TJIK ItKK: OMAHA, SATL'K'DAV, XOVKMUKH 14, 1H4. GERMAN PRISONERS, ESCORTED BY BELGIAN AND FRENCH TROOPERS, entering, the outskirts of a French town on t!io Belgian border, name of town deleted by censor. ' rr- -TA f y-Va -") ,?.V )., ; ) ' -i a' ' -f: ; 11 ' i" " ' 1 1 11 i SEEKING- HIS PARENTS HERE i . Winfred Ratiell Jenkins it Told Hit Father Worked on The Bee. jWAS ADOPTED BY ' M0NTA5A53 , la f.lrfi to l irntiBd that He ta Only mm Aitvt4 I Startins out at tha ace of 30 to JIcovr hla parnl and learn hla own identity, In the tank Winfred Ruaarll Jenklnx cf Llnby. Mont, haa aet hlmaclf. He arnved In Omaha Thuradar and at onee went to the mfflee of The Omaha Bee. where he had been told Ma father waa employed in the compnaln room nearly thirty year ano. None of the old-tlmera date back that far. ao no one knew hla father. Young Jenkins says he was rained by a family by the name of Cobb in Ubby. Mont Ho waa always known as a' mem ber of the family and waa known as Win fred Russell Cobb. A few month ago B. F. Cobb, the head of the family and a wealthy lumber dealer,, died, and when his affairs were belns; settled up. Winfred was told that ha was not a member of the Cobb family at all. but his name was really WiiTfred Russell Jenkins; that his fathr"s name was Charles Frederick Jenkins, and that he (young; Jenkins) was bom in Klrwln, Kan., thirty years afro. The Cobb family did not tell him the clrcumntances that led to their adop tion of htm. He says he does not know whether his mother is dead or whether his purenta reperaled. He only knows that the Cobbs took him as a baby and raised blm. He beRed hard for further information and learned that Ms father and mother were married tn Emporia, Kan., some thlrty-ona years ago. Ha learned that his grandfather was a physician In fcm porla, Kan. Jenkins says he haa heard that a man named Jenklna with hla father s Initials Is editor of a farm paper In Philadelphia, but says he does not know what the paper Is. although he hopes to trace this clue down. CROSBY HOLDING INQUEST INTO DEATH OF F. KRAFJA Coroner Crosby Is holding an inquest Into the death of Frank Krafja, who died Thursday night In Nicholas Penn hospital, the result of being assaulted at Fender a week ago. The county at torney from Thurston county la In at tendance. But little has been learned so far of the affair. It was raid that Krafja was called out from his house by tmo men and then assaulted. His Injuries were1 not considered serious for several daya, when It finally developed that his tkutl was fractured. He waa brought to Omaha for treatment and he died here. HOLDEN INSPECTING ROAD Head of Burlington Road Goes Over the Western lines. L. W. HILL ACCOMPANIES HIM Ciolaar to W'roialag to Lok Over tke Une Which Haa Recently Been Opeaed There from Big Hera Baela Coaatrr. Irrntfrn Miles per t.allon, 'One thing that renders it well nigh Impossible for a man to get more than bti'.nl..n mil. vter frallnn nut .if hla I gasoline Is the wav the women folks keen drawing a dishpanful out of the tank to take out grease spots with. Ohio State Journal. Hale Hoiden. president of tha Burling ton, was In Omaha thirty minutes Thurs day nlht. enroute west to look over the company a new line and that portion or the Colorado & Southern between Chey enne and Orln Junction. On his Inspection trip President Hoiden Is accompanied by L. W. Hill, president of the Great Northern; H. E. Byrani, vice president. In charge of 'operating on the Burlington: George B. Harris, chair man of the executive committee, and George W. Holdrege. general manager of the Burlington llnea west of the Mis souri river. The party Is traveling on a special train of five special cars, and at division points they take on auperin tendents. carrying them to the ends of their respective divisions. Mr. Hill Is very much Interested In the. Wyoming country. Do Yoa Fear Consaaaptloa t Dr. King's New Discovery will help curs your cough or cold, no matter how chronic It Is. Try it today. 60c and 11.00. All druggists. Advertisement. learned, was due to the two ahets that the Oermans got home. However, the British gunners soon v rams any difficulties this may have raused and settled down to their work, so that, before long, two of the Emden's funnels were shot away. It lost on of Us masts quite ssrly In the fight. Both biasing away with their big gun, the two cruisers disappeared below tha horlion, tha Emden being on Tire. Paaaes f rem tlaat. Bo tha great naval duet passed from our sight and we could turn our attention to the portion of tha German crew that had been left behind. These mea- had put off In their boats, obedient to the signal of the siren, but when their ship steamed off without them they could do nothing but come ashore again. On relanding they lined up on the short of the lagoon, evidently determined to fight to a finish It the Biitlah cruiser sent a fitly a'horc, but at p. m. .the German raiders embarked on the old achooner Ayessa, which fcelbng to Mr. Ross, the "uncrowned king'" of the islands, felling a quantity of clothes and stores., they sailed out and nothing has been seen of them sine-, . , Drtetle of llattle. Early the next morning, Tueslay, we saw the Vydner returning, and at 1:4$ a. in. it anchored oit tne isisnu. From ISLANDER TELLS of mmn fight German Cruder Surprised by Sydney While Party Attacking British Xntul&r Station. LEAVES BOAT CREW BEHIND 11 est Ha Craft Marts la Parsalt of tha VleeJaa; Teatoa, aad Both SJsehaaar 4 Shots Brltoaa Hare Advaataa. (The following story Is the descrip tion of the opening of the Imttlu be lwn the Oerman cruiser Kmden and the Australian crulstT Hydnvy. by an eye witness ! (CopeTlsht. 1M. by Press Publishing Co.) KEKIJNU, Cocos U-sn.l (Via l: ilnl. Nov. !. (Special Cablegram to New Tors World and Omaha Bre.V-It was early n Monday that tlve unexpected arrival of tha Kmdn broke tne ra;m of these Inf lated little Inlamla. which the distant Slews of war had hitherto left unruffled. One of tb Islands Is known gs i.lrec tlon Island, and there the Kattertt Tele graph company haa a cable station nd Lvirlou, members of hs crew I gathered man rngfusva in rcinyma mswusui tween England and Austrslla. Cthurwls the Inhsbitants are all Malays, vlth the exception of descendants of June Clunl. s Ross, a British naval offcer, who vamo to these Islands niivty years ago 'ind founded s Ifjne of "uncrowned kin1." eesna Fas Away. . The war sceroeo very far .".way. Offi cial bulletins passed thro.igh tha table station,: but thsy coitalncd ilttl.s news and Om only escltemL-nt ws wln-n t was rustored that the company tend tng rlflsc In case of a raid on the station, and that the beach must be nt.-oll1 by parties, on tho lookout for Unmans. Then we heard from Singapore that I ho tormtn .cruller Kmden had b-n dla pstrl.ed . to these lilsnds, and then to ward th and of August ona it tha cuble ataff thought he saw .rarrtillghts cut over the sea. Then suddenly ve i re awakened from our ralm ami .nade to feel that we had become a most important place In tho -war area. , '. . ( raiser A rrl res. At a. tn. on, Monday a fo ir-funmilled arrived, full speed, at the entrance to the lagoon. Our aurpldona were aroused, for it waa flying no f'.aa, and ita fourth fourf.t funnel enviously was a dummy, made r-t.psluted canvas. Therefore we were not altogether sur prised at the turn of events. Tha cruiser at one- lowered en vtmored lau ic: pnd two boats, which csme oshore aul landed on our eoral beach three officers and forty men, all fully rmed and having four Maxim guns. Tars oat Vaeratora. The Germane, for 'ill doubt aa, to the Identity of the mystertoua cruiser now was at an end, at once. ' rtishd up to the cable station and turned out TO GIYE GOLD PIECES AWAY Nebraska Clothing Company to Pre sent Customer with Souvenir. DENOMINATION IS QUITE SCAECE Two Dollar an a, Half tield (alas liar ta Crt May dead ta Mint for gapply Coacera Cele hrates Aaalversary. some details of the running fight with tha Emden. Tho rtytlney having the advantage In peed ws able to keep out of range of the Hmden'a guns and to bombard It with Its own heavier metal. ' ( The engagement lasted eighty, minutes, the Kmden finally running ashore on North Keeling IMan I and becoming an utter wreel;. Only two Gorman shots proved effect ive. One Kowlteh failed to explode, but smashed the main range tinder and killed on man. . The other killed three men and wounded fourteen. . Kach of the cruiser's attsmpted to torpedo tho other, but both were unsuc cessful, and the duel proves a contest In hard pounding at long' range.' The Sydney's speed during tha fighting was twenty-six knots and the Emden a i twtnty-fuur knots, the British superior ity of two knots enabling It to choose the raiigt at which tbe battle ahould ba fought and to make the most of Its su-, perlor guns. ' The Sydney left here at 11 a. m. on Tuesday tn hope 'of picking up any of the survivors of the Buresk. tha collier that had been in attendance on the Kmien and waa aunk after tha engage ment on the previous day. Finally, with a number of wounded prisoners ea board, the Nydney left her yesterday end our few hours' war excitement were J over. I The Nebraska Clothing company will celebrate its second anniversary Satur day. Just two years ago John A. fcwan son and W. L. Hoixman started on their new venture at Fifteenth and Farnam streets and now tbey have one of the largest and most progressive stores of IU kind In the middle west As a toksn of their appreciation for the welcome given them by the people of Omaha Mr. Qwanson and Mr. Hoixman have announced that they will present t atrons at the atoro with f2.M gold pieces. Any person making a purchase of IS will receive one of fhe gold pleoea. All day representatives of tho store hustled around town scouting op the necessary gold pieces. Gold pieces' 'of the 2.M denomination are rather a scares article,' and It was necessary to go to the Houth Omaha hanks, as not a suffi cient number could bo obtained In Omaha. I If the gold 'pieces cannot be procured from the South Omaha banks a wire will be sent to the mint In Denver ao that a full supply will arrive her lu the morn ing. " Gold Pleeea New Idea. Mr. Hoixman and Mr. Bwenaon de cided that the presentation of a il'Jt gold piece would be far more accept able to the average person than a out price or somothlng of a. similar nature. "Other stores have bargain sales," J clared Mr. Holsman, "and we wanted something different, something distinc tive. We finally decided on the gold piece. Of course, we will have the usual large number of Saturday bargains and perhaps a few more than on ordinary Saturdays, but the presentation of the gold-piece rift Is the way we wish to express our thanks to the public of Omaha and the surrounding territory (or their patronsge." Shuler & Cary Will Open Addition For Sale Saturday Popplelon Park addition, between Forty-thlid and Forty-fifth streets, and between Davenport and California streets Is to be opened for sale Saturday and Sunday. This Is the addition reoantly purchased and graded by Shuler ft Can'. Cement sidewalks are In and trees are planted. Sewers are In and ar rangements have been completed with the Water board for the Immediate In stallation of a water system, so that the addition has every modern service' at hand. . i ' , . , FUNERAL OF W. R. MULVIHILL TO BE HELD THIS MORNING William B, Mulvlhlll. formerly a teller gt the Merchants Nstlonal bank, who died from gas asphyxiation Wednesday will be burled this morn ing In Holy Sepulchcr cemetery. The procession will leave from the family residence. 42 Farnam, at ) o'clock and services will t held at St. Cecelia's cathedral The verdict of the coroner's Jury r turnad Thursday afternoon officially registers the death as an accident. Ar thur Mahoney, 410 Chicago street, who found the body, and police officers who Investigated later, testified to the condi tion of the room when they arrived. operator, smashed their Instruments, i "rren and seltsd guns all over tluw buildlmis. writes All knives end riresrirti found in the potwsslon of the staff were confiscated. Hut tn spit Of the excitement outside laork was carried on Jn the caole office aa usual, up to tha moment when tha Hermans burst In. A general till wss sent out Just be firs the wireless appa ratus was blown op. The whole of tha axsff waa placed undi-r arrest wiule the instruments were berg !rstroy?d; but It ts only fair to say that the Oermans, working In well disciplined faslilon un der their officers, were most civil. There was no such bruisli'.y as w hor char- i Palsy t'atbrrtte Tablets. J Are wholesome, thoroughly cleansing, and have a stimulating affect en tha ' stomach, liver and bowels. Regulate ' you with no griping and no unpleasant ' , aftor effeits. titoul people find they give I the 1 Inimonse relief and comfort. Antl-blllous. 1 Fpofford. Oreen Bay. Wa , "Foiev'a Catliartln Tahlnia the best laxative I have ever used. do the work Dromttlv anri mlth nn v.n a I after effect." Try thsin. For sale by p) n Hi iK i N They 8 all dealers everywhere Advertisement LIGHT SNOW GENERAL OVER THE NORTHWEST According to the rt road reports there were light snews Thursday night over practically all the northwest .west of Wyoming. Now, however, generally It Is clear, but somewhat coolaf. The report show that throughout Ne- acisrises tne urrmin army s bcnavtnr ( lirsaKa tne weather Is goout toe Am toward civilian, an t there were no at-j aa that In Omaha, though a little cooler, tempts at pillaging. ( number. of points la the state getting Trln ta f at c ables. ; below frsvsing Thursday night While the cable station was being put lr out of action the o-jw of the lauutu i grappled the cables and endeavored to cut them, but fortunately without suc cess. . The electrical stores then were blown up. At a. m. we heard the soi nd of a ire a from the Krnd.q .nd this evidently wsa a signal to the landing party to re turn, fur they at ones riaihed fvr the boa is, but the Kmltu got under wsy at j wtice and the boats -oio Uft behind. ; k Iookliig eustaard we ceuld see the rtaaoa fur tats sudden dt-parture, lor a' warship, which we aficrusrd learned was. tha Australian cruiser r'yduay, waa cc.ui Ir.g up at full la pursuit. Tbe1 .mden l.d I Kt wait to disi uss matter., I tuu firing Its firet shot st a range of . , aoout t.'v )arJs. attained north aa hard k H couJd go. At first the firing of the Eindea seemed 1 n vo:d ir.ipunzr.-iuz lor Infants d Invalids Cot C30QLSCCI'G It anoaas Cbe Original mat Geaalo ALT ed r.iiu; "CltciS- Jmitatitnt Th rood-Drink for all Ago TUch milk, maltod grain, in powder foneu I or infanta, invalids aad giuwing cKildrea. f Sirenutrition.upUidduig the wbel body. 1 ovigaratas auraiof motbera sad ta aged. Mora itoalthful than tea or Co Has. Hon r.luch Thought Do You Give t Buying Your Corset? If you realized how important the corset really is, you would, no doubt, take time. Your corset is the greatest factor of your nppearance as well as v-ur comfort. That is why rc advise being fitted and let our corsetieres give you the corset suited for your in dividual needs. You can have com fort and tha fashionable llnea at the tau lime, for Nemo cornets are so designed to give support, to preserve and enhance bodily health, which will mean comfort and a grace ful poUe lor you. There are Nmo corsets for slender figures constructed with the Nemo bridge, which will not dig in above wgUt line. Nemo rorseta for stout figures wear well, make the woman look well and feel welt. 522 Nemo t The corset is adapted for the extra stout figures with me dium height bust, long over hip and abdomen, with wide elastic band set inside of corset next to front steel. . $5.00 Nemo 305 Model is made of striped batiste with pink or white embroidered polka dot, low top with elastte section over diaphragm. A comfort able corset for slender figures go ff Price, eacfr .'. V5.UU Nemo Export Special A special corset for the average and a tout figures. , To appreciate the value of this corset you must aee it. ff Btsea 33 to 3 ?CUU III v fx SfrV! M 1 wP This corset U ued in surgical fittlufs with great success... .ii... .v.. . . .i.. c i. . AuukaHhte. A.h a MOarllCSrSL Mil e'SpoKT R GREATEST BARGAINS. In Fine Home Furnishings Ever Offered in Omaha Below we illustrate just a few of the splen did home-furnishing values we are offer ing to those who are 'really interested in beautifying their homes. It will more than pay you to drop in and acquaint yourself Special Convenient Monthly Payments Gladly Arranged if? with our immense showing of new FALL and WIN TEH designs. Our stock is the largest, highest grade in the city, and our prices have never been equaled. Let us show you what genuine furniture values ' look like. m mii lajyi ila mi . a J Ils IYepnred For Cold Weather. Select Your Stove Tomorrow From the Largest Display In Omaha. Store Open Until 1 P. M. Saturday Ere. HEhel IS THE GREATEST HANOI? VA.LUU IN OMAHA. High grade sanitary base. Tren ton Regent Steel Range. Used and Indorsed by hundreds of Omaha housewives. Elegantly nickel trim med. Is-ln. oven, 6-hole top, large warming closet and nickel towel bar. Guaranteed tn ev- 17C ery respect .Our very fj' special prlo only -sw ii. BO Cash 94.00 a Koatk. MASSIVE COLONIAL ROCKER. Aa elegant value in a luxurloug Colonial Rocker. Exactly as shown. Seat and back beautifully upholstered In guaran teed Imperial leather. Frame la ex tremely massive and splendidly finish ed in rich golden. Haa full steel spring construction. Positively a $15.00 value. Our low price only 97-5 A Old ats Stoves 3 Taken fjjC55v Exchange. OUR NEW MODEL. LINCOLN OAJC HEATER. An elaborately nickel trimmed oak stove. Guar anteed coal economlser, made with large fir pot and full nickel base and nickel side reflectors. Will burn wood or coal and with proper car will hold fire ever Oil night. On sale at the f) unusually low price """"" l.oo Cash i $1.00 a MontH. 1 A 7-Piece Dining Room Set at Oniy 19.89 $2 Cash,' $2 Monthly This set consists of alx beautiful chairs uphol stered In guaranteed Ira terlal leather, and one jarge 4 2 -In. top exten sion table which ex tends to 6 ft. Made en tirely of solid oak and finished golden. de rided value for thla complete combtn a 1 1 o n tor tomorrow's selling at the low price quoted. MAGNIFICENT 80UD OAK CHINA CLOSET. Mad with heavy claw feet and sAI us table shelves, bant glaaa ends. French beveled plat mirror. Comes In golden finish .of only. Offered at f A OO the extremely at- f . , Amazing Kitchen Cabinet Value 18.95 Terms t ta.00 Cash. gl.SO a MoBth. OUR NEW MO DEL SANITARY KITCHEN CAB IN K T. Exactly like Illustration, finding nlckelolJ metal top. Ban tary metal and glass flour bin with alfter, metal augar bin and handy Spice V UI s. va whit enamel lined. Mefal cake box and base, wire sliding shslvss. Don't fall to see this great value. W TM-Jf iNri W-a-TsTJMr' 1 5 A .SPLKNUID VALIT,. IS A BTRONHLY CONSTRUC TED WELL MADE DRESSER Made through out of hardwood, finished In American quarter-sawed Imitation oak. Baa is fit ted with four Urge draw ers, with wood pulls. Mir ror or targe sizs wttn neatly rounded cor ners A large size dresser spec'ly priced. Q98 " Let Hartman "Feather Your Nest" jpTj I I ? 1 S Jl.CODown; $1.00 a Month Solid Oak Library Set 11.98 A ROOM FULL OF 'I'RNITURE. Con latlng of large 11 brary table, comfort able arm chair and . ocker. Uphulatered n Imperial KpanLah hricoid leather over .ill aet of steel jprings. A splendid net at a great saving. Mpenaiiy prioed for tomorrow at ouly . . . 1416, 1410, 1420 DOUGLAS STREET America's Greatest Homefurnishers 9. "Saw r Kk spa m n m r-'4 a i m mr a a 'm. a " A wrnr sr f i i m a i a m Tm .. 7 ( 1416, 1418, 1420 DOUGLAS STREET