Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    TilK liKK: OMAHA, WELttUSDAY, NUYBMUfcK ii, liU.
Clerk of State Board of Equalisation
Hxpirei of Heart Trouble.
Fouiro FAinrmo on street
Loat la Enlr of State, IVherO
for Fire Years Ha Headed Flgare
'at Aaaeaameat of Nebraska
Praparty. ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
L.1NCOLN. Neb., Nov. 24. (Special Tl-j
egrara.) Henry Seymour, aecretary Of
the State Board of Assessment, died sud
denly at hla home in thla city at 13:80
o'icock this morning. . '.
Death was caused from heart fallura.
according to Dr. J. E. Sward, his physi
cian, who was with' him from the time
ho found him on P street In the down
town district until he died.
With Captain J. L Paul of St Paul.
Dr. ' Sward was walking down the strait,
when they discovered Mr. Seymour- lean
ing against a poet, evidently In consider
able pain. He asked them to take him
bomd.and after doing so in. award un
covered that his heart action was very
weak. Ha gave htm a small injection ot
strychnin, but it was of no avail and
lie died soon after.
Mr. Seymour wss visiting at the home
of her slater In Waverly and reached
home early thla morning after her hus
band had died. They have a son In
Duluth. Besides the widow and son he
leaves . a brother, Victor Seymour, dep
uty '. olerk of the supreme court.
Ola State Hons Baa plays.
Mr. Seymour had been connected with
the state house for several years, having
ttf an with the insurance department,
then bookkeeper in the state auditor's
office and on June 1. 1909, was appointed
to his present position as secretary of
the State Board of Assessment to fill the
vacancy caused by the killing of Christ
gchaveland by an automobile. He was
well known over the state and was In
great demand at meetings of county as
sessors. , The tax commission las week
recommended him unanimously for reap
pointment as secretary of the Board of
Assessment and the same wss filed with
the governor only a day or so ago.-' Ar
rangements for the funeral will be made
later.' '. ' ' -
Child Sead to Geneva.
Three children, Fenxa, aged n; I.ona,
9, and Verona, 8 years of sge, daughters
of Mrs.. Jessie Bllyue, have, been com
mitted to the Geneva, school for g".rl, ac
cording to a copy of the commitment re
ceived by the state auditor's office from
the clerk of the district court of "Wash
inttton county.
Mrs.'. Bllyue has been traveling around
the country in a covered wagon with
Charles flchroeder' and on reaching Wash
ington county the children, with another
numcd Marildd, aged 3 years, were taken
f rom mem hy the authorities, tno younger
one Heing held by the sheriff . of .Wash
ington county, subject to the order of
the ouurt. ." ,'
Marble (alls on fioveraor.'
II. P. ! Marble, assistant superintendent
of th Menominee Indian school in Wis
consin and
puper man
and operated the Humboldt Xieader for
about fifteen years, called on Governor
Morehead this morning to pay hla re
spects to his old neighbor. Mr.- Marble
is trending his vacation visiting hla old
hr.Unts In Nebraska. ' "
JUorrhead on Deck Alri.
Governor Moiehoud returned bom this
miming I nun his vacation trip .to Ex
ceptor. Springs; Mo., where he went to
est ape. the. swarmA of Job hunters which
had Infested his office' as soon as It be
came known that Nebraska had gone
democratic. ' He 'was accompanied on the
trip by Food Commissioner Harman, who
went along as a bodyguard and. returned
also this morning. The governor discov
ered, however, that his absence, as usual,
had made the democratic VlYeSrt ' grow
fonder," and plenty of the faithful were
waiting to communicate their-heart's de
sires into his more or less willing ear.
" Supplo at Sixty
Aire anl rlp etperienea mean nap,
pinagg and asefulneas when Rental
and bodily power! ara preservtd
by kecatac rkh blood in U Telnt,
NheVfw Marhhattnt In ScH'$
tmmltimm craata rVh alnoo, warn
th bb4t and Brrtt rHamk
Hnaenewa, ft tl-fa Impart
trmgth la both body and brain. -
it r Mmww-m( a -w.
Siegel Is Convicted '.
Of Misdemeanor
QENE3KO, N. T., Nov. N. -Shortly be
fore midnight tonight Henry a. Siegel,
the New Tork merchant eharged with
grand' larceny, was found guilty of com
mitting, a misdemeanor. . . .. .
Justice William W. Clark, at onoe sen
tenced Siegel to pay a fine of 11,000 and
to sen's ten months In the Monroe county
penitentiary. Stay ot execution of the
prison Sentence, was granted until thei
second Monday of June and ball was
fixed at M5.O0O.
Siegel was found to have committed a
misdemeanor In obtaining credit on talk
financial statements.. The jury was out
about our hours. '
Before passing sentence Justice Clarice
"! am told that you are willing to repay
lbs losses 6f depositors In this bank. Is
there any reason why you cannot make
an extended payment within the next
two month?' '
"t will try." Siegel-renlled.
, "I sentence you to nay a fine of II, W0
and to b ' Imprlrjohed m the Monroe
county '1&I1 In Rochefter for ten months,
but I will grant a stay until the second
Monday of June, 191S, wheii you must ap
peal in this court," said the Justice. "If,
before that time you have not made good
your iromlso, the sentence so far a Im
prisonment Is concerned must be carried
out. ' If you have done your part the
courl may show. edemeney.''
Influential friends are expected to come
to Siegel' aid. In re-establishing him In
business. ,
Turkey to Muse. to
Permit Diplomats to
' Send Code Wires
NEW TORK. Nov. 17-Th Turkish
government has notified the cable com
panies, tiiat messages from or to bellig
erent, countries will not be admitted to
Turkey either terminally or In transit, ac
cording to an announcement made here
today by the Commercial Cable company.
Further, representatives of neutral pow
ers In Turkey will not be permitted to
exchange' telegrams In code or cipher
with their home offices or with th rep
resentatives of other neutral powers.
WASHINGTON. Nov. J4. Officials here
say It I an Undisputed principle ef In
ternational law that a representative of
a neutral country may maintain com
munication with his home government In
secret. If Turkey should sttempt to pro
hibit Ambassador Morgenthau from send
ing dispatches to Washington In diplo
matic code, some action will be taken by
the United States. However, the State
department's only Information oh Hid sit
uation was the calls company's notifica
tion. A report on the situation from the
ambassador at Constantinople is being
District Court
Opens in iMadison
, MADISON,' Neb.'. Nov. ' Wffipec tal.)
District court convened at Madiqon- at 1
o'clock', yesterday afternoon 'with. Judge
A. A. Welch presiding.' A large portion
of the afternoon was devoted 'to assigning
the docket. . Thirty-three cases on,' the
docket are' divorce cases. Margaret Mae
Miller was granted . a divorce from her
husband, William - Lewis ' Miller, also
Daniel J., Sullivan from his wife, , Agnes
Sullivan. ::''. - .'.
Some time ago King DavH.McFall (col
ored), filed a petition praSrlhg lor divorce
from his wife. Ustella McFall. Yesterday
the court grunted Kstclla MuFall 'a di
vorce from her husbatid, King David Mo
Fall, on her -cross .petition. :,
Frederick August' itauacher ot Kftlama-
too preoinct,' Was granted naturalization
a former well Known news- I vnpvi s ana mue iuii-. iieugeq citizen.
in Nebraska, having owned
HOUbRBQK. Ncb;j , NoV. .-(Special)
-i-Silar R.. Barton spent 1718.4 In' his un
successful campaign itgalnM A. C. Shall
ehbergejf for congressnlin from- the Fifth
district; according ,'td the" statement filed
with, the rlerk of Phelps county by John
Robertson" of Hbldrcgs,' treasurer .ot the
repubUf-an, congressional , committee of
tht Fifth district. Thd largest bill in the
expense account Is to the .Independent
Publishing- company -of Grand' Island for
nrlntlnk-.. This amounts to H07.Il. II. O.
THomaa of .Harvard was given .7S. for '
traveling J expenses, and '.the , Western
Newspaper Union S72.S) for cuts. The J jj
i. " .
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
TJNCOLN. Nov. 24. (SpeclaJ.)-E. M
Robinson, examiner in the office of th
state auditor, who was sent , to Banner
county to .investigate the condition of
the county treasurer's office there, be
?aue of the disappearance of J. W. Hill,
th treasurer, returned home today.
Mr.: Robinson does .not believe that
there was any " Intention of dishonesty
on the part of Mr. Hill, although he had
overdrawn about 1100, - but thinks - from
all ha can learn that his mind becard
deranged. In tact, ha has been acting
queerly for com time. . No one seems to
be able to offer any Information as to
his whereabouts.
Httfi from Gage Countr-
BEATRICE, Neb.,-Nov. 24. (Specials
Company F of Wymore was reorganised
Monday evening under orders from Ad
jutant General Hall. Judge F. E. Craw
ford was elected captain, Waldo Winters
first lieutenant and Harry Batten second
lieutenant. The noncommissioned officers
will be appointed at . th next regular
meeting. , The company has a member
ship of about forty and will be supplied
with new equipment throughout, as the
old equipment was destroyed In th fire
lasi spring. '
C; B. Dempster, president of th Demp
ster. Mill Manufacturing company, sus
tained a broken arm Monday morning at
his home while cranking his automobile.
Officer Frank Bucchois Monday , re
ceived a letter from Germany, stating
that his three nephews, Fred, John andj
Joe Bucchois, members of the Forty-fifth
Infantry regiment. of the German army,
had been wounded In a battl .with Rus
tisns. i . ,
Tsepty-five young people of Gage
county1 who have attended th state farm
at Lincoln met at the home of Farm
Demonstrator Liebers and organised.. a
society to be known as the Gage County
Agricultural' club. These officers . were
elected: President, O. H. Liebers; Vic
president, Ethel Flshbach; secretary, Ivs
La- ton;-' treasurer, John Claassen. ;
Odd Follows Enjoy
Big District Rally
FAIRBURT. Neb, Nov. 24. -(Special
Telegram.) Seven hundred visiting OJd
Fellows assisted Falrbury lodge No. M In
on of the biggest faille of thla organisa
tion In this part of Nebraska. Altogether
thirty-one' lodges were represented at
Falrbury and guests came from many
surrounding town Wymore had a spe
cial train bringing 2S guests.
Among th distinguished guests was
Grand Master J. 0. Hamlsh of O Nelll.
Judd Clarke of this city was chairman
knd C. II. Denney made the address of
welcome to the visiting Odd Fellows. The
Odd Fellows were th guests of the Falr
bury Commercial club from J to 4 p. m.,
and then followed big parade five
blocks long, headed by the Falrbury band.
The delegates were trested to dinner
and supper by Falrbury lodge. Chester
put on the Initiatory work, Beatrice first
degree, Falrbury second and Wymore
third. Flv candidates were Initiated at
till meeting. Many Odd Fellows from
Kansas were present
. i
Store Closed All Day Thursday
Stort for
Men and
Boyi : '..
Buy Your Thanksgiving Clothes
Tomorrow at This Store
Tho man who crosses lho threshold of Thanksgiving
without new clothes is rega riled as linprogressive. You
won't do without them once you sen what ICING-PECK
are showing. They sparkle with originality. Specially
attractive values at
treasurer .received . J7.S0. all of . which was
from Mr. .Barton and thc officers of bis
committee. ; ' . . ' ' .
i (Continued from Page One.)
of the geographical area of the eountry,
l rneahs that the farmers will have to
pay out over X.OWMMiO In additional
freight charges per annum. This affect
over H-,ono. 000 bushels of grain on which
ths fcvrg carrying tdvance Is nt least
one-halt of a cent psr bushel, of thla
grain ,3RS,O0O.W bushels csme Into Chi
cago direct. , .
. tJI Baoat la-Meat Kates.
Th peCklng Interest ere also, vitally
affected. On packing house products, j
mioh as fresh mests, etc... the rsllwar
hav requested an . ineroasa that ver- I
agnr m okhts per -hundred pounds . Ths ,
mean a raise of 121 .per cent, This .ar
facts all packlhg house points west of
the MlsiltHlPpl. surh us Bloux City. Fort
Worth, Omaha. East . fit. I-ouls, Kansss
City and St. Joseph. In the race of what
the . live stock Interests of, the country
havo had to contend with and when the
damage. to the Industry that has been
done through the . recent epidemic, rav
ages of the. hoof and moutli disease, this
raise on the face of it is manlfectly un
just. It .will read Irretrievably .against
the consumer. . -
'"The agricultural Implement field offers
a striking example of what the Increase
entails. ; II would mean a freight "raise
varying from 10 to 1(0 per cent, as well
as causing much Inconvenience and extra
labor to the rhlppers affected. Previously
on payment ol. a $S fee for each unloading
Ue railways would unload at. any stop
over point on the .-ay to final destina
tion. Thla service they also now request
be ' eliminated. The proposed Increased
tariff atlects many of the necessities of
life other than purely packing . house
products. Jn addition, although the re
quested -raise has not as yet been ex
tendod to live stock. It Is th opinion of
those well versed that such a proceeding
I, imminent. . ,
'.' FataMrV Associations Help.
"We are pleased to say that we are'
being -helped in our propaganda by. the
Co-Operative Farmers' association, which
own torn grain elevators in. the afteeUd
area an4 hak a membership of ' over 250,
000. In addition, other bodiea of equal InS
porfancc and as vitally " interested are
aiding us. ..These, are not actuated. solely J
by. selfish motives, but are fighting for
the national good and for the great body
of the. people. ..; .''
."There ha been a national cry. that the
railway throughout the Country through
, lack of money have . been forced to cur
tail, and. Indeed, In some case,, to prao
tltally .atop the buying ot supplies. In
spite of this plaint, for the year ending
1913 the'y purchased over $60,000,000. worth
more of supplies than in any previous
year. . For tho year which cpdedtln July,
i 1UK, mere was nougni. ny . tne railways
General Stenger
Reported Dead
BORDIiAUX, Nov. t4.-(Via Tsris.)
The dceth ot OenersJ 9tenger, who com
manded th fifty-eighth Oorman Infantry
brigade, was imported here today.
General, Stenger figured In the war
newa late In September, when the French
war office Stated that he had Issued an
order that no prisoners should be token:
that, all who fell Into the hands of his
men, including the wounded, should be
shot. The Oermtns 'repudiated this report.
Help the Stomach
Digest Your Food
When the stomach falls to digest
and distribute that which Is eaten, the
howelS become clogged with a mass
of waste and refuse that ferments and
generates poisons that are gradually
forced, Into the, blood, causing distress
and often serious Illness.
Most people naturally object to the
drastic cathartic and purgative agenta
that shook th system. A mild, gentle
laxative, positive In Its effect and that
wltl quickly relieve constipation Is Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, sold by drug
gists at fifty cents and one dollar a
bottle.' It doe not gripe or cramp,
but acts easily and pleasantly and Is
therefore the rriost satisfactory rem
edy for children, women and elderly
persons. For a free trial bottle write
to Dr. W. B. Caldwctl, 461 Washington
Ft. MOntlcello, 111.
Lri nji r.iir"B-T'ir'riiiriiJ " i--" -r- -iri"rir
Th Snif They're the kind of suits that mako
"c -mita you feel well dressed. You'll thank
us for collecting sueJi n splendid display of suits
We are glad to he able to do it.
When winter winds chill
most men to the bone, you'll
: li ia FiV y.n u uti y igy
" , r k- ""
kful for the protection these coats provide-
When you seo what
other sto r es charge,
you'll be thankful you
came here.
Get into business via the "Business Chances
BEATRICE, Neb., 'Kov. 14. ( Special.)
the will of the late W; H.- Uuyle, th
stock buyer, who- died 'near Bockford
last week, wis filed for probate Monday.
The estate is valued at $140,000, and con
sist of lands In Franklin and Oage coun
ties, . Nebraska.:, Thego county, Kansas;
Jersey county, Illinois., and In th prov
ince of Alborta, . Canada. The estate 1
left to th widow and thirteen children.
' Cass Itaa Trky Shoo Pevar.
WF.EPINO WATER, Neb., Nov. 24.
(8peclal)-Shooting match for turkeys
are being held In various partatot the
county, th number taking placo in this
vicinity being, greater than in any sea
ion that has ' ever been know. Hun
dreds ot turkeys, ducks and gee and
averal head of catUe arw being uaed In
the matches that are taking placo this
week. Two. shoot sr being hell today
In , which some 300 turkeys, ducks and
geese and one "beef will be used. These
shoots are near' Avoca' and Eagle.
Last Saturday a anoot was - held four
miles northeast ' of her In which 150
ducks,-turkeys and geae were ud, and
It la estimated about 300 men were In at
tendance. They came' from Omaha and
Lincoln and from various tdwns In th
county. .
WUi Baky Has tht. Craaa.
When a mother t awakened from
sound sleep to find her child, who has
gone' to" bed apparently In the bast oi
health, struggling for breath, sh Is
nsturally alarmed. Tet If aha can keep
her. rresenc of mind and glv Cham
brrlaln's Cough Remedy every ten min
utes until vomiting Is produced, 'quick re
lief will follow and1 th child will drop to
si-flp to awaken in th morning aa) well
as ver. This remedy bas been la vn for
many year with uniform: auoce. Ob.
talnabl vrywhr. Advcrtisemeot
Madera W4aa Klect. ,
ARLINGTON, Neb., Nov. S4.-(8pecial.)
Th Modern Woodmen of - America
camp held Its annual election of -officer
last night and the following. were elected
for 'the ensuing year: Vic consul, q.
L. Fagg; worthy adviser, F.-W. Brown;
banker, J. A. ' Peterson; clerk, F. W.
Pfelffer; eaoort, . Roy - McCoy; sentry.
John Ppangler; watchman, .J. M. Mar
shall; manager, Kd ward Menking. ; Aa
oyster supper and smoker followed th
election, toth enjoyment of all.' '
over JB.OuO.Ono worth more supplle than
In any Jlka period. . . ,. ,' ',- .
Borramlaa I'ower Not Cortatled.
'-It ha alno been slated that-railway
earning are so small as to jeopardise the
credit of. the roads and, therefore, that
It has been well nigh Impossible tor them-
to borrow- sufficient money to make
necessary Improvements. However,, I
proved . before tho Interstate Commarce
commission that a certain railroad had
borrowed, at a rat ot not over. 6, per cant
1,000,000 - on th ecurlty of one-year
note. -Thar-) 1 no other .business In this
country, I maintained and proved at that,
time.' that . could do likewise. These facts
sorely prove that wo are entitled .In Ju
tlce t(j. the Jhteiests represented by us
to hay the benefit of a careful Investiga
tion mad by the Interstate Commerce
commission.; No advance in rates should
becom affectlv until that body has
found that th carriers have shown that
th advance in rates is reasonable and
that th Increased revenue which th car
rier, will . receive I fairly apportioned
afnonget the various commodities carried
a freight."
Many Sen Aato Polo,
SUPERIOR, Neb.. Nov. 24.-;(ineolal
Teleurani.) Automobile polo, was placed
here yesterday for the first time In the
southern part, of the state. gpecLator'T
came, from over fifty miles away. . Six
hundred autos were outside the park.'
Hasting and Superior will play' foot ball
her Thanksgiving.
' Weaderfol Con; Remedy.
. Mr. V. P. Lawson of Edison, Tenn.,
writes:" ' "Dr" King. New" Discovery is '
m'ist Wonderful cough, cold -'and lung
frledicln. Mte and 1. Alt druggist.
Advtrtlsemeht - ' - : . . , .
'atklason Cos pie Married. . '
-MAD180N; Neb.. Nov. MBni. it-
Married at thu country court room yeJ
veraay,- rfuuge .M. is, McUuf fe officiating,
Frank Npvotny and Miss Anna Treaeak.
both of Atkinson. Neb.
-Marriage license wa !sUd to Corn
llus, W. Pari and Miss Magdelena
Kguntaman, both of Stanton.
-. , . H . . . . ... - . . . - . - -.
To Cot Thm QZMUmt, OalJ Fo Th Full Mmo
tmOitiDtSv'Q '-BiTonso Quiritrio-
U0d Tha World Over to Our 'o m Ooldfn Ono Day '.
Wbonevirr yon feel a cold coming on'
think of th full nam LAXATIVE'
BROMO QUININE. . Look (or thl
ignatur on th bos.' Pric 25 ccnta.j
That there is a real concern throughout Europe over i
attitude of America on the war is proved by the many anxi
editorials on the subject in the press of Great. Britain,. Frai. ,
and Germany.
.' 'i
THE LITERARY DIGEST in its issue for Novemb
21st, contains an important article on this subject, includir
translated extracts! from representative European newspapers.
Don't miss readihg. it.
- i . -'-. ' '
t '... .
"The Literary Digest" week byweek not only giyes the
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will be sure to know every phase of the probable effect of the
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The busiest of ;busy people can spare two hours weekly
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This Week NOW Get It From the News-dealer 10 Cents
Hsjaw Mm
f UNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, (Publiihert of the F.moui NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK