Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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UfhtiBf rixtorM, Burge-Grandon Co.
ridauty Btoraga ft Tm Co., Sony. 8SS.
avs Koot Flint It Now Heaven Press
Bsaatlful AU Modsra Iomu for sJs
n the easy payment plan. Pcnkera
Realty invtstrrunt Co. I'hone Pour. 22.
Batter Business In the feeling if the
lrt JuJccB rtpht now. You ettrr your
biiln-!!t b locatlnn In The Hoe bulletins;
(the butMlng- that Is always new). Of'icr.
Room litf.
"Today's Complete Korle Program"
rtasslfkd section today, ami appears In
The Ilee EXCU SI VKl.Y. Kind out what
the various inovliiK pl-luro thentera offer.
Br. Summer Visits Bsrs IV. Christian
M. Hummer, who practiced In Omaha for
four yenrs, leaving to locate In Denver
somo seven years ago. Is revisiting the
city on his way east.
Tlptoa to Army-HaTy Game Lieuten
ant Tipton of the naval recruiting sta
tion has gone to attend the Army-Navy
foot hall game to be held In New York
City Thanksgiving day.
Corduroy and Toong Bound Otm 1!.
Corduroy and J. II. Younsr. charged with
burglary, whi were caught "rcdhanded""
In George Bronlnkert's saloon at 101 St.
Mary's avenue, were bound over to the
district court Monday morning with bonds
placed at f700.
'Ken's Day" Draws Crowd "Men's
day" at the North Side Christian church
Sunday brought out the largest attended
services of the year. The men had charge
of the lllhle school and alsu of the even
ing services. At the latter Rev. George
L. Peters preached to men.
TBanksgrlYlna; Offering- The House of
Hone never hud so many aged and help
less people as It has now. Any contribu
tions, either in money or provisions, will
be thankfully received by the manage
ment. Call Harney 3T0ii or Tyler 1S47
Your donation will be calleJ for.
Bnrling-ton Men Meeting- General ana
assistant' superintendents of the Burling
ton, constituting the loss and damagt
committee, are holding one of the quar
terly meetings at headquarters. There
are some thirty officials in attendance,
coming from all divisions of the system
west of the Missouri river.
Br. Tolti' Car Catches Afire Dr. C.
B. Foltz, 3405 Webster street, narrowly
escaped serious Injury when his touring
car caught fire at Eleventh and Jack
son streets. Officer Carney was the first
to discover the flame and owing to his
quick action In summoning aid from the
nearby fire barn the car was saved. Dr.
Foltz has no Idea how the blaze started.
Bow Orang-ss Arrive The first crop
of California navel oranges has arrived
in Omaha. The quality Is above the
average. The orange crop this year is
the greatest In history, and as a result,
prices should run relatively low this year.
According to Al King, manager of Hay
den's grocery department, the price on
thia first shipment of oranges will run
shout te same a last nv. but that a
decrease rm be eecteil noon,' due to the
large crop.
Boy Burned at Fire Wlitlo playing
around k (Ire of rubbish In the rear of
a rrocery store on Twenty-fifth anl
l-eaviyiworth streets. ThcmK. a V
Id son of George K. Mom II, Pit South
Twenty-fifth street, was severely burne 1
about tUo legs. Dr. Ma. k, attending phy- Kai Board Members Return from
sician. reports him out of tianger. ' Meeting at Washington.
Powder Mills at Gary,
Ind., Are Blown Up
CHICAGO. Nov. S3. Hundreds of win
dows In Gary were bioktn today by a
nitroglyct rin explosion In the wra ot
the Aetiu powder mill", four ml'es (IN
taut. No one was Killed on Injured it
was reported, as a leak In an oil tank warning that mi rxploslon might
bo cspntod and the workmen, number
ing about y fled.
Arapahoe Mn harared with et
tlnaj I'lre to Home Commit
nlrlde He fore Sheriff I
thle n Arrest Hint.
8IOCX FALLS, S. D.. Nov. 23, (Spe
cial. (-Hefore Judge Klllott ot the Cnlled
States court In this city I.outu Hurkel
of fudahy. Wis., entered a plea of
guilty to an indictment charging him
with having forged his dead father's
name to pension papers and was fined
$100. He paid the fine and was released
from custody. Burke! waa brought to
Sioux Falls JTrom Wisconsin only a day
or two ago, while a resident of Orient,
K IX, in January, 1913, he signed his
dead father's name to pension receipts,
thus subjecting hlmetlf to the charge of
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Nov. 23 (Spe
cial Teh gram.) The Broken Bow steam
bakery, owned by J. C. Snyder, was put
out of commission by fire at 2:S0 this
morning. The working part Of the plant
was entirely destroyed. The fire started
in the back part of the building. For
tunately, no wind was blowing or the
opera house block on the south would
have been wiped out. - The plant Is In
sured for $4,8X. The damage has not
been estimated.
Stomach Troubles Disappear
by using Klectrlo Bitters. Beet remedy
for liver and kidney Indigestion, dys
pepsia and all stomach troubles. 60c and
$1- All druggists. Advertisement.
Two North Bend Weddings.
NORTH BEND, Neb., Nov. 23.-(Spe-clal.)
The marriage of Miss Ina Mayer,
North Bend, and Gilbert Johnson of Fre
mont will occur at the Mayer home on
Thanksgiving day.
The wedding of Miss Margaret ffhan
nahan of Saunders county and Michael
Kelley of North Bend la appointed for
Wednesday, November 25.
i From a Staff Correspondent. 1
LINCOLN, Nov. 23.-(Speclal.)-.Mem-bers
. of the Nebraska State 'Railway
commission, with the execution of t'om-
missloner T. I Hall, who will not be
j back for a couple of days, have returned
home, well pleased with tho results of
the trtn.
Western commission, according to
Commissioner Taylor, entered Into an
agreement In which each will subscribe
not less than $1,000 and auch help as can
be spared from their offices for tho pur
pose of making a thorough Investiga
tion and a complete accounting of the
business of the carriers for the purpose
of gaining a correct insight Into the
earning capacity of the roads as com
pared to the expense. In connection with
this Clifford. Thorne, chairman of the
Iowa commission, paid a high compli
ment to I'. (1. Powell, rate expert of the
Xeboraska commission, suggesting that
Mr. Powell take charge of the Investiga
tion of the affairs of the roads, saying
that he was one of tho best accountants
in tho Cm led States. In this he waa
Joined by members of other commis
sions, and It la probable that Mr. Powell
will have an' important part In the work
of checking up the carriers.
To Consolidate Hearings.
j Western commissioners, representing
mineen commissions, joineu in a request
to the Interstate Commerce commis
sion that all applications for rate
changes be consolidated and It was In
timated that this would be done.
Should an advance be goranted of 1
cent per 100 pounds, basing this year's
business on last year's, It will mean that
the roa'a will receive an additional ItHO,
000 for carrying grain alone In this state.
Last year approximately 8,000 cnrloads
were shipped out of the state and this
would mean the above Increase. -
Nebraska methods and Nebraska plans
In vogue by the Nebraska commission,
stand high with the members of other
commissions and their recent rate order
No. 19 was complimented very highly.
- Friday Chairman Clarke and Kate
Clerk Powell will go to Sioux City to be
present at the hearing before V ex
aminer of the Interstate Commerce com
mission relative to the order put Into
effect known as No. 10.
Plsrr to DUplar Hrlles.
The State Board of Charities and Cor
leitlons moved today from the room
on the fourth floor to the one next door
for the purpose of giving the Orand Army
beedquarters a Place to properly exhibit
their relics.
There are many relics of considerable
value In the posse.-slon of the department
headquarters, and Captain Trlmbell. as
sistant adjutant general, has b"n desir
ous for some time of having room where
they could be exhibited in good shape
ami at the same time be In a safe place.
Among the 1-itest which he has brought
to headquarters Is a confederate bond
for $1,000 which Captain Trlmbell, him
self, rescued from the state house when
It was blown up by the federal troops
on February IT, lv at Columbia, S. C.
Only one coupon of the sixty attached
to the bond for $30 has been detached.
Arapahoe Man Knria Life.
W. F. Requartte, deputy In the fire
commissioner's office, has sent a letter
to Commissioner Rldgell In which he
stales that Martin L. Warren, charged
with setting fire to his own house In
Arapahoe, had committed suicide before
tha sheriff was able to arrest him. The
property was Insured for $1,230 and was
estimated to be worth about $1,275. The
property burned to the ground October
31. On November 19 the sheriff, armed
with papers for tho arrest of Warren,
went to arrest him at a house where he
waa stopping alone and found him lying
dead on the floor, having shot himself. j
Yonth Killed at IMs. j
Milford Turner, 13 years old. Is dead
from the effects, of being hit on the head
by a brick thrown by Joe Sinner while
the two, with other hoys, were playing
foot ball. The ball had been kicked In
the air and the Sinner boy threw a brick
at the ball which struck the Turner lad
on the head, fracturing the skull. He was
taken to a hospital, but lived but a short
Tax Commission Plans.
While the people knocked out the tax
amendment at the late election, the State
Tax commission will go ahead and pre
pare its report Just the somo as i' the
proposition had carried. In fact, the one
proposition wilt be along that line en
tirely, while another will make recom
mendations which It Is hoped will help
tho legislature. If it desires to listen to
the expert advice of the commission.
Tho commission was given $3,000 for ex
pense money for preparing the .report,
am! a whole lot of hard work has been
put In by the members of the commission
trying to get at something which would
be beneficial to the state. After the re
port Is printed and paid for there will
be a small surplus left to turn back to
the state.
RAND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. 2J.-(ftps-rial
Telegram.) The residence, of K M.
Talmage w,ia entered by btrrsiars last
night, but only a small amount of loot
a taken. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loomls
of Omaha were guests at the home, but
inelthr guests nor hosts were even awak-
enod. ihr residence of Z. H. le.nmen. a
well-to-do retire,! farmer In the same
section, was also entered, but little of
V.ilue taken.
Notes from neatrlpe.
ItKATRICK, Neb., Nv. 23.-(SpeclaI.)
Dr. F. W. Buck fractured bone and
severely wrenched the ligaments In his
right forearm while cranking his auto
mohllo Saturday.
The Farmers' Live Stock Shipping as
sociation, which waa recently organized
in the southern part of the county, has
elected these officers: President: R. 8.
Jones; secretary-treasurer. A. K. Jones;
These four great modern Dictionaries not only spell, define, and pronounce
WORDS but they must of necessity, and they do supply a vast fund of informa
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phrases. Qver 1,225 excellent il
lustrations adorn it pages. Gives
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G lotssry ol Foreign
Words, Phrase,,
etc. in Fnglikh
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nunciation i Abbre
viation, University
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Chemical Element -Pilgrim
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etc , S,ema of Shorthand Calendar
ot the Worid-WeUht sad Meaaurea
Camraos and Metric SyatesM Sina and
Symbol Uaed is tha Scieacc, Cora
aocrcc, Trposraphy, etc
Is aaV LeetW lack. SZ.Ms Was
Tsy Aiiwsr
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as tjal Ercrjsas,
May Rudily Ua
WslaaJ Tscai.
nasd-Nta ladas. (I N ; Skaas. MX
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TWa Paper Gift Edttiea. ladesad
aad Motif M, li .
Tha abridged books contain the gist of the great, big Funk eft
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comed this idee, nnd these handy abridgments sell by the thousands.
The Comprehensive
Size 7 V i 5 V in. Of wonderful
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that for eaae ol reference, sverythins ia
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Valuable table and plate are included ia
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Coins of the world, Conatcllatioaa, Plan
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and Meaaurc Type ol Cattle -Type ol
Cate birda - Bark of Tree Example of
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r lowera Fowl Hone Leaves c
Clots, $1.00; Tsssafc-Netck
kriextd, $1.25.
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dotk, SOr-t With n-ssk-NoUk Isdst,
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Chart of th State, 1 erriiorie and Poe
etsion, of the American Union- A Gaaet
eer ot the World National Mower
Mats Mower of tho
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Kniland - Lariett Cit
ies in tbe World
Parliamentary Law st
Sight pnrm of Ad
dre., Birib Stone
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and Their Antidote
- Weight and Meaa
urea - Metric System
As Csrittass
th Coed Tssts
af Iks CiTcr, sra
His Apprscistiea
pf tk Receiver's
Telelrioh Kalea.
Cable, Wircle. etc. Commoa Coinage
of the Worlrl - Postal Information l.rgal
Holidsre - Univeraal Postal Union -- Wed
dini Annlveraarie Intereet Tables
World Statistic Area, Popularioaa, elc.
Foreign Worda and Phrases Commoa
Abbreviations and Gootracttoaa A Com
pieto Adas of lbs Uaited States sad Its
ramsasioa - etc.
Oats. tU.t rim) DsraU Pal LeauW. Mr
With Taamh-Heuh lades, ic. sstia.
At All Bookstores; or by Mail, on Receipt of Price, from Funk & Wagnalls Company. New York
TO ill Me.U..iiai.i.lS.L l..l,UWe-PHww.
dlr-sctors. Earl Chase, Kvan Robr-rU and
A. Ehmrn. Th association will ship
live stock from Wymote and other points
and owners of live stock will have tbe
prlvllrrre of shlpnlna; through the asso
ciation whether mrmbers or not
Mra. J, J. Carmlrharl, a pioneer of
Ostrf) county, filed Haturday night at her
home north of the city, asrvl "0 yars.
Ph Is survived hy hrr husband and six
chlldrr-n, five sons and one daushtrr.
Hobcrt Urooks, who waa arrested at
Wymote recently on the charae of nmr
dcrlns; a train denier named Mlnxle and
his stenographer at (leddes, B. P., last
April, waa arraliincd at that place tho
other day and pleaded not utility. His
case was sot for hearing next month.
It rook a stoutly denlen his guilt.
Heal Ktat Ileal at llolbrook,
HOLnniWK. Neb.. Nov. 2.1 (Special.)
The Jap lloglo !4(Vacre tract one and one
half miles northwest of llolbrook was
sold Friday to W. V. Naugle of Arapa
hoe. Mr. Naugle Is an expert stockman
am' will slock the fnrm with cattle, hogs
and horse. He Intends to build fa4
lot, put up silos and will go Into tbe
stock business on an extensive scale, .
YORK. Neh.. Nov. M.fSpeclal.) Judge
Wray Just decided a will contest whl"h
wa-i brought before him several months
ago In favor of the widow. Mrs. Ambrose
II. Jnnc. Mr. Jones In his will Instructed
his administrator to give Mrs. Jones all
household effects, t!,000 In rash and de
rryd that the balance of the .estate
should be divided Into nine equal parts.
Mm Jory?s was not sattaflod with this
part of the will and she claimed her part
of thr erftate an provided by law, which
gives hrer a life estate In the household
effects of the deceased and one-fourth
of tho estate, which Is valued at 1 15.000.
The Want Ad Columns ot The Bee Are
Read I'ally hy Temple In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunltlcf.
---! Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M.
Burgess-Nash Company
Montltiy. Novoinltcr 2i, 1014.
everybody's store'
8TOHK NKWS FOlf Tl i:81.
Telephone Douglas) 1;I7.
WUl Open TOY TOWN On Our
Now 4th Floor Next FRIDAY
He wants to meet every one of hla bout of H'.tlo friends and will have a gift for every child.
Women's 23c I'liderwear, 17c
Good quality cotton, gray color, vests
and pants, fleece lined, 25c
quality, each
Women's 50c 1'iulfTwear, 39c
While cotton, excellmt quality, vests
and pants, regular 50c qual
ity, garment
Women's 2.5t) I'nlon
SultM at 70c
Block wool with high
neck, long sleeves, regu
lar 2.50 quality,
Tuesday at ....
lloys' flOc Underwear
at 15c
Tan heavy ribbed cotton
vests and drawers, fleece
lined, regular 50c
quality, eacn . . .
Burg-ese-lTaBB Co. Main floor.
Women's 91 I'ndcrwear, 00c
Wool finished vests and pants, white
and natural, regular $1.00 nr
quality at OVC
Women's $1.00 and $1.25 I'nlon
Nulls at eoe '
Fleece lined, high neck, long sleeves,
In regular or extra sites, regu- f r
lar 11.00 to (1.26 quality, at.. Ds7C
Misses' fiOc Underwear
at 23c
White ribbed part wool
vests and pants, large
sizes, regular 60c ng
quality, each . . . aCOC
BUT after all why should it be otherwise when rugs suitable for
every room in the home were offered at
A Saving of 33 1-3 to 50 Under Regular Prices
The rugs are all strictly perfect, new, this season's patterns and colorings, in
fact the offering affords rug buying opportunities that are but seldom offered
These but as examples of tbe savings afforded:
$2.25 Axmlnster Hugs
at $1.80
Axinlnster rugs, size 27a
C4 iuches; wide selection of
new designs, worth regular
ly $2.25.
$22.50 to $23 Axmlnnter
Hugs at $11.05
Axminater rugs, size Sx
12; rich new patterns,
worth regu'ly $22.60 to $25.
$1.30 to $3.00 A minster
Itugs at $2.05.
Axmlnster rugs, size 3x8;
big selection, worth regular
ly $4.50 and $5.00.
$22.50 Axmlnster Rugs
at $12.05
Axmlnster rugs, size 8-Cx
10-6 feet; worth regularly
$22.50 to $25.00 Velvet
Rug, t $13.05
Velvet Rugs, size 9x12
ft.; all new patterns, worth
regularly $22.50 to $25.00.
$47.50 Royal Wilton
Itugs at $27.50
Pretty new patterns In
royal Wilton rugs, size 9x12
feet, with linen fringe,
worth regularly $47.50.
To Top Off That
Thanksgiving Dinner
NO matter how heartily you
have euleu of the dinner
there Is always room for delicious
For Tuesday we offer a big ship
ment ot this season's, 1914, crop
nuts ot the very finest quality.
Mixed nuts, first quajlty. In
cluding English walnuts, almonds,
pecans, fllbertH. Hrazll 1 O
nuts and peanuts, lb.... JLaCl
Finest mixed nuts, same mixtures
us above except peanuts, -t T
per pound XC
No. 1 California soft shell QO
English walnuts, lb.... a&a&C
Imported fancy Tarragona QQ
almouds, pound awsCC
Daisy pecans, very large, i
full meats, pound IOC
Hrazll nuts, washed, ex-
Ira large, pound IOC
I'eanuts, fresh roasted, A
quart tC
ONE pair of warm knitted socks
will do more toward alleviat
ing suffering than all the words
in the Eugllbh language composed
Into expressions ot sympathy. If
you have tbe desire to knit some
thing to warm the heart and flesh
of some suffering soldier thia
winter, come and get your yarn
and our knitting Instructor will
teach you the most advanced and
rapid method of using the
needles and FI.KISHKIt'S YARN'S
Burgsss-aTssb Oo. Third Tloov.
a. iiiiBurgeBS-Nagh
Barrsss-Wasli Co, Thlral Tleor.
Thanksgiving Sale of Di nnerware
Continues Tuesday. Unusual Values
$22.50 Austrian China Dinner Bets, $10.50
100 pieces. We consider It a most unusual value.
(lenulne $13.50 Ilaiiland
China Dinner Met, $27.00
100 pieces, a rare value.
Ransome shape, with apple
blossom and green leaf cluster.
A beautiful pattern, made by
Havtland & Co.
$00.00 Ilaviland China Dinner
Set, $18.50
100 pieces, Ransome shape.
with pink rose decoration, gold ,
iiiu auu iiicumiiuu center, una
of the prettiest Havlland pat
terns and a most unusual
$40.00 Gueiln French China
Dinner Hets, $25.00
100 pieces, made by Win
Guerln, one of the most famous
French makers of fine china.
Rose decoration on plain shapa.
III ZiX7 ;t
Gold and White Dinner Hots
at $2O.00
100 pieces, plain shape, with
gold band on edge and gold
circle In center. Solid knobs
and handles.
Barrfgs-irah Co. foarth rioor.
Yeu'll Need One of These
Kit, oval shape, self
basting, seamless
and strictly sani
tary, large size 98c,
sir. f-9c
ER, enameled, as
sorted styles and
sices, up- fl OP
ward from 1 as-J
note the indentation
on the top. which
causes the juice to
drip on the roast,
self-bast- ( AO
ing, at .... PlaUO
ROASTER, worth
$1.60, spe-
Barg-Ms-afaaa Co. Bsasmsat.
Co, Everybody' Store 16th and Harney
ER, No. 10 sixe, as
illustrated, special
plece, extra quality
blade, worth 7A
$1.60, for.... fliC
UMDEIRWE AR for Womom amd CMdrem
Right at the Threshold of the Wearing
Season-Savings that are Quite Unusual
ttJ ' i-iiot bogin to express to you the true importance of this un-
VV Hal offering you must eome and see the merchandise to
realize fully what it means to you in a saving way. Let it suffice to .
say, the underwear is strictly first quality in a wide assortment of
selections and offered way below the regular price. This idea:
WOMEN'S $1.75 TO $3.00 UNION SUITS, 98c
Including mrt wool, silk and wool, silk and cotton, Swiss
ribbed, ete.,'in a variety of styles; strictly first quality and MP
not a suit worth less than $1.75 to$o.00; Tuesday, choice. . JVJ
...... .-y