8 THE NEK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1914. Tho Brightest IVomcn Find sometimes that they are- dull ia wind, depressed in spirits, and that they have headache, bacVache, and sufferings that make life seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few dotes of ECLWS ILLS will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, stimu lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beech am 'a Fills cleanse the system of accumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action shows in brighter looks, clearer complexions, better feelings. Try them, and you also win find that they ay Be Relied Upon Ditaatlawa of spatial ah wHfc mrtmrf aa. Sola) a-aarrwaara. In bnM, 10a.. IS. f f. -r . , .. to nsur cuuonwra twujp. 3 HAVIMED UUI ILLU 111 1L l,i I i I rULLaj ft l'OO mm Exprw Charg Paid -m,Li- P rm bars wf triad TTsrner WTtMray, try it now. Hall on thla ad with SO mU la tamps or cola mad wa will send jrou a (all quart bottla of lamer fyivmlt Slack Bat I ltd-In-hand Whlaka In mid tana axpraaa eharfas paid. Boil lei-in-Hrmd whtakay nf the flnaat kind saalsd with tho u. B. Govarnmcnt'aCrcan Sump over th enrk full? aaad. full lm proof, full maaaora ir to (ilaaaa yon laarary war. Yoa take no rhaacsa ws ara ewe of tha larraat Dlatillara ia America bam la buainsae s f capital a.VJU.OKJ.OO. Order rttmt sjwr ordwr mnrt than ana quart If you Ilka goods will aa forward by firat sxprasa. rlara frafw N, Wa. Oote.. 'yo., Minil.. and all atAlaa w( ihmw, trial aall tnr llUK tar aoaqaart aiprm paid. la-S ' A Mr til ur near at eJUci THE HATNER DISTILLING CO. Dpi. 10S Dartaa, 0. WaaUaftea, D. C. St. taala. Ma. IlWa.O. Battaa, SUaa. KasaaaCitr.Ma. rrlaaflaU, Okia. laaiaaaialt., lad. raal, siiaa. jacaaaanue, ia Maw Urtaaaa, La. VJhcro' If You'll Hark Its location on tha ' Below Diagram and Send It In , Ws Will Mail Treatment ABSOLUTELY TEEZ. . aHOUSARDS WRITS TJ8 07 CUUt. Tha Rlre Matbot has brought anon re- innrkaiila raaultt to sm-b a niullilurie vf former runlure au(inrra, I hut If soaremy nevlt any other proof of It value. However, we ara always w illlun to prove It to any one who may ih invereirtea, ana the iMt proof la an actual trial, That's wliy we now oITtir uu abaohatahr fraa of ckaraa and prepaid a, trial lrnliniit to anew wliat till wonderful method ran do In your cue, Just mark (aa near aa you rnj ins local ua 01 your ruptura 011 una amaram Kit body, inarkina ruiit ovar lu lle. h.'lid thll VO w h. kick, via Main HI. Ailituia. IM New York, X W 1 Thara la oraaaoalatba world way yo bould coatlnaa an unar the diaooat fort aad torture of that blndlaf, ebafluf I traaf wtliwat Eiak I lac aa afftfrt to fraa yearaelfj from Ita alarer? . far tbla I fraa treatment today. lit Toa'U aarer be eu red aad yoa'll tbronib lite with that rupture If yua eoo't ao anma. Uilu about luw by ; aot, aljlaail, eaej wnai tin I r e e trMtmaal aaa do , for your bead fur It tltkl war ibia very lulaula. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, November 17, Idii. THE edict has gone forth that cheeks must be pale this season. Not that any terrifying catastrophe ia Imminent to blanch them, but like all xtlrts that affecmnilady'a beauty and conform ity to the node of the hoar H will be obeyed without parley. Like all thlnjs of the moment, the pale-cheeked beauty .5 the result of the war. The fine plnk-tlnted cosmetics that help to D'Muce the rosl ness and bloom that have spelled beauty In the matter of a woman's skin, sro secrets held by the French makers of such things. 80 the beauty culturlsts, pulchritude physicians, and others of their Ilk, bereft of such elements of their trade to make the aallow cheek bios rom like the rose, have gone to tha other extreme and declare that cheeks will be pale this season. It Is far lovelier any way, more aeathetlo says the Romancers, and less bourgeolne than the rosy bued countenance of yesterday. Behe&rsal for Benefit Tcsterday afternoon Mr. Louli Lot-Ins. who taken the part of Rratton. tha foot ball coach. In "Tha Collage Jfaro, ap peared to I more Ilka ona of tha foot ball players of tha defeated team. Mr. Lor. Ins has been faithfully rehearsing at dif ferent tlmea In tha rehearaal room at tha Panford hotel, but ha haa aot rehearsed with tha foot ball boya over whom ha la coach. Neither did tha foot ball boya know their coach. Each ona knew the part aaaianad to him, but neither knew what tha other waa froinc to do. Mr. Iorlng blew one Ion- blaat on hla whistle for tha foot hall boys to appear. They appeared, pall, mall, from out of ona corner of tha room which la aupnoaed to be their gymnaalum dour to the very center of jta room, Thea tha signal was glvep, aad tha ball was carried to tha extreme and of tha room Over and over tha boya tumbled, ona on top of tha other. Tha ru after and tha bail ware aomewhera under tha pile of human arms, lege and heads, and when tha boya slowly pulled thmnaelvea Out of the pile It waa found that Mr, toting was underneath them alL . Ills hair waa toaard and his clothoa war aolled. lie didn't rare to get mixed up In such a melee again, ao ha suggeated that the coach keep well out of the equad'e way In future practice at re hear aa la for "Tha College Hero." The production will be given three night and a matlnae, commencing Mon day, November 3D, at tha Brandala the ater, for the benefit of the Child Saving Institute.' ' Following ara tha namea of,th beys In tha foot ball aquad: Leader, Mr. Edward Oould, Edward Parley, Cleary Hnrrlgan, Philip Thotnaa, Kenneth vyidenor. Oarold Stryker, Rodeiic Crana, Clarence ftqutreS, Robert Hloy, Prank Bandera, Edward Puller. Ruaiell Beat, Alex Crawford, Donald Hall, Charles Allison. Fred H. Kyer, Lawrence Ortman, Victor Graham, Cdward A. Daugherty, Robert Booth, liernle Holmqulat, Dwlght K. Panforth, Charles R. rerrlgo, J. Porter Allan, James W. Raynolda, Arthur Herring, Robert, Mcflhane, Ruaaell Brandt, Ralph Benedict, Wilson P. Bryans, Jack award, Karl W. Lowa, II. Stewart McDonald, Wj man Bobbins and Bryca Crawford, Jr. To Honor Viiiton. Mr. and Mrs. 3. II. Boot I will entertain tha Smith College club at dinner this evening at their home In honor of presi dent and Mrs. Msrlon P. Burton, jillas Janet Monroe Wallace was hoat ea at a 6 o'clock tea this afteraooa at ber home In honor of President and Mrs. Marlon Burton of Smith college. Mlaa Wallace was assisted by the Smith col lege club, which Includes: Mlseea Lola Andrews, Corning, Is.; Elsie Cathere, Corning, la American Beauty roses and frns aad here punch was served by: Mlaaoa Ann Ulfford. Flanor Marker, Stella Thummel, Lucille Paeon, Janet flail, Alice Jaqtllth, Blanche !eul, Harriet Meta. Mteaes Marion Kuhn. Halryon Cotton, Maria Htewnrt. Council Bluffs; Theda Hereahlen. Council Fluffs; Margaret Paum. Kugenla Patterson. In the dining room the decorations were used on the labia only, which waa covered with a handsome tablecloth of Cluny lac and decorated with a large silver, boat shaped basket filled with Klllarney rose. Tha appointments on the table were all of silver From tha chandelier festoons of feathfiy srailnx wera carried to the four corners of the table. Assisting through the rooms were: Beautify the Complexion D4 UN DATS Nadinola CREAM Th L'ntqualcd Baautlflar Vtt AND I MOORS KO BV THOU&AMLMI Guaranteed to re mora tan, frecklot pimples, liver spots, etc. Extreme cases about twenty days. Rids pores and tissues of Impurities. I-eaves the Un clear, soft, healthy. Iwo tlies, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet counters or mail. ftATIONAL TOILET COMPANY. rWb. faa Sold fcr Paermiae A atoCvfiaaU Draft htoraa, i fi li urua v.e., uraoeaia ixut vui. aad aibara. IIOTKt.9 AM) ItESORTS. Hotel Urcslm lSroAdwrjit ai 29 St. "An Hotel Where Coasts are Made te Feci at Henna" Not 100 large, yet laree ' enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible 500 RontUtltntt Jtattaaraal Oargct Sisgls Rooms llh Riiaaing Wafer 1 1. 00 te 12 00 ear day Siagle Roams us Tuk ar Sooear .S0 ia li.OO par day Double Reons with kaaalas Water t.UO la ii.iiQ par day Double Room ana Tub ar &hser i.U0ie$S.0rrday LDWAPD C. FOGG. Muufi.1 Dt, KOf l ftKOWN, Kmtident Mnmmtmr Misses Torthy Rlngwalt, Nellie Klautter, Anna Fail, Riithvnn. Janet Wallape. Alice Woodworm, Mesdaniee Barnard Capen, it. C. Kvarts. A. W. Oordon. llalph M. Molaman, Henry Plerpont, Waiur 1 'res ton. Caroline Dodae, l.'ounrll Illufla; Madamee Fredelrclc T, Rouse, K. II. Hcott, H H. Hoaford. Crete, Neb.: Carliala Whiting. Fort Crook; llaadames Oould 1 !!, Ulenn Wharton, A. liaison. Klohard H. JImU, W. II. ClarHe, W. K. Rriblnaon, Frederick Butt. Nebraaka City: C. N. Diets, John A. Wakefield, T. J. Mackay. George A. Joalyn, Meadamea V. P. Klrkendall, Harold Olfford. f W. Wattlea, Frank If. Oaliiaa, M. E llarkor, ,, A. Ulets. Charles Beatnn, C. K. f'otitant, K. O. M rOliton. Jot n Potter Webstar 1rnora Diets Nelson, DebuUnte Bridge Clnb. 'The Debutante Bridge cliib will -meat Wednesday of this week. Mlaa Janet Hall will be the hostess. For the Future. Mrs. W. J. Schulter will give a card party at Myrtle hall Thursday afternoon. The South Side Frogreastve Whist club will entertain at its hall on Castellar street Wednesday evening. Tha hosteaaea will oa Mesdames E. J, Lyman, B. Bray, P. J, Brennea and tha Misses Brennan. To Honor Visitor. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hoaford will enter tain at dinner this evening, followed by an Orpheum party. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee, who will spend this winter In Montana, and for Mlsa Blanche Burke, who la a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John A McShane. Mr. and Mrs. llonford's guests will bet Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mage. Mr. and Mr a. John A. McKhane, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis, Mlaa Hlnnrha Burke, Mr. Ben Warren. Tuesday Bridge Club. Mrs. Kosa B. Towla will be hostess at Ing. This Is ona of a series of dances be ing given br the Coronado and Cacti cluba. The "Latest Paneea" club will give a dancing party thla evening at Turpin'a academy. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mra Frank Ransom are visit ing In Washington, P. C. Mrs. A. I t'ndeland haa returned from a six weeks' visit with frlerMs In Wyoming-Mrs. Kattie Rubel returns home Wed nesday after spending several weeks In Peoria, Chicago and Detroit. Dlatreaa fa the Stoaaark. There ara many people who have a distress In tha stomach after meals. It Is due to Indlgeatlon. and easily remedied by taking one of Chamberlain's Tableta after meals. Mrs. Henry Padghan, Vic tor, N. T., writes: "For some time J was troubled with headache and distress In my stomach after eating, also with constipation. About six months ago I began taking Chamberlain's Tablet. TJhey regulated the action of my bow?ls and the headache and other annoyances ceased In a short time." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. MAN FOUND DEAD IN LODGING HOUSE WAS FU. M'MANIMEE The msn who was ro-.ind dead In s lodging house at South Twelfth street Monday, and who waa . registered George Meyers, was R. J. McManlmee of Kansas City. A wealthy uncle of the dead man who lives In that city haa been notified and will come to Omaha to make funeral arrangements. 1 Constipation a Penalty of Age Nothing la so essential to health In advancing age aa keeping tha bowels open. It makes one feel younger and freaher and forestalls colds, piles, fevers, and other dependent Ills. Cathartics and purgatives are vio lent and drastic in action and should be avoided. A mild, effective laxatlve tonla, recommended by physicians and thousands who have used It Is the combination of almple herbs with pep sin sold by druggists everywhere un der the hams of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepaln. The price la fifty centa and one dollar a bottle. For a trial bottla write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 451 Wash ington St., Montlcello. III. i - "i"i,,ynrvverrraMijs MANUFACTURERS TO MEET Orer Hundred from State Expected in Omaha Wednesday. WILL TALK OVER INSURANCE Effort ty Decide oa Soae. Flaw t Adopt Slace Warkmaa'a Cos-, eeeattow Bill Haa Become a Law of the State. Over 100 manufacturers from various psrte of the state have given definite as surance that they will be In Omaha on today to attend tha convention of the Nebraska Manufacturers' association which opena for a three days' session at that time. C. B. Towle of Lincoln 1 president of the association. F. P. Knapp. president of the Omaha Manufacturer a'soclatlon, la one of the vice presidents of the state association. To aeeai . Territory. .The manufacturers have a large pro gram to go through In their two days ot session In Omaha. Many matters pertain ing to the poeetnle widening of the field of trade even Into South America, at a result of the European war, will be taken tip. The new compensation law which Is to go Into effect December 1 will be taken up and matters pertaining to preparation of the manufacturers to come under Its provisions will be discussed- The mstter of the kind ot blan ket Insurance tha companies will carry In-order i to cover their losses resnltlnf, to go Into effect Lecember 1 will he taken up. Mutual liability Insurance com panies will be discussed and the pcsslb.llty of starting companies of this kind among; tha manufacturers of the state to carry ona enothera risks under the new law. Millard Hotel is . Sold to Syndicate Headed by Theis Mortimer M. Thcis, manager of tha O'Nell's cafe South Eighteenth street, is at the head of a syndicate which haa Just purchased the Millard hotel equip- ment and lease the property for a' term of ten years. Mr. Theis manages the Millard cafe for aulte a while and will at once take charge of and manage the hotel proper. ' Bee Want Ada 1-roO.uce Results. JEWELRY SALE CONTINUES ALL WEEK iffgfSS Aunt Saliy's Advice to Beauty Seekers Bed Nose. The nose Is a more delicate organ than most people Imagine. It should be touched aa little aa possible. For un due redness the treatment recommended In 10. lowing iragiavh will t tound ef fective. Apply without rubbing. Muddy rikln. The aaneat. aufnat and surest method of giving a clear, healthy. '"'" "" "i a ia--.- iTH 1 -ri - n-.fr -TuuiiUml n ilimi I lm hil '" i jjJM'J Thanksgiving Linen Week Fresh, Crisp Linens tor Table and Kitchen at Most Welcome Money-Saving Prices ALL the items advertised Sunday and Monday con tinue on sale in addition to these specials for to morrow. All very exceptional values: Xaad rnVroideres Ifadolra X-aach. on Seta In very elaborate de. allrna. 11 nlerea in the mmt flue. .,.0.r..1.hs. $5.98 IS-Itsee Xmaoheea SJet Consisting: of 1 center piece, Vi dosen S-lnch dollies. Vi do, s-ln. doll lea. Vi dos. 12-Inch dollies, trimmed with cluny lace In white and S4 "1C ecru. Special, set aa I 9 Oaoiask Z.anon Cloth AH linen; hemstitched all around. A Una of pretty p&ttterna 8-lnch Qn. else. Special, each........ 'OB (Ul riaa Quality BUaohad 9am. aak Tray or Carving Cloths Beautiful designs, Sise 11x17 lnccea. Scalloped all QQn around. Special, each OaJw ramoas Trankal Xaaen Beta Um Ited quantity. Slsa of cloth 71 Inches; one dosen napkins to match. Patterns are all exclu sive designs. Special, gQ Tall Bleached Mnok Toweling Tha duality that will wear. Sella reg ularly at lo yard. Special. C yard OB Bear Bleaeoed Knok Towele With fancy borders. I C- 17x14 Inches. Each I I2'2C lull and aanl-Bleeohed Toweling' ah pure linen crotch make. II Inches wide. Special, yard Qermaa Bath Towele la benutlfu , colorlnga and novelty effactfl. A timely holiday suggestion. ORf Special, each a. Oil Hemmed Bapklas lt-inch size. Made of fine quality mercerW damask; all pretty patterns. Spe cial for thla aale, . . OQ each X,aea - Tea Cloths Trimmed -with deep lace all round; drawn work centers.' 4 5-Inch else. Sella larly at fl.SS Special, . Q8C Bammed Hepkiae 18-ln. alse. Made of fine quality mercerized dama-k; all pretty patterns, special C A p for thla sale, each Ua?V truest Towels In an assortment of patterns; all linen. Values In this lot up to 39c. Spe- OCn clal, each stUU Taaoy Tlgared Bnck Toweling - All pure linen, especially for hem stitching and scalloping. Por yard at B9e, 4o 39C Curtain Goods Sale Wednesday i TinilD FLOOR. 65 Pieces of 36 and 40-in. Etamine, Yoile and Scrim Qualities worth up to 35c f per yard. Special, per I tf yard.... A"-. 35 Pieces Colored Madras 25c 34 Inches wide. Regular price 40 cents yard. Special, yard Plain Marquisette 48 Inches wide. Colors are white. ivory and beige. 20 pieces. Worth SOc yard. Special, Wednesday, yd., Special Muslin Curtains Two and one half yards long, trim med with very pretty edge. Special, Wed nesday, pair. ...... Our stork of Lace) Curtains and Portiere is most complete. Ws are offering many exceptional val- 39c $1.00 transparent appearance to the complexion In to apply ordinary marcollzed wax every night for from one to two weeks. This wax, obtainable at any orug store (one ounce la sufficient), actually takea off a bad complexion ny gently and gradually ahanrtilnif the tHIn vtl nf mu rf m i- akin tha mtln of the TutsxUjr BridM cluD 'jh, rvew akin then In evMric n aa freah Wavliiaarl.a. aftasaAAM lnal..a rt INlSkB. wiivsuai as a ws as wis, aiisMag v a "- day, tha club's usual meeting day. Th members are: Mesdamta Mesdames Penlae I'arkalow, John liedlck, Arthur Keellne, '. Frank Keoah, W. B. McCormlclt. , Walter Roberts, John Madden, Boss B. Towle. Louis Clarke, George Redlck, The B. Y. 0. tf. Club. The B. Y. O. a. club was entertained Monday afternoon at the home of MVa F. Todenjhoft in the Graystone apartment. Tha gussta of tha elub were Mra. Hawks of Albion, Neb.; Mra. Emily Compton and Miss Helen Platter, who is tha guest of. her aunt, Mra Cora Hawks. The club I will meet sgain, with Mra H. O. HaHfer- alaten, December IS. Tha members are: Mradames Mesdames " A. 11. Denhan. ' F. A. Nelson. W. J. Outhwalte, T. J. Jaycox, t. it. r-eteraon. It. O. Halberslatan, N. Hamilton, V. Tarrot. and velvety aa a young alrl'a. The wax la applied like cold cream and washed oft mornings. Wrinkles. A harmless lotion made aa follows hss been found very effective In oases of wrinkles and crow a feet: Pow dered saxol:te, t os., dissolved in witch hasel, V, pint. Bathe the face In thia dally for awhile. Wonfan'a Realm. Advertisement. Pleasures Past. mm n.iia TinkM antMtaltiad at dinner 1 N. Honerta, Friday evening for Mra. Km ma Rlchey ot ! w. Toland, tiarnea, ivan., wno is i w r;. t. lingers, Mrs. George Parker. Covers wera placed I Kd Todenhoft. for six. The members of Phllathea class of ' UOmmerclal UlUD Luncheon. the nrst Methodist church gave a biking party to Florence, followed by a wolnle roast. Those present were: Mlaaes- Iiiira liurancv, l 'ella Johnson, ' Jennie Liong, Kvelyn ICrloaon, Vera Fulton, . Bmma barson. Misses Mable Warner. May belle Tinker. Ida Kanqultit, Nellie Wlrth, Vllma Melots, KUiel Murria, Alary Marsti. Mrs. 13. H. Wilkinson was hostess to day at the meeting of the "Best-Yet" Card club. Mra. Lydla Robatrom gave a birthday party Monday evening at her studio tin honor of Mlaa Lulu Hunt Those present President Burton of Smith college waa guest' today of the Cqmmerclnl club at a public affalra luncheon. Miaaes , VarUia Heyu, Anna Heyn. Josephine Murphy. SI ess re Arthur Blomherg, Lawrence Robatrom. were: Misses Oettrude Somera, Lucy Tydo, Winifred Blmms. Messrs Wslter Mint. . Alexander Hunter, 'iaymond Culllns, Mr. and Mrs. Frlseska entertained at dinner Sunday In honor of their daugh ter, Mra M. A. Stewart, and Mr. Stewart of Monterey. Ind. The evening was spent lu music and games. Those present were: , Kllsabetb Schneider, Melma Orewats. Huth Mardaaten. Ulate Wandla, Mesdames roauneranka. At the Orpheum. Mr. and Mrs. CJeorge Brandels will en tertaln at a box party this evening at the Orpheum. Siiterhood'Bridge Party. Mrs. Jay B. Kats will be hoateaa for the Temple Israel sisterhood bridge party Friday afternoon at her home, 720 South Thirty-seventh atreet. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mra. It H. Smith. Mus Ktkel I'admora and Mlaa Marie inUey motored to Llaeoln Saturday for the Kanaaa-Na-braska gams. With the Dancing- Clubs. The Cralghton DentaJ Dancing club an nounces a dancing party to be given Fri day evening at Turpia's academy. Tho Cacti club will give a dancing party at Chambers' academy this even- DENTISTRY V, w a. mm V a I J Our painless ' extractl o n s and filling Is the talk ot t h a t o w n. Our saUsfled patients are spre a d I s g the Qlad Xews. Crown and bridge- teeth as low $3.50 DAILEY IK? DENTIST 80 years m dentist. 20-year guarantee. 700 City Nat'l Bank Sky Scraper. 0mariaStlEflLy LIQUOR -ond- DRUG. Treatment 1603 B. 10th EL Phone D. OMAHA MlHsea Baedlaten, Cliarlotta A nidi, Clara Amdt. Anna Wandla, Mcedames Pelereon. Whlifort. sleasrs Measra A. Taylor, T. Oranats, liutler, R. Frieake. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kelaey, Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Wandle, Mr. and Mra. K. Reach ke, Mr. and Mra. . Reach ka, Mr. and Mra. William A mill. Mr. and Mrs. R. (Ire watt, Mr. and Mrs V.. Wandla. Mr. and Mra. XV, Rasrhke. Mr. and Mra. M. A. Btewart, Mr. and Mra. W. Frleeka. Debut of Eeifninp; Queen. ( Mlaa Frances Hochstetler. the second of the a oa eon's debutantes and tha reigning queen of Ak-ar-Bea. waa Introduced tbls afternoon at a tea given by her mother, Mra. Frank Burgert Hochstetler. Mra, Hochstetler and Mlaa Hochstetler' reoeived their friends In the drawing room before a background ot yellow chryaantharauma which reached from floor to celling. The porch was sacioeed with canvas and waa profusely decorated with southera smllax. ' The debutante waa attractive la a gown of turquoise blue faille made wttn a very fuU and abort skirt aad blue velvet bodice elaborately trimmed with French floe era. . , , Mra Hochstetler wore a gowq of black Chantilly lace with long traaapareitt sleeves. The living room waa decorated with DIitio.ui COM PAR I MICIt 3a Ya K il.. A ''; Arte rlir S K I X ivi.i.itv1 H)1 l! ' . w rl that tat Kaa aaa am aa 4l aaioa I ! ''Tfc') You W"2t Act At Once I ashI'TlHn,r,faMMMBM. laataae eaewvS at Saak ef 1 fl ' i . V a a.oaaiJ aan-wlaa ftae daeHsatka as?ar la hw a RiaHaJ VtLm I '.'m ' laaJ.anta,! ul it aila it kT,a aad ZZZTuT JZZZL "'5T" ""iuirf Maa nanliiiai aaratia aa rtLap.sTiu.ieia co, ni.biH k.m. ctty. m. t Next Thursday IN THE BASEMENT Extraordinary bale of Coats, Suits, Dresses For Women and Muses Children's Apparel Women' and Children's Millinery; and a hoes For the Entire Family ' . Also wonderful bargains in win ter underwear for men, women and children, and the biggest val lies of the season In boys' clothing. Watch the papers for details. Watch our win uows and be ready to get your share. Buy VICTOR Victrolas at BRANDEIS That Big Sale of Rugs Continues Wednesday, ,wlth assortments still complete, giving you the same good choice and. the same big bar gains ah on the opening day of the sale. Better not let this opportunity go by If you need any rugs of any elseas ' you will surely find them In this sale, and the savings are as high as GO cents on the dollar on many of the lots. All-Week Demonstration of WEAR -EVER Aluminum eeSswBS BBSbbSB awaaaBBaS aaBBBBBBBajaBaSa AewaanaBanaBBBBBeWawaBaBBBBna 1 SBBBBaWaawawanaBasBaSaSaaakSSBB An expert demonstrator of the Weai'-Ever products will ex hibit this well-known aluminumware' and give practical demon strations In their uses all week. in China Denartment. Special Values That Will Bring a Big Response Wednesday WEAR-EVER Double Boiler Regular price (2.10. Very special, for Just one day's selling. Wednesday 31.48 I m ported Tea, Kettles Beautifully finished. Very, light, but . very durable. Regular price $3.00. Spe cial for Wednesday only, Si Oft ;, i.oj at 3 A LIMOUSINE ARISTOCRAT THIS Jainty town ear ia a joy to tha woman who want i snug', fast, casily-hascllad enclosed car. With it aka can run about tha city, ia any traffic, atop before any store no matter how crowded the atreet, aad slip into convenient spots where a bigger car oould not go. Her driver finds it aa easy car to handle. He can make speed with it. He can dodge through dense traffic aad skip around corners. On wet daya he need not fear skids and slips. Yet he haa power for any demand. In comfort and luxury the Hudson Six-40 Limousine ia uaequalcd. In beauty of design and perfection of finish, both within and without, it ia meeting every desire of the most critical buyers. Ltt ui ulf you mort thout it GUY L. SMITH "SERV1CK FIRST' '2363-65-67 Farnaai Omaha, Nebnuka M'- W MAA WJriW ill A (f It iJ 1 1 a. In. i f, 4 i. - - - ' I 1 imrr Tit lU HnA, JHuxttM f.a.a.iWwa