Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till: BKK: OMAHA. WK1KKS1UY, NOVKMHKR 18, 1911.
Aim One of the ltest Kmirdlrn for
f Head Colds or llronchitl.e.
Be aie In time and use Hyomrl at the
tint symptom of cttarrh, such a fre
quent cold, constant sniffling, droppings
In the tftroat. or dull headache. Vo not
let the dlseane become drrp-avatra for it
H surely wreck your health. uStcn rsus
Ing Ions of hearing and the enaot smell
and taote, and It not checked may result
In one of the most dreaded and often
fatal dleeasos.
Hyomei la nature's true remedy for ca
tarrhIs the direct method you breathe
It to that the medication goei right to
the sore and (Uncased tissues lining the
air passage! of the head, throat and bron-
: chlal tubes. Its antiseptic healing must
be Kin at once.
It's no bother to use Hyomei. Simply
put a few drops of the liquid into the In
haler, that comes with every complete
, outfit, and breath it a few time during
the day. You win feel better after the
t first breath of Hyomei. It clears the head
f and throat like magic; while after a few
days' use you will notice all your ca
tarrhal symptoms are disappearing.
There Is nothing easier, quicker or
more satisfying than the Hyomei treat
ment for catarrh Ills. It la not merely
- relief but a sure and lasting benefit
..and most economical. All druggists sell
Hyomei. while Sherman A McConnell
lrug Co. will supply anyone on the guar
antee of money back it they are not sat
isfied. Advertisement.
CanY&ssing Board at Lincoln Tabu
late i Votti at Election.
Fall to aernre ' fterraaarr l'ontltn
tloaal Majority that Will Carry
ark Proposition .Hon
State Officers Raa.
J By-Product 1
Cut your melon
this winter. A
20 dividend is
only a fair sized
melon these days
but it would
set well in your
bank account.
It's good clean earn
ings too burning
Vulcan Coke No
undue depreciation
to be provided for
no burned out grates,
no dead loss in clink
ers and soot a lot of
heat, but no smoke.
Preferred dividends
only 20 ' sure. "No
Common Stockun
the Vulcan combine.
Only the best selected
coals go into the Vulcan
ovens that's why the
product is Vulcan and not
just coke.
Comes in sizes suited
to range, furnace or
heater. Better than'
Anthracite Coal and 20
cheaper wherever you
burn it.
Proituotd by
Coal Product. Mfg. Co Joliet, III.
Exclusive Domestic. Bales Ajrenta.
AtWill-Makemsoikf oil & Cokt Co.
KoCornUek aUd'lV Chlcag-o.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
- (From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
According to , reports sent In from the
different counties,. to the secretary of
state, 4.E3S voters went to the polls and
cast their votes for state officers and the
other propositions upon the ballot, the
latter all falling of constitutional majori
ties.' The official returns compiled show
the following- result:
Morehead.' democrat 1J0.2O7
Howell, republican , 101,237
Sackett, progressive 8,X
Totter, socialist....: 5.71N
Wilson, prohibition 2.S57
Lleateaaat Uovernor.
Pearson, democrat..... 1O8.410
lloagland, republican 10j,06
Klingbell, progressive ll46
Abel, socialist 7.6il
llockenberger, prohibition t.ent
Secretary of State.
Pool, democrat 104.9.M
'Walt, republican KM, 1.18
Skalla, progressive 10,706
Ithner. socialist. 7.744
ilald, prohibition 4,3U
State Auditor.
Smith, democrat 103,846
Minor, republican VetAl
Hanson, progressive UX-&
Phillips, socialist.. s,16
Miles, prohibition i.iSi
Hall, democrat...... 109,8U
Hamer, republican 98,s
Broach. progresaW. ...... ll.wu
Baldwin, socialist. 1 S.338
atoll, prohibition 4,W
State) Saaeriatonaeat.
Thomas, republican 10.V524
Whitehead, democrat 102, m&
Davis, progressive....
Shafer. sociaUvt t,02tf
Walker, prohtoltlon 4,1m
Attorney Ueacral.
Reed, democrat 106,166
Sears, republican......,, 100.-7M
Wills, progressive
! Uurlelgh, socialist 7,t4
Blttenbender, prohibition 4,498
I . Lssd Commissioner.
Beckman, republican 103,306
, Kastham, democrat lol,9i
1 Benedict, progressive..: U.Sio
Lincoln Health Board Member Ovei
heart Talk at Depot.
Sappnsltlna 'm that Kffnrt
Belasr Made to Sprrad Infection
aa Bar I pa Shipping; Meat
ta Karon.
.. 14.223
Hallway Co
Hall, republican!
Maupln, democrat
ilarpham, progressive
Brlllhart, socialist
I'nlrersltr Rrgrnt
Miller, J. H. democrat
Drown, renubllcan
Noble, democrat.... W,7st6
Jansen, republican s
Love, progressive 14.104
Miller, W. H., progressive 12,M
Jones, socialist 8,720
Nerbit, prohibition , &77
Gilbert, prohibition........ . 4.141
Cklef Jastlce saprema Court.
Hollenbeck 101,927
Reess . S3.144
Canstltvtioaal Amendmeats.
For workmen' compensation 92.426
Against workmen s compensation... tu,i
For memorial armory ...
Against memorial armory
For suffrage...
Against suffrage
For tax amendment
Against tax amendment
1 For five-sixth Jury
Against Nva-slxth jury.
For salary 'amendment.......
Against, salary amendment..
For university removal.
Against university removal. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 17. fSneCal.) I there
an organised effort to spread the foot
and mouth disease among rattle tn tder
that the allies In Kumpe cannot depend
upon American beef, is a problem which
members of the Live Stock Sanitary
board of the state, tr. Day. Its special
eterlnsrlan, and Stnt Veterinarian
Klgln are trying to determine.
It all cornea from the visit of two men
to Lincoln last Saturdny and a conversa
tion overheard by a member of the Lin
coln Heslth department at the Burling
ton depot. It appears that Mr. Darling
of the Lincoln I Apartment of Health was
at the Burlington station Saturday and
overheard a couple if foreign looking
men discussing the cattle dlcease, and In
the course of their remniks one of them
"They won't get much more meal from
this country If we keep up our work."
The men 'had hypodetmlc syringes and
were discussing serum, the . foot and
mouth disease and the War In Europe.
They seemed familiar with the work
ings of the foot and mouth disease, and
Darling at once reported the matter to j
the health officer, who In turn com
municated with Dr. Day.
Dr. Day at once wlrei Washington au
thorities and laat night received a mes
sage asking for a description ot the men
and any Information relstive to the in
cident. It Is the opinion of the state
veterinarian and Dr. Day that the men
are visiting the different stock yards and
' attempting to Inoculate cattle with the
1001 aim mourn uisanv,
The men left here an a St. Joseph train
and It la supposed that they are In that
vlolnlty. One of them was a fat man
about 35 years of ago with a smooth face
and "a scar on the left side ot his face
which extended under his chin. He was
well dsessed In a dark brown suit. He
talked broken English. The other man
was tall with broad shoulders and wore
a Vandyke beard. He appeared a little
younger than the other man and wore a
light suit. , They had In their possession
New York, Chicago and Des Moines
Dr. Day is waiting for further instruc
tions from Washington before proceeding
Regents Do Not
Desire to Place a
Curb Upon Speech
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. .17.-tSpc.lnl
Telegram.) The university Hoard of Up
Kegents today made reply to the reso
lution paused by the German-American
Alliance of Nebraska condemning Dr.
Fling for an antl -German speech which
he delivered recently. The repents' let
ter to the alliance states that President
Wlleon's neutrality proclamation de
serves the strictest observance, but at
the same time the board did not de
sire to curb the freedom of speech of
nunhers of the faculty regardless of their
The board also took preliminary steiw
for the extrusion of the university on
the downtown campus, as authorised by
the referendum vote.
J. E. Miller, , regent-elect, was em
powered to Investigate land near the
university which will be needed for ex
tension and to find out the lowest pur
cruise price. He is to report to the
board-nt the next meeting December 7.
. 40.CT4
. 87.M7
. 82.1HS
. 63.67V
. 90,4Ub
. 7G.937
. 6o.7i7
Dr. Hall Appointed
University Regent
; ' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 17. (Special
Telegram.) Oovernor Morehead this
morning appointed Dr. P. L. Hall of
i Lincoln to the vacancy on the Board of
1 University Regents caused by the reslgna
1 tlon of Regent C. 8. Allen last night.
Mr. Allen has removed to California, his
resignation having been withheld till after
the election, so thai the governor might
make the appointment. .
Two More Arrested
As Suspects in Case
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
Two more of the gun men who shot and
seriously wounded two Llncofn policemen
Sunday night have been arrested by the
police and are now in the city jail.
One of the men, Frank Canon, was suf
fering from a bullet. wound tn one leg
just below the knee, confirming the be
lief of Police -Officer Hannlng that he
had winged the man who shot him. The
other, Walter Combs, was uninjured and
attempted to get away, but gave himself
up when he saw it wars no use. The men
were found in an empty house near the
ball park and when the police buret In
the door both were stretched out on the
floor. -
Four men are being held fqr the crime,
Tom Carr, who was taken soon after
the battle, and another man named
Frank A Rock, the police officer whe
appeared tp be mortally wounded Is bet
ter today. After sewing up nine perfora
tions of his intenstlnes, the physicians
think he has an even chance for recov
ery. Officer Hannlng, who vas shot
through the lower part of the body. Is
getting along very well and will recover
if no new complications set In.
let Omit
Cs. Bldb
How to Correct Faulty Digestion
Faulty digestion, flatulence, indiges
tion, dyspepsia and, in fact, almost
all forms of stomach trouble are most
Invariably -due to acidity and food fer- , dren.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
William H. Ruyle, one of the best known
stock raisers and fsrmers In Gage county,
living east of the city, died Monday at a
local hospital following an. operation
which he underwent about -two weeks
ago. Mr. Ruyle was a native of Tennes
see and came to Gage county in 1880. He
Introduced the cultivation of alfalfa in
Gage county. ' He was up-to-date In his
methods, and. was never afraid to strike
out Into unexplored paths to promote his
business. - He was CS years gf age and
leaves a widow and eleven children.
Cherry Conuty . Homesteader Insane,
MCLLRN. . Neb.. "Nor. 17. (Special.)
George H. 'Huff, who located a home
stead in south Cherry county some three
yesrs ago, came to Mullen last week in
search of his wife and two small chil
li said that they had left his
mentation. Drugs and medicines which
stimulate the digestive organs are prac
tically useless In these cases because
the'y act only on the stomach and do not
affect the cause of the trouble the
acidity and fermenting food. To In
stantly neutralise the acid and stop fer
mentation, many physicians and special
ists prescribe a teaspoonful of blsurated
magnesia, obtainable of all druggists and
dispensaries, in a little water Immediate-
home while he wss working on a ranch
In the vicinity of Dean. - His strange
actions led to the belief that lie was
menially unbalanced, and the fact be
came quite clear when he sought Sheriff
Dutton of this county and asked that ha
be protected from harm. Mr. Dutton
placed him In the county jail for safe
keeeplng snd notified the authorities st
Valentine Huff tecaine violent Mon
day morning, .and at frequent Intervals
ly after meals or whenever pain Is felt. ! woul, aboul hl chUVlren being- In
Since the discovery by an eminent spe- I lh ol1 w"1 nr homestead, which Is
, ihi. ,.m.rkhi. nronrtv nf 1 bout thlrty-five miles northwest ot
hlssiiratsail m irneMi a. It la beinir adortrd
a. a standard antacid and food correc- I iHe. were sent to the vicinity of
tlve in many hospitals as well as . by
many prominent me J leal men throughout I
the world. Dyspeptics should always
keep blsurated magnesia handy as IU Invariably insures painless, normal
digestion. Advertisement. '
This aroused some suspicion and
i home to Investigate matters, thinking
that he might, have committed a crime,
the result of 'which unbalanced his rolnd.
Deputy Sheriff C. M. Hahn of Cherry
county and Sheriff Dutton of Hooker
county left tor Valentine yesterday with
the unfortunate man. Neighbors' are
caring for his stock- and looking after
things at his horn. , .
Wayne Boy Loses Eye. -
WAYNE. Neb., Nov. 17. (Speclal.)-Roy
Landanger. a caddy, had an eye put out
by a golf ball here yesterday. He was
hunting for a ball along the creek And
appeared above the bank just In tlmi to
stop a long hard drive made by Harry
Fisher. He was taken to Omaha for
t'hraale Constipation
makes Ufe miserable. Dr. King's New
Life fills regulate your bowels snd re
lieve the engorged liver. Sc. All drug
gists Advertisement.
Kremoiit Baalnesa Hoase Scorched.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 17.-(8pecial.)-Mrs.
Eckles' milltneryx store, 627 North
Main street, was destroyed by fire last
evening. The rooms above were occupied
by Jackman's photograph studio anfl
everything' was badly damaged by fire
and water. The bulMlng belonged to the
estate of N. Sampler and U M. Keene
and was badly damajred. Mrs. Eckles'
loss Is 11,600. with $1,000 Insurance. Jack-
man's loss Is about the same amount and
la partially covered by Insurance. The
loss In the bulldlr.g Is probably about
$00 and is fully covered by insurance.'
miifniii.niu two unmes.
SUTHERLAND. . Neb., Nov. 17-(Rne-
clat.) The local high school basket bull
teams defeated the Ogallala players In
two fast games here Saturday night. The
boys' score was JO to 17 and the girls'
score was 23 to 10.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17,-Statc depart
ment records support the assertion that
Germany is not legally bound by. the pro-
Visions of The Hague treaty limiting the
use of submarine mines.
. Article seven of the treaty provides
that It shall not be operative unless all
or tne belligerents have ratified the
treaty. The department's records show
that Russls,' Tnrkey and Servla of the
belligerent countries have not ratified the
convention. Under that construction the
observance of the provision by any of the
belligerents Is only a voluntary pne.
Bee Want Ads Ars l.i Best Business
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbago Or
Stiffness Away
When your back Is sore and lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you
stiffened up, don't suffer!) Oet a small
trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs
OH' at any drug store, pour a little In
your hand and rub It right oa your ach
ing back, and by the time you count
fifty, the soreness snd lameness Is gone.
Don't stay crippled! Thla soothing
penctrstlng oil needs to be use4 only
once. It takes the pain right out and
j ends the mlaery. It Is magical, yet ab
solutely harmless snd doesn't burn the
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica,
backache or Thrumatlnm so promptly.
It never disappoints Advertisement.
MADISON. Neh.. Nov. 17. (Special.)
Hownrd Hurst, through his atturney, M.
V. Harrington, has commenced action In
district court to recover from the I'nlon
Pacific Railroad company damaxea In the
sum of $.V0,000 for Injuries which he al
leges In his petition to have sustained
by being struck by a I'nlon Pacific train
at Lodgepole, Neb., September 14, 1914.
The petition further states that tho plain
tiff was 2t years of age and an expert
musician, and In his profession aa a mu
sician he had to use his left hand at all
times, and by reason of tlio Injuries re
ceived ho Is unable to carry on his pro
fession as a musician.
Catarrh Leads
To Consumption
Catarrh Is as much a blood disease as
scrofula or rheumatism. It may be re
lieved, but It cannot be removed by sim
ply local treatment, n breaks down the
general health, weakens the lung tlsues,
and leads to consumption.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is so successful In
the treatment of catarrh that It Is known
as the best remedy for this disease. It
purifies the blood. Ask your druggist
for it Advertisement.
Thanksgiving Sale
Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws
Parents ihould take advant ge of this great money-saving event.
Every Suit. Overcoat or Mackinaw i a rrf-
ular stock garment made and styled in
regular "King-Peck" fashion. It's an unusual
opportunity o supply the boys winter
clothes needs at most decisive savings.
$6.50, 6and $5 Values
L-S' Years
Sizes from
5 to 17
Every good style is. included
Norfolk and semi-Norfolk Hults In tiergn.
Corduroys, Tweeds, as well as Worsteds. All
good and desirable patterns as well as color
are Included. Mackinaws with shawl collars In
Norfolk style. Overcoats In Chinchillas and
all popular cloths, styles and "lies for all hoys.
Omaha's Largest Store for Men and Boys
Learn to save heating dollars!
Have you long worried with
old-fashioned heating? . Have
you keenly felt their lack of com
fort, paid their high fuel bills,
endured their untidiness ? If so,
come and see us! A visit to any
of our showrooms will tell you
much you should know about
economical heat-making, sure heat I distribution, and labor-saving auto
matic regulation which underlie the success of
The ample, positive distribution of warmth to all
rooms, even in the most windy weather, makes.
AMERICAN Radiators the most friendly, useful
things in your building. You can rely on them
to furnish the heat as you need it,; and always
.under perfect control; turn the heat on or off, no
.. wastes. AMERICAN Radiators always place
the heat where it protects the rooms from severe winds and zero chill under windows, in
vestibules, along the walls or where needed. They can be painted any shade to match
room color-schemes. Their generous warmth changes any house into a home,
Women like our radiator heating not only because it makes the home cozy and healthful
but because they are not pestered with dust, dirt, soot and coal-gases it saves tho hard
cleaning drudgery which accompanies the use of old-fashioned heating.
IDEAL Boilers are made to burn all kinds of fuels (even low-grade
soft coals, such as run-of-mine, screenings, pea-coal, slack, etc.) oil,
gas, wood, etc. Their heating capacities which are -proved by
correct tests at special testing laboratories maintained by this Com
pany in America and Europe, insure to the house-owner ample heat
ing results without forcing of fires, and without the wastes of fuel so
common in the old-time ways. IDEAL-AMERICAN outfits are made
also for churches, schools, stores, hotels,arm houses all buildings.
Write for free booklet "Ideal Heating," or call at our public salesrooms. Let
us help you to know more about these heating advantages no obligations to fZ.l?Jt't?,Z
A No. 4 2S W IDEAL Boiler and 461 ft.
of 38 in. AMERICAN Radiator, cctiiif the
owner $216. were iuad to heat thia cottas.
At thia uric the foods can be bought of any
reputable, competent Fitter. Thia did out
include coeta of labor, pipe, valve,, freight,
etc., which vary ccarduia to climatic aod
other condition..
buy; we are glad to serve yon. Prices are now most attractive!
hia ti ne, fuel, and get
A stationary Vacuum Cleaner worth having f Tt-n
ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner is a genuinely successful, durable machine. Work is done through a light
hose and an iron suction pipe running from each floor to sealed dust-bucket in cellar or rear room of first floor.
Cleans carpets, rues, floors, walls, draperies, bedding, drawers, fura. cloth; np. etc. of all Hirt. t
flnfl their tCtT- AHr1 1itt1 fr Vi 1 a1tw-ri Kill t-.f. 4V.-
No exclusive agents.
Sold by all dealers.
American adiat odompany
Writs Department N-80
413-417 South Tenth St,
Omaha '
Public Showroona st Chicaeo. New Torr, Bo. too. Providence, Philadelphia, Wsahlattoa. Baltimore, Rochester. Buffalo. Pittaburch. Cleveland. r!nriB.n rwl.
Me uricaju,, Milwaukee, Omaha, Muiacepul 6t. Paul. fat. Louie, Kantaa CitT. Dcbvi. Seattle. Portland. K.,k.. ' """1um
T r " wiueua, wiuweepoivt ot. fsui, ot. borne, Kuuaa City, Denver. Seattle, 1-urtlasd. epuka&c.
Los Afitfclss, baa Ffaaciecoj brsaUord (OuL), Lsodoa, Paris, bruaacia, bcrho, Coloae, MusoTVwaos
I rat ve Aj v ii fm ,mm nm a iv w Ma sm Ae) ,w ra r a a MM (w M W til