Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Tlnmanria of mm anl women tmttrr fmta
rp 1m-h rrtj 1t. othrf Ihmiaind bar,
eaflachre ever, tfk or rrrry monili. and Mill
ftn-r have hfwlichw rkcraalonall?. hut not at
rier tTirnrala. 1 hf tt IWwtot inrun unatile
to find the taue pi int nt the h?ri'a.hfi,
end In rerft olltr ritiM, knowing the rause, ne
dnn not know what will Trmorr It. en Da In air,
permanent enr. All he ran do In to nn-arnhe
thi u.ualYalr. ?vllevini, whlrh f Ira temporary
rJM, hot tha hdtilarha rtum e tt.tial, ni
tirtltiinil In aralo neTr. If yna .nnr front
i1irhiMi, no matter what thrlr nature, take
, Antl-karnnla TaMpt,an1 thrn-.tilta will btl.-
I avtorr In the hitjwt drarr. Ton can ortlo
I tm at til dnilm In any nnantltv, c worUt,
I jo worth or more. A.k lor A K Tablets.
Pick -beefl ache, the tnott tntteraMe of all airk
; ewa. )oea It aarrora worn A K Tallr-ta arc
'. taken When rnu trel an attark comma on,
lakt two taWeta, and In many r-a.ea. the attark
' irlll he warded off. Imrtne an attark take on
; S-K TaMt erer? two hour. The ret and poire
fort which follow, can be obtained In do other
CmwaM A-K TahUlt kWr tAe m ,-watw
1 rrmm. At mil efraga'a.fa.
For Sauces and
Tot smooth, rich sauce and gravies
BtarOisew VataHliata
it far aupertor to boula milk. In
nnlfornirtchnetsdown totbelsstdrop
alwsyi gives satisfactory results..
Cottage Milk ia always fresh, pure
indiwNk It la tbe richest milk
with moat of the water taken out,
perfectly ateriliied and with nothing
added. It laata indefinitely.
Th MUk Without tAe Cookad
Tmttm .
In Two Size 5 and 1 Oc
At ail Good Dealers
Or Phone
Cullen Drokernge
Hotirlue 441.
ti i Hrandela
Theater liulldlng,
Omaha. Neb.
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, November 25, 1914.
ATURDAY will be "Colleje Hero Day" in Omaha.
Tbe Omaha De will publish atorleg ao4 pbotographa. givlBg
Jie names of tbe 600 persons taking part In "The College Hero,"
which will be produced for the benefit of the Child Baring Institute
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of nett week. v
Between the hours of I and S tbe papers will be sold on the street by
society "newsies," including the debutantes of tbe season and other mem
bers of the cast of "The College Hero." Among them are Mesdames John
Potter Webster, Harold Prltchett, Misses Marlon Kuhn, Dspnne Peters,
Elisabeth Davis, Menle Davis, Katharine Thummel, Frances Hochetetler,
Alice Duval, the leading lady; Hazel and Carol Howard, Harriet Mets and
Luclle Bacon.
Many society matrons have lent their motor cars to take the "newsies"
back and forth to their stations.
Tbe boys in the cast have ordered 1,000 pennants and will see that they
fly from street rare, automobiles, delivery wagons and everything in town
on wheels. '
n. rollack.
M. Nowman,
f. Brhwartx.
IT. B. Heed.
D. Prlaaman,
Gertrude Retxl,
Thanksgiving Tlani.
Mint Ltotilae Dlnnlns la in Dea Moines,
where she will apond ThankuMn" Si
the gueet of Mlae Mary Denman.
Mr. Thomas Browa, eon of Mrs.
Thomas Brown, who la attend! nil srhool
at Racine colleae, will spend Thanks
giving day with a iMhool friend, Mr. D.
W. U. Macklnnon. at Mcnaaha. Wis. Mr.
Drawn is en the Racine college toot bait
Uam, whlrh holds the champlonahln oC
aouthcrn 'H'Uconaln and northern 1111
Mis. Horace Chapln of Patavla. M. T
arrived this morning to spend Tbanka
lviug with har slater. Mrs. E IX. ter
rlcker, and her parenU, Mr. end Mrs. B.
B. Baldwin or r.lkhorn. Mrs. Chapln
was tormerljr Miss Doedemoala Baidwia.
She will spend several weeks here.
Mr. and Mra. Lee Huff and sort and
Mr. and Mra C. E. -Kimball will motor
to Crete, Neb., today to spend Thanks
giving. Mrs. Thomas Purtell and Mrs. John L.
Pendergraat of Chicago, coualna of Mra.
R. N. Meallo, arrived Tueeday morning to
spend Thanksgiving with Mra. Meallo.
- Walter A. Hlsennaugh, Jr., will enter
tain C, A. Borenaon and Raymond HUT
gins, brother Deita Chls of the Univer
sity cf .Nebraska, during the Thanks
giving holldaya. Mr. Borenaon Is editor
of the Dally Nebreekau, the big univer
sity paper.
At Prairie Park Club.
The Kenalnirton club of Prairie park
entertained Tueeday afternoon at the
... ...... . . . t . mi
ciun nouae. i nia waa guaai any ana earn, pran,va Horhalet
member was privileged to bring a friend, i lr.
The rooma were decorated with yellow Alloe Jarqulth,
The hoateasea on this
Tor the Future.
The Rajah club will gtve an Informal
dancing party at Turpln's eeademy
TMraday evening, December L Tbe com
mittee on arrangements tncludea Maaara.
Victor TSlaek, Robert Hunts, Harry Cum
mint. Frank Dlneea and I'.ny Traynor,
Pleaaurei Put.
Mra A. Weiss entertained st tea Mon
day afternoon at her home. Those
preeent were:
J. Klierhhraun.
fj. Moalrr,
It. Adlr,
J. Ntederat
H. Ievlne,
Sarah Weiss.
Mrt. Darlow'g Tea.
Mrs. Alfred Parlow has laaued cards for
a tea to be given Saturday afternoon
from 4 until 6 o'clock at her home. In
honor of Mrs. Harry Carpenter, nee Miss
Ktva Hammer, of Harlan, la., and Miss
Marie Mlkova, the talented young pianist,
who has Juat returned to Europe. Mlna
Ida Dartow will receive with her mother
FOR 1916
0( An Omaha Concern
Our line of 1916 Calendars la
cow complete and represents a
large assortment of beautiful
foreign and domestic subjects. W
can till your Calendar orders to
your entire satisfaction, boito
ICAL standpoint.
by buying your Calendars of us.
Write or phone for our salesman
to call.
. s JUg-a-elass saleemea waste
12th and Farnam Bta.
occasion were: -
mere Meta,
M, U Irlmbie,
C. A. Luckc,
8. M. Kent,
W under,
I tl, W. AnOereon,
n. ... j-ia,
J. H. C. JSluhc,
Ai. H. Kent,
W. K. Hramhlett,
W, U Dlarkett,
W. M. Clark,
P. Lk Meyara.
Jamea Corr,
i har lea Vanden,
C, Jayrox,
W. J. Caltln,
M. C. Burkhardt.
Thomea Falconer,
II. A. Worth,
l4t'en Bcott.
Prank Carpenter,
Frank t'nderwood,
W. F. Revjiolde.
M. C. Parton.
K. II. Hanalch,
D. K. Smith,
C. T. Welker.
Albert Ktne.
' H iMuelaa.
Vary Wearne.
M. Weinhane,
".fire. Vaehler,
" t BnhertS.
. TV Northnip.
" Vliieent.
v. .1. mileartle,
o Howe.
T. WnneMn.
P. Winn,
A Big
Hotel Rome
The beat la Omaha for the
12 Noon to 0 Kvenlng. .
Make 1 innervations. :
& Act Cabaret- &
Keiuember our 91 Table
ll'kote dinner vry guntlny.
W. n. UuHell.
W. H. hprlnser,
C. H. Roes,
a Wunder.
Iaabel Radman.
Kdith Springer.
C. H. Uiaiaen,
W. H. Uilitlth,
M. M. vvurd,
J. VanDoran,
M. J. Martin,
W. F. Lary.
Joph Kelly,
T. 1. Travis,
W. ,r. Morins-.
d, D, Ramadell,
H. U. BUwarl, Jr.;
Bcott K. Iteathol,
I. oula Nelaon.
John Kuony,
J. M. "k.alund,
F. . DeVor,
J. Res IVc.ll.
K. V. fiallup.
A. A. Wldemeyer,
K. S. Wrbera-,
W. B O'Neill,
. A. C, Henaon.
J. I Ixnrfelner,
J. J, Gormen of
ANhlan Neb.;
F. . .leffere,
V. M. T urke.
P. . Kent,
w. O fteeell,
V, n. Fm tnanr,
T-le--e M
W i. Mi'hiirn,
ff i T arte,
p. wr
v. a ftrlner.
1 R. Btrlnger, .
Debutante Bridge Club.
The Debutanto fridge club was enter
tained this afternoon at the home of Mist
Harriet Met Mra Charles IS. Mets and
Miss Mnrie Stewart of Council Bluffs
were the giiweta ef the club. The mem
bera are:
Stella Thummel,
Ann Clifford,
Blanche Deuel,
Harriet Mets,
Janet Hall.
Helen Clarke.
l.ilrlle linrnn
Marlon Kuhn.
r.ieanor mat-Ray,
Uugenla t atUrson,
To Honor Debutante.
Mr. and Mra. Joha C. Cowln laaited
rarda Tuesday for a reeeptlon to he given
Monday, Dertnber,, In honor of Mlaa
Harriet Smith, one of the winter's debu
tantes. '
Wednesday Bridye Clnb.
Tnsnktcivlng plana changed the meet
ing day of the Wedneedey Bridge club.
The meeting til postponed until next
week, when Mire Loulae I'innlng will
entertain the club.
8. W. L. C Clnb Entertained
Mrs. C. B. Roberta waa hoateea today
at the meeting of the 8. W. U C. club.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Madden have re
turned from New Tork City, where they
have spent the last three weeks. Mr. and
Mra .Madden went down east for the
big Tale-Harvard game and visited in
Waahlngton and Baltimore enroute home
Mlaa Irene McConnell will arrive home
Thursday morning from Wyoming, where
trhe has been on a ranch since July. Mlet
McConnell will remain In Omaha until
the latter part of January, when she will
leave with Mrs. John F. Coad and Miss
Alloa Coad for the Coad ranch In New
Mexico for the remainder of the winter.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. SVannell have re
turned from" Now Tork City, where they
have been for the last three weeks.
Mrs. J. A. Wilcox of Minneapolis ari
rived. Tueeday morning and is the guest
ef Mr. atd Mrs. Oeonje Kelly this week.
Omaha Woman ;
Reaches New York
from Germany
Mrs. O. E. Ougler, J8M North Twenty,
fourth street, who has been awaiting an
opportunity for the laat three months to
get out of Germany, has reached New
York City, according to a message re
ceived from her by her daughter, Mrt.
Oeorge H. Eleaer, Twentieth and Tar
nam streets.
Mrs. Ougler went to Germany last May
to visit relatives and after the war broke
out she -was unable to get comfortable
tranaportation to the coat and so ab ded
a better time, leaving Amsterdam a little
over a week ago. She will visit In New
Tork City with Mrs. Louls Allen, formerly
Miss Sadie Ooldgraber, of Omaha, and
expecta to arrive In Omaha about Saturday.
That his wife interfered with his studies
and made It difficult for him to pas ex
aminations Is one of the allegations of
cruelty made by Harold H. Thorn, a
student. In a divorce suit against Oral F.
Thorn. She was extravagant, he allege,
and baa left him.
Mabel Pearl Baxter charges Frank IL
with cruelty and nonsupport Bessie
Warner alleges that Wilbur failed to sup
port her.
, ''- i '
Lame Baek mmd Wrtk Kldneya
greatly helped and often cured by Elec
trio Bitters. Keeps kidney and stomach
in healthy condition. Olvca prompt re
lief. bOc and tl. . All dnigglKIs. Advertisement.
Mrs. Sarah E. Young, aged 84 years,
4914 Webster street, died at the home of
her grandson and only survivor, E. M.
Sunderland. Deoeased was a native of
New York state and came to Omaha in
1MJ, where sha had since resided. Mra
Young wu a prominent church worker
and affiliated with the old Fl(ftt Baptist
and Beth Eden Baptist church.
Funeral services will be hell at the
Sunderland residence Friday afternoon at
i p. m.. and burial will be In Forest Lawn
Mack: Flack T Hack I
With raw tickling throat, tight chest
sora lungs, you need Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound, and quickly. The first
dose helps. It leaves a soothing, healing
coating as It glides down your throat,
you feel better at onre. 8. Martin. Bat
sett, Neb., writes: "I had a severe cough
and cold and was almost past going. I
got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar
and am glad to say It cured my cough
entirely and my cold soon disappeared.
Every user a friend. For sale by all
dealers everywhere. Advertisement.
A marriage license was Issued this
afternoon for the marriage of Mrs.
Leonora Rawltzer, wife of the late A'
Rawltser, to J. Martin Cannon. Mr.
Rawltser. late husband of Mrs. Leonora
Rawltzer, was found dead In his garage
last summer at tjhe Carter Lake club.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Judson wilt enter
tain at dinner this evening at their borne
before the subscription dance at Tur
pln's academy. The table will be deco
rated with yellow and while chrysanthe
mums and covers wtl be placed tot:,
Mr. and Mra W. A. C. Johnson.
Mr, and Mra John A. MuShane.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm.
Mr. and Mra Clement Chase.
Mra. Klrkendall.
Mrs. J. 8. Wilcox of Minneapolis.
Mlas Katharine MoCormlck.
Meiers. Luther Drake. A. B. Warren.
Mrs, Charlea Offutt and Mra. Mabel
Ogden will entertain at dinner at the
Omaha club thla evening. . The gueata
will attend the subeortptlon club dancing
party at Turpln's later. Tbe table will
have as a centerpiece a mound of large
raspberry colored chrysanthemums, com-
blaed with the white pom-pom chryaan
' themuma. Covers will be laid for elgnl
J eeu.
Eummy Club.
Mra Alex Jetes entertained the mem
bers of the Rummy club at luncheon
Tuesday. The table waa decorated wltk
ferns and yellow chryseathemums and
the place cards were of Thankaglvlnf
novelties. The rooms were decorated
throughout with yellow and white chrys
anthemums, Prises for the game were
awarded to Meadamea Alex Jetea, P.
Mehrena and R. W. Hanoy. The guests
ot the club were Mesdames L. Mock
msr aud McCana. The club will meet
in two weeks with Mm. W. A. Smith.
The members are: v
F. O. Browne,
P. Mehrena,
F. H. Ilossn
"After every
With each package"
- T?AI?T
. J iLhKn
chewing gum, you get a
J II II II I m X."TF '
O. II. Oakea,
Thomas Hevlan.
, N, A. fcinitu.
A lax Jetea,
W. E. IweJoy,
M. M. Kline,
J. W. Hood.
If. K. Nt ton.
H, W. Heney.
VJIscrt Ycuftecita
fl fT) y TT) frIT ""chrufun
C-a dif a Wi Ljt tJ J V. was planned to
A'hether ir a Man. Woman. Child or Baby,
tr ior aa ExpeOmt or Nurlng Molhet,
i. nun v i rii.n.i
HI give yuu atora utbfaction in ahaolirte parity
'aMnt tutc, luaunl actum, and filun trwa u
r' ciu, ttun any pliyaic. pill or Diluvial watac.
ti itwct, lit tonkl, corrLliv and upbuiUmg
t"'w at grct a ttt laxative valua. A kua
pnrpaiaitua. puautvciy without aa StMl,
It Hovof r&ltm
1 per ar at ynur druiiitt-or by mall from US.
t tewart fed Ct, UI Saaarily SMa Cblcage
present at this rebaarsal.
Beceptlon Poitponed.
The reception in honor or Mra, c. .
president of the Omaha We-
Temperance union, which
for Friday at tha home ef
Mrs. C C. Van Kuraa. has baea post
poned until the next regular meeting ot
this society Wednesday, December S. The
poatponemrnt was neceasltated because
i US. Mc Kit rick, who waa tbe delegate
from thU district to tha National We
non's ChrlaLaa Temperance union con
vention at Atlanta. (J a., will not arrlv
oiiio until the early part of next week.
"College Hero" Beheanal.
The flrwt big rehearsal of "The College
Hero" will be held this evening at the
Iirsndels thoftter. The flrat avt will be
rehearsed at T o'clock and tbe second
act at t o'clock. No oae but the mem
ber! of tha caat will be permitted to be
. OaitedsSrti,XolIpoBx,
juios of
known the world over
- s
Doable Strength
Peppermint flavor
The coupons are good
of the
presents for every member
These 1-o-n-g 1-a-s-t-i-n-g, luscious sweets offer
the most value, the most pleasure and the most
benefit possible to get for 5 cents. .
Good for teeth. . breath, appetite
Sealed, air-tight, they are always fresh.
and clean,
If you like the spicy flavor of fresh mint leaves, take E2ZSE
If you like Peppy-Peppermint, get VH:Hrn.'
. Use either, or both, for 1-o-n-g l-a--t-i-n-g delight
Be cure to ret URIGLEY'S
and digestion.
full flavored
I - M eaaaasp
V -e
Thanksgiving Day
And may we join with you in offer
ing thanks 1o Providence for the
prosperity and peace of our land.
We Tell You in Advance
of Extraordinary Sales
For Next Saturday
Knowing that by enabling you to keep in mind these
great opportunities it will make it possible for you to
save considerable money. It is a part of our service to
the people of Omaha and vicinity, not only to provide
the best merchandise, in largest quantities, but also to
give you advance information of these money-s.aving
sales. ;
A Sale of French Ivory
Toilet Sets
Five sample lines bought at about half price. All
will be offered at about half price Saturday.
Annual Christmas Sale of
Tbe most extraordinary values of the year. The ralaes will be noth
ing short ot amazing. Every woman wUl buy large supplies. Every
dressmaker and milliner wUl purchase la big quantities, for the
prices will be away below usual coet.
Phenomenal Sale of Blouses
We hare JuBt consummated a purchase that brings us the most ex
traordinary values In blouses that have been offered this season.
Every women will be Interested, because while all the blouses are
extremely high (trade, there will be several lots at different prices
and all wonderful Talues.
Women's Suits, Coats and
The values to ba offered In our Women's Wearing Apparel Section
Saturday w.U be a revelation, for never In our recollection hare we
offered such beautiful garments at such low prices.
1 htrd rlnnr IJnllnr Sale g
This may be tbe last usle of this kind before Christmas, so everyone
who appreciates an opportunity to select from articles worth up to
$4.00, $5.00. f 6.00, even $7.50, for $1.00, will be among the crowds
that will ruth to our Third Floor Saturday morning.
And don't forget that our Toyland, which will be n
Palace of Joy where Santa Claus will reign as King, will
open Saturday among scenes that will impress the minds
of children as by far the most beautiful spectacles they
have ever witnessed. We have more Toys and Dolls
than, we have ever shown - -and far more space for dis
play. -And Wait Till You See
The Beautiful Dolls
On Sale Here Saturday
The entire sample line of Dolls of America's greatest
importer will be offered at little more than half price.
There will be dolls for little girls and dolls for big girls,
as dolls of the very largest size and almost lifelike will
be included in this sale.
jfjf? S VX fV More than 1
frcV 100,000
hrrTTTrrfw Farm Homes
in the territory
described by this map are regular read
ers of.
Missouri Valley's Greatest Farm Paper
No other medium pretends to reach the
farm homes in Omaha's jobbing terri
tory as thoroughly as ours. We reach
75.000 Farm Homes
within 150 miles of Omaha
ThU publication conducts annn
ally the greatest power farming
demonstration in the world and
is interested in all ' matters
that will benefit the farmers
of the Missouri Valley.