin Demarest.
two of the cracks making the Champion
Rllllard Players' lesgue. will exhibit In
Omaha this evening at Morrison's bil-
jllard parlors. Button-Is at present lead
'ing the league ami Demarest Is in third
place In the number of .victories, button
Is one of the Veterans of the game, while
rmarest is a young chap, but one with
quite a reputation. The cracks will play
18.2 balk line for V points. .
Ashland Defeats
.: Omaha Spauldings
OAKLAND, Neb.. Nov. 2.-(Rpeclal
Telegram.) Oakland defeated the Spauld
ings, of Omaha, 23 to a, here today.
For the locals Falmqutst, Kraane 'and
AVesley, Holland did the scoring, mostly
on end runs and. forward paases. mixed
with plenty of line plmmlng. Omaha
scored when Johnson Intercepted a for
ward pas on Oakland's fifteen-yard line,
after Omaha had kicked off and wiggled
over for a 'touchdown, but missed goal.
Sam Langford Wins
a Slugging Match
LOS AKOELE8, Cal., NOV. , "WUh. a
left swing to the Jaw Ham Langfocd of
Boston knocked out 'Harry Wills, the
giant New Orleans negro, la tbe four
teentn round of a scheduled twenO
round fight this afternoon at Vernon. It
was a sl'istelng contest. Both men were
knocked dowa repeatedly, I-angford him.
. self taking the btnefit of the couut four
times In the first two rounds.
Art Pmlth, the little aviator who Is
out-looping- the fanioua Beachey, .will
inak Omaha his headquarters next year
fcmith has irtsned up under Megy Kern
ftrin and will operate from Omaha en
tirrly With t'uilph McMlllen. Charles
Peters anJ.ffinlth In the string. Omaha
thould become a fairly prominent center
of aviation next year. . McMi'lrn and
Petera Intend building k special machine
during the winter for looping the loop,
llaetlaaa awal York Klrewea Tie
HASTINGS. Neb.. Nov. 3. 6pa-lal
Teu-aiam.v After loMng at York a week
S.e too Hnaiinf first department held
tile TorK rim drparlmcnt to a to
ti ore in a return loot hall 8me today.
Played for the benefit of Kunnyoide. an
id I'eotde's hoinr. teer former uni
versity and high achool players were in
th lineup and the game was hotly con
tested wiore a goou-)MMl iroaa.
f (olcrado-peata Denver. . '
PKNVfcH, Colo'.. Nov. 1M. Hcoring two
mlnutea before final tltyte was called,
the University of Colorado defeated the
University of Denver, 1 to n, today. In
the closest game of the season. Inter
cepting a forward pass. Iluher of Colo
rado made a dash for a touchdown.
Vanderbllt Beaten.
NAHHVILLK, Tenn., Nov. i,-Fallure
to kick a goal from touchdown resulted
today In Vanderbllt'a defeat by K . mee?
14 to U. Roth Vanderbllt touchdown, were
made In the . last quarter en forward
pasaes, 1
NKW TORK, Tv. Armando
Marsans. the Cuban outfielder, who
lumped from the Cincinnati Nationals to
the Federal league, ' has Informed his
friends in New York, according to reports
published here today, that he desires to
return to Organised bsse ball and would
like, to have a berth with the New York
Nationals. Marsans is said to be playing
ball juet now In Havana, -stationed at
first bae under an assumed name. It
It not generally believed here that Maftf
ager McOraw of the Giants-will under
take to have the Cuban's name stricken
from Organised base ball's black list.
Miller Park and Elmwood Park soccor
foot ball teams played a tie game of I
to 1 at Miller' park Thanksgiving day.
The trama were chosen from all tne play
ers of the Omaha association and about
1,500 persons witnessed the game.
, The members of the teams were: Mil
ler Park, : Risen, CocayneTHILyalI, Pike,
Lowden. Hoyle, Lenchars, Henderson,
Doyle, Leitch and Gunn; Elmwood Park,
Manllk, Holmqulst, Henderson, Anderson,
Middle ton. Israelson, Panvllle, Baldwin,
Prix, Corey, Rogerson. Referee, McTag-gart,.
Slow frcvejit Croat.
It may be a surprise to you to learn
that in many caaea croup can be pre-
vento. Mrs. H. M. Johns. Kllda, O.,
relates her experience as follows: "My
little lxy la subjt to croup. During tin
t winter 1 kept a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Rr.nicdy in the housed and
wnm he began having that croupy coutfli
1 aoulti siv lilin one or two doare of it
and it would breuk the attack. like
H better for children than any ' other
mliclne, because children take It will
ii.n'y. and It is safe and reliable," Obtain
aWc tivtryw ucre A J v trtutmunt.
, well-kaowa trspsheetsr -
"Ifuxi relaxation and complttt
ertfoyment in Tuxedo, It'$ a nerve
iteaditr and a tun fire, tlota burn
I .j tobacco. Eatily my favorite."
Quick on the Trigger
With a Shap-Shot Eye
THE crack trapshooter has to be a man
with steady nerves and muscles abso
lutely under control always ready, at
the sudden jerk of a string to swing his gun
into place and bringi down his clay pigeon.
This means trained, not to the minute,
but to the spin-second. He takes no chances
with his tterveS, v
We present the names , of some of these
1 crack shots who smoke Tuxedo; They like
to smoke; but they take no chances on a to
bacco that might "throw them off."
ft V Z M 1
famous trapalioeter '
"Tuxedo ioijeco U unquestion
ably the acme of perfection; smok
ing Tuxedo maJct life better
worth bring." . .
the SeitbraUd trapshooter
"The coolest, most fragrant,
mod pleasant tobacco In my ex
H perience Tuxedo. Lead in
. tnlUncii and purity.'
Th Perfect Pip Tobacco
is purposely made to cive .you all the bene
fits of the highest grade smoke. It is made
from the ;-ver' 'finest tobacco Kentucky
prows' .ripe. 'mellow, sweet and mild old
Burley, agea right up Vto perfection-day.
Then treated by the original 'Tuxedo Proc
ess,'.', which . ; takes out the sting, makes
Tuxedo smoke cool "
'arid slow, and guaran
tees that v it cannot. bite
; your .tongue.-, : .
Tuxedo has had many
imitators; none 'has ever
equalled it in sheer qual
ity and smoking-value. .
Famous gren tia witK goM lot- 1 A .
tariivi, funmd to fi4b pocket 1UC poucK, inner . LitaJ
with nuuature-prool papf . .
. In Ctasa HumiJvri SO aoasf 0
- . .... jr r .- ay p I
v.. . - "" 1 1 i "
- - -
Friday's Special
LINEN Values
Hpnttned or unhemmed pattern
Table Cloths, assorted, $1.50
irne9:.. ......
Cerman sliver Meat h SaHin
Damask, pure flax, SI-CO
qualltly, per 7Q
yard 7C
Dinner Napkins, full size, grass
bleached, regular 15.00 dosen
S"?:.!. $1.50
Dresser Scarfs, 18x54, lace
bordered, assorted designs;
11.25 values. "7C
each i O C
Table Padding, 64 Inches wide,
heavy double fleeced, 39c
values; at, nr
yard v ZOC
and Less Than Half Worth
Coats' Spool Cotton, 200 yards, per
pool 3
Sonomore Snap Dress Fasteners,
per dozen 2V4
Hiicnp Hooks and Eyes, per card 1
8ewlng Needles, best quality, per
package'........... 3tt
Hose Supporters, all sizes, pair, Qt
Fancy Neckwear, ladies or xhlldren,
big special lot on sale Friday, at,
Holiday Ribbon Sale begin Satur
day. See the splendid tfargalns
Section Domestic Room Friday
Ladies' Outing Flannel Goans,
- $1.00 values, C9C
Mlssea' anrT Boys heavy flpwed
Union Suits, I to If year. 4Q
Good values, at
Men's Handkerchief", Turkey R-1.
Indlpo Blue and White. 10--v iU
irr.v. 25c
Ladles' Wool Hose, all sites, in
Cray or black. 25c I On
values, at 3
Boys' Flaruiel Waists with nltii
tary cotlAr and Button cuffs;
colors tan, hlue, gray and clnrk
gray; 8c value 49 0
Ladles' extra heavy fleeced and
cotton ribbed union suits; rrR'i-
" lax and extra sties, worth CQ.
to 11 R0. at Uu
Men's Fleeca lined Underwear, all
etxes, shirts and drawer; worth
to 11.00, at 9Cfs
6e, 49o aad
Women's and Misses9 Ready-to-Wear Garments Friday
In Domestic Room at Prices Scarcely More Than Worth of Material
Nobby New Tailored Suits, $12.50 .and $15
Values, at $5.95 All wool fabrics in long
or short coat styles. Skirts pleated or
yoke effects. Coats satin lined.
Separate Fur Muffs, special. .$1.03 to $5.00
Children's Fur Sets, special, $1.00 to $2.98
Separate Fur Scarfs, special. .$1.00 to $5.00
f.1.83 and 3.0o Walsta In silk
lace and messaline. . . Sl.JO
Women's Kw eater Coata To $1-98
values, very heavy weave, in
high or roll collars,, oxford, car
dinals or browns, choice. -OSd
Cotton Petticoats Sateen or
heathergrade cloth, wide pleated
and ruffled flounces; 50c to 69c
values, at 3J)t
811k Messaline and Herpre Presses,
to $7.BO Values, :i.05 All
colors, long pleated or plain
tunics; an excellent lot of bargains-Children's
Wool Dresses, $1.50
to 91.98 Values, at 03c - New
styles, all sizes from 6 to 14
years, in plaids, checks and
plain colors.
Women's Winter Coats, $7.50 to $12.50 Val
ues, Choice $3.95 and $5.00 Newest color
ings and styles in brocaded velours, novelty
cloths, boucles, Hindu cloth, chinchilla, etc.
Children's Winter Coats, $5.00 to $7.50 Val
ues, at $2.95 and $3.95 Including the full
belted back, high storm collar styles, in
good assortment of plain and fancy fabrics.
Dress: Skirts, Made to Sell at
fl.50, at $3.40 Many extra
size skirts included in this lot.
Women's Press Skirts,- to $3.00
Values, Choice, $'2.39 All
broken lines and skirts that have
been our best sellers; only one
to three of a kind left; staple
colors and novelties, in all the
. best styles.
Beautiful Dress Silks
At Greatly Below Worth Friday
Hundreds of .Silk Remnants in lengthWf 1 to
15 yardx, values from 50c to 75c a yard, plain
and fancy weaves; to close, at, OO
yard : 4&OC
Beautiful Silk Poplins, 36 inches wide; regular
$1.00 quality, in every wanted color- jq
ing and bck, at the yard DOC
$1.25 Imported Dress Mesaallnes, full 30 Inchoa
wide, In a full line of Btreet and eve- QQ
ning shades, at, the yard OOC
All Silk Crepe de Chines, 40- inches wide, In the
new greens, blues and browns; also rlenty of
cream and black; $1.75 to $2.50 t rjrt
a yard values, at, yard, $1.88 and P es5.0
$1.00 Silk Messalines, 36 Inches wide, 7Q
at. the yitrd OC
$1.25 Pallet de Sole, ? 6 Inches wjde, ftnj.
at, the yard ............ i . eVOC
$1.25 Chiffon Dress Taffeta, 36 Inches QQ
wide, at, the yard . ....... OOC,
$3.60 Black Satin Duchess, 54 An aq
Inches wide, at, yard....'......,... Pae'rO
Wool Dress Fabrics
. At Special Bargain Prices -
Imported All Wool Broadcloths, up to $3.50 a
yard values, in a splendid line of colors, chlt
fon wel&ht, eatln finish; broken Jj A q
lines, to close at, yard . . J 1 eTO
$1.60. Imported French Sergea, 56 inches wide,
all wool, in the season'B best 1 1 Q
colors, at, the yard 4 J. e 1 0
50-Inch tos.6 6-inch Wool Dreiss Fabrics, up to
$1.75 a yard values, in broad, assortment of
weaves and colorings; on sale, fkO
at, the yard i7 O C
64-inch All Wool Plaid Suitings, to $2.00 a yard
values. In the JieweBt color com- rf 5Q
blnation. at. the yard. 8148 4d P 1 eAO
Wool Dress Fabrics, worth up to $1.25 a yard;
serges, rrepe, diagonals, V granites, batiste.,
plaids and' fancy weaves; over 200 OQ
pieces, at. yard. 68. 48 anJ . OC
Choice of th
House Sale
Trimmed Hats worth $10.00
Trimmed Hats: worth $15.00
Trimmed Hats worth $25.00
Trimmed Hats worth $30.00
Two More Days, Friday and Saturday Original Prices $10.00 To $30.00 On All Hats
Taking into consideration the splendid assortments for selection and the higli class
character of the hats, this is unquestionably" a millinery bargain event unparalleled by
ally at tin's season in Omaha. All the newest, smartest styles of the season, in Tailored
and Dress Hats, btyles suitable for all occasions.
THE SHAPES are in the majority fine linens and silk velvets, in the
and mostibecoming styles, including large sailors, tncones, close-fitting
turban effects, etc. TRIMMINGS ttre ostrich . plumes, garnitures,
numedy, paradise, furs, flowers, etc, regular selling prices from $10.00
up to $30.00; your choice. .
very newest
Clothing in Domestic Room
Boys' Overcoats, Ages 8 to 8 Years, at $1.49 The
entire sample - line from a big children's manu
facturer. Coats that were made to sell at $2.95
to $5.00, will be offered Friday Jyi aq
and Saturday, at J)letl7
Boys' $5.00 AU Wool Serge Suit, at $3.25-Ages
it to 17 years. An all wool blue serge pants
lined and every seam taped, Norfolk or double
breasted style. Every suit guaranteed. On saiw
Friday and Saturday, $5.00 all
wool serge suits
Men's Suit and Overcoats, $5.00 Never have you
seen such good values aa these garments that go
on sale Friday. Suits that are $10.00 values,
Overcoats that are $7.50 and $10.00 values, all
styles and alxea to choose from,
Meu's $10.00 Corduroy Suits, f7.RO These suits
are Marx ana itaas man ana come in two colors.
Motorcycle or motor drivers should not mlss this
sale. Slses 35 to 46; Friday and Jy Cf
Saturday, Corduroy suits, at J) .OU
It lbs. Best Qraaalatee Sara, .tl.00
II bars Beat 'Km Ail soap too
1 lba. best Rolled Breakfast OaK.
meal lor S
10 lba. beat White or Tellow Corn
meal for '
4 lbs. Pearl Tapioca B5
The beat hand picked Navy Beans.
per lb Be
The beat domestic Macaroni. Verml-
cell or Spaghetti, pkg f Ho
cans Oil Sardines for ...aso
1- lb. beat bulk Laundry Starch... I5e
Advo Jell for dessert. pW TH
2- lb. cans fancy Sweet Sufrar Corn
for THo
MaclArens Peanut Butter, ib..ltko
2-lb. cana Wax. Btrtn. Green or L,Ima
Hsus for ...i THo
1 -. cans CXndenaed Milk. , , . . .T'e
lba choice Japan Rive &$
.. . .e
Eagle or Lewis' Lye, can. .
1-lb. pkg-. Corn Starch ...
13 boxes Safety Matches o
10c pkg. Corn Flakes 6o
Chow Chow, quart
Sour Pickles, quart 10c
1-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes, He
Gallon cans Table Syrup Me
The best Tea Sittings, lb It He
Hirsrhey's breakfast Coooa. lb.. .SOo
Uolilen Santos Coffee, lb SOo
Tbe Mest Creamery Batter, eartoa or
bulk, per lb "
The best No. 1 F.ifs, per dos....ta
No. 1 Country Creamery butler, per
lb Sae
The best Dairy Table Butter, lb.. Bus
Z lbs. Kood llutterine 86e
Uood Table Uuttrrine. lb. ITHe
Fancy Table UuUerlse, equal to
creamery butter, lb .B5o
Full cream. Younaj America. New
Friday is Remnant Day
- In Our Popular DomoKtio Kooni.
25,000 yards of all kinds of Cotton Goods. Wash
fioodd, Suitings, Percales, Prints, White Goods,
Linens, Crashes, etc., at very low prices, placed or.
counters and squares.
Sjpoare Sfo. 1 Wmh floods. Linings, etc., worth up to
ISO a yard, at, yard SHc
Bpoare Vo. S Wh Opods, Linings and other good a,
worth from lOo to 20c V yard, at, yard 3Hs
qoare la, a 3 6 -inch Percales, 27-Inch Outing Flannels
and. a lot of White Goods and Cotton O-mkIs, up to Jno
'a yard values All' at one price, yard So
Squax lo. 4 Good class of cotton dress goods, 36-tnrn
Outlnc Klannela 12Uc, Percales ISc and 18c White
Goods and Novelties, all at. yard
Ho Serpentine Crepes, yard
1 8o Plisae CVapes. yard . . . '. . . .
6 He Pure Indigo Hjue Apron Checks, yard.......
lOo Bleached Muslin, S inches wide, yard......
10c Brown Muslin, 38 H Inches wide, yard
lOo Peroalea. shorts, 2$ inches wide yard
60 pairs of $1.00 11-4 Blankets, at, pair
inn .mall lz Comforters. 69a value, each
ifttrioos only juu pieces ui our uo wui kju liuiih,
at, the yard, y 24o
. .10e
Read Hay den's Big Special Grocery Sale For Friday
Tie JlJanWt for the People and a Saving of 25 lo SO Per Cent on the Cost of Using
Tork. White, or full cream colored
cheese, lb .....aoo
Imported Swiss Cheeee, lb oo
Fancy domestic Swiss Cheese, lb., 8B
riie Tegetakla atarket for tbe Vaopla
The teat adzed ITats, IK is
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7u
Fancy California Ripe Tomatoea, per
lb. THo
Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnlpa, Shal
lots or Radishes, bunch e
1 stalks freah Celery .....o
Faney Bruaaela Sprouts, Ib-....1TV0
Fancy Black Twig Cooking Apples.
per peck v aoo
Large Cucumbers, each ...lOo, HVijC
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce.. So
Large bead Lettuce, per hea4....TVo
Fancy imported Figa, lb. Bo
Cape Cod Cranberries, qt ,.TH