gj. . . . QUEEN TO 'MARE HER DEBUT Contort of Baling Head of Q niter Make HeT Formal Boir. COLLEGE SET IS MOST ACTIVE Muny MM Hr Momr from ftrhonl, While Mnar KftnllrBtana r.a tt to ff th HI Foot Ball Horlal alrarfar. VIOXtiAT tJniKh Colics el ih dinner at th L'nivrlty club mr frcslnent nl Airs, uunon. Kpwirrh club card parry Mary MfiKtal-n hall, i'artrr pwimminti and Hnwiliia: rlub at .Mrtropollian club. Original Monday KrldKe chili, w.th Mr A. 1 IW4. r ranro-HHiitan il(i ilrclc, Mn .trbblna hoslrss. ITKSlJA V iuiKHy lirtriss club. Debu tante unrtpro riun. faril club dan. tns Party at t'hamnera' academy. L.at-at i-ancra rnirrparty at Tu ruins acad emy, femltli Cnllege rlub, dinner tor President and Mm. rlurtnn at home of Mr. ami Mrs. tu. H. .-Volt. Mra. Krank B. Hot-rtstetlrr, dehutantn rnre(itlun for Mine K ram-en rimhetetier. Puhliu a -lairs luncheon at th Commercial club for Preeldent Burton. Mra.. H H. Wil kinson, nostras at the meet inn of tha Beat Yet Cart club. Miss Janet Mon ro Wsllare, tea In honor of I'reetdent and Mrs. Marlon Burton. Mr. and Mra. W. I. Husfnrd. dinner, followed by Orpheum party for Mr. and &.rt. Jerome Magee and Miss Blanch Burke of Portland. Ore. O. S. o. cluh danc Ins; party. Wr.i.).rJjnAT-.ubarrlptlon cluh dsnr-lns. Party at Turpln's academy. Alma, UIiick and Kphram Zimballitt, Joint recital at the Brandris. Mrs. .1. M. Metcalf, din ner at her home. Mr. and Mra. F. It. i ilHinea, dinner. Wednesday Bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc-yimne, dinner party. Amateur Musical club, idrs. tieorre Barker. Jr., hoHtess. TJILBHDAY l'aMlo cluh darning party at the Metropolitan club. Mrs. Milton Barlow, lunclieon. rRI 1M V jul-Vlv cluh dancing party at t hamliera' academy. Mrs, John 1a Web ster, luncheon. lATl BJJAY Assembly club dancing party at Turpln'a academy. Of Interest to society this week la tha debut reception t be given Tuesday afternoon bjr Mra, Frank Burgert Hoch atetler to Introduce her daughter. Mine Frances, Miaa Frances Ilnchstetler la the reign ing queen of Ak-Har-Hcn and a popular member of Ih younger set. Miss Ho li stener spent tha summer abroad. This reception will be, held at the residence of Mrs. Hochatrtler on South Thirty eighth street and will be from S until ( o'clock. Mine Hoohatetler wilt entertain at a dancing party, together with Miss Ann Glfford, Thursday evening, Decem ber 24, at the Roma- hotel. The two debutantes of tha season, whose plans have not been announced. Miss Jsnet Hall and Mis Alice Janultii, arn still somewhat undecided as to their debut parties. Miss Hall enpects, huw ever, to come out at a dancing party to be given earljr In December, but Miss Jaqulth has mads no plans. Miss Marlon Kuhn will not make tiftr debut thin year, a she had planned on account of Dines, and Miss Helen Clarke and Miss Eugenia Patterson have- no In tention of coming out, as waa prevloualy announced. There are ten debutantes this Mason. School Set's Thanksgiving. Tha Thanksgiving season Is so neat upon as that all sr making prepara tion to oelebrau It her or elsewhere, It la always of special Interest to the school set, tiis members of which male tha most, of this short holiday. Miss Joaophlne Coegdon, who attend Vassar collate, will spend Thanksgiving with re latives In Mount Veraon N. T. ' Mlsa Sleanor MoOIlton of Smith college and Mlsa Grace Allison, who la attending school this yaar at Ely Court. Oreen wlch. Conn., will both ba with friends In Nw York City for Tranksglvlog. Mlsa Helen Flare will laav Dana Hall to vialt during tha holidays In Cambridge, Haas. Mlsa Hcgina Connall. who la also at Dana Hall, plans to Join a house Party at Hyannlsport, Mass., where th sum. mer homo of a school friend will be opened for th occasion. Mra. J. W. Towla has gone down east and wilt b with her daughter, the Misses Marlon and Naomi, In Boston Thanksgiving day. Miss Helen Kaatman, whs la attending th Art Institute In Chicago, plan to visit at Grand Bay, Wis., for Thanks giving. , Miss Marjorl Smith, who Is' at Rryn Mawr, wilt attend th Army and Nary gama In Philadelphia and spend a few dnya with friend In Boston. The Misses Em Reed, Katharine Baum, Father WUhelm and Virginia Offutt will spend this short holiday In New Tork City. Miaa Gladys Robertson, ' who la attend ing th Bradford academy at Bradford, Mass., will spend Thanksgiving In New Yerk City as th guest of Miaa Clair IIMcrson, formerly of this city. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: NOVEMBER 15, 1914. Makes Formal Bow to Society This Week Dances for Holiday Season. Th debutant and th school set will be Inspiration . for many social affairs during th holiday season. Already these data hav been announced.: Th Senior Prom of tli hlaU school giv a dancing party at Chambers' academy Monday eve ning, December U, and tha Junior club will da.no at the 4iom hotel, Tuesday evening.. December 2S. Then there ts th dancing party Mr. and Mr. C. Will Ham ilton will give In honor of Mlas Harriet Pmlth. on of th ssaasa'at debutante, and another party for this sam debu tant, also a dansant given Christmas night by th parents. Mr. and Mr Arthur Crittenden Smith. . . Mr. Herbert Davis will entertain at his annual Christmas dancing party at tha horn of. his paints. Mr. and Mra. B. R. Davis. This is always an event for th Christina holidays and looked forward I with keen Interest by the younger set. Dinner Dance Club. The Dinner-Dane club entertained tha first of their aeries of four dances at the Country club Saturday evening. This diimer-danc club Include about forty couple and la a Continuation of aiuttlnr affaire given hut winter Th couimli te of arrancemenVa Includes Mr. unJ Mrs. Joseph Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Wlrd I Burgesa. Mr. and Mra Sam Burns. Mr. sad Mra. Charles Kountse. Mr. and Mra Moahirr Colpter, Mr. and Mrv Fred Juuniltoa. Mr. and Mra GUn Whartoa, Mr. and Mra Job T. Stewart. M, and Mr. and Mi. Will Burns. To other members are Mr. and Mra Arthur Keeline, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. KlnsJvr. M'. and Mra T. V. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Tout Davis. Mr. and Mra 1 I us ford. Mr. and Mra Walter Huberts. Mr. and Mr. Lou la Clarke, Mr. nnd Mra. John Redlck. Mr. and Mra Walter Mc CWmkk. Mr. and Mra John Ji ail Job. Mr. and Mra Louis Nash. Mr. and Mra W. J. Foy. Mr. and Mr. Harold PHttlk ett. Mr. and Mra Burton MUiard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Take. Mra Bea Cotton. St". Kva Wallace, Miss Cong-dun, Miaa Davis, Miss Mcllora Davis, Miaa Mildred butler, Mies IjuIm Dinning. Mix Mary Hurk ley, Mls F'-iers, Ul,i LM4.no Pit. e. Mr. John t'uidwuil, Mr. LAwrcic isniiVer, Mr. Hubert Bui us, Mr. C. J. r ,-11 B J , . V ... r-v- - 1 f sr- .4) fill v. ' ' !. t o I ,. lit ? V i , . -v . $i 1 t; VIO. Y.Ve :i. ' " --.r - 1 &s ; f-r: ;y . ' ; j t " t v JZt; :,.-,: , .it'll 1 i ifj'vj AM! b.. 5: . - -rv- : . ' j ; -c !f ? H i' ts. ' '.k r'r -f, h . ' ' ' - " i i IS ' - . . - - . . . . ,; .' ;' i. 4' ::4'....l li .: ,"5 i iggawf () ' " work of th sssodstion. A number of th alumnae wer present. Rajah Clnb Dancing Party. Th Rajah club gav a dancing party at Turpln'a academy Thursday evening. Those present were: Mieece rim her Rylsnd, Alma Kreh. KUsabeth Kraun. lorma McAn lrew. Helen Mct.'affrey, M affery, M. Mtilvllilll, Anna Andreson, Ada Black, Hprnaue, Mildred McCraue, Margnrct Wanner fHadys Crooke, H. KuntK. Viola MIMoon. FUwa Hohlnson, Hess Phelan. Msrte Hollnnd, Cronla I 'rummy, D-olta Krelnken- berg. M. Hoffman, (lertrude Maythan, Kinma Hlng, K. Connelly, Kaah. j Alice .Tohnson, Pauline Hyan, Anne Hurts, , . Kuther Dugher, Irene Hush, Mlsees IjII Ryan f Columbus, Neb.; I, lirnndt, Marie Martin. Florence Famaon, Mary Clare 8wift, lotile Hlrdee, M. Slave. .1. Kinr, Hasel 8impson. T. Flanagan. Irene Tracv, Uuth Foran. Fanny LlddeP, Julia Planck, Mildred Stecker, Pylva Hover, Margaret Bridges. M. Mc.Martin, Alma Harm. Ann VedergTln, Maraaret Hlack, M. Mulvihlll. t reda Hoyt. K. Tracy, Clar Uauvreau, lren Delhanty, Klla Nash. Annabelle Sinclair, Vern Folwer, Hannah Tate, will receiv In honor of their daughter at their home, 12 North Twenty-second street, today. ' Miscellaneous Shower. Mra Luri Mr Mae era entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday evening for her sister, Mia Viola Van Nea. Th ven1ng wm spent bi game and music. Prizes were awsrded to Miss Ma rut Kiglr and Mia Blanch Chambers. Tjhos present were: .Midsea Ruth Pocks, Harriet MiCarron, permella Knai. Blanche Chambers, Inla V'sn Ness, Mesdninee: W. tl. Van Neea. Mil Rebecca Smith. Adel I.lnde, Mnth Wlneaard, Mini Be Hart, Mabel 8iKlcr, Medames: LJnyd DnnKneeker. of Council vBluffs, Lurie McMastera. Pleaiuret Past The T. P. F. , H. club entertained 'Wednesday- evening at the American theater for out-of-town guests. Those present were: Margaret Morrison, fummlngs. Helen Devinv of Denver. Colo.; i Craov Roberts, t Helen O'Brien. Messrs. Atim.d Baste, A I Bradley, Frank Cummings. H. N. Herkenrath, Kd McCaffrey. R. J. Flood. Klmer Bnrr. J. A. Collins. Harry Welsh. John I inn, John B'lynn. V in ism McCaffrey A. Schermerhorn, H. Bontrardt, ' I, eo Euillvan Charlie Pmlth. R. D. Kellv, Fmmet Dougherty, Dick Camp Frank l arpenter, H. McNamara, C. tCnaliah. Rita Cnrpenter, Mary Pcrrou. Ellen Larson, Measra H. Dolsnd. Paul Ervln, Charles Flood. A. Von Dolland, C. Hood. M. Ranoe. Cyri! McCarthy, W. Ziesel. I W. Dlchty. .1. B. Bavridge, R. Dunn, K. Plank. Frank Dastovlca. Charlea KJiae. Bchernierhorn. H. Durkee. K. Johnson, C. F. Beojarnln, Kat Howll, R. Yocuril. ' Tom BeaVh. John Hartneth, brine rd Isitt, Pet I.yck. Rsy Ryan. Moae Howard. James Muldoon, Clair Nelson. Kandv Walters, Art Farmer. O. Cleveland. Frank Habanstralt, I. McCrearv, William ltt. Wyna Moore, Charles Brltt. Hank Hows. Olen W. Lamb. J. Corde, Paul Moor, Harry Cummlngs, KidneT 8chatl. Hay Travnor, Victor Black, Frank Dtnen, JTj'ss Trances fbcje& Lord, Mr. Hen Gallagher, M. Elmer Cope. Mr. Gerald Wharton, Mr, fbuckton Hth. Mr. tMthbert Potter, Mr. Wlllard Butler anB'MV. C. W. , Hull, . Church Benefit Mniicajfe!' A musical will be .-riven at the horn of Mra N. 1L LoomU, Tuesday afternoon, November J4. at 8 o'clock, for th benefit of th Klrat Preahytorlen church. Mra C. M. Wllhelm Is president of the organisa tion committee. Ttt program will be given by Mlsa Maud Oray. plunint. a graduate of th New England Conaerva tory of Music of Boston, Mane. Miaa Oray will be assisted by MIh Gertrude Aiken. For Franco-Belgian Belief. Mrs. tiorg Stebblna, M.13 Dodge struet, wilt entrtaln on Monday afternoon tha circle arganlsed by Miss Lid Wilson for th Franco-Belgian Belief work. Th member are: Mra W. T. Gtirlny and bar guest. Mlsa Hoover of Washington. D. C; Mtalsmei Watrn gwitnler. Gaorg fnobblna, Benjamin Barrowa, Ella , F. Byrn. W. H. Uarratt. W. H. Wilbur. Robert Doherty Ml mm Allc Bwlulcr, Amy Cllmore, Clara Uawley, Laura Ikott and 4dny Etabblaa. Loyal Hotel Dinner. Mr. and Mra w. A. (uFarUuid enter tained at dinner Saturday vnlng at th Loyal hotel In honor of Maud Ailc Wal kw and Mr. Bert C. rowler. who wilt b married this month. Thoa present wr: Mr. and Mra W. A. McFarland. Miaa Ada Chariton of Peoria, 111. Mra, Nancy J. Moore, . Mr. IWrt C. Fowtnr. ' Mrs. Maud Wallace, . - Giret Slumber Party. Mia Myra Olvler ntrtaind at a slum ber party Friday evening at her home. Th following wr present; Misses Misses Annaballe Jonea, . Mercedes FarreiL Uur Weaiwl, Alii- Bovce. l-lorenc Wbaien. Myra Oivlec. Fay Harrow, Mr. A. O. Bloom. Boyd Theater Party. ' Ti Be v. Marlon Lacy of Pawtucket. R. I., who I visiting hts sister. Mra W. R. Neff of this city, and other relative, gave a box party at h Boyd thaater Thursday afternoon, followed by a dinner rarty at the home of- Mra Neff. Thoe present were: Mr. Low. Mr. ami Mra W. A. Neff. Mr. and Mr. F. Lemon. Mr. and Mra. K. II. Drake and the Muiaes Marion and Varna Neff. Helaa Umvt sad Mins Cnl. Delayed in Sailing. ' Mrs. E. W. Nash received word 'from her gaughter. MU Frances, that the "Itolterdani." schtuled to sail froia Rotterdam laet Wedncaday. would be de Imyed a week. MUs Nash and Mlsa Natalia Myers, who ha been with Miaa Nash In Berlin, xp-.t o tail Wednes day of this week. Attend Eastern Came. Mr. and Mra John J. HanlKhta all go at aest week to attaiid tha Cornell Ponnoylvarila foot ball game, en Thanks giving day. to b played in Philadelphia. They will join their nun, John ,aud sum of his cotleg friend wit whom they will spend th holiday "jt New Tork City. ThankTgiTing Plans. Mr. and Mrs. Host Clark of tit. Loula wUi return to Omaha and spend Vhanks gtvuig with Mra Ella Squire, lira Clarke's motiter. , This ts a custom !. way followed r Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Slotort to Fot Ball Game. Mu ijiK AlliHon, aconipaaid by MUs Margaret liiil cf litlsbiuah. will motor from Greenwich to New Haven to attend tli big Harvard-Yale gam nest Saturday Mies 1UU ia. Miss Allison room-mate this year at Ely Court To Counteract Hoodoo. Mis Lucil Henderson entertained at her homo Friday evening. November U. Tha friend gatherd tcguther to show they wer not afraid of th hoo-doo. Those present wer : Mlsee Mlaaea MurW Weher, La Hotrra Huaton, inaiiel Mcloild, Lucil lleuderaon, 1iaabeth Robvrtaoa M eaara. Messrs. Edward Mackay, Harry Walker. John Metxger, Elmer Campbell, Paul June For Hiss Smith Mr Floyd Smith waa hostesa at lunch eon yesterday at the. Omaha club for MIhs Harriet Smith, who mad her debut Thursday. Mra Smith entertained for; Misses Harriet Kmlth, Mildred RoKera, Melon Scolne, Motile 1 lavis, Margaret Urccr Baum, Misses Plmtclt Deuel, France H.K-hstotler, Ann Ulfford, MarRuret McPhersoi Kuth Hitchcock, To Honor Guest , ' Mra W. A. C. Johnson was hotesa at luncheon yesterday at her horn. Kllr lamcy roses wer usua a a tabl deco ration and covers wer placed for Mssdames Mesdames Arthur Kainlngton. F'Tank Judson, ClHiwent Chaam. F. A. Broaan, WiImmi lxw, John A. McShan. Miasna Mirsea Katli.ulne Blanch Burk, MiCorAih'k. Brandeia Theater Party. Mis Katharin Moorhead ntcrtalned at a theaur party yesterday .at th Brand! for Mis Mis August. Mao Glafson, who I th gueat of Mr. Charles McDonald. Miss Moorhead had six gista For Mist UacGl&fson, ' Mr. and Mrs. Chart McDonald enwr- talned at dinner Saturday evening In hanor of their guest, Mia Auguata Mao Qlafson. The table was decorated with yellow rosea and yellow pompom chrys anthemum Covers were laid for; Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. McDonald. Mrs. Everett W. Clarke. Mtasva Miseee Auauata MacQlafson Frances liilbert. Kallivrine Moorhead Charlotte McDonald. Mwaara Maasrs. Joha Hitte. Frank WoodlauJ. Herbert Daniels. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. W. KMBlgebruiige entertained at a bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon. The room were prettily decorated In lavender and whit chrysanthemum In th living rum and dwarf alters in the sun parlor aad dining room. Prise were won by Mra G. Reim and Miss Annctta Witt. Th gueala Included: Mexdames It. tubndorf, Edward btoilvn- bei g. J. Eere. iL Koitts, J. Kaan. Edward Jaawn. Mlaaea Llllma BoUts. dancing party Thursday evening at th Metropolitan club. ' ", ,' Th O. "Jf: O. cjub of St Cecelia's parish ha reorganlxed for th 'season. It will giv a dancing" party In th new sudl-( H. D. Robertson, toriam of the school. Thirty-ninth and! 2" fe" Tea.?.!? Webster, Tuesday evening. Charie J. Assmend, larrv Busman, J. O'Conner. P. W. Medley. Frank Walker, C. Vavrlck, Al-So-Cia Club. Th Al-8o-Cla club held it semi monthly dance at Pralri Park club house Friday evening. Thoe present wer; Mimes Evelyn Xeale, .losephine Oeisaler. Muriel Jeffries. r-ather Amterson, Orace Jones. Wilhelmina Arm- ; bruet. , Aun Bock. "rv FlnnFen. 1 Mary McElllgott. i .rah W'oodhall. ' j M.swart. ; Orac Harte, Marie Martini, M.-y PJerrore, Allc Patterson, time Barber, Mildred Gross, Messrs. J. r)oea-aard, J. a Weeks. W. C. Mann. Q. A NelHon. J. L Beecroft, H. C. Bock. John Vols, W. J. Palmer, F. C. Powell. . O. A. Johnson. High School Girla Sew. The Llnlnger Travel club met at th high school Friday afternoon to sew for th Visiting Nurs association. Mr, p. C. Mortality talked to th girl on th C. J. Martini. D. F". TorelU . A. E. Swanson, Ray Owens. F. C. Jacobsen, Mil Barbara McCot, Mnired Murray. Mildred Eller, A lice Owens. Myrtle Montgomery, Mamie Roberta I'ulda rmhruC Clar Barmtm. I rllio Uhraann, 'lnra Marquardt. Vera Hustead. Mabie Nelson, Hnlene Rahn. fmma Kavan. JlauVs Van Seat. Hasel Cook. May Jacobsen, Katharine Krug. Messrs. Hugh Armstrong, C E. Eddy, R. N. Frankura, Jess Crowe, J. A. Meti. John Rahn, A. E. Nelson, W. J. Krug, Will Stuart, , . O. C. Bauer, rw. M. Vaughn, ' W. O. Shrum, o. R. Hauptman, Oemrge 0s, O. K. Anderson, N. H. AttwedL Claud Shrum. Mises Dorothy Bovce, Geraldln Grtffln of V ashtngton, D. C. Messrs. Arthur Clement, Robert Brazen of California. Mlsnes Rosalie Card. Wuth TUnltrutl ! Frances It Barto. Esther Bradford. Messrs Robert Cannon. Jack La Vlolette, William Hoffman. v, srren Hauna, Th Pan club entertained at a dancing party at th Hotel Rome Friday evening. A very enjoyable card party was held Thursday evening at th home 6t Mr. A. C. Vn Horn. Those present were: Messrs. Messrs. W'Uliam Masaey, Donald Ckrrell. Blair Loud-, Oeot Ke Worn. Ralph Floorkee. William Hayes. Walter Nicholaen, Glen Curren. , A. C. Van Horn. Th Assembly Dane club gave a danc ing party at Turpin's academy Saturday evening. Mrs. H. 8. Buckle entertained the "Las II EES t r i v w m I M (Continued on Pag Three-Col. Thi The proof of our value to our Western people is what we have done for those who KNOW, and what we WILL do for those who WISH to know op should. Profit by patronizing . . II 1. L. tombs & Co. Right now we are N showing MASONIC GOODS in profusion. T.I VABL,JMf lT W!t SU3W lEWELERS OUlA T CStAtlA f1 Engagement Announced. ' Mr. and Mra J. Resale k nnnounc th engagement ef their daughter, Dora, and Mr. Joseph Block. Mr. and Mrs. Resnlck LET US DO Your Dry Cleaning Now We wish to remind you that you will, from now on, have Increasing need for wraps, heavy, outer gar ments, blankets and other cold weather accessories.. Phone today and on of our auto will call. When they come home they will , be clean, wholesome and .attractive. WE -DO OUR WORK SO WELL That You Mast Be Pleased Nothing too Delicate for Us to Clean We clean dainty fabrics, the moet delicate laces. gowns, waists ana kid tlovee. Lot us show you how peneciiy we ao it. We Clean Everything From Laces to Carpets W give special attention to out of town order and deliver promptly. We py carrying chargs on way. Our tin equalled enrvlce la one of th many faatare that ha mad th Paatorlum foremost In Omaha. The'.'FAMORIUCSfl - " "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS" .V 1515-17 Jones St.' Phone Douglas 963 CcTAPRICE f ROM COPLEY Uct NOW for CHRISTMAS 36 Yr Sailing Jwlr ia 5ESHS2S2S2S2S2S2SeSM ''''ii 'anaii j";, iliiin'- ; s.n , , a .1 i' taLiiii f g jo EON Mesdam ("i. Kaciin. T. A. Itolltster. A. 1C Mai culm, M, dlUM, K. tiroes, U. L.Hlnberg, L. Lttle, Misees Annrlta Witt, Anna Helm, For the Future. Th Pagaic club will giv dancing party Thursday vaing, November 19, at th Metropolitan hall. Th Cacti club will giv a dancing party at Chamber academy Tuasday vnltig. Th hail wilt b decorated In purpl nd gold, th club s color. Mia Eleanor Straaaer will enUrtaln A. H. ii. club at her horn Monday aiug. . a. CH-niuivr w ur fmmufl ( ) 'yy cards Thursday evening at Mrtl halt. n:- 'i.'. A Message From Our Corset Department About TON CORSET . ATTRACTIVENESS in clothes is more often dependent upon the right corset than upon the costliness of the costume. An ill-fitting or poorly constructed corset will mar- the most exquisite gown. The difference between a. perfect and an imperfect corset is usually due to what we call minor detail. Bon Ton Corsets are carefully modeled and perfectly tailored so that they can retain their shape ana mould the figure into graceful lines with absolute comfort to the wearer. The short and very stout woman is a figure difficult to correctly. corset for: it is necessary to keep the flesh within the. corset and not crowd it elsewhere. Bon Ton Corsets have proved beyond question the possibility of giving the full figure every effect of mneness witnout iorcing. 826 is a iopular model for stout figures. Three-inch bust, very Jong skirt with elas tic patch gores front (fS vf A and back. Sires 24 3 hi) it thjS VOiiTwv'J' j JbontoM v FRONT. LACE rBoNi Ton toSS EON TON MODEL for Slender Figures Made of flower twill, elastic gore at bot tom of back wires. (O f f Free hip bone. Sizes jtA hll 1 tft vvw BON FRONT LACED CORSETS FOR ALL TYPES OF FIGURES. PRICES $3.50 TO Iioyal Worcester Corsets for Mies ami Girls, boning. Irked at.. Short and medium lengths. Pliable .?1.00, ?1.50 and 92.00 TU Pwalc club wilt .nUTtain at i2S2SS!SreSc5HS555S5SS 7 ' i I 1 B Wwnt Ad Ar th Best Business BooaUra. j 1'J 'I