Eantig When Others Arc Through la Not t;lnttony, lint Stnart's !) pcpsla Tablet will Knable You to Have uch An Appetite. In thrso rtav of hikh pr.mnre most rwn mid otnn rftt vrry little and a f.iod nl.1 fashioniM rater sits at table after all liave left it. The host wav to lift mirh an appetite Is the Stuart way Uie natural way. Landlady I 'Eve atnea Jones took tturt'i Dyspepsia Tablata I've lost Snoaej oa him." If your stoma'-ri cannot dla-M your fiKXl. what will? tthrr'i the relief? The answer la in Stuart'a lyspepla Tablets, heraune aa all stomach trouble arise from Inditrestlnn ami Ixrium tine In aredlent of Stunrt Dysrw-rsla Tablets la able to cllsetit i. sraln of food, doesn't it stand to reason that thrso tahlrta are truing to diRst all the fimd and whatever food you put into your mrnai-h? Muart a Pynpepsla Tablet are carefully made to aupplv eve ry element lacking; In a system afflicted with dyspepsia. In tlltrrstlun, KBStrltls. dmiiach trouble, etr., ami to id healthy system to digest dlfflrult food at unseoirly hoiira. Just carry one of these little tablet In your .urM or poket. After every rneal, no matter when eaten, you have, always at hand the ara'atanre that nature. will relish and thrive upon. In thla manner one nay eat all manner fif food, attend late dinners, etc., and leel . no avrloua results afterword. Thousands of travelers always hava a box of Htuart'a Iypersia Tablets in the r (trips and ara thus enabled to eat unaccustomed meals at any and nil times. Surely there Is nothtnu so well adapted to offerers from fond follies aa Muart'a vapepsla Tablets, anj the greatest proof of this fart lies in tho assurance tlxit one ran purchase a box at nny drug store anywhere in this country. A small aample pa'kxge of Stuart'a I'yepepaia Tablets will Ite mailed free to anyone who will address K. A.. Ptuait Co.. 150 Ktuart nidg.. Marshall, Mich. . By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, November 24, 1914. OMAHA is opening Its home this Thanksgiving and entertaining "en famille." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige will entertain at dinner In honor of Mrs. Baldrige'a father, Mr. Benjamin F. Smith of New York. Around their table will be members of their own family, including Mr. Benjamin F. Smith, Mr. W. Farnam Smith, Mr. Dudley Wolfe, Miss Marlon Macrae and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne will entertain for Mr. and Mrs. George Keellne of Council Bluffs, Mr. Roger Keeline, also of Council Bluffs; Mr. Don Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beaton, Master Orcutt Beaton and little Miss Anna Jane Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Congdon will entertain at a family dinner In honor of Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena, Cal. Later this party will see Raymond Hitchcock at the Brandels theater. With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze wlil be: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountte, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., and Mr. Robert Burns. Mr. Frank Burkley always entertains the members of the Burkley family, and will have his usual Thanksgiving day dinner at his home on North Thirty-eighth avenue. Miss Mary Burkley will arrive from Chicago, Thursday morning, for this reunion. BgSSSgfg Omaha's Great TOYLAND Opens Saturday Magee-Thomat Wedding. Conspicuous among the affairs of Tues day was the wedding of Miss Marlon Kdith Thomas, dauuhler of Mr. and Mra. Joseph W. Thomas, and Mr. Wayland Wells Ma gee, son of Mr. and Mra. Henry w M... of Chleaao. which was cele brated Tuesday evening at :30 o'clock: at alr. the home of tho bride's parents on West Harney street. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay. With the Bridge Player! Maud Gray, a recent gradunte from the Hoston Conservatory and a newcomer to Omaha, Rave tho program, aaslsted by Mies Gertrude Alkln an the vocal SoldlHt. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. chairman of the general committee, has charge of the rector of All Paints' Kjaecopal church officiated. Th wedding waa very quiet, with only relatives and intimate friends present. There were no 'attendant The bride waa attractive in a gown of ARE YOU FULL OF URIC ACID? Health Insurance for Meat Eaters A well known authority states that the Mood of every meat eater in America la (Hied with urlo acid, the greatest foe to the kidney. The kldneya fight urlo acid, something they were never meant to do. The result 1 they become weak from overwork, they ant sluggish, the ellminatlve t la rues clog and the waxte la retained In the blood to poison the entire system. Lrfit kidney trouble develop and It will Iead to sue h fatal diseases as Dropsy and irlKhl'a IHaease. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble. nervousness, const liation, dlssl tiess, sleeplessness and bladder disorders come from weak, sluggish kldneya. You can help the weakened kidneys and put them in Rood working order attain by Retting from your druggist about five ounces of Hhnumasalts; take two tea spoon fula in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kldneya will perform their duties In a perfect manner. Rhaumasalte flushes the clogged kid neys and stimulates tham to aotlon. It eleana out the stotnaoh and Inteatihea of til poisonous matter and biases the intes tinal csnst clean and sweet. Kheumasalte la very Inexpensive. It acts suickly without grilling or nausea. Delic ious to take dellKht'ully effervescent. Rheumasalta Is prepared by th famous Rheumatat Company, Minneapolis. Minn. Mrs. Lee iluff was hostess this after noon at a large bridge pnrty. Yellow and white chrysanthemums were used through th rooms. The luncheon ta llies were decorated with baskets filled Vftrltti iwim.iuin ehrvaunthomiimB ml white aalln made with eo,uare train and ,. . , . . Th.r. t..i. full tunic of nlgian hand-run lace, which . uJe- of was mnilo In a convent near Hrussela. The lace formed the bodice, which was TJ-bntante Bridce finished with a De Medici collar and cape eUWrntlc f!' , . of th tare. The broad girdle waa of The Debutante nrldge club has post white satin. The sleeves were long and !" Its Tuesday meeting and will be mad ot very fine tulle. Over the wholo I entcrtalncj Wednesday at the home of was an ovordreaa of sheerest silk Illusion. Mls Harriet Mots. The bride was without glove and her bouquet was a shower of iiiirs ot the Menorali Society Meets. valley. The long tulle veil was made with The Menurah society will meet at the a coronet cap ot tulle, caught with orange blossom. Mrs. Thomas, mother of the bride, wore an Imported gown of hand-embroidered tulle trimmed w.th Iridescent bead and Carter Lake Club. Th Carter Lak Swimming and Bowl- home ot Vila Molly Wolf, 41 North Twenty-first street, this evening. An Interesting program has bcon arranged. fringe nuute over white aatln with court train. Hh wore a corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. Tho ceremony was performed in the living room, which was profusely deco rated with ferns. Knatcr lilies, white Ing club was entertained at the Metro politan club Monduy afternoon. The high scores were mado by Mrs. J. A. Free- land's hand. The club will entertain at chrysanthemums, narclssua and llllea of luncheon at the Commercial elub Mon day. Those present I Meads mes- 1 W. J. Cattln, J. A. iMmtnlck, Henry Keating, 1 V. Itralley, fcol 6. (loldstrom, l J. A. Kreeland, M. I., t Tnrierwnod. Of entrancing beauty and dignity were jt, j, pi,.rmn, th musical accompaniments of th cere- i Alex Jetes, mony. Before th entrance of the brkl j M. Johnson. Miss Mary Munchhoft sang "Where Thou ' Ooest, There Uo I," from the biblical lUeSQay .Bridge tXUD. the valley, carrying out a beautiful deco rative schema of green and white. Th dining yoom, where coffee waa served, waa attractively decorated with Klllamey rosea, the roses being used also as the table decoration, combined with plnk shaded candles. . were: Meadames P. W. Stroop, William Gould, Jr., .1. T llogera, W. M. Dorrance, N. M. Massett, M. U. Whltehouse, Krank Carpenter, A. J. I'leraon, Chnrlea Myers, A. L. Dermody. story of Ruth and Naomi. Mr. Martin Bush presided at the organ and ' played th Lohengrin wedding march. During th ceremony Mr. Frank Mach, violinist, played Hhubert'a "Serenade.". On of th prettiest features of th wed ding was th gift of orange blossoms sent especially to th bride. They were from th gardens of "Zuallta, of Mr. and Mrs. Ourdon W. Wattle at no vwooo. tti. Mr. ana rare, waiue have honored three other brides In this Et-A-Virp Club Entertain!. beautiful manner. Mra. r rang wnneim, . The Eta Vlrp club wilt give a danHna- l' To itsitf caafomsrs only, j eOTTLED-IM-BONO r fftl . A 1 am r I Sill I V 100 rtAYNEO I IJojuuisiyf. ExftnM Charg Paid 5 IP yoo bars asrsr triad TTsynar Wtibkey, trT It now. Mail aa thlaatl with HOcanU la stamps ar eoia wad w will aand yuia a full quart bottle of Hayntr ft t vat Stock ButUt-ln-bond Whiskey la sealed cast spr charges paid. llaelottM-tn-flomH whiskey of tha finest kind aaak i with the U. S. Govemmaat'sCrwa buuKP vr tha eork fully aged, full luos proof, full masaura iar to plsaae you in every way. ou take no thanes wear on of th Uraeat DiatUlora la America been In buainsa 4H years- capital IMU.0u0.uu, Vrdrr rif U now crdar se thaa an quart it yon like goods wiU go forward by Ami HP'HIi OW"W WW W, " Ofklsj.j 'j sWottt.a sb4 all stus Wh thmf aiust sail t 4 LM lot num qaart lisl pnui, S-a1 Aiiru r tuarttl UUct THE HATNEft DlSTILUNCCO.Dept 10S tl.rtoa. 0. Wukiartaa, D. C. U. UaiaJ M. IWa.0. tU.a.aUM. KaaHsCitf.M. aru'itl4, Oki. LUi.np.lu. Ua. ai. real, Shaa. JaakwatiUs, U. htm Winn, as. Mrs. Walter B. McCormlck was hostess today at the meeting ot th Tuesday Rrldge club. Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mrs, Joseph Byrne and Mies Clara Bull were guests ot the club. Th. members are: Meadames Mesdamea Dcnlse ltarkalow, I-ouls Clarke, Arthur Keellne, John Rertlck. W. U. McCrmlck, Walter Roberts, John Madden. Frank Keogh, George ltedlclc, Roas B. Towle. formerly Miss Jean Cuduhy; Mrs. John party this Rous or Baltimore, nee miss Brownie I academy. Bess Baum, and Mrs. J. MacMlllan Hard ing, who was Mies Agnes Burkley, hav- i t Prairia Park evening at Chambers' Ing also received orange blossoms from the Wattles' California gardens for their wedding day. Assisting through th rooms were: Meadames Fred Thomas and Ourdon W. Wattles. Mlsaea M laves Claire II. Woodard, of Chicago. Alice Coad. lionise Magie Helen Maaee of Chlcaao. The out-of-town guests were: Mr.. Henry. W. Mage of Chicago, father ot th groom; Misses Helen and Louise Ma Bee of Chlcajro, a'sters of the, groom; Mra Richard Wagner, grandmother of Future Affairi. the bride, from Denlaon. la.; Mr. and Mra. Alfred Darlow has issued invlta- f . ... . . ' ... I I'r.s for a tea to be given at her home lam n wis. iwri i-n iisuiiuun m Saturday afternoon. The Tralrle Park Needle Craft guild gave Its "guest day" entertainment this afternoon at the club house. Wedding Announcement. Miss Marie Josephine Uelseler of Omaha and Mr. Harlan II. Fall of Pittsburgh. Ta., were quietly married BunJay even ing at the North Tresbyterlan church. Mr. and Mrs. Fall will reside In Pitts burgh. Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Magee hav left for a wedding trip, the whereabouts a secret, and will be at home after May 1 at Bum mer Hill farm, Bennington. Th bride's goawsy gown was of or- 0r Mm Bull. juisa ierenelm of Council Bluffs will entertain at luncheon Monday at her Home. beau blim velvet trimmed with rhlnt'hllUt fur. With thla was worn a Oeoiaotte sailor of black velvet Wedding Announcement. Thomas and Mr. Wayland Wells Magee eaUre Past. Mr. and Mra Luther Kountse enter tained informally at dinner Monday evening in honor of Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena, guest of Mrs. Arthur Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Congdon. IK I fit BABY IS CUTTING lUTH use !.!rs. Winslaw's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-HOT NARCOTIC wlU be celebrated this evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thomas, 3t20 Harney street Rev. Thomas J. Mackay of All Balnts' church will officiate. I'butante luncheon. Mlas Daphne Peters entertained at luncheon today at her home In honor of Mlsi Eleanor Mackay and Misa rUclla Thummel, two' of the season's debu tantes. Klllamey roses were used In th table decorations, and covera were placed for Misses- MUeea Francea HochatvtUr.l'-URenia Patterson, Luclle Bacon, Marlon Kulin. Harriet Met a. Jan.t Hall, Ann Clifford. Ulancha ltucl. Aliie Jacuutth, IHITri.H r ItrS'iT. Hotel ilrcslin Broad wmtj ai 29 St -New JorU "An Hotel Wnar Caeats ar MaJ t Feel at Homa" Not too Urge, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible 500 Rmu Mult rat tcttoinut Cnurf Siagls k soak l arltbj Rsssias Vstte ' Slsfi gnosis iib Tas or Shower $.S0loS.00prdy Iobls Rooms with kuaaint Vaier gi.bO is t.tiO pcrtiy Deuba) kooms with Tu or Sbowcr tl.UO tats.Od per Say EDWARD C. rOCG. Manmgint Dirmctf MOV L. fckOWN. kfuUmt Afaa.a.r let urn from War Zone. Miss Krsnces Nash and Mt Natalie Myers Isnded In New Tork City Mon duy evening. They were met by Mrs. . E. W. Nash and Mra L. K. Crofoot I Ml Nash and Miss Myers ere returning I from a year of musical study abroad. At the Omaha Club. There will be a table d'hote dinner at th Omaha club Thursday vnlng. fol lowing Raymond Hitchcock's perform ance, th Thanksgiving attraction at the J lirandela theater. i Belgian Belief Circle. j The most recently formed circle for the t Franco-Uelglan Relief aoclety waa enter , talnod thla afternoon at the home of Mra. I Benefit Musical Tea. Tbls afternoon a niuab el ami tea was ( given at the home of Mrs. N. II. Loonils i for tha bent-fit of the building fund of I tU Hi st fraabfUiiao thurch. Miss Mlsa Irene Palmqulst entertained tha K. K. K. club at her homa KiinrH.v evening. Mis Loretto Dcllone. the popular New Tork harpist, gave a program MJnday afternoon at St. Derchman'a academy for the pupils and slaters ot the academy: Mlas lelone waa assisted by Mlsa An derson ot Belgium. IttMlMiPEliS STilKjS Ready to Outfit You From Head to Foot WE WANT to assure Every Man, Every Young Man and Every Boy who is late in buying his Thanksgiving outfit that vro are roa-dy with the Biggpst Sf.cks of everything you need. Come to Brandeis Wednesday feeling con fident of being outfitted with just what Jon want to buy. Look over these bargains: I Dy -Product I Coats Mens Sample Sweater Worth up to $5.00, Wednesday, Mon'a Sample Sweater Coats Worth up to $7.60. Wednesday, at . . Men's Fine 811k Four-ln-Ilandi Very latest patterns. Large open ends. Worth to $1.00. Special Wednesday, at. Men's Sample Glovrw and Mittens Adler's make. Lined and un llned. Worth to $1.50. nn Wednesday, pair OIC !?Jf!:-..$2.50 $4.85 Hands rge open 50c $3.00 Men's Fine Dress and Street tilovea I'errin's, D. & P. and Fowne's makes. All the new shades, at, pair, 81.50 to .... Manhattan Shirts All the latust novelties- Neat effects. Ex clusive patterns, at J C ftft 81.50 to spO.UU W are Exclusive Agents In Omaha of the Famous Muitng I'nlon Suits for Men. All weights. All sixes to fit every man. 81.00 to $5.50 Will You Buj a New Hat? To harmonise nicely with tho fine clothes you have bought for Thanksgiving, "liranaeis spetlal" Soft and tefat".:.. $2.00 'The Sterling" Soft fQ hats- Leaders at PJ John B. Stetsons Soft and stiff, at. Austrian Velour Hats Wort a $4.00 and $5.00. Bought spe cial and sold special, at. . . $3.50 lata Wort a Bought spa- $2.95 . ' t if j : 111 i' -vV ..' ... . J ,jr A. 1 Every Man Can Look Prosperous On Thanksgiving Day We offer for Wednesday an. Immense Assortment of Men's and Young Men's fine Suits and Overcoats at prices that will bo glad news meaning a saving of over $8.00 on the Overcoats and over $6.00 on the Suits or something like $15.00 on both garments if you have to buy an entire outfit. Men's Overcoats In Blue, Brown and Gray Chin chillas, shawl or convertible collars. Fancy back Overcoats, Ul s ter coat3, English fitted double breasted and single breasted knee length coats. Every style in all fabrics. Overcoat that will com pare favorably with garments you will gee In many stores offered at $$6.00 to $30.00. Men's Fine Suits CHOICE AT In fancy Worsteds, Tartan Plaids, Over- plaids, Glen Ar- quhart, pen stripes, pencil ' and hair line stripesin Eng lish and se mi-En g llsh models; also conservative nod tit. Two and three- button coats. Lots of stouts and extra Bises. Hundreds of Blue 3ercs In cluded. Values $22.50 to $$0.60. e tic --f -i - v -'..- ; i a i 1 1 man ii i in) ii it i i i 1 1 And Don't Forget the Boy, He Likes Good Clothes, Too Bring him In to our Second Floor in the Men's Store Wednesday and we will outfit htm with fine strictly all-wool suits . M with extra pants real $7.50 QtZ values for, only asj Boys' Extra Taut Suits Bought at a big discount. $4.00 and $5.00 values, offered Q ZtZ PJeUJ at And a Fine Ilalmacaan or Polo Chinchilla Overcoat All sizes tor boys 2. to 10 years. . Every coat fully lined wltn riannei. values tnat you oouldn t duplicate anywhere else much under $7.50 of fered here special, at Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats A special lot that are really $4.00 values, offered, 2 sua tj j i $4.85 i HAVEYOUCATARRH? It's Dangerous Ilsea-s IIvomH Is the Eay, Hafe and Rapid Remedy. Catarrh, which la usually Indicated by sniffling, frequent colds, droppings In the throat, and raising ot mucus, la a serious disease because it surely spreads to the delicate linlns of the air passages, weakens the entire system, frequently destroying the hearing, and makes a mental and physical wreck of Its vlctuns. It's aa fool.sh to take drugs to cure catarrh as to swallow a pill to heal a broken arm. Tou must have a direct application aomethlns that will at once reach the diseased tlaauea, kill the germs, and drive out the poison. llyomel, that can be had from any drugglat, la just such a remedy. Being a mixture of antlseptla and healing oils that you brvathe through a small Inhaler Its health-restoring medication cannot help going direct to the raw and In flamed lining ot the nose and throut. quickly relieving that choked-up feeling. J stopping the unclean diacharge from the n.ta.. .n.l Ii 1 1 n , 1. .. . Clement Chaae. About lwnt -five ' '. t'."' Z-'V ZtZTZZZ women were present. I M There la nothing for the treatment ot catarrh Ills that is easier, more pleasant or so aatisfylng aa liyomel, and It la moat Inexpenalve. Sherman A Mct'onnell I 'rug Co. sells It on the "No-cure-no-lay" plan. AdvcrtlavmcuU Howard&Foster the by -word of Wise Shoe Buyers 0 JJ.PAIR The hy-ivord of men who have solved the problem of getting a snappy, stylish-looking shoe that is also comfortable and durable at a moderate price. Patent, Vici Kid Gun Metal or Tan in button or lace. 10 a i j A mild systeaa of treatsaeet that cure Piles, fistula an4 Kestel Pisesses wliboat Uie use ot a knife. He chier teres, et!ier or otDer general an eeeibetia esed. Me aaoeoeaaary de lav from business. Aa absolute ours guaranteed In every ease accepted. 4r MMH tOU MKt OVHtO The sure am, bea the pay. That's say roller. It's fair sad square. I also rive a rlcten guaraqtee that tbe cure will last a Ufa time, write tor Pre Bswfc. hlob gla futl pTtloalars. 0.g.K. TKV "- ABSOLBTE COIFlutlCE IS PUCtl II COPLEY 9S Tears Seli'nt Jewelry la Omaha iM THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER Cut your melon this winter. A 20& dividend is only a fair sized melon these days but it would set well in your bank account. It's good clean earn ings too burning Vulcan Coke No undue depreciation to be provided for no burned out grates, no dead loss in clink ers and soot a lot of heat, but no smoke. Preferred dividends only 20 sure. No Common Stock in the Vulcan combine. Only the best selected coils go into the Vulcan ovens that's why the product is Vulcan and not just coke. Comes in sizes suited to range, furnace or neater. Better than Anthracite Coal and 20 cheaper wherever you burn it. Produced bi Coal Products Mfg. Co., Jo!iet,lll. Exclusive Domestlo Sales Agents. Atwill-Mikemton Coal & Coke Co. McOormlok aidg., Chicago. Nebraska Fuel Co. CI triiiUrt bfOatkt St. Oat is Cs. Bluili Tittstatt ' . Datflti i At 1 4 a 430 ''i''"'"1 W'3 7 liHillilifil mnrnriTrffiitTiifTu. iVi iLV k tit ''S tr. k L Kansas a Three City sal?8 VIA THE Missouri Pacific Leav Omaha Ar. Kansas City 8:15 A. M. 3:55 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 8:35 P. M. 11:15 P. M. 7:07 A. M. Modern Equipment Observation Sleepers Superb Dining Car Service Meals a la Carts Direct connections in Kansas . City Union Station (or points South East VvVjst. TICKET OFFICES 1413 Farnam St. Union Station. Thos. F. Godfrey General Agent, Passenger Dept. ' Mi: i' if.,'! COMMERCIAL ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS ALL UNDER ONE-ROOP OMAHA -DEE EN G H AVI N C D EPT OMAHA-NEDR.