20 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUHDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1014. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Speculative Grain Lilt Unlet Some what Higher. rXTOEilRS ARE BUYING CORN Yellow Cereal Fix As n4f pirn rn at flood Prlres . Fat-mera Ar Sellta Mark ( TkHr HoldlasTS. OMAHA. Nov. 11. 1814. The speculative grain list ruled hlarher, tha nlvum-fi being '(ic for wheat, Sftf Ho for corn, and Win for oata. Whli the avfruo professional In the wheel market no Id hi Brain on th wildest knd of rumors that poe la near at hand, th foreigner absorbed tha offer inas on the no ft spot and then bid priori hlRher. It was a market where the aver. ae room trader regretted his aetlon on two occasions. First, he disposed of Ilia Ion; rraln at a loss, and then h was nhllged to even up his position at a Joes. Foreigners took possession of the markets, a they have manr .rW her on tha buying aide, and their axnnta act without daisy whenever there la an pen In K to secure cheap grain. A feature of the wheat market venter day, and It could he called a help to tha hull, was the falllnc off In the move ment of - this grain to the larger mar kets of the country. The selea of cash wheat In nil position yesterday were up around the I.T.'O.ono buxliei murk, of whhh A40,O0 bushels were credited to fhlcaao, hut out of this i.VBO.won hushela there wera H0.10 bushels taken hy millers. Kansss City reported the offerings of rash wheat there as mall on bids Bent Wednesday night, one of ' tha larger concerns securing only one car.- Exporter were again eager buyer of old, corn, and they willingly r-atd the rlyw asked for the seme. It was re ported In cash com circles that the offers of the new crop for export havo been turned down at low price. Country at lea of new corn have not shown the Increeee looked for, as quality has been materially helped by the weather. Farmev are hiiRlly engaged In husking corn, and to tills fact may be attributed tha lighter re ceipt. . Oats ruled strong under the buying by not . only shorts, but Investors who be lieve that the price must again assume a stronger position. The export takings her was SfO.OOO bushels, and whl.'.h in--liided 4At0u0 bushels In nil positions.' It was aald that New York held buying orders for VuO.oOO bushels of oats for ex port, but that It waa impossible to fill thse orders yesterday. There were further advances In the provision market because of the i tgher rrlces for hogs tit some if the western ' points and the strength of the Rraln mar ket of late. The demand waa largely for January ribs and pork, as well a fur Jlny pork. .W heat was lo higher to "ie lower. Corn wss tK to In lower. Oats were unchanged to Me lower. Clearance were: Wheat and flour, ciuk1 to 76"i,0no bu.; corn, 211,000 bu. ; oats, B3.) Dtl. Prlinsry wheat receipts were 8. 410.000 bu and shipments bu.. agslnst re ceipts , of t.w,000 bu. and shipment of 4,N( bu. lst year. Primary corn receipt were 7M.0O0 bu and hlsmrnts 412,000 bu., against rerolpts of 400.mo bu. and shipments of 281,000 bu. last year. Primary oa(s receipt were 7M.0O0 bu. and shipments ?2,0i0 bu., against reeetpts of ktt.OiiO bu. and shipments of 669,0i bu. last year. CARU3T RECEIPT. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Uarlry.Ry. Michigan end Wlsron-ln. jnffttr; Minne sota snd Dakota, 4r.ii4Se. rofLTRY Alive, lower; springs, 11 He! fowls, 11c; turkeys, Hr. MANY BROKERSARE PRESENT Large Attendance to Hear An nouncement of Cotton Opening. ENTHUSIASM OVER THE KXW3 C-oaelderabl Mastaess Hfr4ei la Deretnker f on tracts, W Tslcfc Mold Dnws to t.49 the Car. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Limited Demand for Cattle and the ' Trade Slow and Lower. HOGS ITVE TO TEN CENTS UP Fat Sheep aad I.amHs Active Seller ad itroasr' to Tea'to Flfteea ' Hither -New High . Top . . oa l.naBs. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 12, 1M4. Herelnta were! Cattle. Hoff. Sheep. urrioiai Monday 6.2H 4.-3 Chicago .... Minneapolis . lmluth Omaha iKaneaa City , Kt. Louis ...v iWlnntprg Sl-0 ...4"7 ... ... ',3 ...311 ...127 ...8v7 ai i& to 85 IS 44 Theaa sales wera reported today : Wheat No. 8 bard winter: 2 care, tl.v?H- No. 1 hard winter: 1 cars, ll.O.Mi; 1 car, 81.04. No. 1 durum: car, tl-UW. No. 8 mined: 1 car, 81.04V. No grade: 1 car: ti 01; car, S5 Rye No. 2: 2 cars, Ktie; car, 6e. Corn No. 1 white; 1 car tnew). dfic. No. t white: 8 cars tnew), 64c.. No, ( while: 1 car tnew). Wo. No. 1 yellow: 1 car (new) Wie; 1 car (new), fflVhu. No. I yellow i 4 cara (new), 67V; 1 car (new), 67o. No. t yellow: 1 car tnew), 8y-; 1 car (new), wh-; t --r (new). 6V4c; car. c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (new), U. No. t yellow: 1 car (new. Wv: 1 car (new), toa No. 1 mixed: 1 car (.new), t'c. No. I mixed. 1 car (new), 6f,Vo; a oar (new). Rc; 1 car tnew). 4c. Oats Standard; 1 car. 4fiMo. No. t white; car. 6'c No. 4 white: VPi cars. 46o; X car. 44o. No grade: 1 cars, 4Jc. Omaha Cash Prloea Wlieat: No. 1 hard ll.Of.Vdl-4: No- 1 bard- 104Jl.07; No. 4 barO, V''!'0"1: No. i spring, II.OtMrW 1.07; No. S spring, ll.CBVJl-Pf': No. 4 spring. 1Sc(tiil.04'-4; No. i durum, l.im fil.UVk;' No. t .durum, 1.WV4fl.llS. Corn: No. 1 white, R.".ti0. ',: No. i while, WHU dfto; NO. S white, .1W&V4r; No. 4 white, ttWUlSVic; No. t white, ftlSkii.V; No. white, JiHWc; No. 1 yellow, VSc; No. 3 yellow,. WfKw'.-jo; No. S yellow. CVal w.V,': No, 4 yellow, KlUfmtio; No. & yellow, ' No. yellow, eaHiinwHc; No. 1 mixed, fMitifiVfcc; No, I mixed, Witi'lo'lo: No. 1 mixnd, frUft'lSUr; No. 4 mixed. Vi i6Hcj No. S mixed. 3fifi4V1c; No. S mixed, 6?.stc. Oats: No. 1 white, 46U5 A,c: standard, 4!.'t0'(64'c; No. I white, 4i4aUo; No. 4 white, 44,i 4fK". Barley: Halting. 8,W73c; No. 1 feed MlC. Hya. No. J. WSfctxJlac; No. S. KuSiyoSc. CIIICAGU GRAIN AND I'ROVIglO.H w " - . . . . Kent a re. of tho Tradlasr a ad C'loslai Prles oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO.' Nov. 13.-t'neajliiB about rumors that Austria was ashing tnd jemi.-ntly for terms of peats shook the iniridence today ol noiuer or wheat Although the market at the close waa relatively firm, prices Were lo to l!?TliC tiider last night. Other leading staple. loo, all suffered a net loss, corn w'"Sc to H'SV:, vats VflHo and provision 7V Notwlthstsndlng that tha latest peace rumors could not b verified much. If ery, lxtter uian those of tile two preced NEW YORK. No. 1i . The announce- i ment that the cotton exchange here and at New Orleans would be opened for un- ! restricted trading on Monday morning, had been generally anticipated In local trade cln'lna, hut wsa received with great enthusiasm on the door of the New fork : exchange. It Is understood that all new business In January ail later deliveries here mill be In the new style contracts which conform to the provisions of the cotton futures law. and the exchange will request that trading In old Iecem ber contracts he confined to liquidation. Under tha operation of the eorporatlon vndioate plan, all the old Interest out standing In the market Is amply flnamied. ani meal brokers believe that the tax of 12.60 per bale on new bualnesa will prove sufficient to reimburse the cor poration well within the guaranteed period of three years Following the announcement that the exchange wouM reopen, which waa equivalent to a statement that the Weak December Interest hsd been turned over to the corporation, there was a ballot In liquidation of the International straddle Interest amounting to il.MO bale of which 21.KiO balea were awarded to the new corporation. This la understood to he the last ballot under the International agreement of last September, as with the markets open, the old Interest will be working out around the ring. There wao a large attendance of brok ers on the floor here to receive the an nouncements, an considerable business waa reported In December contract which sold down to 7.40 on the curb, sug gesting that the bulk of the corporation contracts will probably be transferred to the syndicate when the market reopens next week. May-June In Liverpool fluctuated be tween 4.Z7 and 4.2Tyd closing at 4.2V4 or 1 point net higher. Port receipt today. M,ter beli; United mates port stocks S70.4.4. Interior receipts 48.210. Exports New Orleans spot 7o. alna. bales, day, I.S0O; so far this season 833.C14. ' ' ' New York Oeaeral Market. NPTW YORK. Nov. SUOAR Raw, steady; molasses, 1.42c; centrifugal, 4.07c Kenned, tirm and 10 point higher; cut loaf, .00o; crushed. i.Wc; mould "A," ft.66c; rubes. S 36c; XXXX powdered. S.2Sc; fine granulated, S.lOc; .Diamond A, 1. 10c; confectioners' A, S.00o; No. 1. 4.W0. BUTTER Rarely steady; receipt. T,4S tuba; creamery (higher scoring!, Mtyc; packing stock, current make. No, 110 21 'c t'HEKRISoBteady and unchanged; re ceipts, 633 boireo. K(HlHIrregular; reclpta. 7.004 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered, browns and mixed colors, 0Q41c POULTRY Dressed, quiet; western chickens, roasting. lC-jrJOc: fresh fowls. lti lse; iroaen turkey. nQ'Oa. Kansas City Oral ss Prorlaloaa. KANSAS CITT. Nov. 11 WHKAT-No. x hard, si.intfi.ug; jno, i red, II. 06111. 0tH4( December H.O-Hs; May, tl lH. CORN-No. t mixed. tlWnMol No. 1 white. eSWc: December. (MWct May. oats-no, I white, 47Ho; No, mixed. liUTTKRCreamery. Kci flrsU. Mc: second, tic; packing stock, tic. i.nt f irsts, no: seooads. 23u. POULTIIY-Hen. He; roosters, 10c; tUr- Mlaaeaanlla Oraia Marltot MINNKAPOU18, Not. 11. WHEAT December, tl.ll: May. 11.181a : No. 1 hard. M.17: N 1 northern. 1.14HI.W; No. J norinern. si. i iu i.ta KDOUR Unchanged. BARI.KY 56?0. R Y K OBCcll.UO. nn an aaw, COHN No. yellow, RDCdia, OATH No. t white, VHc. F1AX ll.46Hal.4i. ' pt. i.oais unia narxM. BT. IX1UIS. Nov. t-WHKAT-No. red, tl.OHdit.lo; No. hard, ll.loU'l.U; Docem ber. 11.10: May. It.lK. CORN No. 2. 71c; No. 2 white (old), 70 I'iio; I'ocrnnoer, way, iiyrtc OATS-No. 3. 4Mi4BHc; No. I white, 49c AD N KW YORK W J-OVUTltY Alive, weak: western chick ens. 13!tt4Hc; fowl. IS'Uc; turkey, iMtwiao. Liverpool Oral a Market. IJVERrOOL, Nov. IS. WHT5A Bpot, steady; No, 1 Manitoba, rsW; No. I, 9a 6d; No. 2 western winter, s7d. Futtires, nominal. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 7s. Futures, easy; Deoeinber and January, s7Vd. . Coffee Market. NETW TORK. Nov. 18.-C0FFKEV-Rntiier a steadier tone developed In the coffee market her today. uraamsn offers were stead lor. while there seemed to be some fresh buying of contract ant after selling 0 too to 6.40c, December ad vanced to a.Dvc, rumitig at mat rigure. March closed at'K.R6o to t.Kic; Msy at acta to H.ioo. and July at .a.c. The loual spot markvt remained quiet wltiv prices on the basis of to for Rio JJo. 7 and NHia for 8antos 4s.' European figures Indicate an increase of fV0 bags in the world's visible supply (or the month of October. , IM lt Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Nor. It HAY-Rralrie. CnoIra upland. IliifrBU.W; No. 1, tlO.O041iO.GO; No. 2, fl (MrlO.Oo; No. , $ti l"frM(W; chokw mid land. tl0 60; No. 1. I'l 10.00; No. 2. tS OO tiK Wi No. 2, tfitOfM.00: choice lowland, H.(0; No. t. S.00; No. 2, 6OOy7 00 No, , M OiKlW OO. Btraw: Choice wheat, tS.IKH) fki; chouse oat or rye, fv.ttrN). AKalf Official Tued ... -.V.IT 4.M Oflldal Wednesday.,.. 4 , X.21 Ofilflsj Thilrdav R.PJ Estlmato Friday 1,6) .M)0 2.S4 ,071 S.hlt 7.fl0 the general advance, a few loads that . .e .e.t mr tne eatreme close lound the market very dull and prices somewhat weaker. As there were only a verv few hnss. left st this time the weakness had little' effect on the general trade, which shows a gain of a big f'jIOc. Aa every day psesos shippers' purchase become larTt-r and today wss their hesv lest dsr of the week. P,ulk of all the sales was made at t7.wv87.., with several loads as high as 17. 7n Kor the week to date prices sr a good strong and In some cases aa much aa a quarter higher. The sise of the shipping purchases hs had a very direct Influence on the trade, and It was onlv 1 on nays when thev bought freely that prices w-re able to show an advance. Receipt are picking up right along and this week la the heaviest since August. Reprentstlve sales J4,ng M.7WI 1A.7M t9.420 (4.4H6 H4.1M US, WW 20..2 lM.XlS 17.JW7 m,n4 17.624 82.4W Five days .this week.1.t32 Same days last week..ao.a) fame days 2 wks.: ago.2,"l Pnmr. day I wk., ago.2ft.Ad Same days 2 wks. agO.24.M2 Ham days 4 wks.' ago.ill.17ii Same day last yr...24,0HS The following table snow the receipt of cattle, hogs akid sheep at the rlouth Omaha lira stock market for tha year to data, aa vompaied wlrh last year: 1914. 1912. tec. Cattle M9.MJ ST.7.0T.S S7.615 Hogs ;'.'...... ll. 2,210.757 t4. Sheep ....3,fc,120 2,92a,H7 M.TSl The following (hows the average price for hoga at the Bouth Omaha live stock markst for the last , few 'days, with com par.sJina. .. , 1 Date. I UK. l)U.pm.iltH.li0.liW.ll6 A. git Ka. "h- T-r. ..IM ... 7 ti 7k If av T ... 7 tn 71 f t S l .17 7 40 274 IK 7 44 Ml ln 7 "4' ..m Ml T at 2t IM 7 t7H ..Hit ... T Ml 40. ...... ,M ... 7 K ..Tilt ! IM M 4 Vtl 7 0 . M7 40 7 SJH 144 1 W t ..tit ID IM 71 m 40 7 40 M ... IM U 14S ... 7 W 1 ... 4M JS. 147 ... 7 45 RHEEH flmilar to the last two the bulk of the offerings consisted 01 No. n . 17.. 1 xs.. 4 . .. 44.. 1 04. . MEAT PRICESJRE WAY UP Fackert Pay More for Fork tnd Lamb and Charge More. GRAPE FRUIT IS PLENTIFUL Batter aad Eaa llotk Advaace 1 tent Since Last Week oat hero Veaetablea Are on Market -aad Plentiful. dys ntaed i With the quarantine of the eastern' stock yards come an advance In the ! prices of both pork and lamb. Pork ! loins, as well as spring lambs, show an ! advance of to per lW pounds, while the ; shortage oa bacon ha set the price of this commodity soaring. Pork, lamb and smoked meal are fur nishing the chief diet of the pn(5Tjlsce since the spread of disease among cat tle, and from all Indications this condi tion will remain unchanged for some western Ismbs from points In Nebraska, 1 1, HamB plentiful and the sales there being a liberal aupply st the dls- i posal of buyers for a Friday. Among) large. Chicken Is retailing for 17 mem was one loaa mat soia on eastern cents a pouna, wnicn is nigner inin lasi quotations. Orape fruit la more plentiful thlsear The big share of the holdings changed and of better quality than It has been In Oot. it. I 4 N I 7 M U 2tl tH 1 41 I 7 v Oct. Oct. 17. (M- ?0i OcL 22.1 7 0D4 1 ml I fWI xcx. . z. Oct. 30. Oct. 21. Nov. 1.. Nov. 2 fov. Nor. Nov. Nov. NOV. Nov, T 8 7 741 7 0UI 7 76, 7 lltkl 7 71 I 7 6SI 7 10HI- I 7 Wis! 7 7 lt 7 W Iff T 7 24i 471 7 lit 18 'Mi 7 64 IB V I UI H 1 I 12) 041 10! 10i J 7 ki t 7 U1 01 7 XI 1 91 k 09 7 461 40 7 70 80 t 7 72 7 6f I 72 IM IM 4. 1 7 111 7 M 7 l 141 0( 7 Hi f . 7 wil 7 51 7 73i I 181 7 70 7.1 7 xiiL ta, t 7i a il 1 sol I I 7 6& 7 M Wl S l I l - 7 1 ' '17 Nov. t i tll'l I 7 771 121 7 WH 7 7 S 2 Nov. 10 7 JoUl 7 7"i . I t 211 7 Ml 7 721 M Nov. iQ 1 47J! 7 641 7 e 6 2i 7 W 7 71 6 M ov. U. i 4, 7 Ml 'J Hi, i 7 Mi 7 W e Nov, 12 7 67!4l 7 75 7 K2 6 IT7 , 7 Ml S 74 regarded price generally steady to 19 Ibc up, yearilngs snowing tne most ati vaace. There were no feeder of any kind on sale, rovnnarlnar orlcea with a week ago fat lambs are now soiling ZOfcSOc better, with most Improvement on well finished grades. Kwes and wethers sre quotauiy tuny i 15c higher, with few wethers coming. . caslontng a great demand for butterlne. Yearlings show an advance of ; 206 i30o. th; ot mt prodUct doubling within Tne ngni receopi ana mo unuui -wi . . . ,i, dltion at flrlcago and some eastern i19 ,ft,t two week Sunday. , RecaipL 'and disposition ol dve stock at the Union stock yards, Bouth Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending at I o'clock p. m. yesterday: ' Kkit.ElFTB CARiS. ' - Cattle. lioas.SheeD.H'ees. Mlesourl Pacific 1 t nlon Paciilc b 21 U C. ft N. W.. west.. 11 46 U C, Bt P., Id. 4k O.. 8 2ft .. C, B. A Q., west.. 14 21 1 C. R. I. A P.. west .. 2 .. ' 1 ToUl receipts ... K lis 32 1 DiororilTIoN-H tsJLD. Cattle. Hogs, flheep, Morrlg Co Kwlft A Co Ctiduhy Packing Co.... Armour Co Hchwertx A Co ; . J. W. Murphy... Bouth Omaha Pkg. Co. .itohn Morrts. So. 8t. 1'nUl.... Armour. bo.-Ht.. faul... Armour. Ifinver. r , B, 'Ijcwla 3. R. Root A Co.......'. Werthelmer & Degen.. Pulllvsji liros... Mo. Kansas Calf Co. lilgglns , uuf (man 1 Roth Otbar buyer ToUl K6 842 20 U 'is 236 . 10 S 20 14 6 ' 2 1 28 44 i7 1,41)6 l.ttttv 470 an 70 "ins 626 . 1.2K6 870 2,271, 912 n.rUt. due to the ouarantlne. are held responsible for the price advance.. The. week closes at me nign time. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamns, good to choice, 2 on:4i lambs, fair to good, $x.fi(Kfi4t.O0; feeders, good to choice. r 1 0007.10; feeders, fair to good, tti.2o9 60; yearlings, '. good to choice, t7.rfta.(0; yearlings, iair 10 su, ii.jh.oi;-k'" lings, feeder, 5.40.".90; wethers, good to choice. . t.W&6-7&: wethers, fair to good. M 2M&4.50; wethars, feeders. 4.S0i4.l6; awes, good to choloe, t6.6T)it6.90; ewes.NaJr to good, 26.2bi8.66; ewes, feeder. S.;6ti(4.a). Itepresentative saies: No. 175 Nebraska ewes ITS Nebraska ewes 27 fed ewes 27 fed lambs 240 fed lambs 234 fed lambs 12 fed lambs 162 fed lambs 49 fed lambs 27 fed ewes IS ted lambs 197 fed lambs 176 fed lambs-.... 1K1 fed. lambs 231 fed lambs 114 fed yearling ' 137 fed yearltnga tasked lamb IM Houth Dakota lamb cull 104 fed . lamb .1.727-", 8.W3 . 8.311 CA'iTlJO f)ulv fiftv-einht cars were reported .In .thlt morning, and twelve of that, number ware direct to packer ana not offered for sale. The trade is usually auiet on -a- Friday, -but It waa unusually so today, owlna to the fact that pack- era have been tree- buyers this week and already have on hand aa many cattle as they needed at the prasnt time. Irlcea on all kinds wera both slow and lower. and' tha morning waa well advanced bo tore a clearance waa effected. While range beef has been steady all the week, corn-feds are around too lower than last week's do. Cows and heifers- nave also eased off auita rapidly during the 'last half of the week, and tb market on killers is around wo lower titan last week, eanner showing less decline than tn fat stuff. Utockera and feeder iiava been " slow all the week, there being hardly enough business do ing In that line to really make a market Prices, however,-are sharply lower oa all sTudes. y'u'.lauuns on 'cattle: 'Good to Choice oornfed buaves. 19 Outf 10.60: fair to good eornted -beeves, eH.0uo,W; .common to fair oomfed beeves, t0.7Mt.0U good to choice range beeves, t7.4og.60; fair to good rango beoves. tB.7Mi'7 40: common to fair range" beeves, t6.UOtr6.75; good to choice neiiers. .iow.tiO good to. cholce cows, t.7r.fl6.7R; fair to good cows. t&.2Dfo.7li: common to fair cows, t4.M)6.25; good to onoico aiocxere ana Isadora, 7.ku7.86; fair to good stocker and feeders, tti.&M -v-. . ' .. . . . .. . ... ... . . J . i.v; t-viititivn 10 imir piovaers ana leader IA.90d.6fl;- stock' heifer. 24.7iati.la; stock cows, numti.n; sicca calves, K.5041.09 veal calves, f7.76ol0.at; bulls, Staga, etc,. . Representative sates: . - BEEF STUERa. N,. . A. Pt. Ka. in d.ys, the circumstantial nature of tha'-Xfcttr No teeoaiiouS ' ' 1 rew version quPkly started a selling 'j10-"'-0" No- . yt-Oomooo. m iih ement In tlie wheat pit and dislodged v --u m.i.. e many stop-loss orders that for a while' ' " V." the trade became seml-deinoralised. The breuk in the market was finally checked thrown, free buying on tho part of a Mtjmt.tr Of big liouaes. . i.tpurt demand, especially for Decem 1 er end , May deliveries of wheat, was at tive IhiIIi before and after the setback in prli-.il.- Country olferlngs were aald to b fulling off, dpite the fact that primary receipts continued to make a heavy total, compared with a year ago. Corn showed considerable resistance to aeinrtg pressure that followed the break til the wheat market. It was Said there vii a good cash call from the seaboard and that consignment notices from th country were small. On the other hand, tn.- fuKure of predictions for unsettled vntl.fr had a depressing effei-t. Rela tive greater sleadiuesa characterised data tlidn Ktlivr rerenU. A number of leading iti.ii.iioiun houses were on the buying side and remained so regardless of sym pathy etiown for the fail wlioat. iToviaions lackt support until after tue market had undorgone cunstderab, dei ilne. The stock yard Interests took a )i.nj. causing aumetiiing of a rally. t.faltt r.i e torn.nid by Logan A llryan. tf!i- 8I& tilh Mateemh straet: A il OpciiT ilibl. Low. Cloao.l "Ves y NKW YORK. Nov. 11, MERCANTILE PAPKR-4l0c, TKKlJN KXCIIANOE Steady; aw day bills, H SKiO; for cable. t4-iu0; for demand, H!tT76, KIIAKR liar, 474e. IXNOON. Nov. ll-ILVER-Bar. t3d per ounce. HIS)COtiNT RATES Three month. T4 per cent, , t Metal Market. NBW YORK. Nov. U-METAU-Boot tin. qulol. U3 .ftf 34.00 for five-ton lot and 5MrtKii3( O0 for twenty-flve-ton lota Lead. 14 i.V-13.66. Spelter 84.So4fQ.06. Electrolytic copper. Ill.SWl.HH; casting, tU.sll Wi iron, qutwi ana unviiansea. Minuoi prices: Hoot till. fl; straits. H4. Cop per. t.1 Ua 6d. Load, til 17a td. spelter. u 1US. 1 14 1 Wlieat; I lec.tl l?-.! May.ll Z: ('orn I I I c..l P-' Wy.ta'.itJ4l Oa-.s 1 I 4Tn U)SV, 1 l::yi 1 14 1 JOS 1, I I UK 1 UK 1 IS1 2i 1 ti r49f i "'. ta ia 1 le.. Pork 1 J.n..' 13 IS I 19 SO I 19 02t 1 SO 1 ) May. I 19 li I 19 76 J 12 iu 19 66 I 19 l-d I I ,f J I 10 45 16 47, 10 M !i i 14 ! I 10 SB May. I luAWr! 10 6i I 10 tl'H 10 60-421 Hi TO Rs I I I 1 I .in.. io r-r.i i sth: i it! io :s 10 5 Myy.t l :."?' w I 10 io io ini-aao Cash Pri-vs-'heal: No. i red l 1! '..i. 1 if. r.. i hard. tl.I3Vavl.iaw "'li: No. 2 yellow. 7i.;,c; No. 2 yei. w. new, -j4,'-. ata jo. i;V'i;v: standard. 4sVf-c Rye "o. 2. i. 0.1.(1 m-v. barley, ,i,:o. f-eeds '! tau'thy, M.",i,it!,.-J&; clover. tt!.0.a!4 ai I r-j ini'ns'; purk, $17. Vi. liird, tll.W.iibs. H '1 'i It Higher: creamery, Iisjsic. )-.; j lliKli. r. rei-ij i l ,.u car at n.Bi-U, ' e- lrclud--d. Jfc; ordlaary 1 "' f Vv: irau. f.-n-jfbie. t?ij fAlutff- iligiict, rrtei'Ui, t car; gt. Loaiia Live atock Market. ST. 1X1CI8. Nov. 18. CATTLK Raw ceipta 1 head: market steady; natlv beef a(e.-rs, li.ooalo. (6; cows and heifer. J.Oi26; native calves 8t.OiitPll.O0. HlMls Receipts, 600 brad; markv-t higher: and lights, 88.otxu7.20; ndxei lMlt-liei', ti.fraS.GO, good heavy, 27.00 bK.oo. ... 9., II tn i I. ...... 9....... t I....... A, ft. .'in i at UH 4 44 1 . . ' in ik it. , ttt to . so e , it., U44 6 tt . cowa,, , V 4 44 I I tr 101 4 I .......1140 H IM 4 M I imo 1 U II 8 1146 I IM 4 It . 2 14 6 40 4 74 1 km 6 M 4 74 I..., im f H : t I 4 1 104 6 4 OUAd ND HKlKU.!Uj. . ,....,.I0N 401 liKIFERi 44 I 74 I Tit T 44 "0 4 94 2 Una t 40 Ml Ik It 7U I 1 Sr. J " ,u HULLS,' v M 111 I 10W I 40 " 2 lo;o I e 1 ....... V4 4 II 1 .....t.iww a aa a. w t n .uie l si .UTS I W .14(1 so .1474 I SO ....113 6 74 Dry tioota Market. NKW YORK. Nov. 11 DRY OOOP14-. Cot um goods and yarns quiet; prices Irregular. I-ilk production being eut dun rapidly, wool active. Rvaooraleal Apvle aad Dried Vralts NKW YORK, Nov. U-EVAPORATED APHI.F-Meadv. . I MUfcI f-KUITS-jFrugea.' Arm.' Aprt fota. dull. Peachua. ult Katsins. linn. Haaar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 18. 9VQAR Raw. eaeier; centrifugal, 4.0lii4.07c; itiolasaos, 2ug3.42c. Refined, steady. t ottoa Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. IX X)TTON -Quiet, price unchanged: Amerl-an nild aaug, 4 fed; sales, 7,uuu bales. Metal Market. ST. IZIl'l", Nov. I2.-M KTAI.aI.eed. firm, at 4a.V Spelter, nominal, at tl-H. Haak f learlaga. OMAHA. Nov. It-Bank clearances for t5y era 83.042.77 7 41. a a list 14.9.77. litoi for tb corresponding day last year. yoara and Is retailing from 4 to cents. Orange have gone up In price 25 cents a box and will -continue tq rise until the hipping account at 19.40. top for the day, week and month to date, and a new high record ror November ar. tnese yaras The bis share of the holdings changed hands at t.76'd9.25. and as on yesterday the best finished stuff waa most sought after. On the whole the quality would a venire a little better, than on Thursday. The market opened In good erason end , arrival of the new navels, which are ex noon. Prices were stesdy to 10 15c higher, j peciea in aoottt six weeks. Apples are Tlie supply of aged sheep waa light ootn cheaper and better than they have with yearling and ewes most numerous. 1 1-.. ..m . k .... Some fed yearlings brought 27,75 and a " ' ' " ' Ti... 'I' V. .: mall bunch of ewes .ri.K. rnere was - - ' - nothing choice and of handy 'weight in; King David and Wlnesap are selling for this division, and as a matter of fact.la T huahel box. there was scarcely enough of anything . . ti thoroushlv trv out values. Traders' " " appiea, consisung or tireen- lngs, Baldwin and Wlnesaps, are on the market and selling 82 cheaper than a year ago.. Creamery butter and egg have both advanoed a cent In price eince last week, the Increase in price of the former oc- Av, Pr. .97 8 15 . 97 5 15 .128 5 50 .81 00 .79 40 ... 77 80 . 72 9 00 .78 00 .74 8 00 .112 6 KS . 74 8 00 .82 10 . 83 9 10 .83 10 . 70v 8 1ft .99 7 90 .97 7 90 . 72 800 . 67 8 66 . M 7 Op ,57,. 8 7fc New Imported Smyrna fig have ar rived and aro selling for 20 cents per pound, while California fig are selling at S4 cents pound. Date will bo on the market within the next three weeks. but will be 2H cent a pound higher this year because of the war. x California strained honey In twenty ounce bottle Is very fine and retailing at 25 cent per bottle. Orapes are prac tloally a thing of the past, what are left selling for .2 cent per pound higher than fast week. Southern vegetables are permanently established on the market, California to matoes selling for SO Cents a basket By Christmas thef aame tomatoes will retail for 75 cents a basket. Beets, carrots, turnip and radishes are selling for 4 cents per bunch. California cauliflower Is retalllng-at 7 cents a pound, whllt pop corn, which sold for 6 cent a pound last year, la selling at three pounds for 10 cent. inM 1 a ' . CALVES. 4 ., 47 tli l.. tn im . t e toe , 1..,.. im 1 w t &0' 1....... 1 M 0 8..... 11 9 oi 1 - STOCK liHH AND FEED EPS, 8 M 18 ' - WESTERN.. Long Bros. Wyo, I Steers.... m 7 25 1 bull 860 M 7 cows lvi 7 00 8 ler....lil 7 74 7 steers.. ..i:v.7 I to Kd Lawrence Wyo. 81 steers... 1S4 6 86 2 steers... .1240 7 15 W. 11. Randall Wyo, 1) ftaders.. 6 76, Williamson a) Son .Wyo. T feeders., m 2 7 75 1 feeder... 6 7 26 27 feeders.. 667 7 16 - I feeders.. TT 74 ----- C. C. Btagner Wyo. 84 feeder.. 679 7 75 IT feeder.. 668 7 26 13 feeder.. 764 78 1 steer 760 8 W John C. Hayes Wyo. ' n feeders.. 63 T 75 71 feeder.. 6TT IIS 96 feeder.. 7W 7 00 1 feeder... fco 6 75 8 feeders.. KH la 1 calf W j 1 calf...... 90 8 00 4 heifer a... 6.-7 7 00 8 tuers..,.1011 7 28' 9 steers... .1811 7 66 4 steers.. ..11,4 8 00 22 cslves. . . Kl 6 60 rl F.. Oallagtior-Wyonilng. 81 steer . ..ll 7 40 61 steers.. .1138 7 40 J. . M. Pulsipher (. tah. 14 steers.... t .'O 8 steers... ,1078 T 09 OOW 960 t 40 R. U TilfordTJtah. 18 feeder.. 874 4 76 a). W. Closeur. Co.-Nehraska. 13 cvwa SoJ 6 30 11 heifers.. 4-l 8 46 20 stackers. t4 6 40 21 steers... 914 III llOOd Total receipt a.nounUd to about la vara, or 8.600 head, but after taking out some twenty-thrse luads conaignsd direct lea than liO loads were led on sal. Total fur teres days I ii head, being more .kau 1 1.0 ( head larger than lt w(k, but about t.uuO head smaller thai) lart year. Trade opened out la good shape and early. killer bitl were strong, and in m-t cases a nickel higher, biiippvrg were buy ing, freely at prle that were from so to as much aa 10c liiKlier, and befure pack ers were able to (ill anv orders they uad to meet the prices shippers were paying, so lliat In tha end the btv bulk of tb ofreniiga moved at figures that were fully ei'iuo nigner, wuiie ai ine i.esi itnte, a number of salsa looked to be a flat dim up. A couple of killer buyera mad their first bids at shade higiior money, but when the trade started to strengthen up they refused to to with It and stayed by their early bids. Thus It hsppsuod that while pretty aearly e very Utu.g sold at Kansas ' Ctty Live , Stock Market. tt-ANHA. CITY. Nov. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,109 head.; best cattle weakjother higher; prime fed steers, tlO.OOg'10.75; dressed beef steers. 88.00(ii0,"5; - western steer,. I7.00tfe. 26; stockers and feeders. Uv6or7.T6; bulls, 86-0Oij.6O; caivea, in.wi HIIUB iteceipta. -. h,w ncau, (uiumw higher; bulk. of. sales. 87.9W.96; heavy, 87.57.80; packers and butchers, 87.700 7.97V,;. light 87.6oe7.1f7Mi; pig. 86.W(1J7.80. BHt-l-f AINU ijlvontJW iwbbu, had; market strong; lambs, .8H.OO.2ft; yearllnKS, 86.5oi)7.7&; wether, 6.60a.7; ewes, t6.ft86.0ft. i gloax City Llv ttoek Market. SIOITX CITY, la., Nov. IS. CATTLE Rer-elpts, 800 head; market lower; native, 86,G0i'7.50; . butchers, 86.2&37.00; canners, 14.i"xy6O0: rnlvca, 87.504f9.50; bull, atags. etc., 84.76fl6.00. . . HOOP Receipts, 6,000 head; market shade higher; heavy, t7.45Tj7.Ei5; mixed. 87.4047.424; light. t7.27Vi4f7.40; bulk ot sales. 27.371)7.40. 8HEKP AND IMBS Receipts, S.500 head) market steady; ewes, 80.60; lambs, 86(0, . - , : "t t. Jose pk Ll Btoek Marke.t. 8T. JO8BPH. Nov. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head. Market ateady; steers. t7.0otid0.&0; cows and heifers, 84.60aji9.2u; calves, 86Oiit?10.O0. HOOS Receipt. 811O head. Market opened 10c to loc higher on lights; top, 8-0O. . . , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.000 head. Market steady td strong; lambs, 28.5009.20, Eastern Lines File Higher Tariff s on Animals and Meats .1 WASHINQTON Nov. 18-In confab mlty with the decision - of August 1 by tho Interstate ' Commerce commission in tha advance rata case. In which it was suggested that th railroads should In crease rates that the Investigation shown to be manifestly unremuneratlve, . east bound ' line from Central Freight . elation territory today tiled advances on live atock,' fresh meats and . packing house products. Announcement was re cently made that th advance would b mad to become effective December IS. The general Increase proposed between Chicago. and New York follow: . On cattle, 23 cents per 108 pound, an advance ef I cents: on dressed beef, bog and sheep, 86 cent, an advance of S cents; on caivea, goat,, hog and sheep In double-dock car a, 82 cent and In aln-gls-deck car 88 cents, an advance ot 1 cents; on meats, dried, amokd and salted, 88 cents, an advance of 3 cents, and on packing house product and pro vision 28 cents, an advance of 8 cent a While tho commission' ha not an nounced it Intention. It la regarded aa likely tha proposed tariff may not be suspended. ' .' Kaiser Offers to, . Sell Marble Palace . at Corfu,' in "Greece GENEVA (Via Parish, Nov. 12. Em peror William 1st offering his marble lalace. the Villa of AchUleton, In Corfu, for gale, It was built tn 1890-91 for the Empress Elisabeth of Austria at a cost of 85,000,000 and has since been Improved. A syndicate of German and Swiss hotel tnen wished to buy Achlllclon a few 1 yee.ro ago, but ther wera outbid by the emperor. Tha emperor's decision to sell the place. It 1 stated. Is the result of the uncer tain attitude of Greece toward Germany and Austria. It la said he fears confis cation of the palaoe if Greece joins the allies; A Swiss syndicate has been given n option on tho place at a low price. Tha Villa of Aohlllelon, which is in tho Italian renaissance style, was purchased In 1907 by the German emperor. - The gardens are . open to visitors. At the back of tha villa . are a peristyle and three terracea, with a large number of statues and among them, on the outer most terraoe 1 a "Dylnc Achlllis," by Herter. ' The large park, descending toward th sea In terrace, contains a small temple with a seated marble statue of Heine, th poet, by the Danish sculptor, Haasel Rlls. The villa was erected by the Italian architect Rafaelo Carlto. Turkey Compelled to Enter War by Secret Treaty of Years Ago LONDON. Nov. 18,-The Morning Post's Athena correspondent says: "According to statements mad by a diplomat her Turkey was compelled to enter th war by a secret treaty made some yvars ago with Germany whereby Turkey agreed to assist Germany If war wsa declared on Germany by Ruaala- "In return Germany agreed to assist Turkey if Russia daclarsd war on Turkey.' "At th opening of th war Germany demanded Turkey's assistance, but th Turkish cabinet, which regarded siyh an act as sulctUal, replied that Turkey Avould b unable 10 assist beeaua It had no money; because th army waa going through a period ot reorganisation and beoaus th fleet waa poworleag to de fend the capital. "Germany anaworod these ohjortkias by sending money, men and ahlpa, where upon Turkey was compelled to enter the arena, because of It solamq treaty ob. UgaUoua.'' Proposal Made to Reorganize Garment Makers is Defeated PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13.-A resolu tlgn creating a committee to bring about unity and to reorganise the needlework- era trade, th first resolution to come before th convention of th American Federation of Labor waa defeated, after some debate, at today's session. There I a split in the ranks of the Garment Workers' union, it being alleged that about two-thirds of the members iave seceded from th regular organisation. Th resolution was Introduced In the In terest of those who ar rebelling against the regular national officer. - Both Toledo and Indianapolis want th 1916 convention of tha federation. Invi tation from those citle were read to the delegates. '.The 1916 convention will go to 8vn Francisco, according to offi cer of the federation. John M. Eshleraan, lieutenant-gov rnor-elect ot California, who Is In Phil adelphia attending the conference ot mayors of American cities, addressed th convention "by invitation to deliver a word of good cheer from th coast. Funston and Scott To Be Promoted to v Be Major Generals WASHINGTON. Nov. li Brigadier Gt-neial Hugh Scott was selected by Presi dent Wilson today to be chief of staff of th Putted State army upon tha re tirement next Monday of Major Oeneral Wotherspoon. ( The vacancy of, major general created by Gaoeral WotheMpoon'g retirement will b filled by tli nomination of Brig adier General Frederick F. Funston, now In command at Vera Crui. Brigadier General Tasker II. Bliss will beccme chief of the mobile army division and upon th retirement of Major Gen eral Murray on April 29. 1915, General Hcott will b appointed a major general. Secretary Uarrlson, making these en, nouncemeata after a lengthy conforem. wuh the president, said for th present General Funston would remain at Vera Crux. Indicating that .th stay, of th American forces at tb Maxlcan port still was Indefinite. THE WOMEN ARE VOTING TO BUT OROCTCarES AlTD KSATS AT THE. BASKET -STODES" if So jnt.ch 1114 th'jr increased our sales the first IS months tnla year over th same period last year $182,427 10. Would they have done this If not sattsfleri with our guaranteed quality? This loyal -support baa helped us keep price down by buying more in carloads than ever before. Potatoes, carload, Iowa Rural, these rtin small. In 6 bo. lota, per bu. BOO Hlngl bu., 0 lb, 8I0. 1 pk.. IS lb. at 13o Nebraska Hand Hill. In 6 bu. lots, 67o 1 bu., 60 lbs-, 6801 Peek, IS lb... ISO Genuine Red Rivera, In S bu. lot, 64o 1 bu.. 60 lbs.. gSes Peck, IS lbs... 170 2c less If you bring your own sacks Cabbage, per lb. Io; In 100 lb. lots at , 860 Flour, 4S-lb. sack, "Tip" 81.48 Try small sack, use H of It and If you do not find It the best, return It and get your 72c back. Ak-Sar-Ben, 48-lb. sack, guaranteed, st 91.33 New BraJill Nuts, lb 14o English Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, lbj- .SSo Tomatoes, large No. 2H lb. cans 9o Small No. 2 cans ..7o Corn, per can So, 7o, Bo 8 for SSo, and the best packed ...llo Esrly June Peas, extra fine brand, per ran Bo 2 for - SSo Kroomn, 19o, SSo, 33c, 37a, 43c, 81 45 Lye, Rex or American best, 10c cans 7o 8 for lto Pal Soda, 4H Iba. Bel 25 lbs SSo Toilet Paper, lOo Jumbo rolls. Crepe Tissue, So; 10c rolls ellk tissue Be; small Kc rolls So; 8 for SSo Stove Pipe, per Joint 80 Stove Pipe Collars 3oi 2 for .....Bo Coal Hods, Japan, open 17o Klre Shovels So aad So Vinegar, cider, per gallon 19e Corn Flakes, 15c pkg. So; 3 for SSo 10c pkg. 60; 8 for ISO Oatmeal, large 25c pkg. ........180 10c package So Soda, 1 lb., 10c pkg 4o Soup, Snlder's Tomato, 10c can . .70 Pork and Beans, large cane, Shep- pard. So) 8 for 82 o Gum, fie pkgs ..a.... 36 Cereal Blend Coffee, same aa Potum cereal, So 3 for SSo Carload Salt, bulk, common, bbL tjl.40 Packs, Be size, 3o 10c sacks 60 14-lb. sacks, 130! 100-lb. sacks.. .490 Ho Baits or Special Rale. Money refunded on any item bought at any of The Basket Store In Omaha. Lincoln. Havelock or Uni versity Place If not entirely satisfac I torv. 309 Items Lower than Any Grocer in the State NO. 21 816 NORTH 10TH. NO. 23 1807 VINTON ST. NO. 231400 NORTH 24TH. NO. 24 2127 FA UN AM ST. NO. 23 2518 NORT4I 24TH. Buy your meat at the Smpreas Sanitary Vaxksi whar yon ret your hirh quality and low prices, and full weight. 16 01s. to th pound. Prompt atten tion given to mail orders. 1014 Milk Fed Spring Chlx, our own dressing 13 He 11)14 Forequnrters Spring Liamb 1914 Hindquarters Spring Lamb Pig Pork Roast ....ll4o Pig Pork Butta : . ,".134o Choice Steer Pot Roast ..18c, HHo Choice Young Veal Roast . .lBo, llo Young Veal Chops ...... ..16o, ISHo Choice Mutton Chop ....16o, ISfto 1094c .123ie Choice Round Steaks 17Hc Swirt'a Premium and Armour's Hams 17o Smalt Hams .....lSHo Sugar Cured Bacon 17o Mot 4 deliveries a day 4, lit S and. 4 o'clock. 20 Pounds. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 (48-lb. sack' Diamond B Flour 4)1.35 1-lb. can Calumet Baking Powder 19o 10 bars beat laundry Soap SSo 7 lbs. best Oatmeal SSo 6 lbs. Laundry Starch SSo 25c pkg. Naphtha Powder 19o 10c rkg. Corn Flakes ;.... Bo' lOo can Metal Polish ...Co Spaghetti or Macaroni, pkg. . .TVio 8 carta Early June Peas or. Sugar Corn SSo 80c can of Pineapple i.: 19o 8-lb. can of Orated Pineapple ". .loo 85c cans of Ripe Olives ........ Bao PMre strained Honey, pt Jars ...SOo S lbs. best Navy Beans SSo Ak-Sar-Ben Coffee, per lb. - . . . .870 Best fresh Eggs, per doxen ....SSo Best 'creamery Butter, per lb. ..33o Beit tub Butter, per lb. SSo and 30o Oasaba Melons, each . ... 3S0 Fancy ripe tomatoes, 'lb 7Hc ' Or basket ..30c Best Cranberries, per qt. ........ Bo Bellevue Celery, per doien SSo Large cooking apples, per pk. . .SOo Carrots,- parsnips or beets, per mar ket basket SSo Bleached Domestic Endive, 2 heads for So Large bunches radishes or green on ions o Fancy red onions, pk- SSo 6 large grape fruit -"So Oreen or wax beans, per qL ... "He Best, box Appiea. per box ...$1.25 THE EXPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolwot-Ut So and loc Store. H3 South 16th St. Tel. P. 2307. Msat is down 06 a tb PnbUa Market. Buy your meat mt a reUabl place, whar yon get you quality and your weight, is oa. to th pouid. Ws bay our meat by th carload lotthis enables ns to bay cheaper, aad thsr-. for sell cheaper than anyoa lss. W supply th leading hot! aad res taurant. JFrompt attention given to mail orders. 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chlx. Our Own Dressing 13 1-2c Pig, Pork Roast. Choice Steer Pot Roast ..ISo, llHo Pig Pork Butts r. 130 Young Veal Roast ISo, llo Lamb Leg , :14o Choice Mutton Chops .......ISo, 130 Choice Mutton Roast ..7H Choice Young Veal Koast ..ISO, llo Swift's Premium. Cudahy's Diamond C Ham 17iO .11 3-4o Choice Veal Chops ISo, ISHo Small Ham ISHo Surar Cured Bacon .17Ho . erociAxsi From S p m. to 8 p. m.. Lamb Chops. at , Bo From '8 p. nvto 10 p. m-. 8-lb. pall r Compound Lard, per "pall 37o. 23 LBS. BEST CSASliLATED SUGAR, $1.09 With one lb. Tea or Coooa .S9o 1 lb. can Rumford Baking Powder BOo Sugar Corn or Tomatoes, can ..7Vto Early June Peas or String Beans, at 8 1-SS Best Pancake Flour, pkg. .. ..8 1-30 H gal. Karo Syrup, red or white 80 Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. ..SOo 26o bottles White Horse Ketchup lBo 20c Red Salmon 14o 12 bars best brands Soap ,.8Bo With. Sal Soda 10o Public Pride Flour, sack ,91.40 Knamellne Stovs Polish, 10c size 4a Tall cans Milk, lOo alze 7Ho 8 6c cans Milk ,...36o Ec Matches or Toothpicks 9Ho 10c pkg Oats 7',jC Dried Peaches? 4 lbs. for SSo Young American Cheese, lb. .....ISo OIIOI r M ADff C?T 1610 Harney St rwutaiv. ii . Phono Douglao2739 . n . . ii 1 1 1 ar sr; -a jm . as 1 una, bbsbo j II II 1 ni i No Matter If the Ice Gives Out You can always be sure of pure, sweet, fresh milk and cream if you have on hand a supply of Sterilized Unsweetened Cottseo Milk is the richest milk with nothing taken out ex cept v8ter and with nothing added. , Its perfect sterilization makes it mors sanitary than bonis milk. Thera is no danger of contamination ss in the bottling, handling snd delivering of ordinary milk. All animal terms hav been eliminated from Cottage Milk. That why it lasts longer snd doeen't take on tha odors of other foods in the ice box after it is opened, ss readily as bottle milk, a 0 Cottage Millt I sold direct from our condflaries to your retail I inaurinr freshness at all times. For flavor, richness, convenience aad economy Cotttgs Milk U unexcelled. THE MILK WITHOUT THE COOKED TASTE In Two Size) 8 nd IO jt. At AU Cood DsMders i, . CtXLKN iTllO K "tit A G E CO., . I I Soarlao 4H1S. SIS Braaael Theatr ViAg. 11 AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, CMcgo 4J - .