Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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"Guro Your
Rupture Liko
I Cured Llino"
Old Ssa Captain Cured Hit Own
Bupture After Doctors Said
"Operate cr Death."
EU Remedy til Book Beat Fro.
Captain Colllngs sailed the seaa for
fnany years; then ha sustslued a bad
double rupture that soon forced him to
not only remain ashore, but kept him
bedridden for year. He tried doctor
after doctor and truss after truss. No
results I Finally, he was assured that
ha must either submit to a dangerous
snd abhorrent operation or die. Ha did
either I lie cured himself Instead.
Nearly Two Billions
is Fully Subscribed
Eeports from Geneva Describe At
i tack on Friedrichshafen.
1 1 mm
"Fellow Men and Women, Yon Don't Have
Ta Da Cat Up, and You Don't Hv.
To Ba Tortured By Trusses."
Captain Colllnps made a study of
himself, of his condition and at last ha
wss rewarded by tho llmltna; of the
method that so quickly made lnm a well,
strong, vigorous and hnppy man.
Anyone can use the en me tnothodl
It's simple, easy, anfe ami Inexpensive.
Every ruptured person In the world
should have the Captain Coifing book,
telling all about how he cured himself,
and now anyone may follow the rnme
treatment In their own home without
any trouble. The book and medicine are
FKBK. They will be sent prepaid to
sny rupture sufferer who will nil out
the below coupon. But send it right
Bwny now before ,you put down this
I a per.
Ospt. W. A. Oolllnfrs (Inc.)
Box 70S, Watertown, N.Y.
Please send me your FREE) Rupture
Romedy and Boole without any obli
gation on my part whatever.
Nam,e , ,
Address '
Oar Bomb Destroys Tart of Jibe,
Ast Airman Brenkl Ooera isl
nest A re trroaslrd For
IMN. Nov. 14. Out. of subscrip
tions to tho rreatest war loan la history.
amounting to .l'.in.o1i (tl.T.VVVO.wV or
morv than half the toir.! of the Urlttsh
national, debt, ere rled this after
noon and the loan. It la freely ktatnt in
the city, will le a Krrat nucoes. al-
official fiuirs as vet ai-e
GENEVA. Nov. M.tVIa FarlM-l etails ! Bv"I''h,,.n0
or ine aeroplane rata nn rnrtirirnnnnifri
have been received here from Roman
shorn, a Swiss town eleven miles from
( ru mii..i-t -ii, inr irpuil ir iiibiiit' it'll
remarkably 'Indicative of the determria-
Coming at a time v. ben the London
Slock exchanse Is closed nnd Immediately
after M,xm,flO of frestb taxation had
that two French and two Knoilah avi
ators, the former mounted In monoplanes
and the latter on biplanes, arrived above
Friedrichshafen at 1 o'clock Saturday
afternoon, flying; at great speed and
keeping at a great height.
Suddenly two of tho machines planed
down to about 400 years above the city
and, amidst a hail of shells and bullets
from six qulckflrers worked by the men
of the Ilavarlan regiment, circled about
for half an hour, during which they
threw about ten bombs In the vicinity of
Zeppelin sheds. One of these bombs
struck home, destroying part of the shed
and some machinery therein. It Is re
ported that one of the latest Zeppelins,
which was ready to ba launched, was
badly damaged, but the Germans deny
tlon of the country to enable the gov
ernment to prosecute the war to a suc
cessful end.
The subscriptions , poured in from the
provinces and from 'Insurance, houses and
banks, colonial as woll its from the VnlM
Kingdom. "The offerings ranged from
a modest 96 to the biggest Inrursnce
company's subscription of. U000 (M.
The enormous number of applications
created considerable pressure at toe Rank
of England and sonic- days must elapse
before It Is possible to announce the
allotments. The cash payment of 2 er
hundred required with the applications
will temporarily tnko off the markets
omo millions of pounds sterling.
The 1,0.1ft or more workmen employed T)-.w-.V f-nnrvy llnrm n v.
er when the JJU111U 11UU1 VJCii Ilia 11
A Dollar and Earn
$7,000 for
Any Publication
Brer Order Rnfml Kara
50 ecata. Ww Xmt Often Cowa.
Woni's'.Vocr '' .
CoBtpanioB . ..".$1.50
America! ....... 1.50
Either Two Yuri ...2.00
jotn ta same anuress 2.00
Cotncpontaa . . . $1.50
Hearsfs .........1.50
Good Housekeeping .. 150
Etttitr Tiro Years' ... 2.00
Everybody's . $tJ50
Cetineator 1.50
Either Two Years ... ;2.00
Both to use addrtss.. .2.00
Sa v.
Tbt lidlM Hem Joenal . . $1.50
Tna Saturday Erenlig Post . 1.50
Tat; Country eentlemaa ... 1.5Q
Any Publication Helps
dab OaTera Catrlbate ft r
tare. I aaplleate mmy rrtw.
iMMf mtm a alaale araw irt.
about the place were at dlnn
raid occurred or the loss of life would
have been greater than It was. One
house was destroyed by bombs and sev
eral persons were killed, Including two
Reports Are Yarloas.
The gunfire ot the German soldiers
brouKht one or the aviators to earth
with his machine. He proved to be a
British naval officer. The three other
machines disappeared, but one of them,
supposed to be manned by the other
Englishman, is reported to have fallen
Into the lake, the aviator being drowned.
Another Teport says the second machine
ww forced to land in Wurtemburg. In
any. event only . two machines were seen
later flying toward Relfort. which is 125
mi!es In a direct lino from the Zeppelin
The raid la said to have caused much
anxiety In Friedrichshafen. The number
of qulckflrers has been doubled and all
foreigners. It Is said, have been expelled,
as It is believed that spies gave the In
formation that another Zeppelin had been
completed. The lake Is being searched
toe the aviator who has not been ac
counted for.
Only Tbre la the Raid.
The British official report onr the air
raid at Friedrichshafen, as announced In
tho House of Connoms yesterday by
Winston Spencer Churchill, first lord of
tlu admiralty, declared that only three
aeroplanes, all manned by Englishmen,
took part In the raid. Mr. Churchill an
nounced that one of the aeroplanes was
brought down by the German gunfire and
that the aviator. Commander E.' F.
Rrlggs of the naval' air service was
wounded and was taken to a hospital a
prisoner. The other machines, with their
aviators, returned safely to Ftench ter
ritory, lie said.
Special Messenger
Brings Personal Note
;from King of Sweden
; NEWrrortKV'Nov. 21-i-Per Ostborg. spe-
r--vUl ttmseeasei at tti 'King-"of Sweden,
reached ?few York this arternoo'ii on the
steamship Ilelllgolav from Christlansand.
bflanug a message from King Gustave to
the Swedish embassy at Washington,
which, he said, was too important to trust
either to the malls or the cables. He left
at one for Washinjrton. V " "
The mesMiigsr ohjclatrned knowledge of
the contents of the' packet he carried. Hs
said that It ' bad ' been ' sealed personally
by the king and was entrusted ta him but
a few hours before the steamer' sailed,
He had only a few minutes to spare when
ha boarded the vessel at Christlansand.
Everything possible was done to enable
him to catch a train quickly for Washing
ton after tho steamer, lp arrived hero.
Mr. Ostberg thought that the message
did not deal with Sweden's neutrality,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24.--The - minister
from fftveden, W. A, . F. .Ekengren. said"
today that he did 'not know Per Osberg
and had no knowledge. thf a message
was on its way To him from King Qustav:
The minister : aafd - h was ; In constant
communication with -his government and
t!ut,UOitberg'brovb.t htm a .comraunl,
catlon ba would, be much surprised. -
Aeroplane Damages
American Consulate
WASHINGTON. Nov. 24. A bomb from
a German airship fell In front of the
American consulate at Warsaw today,
breaking the windows of the consulato,
but Injuring no one within, according to
a telegram dated today from American
Ambassador Mar ye at Petrograd.
Several ' persons In the street In front
of the consulate were killed nnd wounded,
but none of them were Americans.
The Incident was regarded here as in
dicating the proximity of the German ad
vance guard to Warsaw. American con
suls received instructions early in the war
to leave the sones of great danger when
ever Invading forces arrived tn their
it Is expected here that If Warsaw be
comes a battle ground of the German
and Russian armlea the American consul
and his staff will withdraw to a place of
Stolen Copper Worth .
Fortune Recovered '
; After Year's Search
Was Not Drug
In the loss bv fir. of the "IHI
Baltllne Wax.hous." last riunday
afternoon, w. sustained absolutely
no loss of drug stock, as this was not
our HKliG warehouse, which Is In the
f'luiikelt Block at 1614 Dodge St
The "Beltllne Warehouse" was leased
for sundry storage purposes and was
only partially occupied at the time of
the fire.
1502 S. 10th St,
Phone D. TO56 ,
DULUTH. Minn., Nov. 24. On Novem
ber 4, 1913, a freight car containing more
than $100,000 worth of Montana copper
aaode plates disappeared In the Northern
Pacific- railroad yards In Duluth. One
day later the car re-appeared in the
yards with 140,000 worth of the plates
missing. Today the plates were located
lu' the yard of a local scrap iron com-
' pany and George K. Robertson, aged 90,
and Joseph Regali, 26 years old, switch
men for the Northern Pacific, wera ar
rested for the theft
Zlgmund Zatk, foreman of the scrap
iron company, says he bought thirty-two
. of the plates from the switchmen for $300
j without the knowledge of his employers..
; The shipment was from the Anaconda
Mining company for Pittsburgh, Pa., via
' Duluth. Railroad and other detectives
, have ben working on the case for the last
i year.
Turkish Ammunition
Train Captured
PETROORAH, Nov. 24.-An official
communication Issued by tht general
staff of the Russian army In Caucasia,
under dato of November 32, says:
"In the direction of Erterum. the ad
vance guard of the Russian army con
tinued to drive back the enemy .after
having thrown In disorder a Turkish
column, during which caissons and an
ammunition train were captured.
"From Karaklllssee to Alashgcrd val
ley, sonic engagements took place with
results favorable to us.
"In the Persian province of Arer
baijan the Turks w.ra defeated In the
region of Khanaur Pass and also In the
passes leading from Oilman In tho direc
tion of Kotur. In these' engagements the
Russian troops captured some Turkish
artillery.."'.., , -f-
i" . v, ; .iii
More Mexican Troops
' -Enter Vera Cruz
VERA CHUZ. No. 24.-The constitu
tionalist troops, which came tnto Vera
C rm. yesterday, on, the departure of the
American forces of pupation under
General " Fiinston, " continued ; today to
niaintaln order. ' There have been no
disturbances in. the city. Mexican, flags
nr.; flying over all the public buildings
and ' the varlcus government officials
named by the constitutionalists nave be
gun their labors. More troops entered
the city today. When General Carranza
will arrive Is not yet known.
. U'he Commensal .Telegraph .wires con
necting, Vera crua with Mexico City have
pot yet been repaired. 1 - ' '
ii i i .
Germans Call:"Peace
: ; Desire", an Idiocy
i .. -
BERLIN. Nov- 23. (Via Londan, Nov.
24.) The Cologne 3astte declares . that
the reports of a German desire for peace,
which It says are probably inspired by
the British, belong to the ."region of
higher political idiocy."
''The position of the Germans, neither
In t.he east nor the west," it continues,
"to critical. The German miliary under
takings on all the battlefields are pro
gressing favorably. Neither, the military
nor . the political situation contain any
reason which might make Germany d
.lious to concludo peace."
Two Killed in Pistol
Fight in Kentucky
LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 2J. Bud
Strung and Mrs. James Mcintosh, wife
of a deputy sheriff, are dead as the result
of a pistol battle between Btrong and
Deputy Sheriff Mcintosh, near Jackson,
In Breathitt county, Kentucky, Sunday,
according to a report reaching here today.
Mcintosh, according to the report. In at
tempting to arrest Strong met with re
sistance and the pistol duel followed,
with the result that Ktrong was In
stantly killed and a stray shot penetrated
the home of Mcintosh, near by, striking
Mrs. Mcintosh. .
4 stt3VTiMsi .asVXsMKLsvQajaBssMHBfl
I SWrf mm) K(
i in. .'j.
ere s
FIRST thin you do
next get a tidy red tin
of Prince Albert and jam it
into a jimmy pipe or roll a
makin's cigarette. Either
will make peace with your
tongue before the first
inning's over. For you
never smoked the
likes of P. A. to
bacco made by an
exclusive patented
process that takes
out the bite and the
the national joy smoke
No matter what you pay for your pipe
or cigarette makin's tobacco, you'll
never stay put till you get acquainted
with "the national joy smoke.
Such flavor, such aroma, such freshness ! Why,
just to write about it or talk about it puts that
lead me to it spirit right into your system.
You join the P. A. band and find out for yourself
why Prince Albert is the national joy smoke.
You'll find P. A. awaiting your call at all $tore$ that
. sell tobacco. Toppy red Saga, 5c: tidy rd tint, 10c;
.. alio handaom pound and half-pound' humidor.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston -Salem, N: C.
Smyrna Incident is
Not Considered Closed
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-The firing of
Turkish forts at Smyrna upon the cruiser
Tennessee's launch last week mill not be
considered a closed incident until further
reports are received, but PreslJent Wil
son told inquirers today he considered
that Ambassador Morganthau's report of
an explanation by two' members of the
Turkish cabinet "evidently clears up the
He did not say whether'' he considered
the Informal explanation 'as satisfactory.
He said there was much difficulty In
communicating with Constantinople. The
president today said lie was plea sod to
learn of pre, reports from Petrograd
saying Russia was expecting negotiations
fur a new commercial treaty with the
I'nlled Mates to begin soon.
The president Indicated the negotiation
of a new treaty would bo welcomed, but
male no further comment.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. 14. A large ship
ment of Kansas flour for ths relief of
the people of Belgium was slated for Its
destination by Christmas 100.000 bar
rels having been contributed by the
cltisens of th. state, members of the
committee accumulating the supplies said
today. Tbousanda of Kansans have noti
fied relatives an! friends that they will
refrain from Christinas giving this year
that they may use tbe usual gift money
Tor the Belgium fund. Many Thanks
giving dinners have bees abandoned with
the same purpose 'lo view. t hataWerlala'. 'fo.h
"Last winter I tiae.l a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a bad bron
chial cough. I feit Its beneficial effect
Immediately and bfire I had finish'
he bottle I was curfd. I never Jr. of
recommending this remedy to . my
friends." writes Mrs. W! Ham Bright, Ft.
Wayne. Ind. Obtainable everywhere.
ii off the most
powerful cars on
both high and low
speeds in America
vaaamRecent changes in the Carter'
car mechanism places it the
foremost car in the country
.4 Si
t .it;
President 1
Our.1915 model is especially adapted and built with theJdea of meet
ing the demand for a car for the sand and mountains of the west." We say, believing
that we are able to demonstrate, that there is absolutely no car on the .market that '
will equal this car for both high and low gear work in the sand and Jiills, or wherever
hard work is demanded of a car. ; .
This car is everything - that you can ask for.. Theire is noth
ing easier riding at any price. It has power for high gear work, speed, en
durance and economy; streamline body, graceful lineE,' electric lights .arid
starting system, and altogether it is the ideal machine for the business man
who insists upon a car that will not give him trouble by getting out of re
pair; for the lady who wishes to drive for the pleasure of driving, without '
being a mechanic; and for the child
who cannot understand machin
ery. We have absolutely eliminat
ed any and all objections' which '
have been urged against the Car
tercar heretofore. 1 . ? r
We have by far the best car that
we have ever, built at any price. -We
have an attractive proposition for agents
wis yuar raoreso man we nave, ever
had before.
No gears no trouble
9 4
M t
' f
Everybody reads Bee want ads;
I 4m K i