Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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, , 1" i TTS i. -
of Hartford. Mlrb.. ho la visiting her TIT- Qf QVifttTrinn.
iMrr. m. n.rrr Tuk-r. a bki ct War otory o no wing
Mf. era rri wha iiwry isuiv
cmterplec nd cover were placed for
ix. -
Tfcnraday, Ntrrnkfr 1 , 114.
Banquet Viiiting Women.
wires of th visiting base ball m(
netes wer entertained at a banquet at
the Faxton hotel last evening. A pro
fusion of American beauty rose were
ueod In h decoration.. Following the
dinner an Informal musical program ti
given, thoae taking- part Including Mra.
Shropshire. Mra'jame Cruelnberry and
Marl Ilankn. Mra. W. A. Rourk and
Mr. E. V. Parrlah acted aa hostesses.
Cover were placed for:
Mesdamea Mrertamee
Jnmi C. McGill Jopt- F. Kluwin
of lenvr,
J). B. lxtgdale
ef Seattlo.
Charles Fhheta
of Brooklyn
C. C, EH la
of Muskogee.
A. H. Pulfort
of Winnipeg.
rtr-k Rin
of Brooklyn.
I. M. tpeed
of Memphis.
K V. I'arrUh.
Miss Irena Frank of Jsckson,
of Oahkoah.
Clyde rhropehlre
of Nashville,
J. Anilrawi
of Waterloo,
Jamea Cruslnberry
of Chicago,
J. T. Hayes ,of
Arthur Thomaeon,
W. A. Aiitrey.
Kdward Hanlon,.
W. A. Kourke.
For the Future.
The Cacti club will entertain at a
dancing party Tuaaday evening of next
we It at Chamber' academy.
Th next party of tha ran Dancing
club will be at tba Rome hotel Friday
Tba Research club will glr a card
party Monday evening of next week at
EC Mary Magdelrn' bail. MesJamr p.
Puffy, P. Johnson and the officer of
tha club will be tha hote of . tha
Tha Rajah club will give a dancing
party thla evening at Chamber academy.
Tha Fldelus club will entertain Friday
evening at their hall, Fortieth and Web
ster street!. This party will , be given
Irt place) of the usual Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. P. It. Galnea will give a
series of dinners thla winter preceding
the subscription dance at Turpln's
academy on Wednesday evening. ,
Flemurei Put.
Mrs. Anna Royer entertained the
Matinee Card dub at luncheon at the
Braadels Green- room today. . Later the
club attended the fcistlnre. Mrs. llaw
baker of Nebraska City we tha gueat
of the club. The member present were;
- Medama -F.ilward
Kriward l.awler.
Entertain at Sinner.
Mr. and Mra. David Ileum entertained
at dinner Wedneeday evening, preceding
the subscription dance at Turptn's acad
emy. Tom-pon chryaanthemuma, mod
with Malaga grape, mada a moat un
tiaual table centerpiece. Cover were
laid for-
Mr and Mra. Henrv Wvman.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Burkley, i
Mr. and Mra. Baum, 1
Mr. Ham ker, 1
Mr. W. Karnam Pmlth.
Mr. end Mr. Joaeph Raldrlg enter
tained eight gueata for dinner Wednee
day eveulng. The centerpiece was a
atiiklng combination of pink, yellow and
red roaee. The gueata attended tha sub
scription danee later In the evening.
Covrs were laid for
Mr. and Mr. Jn-Ph HarVer,
Mr. and Mra. C, M. Wllhelm,
Mr. and Mra. C.- C. Oeoige.
Mr Mabel Ogden,
Mr. Luclu Wakeley.
Mr. and Mra. Oerrlt Fort entertained
six gueata at dinner Wednesday evening.
The tablo decorations were of American
Beauty roaea. and the gueata attended
the ubTlptlon dane at Turpln'a.
Fagalco Club Entertaini.
The young women of the Pagalco club
entertained tha young men at a theater
party at tha Orpheum Tueaday evening,
followed by(upper at tha Rome hotel.
Covera were laid for: ,
Mlaaea Mlaeee
Francea Miilhollanl, farrte Kdwarda,
Koae Dixon. Jane Shaffer.
Hnppy Mulholland, Korrlnn" Saund
American Enterprise
A good example of bow the new ad
Jtiatmenta In American nualneaa, forced
by war, may be made to wort to advan
tage, In preserving a dally necessity la
the buslnee foresight of the Welsbech
Oaa Mantle company.
Mr. Sidney Maaon. It prealdent, aev
eral month ago ordnred the gathering
of huge quantities of thorium ore and
stored It up to provide for auch an
emergency. The chemical reagent, which
reduces thorium ore to tha eeeentlal base
from which mantle are made. Is manu
factured In Oermany. and tha gas light
ing Industry was at stake.
Foreseeing the arrest of ths supply of
this reagent when Austria sent Its ulti
matum to Be r via on July 23. tha pur
chasing agents of tha Welebech company
wars ordered to buy up every available
pound held by Jobbera or Importer a from
coaat to const.
Aa a result of thla foresight and quick'
neaa, tha Welabch company ha secured
enough of the chemical reagent by It
application to thorium or already stored
up to supply all America for a year.
With even more business daring they
have also carried out a previous plan to
reduce the prices of ths higher grades of
gas mantles 4 per cent. In thla on In
dustry, at let. American brains have
been equal to the emergency.
"John Smith." arrested at Fifteenth
and Dodge etreeta Inte Wednesday night
for stopping a woman pedestrian and In
sisting on "bear-cattlrit" with her, fer
felled a '3 appearance bond.
. J
's'HZjff'jisi'ff iif irtijiy ryi!i'Trtxi?'rtyi w?zTi''T'Tyrrffl' irir t y My h, aui.'uxi ff'wc mvntPff- wmAWtmwmwm'Mmim jrn,rf?;ztrr'ms. if.wz&mttxv.x2TiXWi,3.
r. B. otla.
T'Ha Jack man,
William Max field.
-. D. Maua.
May me Kellogg,
r. ii. MoCornilrk
Henry Dlereon.
C. 8. Rockholm,
Anna llnyer.
Fred Kellogg.
Mr. J. J. Sullivan entertalno) very In
formally at luncheon today at her homo
In honor of Mrs. Chambers of Columbus,
Neb., who I ths guest of her sister, Mr.
Homer Robinson. Covers were placed tor
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jorgensen ontertalntd
Tuesday evening at their bom. Those
present were:
3. liaker.
Marine Peneen, ,
Marie Iav.
Gillian Lage,
Mesara. .
J. Baker.
A. I. Inge.
llnry l.age.
1 honiaa Drneen.
Juliua M. (itraaaer,
I Women' and Mis' Collsurs
Splendid value In Cwlas Embroid
ered Collars and pretty Rolling
Collars. Alao a large aaaortment
of women'a neckwear, allghtly
soiled. Valaea up to mm
toe. Choice Friday, at I Sf
l.llllan H. Jellnek.
Claire MfKenna,
K. J. Colherg.
Agatha Oswald.
Irene Baker,
Jack White.
K. V. Kellv.
A. W. Jarvis.
J. II. .laake.
A I. flwaneon.
Ann Maher
F. W. Cllengr.
Eugene May,
Kmnia Marttaon,
Ixila Marsh,
I:the Iaraon,
Mesa Antony,
Pva May.
Harry !arenn.
T'aiil McCroie,
fitto Penner. ,
T. M. Carllale.
U R Rnffner,
TTlmer Patton,
Frank W. P-lroe.
Orisrinal Cooking Club.
Mrs. iuther ICountxe entertained the
member of the Original Cooking club to
day at her home. The member are:
fleorge Prln.
.tnseDh Barker,
Herbert Wheeler,
Ward Biu-geaa,
W. 8. Poppleton.
I tit her Kountse,
Moehier Colpetser,
J. T. f tewart, Jd .
fam Burns, Jr.. .
Charles Kountxe,
Marie Jorgensen,
Annabelle Jorgensen
ties nor Htraaaer.
Mra. Lraon.
Frank Tumi,
William J. Van
Nela Jorgensen.
J. Theodore Straaser,
Mis Clara Dahlen entertained the
members of the Daisy High Five club
Wednesday afternoon at her home. Tba
prlsea were awarded to Meadames David
Brown, J. W. Boon. V. Crane and I J.
Piattl. Luncheon followed the game.
Miss Florence Rachman was a guest of.
tba club- There were three tables of
plajrar Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Fetters
will entertain ths club la two weeks.''
At .the Boyd Theater.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgees, Mr. and
Mrs. Moahler Colpetser and Mr. Lawrencs
Brtnkar were In a box party at ths Boyd
theater Tuesday, evening.
Mlaa Harriet Mats gave a box party
Tuesday evening at the Boyd theater fol
lowing the rehearsal of "The College
Hero." With, Mlas Met wars:
Mlaaea Misses
liarion Kuhn, Euaenla Patterson,
Messrs. Messrs.
Donald McMurray, Allan Tukey,
Chicago; Elmer Campbell.
Informal Luncheon.
Mra. Clark Powell was hostess at an
Informal luncheon Wednesday at her
homo la honor of Mrs. Frederick Wing
Raich-Collins Wedding1.
Tha wedding of. Mis Olady D. Collin
and Mr. Henri F. Reach took pi era Mon
day noon st the horn of tha bride In
Fremont. Neb.
The ceremony wa performed by the
Rev. T. P. Crow is r.
A wedding supper wa served at the
home ' of the groom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rasch. Only relatives wars
Mr. and Mrs. Rasch will make their
home In Omaha.
To Entertain Dancing Party.
Mr. Nathan Phillip Dodge and Ml
podge have Issued Invitations for a
dancing party to b given at ths Grand
hotel In Council Bluff, Monday evening,
November 13, In honor of the Misses
Waddelt, Marlon, Macrae and Marl
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. J. D. Hawbaker of Nebraska City
i visiting her alitor. Mrs. Anna Rorer,
Mlaa Bad! Noonan has returned from
a month spent in Denver and Bait Lake
city. .,-...,...
Miss Helen Mage f Chicago arrived
Wednesday and will be the gyeat of her
brother. Mr. Wyland Mage, at Summer
hill farm for several week a. Mlas
Mage was, accompanied by lltU Mlas
Martha Vaughn, who Is now visiting her
grandparents. Dr. and Mr. J. P. Ford.
No Headache or
Neuralgia Pain
When your neaa acnes you simply
muet have relief or you will go wild.
It's needless to suffer when you can
take a remedy like Dr. James' Head-
evA Powders and relieve the pain and
nem-altfis, at ones. Band somson to
ths tt-ag- stir now for a dim package
ot Vt, James' Headache ' Powders.
Don't suffer. In a few moments you
will fell fine headache, gone no mors
neuralgia pain. -Advertisement.
or Next Saturday
Every Trimmed Hat In our Mil
linery Department. Second Floor,
will b marked down to exactly
Half Price. You will have, abso
lutely, your unrestricted choice
ot any Trimmed Hat
at 4- Price
About 1,003 beautiful
blouses. Newest motleU
ami materials. Dress and
Semi - Tailored Blouses n
worm up to ilu art f r
will be on aale Kll
Saturday at. . . . .VJt- V7
Art Linens
The entire aample line of finished
models uaed In the display room of
beruard Ulrnann Co., Itl Grand 8L.
- New York, consisting of I'lllows.
Center rteces and Bvarfa 4xjulsilely
hand-embroidered la Rope Hllk,
Uioaall ami Chenille. None worth
Iras then 14.00. Moat ot the 704
i-iecea in this lot worth
X. II. and up to tlMO.
Utiolce ti4urdy at
Solid Gold and Gold
Filled Jewelry, "Watche
and Diamonds will be on
sale Saturday at
50c S. Dollar
Remnants of Trimmings
Colored Read and "Ilk Tassels; Col
ored Frogs and Buckles: remnants
of silver and let bend and
frlngea. Marabou In every ahade.
Rome ar 1 yard long;
remnante of every kind rJO
s of fur. Choice Friday, at
each -I II ;.. , T ' T"" " - r--1 ' r?. .J.z. i...rrr: .... l . : -.
, y-. - - - , '
' H
Genuine Evjrett Qaasic Dreta
Ginf hams
The old reliable, popular dress fab
ric, in all the wanted choice ds
elsns stripes, checka f t
and plaids; to value; riA
Friday, yard 2
Extra Heavy New Fancy Out
ing Flannel
In s beautiful aaaortment of light
and dark colorings neat stripes,
etc. Soft warm fleece. t
Regular 10c value.. flf
Hpeclal Friday, yard f
27-In.t Beautiful FUnnel
White and colored. Reautlful plain
and twilled weave flannel. Extra
weight: naoned on both
aides. ; value, on aale hvt
Iday. yard. .. v.
Eden Qoth and Shirting Flan
nel Fine duality- In all the wanted neat
trtyee and plain shades so much
In demsnd for fall snd winter
wear. Regularly priced
He; off ths bolt rridsy, hi
rd vw
Fine Quality Bleached Canton
rull 2T Inch wide. Extra weight;
strong snd durabls. Off r
the bolt Friday, aaJ Sf
prle. yard
27-lnch Fancy Outing Flannel
In the wanted blue and white and
pink and white strlpee 1
snd checka. Regular c
valu. Friday, yard " w
Fine Mercerized Black Sateen
Hand loom woven. Good g
quality, permanent finish. C
Off the bolt Friday, yard
Fine Quality Bleached Muilin
Kitra weight and finish, lo
velue. tiff the bolt Fri
day, yard..
72x90 Bleached Sheeta
Extra rood quality; mads from 4-4
fiaacnea muslin.
lar 40c
each. . .. ,
Mads from good quality bleached
ma. pm
t. 7c
muslin, with g-tnch hems.
enciai sai Friday,
each ,
36-Inch Beautiful, Printed Silk-
oten ana Zi-lneh Cretonne
In all the new tall printing, neat
coloring, etc. Value up f
to lOo yard. Friday, at. S
yard ; V
27-Inch Fall Suiting
Beautiful weight, eponge weave fab
Th: for aueet and houae dresses,
aa well aa children's wear. Rem
nants up to 16 yarda. es
Hpeclal aale Friday, at. . SC
Women's Union Suits
In fleecy lined cotton; all styles and
alaea. Worth up to 11.00.
Special Friday, at per llSr
Children's and Boy's Underwear
Flat Wool Vests, Pants and Draw,
ers. Uarments worth up to II. OS.
Proken lots and alsss. r r
White and natural. Pps- Sf
clal Friday, per. garment. ..
Children's Underwear
Mlsaes', Children's and Boys' fleecy
lined veala. panta and drawers,
, In white and gray. rpe- i r
clal Friday, al per gar- ISf.
went , wv
Men's and Women's Cotton
Full seamless. Heavy end medium
welehta: douM mnlm
heele and toes. Friday,
per pair
Children's and Infants' Hosiery
In black, and tan. Worth , i
Ifco per pair. Friday, at. Jf
pair w
Curtains Worth to $2.50 Pair
1.000 full-sl Lacs Curtains. In ca
ble nets, filet neta and fin loom
weave curiatna. All to
be aold Friday at on
price. Each, for
Curtain Goods Worth 25c Yd.
Two case of remnant of Btamln
and Scrim. Worth Zeo yard off
the holt. I to i-yard
lengtha. Special Friday,
Plain Scrim Worth to 20c Yard
10 plecea of 40-Inch plain Scrim.
ut , to loo yard.
These are f
aperlal. Friday.
lOo yard.
full bolts. -Af
ir. at, yard. . . .
Kirk's Jap Kese Soap, per
cake ,
Wiser OU Map, with han
dle Jehaeea-e Fleer Was. 1-lb.
Men's Work Shirts
Wall-made and good, full else thlrte.
Extra heavy kladrae. blue and
Oray Chambray and Black g f
baleen. Special Friday, afrtf
In ths basement ww
mi mm mmm
nun mmm mm.
Men's Shirts and Drawers
Natural, Oray and Tan ahades. Ar
worth gl.oo. specially
priced for Friday. In tk
basement, per garment..
Men's Shirts and Drawers
Broken lots of our fall and winter
weight fleer lined and ribbed un
derwear. Worth too per garment.
To go on sale In the ti
Baaeuient Friday, at. jHC
i.rmMl WW
Men's Union Suits
About 10 doaen fer Frlday'a selling.
Extra good quality fleece lined
and ribbed garmente. Worth
11.00 euit. Special sale.
In the lis semen t Friday. )jC
$1.00 Real Leather Bags
Some are Wether lined.
M Verv speoially prk-ed
9 Friday, et. each
,,-a-Tijrur.: six;.
Womens and Misses 9 Suits r7
Worth up to $22.50
Friday. In oar Basement, beglne a ! of Women' Suit that will be
a revelation to everybody. We have Just purchased over 100 aalta the
entire aample line of a well-known New Tork manufacturer who makes
garments to retail at not less than SI 6.00. To this we have added HI
aulendld tin-to-date suite bouarht from overatorked manufacturer at orice
awav under regular value. The entire lot.ot some (40 ftyllsh snd Well-Made
Friday morning. Your choice at ST-DS.
Frlrlaxr in
LJ Basement
Suits goes on
Every Sutt Is a correct fall and winter style, made of all-wool
Broadcloths, Gabardines, Diagonal, Berges, Novelty Materials,
Fancy Rough Cloths, etc. Doxong of pretty styles ; long and abort
Coat; Tunic and Yoke Top Bklrti.
Sows of the Cots tit Fir Trimmed, cthert hiTC
BUh Stindlnr Collin. Vett Effects. Etc.. Etc.
Some are sample eultg, others come In a complete range of
sices and colors. 8lie 14 to IS and 36 to 44.
Women's and Misses' Skirts
A New York manufacturer's entire earn
line and exeeee stock touoht at a great
prlo concession. Made to sell at $34)0
to $6.00. Friday each ,
pi- V A3
Hundreds of pretty styles made of fine Uroad
clotha. Serges. Novelty Materlala, Velveteena,
Checka and Plaid. Novelties, etc. Some have
a coord Ian pleated bottom. Nearly every skirt
Is a Russian Tunle style. The greatest lot of
up-to-dat skirts yon have sesn for ao little
PD A DE1 265 Cases sf Fiat, Juicy Florida Grape
UKill Fruit (Each Case Contains 54) The
CRITIT ReuIr 10-Cent Size. To Be Stld
rivUl 1 Friday in the Basement, at ...... .
Another Big Sale of Remnants and Mill Ends of
Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets
At Next-to-No thing Prices in Basement Friday
Mill Ends and Cut Lengths of 8rgs, Victoria
Suitings, Whipcord, Rspsllant Cloth, Batiste,
French Flannels, Novelty Weaves, Wool Crepes,
Frenoh Brocade, Vlgoureux A rm p
Suiting, In length et from V tOT tat
2 to 4 yards; 36 to 6t V
Inches wide. Worth to $1.00
yard. Tour choice of this lot
Friday, at
Drees snd Suit Lengths Splendid pieces fer
Coats; also sultabl pieces for Misses' School
Frock. Besutlful Serges, Gabardines and Man
nish Suitings; Broadcloth, r .
Kersey Suitings, Chlnehll- N fC 0r tDC
las, etcPieces IVfc to 6 W c
ysrds la length, and worth Jr tntire
np to 11.60 per yard. Choice f J n
of this lot rridsy. at iSS3 TltCt
Importers' Samples
Single and . Matehed-t'p
Ptre.. Suitable for every
purpoa. Bom of the mate
rial are worth up to 11. tl a
yard. All go on e pedal ta
b's Friday, according to
lsea, at
10c, 25c, 39c Each
Another Big Sale
Of 36-Inch 60c Whipcords snd
Srgs la all colors aad
black. Including some fan
cy weave In mill fm
ends, at, yard swC
Silk Mid Velvet
:. Remnants
J, 000 pteees of Blaek and
Colored Velvet, Velveteena,
Fancy Velvet. Plain and Fan
cy Silk. Satin. Messallne
and Lining Ratine. Al very
big bargains, at
10c to 69c Sonant
Big Lot of Remnants of Imitation Fnrs Vu?""'; Tor ; Wn
Mlvseg' and Children's Coats and Trimmings. All big bargains, on Sp ff QSp rHPr!
special tahle. Krlday. at idUK, IU Aw
Sale That Save Big
Suits for Boys 2 to 8Yrs.
Here 1. Indeed, a big bargain for mother
who will buy Hulls for their little chap
Friday. In this lot are hundred of new
notiby Russian Sailor and Iston Blouse.
They are worth from 12. tt to fS.OO. Mada
of splendid wool fabrics that
will atand wear and tear. Vary
apeclal Friday, at
Boys' Overcoats worth $3
Splendid warm roata In the button-to-nerk
style witn oeueu oace. casts
to fit bey 2 to 10 )ears. Spe
cial Friday, at
PR tw II
Blue,' Oray and Red.
Coat atvle or Pull
Over sweater. A
ample lot of Jer
aey Included. Ox
ford. Maroon and
ppeciai 65c
Friday. at...u'
In Corduroy. Tweed
and Casilmeres
all heavy weight
fnbrlce. Many are
odd euit panta and
fully lined. Tio to
1.00 val
ue. Special 4HC
Friday. el...
M onc$ln Basement Friday
Men's Suits & Overctati (T 50
WsrthUp to $10 tad $12.50
On Sale Ii Basesent Friday tt
r Of our all-wool Worateda. Caasi-
nit2 mere and Blue Serge. Two and I
- .button model: also English mod
el. Fancy mixture and plain col-,
or. Value up to HMO. Cholo Fri
day, la the Basement
Lot to choose from. Shawl
collar and convertible col-
Belt back and Bal-
maeaana. la fancy mixturea and g0 f t
plain colora. All aisea. t to 4. H Sll
Overcoat worth to HI: Friday .fw,uv
Union Made
Mei'i Port Wonted
In all colora and all
tie. I.C val-
basement Y wU
Overall, 49c
, coats
To choose from Fri
day la our Base
ment, tteally won-
Friday at . 1 7C
"American Girl" Ceraeta
In else from II te Ii. Ths ream- r
lar 11.00 model. On sai Fyldajr OHC
In our Basement, at wva.
Extra Special
Couttl Corsets, medium bust, long cklrt with
tw banda of elastle at aide of Trent
and two hook below. Slsea 10
to 21. Very eeectel Friday. I
our Basement, at..
Perfect fitting aad neatly trimmed
witn embroidery edging,
clal Friday, at
DarmtateT Cta Blark.
wklt and tan. Spool
Ceed Bka aad Kre Black
and whit. , tipetiel, card...
Oaatw Mereer Oawckei t'ot-
Oeeoai Fwart S)nttne Dosen .
Jersey FovomS Baiet Ferasa
else. very special Fri
day, eeeaj
SO-Vera SeU Thread
Friday, spool
Se Itilw Beaee Special,
Friday, each
CmS 0M-By Ksesire
I value; paper
B remarks atar
Ses a rtere t-air
Bi sky's BlkM r4laar-Blark,
wklt. tan. Friday bottle..
ft St Meee Splal Fri-
aay. eaeu
Beacon Bath Rob Blankets
Extra large aiie. 7Jx0. One will
. make a robe. Floral Jaoquard
and Navajo Indian patterne all
feat colors. With waist glrdl.
neck cord and frog to match.
making an outfit com
plete worth $3.00. Spe
cial Friday, complete..
Extra Large Size Cotton
Extra heavy. J 1-4 alxe: In fency
plaids and checka; plain whit,
gray and tan with pink and blue
borders. 8hort felted neo that
will not ahed In laun- f)Q
derlng or wear. Worth InlsljlJ
tl pair. Special, Friday.
Large Size Cotton Blankets
About 200 palra of extra weight,
large sire, double cotton blankets.
In white, gray and tan. Regu
larly priced at sl.SO to aq
$2.00 per pair; Special ZJOC
Friday, at v
French Sateen Covered Comforts
Very finest quality: extra larg als.
Filled with one sheet of pure
white cotton. Fancy scroll
stitched. Floral and conventional
deslana. The material alone used
in theae comforta would cost not
leaa than 11.60. They
are really $4.10 values.
Hpeclal. Friday
36-Inch Dress Percale
In a choice esaortment of light and
dark coloring neat dot, strip
and figures. Kemnants
up to 10 yard. Special
aale price, yard
Remnant Lots of Shoes for
Quick Clo4Out Friday
In Basement She Department
1M . Pairs Women' Shoe Tan.
ray and black. Moatly slsss to
Worth to $1.10. A aa
Special cloae-out price, l.UU
TS Palra Clalldren'a' Warm Bens
Slippers Made In Oer
many. Worth Tic pair.
Special Friday, pair ;.
12S Pair Infants' Soft Sole Shoes
Plain or color. Your in.
choice Friday, at. per , fUC
SOS Pair Bath or Hens Slipper
For men and women. All alsea.
Worth tic per pair.
Close out price Friday,
Odds aad Bads la Overs-alters
ftlack and oolors. At n
close-out price Friday. 1UC
pair w
SOA Palra Children's Play Sheei
Worth 11.00. - All allies
up to 10. Bpeclal Fri
day, pair
Flowered Velvet Slipper
en and children. All
alsea. Cloae-out price,
FY iday. pair .". . .
Camrt Slipper Worth
lie. Special Friday, at, .
Wenea's Felt Slipper
Fur trimmed. Close
out price Fridsy. pair..
Children's Shoes Worth
tl.SO pel1 pair. Special
Friday, at, per pair.'...
Ctrl'a Shoe Stse up to
t. Close-out price Fri
day, pair
Bffe Java of Bleek ghee
Creaaa Bpeclal, per
Jar .
-For worn-
25c to' 50c Jewelry
Brooch e. Cuff Link. Scarf Pins,
Beauty Pins. Hat Pins.
etc. Choice Friday. In
Basement, at
Silver Plated Teaspoons
Poppy1 pattern. Made by R. Wal
lace Son. Plated on a whit
metal base. Worth 10a ef
per set of t. Special AZfC
Friday, per set... .
Table Silverware at Half Price
Cold Meat Forks. Berry
Spoons, Oravy Ladles,
etc. 19c valaea, Friday
Remnants of Mercerized
n good lengtha. Worth up
to lie yard. Special Fr-t- IrtC
day, yard a
20-Inch Mercerized Napldna
104 doxen for Friday's sal.
SMortment of pretty de-
Llnen finish. A
big bargain at, each.
'Val fa "I' Hi!
Bath-Roora Rugs Two Lots
All color and sixes. About 111 doaen
for Friday s selling. Value AQ,. m
vp to $1.11. Friday, for ,vt a
Values np to $$.00. Fri- itn. M
day. for.. WJH. H
Remnants of Laces and
Alio sample plecea of Oriental All
ever a. Plecee to H yard long.
Special Friday, as. long mm
as ths lot lasts, at, Sp
Importers' aampl cards of buttons
of almost every kind. 1 o
to 2 dozen on a card. Krl- (if
day, per card. Set i cards w
Turkish Towels Extra Special
100 dosene bought very low. Come
with fringed and hemmed enda.
Pink bordera. Good A
weight Buy aupply 1UC
Friday at. aeh A WW
Fine Quality Crash
With red and blue border. 1.100
varda for Frlday'a aell-
ng. (Limit. 10 yard to "DC
a custorasr). Special, yd....
18x54 Mercerized Scarfs
With hemstitched end. Large as
sortment f pretty pattern. nv
ft doaen for Friday' aJe.XM
Special at aeaw
64x71 Mercerised Cloths
In all the latest circular deetgna.
jitrlctlv linen fintah. ISO ooly for
Ftlday'a ..I liner. Worth f
up to $t 4. ry ap
clal Friday, at VWW
Pleating Worth to 19c Yard
Whit. Craro. Bern in plain
ggaPe .w"a. v- a am f l sb f U
tisnft ind iliiAow lsuaa. Mnsi
clal Friday