10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY IJKK: XOVKMIJKU 13. 1914. Interesting Showing of SMART NEW COATS ft ,! At $19, $22, $25 and $35 IIKSE unusual coats display all the favored coat fabrics all the distinctive style fea tures In the new flare, the new sleeves, the new colors and the new wide half belts. The new "Fart ex" or Silk Far Fabric, Beautiful Broadcloth and Lost root ZibeUnet end Hindu Lynx, Smart Chech, Plaids and Popular White Chinchilla. New Velour and Corduroy Coats Smart street or semi-dress garments, beautifully finished and lined; the new flare, new belt and new collar; some fur trimmed 35-$39-$45-49 New Suits, $35 Just received, new garments in the jaunty jacket lengths; fur trimmings and smart, new yoke skirts. SUITS, for 25.00 Smart, dew, fur-trimmed suits have just been added to this aristocratic collection. The latest fashion Ideas are faithfully portrayed In these suits. You will be more than ever strongly Impressed with the matchless excellence of our fashionable suits at 825.00. m , ' r" ..... zzmpz ;,:tff Rug Sale Next Week Comes Our Annual Sale of arger Stocks, Greater Assortments and Bigger Values Than Ever Full Bleached Mercerized Dama3k Cloth zo )4(5.' int'licK. Patterns opird from liiirh-class da- mask. Very special, each 55c Doilies Worth Up To 19c-25c One lot of fancy doilies con sisting of fancy lace edge, ('limy doilies, etc. Linen sale special, Tl eacli ff H Q 7 C Dancing and Party Frocks 2Ldr U Jr Vor dainty new frocks, In lace, chiffon and soft silks In the prettiest light shades. New Afternoon Dresses Sffh 7Ef 7. J J Smart Coatee and Redlngote models In clever combinations of satin and serge; all satin and velveteen and satins. All the popular t.naues. . Stylish and Dependable FURS At Very moderate Price Mud.on a.al Ooats taS.OO to aifis.00 X.ara.al Ocati SBS.OO to 9185,00 B.ack To Bats. Mnff and Scarf SaB.OO to I98.00 K.d Fox Beta, Muff and Boarf B'B.OO to 88S.00 Opossum, Bknok Bata, Muff and Boarf $iB.OO to 939.00 Tr.nch tru Bata, Muff and Boarf 9.aa to 910.00 Full Bleached Table Damask Finished In the hUh-class mercer lied patterns, copied from the fin est damask, 58 In. wide. O Q special, 38c quality, yard fciC Other at 39o, 49o and 69o. Full Bleached Table Damask 68 inches wide. Every thread linen. Beautiful range of patterns. With napkins to match. 1.00 quality, yard OC Otliprs at B8o, 91.39 nml 91.60. With Napklnn to Mutcli. Dinner Napkins, 22x22 Inches Full bleached and silver bleached; all linen. Austrian, Scotch and Irltth make. Values up to $3.ru In this linen sale, per dozen Othera at 93.98 and 95X10. 15-inch Madeira Napkins Beautifully embroidered. Special in linen sale, per dozen, 3Q All Linen Cloths, 63x60 Inches Hemmed ends; In a great range of patterns; regular $1.75 values In this linen sale, each, at , $2.29 $1.39 Square or Round Linen Cloths One lot of all linen cloths, finished In a nice scalloped edge. Sizes G0x60 Inches and 68xG8 inches. Values in this lot up to $3.00. A special offering In this QQ linen sale, each ij)laI0' 68-Inch Round Scalloped Cloths All linen; nicely finished. In pretty patterns; regular $309 value In this sale fcO OQ each, at tPa3a7 Glass Toweling With red stripe. Wears like linen. , A Rpeclal offering In linen 1 sale, per yard OC Full Bleached Toweling Ijooks and wears like linen. Spe cial, in linen sale CJL per yard, at U2 C Dresser and Buffet Scarfs A beautiful assortment; colored embroidery and scalloped; values up to $1.75. Specially nn priced, each. tOC Dresser Scarfs This is an indispensable article in every home. They come in a. large assortment of patterns. Made of fine quality mercerized damask; hemstitched ends. Siza lKjcOO inches. Special, as a r leader, each, at X C Beautiful Lace Lunch Cloths Trimmed with deep lace, drawn work centers; " 54-lnch size. Regu lar $2 value. Special, 1 C( a leader, each tj) X aOU Hand Embroidered Madeira Scarfs and 24-Inch Center Pieces to Match .In very handsome patterns. Very special. $7.50 value. rfjyj Qf This sale, set J.i0 Bleached Turkish Towels In connection with this linen sale we are making a special offering In bleached Turkish Towels Hemmed ends. Sell regularly 'at 12 lie Special sale Q price, each.- sC About .'550 Rugs bought from an Eastern jobber at little more than 30 cents on the dollar. While the sto k is not large, it is roll aborted, containing rugs in many lew shades and all desirable designs. We mention but a lew of the manv attractive items: rH Li Fifty 9x12 Axminster c Rugs Some slightly mismatched. Values in cj lot to $25. $1350 ecial Monday . . " s 0tl2 Axmlnstr Rugs Floral and Orien- K patterns. Values up to $25. wsmmi this IvMAl !& m tai $15.50 $15.75 $7.25 $19.98 5Qc Brocaded Silk and Cotton Dre Goods Second Week of Our Great November Sale of 36 inches wide. In dainty, evening shades. Many colors to select from. Special, yard Printed Silk and Cotton Crepe 36 inches wide. White and tinted (rounds for blouses, street and evening gowns. - Regular 6O0 value Specially priced OQ aaV for Monday, yard... 27.1ncb Tan Silk In pink and white, blue and white, tan and white, lavender and white stripes; splendid wash fabric for waists and blouses. Specially priced for OC . Monday, yard, OOC 28-Inch White Cotton CrepC Medium and heavy weight, for 29c Silks, Dress Goods, and Velvets rn"5".r:'.': 124c Monday We Place on Sale-10,000 Yds. Fine Quality White India Linen IfM ia 1 r 1 1 i r i ot rancy Lnglisn Dowevar a velvets 28 lnchesnvlde. Regular - i5o Atti tpeciaVyd?, l vC 36- Inch Imperial Nainsook For fine undermusllns. Soft and sheer, contains no filling. Spe cial, 12 bolts, at r?:d.;..:.$i.25 NOTIONS, Dress Forms, Etc. lo 100-yard Spools Bawln Rllk ...Ho SOO-yard tpoola Cotton Taraa4 . . . .lo Oood DarnlBf Cotton Black, whlta and tan, apool fclnaa ud Cotton Tap Molt ... 1 Tanfo TUraa Black and whlta, Cm eat-h anltajry Aprona Monday, each 16o Sanitary Baits Monday, each . ,lo Idioa Koaa Bupportara Mon- in. . day. pair 1 ww Oood SUe OU Cans for atAohlne Ca Oil Monday, each U Colorad Wash Sdflnr AH f"t I n aw colors, yard Black and White Snap Fastener All rust proof. Special Monday, card..... Ideal riaattra for Plaatlnf 9Cn Jtotnaa and riounoaa Kach fcvW Woodan Coat Kanfara Three for fto floor Xopa 60c value, Mon- T. day, each . v Oood Quality Vaarl Buttons Son. lo Ma'a Book Bands (or aUrta2'2C Books and Byea Black and I n whlto, card 1 0o Botion Bones Monday, each 10c Oood Safety Plna All alsea, I A '. ioc Conslstinc; of dots, scrolls, shower, Bul garian and . Oriental designs. The prints are unique in two and three-tone effects and in neutral tints. Splendid asortment of this tea on'e newest coloring Navy, Gen darme, Russian Green. Belzian Blue, New Brown & Black Grounds I Specially adapted for Costumes, Misses' Frocks, Combinations, Sport Coats, etc. These velvets are worth up to $1 a yard. Choice at YARD VERY niO VALUES IN Dress Goods and . Coatings Fifty Axminster Rujjs t2 and S-:ixl0-6 size Values to $2?. 60. Your choice of l1 7C this lot Monday . . 4 I t e O Tcnty-five Axminster Ituii 11-3x12 size. Some are slightly mismatched, but otherwise per fect. Values up to $32.50, Monday. . Twenty-five 912 Axminster Rugs All are seamless. .Values, to $32.50. Special 01 flfa Monday f& 1 .UU 27xfiO Axminster Rug Values up to $2.50, Mon- f day Ol.OU 30x72 Axminster Rugs values to $4, Monday Twenty-Nix . Wilton Rurs ' the finest rugs made. . All perfect goods; this season's patterns values to $G0, spe- dl O C A cially priced Mon. PHrAeOU $2.50 hottf Wilton Rui;s 9x12 size. Seamless. Values up to $"'0. Specially priced tOQ 7E for Monday. . . . $tJ e O Twenty-five 0x12 Velvet Rur.h. alues up to $25. Monday. ICO Frinacd Wilton Rugs 1 yards long. Values J 1 Cf to $8:50, Monday. . . P 1 OU Twenty-six Brussels Rugs 9x12 size. All good )atterns. Values up to $15. Special, Monday. Firiy 9x12 Axminster Rugs floral and Oriental patterns Values to $27.50, 1 Q Cf Spl. sale Monday. .4IIOU Twenty 9x12 Wilton Rugs Small allover patterns. Some are seaui less. Values up to $37.50. Your choice on Mon- JJO? 7K day at I O Thirty Seamless Hriwsols Rugs Best quality. 9x12 size. Valuer to $20. Special t 1 1 7C Monday iplleO Hartford Saxony and Genuine Wilton Rugs One big lot. Val ues up to $9.50. Size 3tix63 Ins., and 36x72 ins. Spe- J A QQ clal Monday P.a70 Will on and Hartford Saxony Rugs Size 27x54 Ins. One lot for Monday's sale. Values up to $6.25. Special Bale price Monday $3.50 lankets and Comforts v- Chiffon Velvets and Boulevard Velvets Monday, dogn Coat's Keroar and S. B Croonat Oottton lull lc "IreMnaktiV D.llght" Hklrt Markers 26c 1A value-aneclally uriced Monday, each. ,.. lwv r value, specially priced Monday, each Large Size Hair Xct Regular 5c value. 1 A special, Monday, dozen Inside Skirt Uclting Black and white, yard.. 5, Jersey Covered Dresi. Forma Can be adjusted to any height, and put away in email box when through using. Iu slzs from 32 to 44; all per fect proportioned. Regular $5 value. For T0 Monday only we will Belt them at. each. . . . s0 Domestic Sale in Basement - Isf liliJl For Dresses, Suits and Coats. These fabrics are very scarce, but we are In a position to offer Monday beautiful, 42-ln. All Silk Black t0 QC Chiffon Velvets, worth $5.00 per yard. Special at OevO 40-lnch Fancy Velvets For suits and trimmings Worth up to $3.00 per yard. Special, at 22-inch Velutlna Velvets Worth $1 00 per yard RQr Special now, at OJC 36 and 40-inch Black Silks $1.00 40-inch brocaded faille sublime 40-lnch Muck crepe de chine . . . 40-inch black satin de luxe. . . . 8t-tnli satin d chine. . . . 80-inch lx-au de gant SO-lncli pure dye inessallne $11 Yard Per SI. 00 $1.00 SI. 19 $1.50 $1.95 $1.00 79c 29c I3.6U and 13.00 Imported tl-lnch lours and Ribbed SuitinKS. Yard 12.00 Mannish Suitings, u4 Inches wide. Yard , $2.00 French SeiKes, fiO Inrhea wide. Yard $2.26 (iabaidlne 8ultlnn. Monday, per yard 60-Inch Beautiful Chiffon Broadcloth. Monday, yard.. 64-lnch Fine CoRtume Serges. Monday, yard BO-lnch "Factfiu Mills" Serges Mondnv. vard 40-lnch "Pacific Mills" Serges. AQf Mnmlnv. vard "F 0 36-lnch Wool Plaids. Monday. p6r yard Fine Coatings That Sold, Early in the Season, un to $5.00 Yard, Of feretl Special Monday, at 1.69, n.95, ?2.50 500 Fine Dress Patterns Each containing all the material nec essary for suit or dress. Fashionable weaves and splendid colorings 1.85, 2.48, 2.95 For Each Dress Pattern Complete. 500 Yards of French Challies Consisting of Scrolls, Dots, .Geomet rical patterns. Floral designs, two to four-tone effects on light, medium or dark grounds. Special Monday at, 25c, 29c, 39c Yard Regular $1.50 Full-Size Comforts Comforts for large, double beds; covered with a fine quality sllkolene, and filled with clean white cotton. Wide range of patterns in different colorings, either stitched QQ or tied IOC $3.00 Extra Large Size Bath ' Robe Blankets. They are 'full 72x90 inches. One will make a robe or wrapper for largest person. Large line of pat terns with colors that do not fade. Cords and Frogs to dl Q match, complete... J 1 yUiv We Have About 125 Full-Size Sanitary Couch or . Davenport Mattresses. Left from the great mattress purchase from L. 0. Doup & Co. They are filled with perfect new filling and covered with fancy Art Denim that waB very slightly stained by water. . These are well J0 OQ worth $4.00- - Special Monday, while they last, each ptJZf $2.00 Full-Size, Double Cot ton Blankets Extra heavy quality. Full 11-4 size cotton blankets, made from best grade selected cotton: lu White, Gray and. Tan. Ordi narily, priced at 2.00 a pair. Special Mon- 1 ACs day, pair . . Pl LXtJ $4.00 to $5.C0 All-"VVool and Wool-Filled Blankets One large Mot for Monday's sale. All for full-site beds. They come in different colored plaids, checks and plain Tan, Gray and White. Specially djo fQ priced, per pair. .' . J eOU i .A pi a Laces Extra Special Values D c D 0 C 0 D D D D D Genuine Utopia Dreti Zephyr. In all the wanted blue and white, .jlnk and white checks and aiu stripes, as wen as tail aesiKua, positively worth 10c yd., Cl Monday special sale, yd., v)2 w 3$. lack Beautiful Printed Silkoline and Comforter Covering In a choice assortment of light and dark colorings; neat fall designs and printings; regular 10c value. Monday, at, 1 yard DC Extra Fine Carded White Cotton Batting Well prepared, long staple cotton, a-lb. rolls; regular 76c value On sale Monday, CC per roll, at JOi 27-Inck Fancy Oating Flannel Genuine F. S. grade. Extra heavy, warm, fleecy nap. Light and also dark colorings, neat stripes and checks; positively worth ttc yd., special Monday, per Gl. yard, at OJC Finest Quality Kimono Flannelette In a beautiful assortment of neat Persian and Oriental designer Mostly dark and medium colors so much in demand for kimonos, dresbing sacques, wrappers, etc, Regular 15c value; 1 A Monday, yard. 36-Inch Dreu Percale Light and dark colors; neat dots, stripes and figures; 10c value. Off the bolt Monday 71 per yard, at JC 27-Inch Bleached Shaker and Twilldown Flannel That extra warm, fleecy nan weave; both sides alike. Full bolts on sale Monday, J per yard, at C 36-Inch Fancy Outing Flannel Extra warm, fleecy nap; both the aides alike. Neat pink and blue .stripes and checks. Regular 10c value. Specially priced f 1 for Monday, yard. ..... DjC 36-Inch English Shirting Madras In all the leading shirting styles; neat stripes and flgurea Lengths up to 15 yards. 16c and IVo val ues. On sale to close, 7 1 Monday, yard, at 2 C Comforter Covering In a beautiful variety of new fall designs Farsian and other leading color combinations. 6c value, Special on i 1 Monday, per yard z"2 C Genuine Amoskeag Shirting Zephyrs In a beautiful assortment of neat checks and stripes; the wanted light shirting styles; 32 Inches wide; regular 12 He val ue, Monday, yd. . . . 27-In. Oriental Flouncings, white and cream. 27-ln. Mercerized Shadow Flouncings, iu whito and cream 18-In. Oriental Allovers, in white and cream. 36-In. Silk Shadow Allovers, white and cream 36-In. Black Embroidered Nets , . 24-In. Oriental Flouncings, white and cream. 24-ln. Shadow Flouncings. white and cream. lC-In. Oriental and Shadow Flouncings.... Net Top Laces, in cream and white, up to 9 inches wide Linen Cluny Edges and Insertions 18-In. Camisole Corset Covers, Flouncings, Shadow Edges, in cream and white, up to 8 inches wide Plat Valenciennes Edges and Insertions.... Cotton Cluny Bands, 8 inches wide Worth up to OHc a Yard, Monday, 59c Yard Worth 39c a Yard, Monday, 25c Yard Worth up to 10c a Yard, Monday, 8l2c Yard 6-Inch, 9-Inch and 18-Inch Embroidery Edges Quaker LACE CURTAINS In plain and figured centers. 24 New d QO patterns. Special for Monday at, per pair P Duchesse Curtains Zr&Zt&Z $4.98 and $5.98 Per Pair 8ic White and colors. In Swiss. Cambric. Crepe and Organdies; beautiful eyelet and shadow designs. Suitable for dainty underwear; also pretty patterns for vesteea. A few very pretty corset cover patterns. Special Monday, per yard, at , 84 c TRMMINGS All the novelties are carried in our stocks which are al ways the largest. Special for Monday: Fur Trimming Bands, Edges and Pipings In White Pointed Coney, Chinchilla, Nutria. Mariuet, Wool Seal, Imita tion Ermine, Beaver, Sable and Jeanette. Kegular $1.50 QO value. Spl. Monday, yd... IOC Roe and Flower Trimming and Edging In pink, sky, lavender, yellow, red and navy. Poslthely worth $1.00 yd., Specially priced for rj Monday, yard OUC Trimmings in Bands and Galloon tltects Jet, Sequint, Iridescent Beaded Bands, Hold and Silver l.acea, Col ored Embroidered Chenille Bands, Silver Crystal Bands and Colored Bands. Regularly priced at $2.00 per yard. Special Mon- H AA day, yard J vILJ Trimming Bands and Ldges Jet. Gold and Silver Crystal Fringe, Silver Crystal and Jet Bands; Gold aud Silver l.ace Edges; colored silk embroidered appliques; Persian bands and galloons. Regular 7 0c value- Special Monday, or per yrd, at fciJC 04-inch Lare Curtains Speilal for Monday J1 tZ( per pair V 1 JJ VoUe Curtains Trimmed witU linen lace. Special Monday, pair 8elf-lrape Curtains Curtains all ready to hang. Large assortment per pair, at t 31 pl and Pi Duo Curtains The very newest style; side curtulns and lace cur talus In one. Special Monday, set, p PO . and iftX Couch Covers 00 Inches wide Extra heavy copies of the real Oriental rugs. Spe cial Monday, each $2.98 . $4.50 Quaker Lace Curtains In plair. and figured centers; 24 new pat terns. Special for f ! Qu Monday, pair pJ..t70 Sheets and Pillow Cases Replenish Your Supply Monday at These Remarkably Low Prices 42x36-Inch Bleached Pillow Slips Extra fine quality, well finished; 3-ln. hems. Regular 10c value. Monday, sale price, each, at I C 42z36-Inch Bleached Hem stitched Pillow Slips Made from good quality muslin; well finished; 3-in. hems; 15c value. Monday, Ql each, at 1 i; C 81x90-Inch Bleach Sheets, 3-lnch Hems, Seamless Extra fine quality, free from drtsslng. Torn and Ironed. Regu- lar 75c quality. Special Monday, each OuC 72x90-Inch Bleached Sheets Extra quality, made from fine 4x4 bleached muslin. 3-in. hems Regular 40c value, no Monday, each faOC 81x90-Inch Bleached Hem stitched Bed Sheets Extra heavy finish. Torn and iron ed; 3-in. hems. Positively worth 70c. Special on Monday, each 59c 36-Inch Bleached Muslin Extra fine finish. Regular 8c value; on sale Mon- tin day, yard 'OC 38-Inch Unbleached Muslin Soft finish, easily bleached. Regu lar 8c value. Mon- f" day, yard OC