THE B'EE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Wsnt ria received ( any time, but to Insure proper claaalfb-atton must b pre rentrvl before 1 o'clock noon for vanlng edition and 7:80 r. m. for morning nd fMindiur editions. Want 1 received after urh hour will be tinder th heading. "Too Late to classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times. 1 Cent w woru rh Insertion , ... Three lime within on week, Pi cent a word each Insertion. On time ce-nte a word. CHARGB RATES. Seven consecutive time, t cent a una each Insert-on. . Three timi within one week, 19 cent a line each Insertion." On time. 12 cent a line. Count U average orl to a Una. Minimum ch are e. to rents. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued must bo atmpid by writ ten order. ' Ton ran placa your want ad In The Be y tf 'telephone, ttler ioo. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreda of other answers hav bn railed for and delivered drlng h ! week It la reasonable to suppose that all of tho people below have mal the de aired swepshfor, do rot call for th balanc of their answers. Be Want Ad TODAV8 fXTMPLKTK MOVIK rnof.lIAMH ExcluMrely In Thai IVe-a HIT VINTON. l-rel Blaon. Saath. LTRK". A Redan In Reckoning. The Artreaa. Powere. A Negleeted Wife. U. Ike Comedy. PA ST. ML itTHi ft LE AVENW'ORTH. Our Enemy'g Spy. t-reel Blaon. VENEZIA THKATER, 12U S. UTU ST. Tricking tha Government 1-reel. Beasa. BENKON. 8836 MAIN. For Wed. and Thtir.: Till the rVnda of the Deaert Grow Cold. l-r. T. The Ac tress. I'ow. lr. Carmen's Washday. Hler. treat. MONRO R. 2VA FARNAM. Herbert Uawtlnann In Tha Vagabond, r. Ilex. The Wall Between. Sterling mm. S. Warren Kerrigan In Tha Call Bark. Caancll Blalfa. ELITE NO. t MT. BROADWAY. The Private Offlrer, -ree Kasanay. Kidding the Boee, VlHgreph. The Mexican, Neillg, ROPER, Ml BROADWAY. Ilia Heart. Hla Hand. Ill Kword. f-reel Victor. An 111 Wind, Hterllna; comedy. The Two Thlevea, Nestor. PC. m U' jm j 1 A4 J2t;t sc. mi yit ISO! 117 if IM !;;H 1314 H C. C. 12 1V ir.T7 17 ym i 174? 1411 1M4 Hit 4I J.J 14Z4 jatil I:a )M 14VI 1m; 1 J !3T 14W 13 1441 1T) 1445 l?t 144ft 141 14.V4 14V 14! SC. 14. KM 1471 14TJ 1473 14M 14SH 1S11 l.'.U 1515 IftlT BC. lr, iri r.M ii 161 i'y V.1Q 1S74 157S i:.Ki l.M V1 vm CARD OP THAJIK". I wlh to thank tho many frlende for their klndneaa and aymiwithy Jhown n durlnf the alnkneaa and death wl(, Anr.a Le Vol. and for th J,tl- awatai oaiaaa. BBSHE. J4TH AND N. The Wolfa iMnirhter. J-reel l,uMn. Bunny BaekRllde. Vltacraph. A " nt'ianneil r.iopernent, r.eaanay. MAOIC, 4TH AND O. Trey o' Hearta No. 15, -reel. Vaadevllle. ORPHEOM. TIt AND M, BO. OMAHA Special Feature Saturday. ANXOCXCE.MENT9 BIRTHS AND DHATH. Blrtha Anton and Jennie Adlcr, hoa rllal. girl; John ajd Mm BurtMt. .Wil houth Korty-emil. boy; Jamea W. and J'earl fl, Uorrance.' Mil North Thlrty thtrt. girl; laniel and Franoea l-ynm, 14iH South irlrt: it. und Klor ente MoiJonannhy, hodpltal, glrli A. anil V Marino, I4 rkrntn Tlilrttntli, girl; J.- aud M. Hhukert, 17W Boutft Thirteenth. '"leatha-Madeime Cowdry, J montha, hoapital: K. IS. (frhemertiorn. yeara. Iioaultal; Charlea Wllltama. 1 month. W Jecatur; Mra. Maggie Neve, 75 yeara, 421 Crown Point avenue; Clara Helfert. lit veers, hospital; Burke Burameii, 1 year. 2 US Bouth Thirteenth. MAURI AUK LICKSMSS. The following permlta to wed hava been grajtUd. Name and Residence. Ago. (Charlea K. Kmith. Couni U Bluff. la,.. U Ulilan K. Buaby, Omaha 1 Dal la Gammel, Craig. Neb Anna, Andoraon, Oakland. Nab 1 Karneat C. Jonea, Stanbury, Mo 27 X,en L PhUUiMt. Htanbury. Mo 24 Jamea A. MaoDonough, HyraRuae, Neb. a .Norma KanUera. iiuougiue, la 21 Kellca Bralao. Omaha ,. 71 Mra. Angelina Angal. Omaha M Loul Nalaon, oux City. Ia...., 40 Anna Otteraen, ku City, la.f....v... W BVILDINO PHRMITI. Annie I Jaoobaon, 4420 North Twenty fourth, brick atore, 4,w; Jimn KrullH, SMO Kprlna, frame dwelling. W.ttiO; O. V. Chlodo Xil-t- Ilee. brick alore, gl.OOu; A. Ku'ppenhaver. 474JS North Fortieth, tranie dwolllng, (2,600. : TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE rilOGUAMS Kxclualrel? In Ttio Bee. Fall Announcement . Call on us for Pleating, Huttons, " Ruohinsj, Ilemstitcliing, I'icot Edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Doug. Ym. 107-109 S. OFMAH. r.rrritklaa for Wnaaen. W'omnn'a F.xchange. KO la. Blk. Rj AX:ORITTiNaldep' knlfeTaunburat. oi pleating; covered button, all alaea and atylea; hematltfhlng. plrot e1iclng. Ideal l'leatlng Co , yno I-onglaa Blo k. 1. IH Klnrlata. A ; HONAQHUF. ln Harney. Iong. Iflni. PATH'S florlata, 1A4 Farnam Ht. 1 HKNPRnflON. U.1 Farnam. D. 114. Member Florlat Telegraph I el. Aaa'n. HKflS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam Ht Hair Dreaaluc Harper Mthol. R , Balrd Bldg. D. Ilata Trimmed. Hata trimmed, wv-. F. Iambrrton. Web ISht Lighting; Flslares aag Wiring;. THOMAS DUUK1N . F.lectrlo flxturea and aupplfea, ront raft ing and repair work done reaaonable. 24lf t'l MING. IKJOHH lf. I.I re atoek Urmedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co.. V7 B. Uth. Red A2C2. Milk oatamea ttnel ldare Kuppllra' MNFIt. of lodge regalia and coatumea. The largeat atock of maauerade and theatrical roatUme In tho country. Th, J-Vtmn A Hon. 1M4 Howard. D. 4116. Hi:i,H WAXTKD FP.I ALU ItlirHaarnai. UADIKf A mle' roat. aulta. dreaaea St fkirt rn(lea at wrxla.ile prlrra. Pnn f.ff'a NcwV.irk Sample Sior. i NHth (JOV F. RX MK NT Vba f'r Women. Vi a month. I.lm free. Franklin Institute, lept. fcTJI-T. Roi-hestT, N. Y. II KM AATKI MALK - Clerical anal ffiee. IIlOII-nRAPK rommffim plt1ona. WKSTF.riN P.KK. A BONO ASSN. 7!? Omaha Nat Park IVW?. WANTF.D Toung man stenographer: must to willing to work eheap xt atnrt: good future for right party. Address J - Ijfl, Bee. Fp VOU have ability and amhltlon and are of the gt-tthead kind, see ua for Hat of opportunities we offrr. WATTS IIF.K. ()., 4-42 Hrandela Thea. STKNCM R A PH EH, with some railroad experience; excellent chance for ad vancement; salary to start. I. WE.T. KKFKKKNCK BOND ASS'N., 7j?- Omaha National Bank Bldg. Asrenla, lrinea anal tolleltora. WANTKD Flrat-claaa stock salesman at onre for manufacturing proposition In Montana Addreaa T. O. Bog 227, Great Falls, Mont. Majfra, and Window ghade Cleaners. Olyl) shades made like new. Midwest Hhade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Her. 48xL Mesaeager and Traaere. WHITF. VTNK. !W P. 11th. Totig1aa 3M. Millinery. tTWITCHF from combing. $1.M. Psyche free. Mr. H. M. E k, 4 B. lith. I. T7. Movlag, fttoraare aad Cleaalaar. W. O. FF.RRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. 13"0. Haaaeaaea. VIoletJRay, mass., 4H Pee Bldg. P. tlii. Kathleen Mack, niuaaage A bath. D. 7582. Clara lce, bath and inasa. Ixug. S7S1. Mlaa WchmliH. iiibss.. bath, elec. tr. I. 713. M lsa Ftshcrrmajis.,"eiectrtreat Red 6uil MIHS tiOt.bEN, balhi maaa. Rm. T! Neville 141 k.. 18th and Harney. I). 4W7. MAP54AOB, P"h. 17th Ht. Mra. -Hteeln. KAZKIj Leaf Pllo Cones. for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; two postpaid; aamp;e rre. McConneii Drug Co., Omaha. Best remedy eharman 4k Wedding annoimome'iits. foug. Ptg. Co. HlCKywedllng r nm at Beodegaard'a. "LAWN COVKHTnU. WALNUT illW. Uk N T Id'l H V All hinds of lenial Work done, under careful supervision, at the the Crelghton College of Dentlatry. 10 8. IMh Bt. Chlldrena teeth straightened. FKFS vary moderate. K-ttraction tree GKT , Y. M. C. A. th-ket for Xmaa. LET the rat Way Club cook and aerve your dinner and partlea. 11. 6445. X1VC W1KB ULHINIWS MEN OF OMAHA A B C'ot Omaha AU WATCHKS, diamond and Jew elry, aiiecial prices, Nov. and Dec. Buy now, II a weak. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room VII Karbach block. H. In The Bee bulliltng (tha building " that Is alwaya new, and current la furnished free. For office Inquire room 13. N KW and eeconil-haud ele'trlo fan and motor. J.eBrun Klectrlo Work, 31K H. 12th. louglaa 2178. Haiti V'awau CAMEHArHONB. 1403 DOUOIUAU. Uooduye, bummertlme, S-rel Vltagraph. I.iKsle the IMe Baver, KuJem, J'beir foldlBT Boy, Blograpli. FU1TK NO. I. 1318 FA1LNAM. ''ji'he Hlddlu of the Green Umbrella, Alice Jovce. -t. Slippery Hllm, the Mortgage and bophle. Mill of Ufe. FARNAM, 14!i FARNAM. Mutual Ulrl No. 41 A Mice of Ufe, -reef American drama. 'aey'a Vendetta, Komlo comedy. iil.r JfUKAltlt. ViiU AND iiAKNKY. UoxtMt of Paramount Picture. AUK. &1 N. loTii klX. lurii Cecil Intervene. Lubln. i Ina ioiund it It. S-rel Kdtson. fcilixry felim and Green-hiyed Momter. 1'AHlAJlU 14UH DUUviUAS. The Unk That Bind. -reel He. The Fatal Marriage, l,.-Ko comedy. J'RINCKBS. 1317-W IMJUULAS, "l lio Lite Paver. Crystal comedy. 'The Frankfurter Pglesman'a Dream, Joker The Yellow (Streak. -rci Kcialr. '. Mortk. AUIAMBIIA. TH AND PARKER, jitalx-l'a New Prank. Keystone Com. ;very Man Has Hla Prloe. UajeaUo lra, 'The Death Maak, 2-reel drama. Indian life ALAMO. 34TH AND FUAIX. Ilia Father' Hon. t-ret Victor. 'The Close Call. Sterling comedy, llrr ljft's Mory. Power. U:LlFTON, MILITARY 4t BL1UJKTTK. New York Utrla, -r. Keystone comedy, .Weekly. HI. The High-Grader. Reliance drama. DIAMOND. 'im LAKli The witch Girl. I-rcel. Vict. .!irlke at CoalduJe. Bel. W. Dr. Hnuukee'i Day Kff. Hterling Com. ,1'IUXKUN, S4TI1 AND FHANlvLIX .Tlie Menace or rate. I-rvel Kalmu. Htoncho I'.iliy Hewarded. Kaeanay. ;l nUer Falav Colore. V.tagiaph. HIPPOimoMri SSTHAND CVMlNa , The Gangatera of Now York, a atory of t New York gang life. K. M. feature, 4-r, Alo Keystone wtneidy. All at tee- JT. HTilAND"TIJcXrJj;r Bxa." An American Heiress. Lubln. 'Joxie a Coney laland Nlghliuaxa. -T. XMn. 'i'lie Ui'lJ Thief. Utograph. MA HA PILLOW CO.. lo7 Cuming Doug. fc7. Renovates leathers and ttiattreaaea tf all kinds, make feather mattresaea and down cover. 0 ACUL'M cleaner for al. Vacuum cleaning done in the home. Sanitary Hervlce Co., Mee Bldg. B rent, repair, sell needlea and part lor all sewing machines. NB. BKAKKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckc .' 15th and llarney Dotiglaa 1H6I. luthj W BAR-EVFH aluminum kitchen titen- ails. Popular specialties, not sold In alorea. Factory Hulaamen. Web. fcSW. Aeeaaataati, MF.LVILLK7 D. THOMAS & COMPANY, 12:7.m City Nat. Bank Ulug. 'rlr 1S10. E. A. DVORAK, C. P. A.. 433 Ramge Bldg. Douglaa 7404. BAKKR. VAWTEK A WOLF. 4."4 Kantge Bidg. louglas 74. Addlag; Maeklaae. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 8. IS. D. 1418. tdder Mch. Co., (Wales), W. O, W. D. 6S.U4. Aroklteeia. Kverett B. Dcdd. SIS Paxton Blk. D. SWA, Attratotloae. OMAHA film ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion . picture macnine and rum bargalna. Aao aad Magaeta Malrlasj. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 1418. MASSAGE u HKH buildiko. lUrtooAuu doi:gis vm. Massage, Miss Olbeon. R. 224 Neville Blk. MtHS J ACOr.g -Massage, manicuring 'Phone Ioug. 4297. lira. to (, Sunday 11 to I O'clock. BATJI and maaaage. alcohol rub, Laura. Wilson, lna Farnam. R. j. Douglaa fr75l. New arrlvej. Magnetic. satisfactory eastern treatments; hatha; dally and menlnga. 107 17th Ht. Notice: Private entrance, basement, corner of bldg WASTED HITIATIOXS l n WALK WANTKD-Cooking p4tlon by coloreu peron: day nr preferred. SVeh 7;!.- PTKA N UE R In tiTv wants day work. It y r' exxerlenee. 3t pe.- Cay. Walnut Etl. YOCNoHiaily-with two ycara' experience am stenographer v.ant position; cao fjrn:sh good references s to character and ahilny. Address J Ml. care Bee. HELF A BI.K rolorcd aomary wants gen eral houaework, lo go in even 'ng. I'ou,la 'W. 0001, conietent. strong ami willing to work colored In 'v want day work wsshlrg -d ironing a s.icPlalty. Call Wel-ater SKm. IIMPETKNT Salesman desires o r"1 tlon clflier for city or travel. Adress T inr. Be FJRsT-CLAHsi auto repair man wants tkv . slilon; will do overliaiillnK for private psrt:e. .Work guarantee.!. Tel. Wehater 12 hetween 6 p. in. and a. nr CHAIFFEIR. married, six years ex-j perlence driving and repalrintf; cars pilvnte or commercial; wife Is wlllinff to work; excellent coon. F. D. F. Mo W. Waalilngton A ve 4'o.incll Bluf, lown. Nl'"RSE' wanUcare of children. fASM. B(:iral InitrunK a VIA NO player: a bargain T1 H 4V,1, Typeiirltera. TTPF.WP.1TKRS sold, renie.j, Central Typewriter F.gchange. rnr? S. ;tn. AU makes tvpewr ters runted, solo, terns. n,,:ia Typewriter. IW Fa-rnt j2.j2ll KKNT K m.ngtona, jlouarclis and binitn Premiers of their mAkera The Kemlng ton Typewriter Co., Telephone . Douglas 12M. Rental rrefllted If yn'.l puri hase. and onlv very newest and nights! grade n. chlnes tent out. Hates, three month for In for understrol.e - machines or M pet month for Isteat model vtaihl writers. JiWAPPKH H (Ol.t MX At 'To My o-paiener. t i-horeefowei touiing a:, t:u Auburn: elc-ttli pghten and all In toed condition, for sale of tinde for clear properly: cert new wl;r all Ci:lpmehtfl about $!,!'.... AddreF 8. C Sat. Bee am J laee.laaeoaa. l fill Buy beat real for the money; try! .J.UU .t W,D gtS Harmon & W celh. ! A''iO CASK Want to snap or auto casing ard tuhrs. 3lx4'.. f ir cthT per sonal ,rrirty. I hae a Stanley run about steanir In perfect condtllm and Intest styic, and a c'asv looking car. W'hnt hjivp you? '.S. 4.'. at. He. At'TOMORILE ujieT-'-l 7t f iri t-claaa eondnion .."KJ. Will exchange for piano player orjdlnnmnd. Ad lie-a H. C. 24r. Bee. Al.'lOMiibli.r-i'ui wLuvr ualu uwJiit baigain ae tha "Auiumub.ltf" .iaif.-ration BAUBLu alahea work In Omah; don t drink and steady. Addreaa G 1H2, Bee. POSITION desired as housekeeix-r by lady, with -year-o1d boy; country pre ferred: reference, call or answer at WIS Burt Ht. WANTED. Man between 25 and 4ii yeara of age of good character and who haa had some sales experience can secure permanent position with targe corporation by mak ing Immediate application. Will consider applications onlv from nvtiMirvcrn tnr elm-k : refer pten living In Omaha. Council Bluffs and ence furnished; can cut meat. Web. HTF.urMlH with S years' experl- j ence, wlahes position; best of refcrynoca. I V (III gmtliry iw. Houlh Omaha and Immnlluii vlclollv Would also like to hear from man who can speak Bohemian, German or Swedish. When writing give full particulars. Address. B1RS, Hen. WE CAN uso twenty-five additional edu cated business men throughout the Lnlted States as representatives to supply the liurceael demand for the New In ternational Encyclopaedia owing to the present European war For full Infor mation address Dodd, Mead & Co , New York f.lty. WB have a number of openings for com petent salesmen In various line. Apply at once. 312 Bee Bldg. ' &73. AUTOMOBILES !00 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, cotl repar g. u. naye'ioner. i 10 1 -, .,, uai 1.. A m.llnu. V1m'ell rilnnhnlll K "IV r- j ' ' " " - ' 1HI3 model. Presto tank, new tires. Just overhauled: $300 If Bold thla week. Call Harney H344. Llndbor. Bros.. 2,',72 leav tFly ng Merkle). ?-hand inch. Gross Wreck Co-, it Paul. CAW LUmAiTYl'Ine condition. Con sists of l lilted Htiitcs r-ports and di gests and r.ianv suite reports and text hooks. Write foe.Ual and prices. Chcnp. F-litl. Bee, 6x7 GRAFLEX ekinera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and a b'.tt barpaln for tho lot at $110. AdOresa A .ISO. Bee. l.l:YCf.h;-4n year old. C. 42Ri'(' B t s i n k s s rn a n r E-iT.ifb to Jly atocic new gytx-erle .and flx'.urea In Houtli Omaha, doing strictly cash business. Will tse good auto on same. Address 8. til, Bee. . ANTIQI'K artistic Inlwtd. drop-lenf card table; bargain. 1912 Webster. - Bskeiv and furnace wood. 'lei. Flor 401. 3-STONE .liamond ring; K; value J150. Wfill sell for 175. Frtedniaii, -1328 Dodge. FOR SALE w and aecond-hnnd carom and pocket blll'ard tabic and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswi'jk-Bnlke-Collender Co.. 407-4OB 8. 10th rit FOR SALE at a dlacount. a full un limited scholarship inBoylei Business college. Omaha: good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. BICYCLE for sale. A bargain; In good condition. 233 Bee Building. BAf4Kburner.- good condition. 110. J717 Wehater St. FRESH mushrooms. Call Webster 8234. TRY PELTON'S GARAGE for winter storage; steam heat; make ar rangements now. Farnam. Oreenough Omaha Rad. Hep. Co.. JiW Far WK are now carrying new members, un- . April 1-15. on first payment; no n-nnn eara naint'd 42'- other cars accord National. I FOR SALE Wayne roadster, two pas senger, In good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty horsepower. Phone f'artsrr and Trnam. WANTED A barber: will not !,, .' rk.1 911 R Main Ht Council Bluffs. Ia VtTVX.Vrr'lfirZrt frr-Toi Harney 8U. Koelmel. Arapahoe, Neb. MODEL B-4 Dett-o.ter touring car with .1 . - J - . 1. 1 ulf..t.ria. cm U.a than fWIO miles: MA K It I NAJ man to work on farm. Danish ,,!.. u.'.in tym Th. T. CI. North. (JOltA BELLI NU-Y Swedish or German: mvm .viirl.n. r.A reference; no Catholic. Addreaa P. 141, Bee. Drug store anaiia. ions. ine .-.i ih Hmg Ornllata. - Eyes examined, glasse fitted, pay aa you can. Dr. MoCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Oateopalale Pbyalevaas. Dr. Rerucha, J03-4 McCague Bldg. D. 329. rateots. , H. A. Ht urges, (H Brandel Theater Bldrf. D. O. Barncll. Pax ion Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Hiti at DcyeJoiiineat. AMERICAN Machine Co., 11T S. 11th St. PrtntlMBj. WATER8-PARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. '624 & 13th BL lUGLAHlTtntlnir Co. Tel. Ioug. 44. COREY, M'KKNZIE PTO. CO. D. 2844. RIE8-HALL Ptg. Co., 1630 Capitol, li. 1U. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. I7M. Paint laar and Ptiperlae. HtTOH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. U. BTJH Pinnies Renovated. PLUMES flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42 Pajtton. D.8384. Hiiaca ACa terminator. , B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. kale and 'lima Lck Ksaerta. Opened, repaired, mmb. changed F. E. Deven port, 1404 Dodge. D. ltta. SAFES Show Urnalrlaar. Electric Shoe Hep. Co.,'lW7 St. Mary'a Aa-. E. M. CLARK A SON, 113 SO. 16TH ST. atom ant. off tee Flxlaree. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-1-18 8. 12th. D. 3734. Bteel ('lllaara. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 & 10th, Towel saapllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. W7 8. llth. D. K8. Traaka aad Maltoaaaa. FREL1NG At STE1NLB. 180 Farnam St Tallara. CHA8. C. LANDERVOl'. 108 N. 16th St. Veterlaarlaaa. tB- R. YOUNG, 43 Center. II. 6082. Wlava aad Liquors. ALEX JETL8. 21)1-3 S. 13th St. Winea. liquors, clgara. Plate dinner. 11 to a. ua. Globo liquor house. 424 N. lth; California ?Jr?','w gal. Wr.te tor price list. HENRY IOLIX)CK LIQUOR IIOUSE lothand Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. CliJ.Y . I'njl'y ..liquor at KleTr? ""(r jiuuse, ojj n. pun. Douglaa 1MDI. HKH WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Of do. Amiilutrwt, Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red S2HS. karbara, ' 11 Chairs, loo shave, neck shave. 161? Far. feOOKKEKPLa AND STEN'oJ.'iinportan'i .uwi, iiioasani office; saiarv Hani! ! lj"!lg!0 ,-bilUr' ''Y at u 8tate w.n'.'L0, lfc-replo poaulon.. aee watt Ref. Co.. w urandui Unva. . . rsnarr ,aaa Tradea. LKAHN hwlrdiesslng, Oppenneim Parlor. Mia friatta. HORNBY CO. Blua printing, under new ownership. 30J Omaha Nat. Bk. D. Jli7, Mraaa raasarlo. Paxton-Mltchell Co., ?7th and Martha St. ttnlldlBK aad He pair! a a-. K. FRANTA. U Pax Ion Blk. lug. J157. ttsirra aad Well IMaalaa. NEED well or clatern cleaned or dug? ruiArrfcR ooea it. t'tuNi Web ftoil. LOTUKOP. I4TH AND LiOTHUOP ,Trey o" Heart No. 11. i A nd Complete Universal Program. LCVAU !4 CALDWELL, lalllorala LaaaU. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. isilk toal Dtalera. .Y M JuUnaon'a special, also Victor nut P' q.w. Phone D. 1IO, i big baakeia coal, 1. WagiiMr, ,l N. 14. I hiropravlure. I. Oeddls, D. C, K Bee Bldg. Doug. 4m tktua falallasj. Ruth ltchford, decorating, firing. R. 1MI. lull klaflaaeia. M. J. 1.ACY, MS BKK BLDG. DOUO. 4715. The Tenth Commandment. J-reel Imp. Ueinlee Outlug. ftcillng comedy. PALACE. ZJUt DA V EN lOHT bT. I'tuel, Cruel .World. Joker comedy. The Phantom Light, tf-ree! Dixon. HI BLKBAN. 24TH AND AME8. Anne of to Mines, t-revl Vitajirapta, Tii H'iuaativliia Kchool. Blograph. Ii he Iong I Jin. Lubin. ewatfc. ARBOR, 3ZU AND A.RBOR BT8. Tt'is la the Life. American arama. 2 r. ru-rra Jim's Keforrnatton. Malealic dr. , l aity s Gift. Keystone vomeuy. APOLIiO" 24Xi;"A E.N i WouTiTlTfl . ll.rr-iltg. 7. T1. Bond of Womanhood, t reel Lqbln. When Slippery tjm Met the Chamiuon. c7iT7i:mLia. i!io s7TTHsf? Th 4i,rl from the West, lubin. 1 he butterfly. '-r. Vttasraph, Tim T stir-red Duke. Kaleru. 1 1 i .., r uii f. i41ll AND IN'luN bio. Daiiliiila, 2-r- Ani-ricn. A Dos s Ixve. 1 ha.ntiouaer. High on ftiuedeay. Keystone. FAVORITE. 1714 Vi.VTO.N BT. Tie Lor it Way. t. Edison. I iipiHj.h, '.-.. U- M'jL'TiI TlilhTk-i-MH. 'Ii. iMclatoi,. H-:a. J.ik4i touj buigery. -rl L. K-0 . comedy. Lkki piujwUvn lu the city t rtaa kcaaratara. The Hharplea iteparator Co.. 12th A Farn. Dtrlya. JAMES ALIJtN. 31 Neville Blk. Ev Oeuic awurwl In all cases. Tyler lU. Iaaclag Aeadattre. Turpln's Dancing Academy, !th A Farn. CHAM UK US' Academy, rlaasic. D. 1T1 Mackle'g Academy, now ,pn. lria Her. Urrsaataklagj . Terry Dreeamak'g college. J4h A Farnam. &TRANGEK tu city wants day work. 1 y ra experience, J per day, v alnut tCMt. MISS 1l'RIY. 4I lui. Bed 7.fe0 FASliloNAIil.ij drroamaKlng; 16u7 Cort.y WATSON A LUND, Ml Douglaa. R'41l llr. DRUGS at rut freight paid en 110 oruer: taiogua iraa. bherroan m Uo- t oniiarl Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Dr a l lata. Irv Bradbury No paJn. LV Farnam. Dr. Tola a alveolar deatlatry. 4) Hrandela Bailey, the Ienti 7u City Kai l Bank Tafl 1 "ental Rooms, 1M7 Douglaa. D. 21. '4. 'pyorrhea," Dr. Flrke. T-'4 CltJ-Nai. Bank Kterirl aaaitllva. LEbHON Elec. Win., til . ln. D. Hit. Knrrlrr. I BEN FENSTEK, 1110 N. Mth St. w,u. 1777. LEARN BARBER TItADB. Be Independent; Wages and tools given. Electric tnasssge, Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 10G2 N St.. Lincoln. WA NTEI Men to learn our trade and accept positions made vacant by for eiitnera being drafted for European war. Thia la a splendid chance for poor men; few weeks qualifies; earn while learning; open to everyone. Investigate. Moler Bar ber college. 110 S. 14th St. wall Co., 914 Jones Ht. Doug. 1707. FOR SALIC New Ford. Tel. P. 24. M otorcyclea. H A RLE Y-DA V 1 D SO N MOT0RCTCIJ:8. Bargains In used machlnee. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Lea venworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready, bargalna In used machine OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. llth and Chicago O. 372S. WANTED A flrat clan meat cutter at once. Must be strictly sober and must have had experience fn a large shop. Top wage for the right man. THE CEN TRAL MEAT MARKET, Council Bluffs, lew. Mlei;aaeoaa, LEARN Tartarlo Mirror Rilvertng It pay. Long Vloely guarded secret of big factories. Parllctilai free. Wm. Bar stow, 614 23U St.. Oakland.. Cnl. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an autj expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the 'auto business from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here new. ever have been. Write for Hat ot openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 211! Farnam St.. Oma,ha, WANTED SIX NEAT APPEARING HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGK STU DENTS TO DEVOTE SPARE TIME ON A MONEY ' MAKING PROPOSITION. APPLICANTS PLEASE APPLY AT 4 P. M. FRIDAY PROMPTLY. OR 9 A. M. SATURDAY,' S3 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDC1. WANTED Railway , mail and postal clerka; examination soon; over 2.0uu appointment yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. 84 of payment after appointment. -. Philadelphia Huhlneas Col lege. Olvll Service Dept.. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg Coffee John, 14th and Capitol Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Plumbing and heating busi ness In a good growing town in aoutn ern Minnesota ot 10,000. Address C 189, Bee. TO GET In or out of business. Call on GANOKSTAD 404 Bee Bids. D. 3477. GROCERY STORE for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa Doing good business. Will pay to investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-234. care Bee. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with ua for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 3?."l. Just Vacated A Choice Location. 17th St. Exposure 11x20 FT. AT 120.00. The Bee Building (The Building that I Alway New) Office Room. 103. PRINT SHOP for sale. M.M buya one of the best job printing plants in the north west. Big prices and lots of work. Ad dies Box 3S.i, Mitchell, H. p. RESTAURANT One of best in Omaha. Completely fitted. Good location. Un able to operate properly account other business. Worth double. Cost me t6.o00; will sacrifice. Consider trade, balance payments. Agt., 'Mr. Myers, 418 Bee Bid.!?. Maasakur aad UaaMika. THE Servant Ulrl Prouiam Mniu.t rri,. l -r.,"" r.un 1 vaut O N .Wanted Ad li.Kts. until you gel the desired result, i his applies to reaiuenis ot uiiMut. oouih. Uuiana and Council Bluffs, linug ad l Ine Bo office or teletluiie Tyier 10tM WANTED Competent maid for general hoiMHtwork; email laimiy; no laundry Work. 41 1 Harirey. H. 4U3. Wanted at Once MEN tu learu tho automobile basilica; the-demand la great for our graduates; we have trained hundred of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th St..Omha.. ?Teb. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL EVENING CLASS. For the benefit of those' desiring a thorough, practical and theoretical auto mobile education, who do not have time to obtain the same during the day, we aro organising an evening class, in addi tion to our regular day classes, commenc ing Nov. 16. we have just added another building, over g,0u0 square f, et, to our already large pace, giving u total of - over square feet of floor space, devoted en tirely to th Auto Scnooi and. auto re pairing. Remember that thla is the place where you can obtain the practical auto edu cation, getting your training by doing ac tual repair work, finding trouble, etc.. Just the same us you will do. when yuu go out into tn automomie wcriu. THE NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL "The Practical School." Phone Douglas art!. UIU-lo-17 Dodge Ga Catulogtit. "C. WANTED 2 youui; men that live home! Apply Aarons' Jewelry stqre. Kith ft Far'm WANTKD Young widow to lake care of modem furnished room, ana hour nr two each nay tor board and room. Ad ureas n21 N. J4th jtt, South Omaha. v WAMIP-A girl tor geuoral house oik; two in lamuy; good wage, iaijy Dodge. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- wura; jwa t.-eer i'ark Allvu. itl. lyier YOUNG girl w ajiied for genergl hou. work, who wants good home; taraily of two. Harney i'172. WANTED 4.1! 1 1 lor general tiouaework; I In family. ' 1144 K Xsd St. Harney &m n nn i r,i'itipi!iiani'en winie girl lor general housework. Mrs. Talniage. 4U. LllllUl till. WA TED-Con jH-tent girl to do general housework. Good wages. Apply wtin reference. Mrs, Leonard A. bpauluiug, :io Harney St, ' A VOirXO girl to assist with general iu" SroViirHt"p c lot chud- UOOD upstair girl to aaelat with taking car of chliilren. H. t. UiUL for general houseaork. -1th 't. South wkv 1-10 N, HELP WANTED . MALE AN U 1'EAIALIC. WANTED Colored couple to live at n,.r gro woman a nome. Apply iao No 34lh St. i'eb. 440i. MEN, WOMEN Get government Job; t to tlM month; 2,0u0 appolutmenla monthly. Writs (or liat. Franklin insti tute. Dept. I-i T, Kocheater. N. Y GET government joba.. HH to J150 month: 2.0U0 appointments each month For list ot position obtainable address x nee. MEN WOMEN Get government iobe. ( to Vim month. Write for Hat of po- aitiona avauanu. Franklin institute. Dcak s0. Rochester. N. V.. WAN TED SIT UATION S WANTED Work aa chatnuennaid In hotel In Ou-.atia vr south uinaha. Phou a lir.tJA BbK. comi-ai.nt girl for general housework; need not be good cook, inn Dewey Ave. YOUNG girl if. JH-J. for general housework. WANTEl Esperienced nunae airl, sot under tf; city family. Mra. pixon. 4J4 K. !th St. , , aCtaeetUua!, YOUNG women coming tu Omaha aa ctranger are Invited to visit th Young Women Christian Associativa building at St. Msry'a Av. god 1. tit St.. wbej they will be directed to suitable buardlng p ' or otherwise assisted. Look for our trvier' guide a lnn aiaftoo LEARN io play ragum in twauty l. sons. Call or writ C"hrtstnan fcbool. 4'L;.'iinilng Ht. Phone Harney ?71. t INTeLlIGKNT Tioman vr hi, as trav tling roariHgcr. 1'ermanem. tk Brandel Theater hlog Vfl' KG Udiea. gowl address, pleasant outdoor wora, good compenaatiua. Itouu iv-. Bare iiig. MAN that want to go to work will do anything: needs the money and la will lng to work for It 4,'all Webatec Z167. Mll'DLE-AGED lady wlahe domestic position where sue cao go home n.ghts. K-4W0. care Krf. y YUl-Xii lady, eaperiemed clerk and piano player, wants work In music store. Au di eaa Y 274. Bee. WANTED Position a liouekeper by retlned widow. I'hone llarney 7tt4. WANTED Position city ct'uector; A-l reference. I'hone llarney 7i8H. WANTKD SlluaWn. by energetic, in dustrlou young man of 2, aith A. B. and LL. B. decree, fair atenogiapher: on yar' exprrtiinceV private aecrelary of dean of law school; best referent.. Ad dreaa Y 27. Bee. TRLJ4TW7ORTHY. cxpeiicnved liouTe heei'er dnsires poaltiun in small, reliable family. Bos :.. Griaaold, la. SIGNS, show cards. Clark & Son, D. Z1 THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and auppliea through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St. Douglas isiij. TO the Merchant who needs money quick. writ us at once; we are now in a po sition to turn your stock lo big money with our special sale plans. United Sales Co., 20 Flrat Ave., Cedar Rapids. Ia YOUNG man with five hundred -dollars can secure half Interest in exceedingly profitable) business. Steudy employment; good salary. E-1W), Bee. LOST AND FOrND OMAHA A COUNCIL BI.tTFFS STREET - RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons havtnk lost some article would db well to call up th ntfloe of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company tr ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. i Many article each day are turned In and the company I' auxlou to restore tht-m to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST-Leather handbag olTSixteenth be tween Harney and Farnam. Finder please return to Bee office; reward Baby ring wanted most. C.J. CANANi Real Estate and Exchanges DICTAPHONE-EDISON PHONOGRAPH with complete outfit for making and re producing both two and four-minute rec ords, together with supply of blank: out-- rit almost new and cost over 840; just the thing for shorthand writers requiring dic tation to Work up speed, or caw-he used for learning foreign languages. Want good risible typewriter, or will acoept any thing of equal, value I cat use. Address 8. C. 1S98, Bee. . DUE . bill for M; good aa cash a first . payment on a piano; sell for $25 cash, or trado for groceries, furniture or any thlng. Address S. C, 23. Bee. ELECTRIC cook atcrve with coffee per colator, griddles, egg boiler, eta: com plete with electric Iron, room heater nc separate attachments; -value JloO; want ' v ictrolg, .sowing machine, motorcycle or electric library lamp. Address S. C. EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will trad or sell. Price, )150. S. C. 214. 5x7" GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate . holders, carrying case for camera and carrying cose for plate hold ers, The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at 4110. Address1 S. C. Tf11 . HORSE ".iSTCWill trade on horse; 3 small 4 single fig and can't be matched. What have you? S. C. 1067. KODAK - EASTMAN 2-A. FOLDING .pocket 'kodak; post-card alse, planato graph lens, leather carrf ing case, tripod, etc; almost new. Want visible type Wrl ter. Addres 8. C. 1597. Bee. : LOTS Two lots, clear, between Co. -Bluffs and Omaha, for anything I can use. can. wen. niaj. BULL terrier, one brown eye, brown spot on back: bob tail: brown tall ears cut. W6 I. 2tith St. Tel. II. 68D. Will give re ward. LOST Diamond ring; reward for return; call Walnut 2WW. LOST Between Oinaha and Lincoln, two new 37x5 Non-Skid casing, two 375 red tubes and two SBxt1 rim. Finder return tlrea , arid rhna and receive re v.nrd. Standard Auto Tire Co., Lincoln Neb. - LOST New black grip containing Jewelry. picture, set of civet furs and 2 pair oi shoes. Finder call Web. 6448. Reward. Lost Gold monogram watch fob; initials "E. L. K." Finder please call Dong. 434. LOST Ladv'a brooch, between &"tb. Ave. and Center St. Reward. l. LOST Roman gold brooch, set with chip diamond. Reward. Call Harney 488H. LOST-Phroamtna Delta frat. plri be tween Auditorium and NUh and How ard. Call Marguerite Jack Bellevue col. LOST String of amber beads Monday about 5:30. Finder please call Tyler 3300. Liberal reward. LtVE STOCK rtlR SALE. Horses and Vehicle-, A GOOD BARGAIN . TWO HORSES,. .WEJGHT : TO 1,200 LBS., COLOR 4BAI; . SPLENDID , TEAM FOR. FARM Or. CITY DELIVERY; ALSO ONE! L' BET OF DOUBLE HARNESS. AND-'.. VON'B BODY FOR' DELIVERY TRUCK.- SEES H. A. WEATHERS,, BURGESS-NASH Coi. BAlCONY. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wray. Bloux City. . HAVE two men who want to Invest in stock in small banks: one haa -'.(W0 and can put in IIO.OX) with services; tho other will Invest $1,000 to tUH. CO-OPERATIVK HECKKENt'B CO., im5-l City Nat l Bank Bldg laTeatlucnts. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about $5,4K) In an old established general niercliandiso bualneas: will run it with my own help. A good Investment for the roan that has some money to loan out. Htock anont $i0,00. German preferred. Address Y IM. Bee. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed classes In bualnes. short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young puopl to work for board.'. For free. CHtalugue addreus Mosher-Lampman College 1KIS Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. BOil.ES COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagona 4 harness; large stock tt attractive prices. Johnson-Danlorth Co,. 1X9-83 N. Wth St. GOOD work horse, 1.400 lbs., $65; 1,000-lb. horse, $59. . . a;a Harrison St.. South Omaha. ; - ' Telephone South 3029. . COVERED LAUNDRY WAGON; A 3AC R1FICK. Walnut 2155. ....... . . - , HAY, IS per ton. -Wagner. 801 N lth. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy om good second-hand office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1240, nee. . . ... PIANO To awsp for Virginia farm land; will pay difference: will trade for-, lot In Omaha or Indianapolis, Ind., or Cleve land, O. ; will pay difference. Addr?aa s. C. 23. ' Bee. ' , PLAVER MUSIC A limited number of new rolls for 88-note player piano' to trade for typewriter, rifle or Edison pho nograph record. What nave your Ad dress S. C. 1677. "Be. PIGEONS I nave a few pigeon that I , would care to trade for some chickens. Address B. C- 230, Bee. a .,. SHdTGUN Will exchange practically new IC-gauge Winchester repeating shot gun for typewriter worth the money. - Ad- areas b. u. Z43, wee. SIGNS, anowcard. Clark 4k Son. D. 137 SUIT $20 blue aerge suit, new, size 28-29. Will sell for $10 or will trade for some chickens, a hog, or anything 1 can use on a farm. ' Address S. C. 228, Bee. TYPEWRITER Brand new typewriter for billiard or pool table., B. C. 1071 Bee. WATCHES ETC. 17 Jewel silver case watch,- A-l. - 2U3V4 Anaoo kodak, new. Iron punching bag ling for wall, com plete except bag. What have you to awap. S. C. 231. Bee. WATCH A 21-Jewel, 26-year, solid gold case. Hampden movement watch for .dia mond ring. Will pay some cash. Address a. yi,f nee. WILL trade for land, or what have you to offer? houses and z lota. Council Bluff, 'mortgage f 1.000, straight loan, per .cent; -want $1,000 for equity. What have you to offer for' them? J. L. Dowd, 11IS - WoodmAn' of tha World Building. Phone Rd'32fiS,- WILl" traSe equity In good lot for eow, chickens,' horse' or pig. S. C. 220. 'FOR RENT Apartment aad Flat. MODERN heated' 5-room apartment at 25th and - Leavenworth Sta., $36. Call Douglaa 3678 or,410 Bee Bldg. 6-R. DOUGLAS." 213 So. 26th Ave., haa aun parlor, close In, walking distance, very choice. H ASTING3 & HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. BEAUTIFULLY fmUhed apartment of S room- and - hath; also large screened porch; all conveniences. Including janitor service, steam - heat, locker apace and laundry facilities ; splendid location; let us show". you -this today; It'a exceptionally fine -and only $45 per month. , ' ; ' i SCOTT-ft HILL CO., N I " -' ' Douglaa 1009. MOVING EXPENSES- PAID. r0 S. Jxith Ave., y-r. modern flat SM M17 Capitol Ave., S-room mod. fiat.... 28 241i S.. 20th. "-room, all modern 20 114 S. 20th St.,' 7-roora, all modern.... 20 no N. ,27 th St.. mod. except heat.... 15 R.P EROS Douglas 1653. $15 o-room . -apartment, modern except neat, -mus navenport ist. walnut 4. . MEDIC 1L Piles, Fistula -Curea Dr. R H. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without iurflcal op eratic n. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wr.te for book on ecctal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. R TARI1Y. 24U Bee. -'" Ptm4nni Cured in a few days without uupiure ,,aini t all or WTlie Dr. Wray, 303 Bee Bldg., Omaha. .Established ISM. MO.NKV TO'LOAj NEED MONEY? 'tee u. Quick servleu. Half usual rate, RELIABLE' CREDIT CO . SCJ Paxtnn Bloik. Douglaa 1411. . f ' " - - , T --. - PERSONA I. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so ' licit your old clothing. .furniture maga tlnca. We collect. Wc ristrlbute. Phone Douglaa 41"5 and our wagon will car). Call and Inspect our now home, lllu-Ul2-lllt Dodu i?t. . - Steam Vitd flatg. 1th fe Web. Tyler SUM. 6-R.' "HUDltON.' 207 So. idth Ave., new. Close in, builMn buffet, panel walls in dining room; block to Farnam car. HASTINGS e. HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Bt. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS. Sd and llarney Sta., S room apartment. Call H. 647 or D. I50&. Gordon VanCo. tl N. llth St. Phone D S94orWeb. 1.183. OOUSN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, ooml , with kitchenette, steom heat. Phone b4S. YOliNG women coming . to Omaha a I strangers are invited to visit the loung Women s Christian -Association building at 17th St. anJ St. Mafy'a Ave.,, wlicr they rmnl.l. hr.lne.. rnnr,.- mnl.l. ' v ' " " " V euitainc iwnininj piacea ahorth.nd or stenotype cour,e; compete I f V''-f. VZ'WUC0" 6-R, '.THE,-HAMILTON," 2117-1 No. Wih;. also one 7-r.; snap at $25 sum., $32.50 Winter. HASTINGS' ft HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. Rental Service Free t'e can save you much worry, trouble aner annnvam-e. We ciui tell you what house and apartments each real estate ofiiee haa tor rent. Phone us. Doulaa Jt.' Flleilty-Storage and Van Co. " STKAM hcateiL honjwune, 5 and 6-rooni ut-artrnenta now i-eartv. Webster 7ri41. VERY eholc 6-rooin. ateam heated apart- menf in TA'ekt Farnam St JOI1N W. R01.B1NS. 18.12 FARNAM ST. Boatral-aasl Houait. 701 8. 18, board & rm., M per month. R.5fi25. and English. Write, phone or call for li14 catulogue. HOVLES COLIiEGE Boylcs Omaha, Nebraska. H. H. BOYLEJ. PRESIPKNT. , Tho VnirSant School Stenography Pay school. 0:00 to 4:1.4). Night school. t:15 to 9: Li. ISth and Farnam Sts. Iouglaa 6647. EXPEKT lady stenograph! will tak pupil. SHOKTHaND touch typewrit ing, spellli:., punctuation, etc.. taught and complete training given for hushies ca reer. Private Instructiu-t If dcetreU. 4U24 Douglas tt Tel. Walnut 2J27. YOUNG mau wauta plat. tu wora (or board ativndlng iioyie' cuilaga Tela,, bona Duugias lrV m SITUATION . auied aa caretaker rooming hour. Addreaa A aj, Be. of XPLUlfc-NCcD chublleui Uhe to oiiv private tar; curvtui drtvt; knows city wry well. Address F 4 Be. - FoR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited ai'holarsliip in Boy lea Business col leg. Oinaha; good for either shorthand or bunlueas courses. Apply at th ofuc of Omaha Bee. EDVCATIOXAL LEARN TYPE KITING AT HOME. Thren months. $4 utf THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. Douglas 2il V.H Farnam. XIl BALU Farallura. SEVERAL van loads of furnltur and some piano. Oiuaha Vaa aad Store Co., val S. lth St Jyw & id-hand furniture, cash nr itrmi; reasonable. Auicr. Furn. C.. 0i N. lutu. PEKSON4L RELATIVES of Daniel. U Met 'arty, eariy Union Pacific, ojiglneer. coiu.ntiu; .ate with Glen G. Jones. 1118 Murah-Stromf Bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. rovLTitf x .vo uurpi.u- ' STfcKKOTVPB matricea' make the bast and cheapest lining for poultry huute. 1 lie y aro 1,.J3 inches, stronger and iiiore durable than tarred fe t and lua-llcally Tirei'roof. '.:ea lnindred at The Beeofilce. FtlRSALE Silver Chamolon Co-kerl cheai. Philips, Fort Crook. .eu. k'lxexl grain. $l t per luO. Wagner, $01 N. US I'arnlabed Rovsn. k LAIIGE front room, neatly furnished, modem; reiereiet-a required; privet family. H 4.73. FURNlSHl'D room,- private family, on Harny cai' line. Harney tV;44. 707 No. Sd : - FURNISHED room for lady or gentle man ; bi-eakfsst ,f deiired. W. 5a. l'i:i;A roouia by day or wk.; modern, tea m beat: 81. '.0 up. 107 S. IT. D. VSiZ 1HB liQUGLAS Steam heat: $:' 50 up. 0S6 Paik Ave Boom. al-ove. cosy. H. U. r't UMliKii room for rent, near Crigj ton mlvere'ly rhon lougla T2S1. 4 U S. 29TH Futmehtd room, prlvat f airily, Harney 4i L1VK STtX;K MAKKLf OF Wlil giUP liv stoik to South Omaha. fra mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ment receive prompt and" careful attea- tion. . . HANri. PARK difclrlct, turn, ateam heat ed room, private family. $HX 11. $J37. PUR. . rooma. Pl tv. tamlly. Web. 7724. LAGB, beautiful rooms, every conven ience, walking distance; gentlemen pre ferred. SJ S. 17lh Ave. Tiler 1373. Live Stuck 4 voaualaaioa Marckaala MARTIN BROS. & CO. Exchange bldg. WXTK1 TO Birr OKFlc'fc. furniture bought and sold. J. C. Heed. liOl Farnam. Doug i4fi WE-BUY iJ hand H-l N. :uX SWAPPER'! COLUMN" AUTO Uxht auto truck, all overhauled. Adtireea S. C. i41, Bee. - ft-KOiiM furnished house modern except teat; piano. 2412 Grand Ave. Web. 8u4. 4VR.r 5:19 So. 2ith Ave., modern, $30.00. HAPTI NGS ft HEYDEN. 1014 Harney St. t-'aralaliril HwuMrk.reiiai( Baan. FU R. takp'g rooms 1807 Iavnwortb. DAVT: N PO 1 1 T . MI-TWO N I CE LYFUIN NISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ltOMS. - Jletela aad AiMtrtsarat. CALIFORNIA Hotl. 16th and California. Weekly rates Ks and up. Doug'as lust. CO DEN HOTEL, Council Blulfa, steain heted rooms, $3 pr week. Bhon 4a. PODGE HOTEL- Modern, Reasonable,-" V v ' : ; - i