Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1914, Image 2

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ONE OF THE BRITISH MONITORS which forced the Germans to abandon the coast
plan of campaism in Belgium and France. The photo was taken in one of the coast ports
of Belgium or France, the name being deleted by the censor.
Fur Trimmed Suits
Dame Fashion looks upon fur trim
med suits with great favor this sea
son. We are now showing fine fur
trimmed suits of broadcloth, gabar
dine, velvet and serge.
Exclusive Styles for
$35, $39.50 and $45
Stamped Linen Towels
An Ik-partment -Third I'lour.
Exceptionally ultra-me towels mumped with t lie latent de
plgns on pure lln'-n buck
Handsome Turkish towels stamper for rrenrh ktvot and
cross, st itch embroidery. fJOo, 6.V, 75c and Wl.oo.
Otneml- Carranza Announces that
He Will Resign in Tavor of
la Xot la I nlted states Hp An.
Protection lo Forelaaer
Ask Troop' Itfmiml.
the rlty of Agnus Calliiites un the meet
ing place and on October Hi Inst the mill
tary convention of Agon t'aliente met,
with rr rtitjtivr of nil the revolution-
Ut clmiiC'iilK.
I'liDirnllo. ftlecta President.
"ttuh .juently the assembly declared
Itielf to be the sorreitn power of ttm
republic u being the ii'iirwntnliini of
the jwviple In arms, that has fuliul't to
reconstitute the nationality. In vlrtno i
thereof th convention proceeded to elect
r. : " t ' " - " M
TTSC j - ' '
Btt.. 1 1 ap V j -UL T -x 'Jfc -j .1
: 5 ' IrV.
Oil and Gasoline Tanks Burn and
Threaten Snrroundint; Property.
Firemen Have n arrow Beae
W hen Rlveta mut rtecea of Iron
Are Hurled Throuah the
Air from the Korre.
Oil and gasoline to the value of about
$"IM nag dcfitroye.l yesterday hrn
the Standard oil tanks at T-enty-Mth
and IT etreet raucht fire from a paaalnit
locomotive. Three large tanks, to of
roa.1 ell nnd one of gasoline, eah
talnlnK about s.Ooo gallona, were de
stroyed. Smaller Lnnks attached to the
rumps were also destroyed. I . ,n 9- B- the blood purifier,
u k,. ,V- i,. j . ,, i la the greatest natural repair rrrw known.
A hen the fire reached the gasoline tank ,( n Bnfldote fnr gmB tnat ,,,
an explosion followed. The head of the . JooMt mtipi7 f,Bt that a deflnlta dls-
tank was blown almost a block. Polts ease Is apparent orer nlgbt. And Jet to
and rivets were scattered In tha air and ; powerful is the lnfluenre of S. 8. B. that
several Drople. Includlnr Chief of Police I Hke rast army It spreads all through
John Krigga and Officer Potach. bad
in Blood Disease
Juat the Help Needed to Over
come Worst Troubles.
narrow escapes. Totach sustained an
abrasion on the side of hi left chk.
I t. nam Zaloudek. son of Captain
Zaloudek, burned slightly about the face.
Tire Chief John Hasburg called out the
flie. reserves and diteoted the men to pro-
tect buildings and property adjoining the
oil tanks. The home of James Rupp, In
tho rear of the tanks, was heavily dam
aged by fire and water. Other property
about was Injured by smoke and water.
The timely order to move was all that
saved a number of firemen who were
standing near the head of the gasoline
tank when It blew out.
Heda and TMrar Want Dooiu.
the blood, checks disease, opens up a'l thu
valres of escape and throws out dlseasi
through tbe lunge, kidneys, bladder, bowels
and skin.
Vo not become panic stricken If a rtsh
or bolls or erupttons Inflame tbe skin,
Nature Is doing ber best but Nature Is at
the same time calling for help, and In
8. P. P. Is just the kind of help Nature
demand., for It Is a pure vepetahlc remedy
with an action that vigorously follows tbn
blood channels and cleans and repairs at
It goes along. In every community ar
people who know this to be true. They
htte nsed S. 8. H. and arc blood clean,
through and through.
Get a bottle of S. 9. 8. todsy at any
drttg store.' Drive out those destroctlT
germs that cause skin eruptions, sore throat,
swollen glands, blood risings, painful rheu.
tnatlc Joints, chronic bronchitis, and most
all condition-) of disease Hrad tbe foldei
Cincinnati and Pittsburgh are said to around tbe bottle that tells shout the great
h antllnK for the aervicea of -,rted" work being done to assist sufferers. If yon
lux. In, and the former manager of tne WOuld know more about the blood and Iti
Phillies will undoubtedly go to one of tr..mnt ele for snorts! honk tn Th.
Pwlft Specific Co., D2 Pwlft Bldg., Atlanta,
I tl ene teams. There Is lit t'o chance of
his being retained by tho I'hlllles. Ionln
i denies the stories that he Is flirting with
1 the Federal league.
'SAYS RAIDS AFE TIPPED OFF f French Official Report Says Germans
Along Yser Canal Are Repulsed
the provisional preiddent fif the
and I v us ties gnatex ty a miijor.ty
I the vote to held the office. In so pro- 1
reeding the convention has given espies- Des Moines Police Chief Takes Issue
-Ion to the purposes of the revolution and j wjtn Detective Bureau.
endeavored to demonstrate that no gov. I
ernment can subsist In Mexico unless It . . .
not notified Outlrret
hit favor at one.
will resign
emanates from the will of the people.
For the time of dictatorships, born of
.... 5Ll'.KT,,f',. . v'"lpnce nnd pereonal ambitions, has
WABHINQTON, No. Ivt'onipVte et- j,UM,.,t foiever
tlement of ll differences between the n the same democratic form and vole
Mexican faction. w88 indicated by a dls- j , ,hB , ,ntIlllpnt of th evolutionary
pateh today from Amrrxan a. nts at and rmng majority, the convention
Aguaa Callantes, saying Catransa h I a fontlnuinu- lis ork in f..em.,i..i- .,.
! program ot government, which my tro-
vls'onal administration must mmnlv mux
HacreUry Bryan announced lie had re- ! Rnd the reforms, which are to be brought
celved a telegram-from American Con- forward to accomplish the ends of the
ular Agent Canova, who hns b. en with revolutionary movement. It will also
tha Aguaa Callentea convention, saying: j appoint the day on which electlona will
"Everything between the rival Mexican I held to deilgnate the constitutional
faction baa been satisfactory arranged." powers of the republic.
WASHINGTON.!. ie.-Eul.1lo Gu-j Jl? '"l' ? Pr
tterr... formally notified th. Vn ted Bute. ""'re' 1 r:v. to
of bl. assumption of power a. provls.on.l, P ,a TJXtfTZZX'
president of Mexico and guaranteed pro- ,,,... ,h(
n.l A m.rii.n. . .w .11 lh.. tcr " llll' Bl UP
Two communication.
Merotid Trlnl of Dr. Kelly of f onncll
III. f fa will Tnke Plnre nt
Iowa tipltel on ( hsnr
of Mnriter.
I From a Staff Correspondent.)
IKS MOINKS. No. IS -(Special Tele
gram. ) -Chief of Pol'ce Crnwford tdnv
started something when he declHred pub
licly that members of the police force
are nng.ged In tipping off to Inw break
ers when raids are to be inado by the
He specially charged that disorderly
houses are being protected by persons on
tha official payroll. This la n part of the
fight between tha pol're department and
the detective force, and it In expected ln-
FARIH, Nov. lti.-The French official
announcement given out' In Paris this
afternoon pays that yesterday along the
Yf-cr canal between Nleuport and Dix-
"The forces of the enemy which en
deavored to crosB the canal between the
region of t)lxinule and Hlxschoolo all
were driven back beyond tha bridges. A
German regiment was completely de-
mude the fighting was limited to artillery stroyed at a point to the south of Blx-
j the i reforms that the revolution demands! terestlng revelations will he made.
...o scrupulous' guarantee the life and
I Dronertw of fn.i.nM t.
rBJ,,".,' Protection of our bo.u.t.iuv
from Gutlerrei
The formal notification of hia assumptlun
of off lea added that he sooi. would set
up bl. government In Mexico City and
seek to bring about peace. Tb other,
guaranteeing protection for foreigner
mad. no request for recognition by tb
United BUtaa.
mki raws, io co-opera, with -ua In the
aggrandlxmant of tha nation.
. WH Move ties lea C tt. .
"Th. new covernment la my charge will
mova to M.aleo City am) achtev th.
ImmedlaU . pacification of th country.
For beside, having reaacn,' right and pub.
Ila opinion oa It. aide. It will try to meet
th. just demand of all the Inhab'tanta of
me lano, though without sw.rvin.
Kate at batlarrea.
Outiarrea described In some detail the
Aguaa Callentna convention and how h. ' tb. performance of It. duties
cam to be chosen. H. also asked for the "In announcing to your excellency's
withdrawal of American ruree. rrom Vera' aovcrruiicnt the establishment of a new
Crug. III. message aald: regime In Mexico. 1 rely on the strong
"The republic has undergone In the last sympathies which th. honorable pre.N
few year, a terrible crisis, In which theJnt of your republic h. always shown
democratic Ideal, of government and the to the Mexican people and their Instltu
yearning of the people for justice and I tlona and I f.nd gratification In hoping
economical Improvement have triumphed thl th. good relation, that have united
and been vindicated. The last civil strife u with the powerful and civilised Amerl
anded with the overthrow of General' cn nation will subsist In the future and
llusrta's dictatorship and since the con-1 tht the force, of your govern ent will
Ututlonallst forces occupied th. capital ' vry on be withdrawn from 6ur pert of
of the republic, Kenor Carransa. assuming r, Crui; then will our relations be
charge of the executive power ad Interim, : Btn completely cordial and dose a.
It was thought en account of the prevail-! ,h,y r.U be desired between adjoining
la disagreement that the best way to ' peoi'le that aie brother by civilisation
tabllsh a government acceptable to all n rommor. ideals.'
waa to bold a national convention, where
al the militant factions should be re pre
anted. I
"After several conferences botween the
various chief. It was agreed to deslgnat.
ine message. was transmit ft-d to th.
president through Secretary Jry.n from
American Consular Agent Canova at
Agua. Calientet.
521, 533, 535 md up
IF you knew the sav
ing the general all
around a a t i a f action
v and comfort to be had
" in the wearing of Nicoll
ma ha ga menta you
would quickly divorce
yourself from the other
Nicoll'a Suita are tail,
ored with unusual care
in order thit they may
' reta n that air' of d aline- '
tion, which it soon loat
in lesa perfect clothe.
Special Overcoat val
uea week at $25,
$30 and $35.
Wo Jerrcms Sons
200-21 1 So. 15th St.
' 'Continued from Tags One.)
Kelly Trlnl A an In.
In district court a Jury was secured
nnd sworn In tho trial of Harry I. Kellv
of Council Bluffs and the court la ready
to take testimony for the state tomorrow
In the second trial for killing a bar
keeper. No new evidence Is to be Intro
Mra. Kdmund Bterslng, whose
was killed, will go on the stand this time
and the defense ha. some new witnesses
In the case. s.
Tho text of the communication follows:
"During the day of yesterday along the
Yser canal from Nleuport to the country
up the river from Dlxmude the fighting
was limited to artillery exchanges. Tho
Hermans, who endeavored to cross the
Yer canal between Dlxmude and Hlx
schoote, were driven hock and a (.ierninn
regiment was destroyed south of Bix
schoote. Two GerniHg attacks near Ypres
were repulsed and the French have taken
the offensive and driven the enemy from
Positions taken by them several day. ago.
On the remainder of the line there have
been artillery exchange, and engage
ments of relatively minor Importance.
"The country having been further in
undated the submerged territory now
stretches to the south of Dlxmude to a
point five kilometers (three miles) north
of Hlxschoote. '
gchoote. j
"To the southeast of Ypres two other
Gorman attacks were repulsed. On our;
part we have taken the offensive and
reconquered certain points of support
which the enemy some days ago sue-!
cecded in capturing. I
"Between the Lys and the Olse there!
have been only operations of minor lm-i
portance and partial progress made by
our advanced positions.
"In the region of the Alsne and In the
Champagne country there have been ar
tillery exchanges without result.
"In the Argonne the town of St. Hu
bert has again been attacked by the
Germans, but without success.
"In the region of St. Mllilol a surprise
attack undertaken by the enemy against
Apremont resulted In failure.
"There has been llttlo activity In the
German Guns Disable
British Warships
Off Belgian Coast
cording to Informal! n given officially
to the preea today reports reaching Ber
lin from Geneva set forth that U'e Bri
tish torpedo boat destroyer Fitlccin, the
cruiser Brilliant and the sloop-of-war
(Continued from Page One.)
not fur off. It I. vuggested that the
Austrian fcurrlson of Cracow might sur
render to avoid a bombardment, but this
can be called nothing more than a sug-
18. -(By Wireless ) Ac- geation.
Hessians 1 ntpoae Fines.
In Eusl Prusna the Russian forward
movement reams to continue, and It Is
said Ihut the Itussian generals are Im
posing on "the captured towns fine. In
gT4 irts
3w m . ,
f VA. 1 ' Ml m ;ii
V r m h 'J 7 ill
m urn
Smart Patterns
Needle -work
Mode on honor, modeled to fit. styled
for the man who takes pride in hit looks,
$1.00 and up. Just sjfc your dealer.
ZVjira? and tailored ta
Amerut orrmost Canton
Shtrl Shot by tin R.
He Donald pifz. Co, at
St, Joupk, JUutouri.
How to Correct Faulty JDiffefction
Rlnaldo have been disabled by German
guns on tha Belgian coast.
those iiVled by the Ger-
Belgium Practically
Is Without Fuel
AMSTERDAM, Nov. Iti. (Via London ) i
Tho question of a fuel supply In Bel-
glum Is becoming a desperote one. The
to Ci..ii Hawyer. governo? Mr
wyrr said be had been Informed of a
number of shipments made directly to
the suhtreasury In BL Xul. there to be
Placed t. the credit of the local hanks.
"We couldn't have ekcd for a loiter
opening," ha said.
"Financial Foarth of Jaly."
CHICAGO, Nov. l,Chlc.,o'. celebra
tion of what Paul AVarburg of the federal
reserve board rail a "financial Fourth
of July- w.. sedately observed In the
opening here of the federal reserve bank
of the seventh district.
The business of the day wa. confined
t tbe receipts of from the
member banks. There w.. no redlseouut-
home of the largest banks at th. meet
ing of the Chicago Clearing House i
c ation todsy announced that the Interest
wuuia r-e reduced next Wednesday
I to a-per rent and all other banks are
expected to follow. The decline In the
rate was .h.d to be due In ony .mail
1 Part to tho opening of the reserve t-nw
us money has l.-e. - '
some time.
- Deposits la Frlaro.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. I'ncr ienu
nlnusly the federal reserve bank for th
twclltii district swung open ila door In
temporary quarters at the appointed bour
today. Hoon after tho opening there was
deposited previously consigned
German authorities have iven rmis
sion to the Belgians to work '.he coal
mines, but horses and .nachliinry with
which to operate them are lacking. Per
mission also ha been granted to the
poor, but transportation facilities nro so
thoroughly disorganized that it :s al
most Impossible to distribute :t.
The report that the Germans had Is
sued a proclamation threatening to with
draw their permission for the distribution
proportion to
mans on Hie
fines correspond with the. population of
the town taken.
The British operations against the
Turk, bavo spread the conflagration to
the southern entrance of the Red Sea,
where Indian troops, assisted by a Brit
ish warship, have taken a Turkish fort
In the Caucasus the Russian, and the
1 Turks are still at grips, both sides claim-
elsewhere, the German losses certainly
have been superior to those of the
This explanation was brought forth by
the publication In the German press of a
statement to tho effect that the French
had been completely driven out of the
Argonne while the siege of Verdun wa
proceeding. Regarding the latter state
ment It is declared that the French are
advancing and that they are now five to
ten kilometer, (three to six miles) further
forward than they were a month ago-
Faulty digestion, flatulence, indlge..
j tion, dyspepsia and, in fact, almost
I all forms of stomach trouble are most
Invariably due to acidity nn1 lood fcr.
mentation. Drugs and medicines which
stimulate the digestive organs are prac
ttcally useless In these cases becaiis.
, they act only on the stomach and do not
I affect the cause of the troublo the
acidity and fermenting food. To in
tantly neutralise the acid and stop fer
mentation, many physicians and special.
' lets prescribe a teoppoonful of bisurated
magnesia, obtainable of all druggist, and
dispensaries, In a little water immediate
ly after meals or whenever pain Is felt,
Since tha discovery by an eminent spe
clallet of this remarkable property of
bisurated magnesia, it Is being adopted
as a standard antacid and food correc
tive in many hospital, as well a. by
many prominent medical men throughout
the world- Dyspeptics should always
keep bisurated magnesia handy as its
use Invariably insure painless, normal
digestion. Advertisement
It Never Fails
In any man, woman, child or baby who drinks It each
morning before brealdait. It contains the pure, lax
ative, corrective, salts of fruit the natural remedy
for billoutneu, constipation, indigestion, gallstones,
muddy complexion, lickheadsch, plies, etc It cures
by making pure blood, strong nerve, healthy tissue.
Metier taw Medicine, Pills ar Mineral Water
For Stomach, (.Ivor, Bowola, Kidneys
l per )r at your druggist or by m nil from us. '
T KW ART rOOD COnlH aeturltj alas. CHtCAa
WILMINGTON. Del.. Nov. 16,-The Na
tional Grange today selected the state of
cities of Belgium. These California as the moctlng place next
year. The city will be chosen later by
the executive committee. California won
over Maino by a vote of 42 to la W. N.
Cody of Mlddlebury, Vt., was elected a
member of the executive oommittee for
three years, defeating C. O. Rulne of
Missouri, a candidate for re-election.
The spy agitation in England again bas
flared up. Today all persons leaving
London for the continent must depart
from a deslgna;ed railroad station where
tho person and the baggage of every
traveler Is subjected to a search for mars
und drawings and anything else that
might be Intended for the Use of the
I.Ike Mege f Rrbastopel.
FARIS. Nov. IS. A semi-official
of supplies by relief agencies .f the Bel- r,IanaUoll of ll)e Fpcnc puBjlloB , tfM!
glims did not return to work was hae- , torett f ArgonM wa, glvon out , rar
less, although the military authorities
continue to uixe that th Industrial life
of the nation be resumed.
in their eiioits to rut off communica
tions between Holland and Ullum. the
Germans sre taking strong measures to ,
prevent automobiles from ruulnj the I
borders. Travelers are still Hrnult?d. j
howovr, to cross by trains.
this afternoon. It said:
"The fl&hting line has not changed per
ceptibly m the lost two month. Th
Trench and German trenches are sepa
rated at some points by a distance not
exceeding fifty yards. Infantry fire Is
constantly going on. while all tbe expedi
ents of siege operations are being utilised.
This siege resembles greatly thet of Be
bjstopol. Dally engagements occur, re
sult'ng sometimes in bending either the
French OP the fJ.rm.n tinea Hai'lt fn a
Safe in New York!-, be v
( for both opposing armies, but here, as
YORK, Nov. Iti. The American
Steamship Berwind
N h'W
stratnehlp Berwind
CEPAR FALLS, la.. Nov. 16 (Special
Telegram.) Vice President of the United
Stntes and Mrs. Marshall will arrive In
thta city Tursday, where the vice presi
dent will lecture in the evening. Both
will be banqueted and recelv distinctive
W. II. narle.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. R (Special
Telegram.) V.'. II. Ruyle, a well known
stock raiser and farmer of Gage county,
who lived six miles east of tbe city,
died In a local hospital today, aged S
years. lie had resided here for the last
thirty year.
W. S. rrjor.
NEWCASTLE. Ky.. Nuv. 16Judge W.
8. Pryor, for ninny vears chief Justice of
the state court of appeals and a widely
knomn figure in Kentucky, died at hia
.lBSBM.SBsa""V- ' BBSBkk
XVJunV. tamparatura 11 winter"
fclSTIAN; ' BitOttr-v GULFPORT
!:?, r.e "sre Interesting leeellty een be found In whleh te
;saenaa winter vaeatlen. There are many a hotel where aeeem..'
r.snedstlens mmn mm found meet all reaulremeniti rate, are rea.erf
ebl:Gelfln, Besting, Bathing, Sheeting ana Fishing. Magnlfl
;shll..reses. Threugheut th winter flewer bleenv In th tempera.
I'twre' et June. Lew round trip far. .'
Unaicallad train atTvlea from St. iLoufa la
Ys L'oulsvlllf V Nathvlllt Railroad
sirs rlsti:lltratur. rts. bauls.
lib-SSL ,P
ERRING, 0; f; av "
VVCWLU ,o!"m
I'ui.v .vl.iliinie, j.l.k-.Nigiit,
This tnk: "Mstliwe Olrls". Lnls M.rrlll a
FVank Utta. Fraud. SI d jinn. Krank Wilssa,
Gnat A Hotf, rinn a rino, Conniey a l'i-
t.ry. brpheura Tral Waxly.
Prlrw: MatlnM, Oslerr. 10a; bMt sou (ex-
eent Katurrfair and Susdarl. lie: DlshU. 10c, Saa.
home here today of ills Incident to old I ni
one of three vessels
i4a. saa'baa.ka, a
A Uttl Knadnn'a Catunhal Jelly plmed In
tb ao.lri wui brtnj iciiel. Your druLgl Muocy eack II It tU. kZX
in toe tub oi
Original and Oanulno
Doa't delay, t'u it st race. Its cooing, '
soothing, besfiag roct are woodcriul.
best It log otf can aM (or throat
csiarrh. cola, la brad, aaecstng !ry ralarth.
mi aoa, nohm bsJ. etc. iu Ouu.OUO tuba
ae bws ort. Writ lor I'lUOM tre
vpla, y.uut ll this spkwtaid
rewadr. Avl Uusfou sub.lilatss.
HOMSrON MfO. CO, Mlaapell.. Mkaa.
repotted having been captured by
French and Brlttxli w arships, whp h 1
taught them In the act of coaling the
German crulxr. Curlertthe, reached New
York today on It return trip front "ulh
I Ami .-lean ports. According to Its csp
' tain, the Kaiisi uhe Incident report is un
i true. From tin- time vt leaving N ;w
York till his return. Captain Kulkenberg
through 'express coniimnles by member 'ht4 ,m nien-of-wr. he said, except
banks throughout the district About ,om' Urlluh r vessels at Ulo Junel.-o.
ll.i'.CiM Is expected to be placed on de-
ixisit by the member banks during the
present week.
llvaey a ait Tag
for t roap.
Croup scares you. The loud, hoarse,
croury cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for Im
mediate relief. Tbe vary first doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will
master th. croup. It cuts th thick
mucus, clear away the phrlgm and
open up and easts the air passages.
Harold Berg, Mass. Mich., writes: "W
give Foley s Hattay sod Tar to our ihil
4rn for croup and It always acts
quickly." Ev.ry urer a frknd. Kor sal
by ail dealer very her. Advertise,
Prince Oscar Able
to Return to Front
Your Thanhsfliving Suit
Will Be Well Done II Made By
'1 oniftUl All Wfak
Matfiiasfw Fund-, Tharvday, ha.turdf
i nd Aaaer'at Hlay.r. u
' ITIm a, and Ms
Wk of STovambar at, Tta waUra."
BblRLIN, Nov. 16. (By Wlieless.)
Prince Oscar, the fifth son or Kmperor
William, who has recuperated from a re
cent attack of heart trouble. Is returning
to the general staff headquarters today
for duty in th field.
Pres dlsratihcs received in Berlin de
scribe the proclamation st Constantlnoplo
of a holy war as arousing great enthus
iasm in the Turk.xh capital.
The new divpaicbea say It is cxpei-fed
tn Constantinople that tbe Moslems in. 11
countries will wake common cause villi
Turkey la tbe war, '
lied path Series No, S
AVDXTOaVZTrM, wot. la
10, 16. M cents to holders of member
klilps. Reserve seats at Box
Office, Nov. It at a. m.
Also Ooo4 Besaon Kssarvatloas Tat
.'Ar-yy.y ygVATaW (1
1512i Dodge Street
'The Llllle Talltr Shop With the Big Values
To-sight. Metis, Taa. Tna Bat.
Tb Woodward atoek Co., rreseaUaa;
0o. Ale's foot Ball Ooaa4y,
Vast Wk "Toe XdtUeet tebeL"
rtrst Appaaraace of sax. Id war Cyaah.
rriM. aae a4 aoc
"He Fell in Lot Nith Hia Wife'
E. P. Roe's Book Dramatised
rrloesl 89c, 60a, and 75c yew at tl.0O,
Bays. Tov. ia. ao, 81, acatlns Batorda)
lot Trtday vg. rrformaao Beia Out
Dafly Mat., 15-99. SOe,
Svg, le-a&-60-7e.
"Omabt a rtrn enrrssv
yo,uX' PAT WHiTt
and THE BI3 JUBILEE tf.'E'&tu
Just Laughter, Fun, Light, Color, Gayety
and Pretty Girls. "Ponies' that you'll
follow with harness.
XADISa DIMSl MAT. wui batb
lBtk aaa Isn.T.
""".'St. Elmo"
By Aognsta Xvaas Xa Bis Btssls.
Ttafw Edward AttlM, Vdy ktoasy
Turpin'j Dancing Academy 2Bth and Farnam St.,
rl.u far h.rlnii.r. next Mondav and Thursday, I P.
I Tvesoay. p. m. L'p-lo-dal dances ar tandrdned and
1 Vitvate IBoaa PaUy. Assambly Bast Bataraay Bvaiag.
Advanced rlt
fusy to leara)