10 THE TIKE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER- 19H. WANT ADS Want arts received at any time, but to Insure proper rlaalfli atlon fnuit be pre sented before 12 o clock noon for vniln edition nd 7:30 p m. for morning ami Sunday edition want ads received after nrh hours will ho under the heading, "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven ennaecutlve times 1 cent word each tnaortlnn Three times within on week, 14 cent wor.l each Insertion. One time t cent a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven rnneecutlve times. 9 cent ft Una earn Insertion. Three tlmea within on week, 19 cent a line each Insertion. One time). 12 cent Una. Count six a vera re words to Una. Minimum charge. rent a. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must be a topped by writ ten order. Tou can place your want ad In Tha Bee by telephone. telephone: ttler 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column' Hunarea or omer answera ni , , canea Tor ana neiivereo onnn m week. It l reasonable to aupiK.se that all f tne people iinw nave maoe im aired swap therefore, do pot call lor tha ura net reaulta. HC. SC. SC. "C. B.C. 1211 1271 1331 14tH I-' 1?71 lkTl 1XT 1407 12 i:-; m ira. iw HiO 1378 11HS 1341 1411 Itt L 1344 1412 S243 1?0 17 1418 1471 1247 J2 1463 1434 14.1 iM J27 1391 M2S 147.1 inJ la 1:I 111 141 12.4 1?S 174 143 14tl A'-4 13uS 1878 14.M 1M1 I'M ) ltl 1441 IMi 1261 1407 121 1445 I.MS 324 1311 1449 1617 J2B7 114 1403 14M 1619 IM 1W1 14o6 lu 1634 If) 16M 1665 1669 I6fi7 IVil lfi.1 l.VH 1670 1574 1575 1)77 1.-.H3 1..K1 1687 La DEATH. AND FUNKRAL NOTICE. CCSCADEN-John Alexander. November in. 1814, Id hi aevwnty-acvetith year. Funeral aervicee at the lale residence. rX8 Webster atrect. Thursday, November 39 at 4 o'clock sharp. Frlenda lnvltel. Interment Chlllleothe, O. Please omit flower. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth K. and Emma Carey. Thirty tlghth and Ooid, boy: Josef and Anlonle tlrunt, Artxir, boy; Olof and Dignier ,arsen, 1917 Cumin, girl; J-'rank and Mary Mastnda, 28.54 hiieniuin avenue, buy; William and Minnie McDonald, 842 Lea venworth, boy; J. A. and Bonnie I'urnell, JiwiJ Htown, Klrl; Solomon and Rosle Bil verman. 1141 North Eighteenth, Bin. . Deaths Plynn W. Brown, 68 years. 2651 Blarney; Royal fvofrue i'7 year i ent lourth and Pratt: Elisabeth Norton, 71 years, hospital; Janma, 41. Mmi, w years, 2438 Brown. MARKIACE L.ICKNSKS. License to wed have been Issued to the following: Name and Pesldence. Age. Rideile Walaon, Union 22 Verda II off, Wall Lake, la 18 Ruben E. Donnollly. Omaha 21 llasel Detrlck, Omaha 21 Arthur Jort, Benson .' IT. Iora Harder, LIvlnKston 21 Henry Bmith, Omaha 1.1 Ida Roan, Omaha 4P Jenole Paul Iee, Omaha over II Clara A. Thompson, Omnha over 18 Pamuel Novotny, South Omaha.... 12 Anna Jahn, South Omnha 19 John H. Carlson, Escancba, Mich.. 14 Esther C. Carlson, Omaha 27 Ianle D. Puah. Omaha M Margaret Brewer, Bethany "u TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE I'KOUKAMS Exclusively la The lie Dewa Towa, CAMERAFHONE, 14U3 DOUGLAS ST. 'i ho AilunlKht Hmo of 1-aul Mvera. -r !d v mi141"1"1" Itomance. bei.W. drama. .'!il,uu.1,'nry Jonta CourtslilVta. X8 wvNuvilTei t'oTairia ll.a lnp.raiion. a-feel Kalem urania. Jenka and the Janitor, fcuiaon touiedy. llearta of Quid, m.mraph drama. PAH.NAM. . 1414 FAHNAM 8X. 0 he Adansiue. s-reeh Majostto aiaina. Jvceda til Jmilnklkv . : u- When tjueeuie Came Back. Beauty Com. TUlCATfcH. UiU AND cIAIlNEY, Home ct Paramount Plcturea PAUK, TUUATfcK, Kraturo program dally. Keystone 4'oniediea. M N. MTH. I'AULOil, im DOUULAS BT, Turn of the Tide, two-reel Imp. lKg Raffles, sterling comedy. 1'HINv.Eba, 131M DOUGLAS BTi The Opened Phuttere. 4-reel Oold SeaL Ills N.ght Out. Joker comedy. North. . ALU AM BRA, - 1S14 N. 24TH ST. Amateura beven new acta No repeatera 'Uua 14TH and t our. Ills J-ether' Son. S-rel Victor. 0 be Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Life's btory. powera CLiriXlN, Military Ave. and Burdette. The Inner ConsWome, Majvstlo drama, liun lor His Money, Royal roiuedy. lilllin Doilsr M)stery No. I. DIAMOND. X41U UKt A Race for a Bride, Sterling comedy. In beif-LefeiiMt. X-reel Imp. Win of the Hills, Powers drama J IIANK1.1N THEATER. 24th t Krankhu. Jiootle'a Baby, two-reel Edmon drama. tHpery Bl.m and the Impersonator, Ess. W. com. Four Minutes Late, twl. dra JT THEATER, "ltfTl CA N b LOC V&f. The Oirl from the West, Luu.n drama. In Old Virginia. two-rei Luola drama. Mats. VlUmraph comedy. 1-OTHROP. 24TH AND LOT 11 HOP. Million Dollar Mysteiy No. 1. liombs and Banks, Keystone comedy. Nhnia, Iteauty drama. LO iiU 24 CALDWELL bT. Law L'nto Herself, two-reel Hex. White Wolf, Neotor. Phitfk Net Door, fnlversal Ike comedy. I'ALACE, iJW DAVENl-oTlT. Out of the Frying Pan, Nestor comedy. Ho k of Hope, It-reel V ictor. M iH'KitAN Til EAT EH, 24ih and Ames. The l.ynbrook Trutceuy, 1-terl Ka.eiu Uta. The (irate linpwryul h.rkus, hellg coin. Broni ho lillly Favorite, Eiwanay W. dra TODAY'S fOMPLrrrK movik rnM;u.iH Kxrlalvrly In The Sowth. VENE2IA THEATER. 1?11 g. 11TH ST. TrlrVln the Oovemment. 1-reet mvk winn ntSINKSM MKX OF OMAHA RENBOX, (i M1N. I'S'illne Push In "The Pipes of Pen." In 1 acts. The Scarecrow's Secret, Frontier. Ford. Sterling comedy. Mabllna- Klllares aae Wlrisc. TII0MA8 DUUK1N Klectrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repelr work done reasonable. 2419 l l MINd. IM)I OltS 2519. West. MONROE. J.1fiS FARNAM. ! Boh leonsM and Ella Hall In "The !e-i rl.L.n " TA I'.l. . n.l . ( . I tu-m com. The JunKlemnster, 1-r. Animal. Mask tmtmnM and Lorfae Seppllee. MNKR, of lodge reaalla and costumes. The largest stork of masfiuerade nJ theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. I.leben A Son, 1.M4 Howard. D. 4115. laaacll tnatfs. ELITE NO. 1, S4J H ROADWAY. The Mountain Law, 2-racl Lubln drama dra , muiiiiimn iaw, -ri'i i.uuin umi Bunny Ilnckslldcs, Vltaxraph comedy Broncho B lly's Mother, KsKanay 'V. ROPER THEATER. 637 H ROADWAY. The Trensure Train, 1-reel Imp. The Phantom Cracksman, Victor drama Oh, Tou Mummy, Crystal comedy Snath Omaha. PES PR THEATER. 24TH AND N A Partner to Providence, Ltib. Whatso ever a Woman Soweth, 2-r. Ess. Miss Tomboy and Freckles. The Billionaire, S-r. MAOIC. 24THANlTo. 4horus Olrls Thanksgiving. 2-reel Rek. Frankfurter Salesmrn s Dream, Jok. com. Dannhter of the Plains, Nestor. Millinery. SWITCHES from corrlilng, II. M. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. E k, Marry. H. 5MA. UK LP WANTKD MAIE Aareata, Saleaaara nil Solleltare, SALESMAN wanted to carry a line of motorcycle leavings as a side line, either Jobbers or retail tra 1c. Bison Lrg gtng Co.. i Cm-roil St., H'lffalo. N. Y. WANTED Live aaents to puiih the aale of Frsnts Premier Vacuum cleaners, all points. In the state of Nebrsska. out side of Omaha and South Omaha. This Is a winner for the right partiea. For full Information regarding same write The Koismcyer Co., 1.1 8. 10th. Lincoln, Nab. o Main, and W indow Shade t lessen, OLD shsdes made like new. Midwest Shsda Factory, 0 Hamilton, liar. 4Hv. MoTlnsr. IM .rc 4 leaelaar. W. C. FERRIN, 18th and Capitol. Ty 12n0. Ocmlala. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Rldg. V aadevllle. ORniEUM, 24TH AND M. SO. OMAHA. Spedsl Feature Saturday. AVXOC: CEMENTS LET th East Way Club cook and serve your dinner and parties. 11. 6M6. GET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Beai remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies Me pontpald; itmplri free. Sherman A McConnell Drue Co., Omaha. fini i.u Tiiio no inei t loig. I't. Co. I.CCK Ywi'il'llng rnxe ii HrodegHard's. LA W N CO VERINtl. WALNUT 1192."" MODEL rlesncrs and tailors; call and de liver. 10s N. lith St. Phone Red 42U2. LIVE WIHK 1H H1NKHH AIEV UK OMAHA A B C ot Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonds "and Jew elry, siclai prices, Nov. and Deo. Buy now, 1 a week. Western Watch and Jeweiry lyv. Room ill Karuat h uioc. TV fKW "and i "second-hand electric fana l and motors. ixiHron Elnctrlo Worka, 1 M IS. tun Douaiaa iel7. OMAHa PILLOW CO.. lWui Cuming. loug, 4iii. Renovates leathers and mallieesea of ail kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. VACUUM claanars for salo Vacuum cleaning done in the home, banitary her. Ice Co., Bee Bldg, WE rent repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYciE CO., Mickels," lMh and Harney Douglas ltffil EAR-EVEU aluminum kitchen uten siis. 1 uiuiar kfeiluiiics, not sold In stores, r ectory haiexmen. Web. entity. w Aecouii tan ta. MELVILLE D. THOMAS A COMPANY, Uol-'M C.ty Nat. Bank Mldg. Tyler 1MX E. A. DWOUAK. C. P. A., 43U RaniKe mils. Dougiaa 4US. BAKER." VAWTElTV WuLfT 4.i3 Uainge Hidg. Douglas 74. Addinar Marhlaea. Pultun Adding Machines. 411 S. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mcli. t o .t vv a.eai, w. o. W, D. Arrhiterts, v Everett 8. Dodds, 12 Paxton Blk. D. 2981. Auraclloaa, OMAHA lllm ex., 14th and Doug. Motion Plotura machine and film bargalna Aatoi anal Manaeto Repairing;. Aiagneto repair work a specialty. D. Mil Aacltoaeera, Dowd Auction Co., 112 W. O. W. Red Vita. Ulae PrlatlBS. JIUHNbY HLuB PRINT CO., tot Omaha Nat'l Bank Blug. Uarbrj-a. 11 Chairs, 100 shave, neck shava 1(17 Far. Hraaa Foaadrlrs, Paxton-Mitchell Co., 17th and Martha Bt. BalidiaaT aaal Hepalrlasr, E. FRANTA, 611 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2167. Osteons t air h alcVoas. Dr. Rerucha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. 162a, i'ateat Be velopinea t. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 B. 11th St. Patents. 11. A. Sturges, sVW Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. BarneTl, Paxton Blk. TelThed 71177 'Inline nad I'Mperina;. Hl'OII M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. 1L S72. I'lumea Kenovaled. PLUMES ft flowers made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D.8JS4. WE CAN still give employment to a doten more educated buslneaa men throughout the United States as repre rentatlves to supply the lncrnsed fie riand for the New International En cyclopedia, owing to the present Euro pean war. For full Information address Dodd, Mead ft Co. New York City. BILLY SUNDAY: the Man and -His Men- : ma uwii, in ilhvii, mi nil- Usual opioi tunlty ; be first In the field land make 110 a day; send for outfit; 30 days' credit; big comminelon. The John A. Hertel Co.. 11 8. DesPlntnea Hi . hi. cs no, 1 11 A(!ENTS Hood profits, quirk sales: write Reliable Specialty Co.. Van Wert. Ohio. Psemrr Trtialea. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. Always a good demand for our kraduatea, but unusual rush Just now ss hundreds of foreign barbers work ing here have been drafted for Europenn war Employers are looking to us to fill these Jobs. Wll prepare you In few weeks. Earn while learning. Open to everyone Inveetlgnte MOLER HARDER COLLEGE, 110 8. 14th St. BtSINESH CHANCES BUTCHER SHOP First-class butcher shop In county seat town of six thou send people for sale or trade. Address box M, Falrbury, Neb. FILM manufacturing company wants to be represented In this territory; good, ihanre for live man with 11.2'' to tl.50). Ph Isdelphla. Pa . P. n. Pot M. UROCERY i'ToKK fur a.ile. only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Addoa V-?V care Bee. OARAGE repair shop and blncksmlth shop for sale. County seat tow j. Ad drees T 2IL flee. LIST VOIR BUSINESS with ue for quick action and rot'are treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 411 Bee Bld. Phone Red TT.I. SIONS. nh'ia e,ird. flueV Son r T7H 4 later aaal Well DlftTKlagr. NEED well vr c.stern ".leaned or dugT ecHAFl- KR does it. Phone Web wwl. tallforala Lands. W. T. Hm.th Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. WIS. (oa Dealers. $5 fill John'on's gpeciai iM victor nut. .yu. hnolie d. 17u. 4 hlropractora. U Ueddls. D. C, 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4283. China Palatlaar. Ruth ltchfoid, decorating, firing. R. 4912, Civil Easlaerra. M. J. I.ACY. 611 BEE BLDO. DOUO. 4718. t ream Separators. The Sharpies Separotor Co., 12th ft Farn. Deteetlvea. JAM ICS ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Evl- pence secured In all cases. Tyler 1U. THM Hennlnge Secret Service. Phone I'ougiaa iw or vteueier situ. Dasrlsg Aeadrjales. Turpln'a Dancing Academy, XMh ft Farn. CHAMHERS' Academy, classic. D. 171. Mack.es Acaueroy. now open. IaU Har. Drcaaataklaa. Terry Dreaamak'g college, loth ft Farnam. Red 7i.U MISS 8 1 UKDY, X41 Ca FASHIONABLE dreesmakuig ; 16kJ Corby. Ai'SQN at LUND, muDoug,as. ltii6Ti llmga, LULUS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orueia; cala.Oauea fiee. Herman ft Mo Conne.l Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. bvviliii. Dr. Bradbury No pain. 1:41 Farnam. Dr. Todd s alveolar dentlatry. 43 Brandeis Bmley, the Dentlat. 70s City Nat'l Bank. Talt lental Rooma. Ial7 liouglaa. D. M Pyorrhea, Dr. Fickea 7i4 City" NaC Bank! ttrrilhlas fur W aaaea. " " Woman's Exchange, 431 Pax. Blk. R. 4911 ARBOR. Soath. KU AND ARBOR BTS, Tl.a Fatal Wedding Ir. Klaw ft Erlanger I.ayaai Masher. Keystone comedy. APOLLO TUKA1EK 2C4 "Leavenworth. The Clrl in the Case. 2-reel Vita drama. 1 hree Boiled Down Fables. Ka. coin. C Ll'M bl AVrKATER.-lTloriiH'T Hie Prtvale t'fiicvr. i-tvtl Km. drama. A l'..t.i...- l'i Vll.u.ut.l. . Thumb Prints and Diamonds, l.uliin dra ! r. COMFORT. 241U AND VINTON. I'ayllkht. X-reel American. Our Mutual UliL No. 43. iMroniclieart and W cak Kneea. Keystone. FAVORITE TH EaT lVli V INTON ST? Hearst Bellg, No. Tl. The Dancer. 1 reel Kalem drama. Lt.il, laTbTuTH bT. The Witch Olrl. 1 racl Vk-tor. ri lie ilrl from Texas. Frontier. Ai CUHDIUN, aide, kn.fe, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttuna, ail sues and at lea; htliwlitching, plcol edgina-. Ideal r leaiiii g v u. . aw iougias mock. D. Ig.w. F.lccirlc Mappltes. LB H RON Kleo. Wks.. Ill 8. 12th. D. H79. Florlata. A. DON AG HUE. 1C3 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists. l-4 Farnam St. II ESS ft SWOBODA.1414 Farnam 8L L. HENDERSON, 1519 FarnTm. D. YiJ. Member Floriot Telegraph lel Aas'n. Farriers. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. Mth Bt. Web. T77T. Hair ilrrulsg. Harper Method. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. Kit. lata Triaasaesl. Hals trimmed, bk'. F. Lamberton. Web.ltM Priatina. WATERS-BARNHART PUt- Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2IH0. 624 B 13th BU IwiUtilMS I'rliit.ng Co. Tel Doug. 644. COREY- MCKENZIE PI O fX. D M44. RIES-H ALL Ptg. Co.. 16-0 Capitol. D. llot CENTRAL PRINTINO CO. DOUG. 37i4. Hum a l;x teruilaator. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist air nai) line L.ifk Kx perls. C A DI?C Opened, repaired, comb. J- M changed. F. E. Dswen- w w port, 144)0 Dodge. D. IML THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 14UH Farnam St DoukIss 1I7. TO OUT in or out of buiilnese Call on OA NO EST AO 4o4 Bee Bid P. 3477. YOUR business or reul estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wrav. Sioux City. Drug More LEARN BARRFR TRADE. Be Independent: wsees and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern Big demand for bnrbera. Csll or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEOE, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. J032 N St.. Lincoln. HARDWARE. Implenmcnt business for sale; sales 123.00 year; clean stock; fine farming community. Luther Hard wsre Co., Burns, Wyo. Investments. To Conservative Investors We offer high-grade, first mortgage farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles guaranteed and Interest collected without t harve to our Investors Tax free In Nebraska Peters Trust Co. liOHT AND TOU LxiST Hampden watrh. 21 Jewel, open face, sealed case, alte IS; reward. Call Web. (3-e. LOST White Angora cat. one blue and brown eye) 41.M Cuming. Walnut 1311. I LOST Brlndle bull" terrier pup. white feet: female: seen Sunday at 40th and, V . . . 1 1 . iiripflirr, rewaru. u. , xouarq. e ii. 1475. HWAITKIfH COH'.HX bTnuEK SHOE M ACl iTn E U sed two months, cost tf; good shoemaker jack, and lasts, cost 12n. Will trade for good horse. Watch for paperhanger' outfit Address 8. C. 2M. Pee. SIGN'S, showrarda, Clark ft Son. D. l.T7. lxST-st of upper teth. Finder call i 'iHipnaw a n a receive re w aru. IST Small lady s rld watch. Initial "A" on front; star set with diamond on back; reward. Mrs. J. I- Adams, $ ;v.wey Ave. Phones H 737 or Doug. 2fi0. LOST Brooch, diamond" center: finder piease can v comer "'. newara. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. H nrt' sad eh Idea. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons A harnes: large stock ft attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co. UiS-M N Wth St. HAY. I per ton. Wasner. "01 N. 16th. GOOD work horse, LUC lbs., 1; 1.000-lb. horse. ISO. 1322 Harrison St, South Omaha. Telephone South 8029. MEDICAL !ra2 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. o WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egga Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. Kile Hroalrlnsr. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 107 Bt. Mary' Aw. B. M. CI.ARK ft SON. 'ill SO. KTH ST. Stole ana. Oil Ice riatarre. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Otnuha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-IS-18 B. 12th. D. 2724 hleci 4 t-lllaca. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka, 110 S. 10th. 'Itel Sjappiiea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. (21. 'Irunka and Salicasea. FREUNG ft 8TE1NLE. 1808 Farnam Bt Tailors. CHAB. C. LANDER YOU, 1N. 16th Bt O. OLSEN ft CO.7 successors to Omen ft Jameao n. HI So. lhth St., 2d floor. Vetrrlaarlaaa, DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4fi02 Center. H. S062. W I nea ana Liijaora. ALEX JETES, tol-l 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cm ara, Pla te dinner, 11 to 1, luo. Olobe liquor house. 424 N. loth; CalLornla wliie, i.26 per gal. Wr.te for price list HENRY POLLOCK LluUOR HOUSE, ljth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. oZ2 N. ltiih. Douglas lai-s. HEIiP WANTED FEMALE Clerical sail uf f Ice. BKPR. for small office, some ateno giaphlc work; good chance lor advance menu ri0. Vatts Ref. Co. 840-42. Brandeis Theater. BOOKKEEPER and Stcno, must be able to take full charge of book. Apply at 639 State Bank Biug. FOR positions as bookkeeper, stenog rapher or office clerk, see us. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N., 7i3-6 Omulia National Bank Bldg. Aarenta a ad talranamra. SOLICITORS Good address, pleasant out door work; compensation good. fllUrt Bee Bldg. . Faetory mm Tra dee. LEARN halrdressing. Oppenheim Parlor. ilssaakariian muC Pumratloa. THE Servant Ulrl Pruulem Solved. The Bee will run a Horvant U.ri Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. '1 his applies to residents of omana. boutb Omaha and Council muffs. Bring ad to The 1K- office or telephone Tver lOuo. UOOD, strong, willing to work colored lady waul general housework. Tel. W. 1407. EXPERIENCED girl for general houaa wura; xw l-ecr Park Blvd lei. lyier iu;i, WANTED Experienced wnite girl for general huuaeork Mrs. Talmaga, 4J Caas Bt. Tel. W'aniut 1K18. ' WANTED A maid lot general house work; small family. 13u 8. Jbth Ave. Harney 2.04. WANTED Heilabie foreign girl for gen eral housework;, good home tor right party. W. lfcaT. WANTED Young Kirl going to school to help with housework and care ot baby. No watering. Will furnlsn board and room and email Wbfcea Uood chance. Phone Harney 76fta. tKHji, competent maid. Douglas 6993. GOOD girl to assist with light house? work; no washing; good pay; go home nights. Web. 313. WANTED An experienced nurse girl, not under 20; Urge family. 43 No. feth. WANTED Woman to heip wlh house work, for husband's room and board. 19S S. 24th St., South Omaha. WANTED A girl to assist with house work. 110 B 84th St. Live tlark Heaaedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., 907 B. ISth. Red 4261. l.Vlili'. k!7 VINTON 8T. 'In ranee O'Rourke. l-re:l Victor. Ii.a M:iil'ir l ady. Powers drama, frix.likea Imy Olf. Sterling comedy. I'AbTI METitTII AND LEAVEN Woitf 1L Tlie Ine Hlder 9-reel Eclair. 'J ie Actrvaa. Pora Maaaeaaea. yjoletRayL mia., 439 Bea Bldg. D. 9111 Kathleen Mack, massage ft bath. D. 7bdi Clara Ie, lata and maaaaka Ikjuh. iVil. Misa Schmidt maaa, bath. slw. tr. D. 711. Mlta Flaher, tnasa., alm-t. treat. Red 6ui MAB.SAOE. luv 8. 17th St Aire. Steela MANAGE Hfc:ia BUII.DINQ MISS JACOIiS. iiuuta.. manicuring. Phone u B ii w in a, oun. ll to a BATH anil iiiaasaKe, ah-ohol rub. Laura Wilaon. lX-i? Farimm. R. L Dougiaa (TJol. Mlacellaneoaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Aaaociation building at Bt. Mary's Ava. and 17th St, whare thay will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aasiated. Look for our travel rs" guide at .Urrton station. INTELLIGENT woman over SO, aa trav eling manager. Permanent sail Uranuel Theater Bldg. LADIES' ft mlaaea' coata suits, dresses ft skirt families at wnoiesme prices, uon i.fl' New York Sample Store. 2u9 N. lath. GOVERNMENT Jooa for women. 976 a month. Lust free. Franklin lustllute, Dept fcS-T. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Oftlee. HIOH-ORADM eonuuerciai posltiona WESTERN REF. ft HUM) ASSN. 7i3 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SALESMAN, experienced and references required. Call at instate Bank Bldg. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLEsT We find the position that flta you. C.-OPKRATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-19 City National Bank Bldg. Are you atlll ualng the old methoda of looklrg for a position? If you are, you are losing time and money which you could avoid by letting ua serve you. W e are dally supplying competent help to the better and larger buslneas firms of Omaha. Watts Ref. Co., 940-41 Brandeis Theater Bldg. A LARGE number of Omaha business houses are looking to ua to furnish them cometent employes. - MIDWEST HONDINQ CO.. Ill Bee Bldg. Stenographer 176.90 Office Clerk, Implement 695.90 Traveling Salesman 171. M to I8&.09 West. 1 Reference & Bond Ass'n Originator ot the Reference Buslneaa fV4 Omaha National Bank Bldg. GOOD FUTURE FOR TOU or anyone who makes ".ilmsrlf an ut expert WE GIVE KXPKRT WORK. Oo right Into the nutn business from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities beet here now, ever have been. Write for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, fll Farnam Ft.. Omaha. WANTED Railway mall and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 1.000 appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. 19 of payment after appointment. Philadelphia RuMnens Col lege, Civil Service Dept. Philadelphia. Pa. aaa j Our Nebraska farm mort- TT gages are not alfected by J European wars or panics. if Amounts $40 to !20W. We V m t collect all interest and aT principal free of charge, W years In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, j 01Oins lm Nat. Bank Bldg. Omnha. o. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about ITi.OOO In an old established general inerrhandlso business; will run 1 It with my own help. A good Investment For me man mat nun Bome niuuey w loan out stork about 110.'.). German preferred. Address Y 2-4. Bea RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all : safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds ot men, women and chil dren. The cost lg determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank II. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITER Brand new typewriter for billiard or pool table. 8. C. 1071 Bee. N. 104 We have 1 modern houses In Omaha, located southwest, that are modern, tip-to-date, with an equity of $9 0r0, which we want to exchange for good Nebraska or Iowa farm about same value. No. 116 1.0 acres In Utah, near Ogden. Price 110 per acre- Will ex change for eastern Nebraska or Iowa land or Omaha property, or merchandise stock. This land Is clear of encumbiance. and we will rnmne someone a good deal on It. 83 A substantial modern home of 9 rooms, Hanscom Park Patriot: full site lot: barn. To exchange for northwestern Nebraska land. S-F!oiir mill, main line U. P., ele- ''r, wirenouse, etc. Will ex No ta"R" for.cn:,"P Nebraska land. No. H-V acres, 6 miles northeast from Alamosa. Colo. FMII paid ud rat7 .plK.,lt ln San Lul !!. Jovp easily tilled. Mill exchange for Omaha proD ertv or auto. " W. T. SMITH CO.. 1M5 Ctv National-Rank, Omaha. No. No. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2lt N. 20th St.. C'liiBha. Neb NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE . SCHOOL educate you for any automlblle position; practical training on actual automobile building, remodeling And repair work. Day tind night classes. Automobile built and rebuilt to your design.. Every repair Job guaranteed. The practical school 1413-16-17 Dodge St Phone Doug lns 3o43. LEARN to play ragtime In 20 lessons. Call or write Christensen Cchool, 4220 Cuming St. Phone Harney 3371. o HELP WANTED MALK AND FfcMALE. MEN, WOMEN Get government Jobs; ta to $1j0 month; 2.UU0 appointments monthly. Write for list Franklin Insti tute, Dept 221 T. Rochester, N. Y. MEN WOMEN Get government joba 666 to 1160 month. Write for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute. Desk so. Rochester, M. x. THOUBANDS govemment Jobs open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex amination frequently; list ot positions free. Address Y 2$. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNta man wauta ptaoe to work for board while attending Uoyles' . voilega Telephone Douglas IMS. GENE'RAL merchandise man and card writer, some knowledge of wlnJoe,- dis play. Prefer place In fonts' furnishings. Speak no German. tinkle. Come on short notice. Moderate salary with ad vancement. State full particular as to surrounding. Y 282. Bea. YOUNG MAN. 24. will appreciate any kind of honorable work. Office abliltf nd experience. Call Dougiaa 71. RELIABLE colored woman want posi tion aa chambermaid. W. 97WI. WANTED Position as chauffeur; six years' experience driving and repairing cars. If you are looking for a good, care ful driver give me a trial. Will do other work. 640 .W. Washington Ave., Council Bluff, la. Phone B ack lfi'jK. BAKER, ALL-AROUND FIRST-CLASS MAN ON BREAD AND PASTRY, WANTS POSITION, CITY OR COUN TRY. ADDRES8. S Jfl. BEE. WANTED Position as clerk In musio store; can play piano. Address Y 179, Be. DAY work of any kind. V. 8407. AUTOMOBILES ALCO chaaals. SO h. p 1 200 Bulck, model 19, 36 h. p &o Hudson 20, 6-paaa. touring too Cadlllao 80, 6-pass. touring 6o0 White 30, detachable tohneau 600 Studcbakrr 16, nearly new 700 Ohio 40. completely overhauled son Cole Six. 1913 model too White SO, 1013, aelf-startlng 1.UI0 White 40, 1912, fine condition 1,200 It. rt.LJUIM B UAtlAlii, rzoo Farnam M EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed classes in business, short hand and English branchea. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for yot.ng people to work for hoard. For free catalogue address Mosher-Lampman College 1S15 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL Complete business course; complete shorthand or atenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and English. Write, phone or call for 11114 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylea Buiiu.ng. Omaha, Nebraska. H. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E K. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal dlsesses without Surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. R. TARRY. Z40 BCa iU.' ,rndt r0"'tT In grod lot for cow. chlcken horse or pig, s. C. K0 n7-Iu,rH-F.STfRr,2-Rtt P"mP Run for Jlu l.Zr ,r;d' .ror " -1 8mlth Wesson rrliiiary and nol ce model revolver: -lnch -...-. nruTiTu. aureus c. 30S. Bea W'OODEN PLOWPLATN-Swap for rifle i-. 7!1 nave 'ou- vou'd like repeat 2S n r kodak' Address, a C, FOR RENT Apnrtnients anil Flata. ?Nt,A- L:"". Bluffy 'oom. ".neiiene. aieam neat. Phone 94s. MO.NEV TO isOAN MEED MONEY 7 See Ua. Oulck service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO . 90S Paxton Block. Douglas 141L PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture maga tlnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Dougiaa 41 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dndse St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school. 9:15 to 9:15. ISth and Farnam Bts. Douglas 9647. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation., etc., taught and complete training given for buslneaa ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4624 Douglas bt Tel. Walnut 2327. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP. PHONE WALiNUT 235. . , , FOR BALE Faraltare. Auction Sale Saturday, Nov. 21, 10 A. M. and Lasting All Day We have excellent good this week. Ten barrels of cut glass and china. Good clean linen and bedding, two leather couches, fcur leather chairs, brass bed, rattan chairs and rocker, buffet several rugs and carpet, good as new. Mission dining table and chair and mlss.on parlor net, good a new. Library table and a thouaand other thing, all needed In the Household line will be sold. You cannot afford to miss this aale. We will begin at 10 o'clock promptly, nd will sell good stuff on the start. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO.. 909 S. 16th St. BEVERAL van loada of furniture and ome planoa. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. MM 8 16th St New A Id-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable, Atner. Furn. Co., 905 N. 16th. FRONT room furniture at a low price. 8315 Howard St. NICE reed baby buggy and Inlaid drop leaf card table. Bargain. 1912 Webater St Bins leal Inetraaaenta. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel H. 4711. I FOR SALE NEARLY NEW MAHOG ANY fiA.-su; MAX tin SEEN AT i31 DEWEY AVE. Llndhorg Bros,. iCTl Uv tKly ng Merkle). 100 iorfe.t for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repar'g. O. Hayadorfer. 110 N. II Oreemiugn On. .ha Rail. Rep. Co.. 2020 Far FORD cara palnt'd $2.'; other cara accord lng to slxe: work gtd. Phone B. 869ft FOR BALE Wayne roadster, two pas senger, in good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty horsepower. Phone 4-3. Ill 8. Main Bt. Council Bluffs, la. Irouatrlel Gaise 'o . '."Oth Ac Harney Ma. NEW 88-note player received this week, taken for debt. 1811 N. lXth. Web. 32. N Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 807 S. iitn. MODEL B-9 Detro.ter touting car with self-starter, run leas than boo miles; genuine bargain at !7w). The T. G. North wall Co.. 14 Jones St. Doug. 1707. TRY FELTON'8 GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. 2 Farnam St. RENT Remingtons. Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for 16 for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. RENT An Oliver tvoewriter. 1 monti.. j for 94. The Oliver Typewriter Co., 1). g'lf. All makes typewr.tera rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. ISOft Farnam. D. 603 L f reyelea. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains ln used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Man." 270.1 Leavenworth. 1114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready, bargalna In used machlnea OMAHA BICYCIJS CO.. lath and Chicago O. 1V29. BUSINESS CHANCES MISS WALTON, bath. nmaa. Phone 1. j,?. Ilia to 9 Sun. 11 to 6. Mttwasrr a4 1 ra safer. WHITE LINE. 909 K ULh. Dougiaa S311. Ageata, aaleaaaea aaal Solicitors. I CAN use two first-class salesmen. High-claaa proposition and a quick money-seller. It yuu are accualomed. to i Ur.. turnings and are ready to begin 1 work at once, call today between 9 . and 1!. or I and 1 Eastern manager, lsli SI Mary a Ave No data. IK at on; liberal contract; new pollcus Mutual Benefit Health and Ac clili-nt AsMK-iation. 4.3 City National Lank Bldii-. Omaha, Neb. For Sale All or a part of a Dray, Trans fer, Fuel, Ice and Storage Bus iness, in one of the best towns of about 5,000 population in southern Minnesota. "Working 20 head of lorses and auto wagon; office and yard in liost location in city. -Will consider a partner that can invest $8, 000 in the business and is a gooil office man and knows sornethinff about fuel. For a full detail of the business, ad dress me as Retail Fuel and Jee Dealer, Y 283, Bee. Mlaceilaareae. i (VI Buys best coal for the money; try ipJ-W it. Web. S4H. Harmon A Weeth. BICYCLE for aale. A bargain; in good condition. 238 Bee Building. 6x7 GRA FLEX newpatr camera, with 11 plat holdcra, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plat hold era. The outfit in good condition and a big barnain for the lot at 1H0. Address A J!J. Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket bill'ard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of al. kinds; easy paymenta The Brunswick-Ralke-Collender Co.. 4U7-4C9 S. lt'th St 1-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 A Paul. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to rail up the otflce of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company t ascertaiu whether they led it In the street cara Mary article each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 49. LOST One bla-'k traveling bag; name of "J. A. Handy" of Worlln, Wyo., on las. Bank book In hag gave name of Eftte Handy. Return to Be office, Regard. IX i R SALE In h oiks to suit, slock la NysvOchneldwr-Fowler Company. Fre mont. Owner needs rash and will aril at M cent. Inquire, I'W Ci;y National Bank Puliding. Telephone Pouglu lbS7. MINK scarf, Monday p. m. at Hipp; re ward. Phone Wat 33j7. 4KU f arnam. LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, two new ix Non-bkid caainga, two 37x6 red tubea and two 99x4 run. Finder return Urea and lima and receive re ward. Standard Auto Tire Co., Lincoln Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are Lx23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, 11.60 per 100. Wagner, (sol N.1& WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bougnt and sold. J. C. Reed 1207 Farnam. Doug. tti46. Wanted Second band t-paa. Ford. D. 2637. WKBUY 2d-hand cloUies. 1431 N. 24th! LIVE. STOCK MARKET OP WKSl SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Sav mileage and ahrinkago. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live a tuck; Commission Mercksata. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Rldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A REAL EQUITY of 9460 ln $1,000- cot tage and tow lot at Piattsmouth, Neb., balance held by B. A. L. Same tenant for four years. Want late model Ford or other light car, or offers. S. C. 247, Bee. AUTO My 6-passenger, 40-horsepower touting car, 1913 Auourn; electric i its n ted and all ln good condition, for sale or trade for clear property; cost new with ad equipment about ILV76. Address S. C. 246, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'' clasalti-cation. BICYCLE Good bicycle to trade for good visible typewriter. Address, S. C. 804. Bee. C. J. CAN AN. Real Estate ana Exchangs DIAMOND Will trade diamond and pay casn difference for Ford car, runabout, or louring, or runabout Hup, or would ttade piano or player piano for automo bile. Addrea B. C. 248. Bee. D E S K Student's douk, tl. cost 96, or will trade for anything 1 can us. Address 8. C. 302. Baa. ELEGANT PIANO Swap for Virginia land or lot in Omaha, Kansas City, Indianapolis or Cleveland. Will pay dif ference. Address S. C. 253,' Bee. EQUIPMENT ot photo gallery; wUl trade or sell. Price, 1150. 8. C. 114. FINE oil painting, 222, framed, for davenport, rugs or clothes. Address S. C. 1068. FOR GOOD furniture, on seated buggy, new trucker' wagon. No. 9 Remington, 8. C. 257. FOR POOL or billiard table new type writer. 8. C. 259. 1x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case fof camera and carrying case for plate hold, era The outfit In uood condition and a big bargain fur tne lot at 1110. Address 8. C. 1511 JACKS and HOUSE MOVERS' ROLLERS Swap for what have- you. Would like Vlctrola or -tdlBon talking machine or rifle. Address, s. C. 'iSA. Bee. LIBRARY TABLE, ETC. Fine, up-to-date, golden oak library tabic, or good hard coul burner, to i-Xthange for Vlc trola In sood condition. Address 8. C, 801, Bee. MY L. C. SMITH HAMMERLES3 NO. 12 gauge, good aa new, used one seaaon; one No. 41 alse hunting coat; one pair size 8 hip boots; sell, or what have you to swap? To swap one nickel rase 17 Jewel watch, Al condition, automatic revolver pre ferred, ur what have you. Addreaa S. C. 3i, Bee. OFFICE' FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand office furniture; moat be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1240, Bee. PLAYER PIANO iOO player plana with 15 rolls, uaed six .1,0 .tn. Wlh trade lor good auto or sell very cheap, or would also give terms of payment to responsible people. Aiidress S. C. 24H. Bee. PIANO costing 1460. for an auto; don't cere what shape It ia in a I fix them, but must be worth the price asked. Ad dress. 8 C. I3.V Bee. PHONOGRAPH Good Columbian phono graph for trade or would sell for ti.a0; In f rst-ciass conamon. o. i.. icai. Bee LOST Suitcase Saturday morning on Walnut Hill. Reward. Telephone Wal nut H PHON'OGRAPH-CompIeTe, with large cabinet for records; 115 records, 2 re producers and recorders; will exchange for clear lot. diamond ling or light car, prefer Ford; make offer. Addreaa 8. C. 250. Bee. FI.AYF.K MUSIC-Have fin library of latest popular and claaalcal music for M note player piano tbat cost m over tluo; each and ever., piece a good one and ln first claaa eond tlon: not soiled or torn. Want good motorcycle or could uae type writer, aewing machine or rifle In ex change for actual value la music. Address S C. u7. Be. i ROADSTER II. fcal Oakland roadster, very best of condition. Will trade for what? Address 8. C. 6. Bee WILL TRADE llu equity In Apollo Player Piano and 29 roll, coat 976o; price 900; payments. Diamond. What I Omaha. Rental Service Free orhi7h.2d,p'rtmcnt. each "' "tate wt. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. "KP8011 S. 26th Av. close In! nTi 8um- winter. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1S14 Harney St CAN'T MATCH THKM STEAM HEAT FREE HOT WATE-n THE STANDARD TpiATS G???i.f2CATiONr "NEAR BUSINESS or hlBh.PrBde of to - home, slxe of rooms their special arrangement, light and ventilation; quality of wood work Janitor, short walking distance are atl Th.i1V!. VI. tht,t' wno the beet. maeke' fh'eie" to " eVW' EXTREME LOW RENTS Summer, 119 to 123. Winter, steam heated, $29 to 13, Quality equal any at 160 to 160. Cheaper than cottage. Don t Delay- -Reference. - "ooiy xiui no. wn St o The2Dou8gl.i AVe" neW' UD Pftrior' HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1619 Harney Bt. HAl.l VWOOO . APARTMENT. Excellent location, near 2611 Harney Bt! 3 rooms and bath, beside 3 large clothea closets, laundry and storage room In con! nection. Low rent. See this at once. ERNEST SWEET Office 2C11 Harney 8t Dougiaa 1471 6-R., 2117 N. 16th. heat, water and Janitor HABT1NQS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. VERY choice 6-room, ateam heated apart ment on West Farnam St JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. Gordon Van Co. sks mu n. . htoraae, 311 N. 11th St. Phone D 894 or -w.k Ti 4-ROOM apartment, furnished or un- ney oiK3. MAEWOOD APT. Two room and bath; plenty of stin ahlne for winter: 4 French doors, with' balcony 327.60 and 232. ERNEST SWEET, Office 2611 Harney Bt Doug;. 147J. $15 6-room apartment modern except cii ioi i, ot. vvainui 43d. Steam htd flata. Ifth & Web. Tyler 2021. ! , BE COMFORTABLE In a nice 6-r. flat. 1808 Emmet; sleeping p..rSt ?" ran: Kountre Place, $27.60. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. UN WOOD APARTMENT. A? pe'lntly arranged 4-room Apt., with built-in buffet: large clothes closets. be.!Lde" !nen closet Fine, large kitchen, with bullb-ln refrigerator, gas ranee and' cablneta complete. East front, second' floor. Very desirable apartment at a very low price. See It before you locat" ERNEST SWEET, Office 2SU Harney St. Douglas 1472. cut FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. THE ST. GEORGE. In the West Farnam District at and Dodge. Practically new, & largo rooms ana nam. 1'rlvate porches, front and rear. Heat, hot and cold water and lanltor aervice fumiaheil v.rv ..kAi..A Only one left. $47.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1636. State Bank Bldg. 911 N. 17TH-9-r., all mod. apartment $jy Board and Raoma. A PLEASANT room and splendid table, West Farnam diatiict, one block from Farnam St Good chance for congenial young man with A-l references. Phone Harney 4981. 701 S. 18. bd. and rm $20 a month. R.5i36r Famished llouuii. LARGE room, nicely furnished, In privet family. Phone Harney 74'i4. ROOM In Dundee home, half block from car line. Tel. Wal. 1228 after 6 p. m. LA VERNA Modern furnished rooms, single or ensulte, 1812 Cnpltol Ave. l-'i r.N rooms by day or wk. : modern; ateam heat; $1.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. C963. FUKNIM1KD room for rent near 'reign . ...... i .. i.k .. n r .... . I ., - 709. 626 S. t&TH Furn 'shed rooms, private lam Mv lln.ti.u i,ina m-lllu 11 1 II L- 'J -W U...U A... a tl CG.J11U i 1 . 1 ll.iv. I LIU AW-, a BUI modern rooms for light housekeeping. $20 a month; or one room and board to rcBeciauie. yuung iitur. nnrney tino. fluHaa-lteetilau kauML 726 S. 18th, mod. housekeeping rooms and s ecplng rms. furnace heat. Tyler loll W. DAVENPORT, 2018, TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, $3.60 WEEK. Fwralahaiil lluaarkreplas ftnaaaa. FUR, h'k'p'g room.. 1807 Leavenworth. Hotel aad Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California, Weekly rates 1- and up. Doug aa 7ui3. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Blulfa, ateam heated rooms. $2 per week Phone 648. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable lioasi-a aad 4 ottaara. t TTniisno I" I'll parts of the city. tlUUSCB Creigh Bon A Co.. Bee building. HODrHN 8-room houaw, s 46tb Ava, Vacant November 6. Inquire T. J. O'B rlen. Pbon Harney ! or Doug. 12x9. 7-ROOM houae. all modern; will paper to ult right party or will aelL 3808 Charles St., Walnut 1401. NEW 9-room bungalow. 829 S 10th. vemher rent free. Harney 29R7. Van and Stor age Co. Reduced ratea foe to dava Large an. 3 men $116 per nr. ; dray, 1 men. V ner hr. 1718 Webster. Doug. 149. Maggard's ( Heed P.cW-i moving racking A atoraga 1 Farnam. D. 6146. Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, pack, ship; 9-horse van ard t men. 11.2a per hr. ; storage $2 per iro. Satisfactory guar. D. 4338 A Ty. t FOR RENT W bave a complete Hat of all houae. apartment and flat that are for rent This liat can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A ptoreaa Co., 809 6, 16th bU