Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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rim; rw;r.: omaha, satckdav, xovK.MT.rcr? inn.
Jeff Knows a Scrap Book When He Sees One
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
4T A Y ftsjAaaw . - I
w rr tou TO 60 OUT
"aery's a mantt uttug
PVCTuteS rNS) CHou 'e f TD
hi! mMEm
X SeMT A &crM,-Book
Ac40 6ATceV 3 I
l .vj.iiVil.u.ait-ui.i.i.'Mv f.iii.jiiiiiiilla.
Western Foot Ball Approaches Cli
max Today, with Big Games Up.
Mlcklaraa Battle svlth Cornell Ml
Notre Pant' Fight wlU Car
Hale Will Be Events o(
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Tomorrow foot
hall program In th central states and
leat year' cor:
At t'rbana Chicago, 18; against Illinois,
At Ann' ArborCornell. 0; against
Michigan, 17.
At Minneapolis Wisconsin, 3; against
Mlnnenta, 21. '
At chlcagoCarlls! . aaalnst Notre
I'sn-e .
At Lincoln Kansas, fl; ' against Ne
braska, .
At Ames Iowa, 45; aaalnst Ames, 7.
At Columbus-Oberlln, 0; against
Ohio, 0.
At ColumbiaWashington, 0; against
Mtoourl 1.
At Evonston Purdue, U; aRalnat Korth
tprn, .0. ;
Approarhra rilmat.
Weotern foot ball approaolie Ita oltmtx
tomorrow. The Clilrago-Illtnola and Wla-toniiln-Hlnniaota
gamea will go , r
toward apttllng the conf(rnce nliamplon
hlp and Iariaaa and N'cbraeka meet
In a contest of utraoat Importance In the
Mlawrarl Valley race. Dividing Intereat
with thcae a-amea, ' Michigan nnl Notra
T.ame, tnht on addltloniu eaatern teama,
the former winding up Ita s?non with
Cornell and the latter tackling the
Carlisle Indiana.
I -
IK j 4
y; ) 1
Two Old-Timer Warrior Teams Battle
Nothing to Nothing ,
Battle Detneea Uleb tebool Elerena
at Hotrkr, Park Ilar4 loiikt
fhroaslt Every Mlaate
of Plar.
Chief Interest Centers in Tale
Princeton Game Today.1
Harvard Faeea Brown la Final Con
teat of fteaamn He.fore Taek
llna; Ella, and Confident
of Wlnnlnar.
Chicago' hope of retaining Ha title Ycy'vM, parted out n the lorge floik pf
Bobby Walthour, the famous American
ai big' ulna ohamplona depend 011 the
part Its three Man, Clray, Vnood and
Albert, Uko In the game at t'rbana. to
morrow. None of the three la-in flrat
elan ahape. but each bus willing and
able umlcratudy.
Chief RtrenKth In Attack.
The lUlnl'a chief atrensth ! In the
veraattle attack which Coach Zunnka !
haa taut'.ht them. The Orange and Blue,
excelling, y reporta, all others in thla
aectlon of the country In the handling of
the forward pa, have adapted the ao-
called rugby game.
A gallant battle ahotthl ba that put up
by the Badgera and Oophera at Ulnneitpo
lia. Crltica ar Inclined to make Wla
ronetit the favorite, in view of the Car
dinal'! strong game agnlnat Chicago and
Minneeotaa defeat by Illlnola. Beaklea,
the Uadgera apvarently are in the beat
of ahape, white Foltm, one of the few ex
fierlenced men In the Oophete' aquad, may
jot be able to go througt) the whole game.
' ' Cloao gtmaTaT'o ICsnorted.
Ancient rlvala cluah t Ann Arbor,
wliere Michigan and Cornell meet. Thla,
year one cf the cloeeat of atruggtea be
tween the two l expected, for the Jtha
ram ' have been' gaining rapidly In
atrength. , Michigan' rout of Pennsyl
vania lat week haa made the Wolverine
favorite, and probably haa irlven Yoat'
men lot of confidence.
A spectacular battle la expected at
Comlskey Fark. Chicago. In the meeting
of Notre tani and the Indiana. To the
loyal rooter of the Ifooaler achool It
foot ball record this year ha been t,
disappointment, but It large Chicago
alumni will gather In force to Vrltnea
the game. To abaenc of skillful gen
eralship generally I ascribed to Notro
lrm' dlaaeter thla year- Ite report
from South llend Indicated doubt aa to
whether Finnegan will play, tthould he
be able to take hi eld place at quarter
the Notre Oaroe chanoc are considered
rider In the atx-kiay race at Madison
Square Garden In New York on Saturday
night. Walthour I out to beat Al Ual
utoad and gulnI a good lead on hi
tv at the start.
Hastings Wins from
Bellevue Eleven
HASTINC18, Neb., Nov. JS.-(Bpeolal
Telegrsm.) Though badly crippled by Uie
disability of several regular Masting
college defeated Brllevue, S3 to 0, thla aft
ernoon, C'osdH Tov' pupil swept the
HclWvuu-men orf their feet right at the
start. All of the scores except one touch
down were scored In the first half.
nl the second half Towl used prac
tice II v all of hi second string men. Hlt
ner, the regular center, was out on ac
count of blood polsonnlng. Bargpnt was
laid up and XlcCarty wa able to play
only a few minute. Captain Davidson
of Hastings auffered Uta fracture of hi
collarbone In the third quarter.
Foot Ball Results
.. Oklahoma, 2; Kans Btt Agrl
rultnral, 10. ,
Mlchiicnn ARRiea, At t'esunsylvanlfi
Rtete, 8.
Omntijt uiiircralty, 01 CoUier, 14.
North Dakota Aggie, O; Moo
fana, 18. , v . -
MiHhxelk, IS; Arkansas, 7.
ftklaJioiiia, 52j Knnsaa Aegi9, 10,
Monmouth, 39; I'ennsylTa.nU col
leg, 0. -
Hir.H 80HK)I GAMK.H.
. Lincoln, 'Mi; IWatnfe, O.
Omaha, Hi North lltt .
Aurora, 0; York, .
(Irand Islantl, 7; llMtlngi), 7.
, f'antbiil(r, l; Otford, 7.
Itroken IUw, 11; rtAvenna, O.
Houth Oinalia, t; Nebraska tlty, 0.
Ujlt.lnln IViA r.ll thai ha. Ilina ff
marked them a victors the South Omaha
High school foot ball team held the'
giant from Nebraska City to a scoreless
tie of 0 to 0. yesterday at Rourke park. I
Outweighed by at least fifteen pounds toj
a man the looal team held their own and:
the game from the start resolved Itself'
Into a battle of speed against weight. To
award honor fairly the Packer eleven
held the upper hand at all stages of the
game. '
When In the second quarter Ieai:h
smashed over the line with the ball under
bla arm, a deafening cheer arose from ,
the mass of O0 rooters, only to be
drowned In the disappointment of learn-j
Ing from Hefereo Morganthaler that the!
fast Packer quarterback had fumbled the
ball, unluckily letting a Nebraska City
man fall on It. It waa culled a touch
back and the ball was brought to the
twenty-yard line, where the grill of a
slg-sag battle, wa allowed to take It
Within Btrtklna- Distance.
Twice again lh Packer 'crew came
within striking dlstancs of goal, but In
both Instance lost the ball on ungalnedj
yard. Discordance reigned among the.
warrior of the Magic City eleven and the !
Bott-Beal-Dworak combination failed to'
hit the lino with it usual smoothness and
regularity. On the defensive, however,
the local back could not be equaled. In
particularly every Instance the Nebraska'
CHI lad were forced to punt to make.
their yarda and the tackling of the local
waa usually behind the line,
"Ted" Korbmaker wa the ahtnlng light
of the Packer crew. Time and again
he broke through the Nebraska line 1
and downed the runner or recovered a
fumble. At all ttme hi "via the areao- !
Gilmore Predicts Hostilities Will
Last for Some Time Yet.
Ooilaw Prealdeat Says Ills Leaxor
Anclona to Bnry Axe, hnt Re
fnaea to lve Kvery-thin.
The fliapti of a cigar is important.
It often affects' the flavor of a cigar
os well an ita unooth-lmrning quality.
Robert Burns are made in a variety
of ehapes best buited to bringing out the
delicate flavor and mildness of its perfect
ly blended tobacco. 1
Have you tried the new "Invincible"
Rcb Burns
Cigar 0
Lilllo Bobbh5
tiaus City. lv,
OukM aaa Uowaetl nlolfa
plan route" wa 'the favorite.
t I Mxoa Always needy.
Nixon was a Indomitable aa ever and
the 180-pound Nebraska City back flelt
wall of the Nlxon-Sheeby combination.
Bott, the usuai'dellgtit of the South
Omaha hooters out magnlfioent "figure
of eight" In the down river line and suc
ceeded time and again in racing for five
and eight yard without any Interference
whatsoever. The Nebraaka City eleven
put up a solid front during the entire
gam and although no score could tell
the tale, they aimlUed that speed had
won over weight. Thorpe, their center.
at first found the South Omaha signals
easy, but long before the game had
ended longingly hoped that he would
never meet another 'Ted." . "
Shultx. Larah and Kellogg, the heavy
Nebraska City back field, were the
stellar part of the Nebraka City ma
chine, driving through the local line.
with a velocity that aent their opponents
many feet In areer at tunes. The gents
from the river town showed up in on
complete compact which ahowed clearly
that It meant business.
The forward ru wa quit Infrequent
and rake punt formation aeemed to be
humbugged. Straight foot ball of the
good old-time variety wa largely the
favorite of both Leach and Welsh.
The lineup:
Ul). R.K... Ilibert
K.T Anderson
Nt;W YORK, Nov. 11 Chief interest in
the eastern foot ball schedule for tomor
row centers In the Yale-Princeton game.
From an offensive standpoint Tale ap
pear to outclass Princeton, since each
team the Blue has faced this aeason ha ,
been cored upon repeatedly with the ex
ception of the strong Washington and
Jefferson eleven, which won from the
Ells, 13 to 7.
If the fighting spirit and jump can ba
Instilled Into the eleven in the early min
ute of tomorrow's contest the Tiger
may close their season with a victory,
but the Tale supporter are offering" odd
that this is a foot bull upset .not scheduled
for Paturday.
The Pennsylvania-Dartmouth frame of
fer somewhat similar condition upon
which to speculate.
Weald Be Another rpse.t.
Dartmouth,' were it not for the dafeat
at the hands of Princeton, would today
bo ranked as one of the Invincible team
of the east, if Pennsylvania wtna to
morrow it will be a remarkable triumph
for the Quaker and another- of the sea
son' startling foot ball upsets.
Both the Army and the Navy have se
lected Main college combination aa op
ponent and should win, although the
New Kngland eleven are powerful aggre
gation with fine record for the aeason.
Harvard faces Brown in the final game
of the seaion before tackling Tale, and
because of the rather mediocre showing
of the Brunoniam this autumn little doubt
rerardlng the outcome I felt at Cam
bridge. , ,
Among the other game of the day the
Colgate-Syraeuie contest I accorded a
plar of prominence, since these two Now
York state Institution are represented by
unusually strong teams.
Leadlnar Games.
The leading game of the east tomor
row, with the scores of last aeason, where
the same teama .met, are a follows:
Yale at Princeton, x-3.
Brown at Harvard, M7.
Dartmouth at Pennsylvania, 31-21.
Colirnte at Syracuse, IMS.
Virginia at Swarthmoro did not play.
Mume at army did not play,
tolbv at navy did not play.
Trinity at Wealcyan, )4-4t.
Willie ms at Amherst, 0-11
Maryland Aggies at Georgetown did
not play.
Albright at La Fayette, 0-7.
Massachusetts Arnica. Sprtncfield. M4.
Pittsburgh at Curncgie Technical did not
play. '
Exeter at Andover, -C9-0.
CHICAGO, Nov. IX Another sees.m of
baas ball war was predicted today by
President Oilmore of the Federal league, ,
discussing tin reported failure- of Chkrlcs
Wecghman and August Herrmann to
agree on terms tor the sale of the Cubs
to the former. According to Oilmore,
the. peace . which Organised base bsij
wonld Impose ore too one-sided to be at
tractive to the Federals; who, their presi
dent said, are prepared for war.
Oilmore declared the Federal league
waa anxious for peace and ready to
make reasonable concessions.' but declined
to give up everything.
A conference of Federal leaguers, in
cluding President Gilmore, Wecghman,
Otto Stifel and Phil Ball of the St. Louis
club and Attorney G. E, Gates of In
dianapolis took place this afternoon, but
what was discussed was not announced.
Ball said he would be willing- to buy
Into the St. Louis National league club.
but declared the price asked by Schuyler
Brltton for his holdings, reported tor be
SSOO.OOO, he considered too high.
Regarding the report from Cincinnati
that Wegghman and Charles p. Taft were
to meet next week to discus th Cub
deal, the former said today he knew noth
ing of it, but was waiting word front
Weriamaa Will Go to Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, Nov. U. 'The necotia
Uona for peace between organised base
ball and the Federal league have pro
gressed satisfactorily, but are by no
mean completed," said Chairman Au
gust Herrmann of the National Base Ball
commission on his arrival hers today
from Omaha.
"Charles Weeghman will come to Cin
cinnati next week to consult with Mr.
Charles P. Taft over the prospective pur
chase of , the Chicago National league
club. I believe the sale of the Chicago
National to Mr. Weeghman will be set
tled one way or the other at. this meet
ing, and I have high hope that follow
ing this peace in base ball will come.
This latter, however, Is by no mean
certain, but w are hoping for great
thing, and they seem probable."
Shows Out-State Foot Ball Eleven
Shape of Its Heels.
Game Marred by Considerable,
Fnmbllna, bnt Otherwise Is Good
. Exhibition Claim Advanced
for Beatrice Game.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Nov. IS. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Omaha High showed that
Friday the 13th was not their unlucky
number by defeating North Platte on
their own grounds by the score of 14 to &
The game was sharply contested by both,
sides to the finish, and at times It was
very doubtful that. Omaha would win.
The first soore was mad In th seoond
quarter on a touchdown by Lutes of
Omaha, and the goal failed, making; the
score 8 to 0. It stood that way up to the
end of the third quarter, when North
Platte made a touchdown. They failed to
kick goal and ths score waa a tie.
On making the touchdown Omaha held
their opponents for three downs on the
three-yard line, but they finally forced
Kelley, their star, over for their score.
Safety for Omaha.
The fourth quarter sarted with the ball
on North Platte' eren-yard Una. Be
cause of the poor pasalng of the North
Platte center, the quarterback dropped
the ball, to recover It In time to be
tackled behind the goal, making a safety
for Omaha and the icpre 8 to t.
Ths final score was nisde on a touch
down by Johnson and the scoring ended
with a total of 14 to .
The game could not be called brilliant
on the part of either teem as there were
a good many fumbles and other mlsplaya.
It "was started by North Platte after
Omaha bad won the toes and chosen the
north goal, as th wind was blowing a
gale from the south. This earns wind
made passing and kicking almost im
possible. ' ' Omaha penalised.
At th very beginning- of the game
Omaha was pensllsed and throughout the
game made a total of alxty-flve yarda In
penalties to North Matte' none. But
even though they dJd run up a larger
total In penalUe they fully made up for
it by gaining almost three Umes as much
territory as North Platte. North Platte
held Omaha for downs a number of
times, but It was fully returned, and a
continual punting duel was kept upiby
both sides. Lute wst the best of the
two punter, making more ground than
ths North Platte man.
Stars of the Game.
Johnson, who had a crowd of admirer
up from his old home town of Gothen
burg, was the star of the game, but Lutes
came so cloee that there was not much
difference In their work. ' The star for
North Platte wa Cool, the turdy llttlo
quarterback. A good many of Johnson's
big gain were made possible by the pass
ing of Lutes, which wa the best ha has
done this year. If Beatrice has beaten
Lincoln, Omaha haa a claim to th state
championship, as Omaha beat York, T to 0,
slid Tork held Beatrice to a tie, 0 to 0.
The lineup:
Berry ..
Nichol ,
Wilson .
Reese ..
Beard ...
...R. H.
...U H.
...F. B.
...Q. B.,
...R. K.
...R. T.
...R. a.'
...I O.
Li. T.
R. H.
L. H..
F. B..
Q. B..
R. E. .
R. T..
R. O..
T G..
.. Louden
.... Miller
... Verton
... Greirg
. Overman
..L. F,.'L. E..
Knhfitltute! Omaha. Neville for Nichols.
Ersetrom for Bradley. Wither for More
arlty, Nichols for Neville. oNrth Platte:
Stewart for Miller. Cross for Cool. Of
ficials: Caldwell, umpire; Wauerh, referee:
Orr, head linesman. Quarters: 16:00.
Touchdowns: Lutes. Johnson, Kelley.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nor. 13. Spe
cial Telegram.) On the decision thus far
the score of today's game between Orand
Island and Hasting High schools 1 T to
7. with two points in dispute on an al
leged safety, according to tho dectalon
of Referee McCullough. Hasting was
penallxed frequently for slugging, the
local team likewise suffering- on penalty
for retaliatory tactics.
Johnson, fullback for Hastings, and
Kreb and R. Scott for Grand Island
played ths eteller roles. Krebs carrying
ths ball all but five yards across ths field
for a touchdown. i
The Hastings outweighed ths locals ten
pounds to the man.
' Cambrtda-e Hlsrh Wins.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. Nov. 11 (Special
Telegram.) Cambridge won from Oxford,
a to 7. Oxford scored first and kicked
goal. Carroll of Cambridge soon cored,
but the kick wa blocked with one minute
to play. Rodwell kicked a drop-kick
from the thirty-yard line, winning tho
game. The girls defeated the Oxford
girls, 27 to 17, In a basket ball game.
Broken Bow Keeps on Winning. -
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Nov. 13.-Spe-ctal
Telegram.) Broken Bow High school
defeated Ravenna this afternoon. 14 to 0.
The game wa clean and fast and one
of the best ever seen on the local grid
iron. Broken Bow has not lost a game
this aeason.
Kheehy .....
Hoc-tor ,
Connors ....
l-ecl .....
....L.O. R.o
C. C
... h a. ia..
R-E.U E..
HutwUtUtca: Kouth Omaha. Vmwt .,r
Beo.1 In third quarter: Nebraaka City,
lltller for fwnith, Hoberg for lrati. Time
of guarters: 1ft and 11 minute. Kcoi:
South Omaha, o; Nebraska City. 0.
Referee Morganthaler. I'mplre: Miller.
Head linesman: Elisor. Timekeeper and
scorer: Lee.
,.. Thorpe,
.... liatrd
, . Meeson
... Welsh
... bults
.... Itreh
WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 11-D. E.
Breesc. who has been president of the
W,khita Western league base ball club
for a year, subralttel his reslvnatlun to
the club directors today, to take effect
November W.
8TATK COLI.Ctie. P., Nov. ll-Th
Michigan Agricultural foot ball eleven
celebrated its ftrst Invaaion of the east
by defeating Pennsylvania Ptalo her to
day by to S. Th Aggies played a su
perior game throughout.
avoid Blood Poison
by using Bucklen' Arnica Halv on all
wound, bruieea, sores. cald. salt
rhsura. etc. Prompt relitt for pile, toe.
AU druggist- Advertisement
Th Want A Column of Tb Be Are
Read Cslly by People in Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities. '
Substitutes in
Nebraska Line
For Kansas Game
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. U (Special Tel
egram.) Nebraska will start against its
moat formidable foe of the season Kaa
a with a partly substitute lineup.
Doyle, the big 170 fullback, whoso punt-
; Ing Is an Important assot to Nebraska's
game. 1 out of the game with a badly
Injured leg. Shields, substitute guard,
will take Pat N orris- place at guard,
Norrls was also hurt !n practice
Kansas will arrive !u Lincoln early Sat
urday morning. Coach Wheaton has)
i made no announcement of his lineup for
the Haturday gam. The officials will
I be: Grover. Kansas Ctl Athletic club.
referee; Graham, x-lowa. umpli. and
Clyde McKride. Kansas City Athlotto
club, head linesman.
Here Is the way the Kuskers will start
the game: Howard, left end: llalllgan.
capta'n. left tackle; Balis, right end; Pot
ter, quarterback: Rutherford, left half
back: Chamberlain, right halfback; Dela
matre, fullback.
Manager Guy E. Reed reports' , that
practically all reserved seats have been
snapped up. He received word that th
Kansaa delegation would not arrive In
Lincoln until Baturday mosnlng. Tbs
squad will come with the rooters on a
special train and will arrive in Lincoln
about I o'clock Saturday morning. Th
(peclal leave Lawrence Friday evening,
which will force the foot ball team to
apend the night before the gam In train
berths. Th Nebraeka player don't think
It will help th Jayhawker any.
LOS ANGKLES, . Cal , Nov. U. Ths.
American league all-stars took another
gam from the National here today,
4 U S.
Good's fast fleldlnt marked the play.
Col and Alexander bith pitched good
ball, but better team work won for th
Americana Morlarity triple In the sev.
enlh. followed by a sacrifice that sent
him home, scored what proved the win
ning run. The score: f,l,Ei
Americans ill
iioel ..... v; Vi . i -I
flatteries: i Ul ami tv,
dcr and Clark.
A New Style Balmacaan
At $20 and $25
We are showing a modified balmacaan that is
new and nobby. It has. a one-piece shoulder and.
back, medium "full in the skirts and a medium full
sleeve; not a big loose kimono sleeve like most bal-
macaans. '. , .
The length is right for -a dress coat, just to the
knees. It has a velvet collar, giving it tone and dis
tinction. You will find it different from any coat
you have tried on. The style is so good that you
need have no fear of its going out for several seasons.
Moderately priced at $20 and $25.
Are You Hard to Fit in Suits?
Many men think they can get fitted only at a
tailor ehop. Before buying another suit try one of
our Kensingtons. They are made to our order over
living models and are different from the regular
ready mades.
Every day we sell men who say they have never
been so well fitted before. We can fit you. Don't
let your prejudice keep you from trying. You can
spend as much as $40 for a suit or as little as $15.
But you will get your money's worth.
The Newest in Shirts and
Men's Furnishings
A short. sUff bosom shirt Is eomfort
sbls and dressy when wearing a vest
Wa bar a wlds rangs of them in Man
hattans, the best shirt made. If not a
stiff bosom try some from our larg
stock of Mushroom pleats, tucks or
plain shirts with stiff or soft cuffs.
11.50 and up.
F rsnrf Moras
413 ft. 16th