THE .NKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1HU. , THE ; OMAHA DAILY" BEfc FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATBR. ' VICTOR ROSKWATEK, KD1TOR. v The Hee Publishing Company, Proprietor. ' HF.B BUILDING. FARNAM AND HEVF-NTEKNTH Entered at Omaha poatofftc aa second-class matter. i' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier Pr mall per month. pr yrar Me IS 'rt (Sunday.... ar-e lenln an.l Sunrtav - t to " Evening without Sunday i .... 4.00 . Punrtav only c 2 ) . t pn1 notice of of addrese or complaint of Irregularity In delivery to Omaha I. Circulation "" lcpartinnt. f" REMITTANCE. Remit hr draft, expreee or postal order. Only two-t-ent Mump! recelred In payment of small ae- ' rounta. Personal cheeke, except on Omaha and trn t exchange, not aocepted.-, . . ' OFFICES. Omaha Tha Fee Building. South Omaha SOU N street. illy and Sunday. re1ly without f'ounrll Kluff 14 North Main street Tlnctiln lJ.1tfe Building. fhl"o-1"1 Hearet Bunding-. New York Room 11. JM Fifth ivmua Ht lvml--M3 NfW Hunk of Commerce. Washington 72S Fourteenth St., N. W. a Add CORRESPONDENCE. T.mnvinlcattona relating to nawa and edl- I torlal matter to Omaha, bee. Sdltortal Department. OCTOBER. CIRCl'LATIOV. . 55,104 8tt of Nebraska, County of -Douglas, ' ss. Pwlght Williams, rlrrulatlon manirr of Tha Be Publishing rnmi'iiic. being duly iwurn. ssys that tha a vera ire dally circulation for tha month of October, 1114, waa J04. DWiUHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. ' Subscribed In my presence and sworn to befor me, thia 6th day of November, 11)14. . ROBERT HUNTER. Notary rubllc. Subscribers leaving u city temporarily eUoold hav Tb Ilea mailed to tbetn. Ad drees will be changed a oftea as requested. Let old Vesuvius do all of Italy's erupting. Subnidcnce of "Atrocity" Btcriei. Folks who srs trying, to keep themselves potted upon he kaleidoscopic unfolding of the treat war drama rnust have noted" the gradual subsidence of tho ','atroclty" stories. War is no parlor name, but, pn the contrary, is full of cru elties, barbarities and privations, and the num ber of Innocent vctjnis must continue to In crease. Kovrral things will, however, help to explain why the bitter criminations and recrlm (nations of the eafller stages, instead of becom ing more fast anf furious, are occupying less and Imi time and attention on both sides. It Is quite possible that pavplc become used to the most terrible experiences as they become more common, which when first met with or witnessed evoke abhorrent protest. It la prob able, too, that as the fighting has settled dowp to more systematic lines, bettor discipline has been effected, and a stronger control main tained over the troops. Yet, above and beyond ill, horrible as war's destruction is, the conolu- I slon Is forced thatjmost of the "atrocity" stories j either were grossly exaggerated and .overdrawn t or pictured rare fixceptlons and exeenes as the general rule. Waf Itself Is a huge atrocity upon mankind as a whole the only wonder Is that It can be. waged upon such a colossal scale and at the same time kept almost free from the In dividual atrocities that are no necessary part of it. . The "unspeakable" his speech to Russia, i Turk was too lata with It may help some to buy-a-bale-of-cotton for Santa Clsus' whiskers. When In doubt, always blame the other fel low and play safe yourself. - ' That "blow-your-own-horn" habit It not con fined to vote-chasing candidates for office. Even If finally captured and destroyed, the Em den mora than paid for Itself la reprisals from tha enemy. . Tha Tser looms large In tha European war. but here In Nebraska w have little periodical tiffs with our Ylsr. , ' ' Y i flow queer ft would seem to read such a No vember weather forecast 'as this r 'Tor Ne- brasXa Snow sand colder tonight.". A Forceful Reminder. One paragraph In tho democratic tariff plank of 1912 read: : Wi racoanlia that our ayatetn of tariff taxation la Intimately connected with tha buelnraa of the country, and' we fVor the ultimate attainment of the principle we advocate by lejInKtlon that will not injure or tier troy legitimate Industry. That onr system of tariff taxation la Inti mately connected with the business of tha coun try no one will deny,nor need ve question tha democrats' sincerity of purpose to avoid harm ing legitimate Industry, but we must see by now that even the effort at attainment has worked very grave Injury. In the first year of the new Wilson-Underwood tariff law, despite the war, we imported from other countries about 1200, 600,090 worth of manufactured products more than during the last year of the republican tariff.' '' What does this mean but the displacement of that much of our Industry at home? SajN pose we bought all our manufactured product abroad, then all our domestic Industries except to supply fprclgn4 trade would close down. There must, therefore, have been a tremendous closing down In tha aggregate of home. Indus tries as a result of this increased importation. Mo wonder the late election went so strongly agatnHt the democrats in all jthe industrial cen ters. This country has grown great under a fair' protective tariff, and Its people, manifestly, want a tariff that protects their own Industries rather than sacrifice , them for the benefit of their, foreign competitors. ,; Premier Asqurth now Offer 'tha' encourage-' rnent that the war will not last as long as orig inally predicted! "Thaas for irmall favors. J If those Mexicans think their little war side show csn draw .the crowd from tha big. three ring main tent, they are going to be mighty badly fooled, ''." MMSSSMSWSWSBSSaSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSS . .Nebraska's motto U "Equality before the law," but, Just tha same. It is Just a impossible to convict a woman of a capital crime her as v elsewhere.- i President Wilson regrets that h has no ab breviated front name. II might resurrect tha one that was Intended for him and ask his friends to call him "Tom." How tough tha new salary limits threaten to h may be gathered from tha tact that they will compel base ball players to move back to. about the class of bank presidents. Two Kansas City policemen shoot two bur glars on two clghta, 'at which rat Kansas City ought soon to get rid of its burglars, provided the munitions of war hold out. It must he gratifying to know that the base ball magnate have come, and Jtell their sea-, slons in Omaha, and gone, without encountering ,aby-"gunrueb.'f Teal or imaginary,' running loos on our streets. . V --' Evacuating Vera Crui. The wheel of fortune in Mexico has taken no queerer turn than that which makes a coinci dence ol the government's compliance' with our demands at Vera Or us and Villa's declaration of rar-oa Carransa. -It will b remembered 'that American troops seised Vera Crus to make sure of having the ruling powers at Mexico City meet all our demands. Jt now appears from the de cree Jsaued by General Carransa thai all the requests made by President Wilson have' been duly granted and, Very naturally, .the president (s looked to io complete, the agreement by re calling the troops. . Falling to do to might be misconstrued in Mexico and seised upon as an other pretext for a grievance against the United States. At the same time it hardly'seems wise to evacuate until there has been a definite and satisfactory alignment of the leaders in the recent. Indeed the present, factional feud. Tha whole purpose of sending our troops there in the first place may b defeated at last It their removal precipitates another civil war. Of course, the hope Is that . hostilities between Villa and Carransa may be averted, but hope has counted for little In Mexican affairs. Factional fighting teems to be one of the Inevitable con sequences of every alliance finally to determine which rival is to have the larger share of the spoilt of formerly united exploits. "Woman has come down from' her pedestal," declared "Dob" Jones, southern evangelist, to a1 body of Kansas Clty suffragists, all of which show's "that discretion is not the better part of valor with everybody. Still, the dispatches in dicate no harm to ."Bob" this time. State where th campaign was made wholly on ttatlonal Issues almost Invariably swung into ' the republican column. , It was evidently a mis take for our republican campaigners in Ne braska to devote themselves 'exclusively to local' subjects on which there 1 little .difference of opinion. .'. Th Scottish Hits Masons of Kebraska"are to be congratulated on th completlon of their mag niflcent new temple, whoa opening they are cel ebrating with appropriate exercises. I The tern pie la an architectural work jof -art, which con stltutes a distinct addition to Omaha's attractive pubHe and seml-publie buildings. Vr. Oacar Pfelffer baa been appoint chlf aur m for the L'nlon Pacific lw place of Ir.' B . D. Uarcer. realgned. .Tula will trnefer -the uitdlfkl headquarters from Omaha to Denver. t Hon. J. M. Woolworth received a teles ram from Ir. Wortlilntton of Detroit, aayuiA- that be would ac cept th eplacopat of Nebraaka la confirmation tf ila nomination. j , The marrtase of Dr. M, O. Rtcketta end VI Ue Alice NeUon waa tolcmnlaed at the residence of tne bride's parenta by Rev. Mr. Hubbar ef ) African Melho- 0 it 3ieoopui cnurcn. Tne doctor was a colored jhictan Juet graduated f romth tnedltal' achool. Wiley Dlckaoo. for a number ef. years superln tended at the l'nlon Pacific depot-left or Callturnla to be son several month. Air a Clbba la entertaining her daughter, Mri. Mo- li'Jthlln. of Waterloo. , " . 8. II. H. CUuk. J. . Markal and party went out la a apevlel car for a few days' hunt. ' T!: Ccntrtl hovpltal. at the corner of Foirteenth urul June, Is now reeli.j patieota, with Dra eet ii aid lulih la iLr.(. t Tammany-Atiet or Liability t Certain democrat!" newspapers have sneered at Boss, Murphy as a liability to tha party aa disclosed in the defeat of Governor Glynn of NeW York evidently forgetting that but for Tammany's returning her fourteen Gotham rep resentative th national administration would have about lost control of the lower (house of congress. Instead of being altogether a liabil ity to the party. Murphy and Tammany may claim to represent Its chief asset. It Is very well to rail at them tor moral effect, but prac tical democratic leaders know that th old Tiger Is not to be discarded. Prlorvto the election the New York World made much of an epigrammatic slogan that it Governor Glynn loses he rosy blame Tammajny, if he wins he may thank Pres ident Ulson. Governor Glynn lost.-yet it is .vry. doubtful Jf, th administration Is anxious to dispose ,of Mr. Murphy and Tammany Just now aa mora of a liability than of an asset. K&ffio of the Quail Feather. Science Is uewly indebted to the California university, professor who learns from an old Indian sag of 'th Sierra that th long tall feather of a. mountain quail possesses the same properties as ourmodem X-ray, and, indeed, for ages has been used by the aboriglnea for locat ing broken, bones. This is done simply by hold ing the hand' or 'other injured part of the an at mr up to-the" -eun and viewing it through the lens. p( ,tha. feather, which w are told acts ex actly as does a divining rod. BUt'Mhea it come to magic manipulation with "bones"- w would stake the old southern darky's rabbit foot against th Indian's quail reamer any aay, Any devote or tne dice on a southern river' leve will tell you that there Is .no magic .more mysterious or mighty than that of the left blud toot of a rabbit caught in th southeast corner of a graveyard In th full of th moon. It is not an experiment, not the figment of Imagination: It is "Jess" real magic, and If you do .not believe It, watch the effect on one of these fellows, who has discovered after It la too late that he left his rabbit's fool at bom. .Note that that progressive party nominee for congress who concluded he had a better chanc to go to heaven than to Washington lives in Kentucky, and not In Nebraska. . A Oefeetlee Foreraet. OMAHA. Nev. li.-To the F.dltnr of The Itre. One of youp Correspondent, who slans hlmaclf "B. R. V " lelitTilna, however, a aUnllar contribution to an other paper In hla proper namel, prophe alea. In commentlna; on the prohibition elrrtlon In several western etates, that the I'nlted Ktates within twenty years wilt be a aaloonleaa nation, and, further, that: The year 1TO4 will ae a new nation: a nation mlv-ne moral will have reached I lie acme of perfection. 1 reluctantly take notice of unatsned letters, but cannot refrain from pointing out aoine of th flaws In that prophy. Exprrlcnce In every , prohibition State haa definitely demonatrated that at leaat W) per cent or more of the male vler. and a very large per cent of the female votrra In suffrage atatea, uee beer, wine or other liquors aome time or for acme purpoae; it may be medicine, cooking, or aa a beverage, but ualng It at all, they must, of course purchase 1 and In pur chkalng they Induce the nle of theee commodities Tet it seems that In the states mentioned, somewhere near 40 per rent of those ualng It, and expecting to u it In the future, have voted for prohibition. Thia would Indicate rather that inatead of reaching In twenty years the acme of moral perfection, It will be reaching th seme of hypocrlay. And, furthermore, to vote out of exlatence In duatrlea which have been created by popular demand for their products, and legalised by th state and the. nation, without compenaatlon for the properties worth many million, which are prac tically confiscated and rendered value less by such leglalatlon. Is the seme ef public or governmental dlahnneaty. When the Swlas republic abollahed ab sinthe, the government fully compen aated every manufacturer, every em ploye engaged In !t production. " and even ths farmers raising the raw ma terial. fr losses caused by th abolish ment of the Industry. That was the acme of honeety Do the moralist in the United Slates feel similar moral obllg. tlon A. U METER. Ilov Doea Thia Strike Yea. BCQTT8 BLUFF. Neb., j Nov. i.To the, Kni tor of, The B: Dees Th Be favor th Qenriana and endeavor to create a favorable Impresalon of QermanyT , Doe Th Be throw all the arejudlce it tan agalnat th allies?; ' '. Is, The Be under na from n..... ourcesT Does Th Be' print furniahed ertieie.' written In the Interest of and from Ha. mania atandpolntsT Pleaae explain. J. H. CA88EJLMAN. ' Note: Thia Is Juat Th Be Is giving both aldea a deal. ' Willi B. Recti l Gra("e.rl. , MADI80N. Neb.. Nov. ll.-T th. Edi tor of Th Bee: Now that th entire vote canvassed and I hare had an anre. tuulty to consider th return and not in apienaid endorsement which I have received, gratifying aa It la to be thus endorsed, that which appeals to m most tne .excellent trlbnta aecnrAa th handsom ma)orltia' I received In my home ward, prectnet, city and county. naving been' nominated and aWnt the, office of attorney. hmmI other than an Implied tleda-e or anin duty. It will afford me great pleaaure to aiscnarg . in obligations of my offlc In such a manner a to retain the respect, confidence and esteem shown me In th recent lection. As I observe th returns from the v. rlous counties, I feel Ilka tH Mll, auddenly called upon te fill th. pulpit vr minister, ana arter he had searched In vain for a text, h finally closed th Bible and said to th congregation, "It am i no us to look for no particular text. It's all mtuA" A w i i. bw iv no us to look for th locality showing th beat vote, it is an good, and I appreciate th loyalty and aaslstsnc Cf my many 1 1 irnua. W1LIJS1 tt nrrn I Editorial Viewpoint Indianapolis News: 8otne idea of th urgent need felt by th European bellig erents for our wheat, cotton and ether things may be had frem their diplomatic affability. ! St. Louis Republlor Considering thlr recent, entrance 1 lnte . th war, th an nouncement, tnat th Turks 'have taken th .defenslv ; would be ftinsy ; if ther wr anything funny about. war. t . Boston Transcript: A Washington Judge haa handed down aa opinion that it la unlawful for en man at th capital to buy another a drink. If th tightwads weren't ao stingy they 'would take up a collection to erect a monument to that Jurist. Houston Tost: Th Omaha Bee says Colonel Watterson hi back In th demo cratic) party. Huh! Mara Henry baa never been out. It haa merely happened that at times the bunch went out In th w ild woods, leaving him at home to guard the Jefferson and Jackson treasure and snipe the skulkers who had designs upon the chicken coop of personal liberty. Philadelphia Record: It la a proud mo ment for tha United States when 41i world looks to it for the relief of the starving vtrttms of war. It'a a bister thing for the country than aa lacresse In Its foreign trade. There never was a time wbea th country occupied a poel tton more calculated to make It eitisens proud of It and thankful for it. Threi cue ef the Belgian sufferer will becom on of the greatest of this nation's achievement, and in indirect ways It will add more to our prestige than a few more battleship would. P Tabloids of Science Sound lumbar, K years old, haa been proved by a German government teat to bo materially etronger than aew stock. A factory for th manufacture of gum ramphor, the flrat iri the United State. U projected In Philadelphia. It will have a capacity of S.OOO pound dally. Fifteen to twenty drop Is the uaual amount f boiled dynamite, or "soup, as tt U known among yegg-men, uaed In blowing th- averse, eaf. They carry It la a email bottle. According te an Italian mathemati cian, every person In the world - could stand comfortably in an area of 00 a-tuare miles, while a graveyard abiut tha else of Colorado would bury all of them. Side Lights on the War "What'a tae Krereli Wherever a live American fan wanders tn search of rfcreatlon or adventure the (porting blood sub merge the pressure of dutle and he Ions to know "what's the ecore?" An Amerlrwn member of the foreign lesion flahtlng with the aK'.ea in France, in ktter to the St. I.oul aiobe-Demncrat echoes tho longing of the distant fsn. "None of the. boys have heard as yt who won the world's championship." tio writes. "We only Know that the Bortona and tha Athletics fought It out.'". Newe of the world's aeries la th only note of anxiety in his published lettor. He tells of life In the trenches "where there t very little risk of death unlesa one venture out of his vault. In fact, we are groundhog, venturing forth when necessity compel ua, and only then." Regard ing the effect of trench life on men' physique and aanlty, and food supplied, be write: "I hv read v eral article by Robert Blatchford describing the war. nesa, dirtiness and .wretchedness of man returning from the 'rent. This may be true of men who have been fighting battles lasting for days without cassa tion, btlt It is not so of the men in the trenches. We have been four day In the trenrhea and coutd remain four time longer and yet come out fresh ard fit, pro vided we are not forced to fight continually day and night. I "The food I a tevelatlon to one who ha read of hunger among th German. Who ever read of soldier getting bars of thocolate, wine, cognao and other delicacies?- Ws do. We fcet aweet coffee, sometimes with milk, snd st other time we get tea. We alway have excellent meat, potato a and rice. Food? Why, one cannot poailbly be hungry. In fact, I have not eaten lunch today, because 1 am not hungry. I am writing this Instead." 'Ud With I " oa Oeranaa Belts. A. J. Dame, an Englishman who succeeded. With the aid of a German friend, tn spending two weeks w-lth the German army In Belgium without his na tionality being discovered, has sent to the London Mall an account of bis Impressions of th Germ as aoldler. He says, In parti "Up to fourteen dt-y ago I honestly believed that th Oermsn soldier wsa taking part In this war only because the military system of his country forces him to do so, I did not telleve that his heart wit In his work. I hav now spent fourteen daya tn Germany for today Belgium may be counted as Oerman soil, and for several days I was In Aachen and today I have a different opinion. I no longer have the shadow of a doubt that we are confronting a nation which 1 throbbing with th will to fight. Germany la a mili tary nation, th Instinct for military achievement course In German veins and tn Oermsn Is proud of thst fact. ' . , "As a German soldier In Louratn said to Ue, 'We are all soldier.' He is right- They ere all oldlerc down to th last man.. On might almost aay down to the last woman! I was very much I m pressed upon my arrival In Aachen on Saturday moral ng t see how the German women behaved at the railway sta tion. They were providing food for th soldiers snd wounded men who were passing through th station. The women were friendly, firm and quiet In their de meanor. As th train stopped th women approached and handed each soldier a package of sandwiches aqd a cup of hot coffee, her was no confusion, a ex citement, no sentiments! exuberance. German patriot Ism appears to be undemonstrative, well organised and quick to find practical expression. In three minute every soldier wss provided with his breskfast. "They truly sr hums belnjf endowed with ldeata. Bumming up my Impression. I cannot deny that I waa very much Impressed by th wonderfully effec tive organisation and th whole-hearted enthusiasm ef th Oermsn army. On th belts of the German soldiers are printed th words: ' Gott mlt tins' (God with usl. 'And they believe thst to be true. It is a manly and God-fearing people, the kind of people tha is th most dangerous sort of an nemy." ' i . Hew the Brlttsa Take It. George Breadhurat, LioraJon correspondent of th New Tork American, describe a scene witnessed fa a London club illustrating th sturdy self-control ot an Englishman In the present crisis. - This typical Brltlaher waa seated st a table with three ethers plsy Ing cards. On ef the 'governor entered the room bearing a massage. '' The former divined that H -was for him snd Inquired: ' - - '' - "News for ins?" . "Tes. colonel," replied th governor. "About my aon?" "Tes. colonel." Woundsd?" "Killed." . "Which OB?" Both, -colonel." Th colonel reached aero th table, poured ut a drink,, and drank It. Than h addressed on of th onlookers.. "Finish the rubber for m. plea." h said, and then, turning ts his fellow player, be continued: "Gentlemen, you must excuse me. I hav to go and break th news to their mother.", ' ' Thus sll England la taking whatever befalls dur ing the great war. Arm a red Canadlaa Soldier. Lik knight of lid. the Canadian troop for th front Br equipped with srmor. It-will be In th form of a apade. to be carried on th back when aot In use. to be tned In digging trenches when net wanted for protective purposes, and to 'act as a shield snd litis rest when ths fighting begins. Ther I sn oval hoi In th mlddt ef th blsd of th spsde. Through this hoi th aoldler poke hi rifle, lust ss th archer la th old day used narrow niche In the walls of a oaatle. ; Although th sped weigh nty four pounds, and can be carried oa marches with eaae. It Is practically bullet-proof. For hours at Valcartlcr Camp Sargeant Hawkins, th king' prise winner, potted at th spades with his rifle, but It wss not until he shot at 300 yards .with mark 7 ammunition that th apade were dam aged at all. Than they were oaly cracked. Bullet Just ahattered agalnat th shields and fell bark, ahapele. A company of the Flrat Royal Mon treal regiment fired volleys at the spades without piercing them. Twice Told Tales Aa Afterea'e Dedaettea. -Tho great dtertlv leaned back in hla chair sad looked crltoUy at th cigar th little, thin, pale faced man had Just given him. ' ' You're married, sir," b said, ."snd you hav a wlf who la very fond of expensive gowna Parle hats, Rruaaela sprouts snd other luxuries," "Tea. that'a Indeed the fact But" ''You alao have several daughter who are very xtrsveg-ant, and a sua who spends money Ilk water -like waterfall." "You astound mi But" "You bae a mortgage on your bous." "Everything Is xctly ss you say." admitted bis visiter wondertngly. --But, s r. pleaae tell ana how yeu know all this. Whst Is th source of your tafr- snattcm" 7h great detective wrinkled the famoua nose that helped blm so tn his buslnnsa. "Tit cigar, " he answered curtly, and, walking to ih window he dropped It gingerly out. Detroit Free Pre, Hard Oa. to Believe. Coroner Corodon Norton of Freeport was talking t a New Tork reporter about the Carman case. "Great aklll haa been diaplayed In thia esse." th young coroner ended. "Uncanny skill, I might al most aay. Skill which remlnnd m of the) young lady at Coney. A young lady met a young gentleman at Coaey. and they took a bath and a long walk oa the beach, and then they aat dowa aid by aide oa th whit. Cleaa aand. "Th spot wss a lonely on, and th young man began to talk .of love. He drew nearer and nearer to th young lady. Finally ha reachtd out hi arm to encircle her walat. "But b drew bark aharply, and at th earn time h took a pair of large, whit cotton gloves from her head bag. i " 'If you'r going to b friendly, George,' ah said j 'Juat Blip on these. My steady' a datectlv. and If I he found your fingerprint on thl here wblt belt l ef mine' "New Tork Malt GM2TS AJTD GP.0A53. "Ner fiddled hl! r.n burned, dldn t br Yea," replied the man wh den't d" anv af th trot-dances. "Hut he wn't a bad s he might have been. M tntght have played the piano with a ba drum accompaniment." w sehlngton Star. "Her husband la a brute." "Why, what did he do?" "Tou know how uperitttlou she Is. Well, when she started to throw a plat at his head during a quarrel the hearties, wretch stod square In front of a mirror. ' Besto Tiwnscrlpt. "Of ceure, jou eallse that sooner r later your term of office must expire." eld the roan Who offers clumsy consola tion. lea." replied the member of congress: "but a a pec advocate I object to auch v violent flntah." Washington Star. "At our neat cluh meeting there will be a talk on a aoclcty woman s duty to her children." x "A delightful topic. WhAH to spesk?" 'That'a Just the trouble. Kve thought it would look better to have someone speak who haa children, bat we can't find any body t fill the bill." Cincinnati En quirer. ' Tou seed to Say you depended on tbe wlsrfom of the plain people. ' "Yea." "But now and then the plain people play a trick on you and neglect to send you to congress." That d'teen't destroy my flth In their wisdom. A little nonsense now and then Is- relished by -th wisest men. Wash ington Star. Vim must file statement seylna what you spent to further your camra gn " I bought a few tnings, ranerea tne woman candidate, "but I don't like tt enumerate all the articles. ".You m'tst. "Well, then, four Farls gowns, a coro net braid, a switch, two sets of puffs snd a vanity bsg.'. bu,aviiie. ouri-t Journal. . , "So venr daugTiler marr'rd tht hand some jroung poet who sicoped with yeu last aunimer, eh. Farmer Hayrick?" "Ts. Fh married him." "And she's going to very hsppy, of cotirseT" "Wall. I dunne. Mahdy's got a power ful appetite." Judge. UEBER ALLIES. M. E. Bnhler. In New York Sun. Out from their mother earth twilight. Wandered the nations forth; Tl: Celt and th Hun and th Teuton, The t-'axon, th An, the Goth, A shadow Utst follow shadows. Westward .over snd north. All children of one greet mother. All sons of one living Cod; Tea. closer than brother and brother. For one were they, spirit and blood. As water Is one with all water. And sod Is one with sll sod. Pftlled they the sess snd the rlrer. Itnnmed they the hills snd th pis lit. Dwelt tbey In Inses and In foresta,. Lived tiiev t Viking and Dane, And their fjoids were oatk in the Norse land And their rivers were sunny Isj Spain. Srsward from shore that have vanlahed Tb'.y gaserf where new land now be; And they tarried by cots forgctten In Britain and Rrlttany; And their home fires gleamed In ld twi lights That dreamer in dreams may see. And T know through the generations Of face that ehift and flee, Through Frank and Anale and Saxon, One spirit come down to me And I love, with a heart that 1 bleeding, My England, my Germany! One Pint ; Guaraeteei sa is sufficient for a family of three chiefly Ibecausd they are packed in their o vv n j u i c e without a large perce n t ape of water. Booth , Guar anteed Oysters are sound, freshrand deli cious, in lierrnetically ; sealed, sterilized cans to - protect them from con tamination and i .i.i. t : Every Oyster Guaranteed Have. them served raw y net .time; that's the test of the fine flavor of an oyster. Booth Guaranteed Oys ters are classified in three sizes: "Standards," "Selects" and 44Jum- : bo,1 but the size has nothing to do with the. Cjuality. They have that ' delicious, natural, salt sea flavor in all sizes. !ooth Fisheries Company II SEA FOOD t Omaha 1303 LeTenworth Street N . - Branch In All Principal Citit