Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    ft 'A
Scottish Kite Orders to Complete
' Program with Formal Dedica-
' tion of Temple.
Orrt Tare. Hanare Will lie !-
Secret Wrk ft as Or4vr, wltk
' riM tmlm m4 HI Baa
ajaei Tkrar Evt,
Sell Dolls to Help Swell German Belief Fund
All last week the members of the ordrt
ef Srottlsh. Kite Hunna played the part
oT hftst to the othf r Masons of Omaha.
Nebraska and Iowa. The occasion was
th completion of and the throwing open
to', lnepeotlon nnd use the new Scottish
rt! cathedral at Twentieth and Iougla
streets, ererted and furniahed at a cost of
setae- tFW.twj '
Each evenlnf last wek a reception wag
ke44 In the cathedral and each evening
orrvs particular nranun vi Aimnrf wvi
faulted. The Invitation met with a gen
ereus response and during; the period
there waa not a time when the cathedral
not comfortably filled with Masons!
and member of their families. With the;
reception there' were dance, rnuslcalesj
anil banquet, and everything waa o en-1
Joj'abl . that the week will be .ong re
membered In Masonic rlrcle of Nebraska
and Iowa.
; ! f rowrwlaat Ket Tail Week.
Jlowever, the function of laat week
war Only Incidental to the crowning
vant ef thla week the dedication of thel
catltodrai, something that I to brlug to
OrhaHa Jarga number of Masons of the
cotrtitry, many of whom are expected to
bej present from distant (late.
Th dedication of a Scottish IUte Ma
aofile, cathedral is an event that doe not
efcur' every year, - and all Bootllah Rite
atiaonft know fuir well that the services
artvso impressive, and at th sam time
o! fceaiotlfui. that they cannot afford to
tnfsa tb opportunity.
TtU only will, the cathedral be dedicated
tstsweek. bat there will be dona vat
"TT " : .I l B-tlfully. dressed big doll, given by
. KM degree. Indications now ara that' , .
ther will be a. class of from 300 to ly0 '.yor and Mr. Jame, c. Luhlman. Gov.
to; be. Initiated.., The class for Initiation "'"H" nl Mrs. John 11, Morehead and organised atth cathedral at 8 other prominent people were among the
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Mid-Term Schednle at Uniyersity of I He Opens a Special Deiirrry Letter j AdYISQ fi!0t!ir'S FnCfid
Omaha to last Through Week.
and Substitute- Bad Check.
Immanael BapIlM t bnrrh tn Vt
eat Kketrh I flctinol firm
naaiant aorletle Plan'
Jadse Vllt Vrmn eatenrc Monday
Jfornlna Letter Mad Urea 111.
reeted to Mr. M. J. Meaner
at a l ocal llottl.
Ift to Itlght Mrs. Reglena FlnUe. Mr . Adolph nrandm, Mr, r. C. Rumohr.
e'slook - Monday morning. At 10 there
wl be a fctialaess cession and atl o'clock,
harj. the coriferrlng of the degree will
begin, continuing until S In the afternoon.
During thp hour there will be work
16 11 of th degrees from the fourth to
. the" fourteenth. Inclusive.. The lodge room
WprX hAwever, will not b finished much
fcePora 7 o'clock.
v' f rea)Bla in Kreailag.
'.rromptly at I 'i o'clock In the evening
-,tr cerempnle . of dedication will begin
In' the auditorlurw on the second floor of
the cathedral. Only Masons of the Scot
tll Rite ; branch ' wUl b admitted. In
fant, ith dedication and the eeremonlea
connected therewith will be held as secret
to tile outside world a i the lodge room
' work;. : . i ;
At -the dedication .Frank '('. Patton', K.
C." C. . H.. will preside and after he make
a anort speech there 'will bo music, fol
lowed' by th ' Invocation , .by ' Bisnoa
' Beecher ,of th Episcopal dloca of weat
er Kebrmska. This will ba followed by
the add'rwa of James R. Cam, Jr.. who
will talk om th -Moaning, of Masonry."
1 tn turn will be followed by Carl B.
Starring, who will spqaJc on th "Meaning
of the Building."
The dedicatory address will be by
Henry" Clark -Alverton. grand Inspecto''
gener!., This will be followed by the
tlnglng. of America, the benediction clo.
. leg the .enerclae. . . .
'. There - will- b an abundance of nuislo,
for between -the speaking numbers on th
piogram there will b vil and Instru
mental aeleoUona.
MaV. H'r. rbll NIkM.
Masonfa cathedra when once dedicated
ar4 selOom. If avr. afterward open to
the public. Tb Scottish- Kit Masons
vt Omaha are considering th advlHablN
Ity of breaking away from the old rule
and glvmg all Omahan an opportunity
of seeing the Interior of th xathedral
here, 'wfcleh 'by thos who have vlltet
th bullying during th lat week,- a
sen that It Is ne of the'most beautiful
and rt appointed that has ever been
erected. .,
If the1 building Is open to the public,
it Is prCbabls that the dut will be next
faturday evening.
The; candidates who have pawed
through 'other brsnche of Mssonry and
bav been recommended for th BcoUlh
Kit degree are going to be kept busy
durlnf the.ebbJlng week, for besides th
sn' dfiree conferred Monday, three
will be Conferred Tuesday, four Wednes
day 'ind two Thursday, thta bringing
them uf to and Including the thirty
1 seooand .dogree Having taken the de
rreoa, those - who - stand th ordeal and
pta are Scottish IUU Mason.
By those who know, It 1 said that the
read travelled In reaching th pinnacle.
I a' hard on, but lhr ar frequent
roiUnl spots and there to never a deslr
to .turn ck.
Th final avaslon of the Scottish Rita
Mer. beld Thumday. will terminal
w Ifo a banquet spread In th ImmcnM
baiAut had of th cathedral In th eve
nine, 'wber "provision will be mad for
feeding not leas than 1.000 people. Vi
many uaeful or attractive thing for sain
at the fair given' Saturday afternoon and
evening at th German homo on South
Thirteenth atrret by German women of
Omahn. They are seeking tl swell to
11,000 their fund for the relief of widows
and orphans left suffering In Germany by
the war.
"Uermania" was the name of one of the
large, handsome doll autioned off to the
highest bidder. The doll given by Gov
ernor and Mrs. Morrhead waa christened
"Johunna," In honor of Mr. Morchcad,
whonn husband's first name la John. The
big doll given by Mnyor and Mrs. Pahl
man wn dreiefid by the hitter atl a Xla
ter of Mrcy, ready for relief work on a
battlefli-ld, so It wa named "8lHtur Carl
taH," meaning "Hlster Churlty."
Another flnn doll, as UrKO a a baby,
was ent from Philadelphia by Ir. Carl
Hexamer, president of the National German-American
alliance, In connection
with which the Nebraska German-American
alliance and the local Germans are
fathering, war relief funds.
A grand ball closed the day's festivities! headed
ai ten Herman .home. All the money made
by the women will be added to .what
they have. already raised by coffee par
tie and sales, and wl I soon be sent.
throiiKh Iocb ACo., International bank
ers, to the war relief ftind for widows
and orphans In the 0?rmnn nnd Auatro
IlunKarlan empires. Over $100,000 has al
ready been sent by the German-American
alliances of the United tSate.
Mid-term examination! will begin at
the I'niverslty of Omaha Monday and
continue throtiri.out the week. The ex
aminations will take piai; dtntnn the
regular s-iiool periods Instead of the
lormoon an formerly bild. All Mvidenl
of the preparatory depr.t tmetit will, also
hnve thlr exarr.n lit the samo time.
Disn Ilaleey of the I'mvrrslty ol" Omn'ia
Is arranging the eche-juU-, whlco will be
given out Monday morning. ... .
I nlvr.vuMy Xftts ote.
'.Terhsh and ills lBnrhtr.". a piny
of biblical times, Is to he lven- by the
loisnunl Baptist churoh Frldny at the
I ntveraity of- Omalia gymnaylum tor a
benefit charity fur.d.
Nel rarsrmrV'a former n(udf"t of the
school, w ho was . reported- as fatslly In
jured by a fHll of ninety f-et from a
buildlnn at Davenport, la., will lecover,
according to word wnt to hi mother In
Omaha. Parsons had both hi anna
broken and received internal in.ttiTies.
The "Hero," A benefit play given frtr
the Child .-'avInK IrntlUtte at Prandc's
theater In lecomb.r Is . mretinn witr,
?rent approval by the etudonts of tne
'niverstty of Omaha. Mtire than twenty-five
of them hao p.'-ns In the play.
Thursday aftern-vort the JL'toplah . so
ciety gnve a "wetnlc." 'loast at Henson.
to which place the students had hlKed.
The second numler of the Cla.cway, til?
student publication, will be o'.it Novem
ber 25..
The Young Women's Christian asforlfi
tlon of the school recently put t.erlil
rooms In shape in t"llck hall lor it
use. Tho co-eds papered and painted
the place, doing it up !n a shlp-shap
manner. . . '
Miss Augusla Knight. Instructor of fine
arts has recently completed an exhibit In
bran and leather work, which has been
on show at Matthews' book eto.-e. Th
class is., busily, engaged., tn ..turning out
presents for their friend before the
Chrintmas holidays. . .
In a talk to the .-U'.ident body Tuesday
professor Tyner urged that all the young
men of the school ttive uo smoking. Ho
emphasized his talk by showing the evil
effects It had on young people.
A number of students left Friday after
noon for Lincoln to Httend the Christian
Kndenvor convention held at the capital
city November H-lo. The delegation was
UV rtoy .reeun. i ncy win
also take in the Kansat-NebrasKa foot
ball gume.
John Selby, a former graduate of the
fnlvcrsity of Omaha, and now engaged
In the real ertate business in Odobolt, la.,
was a visitor at the school Thursday.
lll;am Penn. formerly a cieik at the
California hotil, appeared before Federal
JudKc P:.(fe Morris Pt:tr.1ay morning and
pleaded B'ilty to opening rnd
money from u spetial delivery letter.
The letter contained t.'O In rah and was
directed to Mrs. M. J. Mesiicr. formerly
a guest at the hotel, who Pad changed
her residence to the Ctopia hotel.
Penn ODmed fie 'etter annrnnrlsteil
J tho i ssh rnd Ihen rhanglns an Omaha
State bunk chfck to the State Ban!; of;
Jamestown, from where the cash wtsj
Mint, he filled It , out for 1.0 snd mailed I
It to Mrs. Mesucr. . , .
Ppoii receiving the letter. Mys. Metucr .
took the checl; to the Hrsnrlels stores.!
where aha' waa arrested by Special Of-i
firer Hnn, when she attempted to cash j
It. The dereption wa soon dlecovered
snd traced to Penn. who when arrested j
by Finn and Hugh Mills, ferret service
-representative, confessed. Ho declared
that he at one time was an fnploje of j
the Omaha Ftoie hank. He was released
on 11,0)0 bonds. Fet'ercl Judire Morris will I
sentence Pern Monday morning.
Fee V.'snt Ads Pronged P.cjv.lts.
rteenuse It Is bj perfectly safe to us
I and hae been of such great help to a
host of expectant mothers, these women,
experienced In this most harpy period,
advise the cse of "'Mother's Friend."
Applieu externally to tho abdominal
muscles Its purpose Ij to relieve th
undue tension upon tho cords and liga
ments resulting from muscular expansion.
, Beneath the surface Is a network of fine
1 nerve threads and tho gentle, soothing
' embrocation, "Mother'n Friend," Is
designed to so lubricate the muscular
. fibres r.s to avoid the unnecessary and
! continuous ragging upon this myriad of
. nerves. It 13 a reflex action.
Applied to the breasts it affords the
rropcr marsafrc to prevent caking.
! Thousands of women have reason to
I bellevo la this splendid help under the
' trying ordeal of motherhood. Their
! lettoro sre eloquent evidence of Its great
I value to women. In use for many years
it has come to be a standard remedy for
: the purpose.
There is scarcely a well-stocked drug
store anvwhere but what von can easily
. obtain a bottle of ''Mother's Friend" and I ,
I grandma who herself used It t earlier
I years. Expectant mothers are urged to
! try this splendid assistant to comfort.
! Mother's Friend is prepared by firad
1 field . Hepiilator Co., 410 Mmsr Rldg.,
; Atlanta, O. Becd Xir our llUie, bvok.
The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Ar
Head Pally by Teople in Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
Eelatives of Uni
I Of Omaha Student
! In Destroyed Town
Jacques rtelur, a sophomore - at the
University of Omaha, Is In receipt of a
letter from Vllmo, Russia, telling of the
destruction of the' village, of Vluxln by
marauding Russia troops. The presents
of Relur, .with his ' two brothers and
slatera. Tlverf1 in th vIIIuita an.l Via r.H
' that they have lost their lives, Relur
received a letter from a friend wb man
aged to' escape to Vllno. Vlasln la In
tha path of marching troupe to the Polish
border. -According to Relur the csar's
soldiers do not hesitate In plundering.
Relur has not heard, from his parents for
over three months. Ills brother, Harry,
was recently forced Into the Russian
. Further details of the letter tt 11 that
th people are hard pressed for food and
that prices for some of the commodities
are exorbitant. - The scarcity of the com
mon foodstuff the. letter states was
hastened to a crisis by the ' Russian
troop commandeering all the vlalhlo
supply. Relur, though only 24 year of
age, served In th Russian army.
W. H. Thompson Asking Legislators,
However, Not to Make Pledges.
Colder Weather is
Expected Sunday
Weather Forecaster Welch predicts a
drop In temperature In Omaha Sunday,
as well aa tor practically all th terri
tory In the middle west, with probably
freeslng weather before Monday.
With the spell of mild clear weather.
Just closing Mr. Welsh states a record
has been established so far a Omaha I
concerned. Never since his connection
with the bureau has he experienced such
a continuity of "no change Jn tempera
ture." forecasts during the fall season.
State 'Chairman I rglaar Compeers to
Walt I nlll Assembly at Mn
fol Hefore ForanlnaT Any
. Allegiances. '
Democratic Plot Chairman W. 11.
Thompaon is circulating letters to mem
bers , of the legislature, democrats just
elected, asking .them not to pladgs them-,
selves In advance to vote for certain per
sons as a part of the organization of the
legislature. lis believes this is a mistake,
and says the members should reserve
their Judgment until they assemble nt :
Lincoln, when they will be tn a bettor
position to Judge who are the urn best
fitted for tho various poMtlop from tl e
standpoint of efficiency and hartnony in
the legislature as a whole.
"Then again." he says, "aa" th gov
ernor is empowered by the conatltutlan,
and la also given a negative power equal
to two-thlrds of the legislative body less
one, that he should be considered In the
organisation, and therefore it la a loss
of strength to the administration for tho
members to pledge theniselvti In advance
of the party caucus."
Itlchmnnd Pulllas; Wires.
Locally Henry Richmond has already
been pulling wires to land himself in the
speaker's chair. Other have already
been doing some electioneering for place
on Important committee. Jerry Howard
declare Die admonition to avoid pledging
hlinaelf I superfluous to him. ss he
would not pledg himself to anyone. He
ays he, Is going to the legislature ami
stands for Jerking the door off the hlngi
and letting everything be oien and above
"The door off the 'hinges, shall be my
motto," shouts the redoubtable Jerry,
"and I won't stand for the invisible gov
W. 8. Wagner, arrested by Deputy
United States Marshal Summons at Ar
cadia. Neb., charged with using tho malls
to defraud, pleaded guilty in the federal
district court and was sentenced to thirty
day In Jail. ,
Roy Carpenter charged with ualng the
molls to defraud, was arrested In Hall
county Friday afternoon by Deputy
United Ktates Marshal Pammons.
Farmers Will Give
Prices by Parcel Post
Within a few weeks tha postal depart
ment will Issue a printed circular giving
the names and address of farmers in a
raliua of li0 miles from the city, and
tho products they havo to sell, which can
be carried by parcel post. Any one can
get a freo copy of. this circular. Nearly
fifty farmers have sent a list of the
products which they will put on tho
market and some of them quote prices.
Butter, eggs, cheese, poultry and honey
are among the "farm-to-consumor"
;. Civil Service. Will
v... ;. ' Hold Examination's
Tho flitted States Civil rrvlc com
Minion announce the following open
competitive examinations for men only.
to taV place as follows: November IT. j
Lithographic Transferrer, U pr diem; i
December 1. Engineering Inapector. Oil I
aid Ua. i,lo to S3.3U0 per year; Decern-
ber 1,' Agriculturist and Held Agent. . ;
per year;-December 1. Engineer of Ac-j
counta, -tlJMM to 2,l't per year; December.
I,' kxprt , Freight Rat Clerk. 1,JQ0 per
yr; ; Ueeembcr s. wue rrator, iii
lei- yaf; December t, Nautical Kxpert,
11.000 l Sl.soo per year; December X. As
stataat Engineer In Forest Products, l?0
to tUXO. ' .
An examination will be held on Decem
ber for women only, for th position
of. isvestigatur In Women's Rural Or
gkhlUon. which position will pay a
raUry of from 11,210 to .90. For full
particulars on the -xamlnatlons Infor
mation will b furnlwied at th local de
f Sftment In th federal building.
., A
1 ;
Lawrence Retcwfla, a aloonkpr at
Fifteenth and Webstar street, pleaded
gunity In district court to selling, liquor
to Indians and Waa fined 1W and sen
tenced to sixty da la JaiL
V-c'iJ. '"A
Don't be a debtor to a
weak stomach, lazy
liver, bad digestion or
clogged bowels. These
ailments only drag you
down undermine your
health make you feel
miserable. Nature in
tended lhat. you should
be strong And robust
that the digestion
should be perfect the
appetite keen and the
entire "inner man"
working harmoniously.
Any deviation from
this condition needs
immediate attention.
This suggests a trial of ,
It terns, strtogtheas aai ia
vigorales tha tytteat and will
ba aiBaficial ia , avary way.
n n
.Great Annex
Ope'ninsl Sale
Our Big Price Demonstration Commences Monday Morning,NoT.' 16
All around the comer 16th and Douglas our big store
and the new annex bristles with bargains in Standard
Watches of National Renown and Quality Jewelry of gen
uine and guaranteed worth. Goods may be selected now
for Christmas.
Our Buying Power, Backed by 250 Branch Stores in
Two States Enables Us to Cut Prices on High Class
, Blue White Diamond, sizes 1 to 2 carats, an
exceptional bargain. 175 per carat.-
Ladles' and Mines' ' $45.00 Diamond
. Kings, bluo, perfect tones, open-
. ing sale price
a: $37.75
Gentlemen's small 12 site watch, 15 Jewel.
open face. 20 year, 14K gold filled case,
plain or hand en- d 1 1 wr
. graved . . .-. . . . 5)11 .75
Same as above In Hunting case 13.75
Gentlemen' 1 6. 'bIz watch, .. open face,
. Rock ford 17 Jewel, .steel escape wheel,
. gold trimmed movements, an. extra lino
. timekeeper,; 20 year,' gold f i a Tr?
filled case J 14. t)
Same as above In Hunting case 817.00
watch, Rockford, steer escape wheel. 4old
a zo year. gold filled.
: $21.75
Gentlemen's 21 Jewel
trimmed movement, fitted In
plain or hand engraved caae . .
Same as above In Hunting case .
Indies' 400 sire watch, extra small size, plain or ban
engraved. 20 year case. Opening sale tj 1 1 Cr
Price :.. 1 l.Dll
Ladles' Elgin 0 size watch, fitted In a 25 year solid
' gold raised ornamental case. Smart designs, .guar-
. anieed a perfect timepiece, . $18' 75
Largest selection in the city, high grade'
solid gold pendants, t classy designs,
?7.5o to iioo.oo. ao 7c trt fljrn
opening sale prices. ..) I U PJ Vr
High grade, solid and gold filled bracelets, plain or
hand engraved in all widtha and 'styles. Regular
prices $4 to $13.50. Opening 0 a Cil 'JC
sale prices 10 pD.f O
Ilerry Howl. 8-Inch Rock Crystal glass, nifty designs.
Keguiar ,irice js.oo. opening sale price ........
o-iDi-n nappies, regular price s.oo. Opening sal gC
Price i)l.UU
At the Sign of
the Crown;
Up the Golden
High Grade Player Pianos
and Cabinet Players ff8'"
Some of-these Instruments have been used for demonstrating
purposes; others are discontinued styles and exchanged players.
Wo have put them all In first class condition and will guarantee
every instrument to be in perfect condition.
V.'e must have room for our Holiday stock so expect to sell
every one of these Player Pianos by November 21st regardless
of profit or terms.
If ?u are interested in the purchase of a High Grade Play
er Piano for your home, now ft tho time to select it and save
$150 io $200. A few o'. the Special bargains:
$250 Pianola Player now $ 50
$200 Chase & Baker Player now $ 35.
$500 Clough & Warren Player Piano 8250
$700 Stuyvesant Pianola Player Piano now 8400
$525 Technola Player Piano now 8305
$000 Schmoller & Mueller Player Piano 8375
$800 Wheelock Pianola Player Piano .now 8485
$750 Combination Electric and Foot Power Player
Plan ' now 8450
A small payment down sends, one to your home. The bal
ance on weekly or monthly payments. Free Bench, Scarf and
selection of Music with every Instrument.
j Exclusive Representative of the Genuine Aeolian Pianola Pi-
j linos, Steinway, Weber, Steck, Wheelock, Stuyvenant & Strond. J
Sctimolier 1 Mueller Piano Go.
... 1.111-13 Farnam Street. . ...... ',.
Oldest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West.
Kttabllshed 1830.
What. .Hospe. thinks about the
Bee Engraving Department:
a k.K clPJ-
For satisfaction, send your work to
5jBse Building
Omahsu Nebraika