Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Don't Give Up!
Now iday.
deaths due tn
weak kidneys
r 71 mora
, ommon than
20 year asi.
.ecordlne to the
ennus o v e r
wnrk nnd worry
are the cause.
The k t d n e y
can't keep up.
ami a a 1 1 a h t
kidney weak
ness la usually
neglected. I f
yoii have back-
O'l, .mo iiy v -i: .(' cll. dlsiy
spelts, at c t
headaches, or urinary disorders, don't
mistake the cause. Tight tlie danger.
More care as to diet, habits, etc., and
the use of Dean's Kidney Pills ought
to bring nulck relief. Thee are hun
d reels of thousands of people all over
the world who recommend Poan's.
A Case Right Here
in Omaha:
Mr a. B tlsk, 929 8. 63d Ft., Omaha,
aays: "Mv back often pained me so
State Railway Board to File Them
While in Washington.
Bart C'oaaty .! eaas Word It
Will Make letr far inr Par
pone riaa to Krm Head-
aartera Ope a.
(Fmm a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. IS. (Special -..Secretary
A. B. Allen of the state railway
clmmlssion received this morning the fol
lowing meseuige from the members of
the commission, who with Rate Kxpert
Powell, are now in Wafhlngton In at
tendance at the sessions of the Interstate
Commerce commission;
"Protest will be filed by our commis
sion against the advunor In flour mini
mums and other propo?vd Inter-etate ad
vances. II. T. Clarka."
The telegram comes In answer to two that I could acnVcelv stand and
1 was at a loss to know how to find re- j messages sent by Mr. Boyer of the state
lief. One of the family bad used Poan's ; commission, notifying them that carriers
Cascarets for
Your Bowels if
Headachy, Sick
Get a lo-rent ho.
Put aside-Just once the Salt. Pills.
Castor Oil or Purgative Waters which
ir.erely force tassageway through the
bowls, but do not th( roughly cleanse,
freshen and purify these dralnsge or.
ana. and have no effect whatever upon
the liver and stomach.
Keep your "Inslrtes" prre and fresh
with Cascarets, which thoroughly cleans
the stomach, remove the undigested, sour
food and foul gases, take the excess Hie
from the liver and carry out of the
system all the constipated waste matter
nnd poisons In the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will make vou feel
great bjr morning. Th"y work while you
sleep never gripe, sicken, and cost only
10 cents a box from your druggist. Mil
lions of men and women take a Cas
caret now and then and nsver have Head
eache. Biliousness, Severe Colds, Indi
gestion,' four Stomach or Constipated
Bowels. Cascarets belong In every house
hold. Children Just love to take them.
Morchead Calls Upon Citizens
to Donate to Belgian Relief
Kidney PUla with great benefit and I
decided to try them. Soon after I began
their use, the pain waa relieved, In fiict,
I felt better In every way. I recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills as highly today M
I did some years ago."
50 al all Drug Stores
Foster-Milburn Gx Praps. BufTalo.N.Y
Villi! A vim
Omahans Really Thankful
Because They've Dresher
Bros. Cleaners In
' Their Midst.
Yocr Work Done In .Time for
TlianksulviiiR No Matter How
Elaborate or Intricate
It May Be.
Appreciate the benefits that are show
ered upon you! The Thanksgiving Idea
is a sound one; It's a general "thank
you" upon the part of an entire nation
for the luck, prosperity and favors that
It has met with during the preceding
twelvo months.
This year, we should be particularly
thankful that we do not live amidst the,
bullets, mines and machine guns, such as
the unfortunate Europeans have to con
tend with.
And there's another reason to be
thankful. In Omaha, -for Instance, one
Is thankful because he has at his beck
and call a truly metropolitan Dry Clean
ing and Dyeing establishment. This re
fers, of course, to Dresher Brothers plant
were seeking to Increase ratea on hay In
carload lots to southern and eastern
points, 2 cents per hundred and also
thut on mlrlmum on gtaln products In
i,'H4) to 40,000-pound carload lots.
Dooic County Will Pay.
Mike Cavey, chairman ot the Board of
Coitnty commissioners of Boone county.
I carfie to Lincoln today armed with a
check for $j00, which he flashed on State
Auditor Howard with the Information
i that Boone county would not fight In
the courts against raying the amount
due the state on the litMine account, but
would make a levy to pay the balance.
A letter from the comm'sslonera of Burt
county announces that they, too, would
make a levy to pay
This leaves but two counties hanging out
on iho proposition.
Kerplutf Headquarters Open.
The republican state committee, accord
ing to Chairman Georgo this morning,
would like to maintain permanent head
quarters In the future to get things In
shape for the campaign two years hence.
The committee discussed the matter yes
terday and If 400 republicans In the state ;
will pledge the committee $1 a month (or
the next two years the chairman will
open headquarters and keep tilings mov
ing from now on, placing a man in charge
who will be a live wire and fully com
petent Mr. George believes that S-800 a
month would pay all the expense cf head
quarters. ew Commission Flrra.V
not find him insane, hut did 'find that
he Is Incapable of atteindlng to business
and will have a guardian appointed and
send him to the House of Hope In Omaha.
(From a Staff Correspondent !
L1XCOI.N. Nov. K -( Special ) -Uecog-nlslng
the worthiness of the claims of
the Belgians for relief and the work being
done by the committee In raising funds
for the relief of the war sufferers. Gov
ernor Morehrad this morning Issued the
following proclamation:
"I have been requested by the com
mittee engaged In relief work In behalf ot
the Belgian people, to make an appeal to
our people to support them In their work.
Belgium Is the most thickly populated
country In the world, and Is at present In
dire distress. Normally Importing three
quarters of Its food from abroad, It pos
sesses no longer the means of purchase.
Winter, perhaps, of ususual severity, la
approaching and a popufetlon of T.Wn.OO,
stands on th ebrlng of starvation. '
"Ambassador Page has the written as
surances of the British. Dutch and Ger
man government that shipments for the
relief of the Belgians will not be seised
or confiscated, and American agents will
personally effect the distribution among
the famished and stricken Individuals. The
Belgian movement has become one of
nstlonal magnitude and Interest.
"Therefore. I rail upon all cltlsens to
contribute of their bounty toward the
good cause. Lancaster and Reward
counties are sending two carloads of flour
as a beginning. Custer county Is reported
to have raised a carload of wheat The
millers are arranging to grind the wheat
and other ceieals free of charge. Let me
ask the farmers who have been blessed
with a bountiful harvest to contribute
generously. Clothing Is also needed and
will be glndly received by the committee.
Cltlsens generally may make cash contri
butions which will be applied to the pur
chase of provisions. All offerings will be
transported free and no money will be
used for any purpose except for the pur
chase of supplies and food. For directions,
apply to J. K. Miller of Lincoln, and he
will send any Information desired. Money
contributions may be sent to W. C. Wil
son. Bankers Life building, Lincoln.
"Given under my hsnd thla 18th day of
November. 19U.
"JOHN 11. MOP.EHEAD. Governor."
Beatrice Pioneer,
Who Had Notable
Career, is Dead
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. l.-(8peelel
C. J. Schmidt, who served ss the first
fire chief of Beatrice thirty-three yeara
ago and who was engaged In the whole
sale grocery business here for years, died
the amount due. 1 at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. Ella
von Glllcrn. In this city Tuesday evening.
Mr. Schmidt was born In Germany and
Constant Repairs on Old One Lead to
Suggestion of Plan.
Warbraea la Representative Hall
Find "tract are la Ban shape
Dne settling f the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 18. (Special.) Car
penters, msons et al. are at work on the
biennial stunt of fixing up representative
located In New York In 1849. where he! "all so it will be presentatjie ror tne lower
lived for years. H6 was a bnsa singer j branch of the legislature this winter,
of considerable ability and was connected The south foundation of the east wing
with the Trinity church choir tn New Insecure and the walls have settled so
York for a long time. He was a member ' much that there Is a drop already of
of the chorus which sang at the Inaug- j about six inches In the wall. Now the set
ural service of Preeldont Lincoln. While j tn has begun again and th elaths have
In New Turk he served as captain of a pulled away from, the mason work In the
company In the One Hundred and Third '. southeast corner of the celling of repre-
reglment during one year, but waa se
verely Injured by falling through a bridge
and was later discharged. He came to
Beatrice In 18M, where he and his family j
have since resided. Had he lived until
February 8, next, he and his venerable
wife would have celebrated their six
tieth wedding anniversary.
X, anVita,lf was ftQ vAArs nf aarn lflat
The Heggblado-Powers company of 1 . . ,. .,,, ,, hu
commission firm filing J , . ... . fnn
Omaha Is a new
articles of Incorporation with the secre
tary of state with a capital of S10.0O0.
The Incorporators are F. M. Powers and
F. W. Hcggblade.
The Washtenau Cattle Ranching com
pany, with headquarters at Brownlee,
Cherry county, with a capital of RO.OW),
filed articles of Incorporation with the
secretary of state today. William Fern
don, William Ferndon Shaw and Charles
C. Jameson are the Incorporators.
. Walt Sy All Notified.
The Intention of ex-Representative Bol-
len 'to ask for a recount on the const
at 2211-2213 Farnam St; the plant that has tutlonal amendments which were lost be-
Involved an -expenditure of $37,000; . the i cause ho believes that straight ballots
plant that employs eighty to one hundred
people; the plant that ships its product
to a doxen or more states each and every i
day. (.-"' ' "
Just now prsshcrs wili'"fi up'" '.your
Thanksgiving finery and agree to get tt
out In plenty of .time for wear on the day'
of Turkey dinners and general festivities '
Your old, soiled, greased, Impressed, un
stylish suits, dresses, gowns, overcoats,
skirts and the like that were apparently
played out at the ending of the last win- j
ter season, may be worked over into prac
tically new garments, but will lay out
new styles for you, and will recut and
re-shape the clothes to conform with the
style they suggest. The ladles' work Is
done under the supervision of expert dress
makers and ladies' tailors and the gen
tlemen's work Is taken in hand by tail
ors worthy of the name. And all thla at
tention to your old clothes costs FAR less
than NEW clothes would cost
You've some cause to give thanks if you
sre able to effect a saving like this, have
you not?
Remember; all work' sent In now la
promised you in time for Thanksgiving
Day wear,' no matter how elaborate or
Intricate the work may be.
Phone Tyler S45 preshers have a pri
vate phone exchange operating under that
number or leave your work at Dresher
The Tailors establishment at 1516 Farnam
St. or at-the Dresher Branch Station In
the Brandels Stores.
Dreshera pay express or parcel post
charges one way on all but of town ship
ments amount'ng to $3.00 or over.
Free Relief rnrHC.0,.d5
Send to ni forgeneroui free temple enough
for several days' treatment (or cold Id head,
chronic nasal catarrh, dry catarrh, sore Dots.
Original and Genuln
standard remedy for 23 years. 16 000 000
tubes have been told. Applied inside nonirlla.
It bring t quick relief. Completely heals la
flamed natal psees. Get a 2So or 50c tube
from your druggist. 35,000 druKiriaU tell It
and guarantee It. Money back if it faila.
Kefute subttitntes. They are dangerous.
HON DON MFO. CO., Minneapolis, Mbm.
were not counted for the propositions
has caused the secretary of state to make
a statement that every county clerk wua
notllled by him by letter Jand that the
certificates sent out' showed .that all
amendments had been endorsed by all
part'es at the primary and straight psrty
ballots would count for the amendment
Mr. Walt has 'a copy of the letter t?nt
to all county clerks which notified I hem
to Instruct election boards to count these
ballots for the amendments.'
Spencer Faces Conteat.
Julius Neuman, defeated democratic
candidate for the state senate from he
district composed of Pawnee and Gage
counties, today announced he would con
test the election of A. D. Spencer, his
successful republican opponent, on . the
grounds that lllega votes were cast at the
election, claiming that a bunch of oom
huskers from Iowa voted when they had
no right to do so. He lost out by three
Adds to Rifle Range.
xue piain oi uiiary ooard closed us ses
sion today and, among other things, rec
ommended that an additional 10) acres be
bought to add to the rifle range at Ash
land. This will make 900 acres In all, and
will make a very desirable range. The
government pays for the land. It also
approved the application of Hastings for
permission to organize a battery, and of
Holdrege, for a troop of cavalry.
Hollenbeck la Lincoln.
Judge Hollenbeck, chief justice-elect,
with Mrs. Hollenbeck, was In the city to
day and called at the state house. The
judge visited the supreme court and met
j with his future associates. While the law
requires insi a justice or. me supreme
court must reside in Lincoln, Judge Hol
lenbeck would like to spend the week end
In his home at Fremont, and with that
end In tew, engaged rooms at the Lln
dell hotel. If that . arrangement can be
made he will try It for a while, at least.
five children Mrs. M. A. Brown, Con
and Frank Schmidt of Beatrice, Mrs. Ella
von dlllern and Mrs. C. Q. Tyle of
Business Block in
Anselmo Burned
ANSELMO, Neb., Nov. IS. (Special
Telegram.) Fire destroyed the Maroney
block early this morning, causing a loss
of about $18,000. The blase started In the
building occupied by Ross meat markqt.
The building was occupied by the Peoples
State bank, Dr. C. L. Wills' offices, Fred
Ross' meat market and Henry Doty's
It was apparent from the start that
tiothlrig. could be done to save the build
ing, aha efforts were directed . toward
saving the adjoining building, occupied
by Keliey ft Wills drug store. This
building . was badly damaged, but the
stock was only Injured by water.
The loss on the Maroney building is
about 13 000. It was insured for $2,000.
The other losses are: Bechbuhl build
ing, occupied by Keliey ft Wills, $30),
fully covered by Insurance ; Peoples State
bank, $1,600, fully insured; Ross meat
market, $800, Insurance $300; Doty's res
taurant, $1,000, no Insuisnce: pr. Wills,
$l,ooo. Insurance hot known; owner out
ot city. The bank reopened today in
temporary quarters.
sentative hall and workmen are endeav
oring to cover the hole.
Last session the crowded condition of
the building whs such that the board of
state officers having in charge the build
ing waa atuhorized to spend conlsderable
money in fixing up the fourth floor of
the capltol for office rooms and about
$40,000 was put Into the work. Tho offices
are the bent In the state house as far
as convenience and workmanship are con
cerned and are fitted up In very modern
style, but on account of the metal roof
they are so hot In summer that none but
the four outside suites can be used.
New state house tulk Is already bring
heard and one state officer this morning
made the suggestion that the legislature
ought to make the same kind of a provi
sion for raising money to build a new
state house that It made at the last ses
sion for the extension of the state uni
versity. He advocates the making ot a
small levy, the proceeds each year to be
loaned, out of which when It has reached
a suitable amount a new building shall
be erected which will be a credit to the
The university building fund Is created
by a levy of three-tout ths of a mill
yearly for six years. This will raise In
that length of time over $2.QJO,000, aqd
he believes that the coming legislature
ought to make a like provision, possibly
a smaller levy, to run for the length of
time necesrary to raise a sufficient sum
to build a first-class and up-to-date
Enough money has been spent In the
last four years fixing up the fourth floor
and the basement to have built one-
fourth of the building needed and In the
minds of many It Is a waste of good money
to spend any more ;n trying to Improve
the old structure to make It meet mod
ern requirements.
MAN FRANCl!CO, Cel., Nov. 1 Com
plete returns from the recent state elec
tion shotted Joseph l. Know Unci, repub
lican candidate for I'nlted States sena
tor, finished third, second plsce going to
Francis J. lleney, progressive. The vote
stsnda: Thelan. democrat, JTt.ftfl ; Heney,
progressive, 2M.c.; Knowland. republican,
jBig German Gun
Slaughters Its Crew
MApniD, Nov. is. (Via Parls.)-Tha
newspaer PnMo Vaso of Bilbao states
that another German forty-two-centl-metre
mortar has burst, killing a num
ber of Ihe gunnct s. The Hermans, ac
cording to the newspaper are carefully
concealing the new catastrophe.
Smash the Pesky
Dashboard to Pieces!
Strike! Women, Strike! Don't You Ever Break Your
Back Over a Washboard Again SKiTCH
Saves All the Rubbing of Clothes
"Sataab It yen ekrtaipt JjjL "ijt
I'm don with waahboarda VS 'Tj't jTC
fKlTCH has dope It! SK1TCH has
sent the pesky wash-bonrd to tho scrap
SKITVH has freed womankind
from the back inrcnk of rubbing.
ITaMw,!! neentlna,
HARVARD. Neb., Nov. ls.-8peclal.)- ! ""'
TYi T'lwllkn Lumber pom nan v of Omahl
. . v-j .-, p.ui.v a'HKITCH cleana cl-jlnus better than
Bolton and the Updike Lumber' company I rubbing thmn on a wash-board ever
has transferred Frank O'Nell. who for ". end ftKITCH costs less than 2 centa
seven yeara has been local manager, to I for a washing-leas than the soip used
the charge of the company's yards at the rubbing would cost.
Irvlngton. The Commercial club met i H a Just grand news, women, to hear
last night with an attendance of fifty or that you won't have to rub your clothes
more and gave Mr. O'Nell a farewell re- again to get them clan. SKITCH is a
caption. Bpeeches were made by Presl-1 perfect wonder. Oct a 11 cent package
dent O. II. Thomas of the club, Dr. A.
J, Jenison. Rev. B. A. Warren, Dr. I. D.
Howard and Rev. Father D. J. Cronln.
Women Baffrr Terribly rMtas Klaney
Around on her feet all day no wonder
a woman has backache, headache, stiff
swollen Joints, weariness, poor sleep and
kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills give
quick relief for these troubles. They
strengthen the kidneys -take away the
aches, pain gnd weariness. Mako life
worth living again. They will absolutely
drive out rheumatism, weak back and
swollen aching Joints, due to kidney and
bladder trouble. Try Foley Kidney Pills
and see how much better you feel. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement
Bee Want Ads Are the tntt Business
WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Brigadier
General Clarence R.' Edwards, eouun end
ing the first Hawaiian brigade, Is to be
succeeded by Brigadier General John P.
Wlsser. now commanding the Paclfle
coast artillery district. Oeneral Edwards
la ordered to command on the canal none.
Cures Constipation
It Never Fails
In any maa, woman, child or baby who drinks H each
morning before breakfast It contain the purs, lax
ative, corrective, salts ol fruit the natural remedy
lor biliousness, constipation, indigestion, gallstone,
muddy complexion, tickheadache, pile, etc It cures
by making pure blood, strong nerves, healthy tissue,
tetter tkaa Medicine, Pills sr Mineral Water
For Stomach, Liver, Bow la, Kldneya
St per )ar st your druggist t by mail from ut.
JTrwT roOD CO. IM lusrlhj Ma. CttlCAM
Plenty of Halls Now
Upon Eoster of State
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. !?.-( Special.) In these
days of "over production," . "over
stocked," and other things which are
overdone, the secretary of state, when he
comes to revising the directory ot offi
cers of the state of Nebraska will find
under the letter "H," something like this:
Hall, George F., stats treasurer.
Hall, P. K., university regent -
Hall, Philip F., Jr.. adjutant general.
Hall, Thomas L., railway commissioner.
The above represents two different
tribes of the Hall family. George F. and
Thomas L., are brothers, the former a
democrat and the latter a republican.
The other two are father and son and
both are democrats.
1 Typewriters
For Ront
any make jro want
$1 and Up Fer Month
Central Typewriter Eichange
Tlrkllns of the Throat
quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery, the great cough and cold rem
edy, a safe and sure medicine. 50c and
11.00. All druggists. Advertisement.
Notes from Tryoa.
TTRON, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.) In
the trial Saturday ot the State against
W. K. Flynn and son for assault on
William Cliessmore. the charge against
Flynn, sr., was discharged, and young
Flynn was tried before a Jury, who.
after listening to the evidence for some
six hours returned a verdict In about ten
minutes of guilty. Judge Stack fined
him tl5 and costs. He appealed the case
to the district court
The board of Inssnity was In session
two days this week Inquiring into the
sanity or Edward Mathews, an old man
whose feet were frozen last winter and
had to be amputated at the Instep. He
has M0 acres of land, but will not do any
thing to help himself and has become a
burden to his neighbors. The board could
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Nov. l.-(Speclal.) Ne
braska apples for Nebraska consumers
will be the keynote of the apple show to
be given at the Lincoln Auditorium
January 18-23. The Nebraska State Hor
ticultural society will have charge of the
display and the Apple show will be one
of the big attractions offered the visitors
during the week of Organised Agriculture
in Lincoln.
The show will be made up exclslvely of
Nebraska-grown apples. Methods of
spraying, picking, grading and packing
will be demonstrated. The cooking of
apples and the value of the fruit as food
also will receive attention.
At the Auditorium also will be the big
Corn show. This wilt be under the charge
of Prof. Joslah Chase ot the state farm.
When Women Suffer
No remedy gives Greater relief than
Anti-gamma (1-K) Tablets In all cnnrii.
tions generally known ag "Women's
Acheg and Ilk." One trial will satisfy
any woman that she has at last foanQ
the remedy the baa go long been look
ing lor.
Indigestion Dyspepsia
j Are you distressed aftr eating? Do
; f on have nausea when riding in the can
or on uie train or boat? Take A-K Tab-
307-300 South 17th.
Phone Doug. 4121.
,ieta and get instant relief
n : a. ir T-i.i-1- a . i
a, nor.ograrn. At su Uruggttt.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. Nov. l.-(Ppeclal
Telegram.) A. F. Tlppin, a farm hand
who works for John Mendenhall, com
mitted suicide this afternoon In a barn at
his home north of Falrbury. ' He was
found in a stanchion by his lt-year-old
son, who notified the family. A .B-callber
rifle loy on the floor beside him. Mr.
Tlppin had been 111 for ten days and It is
thought he committed suicide while tern
porarlly unbalanced. He lost two chil
dren by death during the last year and It
la thought this contributed to the act
He was U years of age. He Is survived
by his widow and eight children. The
Ancient Order of United Workmen will
have charge of the funeral.
Bee Want Ads Are the 13 tt Business
if you find coffee is hurting you!
Coffee on account of its drug, caffeine, does hurt
lots of people causes headache, heart flutter, nerv
ousness, sleeplessness and other ills.
Thousands of coffee users, discovering the cause
of their discomfort, have switched to
and found relief.
"There's a Reason'.
Postum a pure food drink contains no caffeine
or other ding or harmful substance. It does contain
the nutriment of prime wheat and wholesome molasses
from which it if made.
Postum comes in two forms:
lU-Kular I'ohtuin must be boUed. 15c and 25c pkgg.
Instant Pontum needs no boiling. A teaapoonful of the
soluble powder stirred In a cup with hot water make a delightful
beverage Instantly. 30c aod 60c tlrrg.
Cost per cup of both kinds Is about the same.
' "There's a Reason" for POSTUM
of your grocer today and aee. You can
hardly believe what HK ITCH does. You
put thfee teaJipoonfula In a bollerful of
clothes and then you sit and rest, o
finish your housework, while FKITCIt
Just skltrhes the dirt out of the clothea
like magic
Don't le afraid nf KITCH hurting
anything PK1TCH won't harr rna
finest fabric ever woven. It couldn t
even harm yourself you could eat a
handful of RKITCH right down without
Oet a 10 rent package of BKITCH to
day from your grocer. If he won't
supply you, send his nivme to me and
I'll send you a sample free. Hans
Fltchenberg, Milwaukee, Wis.
C sr Of 7tt m -c m n iTmmtfie
F. O. li. Detroit
Touring Car wu Sedan Top
Iioadtur with Cvu Top, tUSS
F. O. li. Detroit.
ao-M raraam Omaha, Vsb.
A Top Unlike Any
You've Seen in Past
If you have In mind, In connection
with the Hup Sedan top, the make
shift winter tops you have seen
forget it, says the Cadillac Company
of Omaha, e
Ileraune the Hup Sedan Is nothing
like them.
Where they are clumsy and destroy
the lines of the car, this top retains
the graceful beauty of the Hupmo
Where they shake and rattle ant
work loose, this top Is firmly ant
substantially attached.
Where their doors are 111-flttlng,
unhandy affairs, these doors fit
snug and tight, and open easily and
Where the others, at best, are but
protection against wind and cold,
the Hup Sedan In spite of Its low
coat actually has limousine luxury .
In Its outside and Inside finish.
The Hup Sedan la designed and
built by the Hupmoblle Factory
the first time any automobile manu
facturer haa gone so far with such
an Important feature.
, And it literally gives two cars at
the price of one.
See It.
Wonderful Furnace Coal
No Smoke. No Soot.
Blue Flamed.
$8.00 per Ton.
Every year shows a bit; growth In Excello users, chiefly due
to the recommendations of those who know. EXCELLO Is hand
screened at our yard.
Your Doll era
Fluing-up the
excel'nt Illinois coal, ton 85.50
fX)MKT IXMI' Per ton S4.75
(X)MKT NUT Our economical
coal S4.50
211 South
Our best soft coal, ton, S6.50
Pr ton ' 80.00
211 south thai mil thai rn pit
19th Street vnu iiiuu ru V,V7. D.978
In the march
of Omaha progress
if you office "up the hill"
Business is surely nnd stfutlaly pushing west
on Fnniam street; every lay adds some new
enterprise to this ever jxtpular thoroughfare.
"Thm building that it alwayt new"
will place you in
rapid growth of
the closest touch with this
new business Institutions.
A thoroughly modern, fireproof, well equipped and well maintained
office building, properly located, clobe to the banks, retail stores,
court house and city hall. In fact In the heart ot business Omaha-
17th and Farnam Office I loo in 103.