Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    J-JIK' HKK: OMAJfA. iSATl'UDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1014.
nn ,
l in ' "3
01 ii wucu id nil uu ai.
. ..
Line from L'Aigle Past Somoni tad
Hheimi' to Arg-onne Bristling
with Beincirnatei Activity. '
rnmrialna of JMaee,ireat avaMeae
i to' fifrm an AMe Are
Seeking- Hewt Tealnw
j front fottl'.
VM A r
ft ;
Li ?I I
4 !
V ll.Wl.Til
I V -
' AT BIO price:
I .
" f ; . (Continued from Fag On.)
eltlier es to- tti entirety or as to- en,r de
rpartment thereof. '- "' '
ttereraor Appoint Of delate.
"The constitution provides for the elee
- - ttanof en-audltor, secretary end ireesv
urer of state, but doe not specifically
that the membership of that oommuviilon
should be appointed by the governor tn
furthera.nce. of .the abort ballot, and also
efficient concentration of administrative-!
authority and responsibility. The ttor
ney general should aleo be appointed by
the governor.
'."While the following schema of depart
ment division la not necessarily absolute
perhapa the best Interests of the ststs
may be more ' completely served by tup.
flier revision Jhe. judgment ot the
committee that substantially the follow-
doflne their duties. Our plan or reor-i ing. readjustment win oe rouna most er fvmtemnlates concentration f.rielentt
leave 10 in. w
' J fed-fling, prt ;o t
t auditor the arfou
' business .and So
! r
authority Jn ' one bead the governor or
the state and to accomplish this end It
ts neceeaary that'.the governor be vested
with authority . .t appoint the .various
officials through 'whom he- "roust dairy
out his policy. "W would, therefore,
leave to tha secretary of state the re-
the. state's affairs, to Uie
ountlng pan or me siaie
o the treasurer tha hand
ling of the state's revenues. Just as wee
orlainaJly contemplated when the. ronetl-
t itlon was edoMod and before successive
. loglntsrurs placed numeroua departments
.of aduunlstrallon under these mrtais,
f i'VWe hope and believe that through this
, 'system - greater ciucioncy ura raramr
', will result -by" combining certalh foT&
' and abolhlng there; but have not n
trad,vpon a splflo discussion of'that
ftr at this time, leaving that field
for Jatrr iionsideratlpn. . ,
"By Hhi-pollcy we -ould restore these
officials to the sUtus contemplated orlgt-
natly. with the, purpose ultimately, of
Abolishing, those 'Offices by constitutional
amendment, at auth time transferring
their remaining powers and dutiea .to.' the
officials to .b . now referred to. This
ould not only concentrate authority la
the governor a .the appointing power.
, eltaitnUlng division of authority at prea-
. ent prevailing, Jbtit would ahorten a now
'iiadlT encumbered ballot, thue making or
I Umptlfled ' government. . , .
v Dlvlaloe) of Hepeete. , , .
"We would divide the varloua depart
' merrts of the' state's activities Into three
great dlcUlons with a heed or chief or;
eti division loj-be appointed by the gov-'j
ernor, and to have' general supervUlou
ox'er the aeverul departnienia piacoa un
der hl:n. Instead of each departminlv'l-'
.lig left to pureue Ita own course. holly
'or substantially Independent of all other
t departments. " atl ' would be welded to
gntiirr In co-ordinate gctlvlty, minor-de
partment heads under the great depart
Department of Poclal Pmgrese-
Hunertntendent of publlo instruction.
, Kducatlnaal board of examiners.
( Ctate library. .
I y"oloKliil survey removed and In geo
t- lurlcaitdnpsrtaieiie. .' j
Hl.torliai di'l'artment.
lIlNtorloal society of Iowa. 1
Academy of acience.
Public archives.
J Library, commlsslo
Hoard of Control.
' Hoard of Parole.
linard of .Kducatlon
IJepnr.tinent 'of Industries . -
leiartnient of Agriculture.
Weather and Crop bureau.
Htate veterinary surgeon.
. CommlsHion of animal I.esUli.
. , MorlH-tiltural' society.'
lneiector of bees.
Htate entomologist.
I 'airy annociatlon.
Beef association.
msU'and county fairs.'
Ilallroad commission.
Commerce counsel.
Commtsnton ol Insurance.
Industrial commissioner.
Hureait of labor statistics.
liank Ilia.
Hank examiners,
IrNDON, Nov. 13.-The correspondent
of l ho Times In Trance, under date of
Tposday, , sends the following regarding
tlv f'ghtlng in the Aien:-
"Tho'battKs of tha ilsne, to which tho
official' comtnunlcatiVn iow refer aa the
renter of ,th allies', line, has been rc
newe.i tlila waefc with. Its original Inten
sity v from 'the fiirel of tVAIgle. past
Holesons and Bhelms. to the Arltonne.
"The, three main areas of fighting hem
are the district between the Oise and
Crsonne, the aeljrhborhood of Rhelmt
nnd the fnreel ' of , Argonne. The first
psnied Is the most Important. ' .
"On tha wliole tho allies have the ad'
vantage. -lThc.Prench capture of Qtiee-
j nny-En-8anterre wiia a grod dnal bigger
atrair tnan mror:a. un me omnr nana,
the enomy's accounts of a great victory
at Vailly. were exaggerated. They ob- J
tained a temporary advantage, but tha i
allies have mote than regained the orlgl-1
nal positions It was here that one of i
the French gunners, who refused to Join j
1 1. ftHK iml'll hi. .nimilnlll.n mtmm
lllW ..iii.ii, i.ia . l. Jil rrmrn
expended. - succeeded In killing 000 tier,
mans with his Isst twelve shells white
the enemy was advancing. The guner
finally succeeded In retreating with a
slight wound while the enemy was only
100 yards awey. .,
Xlhhle at retrenchments.
"All along the certer the allies are nib
bling at the German entrenchments. As
j ni ihv irrviuus iiaiiiioa Slur; inr Awn.
- certain localities ectm as surely deatlned
to be the acene of continuous fighting aa
Is pewter to be the native place tor beer.
Many of these hilts, quarries and
plateaus, which heve been the scene .of
desperate fighting throughout the last
few weeks, were the scenes of similar
fighting in the war of the Qaul and In
the Napoleonic wars. -
"SolHsons has beon hit hard by ar
tillery, whllo fighting continues fiercely
around Rhelms. The German front here
runs from Bermerl court to Brlmont
Fresnes, Vltry-Ies-Relma, Xogent L'Ab
befe, Nauroy, Moronvllliera and Vaude
slncourt to Bulppe, and thence northward
to Poualn, Perthes, Les llurlus, Vllle
ffur-Tourbo to Argonne."
Jnt T w Points for Tewtens.
The Times Flanders' correspondent, de
asrlliing the German attack at Pixmude,
rays: ,
"Therv were only itwo points, Pixmude
and Nlcuport, where the Germans could
assume the offensive on the Yser, all
the front between being Impossible for
fighting on account of the flood. The
force concentrated between Dixmude and
Thouroul was chosen for the attack. '
"In tho morn!ns the German batteries
opened a heavy fire on the French posi
tions and kept It up through most of
tha day.. This cannonado was tha prelude
to a violont Infantry attack on tbc out.
skirts of Pixmude.
"Tha attack wis made with great gal
lantry and- very heavy fighting took
plana. .;;.-
"Trig Germana'came on In averwhelm
Ing numbers, and toward evening the
allies wore compelled to retire. The
fell back Into the town, destroying the
two bridges In their retreat The Ger-!
mans thus won' the bridgehead.
Both tide RelaloreeU.
"Next morning strong reinforcement
were brought up by iboth sides and f ightr
Ing continued In arid about the1 town.
Saturday a day of splendid
price! opportunities in our
big, new second floor depts.
Special sale of fur trimmed coats
-the style hit of the season
Cheviots and heavy zibeline overcoatings
in new greens; browns and plain black, col
lars and cuffs' of Marten or Fltcu Opossum. Words
fall to describe the refined stylishness. REAL
VALUES 115.00 AND $30.00 ...
Isn't it
the truth?
A msn who never does mire tpan
he thinks he is being paid to do,
eeldom rises sore his fellows,
flame way with store. The one
that only tries to sell merchandise
that Ita customers will not com
plaln about, never foraea ahead
as does the store that tries at all
times to sell thing" so good that
the purchasers feel In duty bound
to speak well about tliem when
ever oecaalon presents itself and
by the way you've noticed how
this store ia going forward, hava
you nott
business gs now prevails could be avoided
by unity of operation and management.
The number of regular clerks could be
materially reduced, especially by having
a few general clerks to serve wherever
tha state's business may require tempo
re ry extra help. Heads of minor depart
ments should be guided by a general sys
tem Of regulation. Authority, and with
It responsibility for success or failure,
would be centered the chief of tha divi
sion to the head 'of the great department
of which that division formed . part, the
department head to the governor and the
governor' to the people, snd thus will a
government most, responsive to the will
of the people be secured. luoh morajmay
be said, but the foregoing Is sufficient for
present purposes.
"The head ot every division of . the
state's activities should make a careful,
complete and' definite statement of the
needs of his department for the ensu'ng
biennial period, ; showing also in parallel
ciMumn. araoum grana ior ne aame ,n lh, courte of the aftornoon , force
purpose, during the preceding period, and f German. .ucedcd In- penetrating Into
showlng.sUo the uee, made trf the pre- the lown and a, desperate struggle went
.runt, us .ui in inn , iiminvjUHCy, .j,. BlrB- . .
Special Sale of Women's and Misses
Fine Dresses
Fine satins, reduced from $27.50, fine serge
and satin combinations that were $22.50,
and fine crepe de chine that were $25.00
all go at one price
Three special pricings from the greatest
Girl's Coat Dept. in Omaha
Individual models, exclusive fabrics, choice
' . colorings, many with capes all extreme
' values, 8 to 14 years
$5.00 1
V'V'' 'vvvl'
19.75 m
$9.75 P4
Th Millinery Bargain of th Year.
Misses' hats of velvet,
corduroy and plush com
bination.: regular value
13.00, now , ...
Offer in Women's Stylish
An unusual selection In
late models of velvet
and plush, tailored and
'Ires, models, including
hata that aold up to f 10,
Special Rale of Mark Cross English
fJloreg for Women.
Heavy rape. tan. black and white,
$1.80 quality,, one day only, 31.23
Mark Cross slip-on glove In 8-button
length, but without any buttons, In
fine tan cape or white doeskin
f2.00 quality reduced to '..$1.45
Mark Cross Leather Hand Bags
Greatly Keduced. . ,
Morocco patent leather and walrus,
silk or kid. lined, some are fitted
with purse and card case; regular
value $5.00 to $7.50, now ..$3.75
We sell the best
and most stylish
shoes for women
at $3.50 to fV
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET
Opca charge ac
counts solicited
from responsible
la Plan to Occupy Country Brought
Harvesting Machinery Along.
Slave Sfcoiv Coaalderable Iageaatty
la Resisting Attacks mm Help
. lasT the Fartheraace af
the Army's Weeas.
LOXDOX. Nov. 13.-A Petrograd dl
patch to the Post' dealing with the failure
of the. German plans says: , .
''Three weeks ago the Germans planned
to occupy rolnnd up to the Vistula, win
tering In Warsaw and Ivongorod. They
even brought 'reaping and threshing ma
chines with them to gather the Polish
Crops, and there were other Indications
of a prolonged stay. While establised on
the Vistula they were to assist Austria
to recover GaliU.
"Unfortunately the Russian command j
also has plans which he carries forward
with iron rigidity,, and K I. believed
that Russia ts preparing tt move on a
w.'de front Into Germany when tha lime
comes. This front has still a consider
able extent of German territory - to re
cover before It gets Into Una for this ad
vance. "Russia's present objective Is Dnnslg."
The correspondent comments on Rus
sian inventiveness as apptled to tha war.
Besides a bath train, which has already
been descr bed. an invention of Prince
Oldenburg lias been of inestimable ser
vice in the Red Cross. It is a great ves
sel, capable of holding 200 gallons of soup.
It Is easily and quickly moved and fur
nishes nourishment for 1.MQ men the
moment they are brought In from the
field and makes a wonderful difference
In the chances of life fop the badly
woundod. '
An inveniivenets of th; Russians Is
also displsyed In Improved 'sighting ap
pliances for Um guns, making the Rus
sian srilllery most deadly.,, These ap
pliances, add the correspondent, would
have been adopted by France, erccpt
that the matter of cost and time militated
against their Immediate use by the French
County examiner.
City examiner.
meat leader, the thre department leaders
Public accountant
Ieprtnient of Tubltc "airly
Attorney general. .
Adjutant general.
8tate inlUUa.
' Grand Arrny of the Republic.
Klsh and gome warden.
. Htate highway commission. ' '
Custodian of public buildings and
Capitol extension.
lnd office.
Meandered lakes. . '
Kire marshal.
Hoard of Health.
Hoaed of MeSiiel Examiners.
Itoard of Optometry txstniners. V
Hoard of U Examine! s.
Board of Iental Examiners.
Commissioner of pharmacy.
Veterinary examining ooara.
atry and food commleslon. )
All examiners ot this Ulvlslon,
HI Inspectors. t
Inspectors of boats. '.
Minn In.Dac-tors. -
Hoard of examiners for mine foremen
and Inspectors.
AutomolllfS. '
Hoard of voting machine eommtlort-
rs. .
etc. ...
"Iniuomiuslon permit tut to ray that It
Is our intoittion to supplement this report
with a full presentation of the matters
hare briefly suggested, same to be printed
and distributed to every member of the
general assembly as well as to the public.
In the meantime In making this prelimi
nary report publlo we Invite all Interested
persons who may have helpful Ideas upon
the matters here presented to give, us the
benefit thereof, as our one sola object is
to accomplish real good for our state, and
out of such suggestions there may de
velop much of good."
The report la signed by the entire mem
bership of. the committee, ten in all.
Billion More. Asked
for British War Chest
LONDON, Nov. 11 The announcement
of the Introduction Into Parliament of a
;meaiuf to vote a cmdlt of
(ll.l,aw.000) was issued ' officially this
afternoon. The money Is Intended to
cover "the- naval and military expendi
tures ' which tmsy be Incurred before
Msrylt 5U' and all expenditures which may
'beraeceaeary cr desirable to irteet trade
or-' other abnormal conditions created by
tne , war, .Tin. urn, aiideU to the pre
vious credit, voted by Parliament, brings
the total of credit, to CXX.OXi.OOO (ll..-
"The capture of Pixmude or a part of j
It would, lie of i great -advantage to the
Germans. , The town Is almost entirely j
surrounded 'by water. More than once
Pixmude has proved a death trap to the ,
Germans and It may well be s-agaJn." j
The correspondent ot the Dally Mall In
northern France telegraphing under date :
ot Wednesday adds that ths German
position at Dlsmudes very Insecure; that
the Garmans are exhausted by their ex
ertions and will probably be di van out
again. '
Evidence Is accumulating, according to
this correspondent that the Germans ara
suffering from a shortage of ammunition'
and that the' quality-of their artillery
and ammunition appears to have deter
iorated. Heavy fighting, he says, con
tinues around Dtxmuds. i "
Beaaasay aa Etflclee.
"If the forvgotng. or substantially stm
ilar.method ot unification be adopted and
ample authority In supervision be granted
the heads of the three great departments.
in economy and
ion, and
whp are languid, sleepless and
physically run-down get im
mediate relief and lasting bene
f is' from the regular ute of
Scott's Emulsion after meals.
Its chief constituent la matnre'a
greatest bady-huildtnc force to
sUrarikta the organs and
nerve ceaters. grain by
grain, t rebuild physical
and Btental energy. ,
- I LA . 1 .
aittntT, pr i4aia
la bcorrs.
J Rtfasm Smbaiitutm t '
is boring together and U in co-operatioa
with tha governor as the supreme head.
becoming in fart .the cabinet of the gover.
nor and responsive' to his pollclue. .
slona aa department or social progress. 1 there murt resuir much
t .... i.ju.1,1., mil .irnnrnt I effk'lency.
'of. public safety. We have listed as one! "Every appointee should be subject to
the suNilvMHons the railroad corpmls- "''V. 'r ' T . 7 7 ,1
do thU because we believe aniniy or n. inuiiai. apiRiin
I Kovarn. Political affiliation should not
control. No employe should be permitted
to, work for any candidate for office or
contribute to any candidacy while on the
payroll, of this state, Fevers penalties
snould follow violation ot thla provision,
such aa removal from office. Imprison
ment and payment of a substantial .suns
ti money to be recovered by tha stats
upon tike official- bond by an actbm tn
uuity at lh seat of government. Thus
will the building up of a political ma
china be made Impossible.
"All of the employe', time sheuld be
required by the stale, and anyone unwill
ing to work ar proximately the ean-.a num
ber ef days and hours per day demanded
la other business enterprises should be
removed from tfflce. The time flock, uni
versally tn up. in business ertabltuhm nta
of any else throughout the country, should
l Installed by the slate. The time clock
will not Injure the prompt, and it will
spur ou the laggard, and we see no good
rtaaon why the state should not In this
particular, S well aa others, aifupt proven
business nirlhods-
-Toa Htar Depllewte Kevwrde. '
"upllcstin of records of the state's
Cattle Die Saddealy..
LINDSAY. Neb., Nov. II. (Special. )-
Chris Bchaefer, two miles north of here,
lost thirteen head of cattle thla week,
lie turned them out In tha stocks, ap
parently well and In leas than, twenty-!.
four hours after getting sick they died.
HHKNANDOAH, la.. Nov. 'U-(ii.
clal.-The bride, father. Frank Iesli.
bo was brought into court on a charge
of disturbing the peace when he had .a
hand-to-hand combat with a charivari
party fnllowtrux the wedding of hi. daugh
ter to Herbert II. Thomas of De Moines.
Tuesday night, was freed ot the charge
before Judge Castle yesterday afternoon.
Testimony showed that the member, of
the merry-making party had thrown a
bucket of water In his faos when he
ram out to protest with tiienu and had i
also stuffed his mouth f -ill of mud to I
prevent hla cries of help. He Um I
Aldrlch In the head with a stick, causing
a painful Injury. The latter claimed to
have been merly a paaeer-by and had
the father arrested.
An Appetizing Dinner
for 10c. - ' ,
A piping hot dish of Kauat Mararont. 1
with bread and butter, makea a big,
nutritious meal for a whole family. 'Ap."
ptislng. teo. Oook Faust Macaroni
with ripe tomatoe and sprinkle with
cheese (per our recipe book) and you'll
surely get a meul that will warm th
cockles ot the heart.
Another advantage Faust , Macaroni
la so easily prepared. Then think ef the
great aavlng you ran make In your coat !
of living by cutting your meat bill con- j
siderably .and substituting ' therefor j
Faust Macaroni, which Is much mora I
nutritious. . .
Faust Macaroni comes In (o snd 10a
packages. Buy at . your grocer's today.
Write for free recipe book.
.i s
Faley'. - lleaey aad Tar
far Cross.
Croup' scares you. Th loud, hoarse,
croup y cough, choking and gasping for
breath, labored breathing, call for Im
mediate relief. The very first doe, of
Foley'. Honey snd Tsr Compound will
master th croup. It ruta the thick
mucus, clears away the phelgm and
opens up and easca th air passages.
Harold Perg. Mass. Mich., writes: 'We
give Foley'. Honey and Tar to our tliil
drrt for croup and It el ay acts
eutrkly." Kvery user a friend For rale
by ah dealers' evcryaherj, Advertise
ment. I
IjouIs Missouri
1502 S. 10th St
Phone D. 7568
en's Bui! s and JuerGoats I
ri4 c!sii oio con
uiauu &u cc;ii cii oiu aim u&u. . . u
Most of them are garments which were included
in our Big Sale which closed last week in some
patterns the line of sizes is not complete, but in the
stock you will find a splendid assortment of patterns
'in all sizes from 33 to 48 chest. . : -.
. - ' . . .
. ' ...... . .
Among the Overcoats is a big selection ot
r Qalmacaans.lEnglish Fcltod Coats.
UI&torottOQ snd Shawl Collar Garments
Not a single garment shown that is not an
; exceptional bargain at this sale price and as
ever we guarantee all purchases satisfactory
$15.03 SUITS and OVER
' e a e e 1
The overcoats come in all wool chin
chillas, King George kerseys, etc., in
gray or black, 46 to o2 inches long, 34 to
46 breast measure, all have satin lined
sleeves, 150 coats in the lot, A TC
$15.00 values. . . . '. V v
values, sizes from 14 years to 0ft QK
40 breatt, at.... U.wD
, Three different styles in heavy all
wool Mackinaw. Tartan plaids over
plaids and checks. Very best color com
binations, best values shown in any
Omaha store.
to $6.5 D values....
All wool fabrics, in the
season's bst colors, with
two pairs knickers; fully
lined, values are simply
matchless, at sale price -$4.05.
Boys' Mackinaw Splen
did all wool garments, in
four tliff erent colors ; just
5Q of theni in the lot
to close at
Boys' Corduroy Pants '
Kegular 75c values; Cnn
8:30 to 11 A. M.. OUU
For 2 Vs hours we will
pell choice of our entire
stock of boys 75c cordu
roy pants; sizes 5 to 17
years, at 50c.
No C. 0. D or Telephone