TITE OMAHA SUNDAY IW.V,: XOYKMnKR IS. 1014. 3-B What Women Are Doing in the World PRESIDENT LOCAL SMITH COL i LEGE CLUB. Clob (alendor. SfSJ'AV - Itwuroh flub. ft. Inh maun's io(lnny, J:n p. m. 1H N1AY Omaha Woman club, execu tive, litrcotory an'l rluh m"ptin;s, fol lowed bv ofx-n prosram of the mulo d partnv lit, 3:'. p. m. Iunrtf Mothers' olub. Mrs. Y. o. 'rry host. Ten nyson Study circle. Mrs. A. H. Vllltamn hostess. Tl'lCSDAV literature department fx-tttli niniiha Woninn'n club, library hall, Mr. J. 1. Hlnfcer leader. Oratory depart ment Woman's club, U' a. m. t rencu ; department Woman's flub. 1 p. in. all residence of MIps May Mahnney. In-i Htnirtor. Mii-Wl He tlon Association ! nf Col.cKiate. Alumna", Mrs. IIloy fa vel!c hostess. Motitcssorl, school meeting-. Mrs. A. I. IMinn hostess. 2:30 p. m. U KINr..tlAYUierature department ot Woninn'n club, Mrs. M. P. . amjron leader. Woman's club of llnilmay Mall, ei'vice. Mrs. 15. H. Worley hostess. Annual donation day, Old Peoples) Hone. omnha Suffrage adoration, election. ParlKht hull. : p. m. Houthi SUle Circle Child Conservation Lcasrue of America. CaMeller school. Ho cUb. Mrs. K M. Chirk hostess. Miller l'ark Mother:'' rluh, school auditorium.. 'i'Hl'RSPAY Omaha Society of I'm Arts, Mrs. Warren Hlackwoll In iliarKc, Yolin Women's Christian association auditorium. 10 a. in. Mckinley ladles' auxiliary of the B'nal ft ritli. Metropoli tan 1ih.11. 8 p. m. - Home lionomice de partment. Woman's club. Omuha Story Tellers' league. Miss Jennln IledfielU leader. Henson Woman's flub, Mrs. u'corne Irartale. iToveriinient clss-, Wo man's club. Wyche Story Tellers : league. ' publlo lthraiy. Young Mothers' club. Kmma Uoaglaml l'lower mission. ItlUAY North Side. Women's Christian Temperance union. Mrs. A. W. Miller. North Side Circle Child Conservation IcsfT'ic, Monmouth Park school., Mrs. .V. II. Nelson, president of the Omaha Woman's club, at home for dub mem- s h'khav - AKsoctatlon of Collegiate Alumnae, Mrs. Harvey R. Newhrancn hostess. Saturday Afternoon Ptory Tel lers' league. Mrs. Crocker hostess. Chapter K. P. K. O. sisterhood. Mrs. W. P Campbell and Mrs. Wilcox host esses. , . Notices for this column 'oul' mailed or telephoned to the club editor before Friday noon.) HE local Vassar club will en tertain a distinguished figure I I in tho educational world dur- I . i ri.nnL'n(rK'iiiir season. Miss Helen V. Eplc.r. rrofes aor In the KTcncli department of Hockford college, KocUfonl. 111., and formerly a riof0'- nt Vassar college, will te the guest of -Mis. Frank Crawford at the YVest Farnam apartments at this time. Mii-a ISpler. has made a study of the Romance languages and has edited nmny .works In these languages, as well as bolng an author of a French gram mar, which Is wldoly used. Mis. Craw ford will give a tea In honor of her guest and other Informal affairs will be ar ransrd for Miss Kpler. At the last meeting- of -the Vassar club, at the nomo of Miss May Copeland, Mrs. Arthur titilou was elected president, to succeed Mrs. YV. C. Shannon, who re signed because of the pressure of her work for the -Social Settlement. The A'assar club will sew for the Franco-Belgian Relief association during the winter, as well as to dress dolls for the Child Saving Institute for Christmas. This pretty custom originated at Vassar college, where the girls, always . dress dolls at Christmas time. The newest of the story-teUIng organ izations, the' Saturday Afternoon' Story frMra' tu a tin will mf at til hnma nf Mrs. Crocker. Thirty-fifth and Iodg Ktreets, Saturday afternoon. Miss Man Kenworthy is the president, Miss Olive Seymour vice president, Miss Ethel Far sons secretary and Miss Florence Powers treasurer. Meetings are held en alternate .Saturday afternoons. The King Arthur and Robin Hood stories are being studied principally this year, besides which a part of the time is devoted to a study of tlie art ot story telling, with Bible and miscellaneous stories as additional exam ples. This club had its Inception In a Sunday school flass at the First Ilaptlut church' last year. . ' . The Bemls Park' circle : of the .Child Conservation League of America met-at tho liome of Mrs, l. H. Fair Friday aft ernoon. Mrs. Ij. R. Bclliards read a pa per on "Habit-and Its Relation to Char u.:tei Mrs. JI. .1. . Holmes a paper on "Thlnps YVhlch YVcar Vs Out."' and Miss Kcllicl Frl ke gavo seveial muslcal'num liei s. The .next meeting will he held at t he home of Mrs. H. C. Frlcke, llili North Thiity-i'ourth street. .Friday afternoon, December 4. This was the first program Blven by the Bemis Park circle, which was organised ,two weeks ago. . The Omaha Suffrage association will hold a special meting Wednesday after noon at i:W o'clock at Barlght hall for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. Mi s. John E. Ilaarmann has arranged a program on "Operatic Oems" for the music department of the Omaha Woman's dub which will present the open day pro gram, following the regular meeting- of the Woman's club, Monday afternoon. I The muslcale which will begin at S:30 o'cluck. Is as follows: .. r-TI,1 -?f,?r1" ot the J. y Mrs. in ant M llllama .Soprano 8oloa Tannhauser Wagner l)Ilch teure Halle 2) Wo Welltest du so Lange m Zuruk von Ihm (4) Ucbet Miss Minnie Meyer. ' Mis Helen Kadilek, accompanist Contralto Solo Samson and Delilah. " i Saint Saens Mrs. A. t. Root Mrs. W. O. Silver, accompanist. Bass Solo She Alone Charmcth My Sadness Queen of Bheba Alexander Emslle Mrs. dlth' Wagner, accompanist. . Onartet Ttlroletta pirs n. r. .lacoua. aim. ,i. m. iiea fleld. Ray Tonahey. W. E. Chafer. Paul Reese accomnanlst. Courtesy Mrs. Millie Ryan's atudio. American hero stories and stories ef Omaha will be. told at the next meeting of the YVyche Story Tellers' league. Thursday afternoon, at the public library. Miss Margaret McElhaney will be leader of the program and will be assisted by Misses Anna Svacina. Lillian Bmpey and I'ora Jonee. m. JS V 4sreV LEADING LADY FOR "COLLEGE HERO" BENEFIT PLAY. '.yT'-' ' , , i , 'J 't v t j Maud Alice Wallace, and Mr. I'ert C. l'Vwler, the weeding to take plnc at the home of Aim. Moore YVedncsdar evening. ' November ?J. Block-Meyer Enpapfinf nt. Mr. and Mrs I. M. Meyer anno'iine tlu t engagement of their daughter. Kuth, and Mr. Isaac M. Block of Atlnnlio. la. The wedding will be celebrated durlnir the winter. Penonal Mention. Miss Maiy Btirklry lv In cult sku. tiie guest of Miss tlertruile McCarthy. A daughter wns bi n Thursday to tr. I and Mrs. . W. Howlelt of Boston, Mass. ! Mts. Howlett was formerly Miss Wanda ! Yelton. j Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Kiraue will lave this week for lCxeelxlor i!-Ihhh, wiiero tney win oe lor ten iiuj p. en meir re turn they 11 gi to the l,oynl hotel for the winter. Mr. H. Vlshninn of Sidney, Neb., treas urer of Cheyenne county, has been In Omahiv on business. Mr. l'lshmun has the distinction of having been Juat re-elected by a majority of over 1.4 out if u total vote of over LOW. Ilends who met Mr. and Mrs. Roger RECEIVED WITH MISS SMITH FIRST TO MAKE DEBUT. Foods Which Contribute to Rest Mental and Moral Development." Mrs. Karl R. Ouden; paper, "Kill Kffects of Bever ages Upon Children" (tea, coffee and al coholic drlnVsi. Mrs. W. O. Kdholm; reading. "Lullaby of Infant Chief." Mrs. W. J. Snyder: paper. "Mlnntrllltion as a Factor In Degeneracy,'' Mr. J. I'. Plieeran. The . discussion will bo on "Children's Diet in Schools." Lullabies will be sung by Mrs. Jack Ptone. The music section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will hold Its Novem ber' meeting at, the home of Mrs. Leroy fcavell. 1X12 Laird street, Tuesday after noon, at 4 o'clock. Miss Margaret Burke will.be the leader. "Katly Italian Music" will be the subject. - Mrs. 'M..P. Cameron ls leader of the program for the literature department of the Omaha Woman's club meeting, which fiwill.be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Burrictt is the-subject of study. Mrs. Cameron will read a paper on "The Child Hero from the Novelist's Stand point;" Mis. F. F. Porter will give a review of "Tho Secret Garden," and Mrs. J. C. Hummond will talk on "The Influ ence of Environment Upon Child Life." Tha Dvndee Woman's club will be the guests of the. oratory 'dcpsrtnient of the Omaha Woman's club Tuesduy morning at 19 o'clock at Prof. Rieod's. studio. Percy Macknyc's ' 'A Thousand Y'ears Ago,", will be read by Mrs. W. O Perry and Mrs. J. ' L. Ferguson. " , Prof.' Rleed will . continue his study of drama inter pretation, stage setting and character Im personation with the class. - . C : .J y.i. 'if MIPS ELKANOR MACKAT. meeting of the McKinlcy Ladles' auxil iary to B'nal B'rltli Thursday evening at the Metropolitan hall. On account of Thanksgiving falling on the usual meet ing night, the next meeting will be held Thursday, one week earlier than custo mary. 'I The. Frances. Willard Women's Chris tian Temperance union met at the home of Mrs. Sidney Smith YVedncsday after noon. Llttlo Louise Smith, daughter of the hostess, was . made a White Ribbon recruit,' having undergone the ceremony of having a white ribbon, emblem of the temperance movement, tied to her wrist. Tha Omaha Story Tellers' league will meet in the lecture room of tha public library at 415 o'clock Thursday after noon. The subject of the afternoon fsj "Ireland," with Miss Jennie Redfleld as. leader. "The Countess of Kathleen." by W. B. Teats, will be told by Miss Ethel Holmqulst: "fhe Queen of the Goldea Mines," by Seumas MarManus, will be told by Mrs. C. R. Hrdlltka, and the "White Trout." by S. Ixver, will be given by -Mies Jennie Redfleld. The North Side circle of the Child Conservation League of America will meet Friday afternoon at !:90 o'clock In the Monmouth Park school auditorium. Roll call will be aoswered by current exeats. The general topic of the day will be "Domestic Science." and the fol ! wing proaram will be given: Paper, "flaxfe and Combinations uf. The French department of the Omaha Woman's 'club1 will' meet Tuesday after noon ,ftt 1 o'clock st the residence-studio of the Instructor, Miss May Malioney, MO South Thirty-sixth street. Followmg the grammar: lesson,' there will be readings from "Choses and Autre' by the class and a study of the dranni, "l'Epcrvier." Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy. will lecture on "Protein Foods and Their Cookery." at a meeting of the home economics depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club, which will be. held Thursday; morning at the club rooms. Mrs. George W. Covelf will be the prin cipal speaker at a business meeting and social of the North Side Women's Chris tian Temperance union, which will be held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. W. Miller, SC2 Larimore avenue, Fri day afternoon Mrs. Rex Pettigrew will Ing . extracts, from . temperance speeches made by the "Flying Squadron" will be given. "Russia" will be the subject of study for' the . literature department of the South Omaha. Woman's club at the meet ing Tuesday afternoon at Library hall. Mrs. J. D. Ringer will be leader of the program and has as her topic "Russian Music." Mrs. Clyde Hells will talk on "Russian Art;" Mrs. William Barclay, "Russian Writers," and Mrs. A. D. Ma jors will give a review of Tolstoi's " nna Karonlna." Russian musics I selections will be given by Mrs. Perry YVheoIer and Mrs. ' Leo Wilson. Items of current tn terest will be given by Meadames W. H. Meyers. Roy Dennis. L. J. EXter and D. a Clark. "Federation day" will be observed by the Woman's club of the railway mall service Yvednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. II. Worley. The president will give a report of the meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, which was held In Pawnee City last month. The response to the roll call will be "What Our Club Means to Me." Musical selec tions will be Included in the program. Mrs. Warren 8. Blackwell is In charge of the program on "The Art of the Tigris-Euphrates Yalley," which will be given for the Omaha Sxiety of Fine Arts Thursday morning at 10 o'clock In the Toung YY'oraen's Christian aanoclatlon auditorium. Mrs. Blackwell's paper will embrace these topics: "The Temples of Babylonia." "The Palace-Templue of As syria" and "The Palace-tiroup of Per sia." The regular Sunday vesper services at the Toung Women's Christian association will be omitted this afternoon. The fu neral services for Mrs. Ina O. Mixer, for several years connactrd with the Toung Women's Christian association will be held from the building at ! o'clock today. .Miss Jennie P.edfield. principal of the Castellar school, toll Irish stories at a "Scandinavia"" will be the subject for study at a meeting of Chapter K of the I. E. O. Sisterhood, which 'will be held Saturday at the home of Mrs. YV. P. Campbell. Mrs. Thomas Matters will have as her topic "Political Status;" Miss Mayme Hutchinson, "Authors;" Mrs. Ef fle Woodward, ".Musicians." Mrs. Kthol Wilcox will assist the hostess. The Benson Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. George Iradale Thurs day afternoon, when the regular program will bo led by Mrs. R, S. Ucasley. Selec tions from "Robin Hood" will be given. The annual donation day for the benefit of the Old People's .Home will be ob served YVedncsday. Members of the board of directors will be at the home, CM Wirt street, all day to receive donatlona and tea will be . nerved In . the afternoon. At churches of all denominations today 1,000 paper bags will bo distributed, with the request that they be filled and sent to the Old People's Home. ' A program on "France" will be given by the Clio club at its meeting Wednes day at the homo of Mrs. F. M. Clark. Mrs. O. A. Scott is leader ot the program. The response to the roll call will be Items of Interest on France. Mra. T. L. Travis wlU have as her subject "History and Literature;" Mrs. YV. D. Perclval. "Ca thedrals;" Mrs. W. D. Merrill, "Mualo and Musicians;" Mrs. O. A. Scott, "Art and Artists." The general meeting of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Newbranch, 1903 South Thlrty-thrd street, Saturday after noon. The afternoon will be spent In sewing for some local charity, most likely for the Child Saving Institute, which has been the recipient of this association's charity in the past. . Chau at the The Tennyson . chapter of the tauquu circle will meet Monday home of Mrs. A. S. YVUllams. The study of Tennyson's works, par ticularly of the Arthurian legends, will be taken up in addition to the work al ready outlined, this being the Arthurian year throughout the Chautauqua, circle. Mrs. Q. A. Sammls will be leader of the program. QUEEN TO MAKE HER DEBUT (Continued from Page Two.) Amlgas" Card club Saturday afternoon Twelve members w re, present. The Saturday Night club gavo a danc ing party at Chambers' academy HVtur. day evening. Miss Carrie Earger entertained for a number of ' her friends at an Informal party Friday evening. The evening was spent In music and games. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Barger. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WaJsli. MlnSes Misses Father Nelson, Violet Carlson. Frances Waaaenuun.Anna RolHxj-fceri Ruth hlAVens. Mary Brewer, l:ibel Carlson, Messrs Orant Gulden. Ieo ali?reary. Kilxar Hini)n, Frank (Kilden, Fred Carlson, Karl Iluxscii, Merles lerc-. A una Sass. Kl lata bet h Neber, Curr'e Barger. Meaars Dr. James 0Nell. William Unorder. Paul Fish, M. Croft, William Barger, IJarnest Saa, Charles Brewer, Wedding Announcement. Mis. Nancy J. Moore Issued invilatlons YVeduesday tor the wedding of her sister, Straus when they were visiting I, ere last spring will I'C pleased In know that they nm rejoicing over the advent of n son to their Nem. York home, who hin been nitmel in honor of the grandfather, cs ar S. Straus, M In nd Out of the Bee Hive. Mis Clnd lVters left Saturday for j St. Louis for n vllt with relatives. ' Mr. nm! Mrs. I It. Pavls and Mr. and , Mr. Y't tor Cal.lrn II left Wednesday for Chicago. Mr. Alhert l'aitleit of St. Joseph. Mo.. Is spendnu; the week end st the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Pavls. Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Bums ret uracil YYcdnesiliiv from Kxeelslnr Springs, where i they have been for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. il, B. Cameron of Iter- mini. Neb., ere In Omaha te attend the YVIIson-Wcstermnn wnhVni: Thursdny. Mrs. Carlisle) YVhltlng returned Monday from Galveston. Tex., ami Is wlln her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Sweet, nt the Winona. j Miss Ruth Meyer returned Friday from. Rochester N. Y"., where elm spent several I weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. R. P.ylm leave Friday for her Mr. will Newton. In., to spend Thanukglvlng wltht their mint and tinie, Mr. ami Mrs. John. I ScarhrouKh. Mr. Arthur tluion left the. rarly lart of the week for Hollywood, Cel.. oitllod th.-re by the serious Illness of Mrs. Charles Ouloil. Mrs. v'. W. Turner. Jr., who lin li the guest of Omnlia friends for tlio last few weeks, lesves this evening for her home In Fremont. Mis. Henry Hiier Is home from visit In Chicago, accompanied by Morton Ilillernf New Y'ork, whrt spend a little time with hi' parents. Miss Caroline l,ee, who hns been guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traynor !' the Inst month, returned to her homo In Pes Moines YVilneed:iy evenlnr- Mrs. I'rederh k Vlnfc ef Hartford. Mich., who line been a guest at the homo of her parotifs. Mr. and Mrs. f). P. Mm head, expert to leave S;tmliiy for her home, Miss Helen Loft man left Saturday fori Lincoln t ly the guest of AIIks Until Sanfnrd. Miss liftman will attend the I knnsait-Nchrnska gam and the Pelti ! Chi house dance. I Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee returned , the first of the week ernm New Y'ork Citv. They will remain In Omaha is colli. lo of w.eks, hi fnro koIiik lo Mon t;nn, where they will be this winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. p. Moorhead and Mis Moorhend expevt t leave the first ef Pis-emlier for S'nn Pleiro, C:il., to spend the wlnterr. Sirs. Alien, formerly Mlssj Bess SfiMrliend, Is In P:in Tleo, her hus band. Llonlennnl Allen, of tho tiary, hen ing on duty there. Omaha's Exclusive I NI.OKI Gift Slinn vvjkv V y T X. S w r 'w show- ... ' tnr a cow.plsie and exclusive line of OlM'SHTAu WOODS, Incense, Japanese Ctardens, Chinsse Autlqnes, Jewel Boxes, Itidtan Enam els. Damasona Braes, Delft Ware, Mexican Iliagres, Uhlnet e, Japanese and French Vases. A iiw shipment of antique Egyptian Bu1s and Tan Brlagle Fottery Jus rsottvsd. AI.L. S1KIP, 1319-1314 W. O. W. Bldf. rr New YorkCity Store, 21 Wett 34th StOpposite Waldorf-A.toria. ORION BROTHERS 319 South Sixteenth Street. Starting Monday Morning at 8:30 5.00 SUIT Suits Sold at $35, $39.50, $45.50, $50.00, $59.50 This is an announcement that will overshadow in. its importance to women any similar occurance - - e . a I ' a. A - - i ever presented in Omaha. Recent arrivals, emoracimj ine season s mosi noiaoie aiciaies are muiuueu. This is a rare opportunity to acquire the highth of mode, individuality and absolute perfection in suits at a price most remarkable. for Tailored Suits sold at from $35 to $59.50. Under no circumstances miss this sale, for the values are in deed extraordinary in every sense of the word. There are more than 200 suits, the sea son's newest and best styles, and in the most fashionable materials broadcloths, pabar dines, serges, poplins, velvets, etc. $2,5.00 for Tailored Suits Sold at from $35 to $59.50. NO CONNECTIONS WITH ANY OTHER OMAHA STORE Photographs for Christmas 1 - " " I -Miniir-r ' " WM KT Twelve Photographs for Twelve Friends Twelve gift obligations off your mind for another year Every friend pleased and no one favored over another Economical too To tfet an Artistic Portrait, give the Photographer time Don't wait till he is rushed Telephone at Once To Any of These Good Photographers and Arrange an Early bitting Charles H. Cidy, 2521 Shermin Hie., Web. 3791 Hep Studio, Cor. 16th- and Howird, Douglas 481 Lumlen Studio, 1517 Faroan Street, Douglas 3004 Rembrandt Studio, 1922 Farnam St., Douglas 3548 F. A. Rinehart. 18th and Farnam St., Douglas 1732 Rodstrotn Studio, 1811 Farnam Street, Douglas 5622 Sandberg & Eltoer, 107 So. 16th St., Douglas 2387 J. W. Skoglund, 24th and Cuming Sts., floug. 1375 Nadine Face Powder dm C, Keeps Tla Complexion BeautXuI oft and velvetr. Money back If noto UrrPlMMd. Nadlae I. pur. and hro l.s. AdbMM until washed olt Pmenta sunbera and rrturn ef dlscolora'aona. A million dalightad users prore Its ttelue. Tlntsi Flwrti, Wnk, Bruntte, Vhiu. By ToiUt CmuHtmrm mr MmU. llOc NatiMwl TeiUt Company. Paris, Teas. wie wr ixiowvae ejs mm. oanl IXU JT ill Qm. ART STUDIO MRS. E. M. McCAIaLUM 1811 Taraam StreeH WATEIt COLOUH. Oil,, CI1IXA Careful attention given to be ginners and students working from Bllll life and nature. 'Those Jsed MM Bee readers are too intelligent to overlook the opportunities in the M Want adM col- umns. They're worth while read-