Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMATTA. TIU'KSnAV, XOVKMl'KR -jr., l!lt 4
X-irhtinJ rixtnr.s, Li-jrgrss-Grandon Co.
ridslltT storage Toa Co., Pong. I8.
ere xt Print It Now Bea con Pre
Beaalifnl All Ii for ele
on the easy payment plan. Banker
Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug.
Many la Bible ClassA total of :
rrin and boys nrp now ennlhd In the
Bible clashes conducted by the Young
Men's Christian association
"Today's Complete Kov.e ProlTraat"
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee, EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Better Business Is the feeling of the
best Judges right now. You better your
business by locating in The Bee building
(the building that Is always new). Office.
Room UB.
Serenade is rined John Joyce, a
piccolo player, wna fined an! ousts
in police court. Joyce was arrested about
midnight arter disturbing tho neighbor
hood In the vicinity of Sixteenth and
Burt streets. Of fleers Bitter made the
rneolo Being Meld Fred Fucclo,
of Richland. Neb., is being held at police
headquarters pending an Investigation of
his having threatened to blow up tho
establishment of Joe Orotto. 409 North
Sixteenth street. It the latter refuses to
give him a certain amount of money.
Borglar Stak Escape In a race that
resolved Itself Into a pistol duel between
a burglar and Officer Ueorge Emery last
evening ot Fortieth and Dodita streets,
the burglar won out. effecting his escape,
after a hard rhasi: duwn the railroad
tracks at forty-sixth and Dodge streets.
Fraakie Gets Sixty Days Krankle Van
Allen, charged with tho. theft of $60 from
a gentleman friend, pleaded not guilty In
police court, Wednesday morning. Her
slang proved too much for tho court,
however, and she was sentenced to sixty
days on general principles.
Long Petition for Demurrage One of
the longest petitions ever seen in the
local district court was filed by the Bur
lington railroad In a suit xgalust the
C. , Hull company. Involving $357.23
demurrage charges. There are IIW large'
pages In tho document arid K en u tea of
action are involved.
Blchards Oats Thirty Says Will
Richards, colored, arrested by Sergeant
.Sigwart for the theft of a silk skirt from
the Brandeis Stores, was sentenced to
thirty days in the county . Jail. When
Richards was searched at police head
quarters a razor was taken from inn
Three Bald ' for Uobbery A whole
wagon load of merchandise taken from a
Burlington boxcar was discovered by De
toctlvea Sullivan and Lahey In a house at
Kil Woolworth avenue. As a result John
McCarthy, Thomas Talt and John Broad
were arrested and are being held for Investigation.
Two Programs Each Day of Con-
' Tentioi, December 8 to 10.
Tnploa Pertain! to the Welfare
f AarloaltarUta ta Be nl
raaaed by Able Ai
A musical program to enliven things
both morning and afternoon of rach day
of the convention has been arranged for
the fifth annual convention of the Ne
braska Farm Congress December 8 to 10,
Inclusive. Jam h. Carnal, teacher of
voice culture and .director of the Omaha
School of Music, ha arranged the musi
cal program for the convention.
Both violin music and vocal solo have
been arranged for to be given by Miss
Margery Bhackelford. Mra. C. A. Chrls-
tlanfon. Miss May Campbell of Clarks.
Net.; Miss Vern Fowler. Mrs. Guy It.
Thinney and Mls Ethel Buxton. Carnal
male quartet will give some selections,
a will also the South Omaha High
school orchestra and a ladies' quartet.
Will Be Basr Session.
The official program for the. farm con
gress Is now off the press. It Is a full
program of work, reports and discussions.
Co-operative creameries, proposed uni
form live stock shipping laws, conserva
tion of Nebraska water power, farmers'
mutual Insurance., reorganization of the
State Hoard of Agriculture, the Torrent
system of land registration, co-operative
buying and selling, aoll survey and agri
cultural development, rural telephones,
rural schools and many other important
subjects arc to be discussed. Tho lead
ing paper on each of the subjects is to
be given by one who is an expert ot a
recognized authority on the subject upon
which he speaks, 'Discuss ions will fol
low by others who are scheduled for .the
discissions, although the discussions wit.
also be thrown open to tho house.
Moving pictures will be shown on the
afternoon of Thursday, December 10.
THo reels are to be selected by tho audl
enco from a variety : of Nebraska farm
matter, such as fancy horses, beet auat
Industry, wheat and corn Industry or
Irrigation projects.
Want Unobstructed
View of Bar Rooms
From Front Window
Big tropical palma are excellent win
dow shades In disgu'ee for the saloons
ot Omaha, according to F. A;, High, dis
trict superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
league. High has made some investiga
tion and has now compiled a list of
twenty-four saloons In Omaha that ho
says do not obey, the, .stae : law j-wlth
regard to keeping the windows plain and
unshaded so that everyone from the
street may look In and see what Is go
ing on clear to the back of the room.
Drive Slek IleaCacve Away.
Agonizing sick headache cured by til
ing Dr. King's New Life Tills regularly.
Keep liver and bownls in healthy condi
tion. Ke. All druggists. Advertisement
Heirs of Col. Pratt
Estate Ask Division
1 Trial of a partition suit in which Henry
W. Magee of Chicago and Wayiand V.
Mageo of Omaha, his ton, are arrayed
against Jerome Mageo of Omaha, also a
son, and involving the large estate of
the late Colonel Pratt of Omaha, is
scheduled to begin next Monday beforo
District Judge Sutton.
Colonel Pratt was father of Mrs. Henry
W. Magee. Interests of another Bister
residing in Sweden were purcnased by
Jerome Magee on the occasion of a trip
which he made to Sweden. Other heirs
allege that the trip was made in the In
terest ot all and are seeking to dlvido
the Interest thus secured.
The parties to. tho suit are . widely
known in business and social circles.
With a bushel ot mall arriving dally
and hundreds of orders to be filled for
the emergency tax stamp required since
the , war cut down import revenue, the
Internal revenue office here la swamped
with work and the deputies and clerks
are working from 8 a. m. until 10 p. m.
dally.- The office la usually open to the
public from a. m. until 4 p. m., but
until further notice -will' close hereafter
at 3 p. in. to give the office force more
time to fill mall orders for stamps.
Acting Collector E. W. North says that
his supply of emergency stamps has
given out, but more are expected soon
from Washington. In tho meantime be
asks that people be patient If they fall
to receive the stamps they have ordered.
Fine Specimens of
Birds Being Shown
at Benson Exhibit
Elaborate preparation have been made
for the big poultry show at Benson thla
week. Fine specimen of birds ore Com
ing In from all part of the county, and
many exhibits from outside counties.
The big Benson show room will be
crowded. Many prominent poultrymen
already on hand express themselves aa
surprised at the high standard of birds,
declaring they are equal to the best In
the country, which proves conclusively
that there Is no better place than Doug
las county to raise fine poultry.
Jt la believed thai this show will give
a tlg Impetus to the poultry .business
locally and result in ' permanently . in
oreftB!r'.'ilipnentJ .'if poultry and eggs
from thla market. 'The show opens to
day, and continues' for the. balance -of
this week, and next Sunday. It Is con
veniently located on the Benson car line,
few blocks west of Krug park. :
'Eutry ! icf are
The town ot Bancroft, Neb., which '
was voted dry at the .spring election, is j
not to be allowed to go, wet araln If the
Anti-Saloon League of Nebraska cau j
help It It has decided to start aa early '
campaign there to keep the town dry.
V. A. High, district superintendent of
the league tor the Omaha district, plana
to go to Bancroft Sunduy to hold a big
rally in one of the churches, thus open
ing the campaign to keep tha town dry.
He expect to remain over until Mon
day, alien tome of the leading men of
Bancroft are to hold a council (H war
with him on tho p:oposltlon, when pla,ni
will be formed.
Will I tvr get ovr ttia?
Is It "Just a Cold"?
Don't say: "If Just a cold." It ma
turn Into rheumatism, or dropsy, or gout
or other serious sickness that comes from
weak kidneys. Because colds are due to
congestion. Congestion makes the kid
ney ever-work to filter the blood. Colds
often leave the kidneys weak. First,
break the cold; then use Doan's Kidney
Pills to avert the kidney dangers. v For
backache they are especially well recom
mended. An Omaha Man's
Statement: .
A O. Stephen, barber. 1228 S. Tenth
street, Omaha, say: "My back became
so lame that the ilmplest movement was
distressing. I had headaches and dlxz'
spells and in the inornl.ig I could hard
ly drag myself about. I found no relief,
until I began taking Doan's Kidney PHI.
They made a prompt and permanent
cure." . i
50 al all Drug Stores
Foater-Milburn Co. BufTalo.N.Y
Poley'a lloarr ana tar Cst(ass4
far fro op.
Croup scare you. The loud", hoarse,
croupy cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for Im
mediate relief. The very first dose of
Foley Honey and Tar Compound will
master the croup. ' It cuts the thick
mucus, clear away the phelgm and
opens up and eases the sir passages.
Harold Berg, Mass. Mich., writes: "We
give Foley' Honey and Tar to our chil
dren for croup and It always acta
quickly." Every user a friend. For sale
by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement
Be Want Ada Are the Best Bullae
Tlii Home Made Mixture Darkens
tiray Hair and Make It Hoft .
and Gloats)-.
To a half pint ot water add: '
Bay Rum 1 ox.
Bar bo Compound a small box
Olycerine M oi.
These are all simple Ingredients that
you can buy from any druggist at very
little cost and mix them yourself. Apply
to the scalp once a day for two weeks,
then once every other week until all the
mixture is used. A' half pint should be
enough to rid tha head of dandruff and
kilt the dandruff germ. It stop the hair
from falling out, relieves Itching and scalp
Although it Is not a dye, it act upon
the hair roots and will darken streaked,
faded, gray hair In ten 'or fifteen days.
It promotes the growth ef .the hair and
makes harsh -Hair- soft and glossy Advertisement
Railroad Employes
to Have Holiday
The railroads will rriak It possible for
the greater portion of the employes, othet
than trainmen, to have Thanksgiving rf.
Here In the city all of the headquarters
bu Idlngs will be closed during the en
tire day. The city offices will' be closed
and parties desiring tickets will buy
them at the depot.
K a mill Fre.lilckxen, aged 1 years, who
left Omaha Paturday for llartlngton.
Neb., after giving up her position here as
a doinestln, has been located at the home
of Jon Chrlstlancon rf that city, where
she has been working since her arrival
there. ,
Bee Want AO Are ramuui as Result-Getter.
Alamito Dairy Now
in Its New Home
The Alamito Sanitary Dairy company
1 now located In Its now plant at Twenty-el
xth and Iavenworth stroeta. The
transfer has been made In such a way
that the bualnee of tho company ha
been going on without a break. The old
establishment at 1M2 Farnam street la
being retained for some days or a few
weeks to handle the retail trade.
. . .f Omalhai aondL VMMty
Y. ' AB01iU. AND UnL8:,nV MOUMNol& V
v" V : toV vs? t5 &vtto" uip c , ,u.
) p See Thursday papers for full particulars about
Si the arrival or ulak ulu sain i a llau
Burgess-Nash Gompamy.
Store Closed all of
Thanksgiving Day
Great Sale of Women's and Misses'
Extremely Fine SUITS Next Saturday
and Monday
Suits made to sell up to $55
wiU be offered for $24.50 at
the Great and Growing Store of
1516-20 Farnam Street.
Customs ChangeThe Spirit Remains
W .j v m.jn.wt j w uuic sue juii ui i uaniMgivuig lull
' From thej dim old candles to Electric Light; from the uneven heat of
open tires to tort, radiajtt electric warmth; from food tasting of the blaze
W1S (Sal rrf'.- inlr!niT rt &lfvoSta tmwr manw mA .:J I L - &
1" the nimble magic of electricity and we are thankful.
w Omaha Electric Light and Ppwer Co.
IPS' "
'rl ..yr1'1 iiL ,
' ' ' .. ' ' '
, .:.''. . ...
i - - i
ymWdm m - . ill
mAm 4&SKfP AaiiA I
.mf BOND &
v;:v . ' AO;-4j LILLARD L
; -1. 'w Bottled in Bond I (torlL)l
' -i ' J has always led all others I Ly I
V v in popularity and its lead I t j
today is greater than ever. ' )
v Made in Kentucky SV.r0 i
KA. the old-fashioned, wsh J) f)j
zy hand made way. f iri l A W1
.'rtW BOND Sz LILLARD 1(J)! )? f'
1 he r ruco has on sale da.Iy. winter tourist tickets to all of the Florida and Cuban westhTf iwnZ' A iSLSS vVi
resorts. Good.for return passage until June 1st. 1915. Libera! stopover privileges. I Af" 4ilin dST 1 5
is a I '
Going Pot oi the
Automobile Business
All new models, modern
with electric lighting
and starting equipment
Shop and Garage Equipment,
Tools, Oil Tanks, Etc., Fix
tures, Show Gases, Parts and
Auto Parts for Midland, Mason, Spalding
and Davis Cars.
Call and Make Us
An Offer
Freeland Automobile Go.
1113 Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska
SMir a v f a aVTrnr a orr a i.
IJlflArlA linl A.iiV All
Ricliard L. Metcalfe hns returned to the state
where his best work has been accomplished.
For upwards of thirty years this "vigorous
writer" and '1ceen analyst" of public ques
tions gave to Nebraska his choicest thoughts.
December 3, 1914, will find him
editing his own newspaper
The Omaha Ncbraokan
One Year, $1.50. Mail Your Subscription
Today to
415 Karbach Block. OMAHA, NEB.
. . Do you bos your business or doe your business bos you) It's about lime1 you
. rer4 asserting your right and settling tha question by going to Florida.
Low Fares and Excellent Service
to Florida and Cuba
The Frisco has on sale daily, winter tourist tickets to all of the Florida and Cuban
resorts.' Good. for return passage until June 1st, 1915. Liberal stopover privileges.
Kansas City to: ; Kansas City to:
JackaohvilU and return. $ 42.50 Miami and return, $ 64.60
SL Au.o.tlne and return, 44.80 Key Wast and return, 75.60
wun, oi.vw Mavana and return, 79.00
. ' Oood returning ais months from data of aala,
Correspondingly low fares to other resorts in Florida. Cuba and the Ule of Pines.
The Kansas City-Florida Special
An alUsteel train, through from Kansas City to Jacksonville, over the Frisco Lines
and Southern Railway. Steel coaches, dining cars (Fred Harvey meals) and sleepers.
' It takes you through the Ozark Mountains.
Detailed information and profusely illustrated
' 1 hi "'I deecnptira literature may be had by addressing
J.CUrriea, DirUiaa Paa.', Agant, 609 Waldhaim BldgKanaas City
aawatss i J
.all aCt al
Ueo Headers are too Intelligent to Overlook the Opportuni
ties in the "Wunt Ad" Columns. They're Worth Heading.