It Tin: ni;K: omaiia. Wednesday, November in, idh. Little Did Jeff Dream that Mutt Was So Atrocious n:- Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher YOU l'N A UHDriefcfcTED M1' ''lUf' ' - ' V-t GUY 3'nv GONA TrVcfc N VCe .TtVl ST' T" sA aiT I .. ' Vj. 150T - -C.qU.t. : :;! fe ' ; 3 ' !ow. J III To, ' ',iw,1 ! mutt. Foa.TnG ,1 , : ri ik,;- ' fefk " II : ' -fii-'' wJ ' " ' ,,' ' - vyvi- I .W ....-r rr I,, ... .. . .,. m. ftKt v tTMtMniiH-ijyfryS:!1 . , - - HUSKER :ASK HARYARD GAME Want ?ot-Seaion Conteit for Belief of the Belgiam. STIEHM INST2TTCTED TO WIRE lorabaelirr Team WIJI Leave' Tbiri Amy NlaM fur edr Rapid to FteaaalK, There l atll (iiai wllk llawkcyes. LINCOLN, Nov, n.-(i"rrlal Telegram.) Nctrraska la angling for a bigger port r fn game than Illinois, thn western conference champona. The NebraBha athletic board . InntnintKl Coach .lumbo Stlehm to wlr the llarvLrd foot bull au tborltlea ujgoting a mtnia btwten No braika and liart-ofd,' tho proceAla to b applied to the relief of the Belgian. Sttehm U waiting for the apprpval of Chancellor Avery before ndlng thle tel egram, but It U reportd unofficially that the chancellor ha already aald he will not atand .in the way of a game with either Illinois or Harvard. Ktlehm a telo cram will not be a challenge, biir-wlil merely euggfM that Nenraka would like to play Harvard, profiling the Huakera defeat Iowa next huturday . and aecure the consent o the Missouri valley author It lea to a pont-aeaaon game. No auggertlon will lie made whore the game will be played,, but preaumably New Tork City would land It. Providing the Harvard authorltlea do not aee fit to accept the Nebraaka offer there if no doubt but the Nebraaka management will make a challenge to Illinois fur a poat eeaaon game. . The Nebraaka squad, which leave Lin coln Thureday night for Cedar Kaplda, la., where It .will remain until the. day of the game-with Iowa,, .went through a short scrimmage tonlst.' Not all of, the regulars were "t and HUehm. wa con tent to let the men loaf, although he. has ordered a long acrlmmag Xor Wednes day and, Thursday .ntghta. The bualneaa men of Uncoln enter tained the Huakera' at a luncheon at the Commercial club today and completed arrangements for a large delegation of bualness men to accompany the team to Iowa City. . The athletic board , also paaaed regula tions aeklng students not to attempt to bum" their way to Iowa- The cadet and will be takea along on the excur sion. , SQUASH PLAYERS ARE TAKING INTEREST IN GAME Squash players at the Omaha club are iinnin ta hold a tournament within the next two or three weeks. Blnce the ad- eni vi wraor wwmv, . -...t. nivra hm Koen srraatly Increased and all are anxious to teafthetr proweas U a bona., fide tournament. The moat prominent of the squash players are Pnlke Kennedy, John Madden, Ward Bur- geaa, Lawrence Brlnker and Jim Ken nedy. Hinkey Gives Yale Team Signal Drill NEW HAVEN. Nav. W.-Coach Hinkey today gave the Tale foot ball team an hour's signal drill, followed by sharp practice In tackling the "dummy," In preparation for the Harvard game on Saturday. All the players who started against Princeton were in the line with the exception of Btlllmaa, who has a lama ankle. Tonight 1.100 undergraduates held a musing celebration over the defeat of Princeton. Prof. William Howard Tsft was given a serenade and he made a brief speech, expressing hope for a Yale victory. Mahan of Harvard Drop-Kicking for a Goa Th Etcro cl th Town 't -? Sa e All-Star Teams ; Play Game to Tie ronTEIWILE..Cal. Nov. 17.-Reveral small boys were hurt, one severely, when the roof of a dreaslng room at the ball park here collapsed today while the tour ing American and National All-Btar teams were playing. ' Darkness ended the con- teat In the tenth Inning. Score: RILE. Americana t 10 i nationals . 6 10 .1 Batterlea: Americana. Ituah and Ifonrv. McAvey; Nationals. Tearoau and Kllitfer. SLOAN AND BATCHELDER LOOK OVER NEW SPEEDWAY J. A. Bloan, manager for a string of automobile racers. Including Bob . Bur nam, Louis Diabraw and Kddle Hearne. was In Omaha Tuesday to give the Omaha epeedway the once over. Bloan expreaaed himself as very agreeably surprised and declared that the track would be much faater than the Indianapolis track. He asserts Prince la building a neat track and that Omaha should startle the auto mobile world next year when the first race Is held. Mogy Bernstein took A. O. Batchhelder. secretary of the , American Automobile association and chairman of the ex ecutive board, out to the track. Batch helder la the man behind the Ihmn. in the American association, from which the Omaha Speedway company must ob tain official sanction before the big race drivers of the country will work here. CARDINALS WILL TRAIN NEAR SAN A.NT0NIO, TEXAS KT. LOtUK. Nor. lT.-The Bt. Louis Nationals will train next spring at Hot Wells. Tex., a suburb of Ran Antonio, it was announced today by Schuyler Brit ton, president of the club. Four exhibition games with the Cleve land Americans, who will train at Pan Antonio, have been scheduled. President Brttton said he had come to terms with Miller Hugglns, manager of the team last season, and that Huggtna 'would alga a contract to manage next season. I k A ' j. -V' -.i - ' - - , -1 1 I .. Si-. i aaa ii ismiui jp ili n ssaswUI .B( ai jsbbu ( Or JW-XjHAXloi MlM iiSCfe'V'S.tQt. This picture shows a plsy In the recent clash between Princeton and Harvard, In which the Crimson, warriors crushed the Tiger cohorts in brilliant fashion. Thirty-Six 'Prairia Parkers Play Whist ASKS JDSTICEFpR FED MEN FulU Sayi Players Should Be Taken Into Fold in Case of Peace. MERCY FOB -PACT JUMPEBS Thlaks TsTe.y Bhoald Be (iivea Con. alderatlea it Oatlaw Maojaatea Are Wrlcoanea lata Or- ' aalaed Bait. NEW TORK. Nov. 17. Peace between Organised . base ball and the Federal full membership In the Base Ball P'y-1 L.feilr and UitUnger. 2; King and SCHMIDT AND FITZGERALD SIGN WITHTH KAWFEDS ST. LOrig, Nor. 17.Wa!ter Ckhmldt, catcher, and Joe riUgerald, outfielder, Ut ol the Ban Francisco Pacirto Coast teain. have signed with the Kansas City I V'fH.f . 111 B.MHlln I n a. v. u . trlbuted to President Madden of the Kan- km , 'if v .liih In an ift.raMn nmr Madden Is also quoted as saying that COCHRAN IS ELECTED Manager Etovall of the Kansas City Fed erals has secured three major league players who are spending the winter on the Pacific coast. . ere fraternity of all Federal league players who were members previously, except contract JumVers, It wss stated tonight by David U Kults, president of the fraternity. Moreover, the frternlty would oppose any attempt lo discipline players who have gone to the Fedora! league without violating contracta, and It was felt that even those who had Jumped their contracta should be dealt with leniently, he said. "In the peace negotiations between Or ganised base ball and the .Federal league." said President Fults, "much has been said about taking care of the Fed eral league magnates, but little about taking care of the Federal league play ers. Should the Federal league be taken Into Organised ball, the Immediate effect of such a move would be to restore auto matically to full membership In tho Base Ball Players' fraternity all Federal league payers who' were members .previously, except the eight or ten contract Jumpers. "Hundreds of players, both In the Fed eral league and Organised ball, are undor long term contracts which contain no re. lease clause. Any peace negotiations, therefore, which Ignore these contracts will necessarily fall short of their pur pose, as the fraternity and the public will insist that all contracts be carried out" In regard to contract jumpers, Fultx said: . "The magnates should remember that fog every player who has Jumped a con tract has been a magnate,' an older and more experienced man. who has In duced blm to do so. If these magnates are to be purged of all alleged guilt and welcomed Into. Organised ball, it la hard to see why the players should not be ac corded the same treatment" Thirty-six players In pair play at the Prairie Park Whlat club made the follow ing scores: Eant and West Winners: Ellis and Martin, 8-; Nelaon and McCann. 6; HcKthol and Klckier, 4V Drey fuss and HurnK, S-. Loaera: Benjamin and Mc Nutt, 's: Stewart and Conley, 3H; Bruce and Abbott. 3'i; Rowland and Price, 8Vi; lions and Jeffera, Vi North and South Winner? Lucke ad Buck, 12; Lewis and 8gur, 1H; Haynea Pardnn. . Ioaers: Koier and llartwell. Morr a and Wood, lu?a; Kuasell and Wilson, liH- Roger Bresnahan Will Stay in Chicago . CHICAGO. NOV. 17. Roger Bresnahan announced today that two deals regarding- his future- one by which he would have become manager of the Brooklyn' Federals and another by which he hoped, to . own the - Cleveland association franchise and transfer It to Toledo,' are off.. He Is now,' he said, "just catcher of, th? Chicago . Nationals." . As for .rumors that he might succeed Henry O'Day as Cub manager, Bresna han said - he had f not conferred . with President Thomas. , Bee Want Ada 'Are the Best Buslne Boosters. . t . . - ... RAILROAD MEN WJLL ' START BOWLING LEAGUE The railroad paraencer. men are .or ganising a bowling league, Harpr Shields of the Wabash being the prime mover In putting the organisation on Its feet The league wjll be made up of Jour, teams of four. men each and will probably play Its first games ntxt'week. "Alleys to be used have not been determined upon. I Prince of Wales Off To Front; Joins the " Staff ofGen. French . LONDON, Nov. 17. The prince of Wales crossod the channel last night from Folkestone to Boulogne on his way to the front. i t The prince was dressed la a military vniform and unostentatiously departed in an ordinary cross-channel mall packet boat, the Onward. He has joined the start of .Field Marshal Sir John French. The news that the heir to the throne had been. permitted to carry out the royal tradition as an army leader has been re ceived with great . satisfaction by the newspapers, which express the belief that It will . stimulate recruiting. A dispatch from Boulogne to the Daily Chronicle says: , "The arrival of the prince of Wales here was the signal for an enthusiastic demonstration, by the British and French troops gathered on the waterfront Sev eral tralnloads of wounded alongside the quay joined In, the cheering. The prince shook hands with' many of the wounded." AMERICAN AUTHORESS TO MARRY FRENCH EDITOR PARIS. Nov. 17. The bethrothal was announced In Paris today of Bessie Van Vorst, the American authoress, ' and Hughes Lcroux, one of .the . editors, of LeMatln.' The wedding wilt' take prace December 26. ' ' . ' . . . . The Want Ad' Columns of The Bee Are Read Daily by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. TURKS LOSE HEAVILY IN DARDANELLES SHELLING LONDON,' Nov. ' 17. A ''dispatch to the Exchange ' Telegraph company front Athens says: "The -Turks lost 250 men and two guns destroyed In ' the , bombardment of the forts of the Dardanelles. - "The. former German cruisers Goeben and. Breslau,, which now fly the Turkish flag, have re-entered the Bosphorus." Get Acquainted with these OVERCOAT BARGAINS , Ccse ia and let us intro duce yoa to oar new assort Best of men's suits and over coats. Ttej're tie greatest Takes yoa ever met and we &3 not think that yoa cm af ford to purchase your winter outfit without first meeting liese sui &nd coats f ce to face, Lut do not put off call ing on us at once, as we are Laving lots cf visitors daily who are cleojing some of the lest garments we Lave. Suppose yoa make it a point to come ia tomorrow? Bamming, -Kkt & Co. , Clio. T. WII.MIV, Mauser Flgkt Drswy. JUAREZ. Mexico. Nov. IS. Benny Cha ves of Uenver and Han tieimont of Mempnia. usniweisnta, fought twenty rounds to a draw here this afternoon. r CAPTAIN OF MICHIGAN ' ANN ARBOR, illch.. Nov. 17 William D. Cochran of Houghton, . Mich., was elected captain of the IMS foot ball eleven of the I'ntverslty of Michigan this after Boon. He played right, tackle this eea- ! son. Cochran Is a junior and Is taking- the pharmacy course. 1 ' 11 ' taaar4 Oil Uaaat, MICA AXI.K ORBA8K. lot. ltd. M Tot Planiondon l.o 144 I.J Ixirothy ...HT 1 147 S Baum K lal 11 4V0 Totals ;....7 411 I"OUARlNK Al'TO Oil mi. 14. M. Tot. Johansea ..13 1 'J lb 471 itnnmson ..114 ta 14 4j3 Cain ........Ul M l M Totals ..'.. 41 1391 PERFECTION OIL. 1st. Id. 4fTot Cross in pa 144 -3 Gllniore ...1 1 if 4.1 Kiln 1.4 l- 14 4-a byreue 14 14 h j Tola's l?i H'i Vut ' OtOWX C.AH-L1SE tif 2d. d. Tat Johr.ftO i Alli-.naa I'.iiiy ... Jones ... ...14 ...111 i:4 ..s ici m Ii4 44 Totals ....S97 aoo tiff 17M lauarclal lsvome. BRODKOAARD ruuWKa 1U IX. M. Tot. lau 1M 111 ! i i iiiKftfU .,.1 ltf 117 u mine . Ktdson Jaroah .171 H7 1 ..14 140 I'll ..17 ill 177 4-tt 4 V. 675 ' Total ....rj 57 Ki fcJ OMAHA EAGLES. . Irt. M. M. Tot Moyna IV. 1H4 m fcts Straw 1J vi )-; 41? Hxitipel ,...1IS 149 V,i 41 Cellar lit 16 1U txo UU-a 1 Z lbl Totals Rl Hi tl t'alraaetat Creasaerr Leage. - 1EUCIA. lt. Id. d. Tot. Bohringer .13 IK HI Heraer . ...142 H . (.'. lleas ) 16 1U 44? Kavase 1S 1.4 IH i l birew ia U7 lit n Totals ....Tot Tit M Ms BbTTllR BUTTtR. 1st M. 1 Tot. Prolth ....1M 144 141 4S Cunoelly ...1U Irf Hi t,1 Htraw 1' lit M 117 Mrmw l.Sa 1 tzi Gaaaer .... lfci . 4C TvtaU .rta wz aa m FA RX'R. lt. Id. lxj 147 Quinlan ....144 1 Haveronek .l.'J 1n iika MA 1 bland ut is! Sd. Tot. 144 47) 1M r,n l.H 44 14 Uii 4 Totala ....7 7B 747 XXI I'UKITAN HRiUUKRS . Int. Id. d Tot. "aormi ...,j4 vat lis 36 1 nnatenaen rs 117 Mouiman ..113 1 Kiand i;n 1 jo Uilday 151 ji Totala l.J 4 7 iau s;s 16 ..! 1 4.S Cavett HeiUt .. Apel ... KluinMl Snyder . 71 1IAIEM. lt. J.1. lis Ul .....111 140 .....1:4 110 ....ia 1.A 141 14 71a Ha d. Tot. II U 141 at 141 7 S6 8.4 41t Totals ....441 til 111 UiJ . LJQUIU UU. lt W. ad. Tt Oibsoa l 1M ls4 Sj Mhrock M0 13 l?t 4iH htraw Ill H , Nalson 17 1!4 13 -7 IWrtweU ..-! 1M 1U 4 Tutala '....747 744 M tl P. A. makes men smoke hungry Just you get a whiff of "the national joy smoke' ' and it's dollars to dough nuts you beat it. 'cross lots to the nearest store that sells tobacco and stock up! ' The . flavor "and ' aroma of Prince Albert has got 'em all backed off the boards. It sure will hit the spot with you. Get the drift of that? - mix . AiiEir the national joy smoke Just does all that we say it will. do. It can't bite your tongue " and it can't parch your throat. All this is because P. A. is! made by a ; patented process that, cuts out, the bite! Why, this process has simply revolutionized - smoking tobacco. Prince Albert rolls up thejbuijiest . makin's cigarette you or any other " man ever smoked, i It. puts the jolt of j oy right into your system. v You can just do makln's". sunrise to sunset and have a lot of fun. Why, P. A. in a cigarette is abso- lutely a revelation. You go to it! Vy raaca Abert ryeAie; ae ik toppy rasf 4g, Set tidy rW tms,'10ei sstaa m pmmnd mmj kmlf-pmmnd kamiJort; (.v.v.v.X.v-X'Sk f X,X,:v'- ".-.:.X"X'X"X"X"XvX- . IXt vlvX5v.'a vyy.-tvw r:t::xr- f::xX:X - J mcyWmmmm J1 ? - I s::- :-x-:-:tt':!:!::Xx:x:x:x:xi-:-:'X-:-:x . . &WfX-PAV: - Til . . i- . . vr- 4h,J-?t yyy . iHmm - v. Ay:? Jf si S ttj.S.-. lyyyk - rNx) fy&- yyyyyyyyyyyyy- ' rv fV VA:x-.::x:::::::xk::;: S.H R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CoT : r-7 Wiajtoa-SjJem, N. f, W