Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    tilt: omaiia suxiuv m:r.: xovkmhf.k i:. idi-i.
Instance of Omaha's Originality is
Setn in New Style by Eva Lang.
Jirrow Strip of elvet wllk Hlb.
boa Strramrrs Attractive Ac
cessory of Many Vonac
, Eva Lang, the evor-populr stork ac
tress, has been the Inspiration for any
number of fads snl fancies In Omnha.
The aecund week of her performance
here Miss Lnnir wore a dainty conceit of
narrow black velvet about her neck. This
dainty accessory to the costume, con
sists of a narrow band around the throat,
fastened at the left sidi ond from this
drops two streamers of the some ribbon,
falling In lonps and cascades past the
waist line.
The fad was inelantly token tip by
most every young glil In the audience,
especially the high school set. wllh whom
Miss Lang has been a favorite ever since
her Initial appearance in Omaha, which
accounts for tho fact that hundreis of
Omaha young: girla ore wearing thla rib
bon arrangement, which emphasiaca their
smooth, white throats to great advan
tage. The girls at the counter of one of
Omaha's large stores, which Is dis
tinguishing Itself by Its Ingenious and
modern Ideas, are kept working overtime
to supply the demand for Eva Lang
During previous stays in Omaha Miss
Lang had a close fitting little t'ociue with
a plume nestling around -the crown,
named for her by the hiilllnery deport
ment of a large department store and a
popular drug store has been selling Eva
Lang chocolates for a long while. Local
foahion devotees affect Eva Iing ar
ticles as assiduously as ever they pur
sued Geraldlne Farrar barrettes, Oaby
Beslys headdresses, Mary Garden per
fume, Peter Pan or Merry Widow hats,
or even the chic little dancing caps that
Mrs. Vernon Castle wears.
In the days of Julia Marlowe's ascen
dancy women were said to have had their
chins cleft to produce the fascinating
Julia Marlowe dimple. Just oodles of
perfumes, soaps anl candles have met
popularity through the stage women who
sponsored them and even more practical
things have been named in the same
Society Women of
England Would Go
As Red Cross Nurses
(Correspondence of The Associated Tress.)
LONDON'. Nov. 11 Society women ore
begging the authorities for permission to
go to the front as nurses. In many cases
tho qualifications of the applicant are
email, but she regards being a Red Cross
nurse' as romantic and fascinating and
would go without thinking of the serious
siae of the matter.
"Affectlonal and emotional nursing." Is
the way 8lr Janlea Crlchton-Browne de
scribed It in an address before the Ken
sington District Nursing association.
"There is a good deal of spurious nurs
ing about this time," he went on to say.
"I heard the other day of a fashionable
lady who called on a matron at a. pro
vincial hospital and said: 'I wish to have
a week's training ns a nurse on any
terms you like. But I cannot give more
than a week to it, for I want to go to
the front
"That sort of thing," said Fir Jamea,
"Is highly reprehensible for In no branch
of nu'slng la coneumate skill required
more than In the management of wound
and the wounded. For hull-baked ama
teurs to meddle In such matters Is to en
danger life and limb."
War Literature is
Shown in Collection
At Leipzig Exposition
(Correspondence of the Amoclated Tress.
B Kit LIN", Nov. Ht.-An Interesting ex
hibit of thlnss connected with the war is
to be seen at the International Pooh ex
position at Letpiig. Because of Its popu
larity, this branch waa ordered kept otwn
after the close of the exposition proper.
The German government regards It as
necessary to the education of the people,
and as filling a mission.
One section Is devoted to promlnentlv
dlnplayed copies of foreign papers with
absurd or deliberately false reporta con
cerning Germany. These reports are
heavily bordered and beside each Is a
translation. German newspapers from
cities occupied by the Russlons are also
displayed, containing the proclamations
and orders of the Russian commanders,
and blank columns where the Hussion
censor prohibited tho publication of cer
tain articles.
A collection of articles from the battle
grounds of Belgium Includes five valuable
old m'ni.iture paintings saved by a Ger
man soldier from a burning chateau In
Hastiere, near Dinant.
Literature evoked by the war Is repre
sented by a large collection. It Includes
cartoons from hostile publications, letters
and postrards from the front one of the
latter consisting of a section cut from a
Belgian aeroplane which had been
brought down, nnd various engravings
and paintings.
Another section is given to uniforms,
projectiles, captured weapons and flags.
Tho collection Includes a knout taken
from a Cossack.
rlsht position without support from with
out la, of course, absurd," says the Jour
nal. "But It It Interesting to point out
that the favorite modern explosive la tri
nitrotoluol, and this rives off Incidentally
a large volume of carbon monoxide gns.
which, when Inspired, produces a healthy
pink and lifelike appearance In the corpse.
Imagination has probably filled In the
plctura as to theeo victims appearing tn
retain a living posture."
Tor a cut. bruise, sore and skin trouble
a box should le In every household. Sc.
All druggists Advertisement.
Fee Want Ads Produce Results.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 -American
cotton spinners used less cotton during
the first three months of the cotton year
than they did In the same period last
year; exports during October were less
than cn third of what they wre yeae
ago, and almost a million hales more
were In the hinds of the manufacturers
and In warehouses st the end of October
than there were last year at that time.
Thla summarises briefly the effect of the
European war on the American cotton
Industry, aa disclosed today by the Octo-
L. J i . .. X-LILI I 1
her cotton consumption nnd distribution
report of the census bureau.
Tha Vnlted Kingdom, during October,
Increased Its takings of American ootton,
3Ji0fi5 bale having been exported to It
Germany received no American cotton,
whlla France took .!2 bales, the first It
had received since the beginning of the
Belgian Jews Are
Among the Penniless
(Correspondence of the Associated Tress )
LONDON. Nov. ll.-Thousands of
Belgian Jews of the middle class are
among the penniless refugees who have
flocked to England. Many of these are
absolutely destitute and the Jews' Tem
porary Shelter has undertaken the work
of caring for them. The London lodge of
the B'nal B'rith has opened a refuge In
Wlllesden, where many are cared for. and
hospitality la being found for them as
rapidly aa possible. Jewish homes
throughout London have been opened to
the refugees, but the committees are
unable to find sufficient accommodations
for the unfortunates, many of whom nre
men and women of refinement, accus
tomed to much better living conditions
than can be afforded them In temporary
Lockjaw Cured in
English Hospitals
(Correspondence of the Associated Press )
LONDON, Nov. Jl.-In Ihc Uoyal Vic
toria hospital at Netley. England's big
gest military hospital, arc four conva
lescent cases of tetanus. This Is believed
to be a record never before surpassed or
even equalled. Lockjaw until lately has
been one of the gravest problems faced
by the surgeons nt Netley.
On account of having their wounds cov
ered with dlit from the trenches along
the Alsne, where the germ of tetanus Is
prevalent, many of th wounded developed
the malady. This Is especially true when
the time of transport of wounded from
the battlo front took three weeks. Now
that the Injured are reaching here In
three to four days, the risk of Infection
Is not so great and the cases have de-,
creased markedly.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Nov. 11. Tho annual Oxford
and Cambridge boat race probably will
not be held in 1915. since many of the
rowing men have been railed away to
the war. It is reported from Oxford that
the university has postponed all racing
until after the war, and a similar course
has been adopted at Cambridge.
If there Is no race In IMS, It will be
tho first year that such has been the
ease, since lfiT.4.
London Lancet Is
Exploding Fairy Tale
LONDON, Nov. 11. (Correspondence of
tho Associated Press.) That picture of
dead men erect In tho trenches of France,
rifles in hand, eyes open, limbs set as In
life, has been obliterated by the Indon
Lancet. Correspondents at the front have
sent In th's story repeatedly, varying lo
cality and details. Essentially, however,
all accounts have been the same. Briefly
the victims have succumbed to a noxious
gas given off by shells and perished as
they Etood or sat, after the manner of a
ca3t!e In a fairyland over which some evil
spMt had coat a spell.
Eut the Lancet in a recent Issue says
this cannot bo so.
"That dead bodies can remain In tha up-
Monday, Nov. 23, 1914
TT7E make this statement becauKo never were rugs
v bought as cheaply as our representative secured
them at the Alexander Smith & Sons auction wile
held in New York the week of October Ltitli.
Alexander Smith & Sons are the largest carpet and
rug manufacturers in the world. This year on account
of certain conditions, they accumulated $3,5tJOfCO0.00
worth r-f carpets and rugs. The stock was auctioned
off in New York the week of October 2Jth. Our rep
resentative was at the auction and bought liberally,
and, as lie expresses it! "I never in all my experience
bought rugs and carpets at such a low price as I paid
for these."
The rugs will go on sale Monday, November 23d,
at prices that are really sensational. It will certainly
pay you to wait for this great rug sale. Every ruir
guaranteed to be strictly perfect, and exactly as rep
resented. .
3urgessNash Company.
Sunday, Nov. 15, 1914
-r -
-Store News for Monday-
Phone D. 137.
These Ar
Enjoy the Advantages
of Our Home and Sub
urbanShoppingService 7 HIS particular department
of oar basinets is maintain'
ei especially for your bene
fit and we want you to be at
liberty to take advantage of this
When yon find it inconvenient
to come to the store let vs know
your wants and requests by mail
or telephone. They will receive .
the same prompt and careful at
tention as a personal visit.
If you live out of town and
merchandise is ordered from our
store it will be delivered free of
charge to your address to any
part of the United States. Our
store is as near to you as yonr
nearest mail box or telephone.
Make a test of our Home and
Suburban Shopping Service.
im W)mmdSL foip the Wmh
imig8 Air Quant Onwmiall
LT1I0UGH the apparent prospect ahead is that talks will be scarce, and the price high, the Bunress-Nash silk de-
t partment has secured some very unusual values and offer them for Monday. Values that are unusual, not only be-
cause oi tne uncertain marKci conamons ana uie very special prices, out because the silks aro the wanted kinds and colors.
All Silk Crepe de Chine at $1.49
42 inches wide, not tho thin slimpsy kind but the good
heavy quality that will wenr and drapo perfectly. Every
yard perfect and tho smartest French shades aro repre
sented; also white, cream and black.
Satin Meeaallnes nt 85c
86 inches wide, neat strip effect, also plain
shades of chiffon taffeta, full ywrd wide, very de
sirable for waists, dresses and petticoats.
Burfese-Xasn Oo, Xaia Floor.
Plain and Fancy Silka at 59c
5,000 yards of fancy waist and dress silks, including
foulards, mcssalines, taffetas, pongees, etc., in neat pretty
styles; al30 a wide range of plain shades. The values aro
very unusual.
Specials tn BUrk Silk
Black satin Duchess, 86 Inch, $1.16.
Black silk Messallne, 88 Inch. 89c
Black silk Poplins. 43 inch, f 1.49.
Iilack satin Charmeuse, 42 Inch, $1.15.
Fancy Kimono Silks, 50c
Orer SO pieces. Including the latest de
signs. In floral and Japanese effects. Beauti
ful colorings and very specially priced.
Ready With the
Rich New Furs
READY with standard small
furs and novelties, with fur
and fur lined coats, etc., and all
are guaranteed.
If you buy your furs from Hur-gess-Nash
satisfaction is assured.
And' Just now when the fickle
weather conditions reign Is the
time to make most satisfactory
Burgess-Via h Co. aecond Floor.
Notion Specials
Dttle reminders of .very-day needs,
specially priced.
Shoe trees, per
pair 7Ho
Girdle founda
'tions, all slzrn,
each 1..IO0
Asbestos Iron
holders, each to
L a c e trlmmi'd
and net top snnl
tary aprons 115 o
$25.00 Diamond Rings, for $15.00
There are thirty-nix fino little
diamond rin.irs varied in set
tings as illustrated at a saving
of $10.00 each.
Tho stones aro perfectly cut,
fino white and unusually bril
liant. The settings aro Tiffany and Belcher very artistic
ally executed.
Diamonds nre the all-the-year ideal Rift much more
so now that Christmas is only a few weeks away.
B arrets-Vash Co Italn Floor.
Chiffon Broadcloths at $149 Yard
H3 Inches wide, In a complete range of the newest colorings. Very
fine finish and exceptionally low In price.
Heavy Coating Materials at $1.19
64-lnch heary coating material in brown, blue, green: also a good
assortment of mixtures.
Wool DRESS GOODS Including
$1.50 to $2.50 Values at 98c Yard
50-inch Tailored Suitings! U-inca Ho man Rtrlpe. '
60-lnch Storm Serge. 44-lnrh French Berge.
4 4-lneh Oarbardines. 44-Inch Brocade Serge.
44-inch All-Wool Crepe. 48-tnca Wool Charmeuse.
. . onr 9-Xmm h Co. tSn Floor.
Machine oil cans, each ..: Bo
1-riiT-Ke bottle of
maclilno oil .100
Mngerle tape, 5
'yard bolt, with
bodkin, bolt .60
Iron Mun.lardii
for bust forms.
each $1.60
Warren's 10-lnch
girdle founda
tions 69o
Vssnar pins, all
sizes, steel and
black, card 100
Bust forms, all sties, each ...89o
Collapslbla dress I 4-part automatic
forms, with wire dregs forms, at.
skirt 93.50 I eaxh 9938. Co. Mala Floor.
Specials in Art
Needle wo r k
THAT, suggests early prepara
tion for the Christmas season.
Crochet Cottons
White, ecru and colors.
Sizes 1 to 10, regular 10c spool
for 7o
Sizes 10 to 50, regular 16o spool,
for Oc
Sizes 50 to 100, regular 20c
spool 18o
Tatting shuttles, all sixes, ea. 10c
Pillow Cases, 25c Pair
Stamped with hemstitched
edges, sizes 36x4 2, stamped In
French and eyelet designs.
Night Gowns, 35c
Stamped, full length, round or
square neck, new designs.
Child's 75c Dresses, 49c
For winter wear, stamped and
made up in a large line of colors
and designs, regular 75c values. Co. Third Floor.
CLOTHS at $2.25 Will Lend Much to the
Beauty of Your Thanksgiving Table
BLEACHED pure white, soft silky finish, tlxo a yards square; cloths
that usually bring S3. 00.
Napkins to match, usually $3.75 dosen; for $3.S5.
Satin Damask All Linen Cloths
A quality that will hold its fresh appearance after laundering.
Floral center designs with deep attractive borders, specially priced.
2x2 yards cloths at, each f 2.98. i 2x3 yards cloths at, each $4.60.
2x2 Vi yards cloths at, each $3.75. 2x2K yards cloths, each $4.15.
Dinner Napkins, 24x24, to match, doien, $4.15.
Lunch Napkins at 6 for 39c
Hemstitched Lunch Napkins, floral designs, very much under price
Lunch or Tea Napkins, 6 for 69c
Hemstitched lunch or tea napkins, else 14x14 Inches.
$3.50 Damask Napkins, Dozen $2.50
Irish and Scotch Damask. Exceptionally good qualities. Large
assortment to select from.
$5.00 Dinner Size Napkins, $3.50
24x24 and 25x25 beautiful satin finish, assorted designs; a par
ticular good one with plain center with tulip border, values to $5.00.
Monday, dozen, $3.60.
artss-sl Oo. Mala Tloor.
Again Monday Women's Fine FRENCH
KID GLOVES. Real $2,25 , Values, $1.15
HUNDREDS of women who were here Saturday and bought consid
ered them remarkable values, and you, too, will when you see them.
The gloves are the finest quality French glace kid, two-clasp
stylo and strictly first quality.
Black, white, tan, gray, mode, green and navy. There is not a pair
in the entire assortment that would sell ordinarily for less than $2.20.
You'll want half a dozen pairs at this price when you see them. Co. Main rloor.
With a World Renowned Staff ol Medical Experts,
Surrounded by many trained attendants, to cure all the ailments
of every sick or hurt dolly in Omaha.
Every little mother owner of any doll that has been hurt or mis
treated In any way through the year, must bring It to the hospital on
our Fourth Floor at once.
Your dolly will receive exceedingly good care and will be made as
pretty as when new and returned promptly, and the charges will be
very reasonable. You'll want to see our great display of dolls, too. Co. Tonrth Tloor.
Demonstration of
La Victoire
AN expert corset
lere from the
makers of the fa-
lUUl.l m . .www.- "
rvi .nt will be in V
our Corset Depart- If '
ment beginning Mon- ,
day, Nov. le, ana
give practical dem-
onstra tioni
of the most
- A. J .a
models ol
these famous II V
garments. She II V
will show how l '
they Improve S
the figure and S
the perfect
ease with
which they
are worn.
W. hop. you
will bo ,bi to
visit us lurln
this int.rsstlas
exhibition. Co. eod rioor.
Morimura JAP CHINA
Another Big Attractive Feature for the New Fourth
Floor China Section For Monday
thousand pieces of as pretty
cnina as ever Jelt the Mikado's Flowery
ind-KinRdom tho samples from one of
mporters in this country.
L'brful china, ornamental china
and dainty shell-like china that's
both useful and ornamental, and
what an array from which to select.
O. M. O.
Salad Itowls,
luff itoxea,
Cracker Jars,
Hugar and Cream Beta,
Mayonalm Hei
Chocolate Pots,
Fancy Plates,
Celery Trays,
lion lion Dishes,
Iloiulolr Hats,
Fern Dishes.
Nice for Immediate line ou your own table or Just
the thing to anticipate for Christmas anniversary,
birthday or wedding gifts, club prizes, etc. There's
a saving of about halt on every price. Just an Idea:
$1.00 Decorated J? p China.
Monday choice at . .
1.75 Decorated
Jap China at . .
QQrt $2.25 Decorated ai 19
OVC i Jap China at . 91
Women's Eiderdown
Worth $3.9 5, for
VERY special
value that should
and will appeal tcr
scores of wo
men Monday.
The robes
are made of a
splendid qual
ity of eiderdown in
a pretty assort
ment of light and
dark patterns.
Neatly made with roll
collar and finished
with cord and tassel.
Just the sort of gar
ment every woman
needs around the
house for the bath or
for lounging and the
saving is nearly ban.
10c Outing Flannel, 6k
10 to 20-yard lengths of the finest, fluffiest, wannest,
including Amoskeag, Anderson and Swiss outing flan
nels. Fancy stripes, checks and plaids. Light f 1
and dark grounds; without a doubt the best fl'of
outing flannel bargain ever offered; yard
Se Cotton ChaUiea, KHe
Not a few remnants, but hundreds of perfect bolts,
oriental, figured and floral cotton challles. They
were bought at a great loss to an overstocked
eastern jobber. Plenty of salespeople to wait
upon you. At, yard
8 He Shaker Flannels, 5c
Bleached and unbleached shak
er flannels that are always r
so much In demand; yd...3C
10c Ginghams, Yard 5lfe
Everett classic ginghams;
stripes, checks and plain colors.
The best standard apron and
dress gingham made. Worth
lOo yard. Bale C i
prlee, yard .,... OJC
ISHe Percales, 8c
Tou will want these percales
for aprons, house dresses, etc.
Light, medium and dark r
colorings. Yd. wide., yd...uC
18 Ho Zephyr Ginghams, 7o
II He Red Seal Zephyrs, all
the fancy checks, stripes and
and corded effects. Fast col
ors. Perfect mill s
lengths, at, yard I C
Berkley Cambrio Monday, yard Oo
No. 60 and No. 100 Berkley Cambrics, yard wide, perfect
mill lengths, yard Oc
23c Pillow Tubing, Iftc
Round thread pillow tubing,
42 Inches wide, ZBe kind,
yard 18c
27 Ho kind, 43 Inch, 18c.
Pillow Tubing, 7?sO
Mill remnants of various
grades of bleached pillow tub
ing, Monday, yard 7 He
$2 Cotton Blankets at 98c Pair
FULL size double cotton bed blankets; white, gray, tan; also
blue, pink, tan and gray combinations. Hotels and gn
boarding houses should take advantage of this remark- H7f
able sale. Pair aOi.
$3.00 Blanket at 1.50
Wool rlnlsh fancy plaids and
rhtcks, also whits, aray and tan.
After seeing th.m you will a(r.
mat i. ou would D.
a low regular
$3 and 96 Blankets, $3.08
Pancy checks, plaids, also gray,
tan and silk bound whit, hlan-
k.ts. Rite xt0 and 72x82
guarani.M to b.
mad. from tn. fin
est wool, pair......
Cotton Blankets at 89c Pair.
White, gray and tan doubl. bed blank. ta for children's and
three-quarter beds. St. Louis jobbers wholesale at
iilte a pair. boj. price, per paJr
Galvanized Pails
Strictly per
fect, good
size. 15c val
ues, lOo
Large else,
JOe vals., 16c.
ash can, large
else, $175
vals. at $1.10
org..s-Kash Co Bas.m.nt.
Roasters at Very Low Prices for Thanksgiving
Brownie Roasters
large size, as illus
trated: very special
Monday at Ifte
Square Aluminum
Roasters, 98c
Just the right site for
meat or chicken roast,
worth 11.60,
Monday aOC
Extra heavy aluminum
rpasters tor large tur
key roasts, (t) nn
special. . PaU.70
Savory Roasters, self
basting, seamless and
strictly sanitary. Large
size, 08c; small ,.60c
Boaators Not. th
Indention on til. top, which
causae the Juice to drtp on
til. roast, 8elf-batlnff
special Monday Sl.SS
Dress Shields
Special Demonstration
Notion Section.
urgess-Nash Gompany
'everybody's store"
VUUam.' SLaTicg Soap, at Sic
Mennan'a talcum ponder loa
Oil, oil. Imported, l5o kind ISe
Catitlirox shampoo, blio six. ao Cfe Mala floo.