rim w:k: o.lha. wkdntday, November is, iim. THOMPSON, BEILDEN S CQ Headquarters for Broadcloths A fine desirable quality superior to most in weave, dye and beauty of finish. Will not spot with water. All favored shades in stock, es pecially navy, green and black. New Roman Stripe Silks Rich and unusual colors, broad two and three-toned stripes, cluster stripes of various colors and combinations. Kimono Silks The prettiest we have ever shown; a. large variety of new patterns and color com binations. The new taupe background with figures of wisteria is a new creation finding favor. Also navy, tan, brown and red. . . The Store For Shirtwaists Dainty, attractive blouses, in every new style and ma terial, at modest prices. The Fur Shop You buy here with assur ' ance of a true representation of the kind of fur and a fair price. Hundreds of Women Know and Appreciate the Value of Our Fashion Service Thompson-Belden apparel recommends itself to you because of unquestionable superiority in style and qual ityin combination with very reasonable prices. A garment from this store is certain to be authentic, but distinctive in style. Unusual Coat Values for $24.50, $29.50 and $35 No extra charge for alterations. FRENCH EXPECT EARLY YICTORY Experts Believe that German Line in Belgium it Slowly Wearing Itself Out iSSAULTS ARE TOO COSTLY General Joffre's Vlmu of Wll the Defensive Will Bear Fralt In w Daye, la View of Wtratealste. of the staff of Plr John French, com ma nder-ln-rhl.f of the British expedi tionary forces Tlicr l llltl appre hension a to the personal safety of th prinra. Ru.lnn has forbidden the export of mtals w)h certain exceptions. In favor of the allien. Thin Mop In expected to lncrfn.se t h" demand for American nvtal. Tho agitntlon In the newspapera of Hollnnd for joint Intervention by tha TJ ?n of ttie Netherlands and the prosl drnt of the Vnlted States Is Increasing, but It has not as yet evoked any com ment here. Italy Is the latent rermlt to the cam paign of tha American Relief mmmlMlon. and will now actively co-operate wlth'the oommleslon In Ita work of relieving- the distress In Belgium. AMERICAN WOMAN HIT BY BULLET FROM MEXICO NACO, Aril.. Nov. 17. Both the May tornea and Hill forces resumed firing early today, and a stray bullet, flying over the American border, struck Mia. A. F. Krohn. wife of a Southern Paclflo official. In tha head. The wound la not serious. Mrs Krohn and her husband bad aban doned their residence near the t'rilt-d States custom house last FrHay after It had been struck by a flying shell cam from tha Mexican slrte. She was hit to, day by a bullet that penetrated, the fam ily's temporary quarters In the northern portion of the town. The wounding of Mrs. Krohn wa th-j eleventh casualty anions American non combatants since the Mexican faction Be gan fighting around Nace, Son or a. Maytorena started a brisk cannonn-li this morning, but elicited only a listless reply from Hill's trenchea V Bee Want Ada Are tha Best Business Boosters. jr. Wednesday Morning A Clearance Sale of Fifty Untrimnied Hats Formerly $8.75, $10 and $12.50. For three hours only from 8.30 to 11:30 A. M, 2.95 Misses' and Children's Hats. form-QT , erly $1.50, $2.95 and $39.5. for . tOL OREGON SHORT UNERATE v CASE IS UP FOR HEARING! DENVER. Colo., Nor. 17.-A hearing before M. A. Fattlson, a special exami ner for tha Interstate Commerce com mission, began today on tha complaint of tha Denver A Rio Grand railroad and various commercial bodies against tha action or tha Union Paclfto In order ing a discontinuance of through passen ger traf flo from points In (Colorado and east t points on tha Oregon Short Una by way ot tha Denver A Wo Grand and Colorado Midland railroad.. The, order, originally effective October . 1, has been temporarily suspended pending the out come at tha present hearing. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. your thanksgiving srrr WILL BK WELL DONE IF MA UK BY SPECIALLY I'lUCEU AT KO AND 1. 1.112 H DODGIS STREET ."The Little Tailor Bhop With the Itlg Value" MONEY TO LOAN On Omaha Property Have special fund on hand of $200,000. H. W. BINDER, 823 City National Bank Building. A Fumed Oak Buffet of More Than Ordinary Value for $39 Our stock of dining room fur ulture offer the widest rang of moderate) price every piece a guaranteed substantial quality. , H',J" T -' ,nnii .sj'ii Mwsaa)' m m '- I's. S0?,IE OF THE SPECIAL THANKSGIVING VALUES ITS Oak Buffet M 171 Oak Buffet St Oak Chin Cabinet.... MO V ll Oak serving Table 1 I tlt Maaof CUaa Cabinet. T 111 (9 Oak Dining Chairs... M 111 Oak rtilna Cabinet. . .Ma lit Oak Barring Tbl....l I6T Oak Dining Table 3 111 Oak Buffet 'Orchard & Wilhelm Co. MEDIATION WAITS . ON BELLIGERENTS United Statei Beady to Act When Warring Fowen Are Willing to Negotiate. JOINT ACTION IS SUGGESTED Proposal 'that t atted States, Spala mm Holland Make Ceaeerted Mot Will Not Be Consid er at P rear at. WASHINGTON, Nov. lT.-Efforta by the United States to bring peace to Eu- rope still are awaiting a time when ono or more of the big belligerent Indicates a willingness to accept mediation. This became known authoritatively to day from persons who have lately dis cussed the European situation with Pres ident Wilson. Tha president's position Is that the United BtaLe having already, In a formal aa well as Informal way, shown Us readiness to act as an In-' termedlaiy, should now await tha tnltla ttve of the belligerents. He feel that the American government by pressing for peace might gat In a position where Ita ultimate Influence to that end would b Impaired. Dealre Concerted 4,ctton. There has been much discussion among neutral countries, such aa. Holland and Spain, of tha desirability of concerted aotion. While tba United Statra would not hesitate to Jon In such a movement. If any of tho belligerent countries showed a desire to accept tha media tion of several neutral countries Instead of one. the American government will for the preaent refrain from taking the Initiative toward joint action with other neutral natlona American ambassadors and ' ministers abroad are familiar with tha .-iltltudo of the Washington government on this point and are on the alert for any move whlcn eould b construed as a -lealr on the part of any of tha bellUorents to accept medlattvn. The general expecta tion of the diplomatic representative her of tha belligerents la that th con flict will continue Indefinitely threug'i the winter. PARIS, Nov. 17 The Uermans, In the nplnion of officers at front, are beginning to shows aigrwi of the terrific strain they have undergone for a month In Flanders and these offlrers expect that Oeneral Joffre'e plan of holding the line and per mitting the Orrmans to wear themselves out In vain but costly assaults will soon bear fruit A ataff officer, writing from, the battle line, even goes so far as to predict that within another month the alllea will be I In a position to drive the enemy from French soil. The writer, however, admits that he la by nature an optimist. Taklasi ef Dlsaaade. Rom details ot trie taking of Dlxmude, which the Germans still hold, but which thus far has brought them no advantage, have reached here. The cspture of the town. It appears, waa due to a mistake on the part of the French detachment. When the fighting started the Belgians wer entrenched north of the city, pro tecting the Keyen road. To their right j turned toward the west In the direction . of Essen were the Scnegalea riflemen. I To the south the French bluejackets or- cupled the most exposed position on the i Slerken road. I Tha enemy opened a terrific bombard- I ment at 5 a. m. on Tuesday last, during which tho admiral, who waa In command of tho aallors and who waa making a reconnaissance. Just missed be.ng lilt by J tha fragment of a shell. I The men waited patiently In the ; trenchea. Toward 1 p.' m. the cannoned- ! Ing slackened and three dens column of German Infantry opened fire on th trenchea. Ono column threatened to , turn the Belgian, who, overpowered by , numbers, retired on tha outskirts of the city. They were followed by th Sen-1 galeae, who thought that an order for a general retreat had been given. This movement uncovered the bluejackets who, j however, continued to hold their ground, j W nil part of th enemy advanced on ' Dixmude by th Esaen and Keyen roads ' left open to them, th rest cam at th double quick tor the aallors. Faced by th Trusslan guard they wer In danger I of being surrounded. Undaunted, how ever, they dashed with the bayonet upon the Germans, but were overwhelmed by numbers and beaten back to th trenches. Asked to surrender, they replied In the words credited to General Cambronne at Waterloo, when In similar circumstance he aald: "Th guard dies, but never surrenders." Alllea Abandon City. For several hour they held off th Germans, who wer four tlmea a, nu merous, charging their ranks every time they came too near. - Towards evening they were obliged to retire, alnce their only mean of -re treat, th bridge connecting th city with tho country waa about destroyed. They crossed the bridge under an aval anche of bullet with such magnificent heroism that the Prussian officers after wards freely expressed their admiration. Th fighting was resUaied with terrific violence in th streets, the bluejacket dafendlng each heap of rubbish that had been a house, but finally retreating across th Tser. .0 AG3 LrvlUV 1 Final November Cleanop ef every Piano ea cur fhers to make room for Christas stock now arriving. Don't wait one misnte. You need a Piano. BUY N 0 17 PAY LATE1B Save $100 to $150 Come early and make a good selection from the World's Best New and Used Pianos. Steinway & Sons, Weber, Hardman, , Steger & Sons, - Emerson, McPhail, Lindeman Ac Sons, Schmoller & Mueller, and many other well known makes. Look at these bargains in exchanged Pianos: . "iOW 1300 Decker Upright SlOO 350 Eaddison Upright H 1 78 $500 Steger & Sons Upright $275 $300 Davit- A Son Upright S150 $400 Stanler & Sons Upright.... 55250 $300 Schmoller & Mueller Upright ! 5150 $300 Emerson Upright .$ 75 NOW $350 Schmoller & Mueller Upright. $ iir $550 Hardman Upright 1375 $400 Steger & Sons Upright. .... .S I JO $250 Haxleton Upright $ b- $350 Emerson Upright 165 $800 A. B. Chase Grand. ....... .$275 $1,100 Steinway Grand $450 Free Stool, Scarf Terms as Low as $5 a Month or $1 a Week: Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam Streot Tae laa aad Iara;e, Ptaa Hews Isj the West. Establish 1W6. TEUONS EESUME ADVANCE AT TWO POINTS IN EAST (Continued from Pag On.) kens, with '.he occupation ot , Valjevo after a stubborn battle. Par's declares officially that conditions are stationary along the western battle front, but special dispatches set forth that there has been heavy fighting around Yprca and renewed attempts by th Qer man to cross th Yser between Nleuport and Ypre. Th actual situation In Cracow la be coming on of th many enigma of the war. On report ha th Russians actually investing the town, which Is de-. clared to be In f)ama, whll several re port have reached London that the Ger mans have left the defense ot Cracow to th AuaUlans, who In their turn are ex pected to surrender rather than have the city bombarded. Tha latest report from Petrograd, however, declar that tha Oer- l man force have rejoined th Auatrlan garrison In th defense of th Cracow fortress, which some expert pronounce to be th key to th easiest road Into tha nrovlnc of Pilosis. n Loadoa SklpplasT Circles Worried. tendon shipping circle are coinewhat worried by a report that th German converted cruiser, Berlin. I attempting to esrap from th North sea and to take up the career of a commerce destroyer In th Atlantic, but a th Berlin I only a Hghteen-knot boat It la believed more likely that It I acting a a guard ahtp to a submarine flotilla. The prince of Walra Is now at the front, but aoma dis agreement exists aa to tha probable length of hla stay. On report declare that he went to eaoort home th body ot the late Karl Huberts, while other agree that lie la going out to bocom a member Miss Gordon Heads NationalW. C. T. U. ATLANTA. Ua.. Nov. 17,-MUs Anna A. Oordon of Evanston, 111., today was elected president of the Women's Chris tian Temperance L'nlon at It general convention her. L. I triL'm mi Aiu wwww 'i i n i w huh wit v v Y jF m ! V. I KING .BEDDED- Gives the Word ON ALL .OUR 9 Commencing tomorrow we will sell every Lady's Suit In the bouse on credit at One-Third Off former price. No execep. tlons and no restrictions. Notwithstanding this reduction no early in the aeasou we will be glad to extend our . usual credit accommodation. Pay us only f 1.00 week. Ml f M -e huhejej The World's Greatest Credit Clothier, KIT DOUGLAS STREET. ECZEMAoTtcIS Use lUam'hard'a tema Lotion o Taara oi & Karkat. . - -. . Brno Oo Vapply Drag Store , Write for fre Booklet describing gXIK OIBXAgCS and their CAUSES. Address Prof. J. U. Hlanchard. Is 11 Cot tage Urov Ave.. Chicago. $2 CARBON CAfoP lAn Have received great rumber rt Carbon Camp Lamps that I will aell at auc Better get In on thle-lhey won't last lung at that price Your a for Ot cenla. ..amis are highly nh kel plated and i handy artV' at all times. BEN RE1NSCHRE1BER & SON, omocxauzs. gait Leavenworth St. Kaxaey 60. AMVSEME.NTS. AMI IBMEXTI. ,t3VivVaV raon on U M - AXVAVCD TAHBETIW.", . Li..i.y jltiiue. Nignt. mIS- I Thfc fk; "Matlme Olrln", Lot aUrrtll A , Frank One Francis McUlna, Frank WiIks. 1 Uraut A Hoac. Flag a Flo a. OormKr A Cl- frrr. Orprwum Trrl Waaklr. PrlcMt MatlDM. Oalvry. IOc; hn aeaU ( r4 CiI.xIit a4 8iw4ay, lac i aibuw 10d -. hOa ana lar. . Why Va Bheald l a hassberlnla's Ceatn Reaaedr. . Because It haa aa eatabllahed reputa tion won by It good worka Becaua It la rooat esteemed by thve who have used It for many years, as occasion required, and are beat ac quainted with it good qualltlta, 11 cause It loosen and relieve a cold and aid nature In ratorlng th aysura to a aaithy condition. Becaua It due aot contala opium or any other narcotic . . I m Wilkin -. .V. .... I MV.mW w w. 111. iwu VI It. 1 It only . costs a quarter. . Obtainable 1 everywhere. Advertisement. I buy tha aaru quality of eua- terial, the beat, for uae In suy eat ing place a 1 uae, la my home. No matter what you pay lewher you sire not getting better, and seldom aa good food aa you will get at Th Pur Food Sign. Qaickserv Cafeteria llavaemont City Natl Bank BldAU Or tloaioa Lunch. SIB Houtn IOU St. 1 tMI iiuugla 8L. 14UM Faro am eM. at Cut Prlcos SPECIALTV Lump and Nut. per ton.... 75 CHEItOKEK NVT Genuine, per ton.... 84. 75 NOVIXCKIl Fancy Lump, per ton . .... 85.50 ILLINOIS Lump and and Nut, per ton.... 96. 00 RADIANT KrankllB Co., per ton S0.50 S1VAD1LV Hard Coal for furnace uae, per ton 80.00 ROSENBLATT Cut Price Coal Co. 1223 Nicholas. Tel. D. 530. Toniskl " w Matlnaea iundar. ThuraSaj. I?lrila EVA LANG CHAS. MILLER An Aaaetiata r-lmra lu "THE TYPHOON. ' frleaa tie an4 Ua Week f TTmbr a, "fta Feathera." REDPATH SERIES NO. 0 . HON. FRANK J. CANNON AtrDiroKirrac TO-anoatT 10, IS, 80 tenia to noldeis of inember shls. Iteaerv aeat at Box Offlc. Today. Als Cr4 Season aeraua Tat - Available. AMERICAN DOUG. 1476 Te-alght. Matlaaea. Tae. Tbo, gv The Woodward stock Oa, Ft eating a. AAe'e Fo BaU Oomaay, ,H- CLLsiae WIUuW" afsst Week I -Th UttUat maL ltet Apyeaiaa ef Btx. wara I.yaea, rrioea, SS aag SO. BRANDEIS T0T-i2o I.AST TThTH MY BEST GIRL w0iu!t? AMD H. T. CObEPASTT OT T8. Mau. ascto gHalTa.. 8 tu 1.60. Pay, gov. 19, go, ai, xatiaea Saturday r ,li mmmmam m t Trtday Tg. Verformaao Sold Ont f-T Dp THEATRE ' lata eaa Vara ay, TO DAT ' JSSSB b ZOJIKT and Fraseata TaTTJaaDAT BOWAJtD ABSX.ES la Jaaaea Montgomery' ZataraaUoaal Buooesa "READY MONEY" Frlflay "TBI htAST FKOM KOX2." ' "OatAHa-JB 0 OEaTTBS" ( " PAT WHITE and IKE BI3 J3BIIXE Just laughter. Kun. Light. Color, Oayetf and l'raity Ulrls. "funics'' that you'i tollow ltli harness. LASXia' OZ1CB MAT. WZXK BATS 4! i: Torpin's Dancing Acadeny 28th and Farnara Sts. i; v N.a rlana fop baainnara next Uaaa, and Thursday, t a. m. Advaaead elaa -a i Kw claaa tor beginner next Monday and Thuraday. I a. m. Advaacad class Tueauaya, a p.. m. up-to-date aancea are atauaaraisad ana easy to laaro. irrWat laa Daily. AasMhly Beat Saturday Bveaiag. aaaaiT aiad.