THOMPSON; BELDEN S CO. In the Coat Section An Ever-Changing Procession of New, Exclusive Styles A display of the style ideas adopted by women of fashion in the eastern cities brought to, Omaha as socm 1 as produced. Particularly fine val ues in Scotch novelties, broadcloth, . Arabian lamb textile, wpdl' poplin, fine textiles and many other , pop ular fabrics ; : $24.50, $28.75, $29.50- No extra charge for alterations. . Other Coats from $13.50 to $85.00. SUITS BLOUSES DRESSES SKIRTS SHERMAN & M'CONNELL WAREHOUSE FIRE-Photo taken in early stages of $70,000 fire Sunday, which wiped out the largest warehouse in the city, completely destroying the building and its contents. MRS. SAMMONS UPON STAND FOR HUSBAND (Continued from rage One.) 5, cared for one of tho children between 13 1 and loclook. At 9 o'clock I waa up and ' to the bath room. I waa not very I Cwell. Vvalter vas- asleep theiu lt did tfaot leava-nla be that night,. except tne , one. time he. waited on our little girl." . ' Other witnesses put on the stand bjr the defence In an effort to eeiablisb an alibi '.. ' the ccuaed were Juries H. Burgher. ' Lfaher -of',Mra.s ,V alter , Sammons. and Jke Mutchle, a Kearney' carpenter. , Hurgner told "of-th Chrlatrnen dinner V .' of, the Sammons families at tWi6m of J'.' hla elder daughtar-and of going to '.'flWalUr'tieirtrnohe house with .Mri.t'Sam- ( nwn. and tha two children early In the -evening. .Waller came, home at :15 p. - m. .and u not Mtoxlrated, Burgher said. ' ' DeiinoM in llnnrj ' . ) .rrw. all -went to bed at : ,or W .' I o'clock," the father-in-law of .the accused man ..continued.; ."Walter and hla wife alept In the room adjoining trrtne. and the 6or between' the ta rdnma .waa' ajar. -' I 1 alept anandly. heard no riolJha- n'Khfc. 1, did not awaken .until ,4 or 'I o'clock the V.' next morelng-. And m sura that "Walter t , Cl not leave the house." ' J ' t ' !J Mutchle -testified that .' ho ; bbW "Walter ? ;t. Samwone at the tatter's home about ;. V i o'clock tha T!ht ,of jlhe robbery.) when . Mutchle called to, borrow hot water J bottle. 'The witness under cr6s-ex-. 4 .mlna&on-'wag aaked'r : ''' ;, ' ) "Didn't you plead' guilty to the- theft ' I of aome hay at Kearney awhile ago" ' 'L ' "w". aia nfl J didn't.", he answered. It "7 -"Didn't your ha' wn - asked-' again. Tea,' ke replied. And paid tne Wr -. , . Xftorney ltoweD asked. "Yea." ' Mutchle ! admlted.; Ha explained that he had "Juit r .J" is 1 V 1 v y 'if" j 8' ' : 1 i borrowed" a bale to feed hla team. Te laviplteate . - ) .' Other wltneeeea called by the defenae , during the afternoon were queitioned aa I t to the whereabout of Delbert Smith, the V Keaxney .poatoffloa clerk who confeaaed V ' loaning hie keys and allege thatSam ,.moha had committed' the robbery. The f' ' chief effort made with them by. counael i' ' tor" Batnmona waa Intended to show that (Smith, had disappeared from a, theater i. J performance '.durlnghe' evening of the robbery, and waa seen on the' t recto, near ,. the postof flee. . . . Arvard Johnson, a bartender, testified that ha sow, Pelbert Bmlth and his ' brotbor,. I,ucicn. at the '- theater. Bob .'. . Mann, a .Kearney real .estate man. aald t he mw pejbert Smith leave .the theater , ; during the- show,, and opntmuing,' aaid: 'Tb ,nf..roorning. I. met' Welt Sanj' ' tnons and his Xatli tlie atreet. but they "Nothing. I was In Montana when It happened." "How did you come to he a witness for SammohsT" "Why, 1. F. Reudebush told me to see Clarke Bammona, Walter's brother," Cash aald. Roudebush la a Kearney man, and Is alleged by the prosecution to ho helping the defense. He waa in court and waa pointed out and tdentlfted by Cash and J. B. Donnell, another witness. Moaeiy f rose Jadgei Oldhasa. " "Have you reclve4 any jnoney from anybody In connection with' this case?" Mr.' Howell asked Cash. : ""Yes. sir." Q. "How muchr A. "Twenty dollar." Q. "From whom? A. "Judge Oldham." Q. "They told you they wanted you to do a 'little skirmishing.', didn't they?" A. "Yes, air." i Q- And did the Bammona hoys' see you talking to any government officials?" A. "Yes; sir." Q. "And they told "you after that that you could go homer A. "I'm not quite sure whether It waa befurs or after that, but they told me I could go home." Q. "Did you ever .receive, any money from anybody for tha purpose of bribery or perjury?"' A. "No." . Hawaii Weald Admit Testimony.' Attorney Howell, while making Success ful argument to have the testimony of Cash admitted, explained that he wlshtd to prove by It that the defense had been spending money freely on witnesses In an effort to further an alibi a a.defense. He alleged that the bringing of a man from Montana who waa Ignorant of the crime to be a witness for Bammona at least showed some evidence of a guilty con science. 1" ' , After one'of the frequent tllta between the ppoatnsj armheya.'Mr. Howell asked Q-"Hid anyone ask?.. you, 'to, a wlt niM to establlsuVaii alibi for Waltr Bammona?" A "No. .Roudebush askoj me to b a. wltaesa.'f. ' The prosecution then announced that It rested. Ha rasa. . , , , . Ray .Olllesple. of Central city teati- ' - ...'.'!.-:",.': ' i i ' . - ' .v.'i'V y. . ,l fiAai 'i- umfiri. V'p Js-i.y ' . - fled: "After BammoDs had beea arrested and charged with the robbery and was at liberty on bond, I once overheard a con versation between him. his , brother. Jxgan gammons, and another man. In Walter's office across the hall from the Bell apartment. J heard Walter Bammona "'nelbert Smith waa' the, beat friend I had and I didn't think he 'would aqueal on me. " ' . v' fajattea HiMaioai' Cheek. . Another witness waa J. 8. Donnell. cashier -of the Central National bank of Kearney. He teatlfled that ha hi r..h. er-ln-law going down I two checks written by Clarke Bammona. r made o mention of one of which was -for US. in favor of W. TDRK8 TAKE POINT NEAR SUEZ CANAL Official Report Declares that the Saltan's Army Occupied 1 Kan tara After Fight. CAMEL CORPS IS CAPTURED Irene of Battle is Twentr-Flve Miles from Tort Said ss the Caravan ' Roate Between Earypt aad Syria, CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 23. - (By Marconi Wirclena to London.) Turkish troops have reached the Sues canal, ac cording to an official communication made public here Sunday. The statement reads: , "Turkish.' troops have reached the Sues canal. Fighting has occurred be tween Kaiaa and Teatebe, both' thirty kilometers east of the Sues canal and near Kantra Too (probably El Kantara, twenty-five miles south of Tort Bald). "English officers, aa well as many wounded, were taken prisoners. Troops of English camel riders and Egyptian police surrendered El Kantara Is on the right bank of the Sues canal, twenty-five miles south of Port Bald and on the caravan track be tween Egypt and Syria. Tnrks Advance on Bat em. BJCKUN.. No 3. (By Wlrcless)-Of- Unitcd States is Investigating Wireless Plant at Bar Harbor NEW YORK, Nov. . 24.-tTnlted Btates secret service agents today endeavored to loarn If the neutrality of the United States In the European war has been violated by the sending of wireless roes sages from a station under surveillance In Bar Harbor. Me., to Germany or Ger man war vessels In the Atlantic. The station under surveillance is said to be the private plant of Ernesto G. and Allessandro Fabhri, brothers, promi nent In New York society. The Fabbrls are sons of the late Ernesto Fabbrl, who was a partner of J. P. Morgan, and Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbrl is a granddaughter of the late William 11. Vandcrbllt. Although the Fabbrls are of Italian ortKln Alcs sandro Fabbrl Is said to be pronouncedly pro-German in his sympathies. - At hla home here Ernesto G. Fabbrl dented that he or his brother had ever coneyed any information to German- offl claln and treated the whole story as a Joke. He said his brother maintained a wireless plant simply for amusement. Alleged close friendship of the Fabbrl brothers and Captain Polack of the Kron Prlnzessin Cccille was one of the chief reasons why the government agents placed a close watch on the Fabbrl wire less After the steamer had put in at Bar Harbor for fear of capture by Brit ish warships, it la said. Captain Polack was frequently entertained at dinner at the Fabbrl cottage, and on one occasion the Fabbrls entertained 250 of the ship's crew at a theater at Bar Harbor Mr. Fabbrt said today that he and Captain Polack were close friends. i MADE to ORDER $25, $39, $35 and up OVERCOATS Specially Priced Thi Weekal $25, $30 and $35 A Nicoll make Over coat means more com fort style and general satisfact on than you II et trom the ordinary ind. member of the Knights of Pythias order, The former organisation will have charge of tne sen-ices and the body will be taken to Marysvllle for burial. Rnhert T. fteott. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Nov. 23.-1 Special.) Robert T .Scott died at his home near Pawnee City Friday horning aged 75 years alter, a long and .severe Illness of several weeks. Mr. Scott was a veteran or tne civtl war and -served as county; commissioner from 1W1 to 18S7. He had lived in the county for more than fifty years. He leaves a widow and several children. It BIG 0PEEATI0NS IN POLAND NEAR FINAL DECISION (Continued from Page One.) Clares that the fall of Lemberg Is only a question of time bocauee von Hindcn burg la rolling the Russian right, while at Uh same time the Austrian are at- flcial reports given out In Constantinople tacking on the left. There la,,, however. and reaching Berlin today tell of tha continued successful Turkish advance upon Datum, the Russian port the Black sea. All tha territory between the Tui ko-Kulan border and the river Chursk Is In . Turkish hands, while a Turkish force In the southern part of this territory has taken Artwln, The Turks declare that the English losses at Khatt-El-Arab .amounted to 760 Scad and several thousand wounded. The report Is reiterated that tha Turk lsr have reached the Sues canal at El Kantara, after defeating the English In a sanguinary engagement at a point thirty kilometers (about eighteen miles) to Uie eastward of the canal. Tha Eng lish fled, leaving many dead. Millinery Safe WEDNESDAY FIGHT TO UNLOAD RELIEF SHIPLOAD (Continued from Page One.) the robbery. Three months later, after lit Cetip. Bammona faced prosecution as the chief man accused of the crime, ha approached ma to Uam niy version of Bmlth'a actlona on the night of the robbery." '-.,'rer.a ainel Ills T'stlmaay. 'Jghn Vem, . w,ho (waa Kearney "night police", at the time of the, robbery, testi fied to bavin gseen Smith on the street near trie police station the' night of the Calling elbert Bmlth. who had con fessed loaning hla keys and who alleged that . Waiter Bamomns ' had committed tha robbery. District Attorney Howell had Bmlth'a shoes measured, and found they were about eleven Inches long, whoreaa the measurements of tha foot prints la the anow around tha postorflce after the robbery were much, smaller. BELLEYUE HOME (Continued from Page One.) crime. Under cross-examination. Fern f w -ucien - smith, a brother I Del admitted that he resigned hla posltioa b,rt WM called to the stand and put June 1. after hearing that charges were through the same examination. His to be fUd agalnvt him. alleg that! ,n0', "ured twelve Inches, ha bad been drunk and had brought ' woman to Kearney for Immoral purpoaea JIIDItF, fiflVV H1F.S IT He said thai th charaea were f.U. 'uuuu UW II UlUlJ AI that ha resigned anyway, ran for sheriff and was defeated. GUmaa F. Roudebush testified that he saw Del $mltb one block from the post office about N o'clock the night of the robbery. " Under cross-examination, Roudebush said that although he was ostensibly In .tha. real estate and live, iocs commission Dullness, his total busi ness during one year amounted to the aaie r twenty bead of cattle and three cheap Isnd deala - Hla other testimony waa intended to Impeach the story told by caeii during the morning session, ('ash la 1 IUDcaekts. That Cash was In Montana at tha Urn of the robbery, but that he had bean asked to be a witness for the defense and had been paid money and given free board and room by the defense, were facta admitted by Cash under oath, when given a gruelling examination by United States District Attorney F. B. Howell. . Cash, who haa lived at Kearney for a long time, admitted on tha atand at the beginning of hla examination that he waa In Montana when liaraomne and to Council Bluffs and later to Bellevue, waa by wagon train. He was a native of Washington county, New Turk. rraettcany air of the early pioneers were speaking acquaintance of hla and Peter Sarpy waa one of the first men he met when he crossed the Missouri river In 186i for a Fourth of July cele bration that was being held In Omaha It waa later that same year that he' moved to Uellevue. Judge Oow waa elected county judge 1U IMS, succeeding himself four times after that In 1WI he was elected to the state legislature and after one term be gan to take life easier at his home In Bellevue. Mrs. Oow died In UM. r-unerai - arrangements have not yet oeen maae. Delbert Smith ware alleged to have com mitted tha robbery of the Kearney post office last Chrtstmaa. Admits Hecetvla Cash. "I received a lis cneck from Clark eammona. brotuar of tha accused," Cash testified, la substance. "He wrote ma to go down to Omaha and do a little skir mUblng around. Tea, I also received t- from Judge Oldham' (attorney for tUmmons). "Have you paid any expensea since coining to Omaha," Mr. Howell asked Cash. No, JTe been living at the Merchants lioutl with the others for over a week. and nothing waa aald to me about ex penses. Cash answered. -"What do you know about this case?" Held for Murder of Woman in a Resort several tons of salt to Brussels, some of tha refugees there having been without salt for two months. Wll Kxtead Relief Work. I5NDON. Nov. SS. The relief work of the. Rockefeller foundation In Austria, Servla. France and some sections of Russia will be undertaken actively at once. Dr.. wickiiire Rose, head of the Rockefeller commission, said today that he and hla associates would soon visit these countries, where the needs of the people are perhaps aa great aa In Bel gium, although . ess has been heard of the conditions there. It Is the purpose of tha Rockefeller com mission. Dr. Rosa explained, to discover the localities In which the needs of the people are greatest, regardless of the country and send relief Immediately , Members of the Rockefeller commis sion express themselves as greatly pleased with the work which haa been done by the American relief commission in Bel- glum and will uae the. organisation of that ' commission for distribution of the suppllea which It sends to that country. Tha food forwarded to other countries probably will be distributed under the direct supervision of the Rockefeller com mission, since there are no other organ isations available at present for the work.- i Ambassador Page and Dr. Rose have learned that conditions are especially bad In some sections of Bervla, and f forts will be made to extend relief there at once. no direct Information from the front to confirm thla opinion. Petrograd Is silent about the strategy of tho present campaign which dues not seem to. excite any greatern concern In tha Russian capital than did the previous 1 advance on Warsaw. Berlin, on tha other hand, aeems .to regard the Polish opera tions, aa decisive in tho Rusrlan cam paign. It not jn the outcome of the en tire war. In the near east Turkish forces are reported within touch of tho Suet canal mo miaous Egyptian camel corps Is said to have had a brush with tho Turks. Within Great Britain's own borders. attention haa been turned to the sensa tional affair In the alien concentration camp on the Isle of Mann In which sev eral of the prlsorers were killed. In a body the Interned aliens made a con centrated attack on their guard, who seem to have not only suppressed a mutiny due to discontent with food and quarters, but to have actually ouelled a drapers te atterap to escape. trailer Cataartle Tablets. Are wholesome, thoroughly cleansing, and have a stimulating effect on the stomach, liver and bowela. Regulate you with no griping end no unpleaaant after elferta btout people find they give Immense relief and comfort. Antl-bllious. ! Warren Bnofford, areen Bay. wis. I writes: "Foley's Cathartic Tablets are tITT. Utah, Nov. l th, beat laxative I have ever used. ,Thy do the work promptly and with no bad after effects." Try them. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement SALT LAKE Jamea L, McOivern Is sought on a charge of murder aa a reault of tha death today of .Mra. McUivern. also known aa Cora Lowing, who waa stabbed In tha back at a resort hero on November lL McUivern waa preaent when ahe was wounded and disappeared Immediately afterward, although aha exonerated him of responsibility. Tha woman Is said to have had relatives In Nebraska and Ne vada. 1 ' i'he Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are Read Daily "by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities, Department Orders. WAH1UNUTGN, Nov. . f. S. Bwan soa amuinied rural letter carrier Vhb'klev. Neb. Mrs. F.lla O. Marshall, lever. 8. D.. has been eixtuliited a tea'h r at Rosebud In Start -hil. hiulli Ltakota. First National hank of Chha.'u lias ben ni'troved as rrwrvo saint fur til Ciflahttm National, t'reighton. Neb. 1'ovloirlce at I'aacade Xprinas. eJ. I), has bevn discontinued, wall to- tioux Falls. Several Nations Not to Send Warships to Panama Canal Parade WASHINGTON, Nov- .23. Replies to the Inquiry from the Navy department as to tho names and number of foreign ships which will participate In the Inter national naval voyage from Hampton Uuads to Pan Francisco next spring a16 comln In very slowly and the deterrent f f ii.t f Ik. wa, iti mftnlfAat Whf An of the silled powers haa indicated a pur- ' ' pose to redeem the promise they origin' ! ; ally made to senld warships to partlci- nn VDII PCT flfl pale In the event. Austria haa finally , UU lUU ULl III aecuneo as nas ureece, sweaen. Colum bia -and the Netherlands. The Japanese declination is "aa long as , the present situation continues." Germany, Chile, Brazil and China and Italy have not re plied. Portugal will send two vessels and Spalri also will be represented, al though the number of .its ships it not stated. 'Watch!. Wait! FOR Kilpatrick's Big That'g because we put all our knowledge into buying the right tort of fabrics and all our skill into making them , up properly. The saving in price is also an import ant item. Do not fail to see our splendid Serges, suitable for year around wean - Modestly priced at $25 NICOLL TheTkilor Jerrcms' Sons- 209-211 So. 15th Si. Cold in Head Relieved la one minute. Money bsck . It It fails. Get a 25c or SOa tube of TlcfONDON'S it li Catarrhal Jelly Use It quick. For chroolo nasal ca tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, coughs, sneezing, nose bleed, etc. Write for free sample. The first drop used will do good. Ask druggists. Koadoa Mfg. Ceu. Minneapolis, Minn, ii AMISEMENTS. 9 DEATH RECORD. An Ideal Woman's Laxative. No better laxative than Dr. King s New Life rills. They help tha liver and bowels to her 1 thy action. 2Ec. All druggists. Advertisement. J. M. Ranche. KAIRBURY, Neb.. Nov. 83. (Special.) 3. M. Ransche. a veteran clgarmakcr of WITH A LAME BACK? .ILacLaren'g ' Mustard Cerate Take Out the Kinks. Mill Whether It's Rheumatism, Lumbago, or whatever the doctors call It, you know It la painful and you want aweet relief from that lame back. XacXaren's Mustard Cerate will do the trick and you will feel relieved Just as soon as you have thoroughly rubbed it In. Do this now TODAY before you for- Everybody is Going to the j Elevator Conductors' Onion! MASQUERADE BALL j THANKSGIVING EVE November 25th, 1014. AT AUDITORIUM ! 15th and Howard Sts. 1 24 Prizes. Experienced Help in. Check Rooms. . mAOOT BTTBisir oBCssarnu. . Tickets on Sale at Box Office and ' by Elevator Conductors. j Piano Recital BY MARIE MIKOVA Assisted by MMK. LOUISE ORMSBY, Soprano MMB. BORGLUM, Accompanist. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, J Park Ave, and Harney St. Tuesday Evening, Nov. 24, 1914. 8:15 P. M. -General Admission $1.00. Reserved Seats $1.50. Balcony 75c Tickets on Sale at Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. this city, died Saturday from a short 1 get It. Go to the nearest druggist, get a illness. Deceased waa born near Saginaw, Mich., July 24. 1868. He spent his early boyhood daya in Michigan and removed to Marysvllle, Kan., in the '70s, where ho learned the cigar trade. He was mar ried to Kate Holsey at that point. Mr. Ransche removed his family to Falrbury 2?o or 60c jar of XaTao&aren'a Mustard Cerate; no other will do, and nothing else juat as good. Try it night and morn ing for a few days on the affected parts and you will shout with joy. Use it for Stiff Neck. Sore Throat, Pleurlay, Colds and Congestion. Bronchl- ln 18SS and has resided here ever since. I tis, Neuralgia. Headache, Lumbago, Mr. Ransche Is survived by a sister at ' Rheumatism, Bore Muscles. Lame Back, Marysvllle, Kan.; two brothers In Daven port, la. He was an Odd Fellow and s $1365 F. a B. Detroit Touring Car vxth Sedan Top Itoadtltr uith Coup Top, tlS!S F. O. B. Detroit. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA Distributors t0&4-eg r areas UU Osaaaa. Sea, The Cadillac Co. of Omaha says: One of the beet things you can do ' for your family this winter Is to give them a 1916 Hupmoblle touring car fit ted with the new Sedan top. You know the family wanta a car, and hero is the opportunity to get for them practically two cars at very lit tle more than the price of one. For the Pedan top Is detachable and ia easily taken oft in the Spring and . the regular summer top aa easily ap plied in its place. . . . Kven though demountable, the Sedan Is very substantially built, and when applied tha effect is that of a regular limousine. It Is absolute protection from the weather. It is solidly attached. It Is, nothing whatever like the makeshift limousine tops you have seen In the. past. . It is designed to be beautiful and to conform thoroughly to the . Hups . Unea, at the same time turning an open car Into closed one that borders on,. if it does not actually attain, the luxurious. s ., t you already have a 131u Hupmo blle, drive around and have us at tach a Sedan top. THE CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA. Chilblains, Sprains and all kinds of Aches or Pains; it often wards off Pneumonia. At all druggists 25c and 60c, or mailed postpaid by The McLaren Drug Co., Los Angeles, Cal. For a generous sample by mall, postpaid, send 10 centa and thla ad vertisement. Sold by all Sherman sV McConnell Drug stores. Alil'lEHENTI. AMERICAN DOUG. 1476 Tonight, Matinees Taos Thnrs. and Sat, MK. EDW1M LTUCS MIS KILEK THEBUS TK1 WOOOWAKD STOCK CO. AXJ. MATUTSSB 85 CSBTT8 slights. SSe and 60O. Test Week ST. ELKO. BR All DEIS Two Wights, Wot. ga-87 Matinee TKajrxsm vi vrt BJLMOSTD KtTCzTCOCK, Everybody's ravorite te "THB BTAUTT MO" Mat., &Oo-Sl.O0-tl.6O XvgS BOo to $3.00 lbritlfTlt DaDyM.t 19-85-fiOo OMAHA'S TtJBT CSHTZm STgn 1S-I5-60-760, you know, ANDY LEWIS ft DREAMLAND BURLESQUERS. In two funny satlrea, 'Dlvorceland1' an "Whirl-o'-Fun." Ines de Verdler, FreJ Ireland. Ralph Rlckus. Nelna Catto, A! pine Four and Beauty Chorus of Dream XtaOXXn SIMS MAT. Will SATS v. BOYO THEATER Tel. DougUs 1111 TO-BTZOXT AaTD rUTA Will Matin see Thanksgiving and Saturday kvi UKB-MiLLEk Charles . And Associate Flayers ia "MJB fEATHIlS" Frloes 8 So aad SOo. ' Iiast Perxonnanoe Saturday night. bona Souglaa 494. AOTINCIO TAVOBTILLI, Dlly M.tlnM. f:l6; Night. t:lt I- Oih.r act thl Mti Thi Bchwar. Co . V.uas J' cab. Duffy A Loranu Riner a Cor. Brrd l'ro nil. Cole a Dolwnr. Orphaiim Tnnl WMkly Prim: Mt . sajl.rr 10c; bwt seals (ucrpi Eat. and Sua.) c. NlgaU, tue. tec, 7to I) THEATER 16th as Xamey Z.A8T TIMES TOD AT At 10, llllS, 11:30. 1148, 3, 4U5. 6:30, :45, S, S:16 Claire Whitney and Stewart Holmes tu LITE'S SHOT WIJTDOW," By Victoria Cross. Tomorrow) Tyrone Power In "ABXSTOCSACT." Proftef Yourself Atkfor ORIGINAL GENUINE Mffr.nmi pvy,;2"iif'. i The Food Drkk for all Aim Olien are ImltAtloas OMAUA'S $100,000 SPEED 17 AY Owing; to tha Bxeelleat Serrlea of Bradford-Xsnaedy Lnmbw Compaay Thursday. Nov. 26Th",Dk:,v,n, PROGRAM 10 A. M. TO 5 P. M. -4 AVIATORS - ART SMITH Will X.oop the Xioop McMillan OSBORN & PETERS WILL FLT MOTOR RACES JACK 8HEA In National Racine Auto Against Time Motor Cycle Races McNeil Will Try to Break Records All TO' PRIVtS INTO CiiNrEH OF ARENA AD MlSSIOn 01-00 7th FARrsJaNI 21 i Tnrpin's Dancing Acadeny 281b and Farnao Sit, ANw class for beginners Monday and Thursday, I p. ni Advanced elael Tnaadaya. p. m. Unto-oata oancaa are standardised ana easy to learn Private beaaeaa Bally. HAJtsTUT H