THE mil): OMAHA, NATTKDAV. XOVKMUKR U. 1914. GIYES CHILDREN FREEDOM Montnsori System Doei Not Karnes Youngsttri to Conventionality. PROF. W. N. HALSEY SPEAKS If rulrrraltr or Omaha F.darator nr.. Steata Shoald Br r.lrrn Freedom to Dnrlop 'aara Propensities. Mother crowded he Ir.rge home of Mrs. A. D. Duna Thursday afternoon to learn something of the Montessorl ivMcm of child training, us expounded by Prof. Walter N. Halney of the Cnlverslty of Omaha and Miss Frances Todd, rho spent nine months at the New York Monteiaori school. Prof. Halaey laid that the Montesaorl aystem was opposed to anything aavored of method, discipline or conven tionality and advocated absolute freedom for the child. "The mechanical rm-thod of atudy, the system of grading and the fact that children ere required to sit In straight-backed chairs for a set space of time, these things are all opposed to Dr. Monlessorl's Idea." he said. "Adults have a habit of expecting children to art as they do, forgetting that they have s vista which children do not begin to comprehend. God put certain Instinct and abilities into each child and, sur rounded him with certain environments. Theso things will do more, for the child than anything else." Prof. Halsey advocated the self-activity of the Montessorl system as opposed to the group activity of the Frocbel system, and laid special emphasis on the neces sity of divorcing the child from social environments. He said that Madame Montessorl gave the world a new princi ple of education. Miss Todd, who Is k teacher In tho public schools, gave a demonstration of the didactic, apparatus in use In the New York school of this method. Among them are buttoning frames, cylinders, blocks and discs, all designed to teach something that may be practically applied and to encourage training of tho senses. An additional meeting will be called to discuss the possibility of bringing a di rectress, who has been trainee? under Madame . Montessorl In Rome, to take charge of a school In Omaha. Mrs. Dunn said that applications for thirteen chit, dren had been received already, only children between the ages of 2H and D being eligible. Dr. Grace Wlghtman pre sided at the meeting. I .Gets Damages, but is Ousted from Building by Owner Whether or not Mrs. Myrtle Bouthard Sllkett should sell candy, cigars and tobaoco In her store at Twenty-fourth and Fort streets became such a lively question between her and the landlord, Jacob Gross, that the matter finally re sulted In two suits In district court, after Gross had attempted to oust the woman. lie alleged thut when he rented the store room to Mrs. Sllkett, who was then Miss Southard, Gross told her that she should not sell confectionery or tobacco, as another tenant In the Gross' building had a business In those lines. When the woman started selling such goods. Gross' remonstrances resulted In the filing of a suit for. 120,000 damages for alleged aa Rault by'the woman against the landlord. 3he got a verdict for $5L ,. j Then Gross replied with a suit to oust' Mrs. Southard from the building. A Jury, iuuna inst sne nsa ueen wrongtuuy at taining the premises and aha has been forced to move out. COMPENSATION ACT TO BE - LAW AFTER NOVEMBER 24 According to announcement from the office of Governor Morphea tho work men's compensation act will 50 Into ef fect Tuesday, November 24, at 1:20 a. m. j'he act was passed oy the last Joglsla 'ture, but was held up by referendum pe tition until endorsed by a majority of the voters at the recent general election. IB Special Sale Gas Heaters Continued warm weather has left us witli large storks oq hand. These to be sacrificed at (Treat bargain prices Hatorday. S3.10 Gas Heaters, like picture, at i!.79 $4.00 Gas .Heaters ;.:!) $5.25 Gas Heaters M.49 $0.50 Gas Heaters 3.19 All other sizes and styles Cias Heaters reducel. Perfection Oil Heaters, reduced Saturday to $3.10 I tare Aluminum Ware Bargains. Large size best east aluminum Tea Kettles, worth $3.45 82.48 Best grade new style cant alumlnuni pancake Orlddle, with wood han dle ajid barrel bottom, worth 12 25, at .v 81-48 No. 8 large alia best cast aluminum Skillet, worth l.i8 S1.S9 Aluminum Percolators (1.49 Winter Hardware Specially Priced fur Saturday's Hale Warranted Axes, full slza ....... 89o Warrants Axes, boys' ttUe tt'Jo Buck Saws ' o Jjniw Scoops, fit any furnace door, at 3c Asli Hitters - lOo Tar Pnpev-fr roll 81.18 tin tin heavy Coal Buckets . ...lo HAYDEN BROS. 3292,89 Men's $2.50 Hats $1 1,000 of them. Now fall stylos, makorV samples ami broken lots from regu lar stock. Values to $2.,"0; all colors and kinds, $1.00 All the new styles in John K. Stetson Hats." Bags and Suit Cases About One-Third Off A big special clearance of samples and forward stock in three big lots $3.95-$4.95-$G.95 A dandy all leather bag or case at $3.95 See them. Our $10 Sale of Furniture, crowd Friday. brought a big The values will bo duplicated for Saturday. Many Thousand Dollars' Worth of Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Underwear and Furnishings Shown at Price Savings of to Saturday. Comparison of Values Is the IUt Tejt 'Comparison will prove both values and ssortmrnt here Superior at Kvery price Select Karly Saturday. IN CORSET AISLE $1.98 98c 25c f.YHO COKSKTS Urokert lines of best known makes plain and fancy $0 OQ materials, on sale to, close,.. . Pa.3 f l.OO tXHtSKTM rXllt HOl'SK WKAU Me dium bust, long hip models, 7Rr on pale, at I DC FANCY UHASSIKR.H Fssten front or bark, laoe or embroidery trimmed, A to $1.00 values.) at HVC flOc 1XHASS1F.HH Lace or embroid ery trimmed, all slses, on sale at. . GIRLS' WOOL SWKATKHS Rejtular $J.50 values, sixes 6 to 13 Yrs; Nor- QQ folk styles, all colors J 1 iivO CHILDKKX'S M.OO W4H1L RWKATKRM Best colors end styles; special g4 AtZ Saturday, at 1 .40 LADIKS 8WEATEH8 Best, values shown in any Omaha store Wool Sweaters, 81.08 to Silk Sweaters 84.08 u 810.00 WEST ROOM-Main Floor MUX'S OITI.NO FIaAXNKL NIGHT SHIRTS Regular fl.00 values q now at UtC MKX'S NIGHT SHIRTS AND. PAJAMAS . $1.50 and $2.00 values QQ now at 81.45 nd VOC MEVS I1LAXKKT HATH RORIOS Makers' samiilea. values up to f 0.98, Q QQ $5.08, $1.08, $3.08 and Pa& saVO $10.00 MKX's UKL RWKATKH ttiATS thai usually sell up to $10.00; and styles: .Y!8, $l.fs, $8.DN, rJ.ON and MKX'S HKAVV GRAV SWFATKRS Made to sell at $2.00. choice at. . MKX'S F1XK I'XIOX Si ITS In "all wool or tilk and wool Sterling Gloho nnd other veil known makes, to $t.00 val ues, $ I. ..,, and. MKX'S WOt II. I XIOX SLITS Msde to sell to $4.50. heavy and medium, at fl-43, 91.23 nnd HKWY FLKKCKI) I XIOX SI ITS To J I.JO valir; in three lots at $1.45, f I.J.I and. . . , MKX'S WORK OH DKKSS (JU) or unllned. to $2. 00 values at $1.4. c and Fill MXi:i ACTO GLOVKS OK MITTKXS special at $:..0, fU.os rt 1 qq and at O 1 .iO MKX'S SILK XKCKWKAR To $1 values, 45c, H.V and MKX.S W(M)L lt)TTOX SOCKS - To fiOo values, Saturday OE 1 n 1 at ZOC r,vi LC LADIES' UNDERWEAR DEPT. LADIKS' OlTIXta IIIXXKL (M)WXS heavy quality, several styles up to $3.00 values, on sale at 91.45, lHc, l)c and '$2.50 sde to 93c ro $::.;o 98c 49c ITTKXS 1.98 25c $1.98 49c 49c LAIMKs' FIXE I'XIOX SI ITS Values to $5.00; Swiss tr fine ribbed. In silk and wool and all wool or silk lisle; all Myles. at .$2.0 atid liADILS' I'XIOX Si ITS To $2.0 values. In otl or fino fleeced, all styles, qq nt 91.50 and a70C Others at 30t- 40 nd Oili HEAVY FLEECED AXH ALL WOOL VESTS ft fthout half. CHILDHKX'S I'XIOX Sl'ITS Heavy rieeied, all sires; irey, eresm or yQ wiute. st HVC CHILDREN'S HKAVV OITIXG FLAXXKL NlKhls Gowua and Pajamas, all sties, special bargains LADIES' SILK ftliOOMKRS AXD ITALIAN Silk Vests, In pinks, blues, J IK white or block, all sizes, spools! P 1 iHO IN HOSIERY DEPT. Some Mighty Dleailna; Specials In Hosiery For Saturday. tXV SPECIAL LOTS IX WOMEN'S 81LK, Cotton and Woolen Hose, offering savings of fullv one-third. CHILDREN'S LISLE HOSE To one special lotper pair now at LADIES' as- WOOL HOSE . . . IXFAXTS' CASHMERE HOSE colors; 25c values, on sale, now at Ill V WAYNE KXIT HOSE They satisfy and you will find broad assortments hete for your selection. , I5c values, 12ic -Black and 15c i up v LEU Saturday Specials in Laces and Fancy Goods 75c Laces at 25c. A splendid assortment of choice pat terns in Oriental and shad ow laces, mads to sell up to 7Rc a jard. Saturday, at, yard. . 25c Denutlful 27-ln. Flouncing and yard wide allovers In cream or white. Special, at, yard..Q8 Deatillful Sintelllne Xeta. A big now stock in all popular shades, t. yard -81.50 Anto Veils. Regular $1.00 val ues, at 70f Fine IS-lnch Flonnclnus, to $1 yd. values, cream or white, per yard, at '. 40tf 91 Hand Ka, at 40(5 Wide. Fancy Ribbons, newest col orings, in Roman stripes, per Jid, at 20t Many Other Specials. 911. So o 920.00 Worth of Furniture for $10 Is what our big Special Sale offers buyers Saturday. Come. Omaha's Greatest Bargain Sale of Millinery II -e: r 9x. c Continues day ' Sovrm1 la.f Rliinmonta inst re- Iv - ' v . 1 p c.eived, Hddod to tho wonderful val- 'mm ues already shown. Overstock ot prominent Chicago and New York makers bought at a price which en ables us to offer Omaha women Most Wonderful Millinery Values which it has ever been our pleasure to offer. Ostrich Trimmed Hats, tjSd$i' $2.97 The two hats here illustrated give you a faint idea of the becoming beauty and classy style of these offerings. An almost unlimited variety of large, medium and small shapes, each trimmed in a distinctive manner wiith Ostrich Plumes, Ostrich Bands, Rick ups, Numidy, Furs, Flowers, etc. The frames are of elegant quality silk velvets, felts and plush; most of them black, but a good assortment of wanted colors for selection. "Lyons' Velvet Shapes, values up to $7.50, Choice. $2.49 Elegant quality baud Misses Trimmed Hats, made to sell at $2.50, at 98c Nobby plush shapes, trimmed with pretty Roman stripe ribbon. Children's Trimmed Hats, made to sell to ' $2.00, at 49c All colors in silk velvet or plush frames, trimmed with ribbons, flow ers, etc. ' . blocked shapes in large, medium and small effects; greatest values ever shown in Omaha. $2.50 Shapes, velvet or plush, at 98c $2.00 Shapes, velvet or plush. .49c OSTRICH PLUMES-All best quality hard male stock at remarkable underpricings. Flumes, made to sell at $4.00, Plumes Worth $5.00 A big assortment in black or white, values you never before saw equalled at our sale price, of ................ $2.49 in black or white, on sale, at, each S2.49 Plumes, made to sell at $2.00, black, or white, wonderful values, at 69c Make selections Early. The Most Wonderful Suit and Dress .Bargains It Hqs Ever Been Our Pleasure to Offer You Beautiful Tailored Suits from "HygTade" Gowns and Dresses from "Goldston." Values already shown from these two big; purchases have proved the bargain sensations of the season but the last shipments in our opinion surpass both in beauty and quality previous offerings. Make selections Satur day. 4k $14.95 $12.50 400 Beautiful New Suits Made to sell nt fcio to $'.'). The fabrics include fine broadcloth?, velvets, corduroys, cheviots, gabardines, serges, etc.; both long and short coot styles, in the sea son ?a best colorings and fashions, all sizes, S14.95. Other wonderful Values in Velvet Suits Broad assort ment for selection; the season's newest style ideas--at S35.00. $15.00. $55.00 Hundreds of Beautiful New Dresses Street Dresses, Afternoon Dresses, Pretty Dancing l)resses; up to if'oG.OO values". An almost un limited variety of charming designs in satins, chiffons vropes, velvets, serges and other desirable fabrics; plain color and fancies, all styles $12.50 Thousands of Stylish Winter Coats.' Many, just received from our buyer now in New York. Many broken lines , and odd conts from our regular .stocks, greatly under priced for Saturday, in three big lots assortments so broad you're sure to find pleasing selection nt $10.00, $15.00, $19.00 A Big Shipment of Waists. Beautiful de signs in chiffons, shadow lace and crepo do chines; garments made to sell to $7.50, new est styles and colors, all sizes at, choice .. $2.95 3dW mm A ' iwmi ' w Children's Winter Coats Up to $10 value, in nobby now styles, all sizes from 2 to U years, at, choice $2.95-$3.95 Children's Dresses Brood assortment of prettv designs, all sizes nnd colors nt . $1.95, $2.95,'$3.05 You'll Rnd Nothing Better in Women's Gloves Than the Popular Monarch, Derby and Bacmo. Values usually sold to $2.00 n pair. All styles nnd colors shown here, at, pair. .$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Cape. -and Doeskin Gloves. YVnfthable, very practical for street wear; values t $2.00, on sale, at, pair $1.00, $1.50 Kayser's Chamoit.ett4, Ijoutherett and Silk. Lined Cash mere Gloves, to 75c values, on sals In two lots, Sat urday, pair 35S 49 Lined Kid Glove, Mittens and Gauntlets, to $1 values, for ladles, misses and children, at, pair. ...... 40C SpZL$?nfc Shoe Department A special Gaiter for moulders and smelter workers $2.50 value, for..... '. Men's Dress and Work Shoes, all leathers and newest styles $4.60, $4. CO, $3.60 and $3.00 values at S3.50 S3.00 $2.50 and Women's Shoes; black or tan, cloth or leather top Splendid $4.60, $3.50 and $3.00 values, at $3.00 $3.50 fl1 QO .... A V w $1.85 $1.98 and at. . . Kreider'a Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' best quality dti rZl school and dress shoes $3.50 $2.00 and ipl.DO Men's House Slippers'; none better carried by any one In Ct Omaha 82.O0-$ 1.50 $1.0O and OUC , Visit Our Children's Department Special Sales All Day Saturday. Grover and Queen Quality Shoes for Women. Stetson and Crossett Shoes for Men. Once Tried, Always Worn. JYi h mu GAS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS'-On Fourth Floor. 75c Gas Lamps, complete with mantle and burner 35 IJadsay 23c Mantles, upright or inverted, guaranteed for 90 days on sale, each, at 11)0 2Ac Iteflex Mantles, each at 15 15c Mantles, at 10 I 25c Gas Globes, at -lOO 10c Mantles, at 5e I 45c Electric Globes, at,.... JJ5 Here are some values that will bring crowds to our CLOTHING DEPT. In the Domestic Room $2.00 and 2.0R Men's Trousers, SI. 85 425 Pairs of Men's Trousers; dark or U(?ht patterns; nest tripes and plain colors. No man that Intends to buy trousers Saturday should (j or miss seeing those, at J) X .OO Men's Sulla and Overcoats at $5.00 Somo mighty good values are In this assortment. Men thai usually pay $10.o ,for tbeir suits and overcoats should visit the domestic room Saturday and look ut the values we are offering In Suits and tf Overcoats, at. i '...;' 2iJ.UU LIMlo Fellows' Overcoats at $1,75 Ages 3 to 8 years Russian and iSuster Urown styles; rhincuuia or wool cassimeres; ail colors. Coats that we have eold for as much as i v- will be In this sale at lloys' a.r0 and f2.V5 HuHj. at $1.05 Diagonal weaves; blue. gray end brown; ttuigarian, isorioiK style wun iuu cut Knicker bockers. Saturday all sues 6 to 16 years per suit, nt. . . $1.75 saves; blue, ut knlcker- $1.95 Dolls and Toys Specials, Fourth Floor, Saturday $2 'Handwerck's" liolU, with long sewed wig, moving eyes, Jointed, 22 'Inches high, on sale Satur day, each at. . . . 08 0c Estenslou ltoller Skates, steel rollers, special, at -,49 75c Doll Go Carts folding, well made, each, at 50d Structural Steel Hulldlng Sets All kinds, from $10 $1 Blodellng Cluy 8 colors, in neat box, on sale 75d f?im Rtffit) A rfinffnti Saturday and Monday we are offering special bargains in new fall and winter, 1914, Aug DUyerS JllieniWn perfect Rugs that we do not believe you'll find duplicated in any other store in this part of the country. No seconds or mismatched patterns; all clean, new goods. Rugs which no woman will hesitate to put where they can be seen. High Pile Axmlnster Hugs To $25 values, 9x12 size, big assortment ot new patterns, $J3 03 Seamless Milton Hugs To $2S.OO values, in twenty-six patterns 9x12 size, all new q qq stock, at Pl0.c0 Tapestry Brussels Hugs Seamless 9x12 size, up to $13.50 values guaranteed worsted JJ7 AO. face, good patterns.. J 40 Seam! Axmlnuter Itugs Made to sell at $30, In good line of pat terns, 9x12 size CI Q OQ sale price pla.70 Seamless Wilton Hugs Regular $17 values, In 7-6x9 size. Choice, new patterns, on sale now at $11.98 TaiK'stry Brussels Hugs To $18 values; seamless, 9x12 size; big line of patterns fin aq 9-wire guallty JlU.i70 Seaiuless Velvet I Wig Up to $18 values, 9x12 size, in 29 patterns; matchless values, (til QQ your choice sj) 1 1 .IvO $2.50 Axmlnster Hugs, tf 4 AEZi 27x64 size, on sale at J 1 HO lUgelow's Klectia Hugs Regular $30 values, 9x12 size; Orlontal patterns, bpautls, Ann ("A unmatched elsew here OU Be4iiuUss U'iltou Hugs rieamleas, 6x9 size, $14 values, good lne of patterns, on sale at 94.00 Axmlnster Hugs, (n rf 36x72 size, on sale at Pi O $9.98 Framed Pictures An Immense Assortment of the Hest Subjects at Less Prices Than EUewhere. l-Yuit Pictures An Immense stock of excellent values; all sizes at $7.98 75 ltellglous Pletures All the popu lar subjects, in all styles; prices from. . . .$1.50 75 Framed lMcturea Worth to $2; gilt or dark frames. In all shapes big assortment, at... SI. (JO 50e Framed Pictures Big variety of subjects; gilt or brown frames now at 35 19 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 Hayden Make the Price for the People, Not the Trusts 48-lb. Backs brat high grada Diamond It Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, per saek 91.40 10 lb., beat wlilt. or yellow Corn Meal ISO lba. choirs Japan Rice SSe The beat hand picked Nary Beans, lb., at 60 6 cans Oil Hardines 8&0 4 lba. beat Pearl Tapioca tse 10 bars best brandi laundry Swap 360 Corn 1 lakes, pkg- So Grape Nuts, k lOo All reg-ular 15c tookles. Saturday, lb., . at v-.XaViO All regular cookies, Saturday, lb., at lOo All regular 100 cookies, Batuixiuy, lb., at eVo Parker House Catsup, bottle. .. .S1. 20-OI. jar pur. California Honey loo HO-os. jar pur. California Marnialad. st , 200 Chow Chow, quart 16o Hour pickles, quart lOo New Imported Figs, lb toe New California reaches, lt....S,o New California cooking Figs, lb.8Vie New California IUInIiis, lb avo jolden Hantoa Coffee, lb SO0 liersliey'g Cocoa, lb aoo rXESX BOUTXSKBT TBSCTABX.XI mow on rum kiiixt. Kraah Carrots Beets, bunch.... Fresh Bhallota, I bundles for....lOe FTesn Head Lettuce, per head. .THo Fancy wax or green Beans, lb.. 710 Fancy rlpqf Tomatoe. lb THo Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. THo New Chestnuts, per lb 19o S large Soup Bunches. 10 I stalks fresh Celery........ So ( large Grapefruits 95 Fancy Cooking Apples, peck 8O0, 8 So Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips,' I'arsulpa or Jlulabagus, par lb IH9 Fancy red or yelluw Onions, lb... So Tbo best fresu Eg-gs, dos.a Mo Tli. beest Creamery Butter, In car ton or bulk, lb T 4o Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per pound f 3Jo Fancy ralry Butter, lb 880 Full Cream Cheese, lb lao rancy Wasbiagtoa ot Idaho o Jobs tusa Apples, per bos 91.35 Hayden's Make the Meat Prices for the People It's Qnsllty Ooods sad a Bavlag of as t ao or tti reopi. 1914 Spring Chickens Saturday at less than wholesale. No, Pork Uhoulder, lb. 1SH. No. 1 Pork Hutts. lb 14HO Genuine 1814 Hprlng lmli, hind quarters, lb. 14HO Genuine I 1 4 Spring Umb, fore- quurters, lb 10Ho Genuine Hteur I'ot Roust. . . ,14o-18V4o Genuine Steer ll'Hjml Pteak, lb..ltHo No. t bulk tausugr, lb loo I lba best Ltef Lard SSO M0SZO MEAT FXCXAUI. j Diamond C rktntied Mania. lb...l7H. No. t Picnic Mams, lb lSHe No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb. SSHie No. 1 Bacon aUris. lb 14 No. 1 halt Pork, lb lSVio 114 Keg Hominy, pgr keg BSo No. 1 Oysters, solid meat, 110 water added, 33 ounces to quart 40o wJUST TRY HAYDEN 'S TIRST IT WON'T BE HARD TO DETERMINE THAT. IT PAYS. Drugs and Toilet Articles Look over the list carefully nd buy your drug wants here. Prices never so low as now. 1 quart bottle Plnaud'a Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic, spl., $2.30 91.00 Pal Hopamea S9o Z60 Mentholatum 14o Ha Caicara Quinine. Hill's ...7r.l4q tOc Csnthros Shampoo .BSo too Steam's La Hheek Rouge.... 35o 25o Pond's Vanishing Cream ISo $1.(0 Ouuraud'a Oriental Cream.. tas BOc Hind's Honey 4V Almond Creotn 'or 8(0 tOo Carmen Powder 8S0 4711 L Satin (Fare Powder, ..... .860 4711 Toilet Water. 76c else. at....60o 60c peboco Tout!) paste SSe tbo Lyon's Tooth Powder iTo lOo Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper, i rolls tor aoo lOo dayman's fcioap g0 10a Imperial Peroxide Soap, 4 bars for 8So lOu Jap Rose 8oap ..go Sc 4711 Glycerine Hoap, 2 bars.. 853 1 -lb. BotM. Peroxide, spd'lal ISo 100 Plienoltlialox Laxative Wafers 8So $4.00 3-qt. M'clllngtoa Cotnbiiiatloii fiyrlnge and Bottle, guaranteed 3 ynara. far ; . . . .88.83 IS 00 t-qt. Maderlte Combination $1.50 12 SO t-qt. Hot Water Bottle, red rub ber, for 81.60 tl.kt S-qt Fountain Byrlng. guar anteed H.88