Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1914, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
VOL. XLIV NO. 138.
Oa Trains nag at
aTotsla Mewe Staada, Be.
Southern Bandit Chief Enters Capi
tal After Blanco Withdraw!
Hit Forces.
Paring Period After Departure and
Before Arrival of Troops,
Babble Busy.
Will Make Attempt to Reach Place
with Body of Caralry.
A REAL THANKSGIVING With half the world engaged in a bloody war in which he has no share or part, Uncle Sam has every reason to give earnest
thanks today for all the blessings that have been his, and for all the blessings of rosperity which peace is prcading upon his table.
Uaerllls General Excoriate A(iu
Callentea Bodr Which Hna De
clared Against
Car ran sa. .
EL PASO, Tex.. Nor. K. General
Zapata personally haa entered Mextoo
City and baa denounced the Aguas
Callentes convention, according- to a
message from the capital riven out today
by the Carransa agency here. It waa
atated alao that General Blanco, with
his troops, had reached Orizaba, midway
between the capital and Vera Crus.
Juarez officials conferred by telegraph
with General Villa, who was at Tula, two
hours by train or automobile from Mex'
lco City. Villa was quoted aa having said
that he had received no word of dis
orders at Mexico City nor of the change
of government. Villa intimated that he
would hasten Into the capital with cav
alry. Force to Oppose V 11 law
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Nov. . A tel-
M rro Try .(..I that flnar,l. T31nnV, and
Obregon have 27,000 men ready to oppose;
Villa, near the suburbs of Mexico City,
was received by the collector of customs
in Matamoras today from' General Vas
quez. a Carranza official In Monterey.
Doabt In Wnshlnston.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-Confllcttng
advices and ' uncertain communication
with Mexico City caused doubt and ap
prehension today over what actually was
occurring in the Mexican capital.
A first official dispatch dated early
yesterday said General Lucio Blanco had
abandoned the city and that the Zapata
forces were entering. Then a later dis
patch dated at t o'clock yesterday after
noon said that while General Blanco
was not to be found, he still was reported
to be somewhere In the capital, while
- bis troops, however, were evacuating and
taking property as they left.
In Pact with Tills.
The Zapata forces were then reported
on the outskirts of the city and It was
understood that they vera la agreement
Ith Yiua Kirces not to enter the cap
ital until the latter arrived.
This, the latest official dispatch pointed
eat, was uncertain, however, though the
Brazilian minister had received assur
ance from the Zapatista chiefs that they
would preserve order and give every pro
tection to foreigner.
Mob Loots Stores and Shops.
MEXICO CITY, Nov 24-fDelayed)-Serlous
disorder occurred In the capital
tonight, when a mob gathered tn front
of the national palace.
- Later they marched to stores where
arms and ammunition were kept, bat
tered down the doors 'and sacked the
places of their contents.
There was much shooting, but thus far,
uccordlng to reports), the casualties are
Police Powerless.
The police .were powerless, as the few
who remained to guard the city were
t tripped of their arms by the mob.
Later In the evening the mob which
had, been constantly growing, broke up
into smaller bodies and the looting of
pawn shops and other establishments tn
various sections of the city was begua
The trouble began at 6 o'clock lit the
evening and at a late hour still con
tinued. All the street car trafflo was
stopped except the Red Cross service,
which was taking care of dead and
wounded brought . in from the fighting
around Tacubaya. '
At 8 o'clock bodies of civilians and
former federal soldiers were formed.
They paraded the principal street and
marched to police headquarters and the
Brazilian legation, where they wen
armed. ,
It was hoped that this force' eventually
would be able to control the situation.
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, no important change In tempera
Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Dear.
Te.mperatares svt
6 a. m.....
6 a. m
7 a. ni
8 a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m.....
1 p. ra
I p. m
4 p. in
5 p. in
( p. m
7 p. m
8 p. m
ull pip I jMmA mmwwM
wP :ms Sss'll 111 mm
linn i ii ii ii im im i.r i i i ii if " : '' 1 1 1 V '- ' ' "" ' u. -t. in. ir..A-..i fai...iJufcAju-j.-,.w.-.iiiii i li, i i.i 'i, .it jp r , - r
Various Athletic Activities to Pro
vide Entertainment for Thou
sands' in Omaha Today,
Omaha High Lads to Play Strong;
Team 'of Chicago Gridiron War- '
rlors ait Vinton Pai
Life Tarkey Snoot.
OpeBlnr' eif "jLnto Bpesdway -Autome-blle
trials, motaroyole raolntr aiid arla-
LUon events, 10;3O to 4:80.
oreiKbton-sjonth Dakota foot aau gams,
Oretghton field, Si30.
Omaha Klgh-X.ane Teoh foot hall rama,
Bloorke Park. 8:30.
oeoer rame. Killer park, 1:30.
Cross-aoaatry ran. Young Men's Chris
tian association, 10:30.
Lira tarkey bird shoot. Carte X-aka
Qua club, 10 o'clock.
Amateur foot bail games oa all sand
Matinees at all playhouses.
Union Serrloes at eaoh of the fol
lowing charcoal i Trinity cathedral,
Westminster Presbyterian ohuroh, Clif
ton Kill Presbyterian church, First Meth
odist church, Calvary Baptist church,
Berman Methodist, Eleventh and Center
treats! sunrise prayer meeting at the
aTonng Man's Christian association.
THE WEATHER-Colonel Welsh has
ordered splendid weather for Thanksgiv
ing day fair, with no Important change
In temperature.'
.The enthusiast of outdoor sports will
hava his inning Thanksgiving day, for
today Omaha will abound with In
teresting events which go to make the
big day of the sport calendar so im
portant. Two foot ball games "of merit, the
opening of the big automobile speedway
and numerous other occurrences . wlU
comprise ths list of events.
At Crelghton field the fast foot ball
team representing the University of
South Dakota will .battle Crelghton.
That game should be a corker. The
Coyotes are a fast squad and, while ad-
Judge Morris Instructs If Verdict it
Reached it Will Be Brought
Into Court This Morning.
Promise of Thankssrivlnsj Dinner
If no Agreement Before 'the Noon
t' Honr Today Scenes In .
.Court Room. ,
k, Although -jvertHot In the earn of ths-
United States against Walter Bammoni,
tried In federal court on charges of rob
bing the Kc-arney postofflce, may have
been reached by the Jury last night, the
nature of the verdict, If one was reached,
will not be known except by the jury,
until 9 o'clock this morning. With In
structions not to report before that hour,
and to seal the verdict and go to bed. If
a verdict was reacahed last evening, the
Jury went out at 6:30 o'clock yesterday
With a desire on the part of all persons
interested to conclude the case as soon aa
possible and secure a verdict, it was
sent to the Jury under rather rush con
ditions. Each side out down Its argu-
(Continued on Page Ten, Column Two.)
The Day9 n
War News
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Omaha Man's Car
Struck by Motor
Upon Loup Bridge
SCOTIA. Neb., Nor. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) M. Bruce Carpenter of Omaha
carne near losing his life this morning
when a Union Pacific motor car struck
his automobile on the Loup rtver bridge,
west of Scotia. The automobile . is a
wreck. Mr. Carpenter Is manager of
the Prudential Insurance Company of
America, with offices in the City National
Bank building In Omaha. Though some
what Injured Mr." Carpenter was able to
return to Omaha thia afternoon.
Allies Request United States
to Make Colombia Be Good
Comparative Local Rord.
1914. 1913. :1S. 1911.
Highest yesterday tS7 44 58
lowest yesterday 40 41' 2ft Zs
Mean temperature 64 4S J5 43
J'rtcipllatlon 00 .07 .00 .oa
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 34
Kxcesa for the day )
Total excess since March L.'. 7t
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
1'tttclenry for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March l....t4.40 inches
Deficiency since March 1 3 W Inches
IXficlencr for cor. period. 113. 7.64 Inches
teflclency for cor. period. 1!12. 3.42 Inches
Reports front Stations nt T P. hf.
frtatlon and State. Temp. Ill-b. Raln
ot Weather. 7 p. in. eat. fall-
"heyenne. cloar ii o; .00
!aveiiport, clear ......... 60 . tiO .00
I'envt-r, clear 64 4 .09
Ties Mntnrx, cloudy W .00
North Platte, clear 4i 7 .
Omaha, partly cloudy ... Wt 7 . .ou
Kaphl City, clear 4S fcd .(W
Miendan, clear 44 .04
Sioux City, clear M .W)
Valentine, clear 64 OS .00
L. A. VYELBH. Local Forecaster.
LONPON.' Nov. . 4:lt P. m. Great
Britain and France have appealed to the
United Btates to exercise Us good offices
to compel Colombia to observe more
strictly the requirements of neutrality.
Otherwise the allies. It was announced
In the House of Commons today, may be
compelled . In self-defense to take what
ever measures they deem necessary for
the protection of their Interests. ,
Charles Roberta, under secretary of the
colonial department, speaking oa behalf
of the Foreign office, mads thia announcement-in
the House of Commons He
aaid that Information In the poaaeaalon
of the government Indicated that the gov
ernments of Colombia and Ecuador had
failed la certain respects to observe an
attitude of strict neutrality and that their
failure to do so was likely to be detri
mental to the Interests of England .
The particular cause of complaint
against Colombia has referenoa to a high
power wireless station.
The British charge d'affaires endeavored
repeatedly, said Mr. Roberts, to Induce
the government to remove the staff of
Germans at the wireless station and In
stitute strict control tn order to prevent
the transmission of messages' to belliger
ent merchant ships lying In Colombian
ports. Falling In this the charge M.ught
to have the station dosed. The icport
received from the charge leaves it In
doubt whether steps taken by 'the Co
lombian government are of an effective
Mr. Roberta added that the British
naval attache at Washington, who waa
sent to Colombia to Investigate condl-
Reports from Russian sources
during the last two days of an
Imposing victory In the war with
Austria and Germany are at vari
ance with an official statement
today from Berlin. While the
O e r m a n military authorities
stated previously that the ad
vance toward Warsaw had been
checked by the arrival of Russian
reinforcements, there was do in
dication ir today's statement that
any decislvw results had been at
tained by either of the opposing
Military activity in the west is
centered In the line from the Bel
gian town of . Ypres across the bor
der to LaBassee In France. This
latest phase of the war Is believed
to mark another German effort to
push forward to the English
channel, and it is said that the
battle 1b blazing forth with all the
fury and desperation of the for
mer German attacks. The Ger
mans have brought up reinforce
ments and new heavy guns, and it
Is expected In London that the
next few days will be marked by
some of the most deadly encoun
ters of the war.
Definite news as to the out
come of the crucial struggle In
the east still is lacking. Private
dispatches from Petrograd state
that the Russians have made an
Important forward movement on
the Czentochowa - Cracow line,
which rpughly parallels the bor
der of Silesia and extends from
Poland to Austrian territory near
the fortress of Cracow.
The latest official statement
from Petrograd says that the Rus
sians are still on the offensive on
the main battleground between
the Vistula and Warta rivers, and
that heavy losses have been In
flicted on the retreating enemy.
Austria - and Germany, however,
state that the battle still is in
progress , and that issue had not
been decided.
tlons there, found that the wireless sta
tion nominally was being operated under
censorship, but that In reality It waa
entirely under German Influence. He
considered it of importance to auppress
the operation of, the station. Ho also
of Colombia were continuing to use their jftjfifjp BlaiUCS IllS
It therefore appeared to the British
government, said Mr. Roberts, that fur
ther representations to Colombia were
not likely to be of any avail. It was
therefore decided to appeal, la co-operation
with the French government, to ths
good offices of the United Btates to pro
cure a .more strict enforcement of Co
lombian neutrality. It was also also
stated that in the event that Colombia
continued to maintain lta present attitude
ths allied governments might be com
pelled tn self-defense to take such meas
ures as they deemed necessary for the
protection of their Interests.
Mr. Roberts wont on to say that a
similar -communication had been sent to
Washington with respect to Ecuador,
whoso foreign minister "had himself In
formed the British charge and his French
coUesgues that German warships bad
converted certain islands belonging to I
Ecuador Into naval bases."
In reply to a question by Karl Ronald- i
shay. Mr. Huberts said that in the com- I
municatlon to Washington no assertion ;
had been made that these breaches of .
neutrality had resulted in the loss of ths !
cruisers, Good Hor.e and Monmouth. ;
which-were sunk tn ah engagement with
the German Pa Ific fleet off tn coast of
Representatives of English OoTern
ment Toast anta Clans Spirit Evi
denced by Coristmas Ship.
Dinner la Plymaath Given hr Karl
BeaachaniB Closes Dny f Ar
" rival t Jaeln In Devon
port Harbor.
PLYMOUTH (Via London). Nov,
A dinner given tonight by the sari of
Beauchamp, first commissioner of works
in h. British cabinet. In honor of the
officers of the United Btates naval collier
Jaaon. the Santa Claus ship, cioseo. a u,
In which the British foreign office and the
cltliena of Great Plymouth manifested
In every possible manner the heartfelt
appreciation of the king and the country
for the 6,000.009 Christmas gtfts sent by
the people of the United Btates to the
unfortunate children In the war sone.
Following the arrival of the Jason at
Devonport today American flags floated
over every publlo building in Plymouth
and from the main masts of all warships
and commercial craft In ths harbor until
Hundreds of women visited the Jason
at Devonport, two miles from Plymouth,
after the official reception of the vessel.
Among them were Mrs. Waldorf Astor,
who presented Lieutenant Commander C.
F. Courtney, U. a N., in charge of the
ship, with a beautiful boquet of chrys
anthemums on behalf of tho women of
Oa Behalf of Newspapers.
Admission to the navy yard at Devon
port was only by cart, but thousands of
persons stood outside the gates viewing
the Christmas ship from a distance
Fifty, covers were laid for the dinner
tonight, which was served la the Royal
hotel. The dining room waa a mass of
rose and" chrysanthemums. The British
navy was t presented by the command
ants of .the Plymouth fortress and tho
navy yard. Mayor Baker of Plymouth
and Major Waldorf Astor were among
tha guests.
The earl of Beauchamp' replied to the
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Official Statement by War Office
Says Germans Making Progress
at Arm. .
It Also Saya RsmIsb A4vsao
East Frassln nad Connter ON
fonslvo la Gnllela its .
Halted. ' ':
BERLIN, Nov. SBMBr 'Wireless - to
London) In tha official communication
Issued by tha German general staff today
tha Germans claim to have mads progress
at Arras, Franco; to have rep sed all
the Russian attacks In Bast Prussia and
to have checked the Russian counter at
tacks In Russian Poland. ;
The text of the statement follows t
"Yesterday tho enemy's shlpa did not
repeat their expedition against Ola coast
(of northern Prance).
"Tho situation In the western war
theater remains unchanged. We madei
aome Slight progress at Arras.
"In Bast Prusnla our troops repulsed
all tho Russian attacks.
"In 'the counter offensive of the Rus
sians from the direction of Lowies, Stry-
kow and Brseslny they failed.
"In tho district of Csenatorhowa all
tha Russian attempts also broke down
before our front"
French Official Report.
PARI S, Nov. . The official statement
given out by the French war office this
afternoon saya:
"From the North aea to Tprea) there
have been no Infantry attacks. Between
Langemarck and Zonnebecks wa have
gained territory. In tha vicinity of Lav
Basses, . the Indian troops recaptured
from the enemy certain tranchea which
had been taken from them the evening
lefore. From Lallaasee to Solssons there
has been almost complete calm.
"We have made slight progress near
Berry-Au-Bac, and In the Argonne.
"At Bethincourt, northwest of Verdun,
a German attack has been repulsed. 1 A
suspension of hostilities requested by the
enemy has been refused.
"In the region of Pont-a-Mousson our
artillery found It possible to bombard
"Nothing has happened In the Voages."
Grim Preparations Made to CrniH.
Way Through Defenses to tha
French Coast 1
German Rudimentary Naval Base at
Zeebrugtre is Destroyed by
SheU Fire,
Danger of Direct Sea Raid on Brit
ish Ports Seems to Be Averted
for .the Present.
Teuton Admissions and Rus Claim!
Are Both Rather Mill,
Raaalaa War Off too Sara dsarTI
Forces Have Won eclat v Vic.
lory, bnt Does Wot lasne em
Ert ended Statement,
LONDON, Nov. J 5. The destruc
tion of Germany's rudimentary naval
base at Zeebrugge by shell fire frotts
British and French warships, to
gether with Germany's grim prepara
tions for Its renewed attempts to
crush a way through the allied line
to the French coast, were the most
significant features in today's news
from the western arena of the war.
In the east the situation as regard
the Russian and German armies la
Poland remains a little obscure. Ths
Germans, on the other hand, are not
denying that the advance of General
von Hlndenburg has been checked,
while fVe Russian War office, al
though not issuing an extended state
ment, claims a decisive victory.
Allies Maoro nt Eaae.
"With tha smashing of tha submarines
whloh tha Germans had been so labori
ously assembling at Zeebrugs. the allied
fleet has been removed from that tnenaee)
on tha coast. It la now felt there Is
little1 danger of an undersea, raid, and as
additional saws dispatches are received
from the other aide of the channel It is
apparent thai the damage Inflicted btt
the fire of the warships at'- Zmtbrugge
was far more extensive than was at first
"Soma reports received in London aeS
forth that tho Germans already have
started another attack upon the allies
front In Flanders .which will be mors
Intense and formidable than any btthert
undertaken. It la apparent that the Oer-
mans hava been carefully preparing for
thia move for aome day a past The situa
tion vrocludea the possibility of a secret
attack, and It is said that tha Invaders
have ona ahead with their plans quite
openly, keeping secret only the poind
where they proposed to center their of
fensive movement.' It la the opinion of
military observers here that the next
onslaught, will be particularly menacing;
because the Germans, profiting by the
mistakes previously made, will keep far
enough away from the coast to avoid the
naval guns and wlU not waste their
energy by advancing at several points at
the same time, but will concentrate all
their efforts on one spot, where they
hope to break through by sheer weighs
of numbers. '
"Having shattered tha Prussian guard,
however, when It essayed the feat, the
allies say they have every reason to acs
the present situation with confidence."
Little Human Interest Stories of
the Big World War Now Raging
Conscience rand to War Victims.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. Desoluto
widows and orphans of Europe today
were adjudged beneficiaries of a con
science contribution received by the Font
office department from an unknown Min
nesota who confessed to having robbed
the malls of t& mors than fifty years ago.
At the writer's request the letter (the
letter containing two 1100 bills) was
turned Into a fund for the relief of war
Soldier First, Missionary Nest.
LONDON, Nov. 25. A German trtod to
Diplomatic Agents
Abroad for the War
LONDON, Nov. ffx-Tho German em
peror, according to a dispatch from The
Hague to the Exchange Telegraph com
pany, haa ordered Gottlieb von Jagow,
tha German minister of foreign affaire,
to notify all tha German diplomatic agents
who hitherto have been employed In the blow up tha Iiritish gunboat Dwarf with
countries now at war with Germany that an Infernal machine In a West African
they ' can consider themselves free to ! harbor recently, according to a report
choose another career. Newspaper crit-i0 the colonial office.'. It was discovered
lea. tha message adds, state that this ! thl ha waa a missionary. "When quee
sequel seems to Indicate that German Uone to how touai such an action
diplomacy is held responsible , for the compatible with his profession, says tha
report. " no repiiea wsi ne was a sotoier
first and a missionary afterwards."
roeaacks (apt are Pliers.
PETlioG HAD (Via London), Nov. .
A German aeroplane with two aviators
has been captured by Cossacks, twenty
four miles from Plock. Russian ' Poland.
Tho airmen had dropped several bombs
In Plock.
ABfl'T CREDIT MAN; must be well
educated, understand accounting, of
analytical turn of mind, have ambi
tion and 'ability to work Into respon
sible poHltlon with a large jobbing
house; salary will depend on ability.
Mute fully experience and give refer
ences. Tor farther Snformation about
thia opportunity, see the Waat A4 S
Section of todaya Bee.
Sara Tell Kids Abowt War.
ALBA NT, N. T., Nov. M. Silence In
the school room oa subjects relating to
the European war la Inconsistent with
the purpose and spirit of educstlon, de
clared Mrs. Eannle Kern Andrews, secre
tary of ths American School Peace league.
In addressing the State Teachers' asso
ciation. "What la going on abroad," aha
said, "should be presented In the school
room In such a manner as to give the
pupils a proper Interpretation of ths whole
dreadful story." . '
Close Call for Duke.
AMSTERDAM (Via London), Nov.
According to a Herlln d.spatch to tha
Telegraaf, the duke of Baxe-Coburg and
Gotha, narrowly escaped death In tha
eastern theater of the war by a shell
which exploded near where he' and his
staff ' were stsndtng. Tha . explosion
killed Colonel Von lierg and wounded two
other off ioera.
One "Explanation" of War.
WASHINGTON, Nov. K. Lack of
Christianity In Europe was referred to by
speakers at tonight's session of the
World's .Bible conference as one cause
of the war in Europe.
Paeaaaoala Kills Wnr Horse.
MONTREAL. Nov. 2S. Pneumonia haa
caused the death of over fifty horses out
of a batch of 1iS purchased by agents
of the French government for light cav
alry service and brought - to Montreal
front Texas.
Reappoints Holcomb
to Board of Control
. LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. S5. (Special
Telegram.) According to an announce
ment given out at tha office of Gov era
Morehead thia afternoon, the executive
haa made up his mind to reappoint Silas
A. Holcomb to his present position on
the board of control. The appointment
must be confirmed by the senate and rune
for six years beginning July 1 next
The Want Ad
Is Thankful
for its splendid quality of evef
increasing patronage and tha
satisfactory service whichj it is
able to render.
We believe the Waat
Ad columns of The Bee
are a public benefit and
can be used and read
with the greatest amount
of j)rof it possible according-
to the classification.
We are thankful not only
from a dollars and cents point
of view, but for the fact that
we hold the confidence of our
readers and patrons.
Telephone Tyler 1000
The Omaha Bee
"Enrybii, R,md Ate Wami AM"