Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    Till'. UKK: OMAHA. SATTKDAY. XOVHMHEtt 14, 11H4.
Fidelity Etorac ft T Co., Dvvg. BBS.
' Ht Jtoot Prist XV Now Fracon Frs.
Master Jo rdlmf, Ylollmlst, will
l'luy fur I'aptlst union banquet tontKht.
Ssautlfnl All Modsra lean for Sal
on the easy ry"nt plan. Banktrs
Ilealty Investment Co. Thon Hour 22.
A Batter XtOoBtlon for your office can
not be found when you select The Bee
nulMlnc. the bullllng that la always
new. Office room 103.
Woman to Ol'a Chlokan Dlaaer The
women of the First Iresbyterlan church
n 111 give a chicken plo dinner Friday
noon In the crypt of the bulldlnfr.
"Tcday'a Complete axon ProtTam"
; '.ossified section today, and appear In
The Heo BXCLfFlVEUT. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Colke Joins VmrT Howard Edward
C'ulke, 4Wt Webster street, has Joined the
Vnltcd States navy as an apprentice sea
nuin and will be sent at once to Chicago.
Solid Maiof any XaU Clock, with West
lTilnstrr chimes, latest design, worth
on sale at Brown s for 1140, If sold before
we move. C. B. Brown. 4S South Slx
ieenth street.
Horn Cooking The women of the
Trinity Methodist Episcopal church will
hold a home cooking sale at llobbg &
Hclvicfer's grooery, corner Twenty-fourth
and Wirt streets. Saturday, November It
Will Dance for Bed Cross A benefit
ball is to be given next Sunday night at
Mets' hall for the German-Austrlan-liungarlan
Red Cross fund. Hungarian
gypsy musio is promised for tha dancers.
Mrs. roffenbarrer Sues Prndsntlal
Nellie Poffenbarger has brought suit
against th Prudential Insurance com
pany for $3,000 the value of a. life policy
carried by her lata husband, Harry A.
Kiss Bnrdlm msslgas Miss Burdln.
stenographer at Central High school, has
resigned her position, effective December
1. Mies Burdln Is a daughter of August
Burdln, school board member, who was
defeated at the recent election.
Dick 'Sues Tate A. Leslie Dick Is
suing John T. Yates dn district court for
V750, half the value of fifteen water
hydrants, alleged to be Included when
Dick bought a one-half Interest In the
Omaha Street Sprinkling company, and
which were never delivered.
Dr. Weiss Taken to Station Dr. Hein
rlck Welse, formerly physician of Doug
las county, was arrested by Traffic Of
ficer Chapman and taken to polio head
quarters, charged with being demented.
The officer declared that Weise had been
acting queer! y for some time. An Inves
tigation Is to be made Saturday.
Annexation Talk Bring Lighting j
Contract! to the Front.
War Tas Vpoa Pool Halls, lloTtllBBJ
Alleys and SmIimibs la Krrilnar
(iavrmwml A Brent-. Bay
In Maa'e City..
Sherman Gives
Inaugural Talk
.Before Ad Club
Charles R. Sherman, newly elected pres
ident of the Associated Retailers of
Omaha, , mad his inaugural speech last
evening before thirty members of the or
gs nliation In their regular meeting at the
Paxton hotel.
A paper en pure advertising was read
by George Pray. He urged the retailers
to support the nation-wide campaign of
ad clubs and business men against false
and harmful advertising, which campaign
in being given hearty oo-o Deration by The
Bee and other newspapers.
Jt plea 'was cnad by Principal C. E.
Reed and Dr. H. A. Banter o tb Central
Hlghschool that the retailers reconsider
their stand against advertising in tne
school's student publication, the Regis
ter. Omaha advertisers, on Initiative of
the retailers, decided last year not - to
patronize the advertising columns of tb
paper on tb ground that It was an un
necessary outlay of their advertising
funds. Tha meeting but night voted to
stand by their decision In spite of the
educators' pleas.
A boost for Omaha was started by the
appointment of a committee which will
seek to have all railroad tickets to the
San Francisco exposition provided with
stopover privileges at Omaha. Such an
arrangement would bring much additional
business to the city next year.
A bill for introduction In the legislature.
providing for punishment of persons Who
give checks on overdrawn accounts In
payment for merchandise, will be drawn
up by the association. Thousands of dol
lars have been lost to local retailers on
such checks. It was said.
All retail store her will be closed all
day Thanksgiving, it was decided. The
organisation decided to start a collection
department, bo be managed from Secre
tary Metcalfe's office. He reported that
1,9(4 new accounts wer started In local
retail stores last month.
Annexation discussion ha brought
about a public consideration of the pro
posed new lighting avnttuct now lit the
hands of the Judiciary committee of the
city council. The inattet i brought
formally before the city council lst Mon
day evening and it was thought at the
time that there would bo no opposition
to It. 8ome taxpayers and property
holders In favor of annexation arc
against tying the i-lty up to a new five
year contract when In all probability the
city will become part of Ureater Omaha
at the meeting of 1ie legislature this
The new contract proposes a change In
the lighting system -it the business dis
trict of South Omaha and already the
new standards are being placed la posi
tion near the city hall. The contract
will not affect any change insofar as ex
pense to the city go? although the
Electric Light company nserls that the
new system will glvo better light than
under the present order The total ex
pense, however, will run just about the
same. At present the fitelit appropriation
is I19.5H0. Just short of IJO.OOO. Moreover,
the light company pays a royalty which
amounted lust year to $3,000. In the new
contract there will bo no mention of a
royalty, it Is Bald. This last, however,
la said to be mandatory in the city
charter and aocordlng to a high city offi
cial such a contract as Is proposed would
not amount to anything without provi
sion for the payment of a royalty, Here
tofore the royalty has always been con
sumed for lighting purposes.
A new angle to the affair is the pro
posal to await the action of the legis
lature on the annexation bill which will
surely come up this time. Another propo- J
sltton is that the Omaha Gas company
be given a chance In South Omaha to
bid on the atreet lighting of the business
district leaving the outlying district to
the Eelectrlo Light company. Said one
official: "The Gas company might wetl
be given the contract for lighting the
business district and the rest be given to
the Klectrio Light company."
In any case It appoai-s that there Is to
be a merry little war over the award of
the lighting contract with the electric
people. The contract expired about Oc
tober 28.
War Tax on Pool Hal la.
E. S. Crltchfleld, deputy collector of
the United States revenue service, was in
South Omaha yesterday making up his
lists of pool halls, billiard rooms, bowl
ing alleys and saloons, which will corns
under the new Var tax. Every bowling
alley will be taxed $5 an alley and each
billiard and pool table will 'also be taxed
$5. Wine and such things will be taxed
also, as will the stocks and assets of the
In South Omaha the revenue officers
will find that it is not easy to poUect
the taxes due on pool halls and' such
places. Treasurer P. J. Martin has mode
a strenuous effort and Chief of Police
John Brlggss and his special assistant,
Michael OUltn, have also tried to collect
the taxes from pool halls and like places.
There are many which hold out against
the officers. Uncle Sam, it Is thought.
will show tb pool hall keepers who have
been derelict.
United States Senator Gilbert M. Hitch
cock will address a laboring men's meet
ing Sunday afternoon at t:45 at Mo-
Crann's hall. South Omaha. The senator
will discuss the "Industrial Unrest." ac
cording to Representative-elect Jerry
Howard, who is seeking to obtain such
national legislation as will provide the
idle men with work and reasonable
There are a great many Idle men In
South Omaha. Congressman Lobeck a
week ago addressed about 1,300 Idle men
In South Omaha. Lobeck advised the idle
men to "go back to the farm."
If you don't, you should demand satis
faction In tlie clothing you wear. It's
a conf'dcm-e business If oil don't know
a man well enough to take. Ills word;
don't buy your Inihlnx from him. espe
cially "Fatherless'" no-braml stuff.
Here at Flvnn'a we secure you with a
guarantee of satisfaction to start with.
Then we bsve to offer you the best
briinds of goods of their kinds In the
wholo world. Here's some of them:
H;irt. Shnffner & Mnrx lothlng. Kooper's
KIojwvI Krotch. Staley and Munslng un-den-ear.
Interwoven Black Cat Burson
Deptndon and KvewWear hosiery: ftetson
and TtKcr hals. Krd Seal overalls and
woi k clothes. Lion shirts and collars and
Mj-TVnnld s shirts. You can't beat theso
forNiuullty and vou can't beat the prices j
you get here. Try it at FLNN'.
Nrhnnl rronrrs mT
A lurgn number of parenta and friends
were present to hear the radloptlcon les
ron given Thursday night by the sixth
grade of Jungman school. They declared
themselves well pleased with the efforts
of the boys and girls and expressed as
tonishment at the interest In geogTaphy
and history study created by the use of
the pictures enlarged and colored by the
radloptlcon. The evening was a success
in a social way, the object being to bring
the parents and teachera Into closer touch
for the benefit of the children.
nath Omaba, Howlers.
Name. 1st. M. 3d. Total
Fagi'iiberg 178 W UH 6.0
Chadd ll IS 20J M?
Mam 21 S 19t RH1
HiIkbs 170 ! l 607
Fitzgerald 170 194 IK 496
Will Listen Soon to Arguments on
Annexation Question.
Improvement Oek Plana Mellesi j
Wklci Will He Addressed y
Thnae Far-Aria a Bntbj Mte
f Tela Problem.
Totals R97 WO 8M
Handicap 12 12 12
Totals WB !M2 WO
Name. 1st. 2d. Sti. Total
Frltcher W7 200 192 8
Cooley 158 lfil K 4J
Ohncsorg 191 177 M4
Hall 22S 1 13 tm
Konnedy 227 ISO 154 Ml
Totals JK 1'7 87 1765
Name. 1st. Sd. Id. Total
Givene 132 116 IXi 879
Kruse 16(1 11 1W 4M
Hancock 122 1M 190
Clayburn 179 127 192 498
White US 16S Mo 4t
Totals ..7K! 79 S32 2364
Name 1st. 2d. Sd. Total
Vaneo,. 16S Ism 1M 610
Yager 91 lit m !C4
F.nRlen 15 124 1M 441
Dowllng 101 149 1M 3)
Madden 124 118 122 K4
Totals 8SS 691 705
Handicap 39 . 39 39
Totals 4T72 730 744 2146
Mails City Ooaalp.
Orace McOinty, aged 70 years, died
yeaterdav morning at her residence, 711
North Twenty-fifth atreet. as a result of
a hard attack of pneumonia. The re
mains were shipped last evening at
o'clock to Toronto, Canada, for burial.
Leaving city, modem house for sale.
1112 N. 22d. Heat block In city.
For Sale Two new cottages, $1,330 each;
nice lawn, shade trees, well, cistern,
water In house, electric lights, cement
walks; 2 block from eighth grade school;
terms, $."0 down, balance fl2 per month.
2723 Jackson St. Advertisement.
Cherokee ooal, unscreened, S4.E3; screened
$4.75. South 7. Howland Lum. and Coal.
For Sale Two new cottages, 21,320 each;
nice lawn, shade trees, well, cistern,
water in house, electric lights, cement
walks; 2 block from eighth grade school;
terms, t0 down, balance 111 per month.
2723 Jackson St. Advertisement.
A foot ball mass meeting was held yes
torday morning In the high school audi
torium, the student body and the faculty
In audience. Coach Patten of the team
and Principal 8. W. Moore were the
For Sale Two new cottages, $1,220 each;
nice lawn, shade trees, well, cistern,
water In house, electric lights, cement
walks; .2 block from eighth grade school;
terms, $50 down, balance $12 per month.
2723 Jackson St. Advertisement. .
The Eagles will give a dance tomorrow
evening at their hall at Twenty-third
and N streets. The same evening the
local Order of Moose will give a dancing1
party at the Moose hall at Twenty-fifth
and M streets.
Mwle Curt! of the local high school
was presented a prise of $30 yesterday
afternoon by the women's Club of Ne
braska for writing the winning essay In
the recent contest for the best essay on
intemperance. Mrs. Dr. William Berry
of this city made the presentation. .
Tickets for the South Omaha High
school foot ball game with Nebraska
City this afternoon at Rourke park are
now on sale at the Forrest & Meany drug
store at Twenty-fourth and N streets.
An effort is being made by student lead
ers of the high school to get the biggest
crowd ever brought out to a foot ball
game on the local schedule.
John Paul Tlreen. with the additional
sploe of baked beans, douahnuts, cider
and cigars, will be thn attractions at the
neat meeting of the Kanscom Park im
provement club, to be held at Windsor
school Friday evening. November 27, ac
cording to plans made at last night's
meeting of tha club.
Attorney Fireen lies been inxited to ad
dress the club on "Greater Omaha," with
reference to the proposed consolidation
of Couth Omaha and poslMy other ad
Joining towns with Omaha, lie is draft
ing a bill, which will be Introduced In
the legislature this winter. The meeting
will also be open to any antl-annexatlon-
ista who may care to oppose Mr. Preen s
The baked beans and other edibles are
planned by the club officers as an addi
tional attraction to gat all the members
out for a rousing formal opening of I he
club's w.tnter series of meetings. Vice
President W. B. Pmlth last night un
pointed M. J. Grerw, W. If. HnttoroMi
snd William Konan a committee to ar
range for the special refreshments.
Bombs A re Donated.
Mr. Greevy. who Is secretary of the
Low Pure Foods company of Oimtha,
offered to donate a batch of baked beans
for the big blowout, the beans having
been canned In .he Lowe factory as the
latent product of the new home Industry,
The members promptly accepted the ffor,
and are now busy mobilising a larrfa
force of Improvers to attack the supply
of the "Qulvera" product. '
The question of annexation Is espe
cially Interesting to the Hanioom Pnrk
Improvers, because of the lower sewer
problem In the w.vit part of that district.
Their only posilble sewerage route to the
river Is down a ravine soulneost thro igh
South Omaha. But the South OinnVt
city council has refused to build Its part
of a sewer to handle sea-erase from thn
west Hanscom Park district, so annexa
tion la looked upon by some of the Uiter
residents as the only solution of their
Walk to Reals frbool.
It wss announces at last night's .nest
ing that City Commissioner Thomas Mi--Govern
has ordered In a sidewalk alow?
the north side of Center street, from
Thirty-sixth to Fotty-clshth streets
which will connect the Improvement dis
trict with Beals' school.
Another bit of good news to thi Im
provers was the announcement that Mc
Govern, on request of Chairman Greevy
and ' the club's (-trading committee, litis
established a new grale for Gold street,
from Thirtieth to Thirty-second streets,
making an Important connection to the
boulevard In that neighborhood.
M ,, . , . i, i r i -rnrnsBBSSSSWBTrr--r
" w I m 111 ..aaaw.. -. P 4 sTU V. t r W i ' -""aw aJa, M
M s w J Msv ASK r W f h Y 1 I"
i r-' y" . A
f Ask
to See the
If VictrolaVI
The Special" Victor Man" Makes You
Ttiis Attractive Victrola Offer
tt& ftb ri ays ri
He will sell you a new style Victor Victrola X,
listing; at $70, with choice of 10 double face ten inch
records, 20 ooleotioni.
Mind vou, this is one of those large Victrolaa. A
wonder In tone and capacity. Buy it on time, pay
ments if you wish, say $10.00 down and then $6.00
a month. Remember, it pays to buy a VictroU
while the "Victor Man" is with us.
will this work buy a
1 Co) 7RSt ."".v."-
I I r ' v Al choice of Ten SHeW
U U Vks lo.inci, vie.
tr Record.
Corner 15th and Harney Streets, Omaha.
rk I mmn mi i
f Talk
f To Tho
I Cpocld i
I "Victor
IV Man"
May Arrest Sellers
of Sneeze Powders
J.' B. Carver, truant officer, has been
In consultation with the county attorney
in an effort to see if some penalty can
not be imposed upon store keepers who
sell sneese powders and "stink pots" to
school children. Lstely schpol rooms
have been demoralised by the gloss glob
ules which give up a stifling odor.
The r.w Omaha Gun club held a meet
ing in the Commercial club rooms last
night and elected officers for the ensuing
year. Art Keellne was msdo president;
Doc Frye, vice president JDck Vaught,
treasurer; Don McCown, secretary: A. R.
Bush, assistant secrets ry, anj Hsrold
Bobotker, field captain.
Another meeting will be held, so that
all, of the newly elected officers may be
present and committees appointed to art
on matters brought before thn club.
Wheel Exhibited
at the City Trust
A chance to see the 110,000 so:ld gold
notary wheel Is offered Omahana for a
few days In tho window of the City Trust
company at Sixteenth and Harney
eti cctb. - It was brought here by Omaha
Kutarlans, who visited Lincoln this week
nnd received the wheel from the Lincoln
ltotary dub.
The beautiful and expensive piece' of
gold work is an Invitation to the Inter
national Rotary clubs fiom those of
Ollfornla to attend the fan Francisco
reposition next year. The wheel was
ii!iide from natlve-aiined gold lit Call
rural a. and la on its way around the
u:rld. as indicated by more than two
tore of smaller wheel below the big
uno, there being one for each Rotary
ilub in the world.
After finishing its trip around the
ur;d. spreading the invitation to the
I'anan'a exposition, the gold wheel will
li.! prestnted to the txiosltton manage
ment and exhibited there all next year.
Thiee watches, stolen from different
prisons, st different times dutng the lsst
t no, years, snd from different places,
were recovered in the same pawnshop
ycktrrday by polle detectives assigned
to pawnshop work.
Kranke Clarke, formerly connected with
a local bank, lost his watch on a crowded
Hiett car In June, 1912. when pickpockets
i rowded him. The watch wss a gift of
bis mother and he was especially over
Jcvcd to ret it back.
M. Ki an, engineer at The Bee building,
lo-t his watr-h when burglais broke Into
I. Is heme, end William Craig, Florence.
ist pis timepiece in the name wsy.
l readers lire ton Intelligent to over !
Mk tl opr'; tunitics In the "want ad"
siuUmii. They're worth while reading.
Winter Motoring
demands high-grade gasoline gasoline
that will vaporize readily in zero weather.
red: CROWN
fa all gas amiform, high-power, etraightrdistilled
product. It is quick-starting in cold cylinders. It
gives full power under all conditions of tempera
ture. The miles-per-galloR gasoline.
Buy Red Crown by name, at any garage or supply
store. It cost3 no more than the ordinary kind.
Try POLAIUNEp cold-proof, carbon-proof the
standard oil for all motors.
Standard Oil Company
pecial Values i
Wo hero illustrate two of our many bier unusual values arranged for
Saturday's selling. Our special offerings include BufTets, Beds,
Davenports and Living Koom pieces.
This Saturday will bo an unusual one for
great big values. Our reputation for low
er prices on good reliable furniture is be
coming more generally - known every
day and with it grows our business.
Whether it is a single article you need
or, furnishings for an entire home
Rub el's price before you bay'
i Solid Oak Dresser
A splendid value,
neat appearing Dress
' er, made of genuine
solid oak, nicely fin
ished, lias three draw
era and plate glass"
mirror. One of our
dresser bargains.
several excellent'
18th and
Caps Streets
20th ami
Jlpriv-y Streets
vlvf 1
18th and
Cass Streets
JOth and
Harney Streets
H .. . .":,'
WV 5K values N$J n,-'
Q Always. iS
Solid Oak Frame Comfort
If you're looking for something
to cost you around $10 sou can
get much greater value for your money
now than you ever expected. . This
uplendid rocker has full spring seat.
solid oak frame
and it finished
in famed.
See the
-, ; . - S1.00 down t
' Oi'ucr special Rocker values tomorl
row at fUK. 8.50. 12.75. 10.00
nd S24.50.
to Suit
The FiaeB Saver
Cut Fuel Bills 25
Peninsular Heaters have larger and longer'
flues than other makes. They have from 8o to
1300 square Inches of extra radiating surface.
This extra radiation means more heat with !
fuel. It means a svlng of 23 per cent at least
snd a saving of 25 per cent on fuel is a saving
worth while. These splendid heaters have
many other improved features In grates, clinker
lings, draft i. gas roof doors, etc., that are
loo nun.erocs to mention in detail. We urge
you to call and ptrmlt us to demonstrate these
better features to you. Prices
Oak Heaters
Th Kimnui Peninsular Ouk,
rs-entorred Inner JsxU.ts.
h.svy firs wslls unci Iniprovsd
(rules. Ursl ouM atovs you
ran buy. Burn con I or wood,
full nickel rlinm1
Prices $7.50 to $25
Hot HlHSt Heaters.
$10.60 to $25
l1"" 'I,immmi
O See
- Stove
Terns to Suit
X d v.... nu N.,. T.I...
ia Excbanga
rrirriTiTrnTnTriTi1 Pirj