THE DUE: OMAHA. FRIDAV. XOVEMP.ER ? 1f14. THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. Coats of Hindoo Lynx Cloth $24.50, $29.50, $35.00 The cloth of cloths on Fifth Avenue. These ttylos were sent to us by our buyer xvho is now in New York. Discriminating women arc liivlin' tliat. our Fashion Sorv'uv is uncqualed that the new styles which are distinctive and re lined are shown here first. Further, they are finding that the prices are decidedlv moderate. CARRAHZA AND : " ' VILLA ARE AT WAR Fint Chief Submit a New List of Condition! and They Are Rejected. CONVENTION SEIMS DIVIDED Some l.mrrtli VII Take Me of f'erransa First Important lash Kl peel erf In AlrlrtH) nf (Inrrrliro. IN LINE FOR PROMOTION TO 3E NEW ARMY HEAD. Coats From $12.50 to $85 SUITS DRESSES SKIRTS 1 1 The Fur Shop Has just received pome more ni the elegant mink and fitch acts which are so reasonable in price. The Store for Shirtwaists Attractive Chiffon, 'Lace and t.'rejic- do Chine Blouses $4.50, $5.95, $6.50 ni i.i r. riN. WASHINGTON. Nov. I:'. - General Villa, at th heed nf a hirge column f troops, hss Ix-aun msrthlna south from Aguss (allrntea to atti' k the tenant.! forces under G'ncrsl Goranles at yuere- taro. Official ndvli-e today say the I Aguss Callentrs nthn orclnJ.t)o movement. General Mano, who hail ftnnoinicd'i lila Intent Inn of remaining loyal to the convention, started for Mexico t'Uy t1i take command f till troops, but r rested at fclao by General Ounzalc. George c, Carethers. Anicrhan consular l.iltmt nportcd that ha tan accompany ing Villa on hla tnarrh south. Peevish, Constipated Children Love "California Syrup of Figs" Look at the tongue, mother! If coated. It la aura algn that your little one stomach' liver and bowels need a Ben tie, thorough cleansing at once. Whan pcvlsh, cross, listless, pain, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or l feearleh, atomach aour, breath bad. haa etomaoh arhe, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, (Ive a teaapoonful of "California Syrup of Klga." and In Just a few hour all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and aour blla gently move, out of Ita little bowels and you have a well', playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless fruit laxative; they love Its delicious taste and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a M cent bottle of "California Ryrup of Figs." which has directions for bablea, children of aJI agas, and for grown-upa plainly on each bottle. Fteware of counterfeits sold her. Oet the genuine, made by "California, rig" Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. Advertisement. BEIT0NS TAKE LESS ROSY VIEW 0FWAR0UTL00K (Continued troro 1'age One.) before the Russian assault outside of Warsaw and ha la berng blamed for this reverse. A dispatch received from Tetrograd de clares that the dlasentlona between Geo ral yod Klndenburg, commander of the German fortea In Cast Prussia, and Gen eral Dankl, tha Auatrlan commander, are so a carte that Austrian officers are refus. lng longer to co-operate with tha Herman staff.' - ( Vienna officially admits the with drawal of the Austrlana from western, Galleia and tha' 'cdmnleta Investment by tha Russians of tha Praomysl fortress, but p to yesterday tha Austrian general ataff was reporting continued aurcesa In tha Auatrlan Invasion of Per via. Russian army headquarters In the Cau casus report only minor actions, wjth tha Kusalana atlll occupying the points In Armenia previously captured by them. OFFICIAL RETURNS GIVE REAVIS324 PLURALITY Krom a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. It. Bpeolal Tel egram.) Complete return on the First and Fifth congressional districts show that C. r. Reavls. Kalis City, defeated Congresman MaOuIre by 324 votee In the First district, the count standing Reavls, U.482; MaGulre. 15.118, and Lyford, pro greaive, 1,3. In the Fifth district Rhallenbrrger re ceived 17.MJ votes. Barton, I7,M, and Bir mingham, Lit. MASTER BAKERS SELECT OMAHA MAN PRESIDENT . (From a Staff Correspondent.)' LINCOLN, Neb., Nor. 12.-Wcla Tel egram.) The Master Lakers at their ses sion yesterday afternoon elected T. V. Teterson of Omaha, president; A. T. Bceley, Lincoln, vice president; R. 8, Rayne, Omaha, secretary; J. J. Markey, Pouth Omaha, treasurer; and C. W. Ort man, Omaha; George. F. Wolae, Fremont, and Robert Tlvedale, members of the executive committee. ) .WASHINGTON.' Not . U-Incertaluty I ruled again today In the Mexican sltua ) tlon. General Luln.Ho Oullerrea has : taken the oalh of office as provisional president at -the Arum Cs Hen tea con vention, whii h declared Geni ral t ar- rsnxn, hitherto first ch'of of the consti tutionalists, as b'lng In rebellion. Many generals, who swore their allegiance to the convention, are leaning to Carranza. while some of his most loyal followers are preparing to desert him. TliiS was the tenor1 of the official dis patches todny from American Consul Pll llman at Mexico City, and leon Cmiova, spe'tal ssent at Aguas Callente. In the mcantlmti President Wilson and fee. retary Aryan were awaiting further word from Mexico before announcing the date of the evacuation of Vera Crur. farransa Is still at Cordoba and may move to Vera Crux to celrbraie the de parture of the American force. The convention Is still In sesslem at A sua Cnllentes and there sre rumors of 'fight-' lng In the vicinity. Crirrsnxa has invited I Outlerrex to meet blm In conference Ini an effort to reach an acreemcnt. Gut-i lerrea declined. Carranza submitted n new list of conditions under which he! would retire, but these were rejected. Generals Obregon and Villareal did not return to the convention from tholr visit to Carransa at Cordoba and the belief In Aguaa Callentea Is that they will re mall loyal to Carransa. Benavldea was the only member of tho commission who returned. Uncertainty prevails as to the attiTuiie or ueneral Jllanco In command of the troops In Mexico City; but latest rwporie innicatq that he may stand the convention. The governors of the federal district of Mexico and the ataie of Tttniu jllpan. General Francisco Mugla and General Luis Caha.lle.-a. respectively, have tele graphed tholr repudiation of the conven tion. While tha leading generals are wavering, telegrama are passing In plota and counterplots. The point at which the first -Important clash Is, liable to come la In the vicinity of Queretaro. where CJeneral Pablo Oon- saiea, wno i loyal to ' aJTanxa. Is sta tioned with several thousand troops. The loyalty or a large part of his for.-e la, doubted, and alroady one report to thai convention said many of hla men refused to obey his orders. Fighting at lieon. south of Aguaa Callentoa, also, wau re ported, but no details have arrived. 1 iV':-''w t jv'r. ;t:ft: ;C ! 4x O v.f 1 g k.nktia I. man i pc'ott. Sour Stomach, Colds, Headaches, Regulate Your Bowels 10 Cents! Turn tha rascals out the headache, bil lousnees. constipation, the sick, sour stomach and bad colds turn them out to night with Cas'-arets. Don't put In another day nf distress Let Caacarets sweeten and regulate your stomach; remove the soir, undigested, and fermenting food and that misery making gas: take the excess bile from your liver and carry off the decomposed waste matter and cm Ml pat I on poison from the bowels. Thrn you feel great. A Cnscartt tonWtit will straighten you out by mornlng-a 10-cent box from any druu store will keep your lieud clear, tomach sweet, liver ami bowels regular and niako you feel bully and cheerful for months. lon t forget Cic children. WORK WHILE YOU SLEER lNslK.WCfc; IX M)KCF. tie.'ctulier .",1, ' .V,'',f " Decfmber 11. I! 1.4.J.1H !eceinber CI. 1PIO S.M1.0SI I'occniW -1. 112 .(W.5"J Decemter 'dl. lrii.'l 5,7"2.""-5 October 13H ,t4,6i: LOOM. AOENTS WANTED In exerv county In the state. THK MIDWEST I J IE Is a live, up-to-date company and pays liberal Initial and renewal commissions. Its growth hH been steady and persistent. The yciv will soon be here and It 1s none toi early to make your plans. Call or write TheMidwestLife N. .. SNELL. President A NEBRASKA STOCK COMFANr SELLINC lOS-PARnCIPAnHC LIFE IHSTOAHCE 0STT FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, LINCOLN. OMAHA AGENCY CITV NATIONAL bank; BUILOINO fltNERAL AGENTS: CEOKCI CROCKER, r A.rmnll nu B..aiPiaiaie SUSPECTED CATTLE ARE BEING TRACED Wednesday morning. Rev. John Blery, pastor of the German Reformed church, 1 officlnted. ( "ontinued from Tage One ) BERLIN REPORTS EAST YSER BANK CLEAR OF ENEMY (Continued from Page One.) the northeast of the Forest of L'Algun. "In the Argonne region the German at tacks have been very serious, but have accomplished nothing." Ita. Staff Statement. PET ROt l it AD. Nov. M.-The Russian staff nsued the following state ment today: "In East Trussla on November 11 an action developed on the front of Stal- llinonen ffrnfiff tie nken anA tb refftnn nf Holdau. Our troops occupied Johannls- ard!' for Bome aW were doln burg (a small town of East Prussia, sev enty miles to the southwest of Oumbln lienV "Rnvond the Vistula biiltlen of aecond- . .v.. .. e'the klUcr'a standpoint, were not much In Kallsx. Russian Poland, and Neschava, I Jmand today, buyers being suspicious o the record runs at Kansas City, where 70,000 head of cattle have been received within the last few daya. Mot ton Holds Vp. At the local markev e.ano hogs sold at S7.40 to $7.35 for bulk and $7. toppers. Eleven thousand sheep held the rnarket steady with an upward trend of c. Lambs aold at 9Wc and ewea at 6c. Thla la getting back to the $9.30 lambs of Mon day, whlf h fell off Tuesday and Wednes day about 10 centa. Bhort fed cattle waa off X centa and the market alow. Of all the packers Armour & Co. was the only one that tried to hold the market up when It threatened to tumble Monday. Armour bought most of the Monday offerings. Today, however, the packers all .were more or less laggard in offering, and when they , did bid the price waa at much as 75 cents off, with but few takers. At that, however, the packers contend that they are fighting to keep the price of meat down. The farmers and stock men are getting the best of the mar ket, while the packera, when they buy high must sell high. Thla Is exemplified In the recent raise on sheep, which showed up at once In the retail market. Speculators who have been out of the llttlo business yesterday, with the expectation of being la strong when . the market opera next Monday. Short fed cattle, which are regarded as not reliable from Kimball Man Kills Wife and Shoots Self KIMBALL. Nb., Nov. 12. (Special Tel egram.) Joseph Kinney shot and killed his Wife this afternoon and shot himself. Kinney will probably die. He Is the son of J. J. Kinney, now of Sterling. Colo., but formerly an old-time ranchman and county attorney "of Kimball county. Young Kinney has been running a pool hall here for some yeara and has borne a good reputation. His wife, the second one, left two weeks ago and went to- the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Pyle, near here and came to town for the first time today for her clothes! They have one baby, which Kinney had given to a neighbor to care for. Both parties have lived here their lifetime. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. (Suits DIAMONDS Thet terms perfect cut or perfect color are used by some dealers and have mis led many a diamond purchaser. When we tell you a stone is perfect, we mean it is1 absolutely without a blemish. No carbon spot, no bubble, no crack, no cloud, any one of, which means imner- ieci according 10 our sianaara. 15'-& DODGE where advance guards of the enemy sought to progress. "The Carpathian Austrian rear guards maintained at the crossings on the upper . Han In the region of Banok, were attacked ny I " our iroopa. l ne siege or r'rsemysi, wnicn was sus pended during the period In which the Austro-Qcrmsn- armies were on tha of fensive, has been re-established." IJarht Aaaln on West. LONDON, Nov. 12. The Russian suc cesses In the east, which for a Unie.were a predominant feature of the war news, must again divide apace with the accounts of rekindled activity on the part of tha Germans In West Flanders, where the forces of Emperor William have disproved the contention of the allies that their at tmnpt to force their way to Dunkirk or Calais has finally failed. that the weight and fat would not stand up as well as the corn-fed stuff. Five, Chicago Plants Disinfected. CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Five more packing houses doing bualneas outside the Chicago i stock yards have completed disinfection' against the foot and mouth disease, and: tonight will make formal application to have the quarantine lifted. The ban was J lifted from one concern yesterday." Un-i der tha terms of the agreement none of the packera will resume slaughtering until all Join. This la expected next Monday. Kaat St. Lonla Tarda Reopen. EAST ST. LOUIS. 111.. Nov. 12.-The St. Louis National stock yards were reopened here this morning for the receipt of na tive cattle and hogs, after having been closed since last Saturday In compliance with the federal quarantine order result ing from the Spread of the foot' and 5v Order $18 Reduced from $30.00 $40 Suitings A A Reduced to p3.UU We are making a general reduction in price' of all Suit ings and Overcoatings. We use good linings and trimmings and guarantee ev ery garment perfect in fit and Btyle. Samples and -measurement blanks sent upon request to any out-of-town address. MacCarthy-Wilsori Tailoring Co. 304-806 South 16th St. ' I- . l . 3 a a AMI'SEMEWTff. iippThcatrc 15th and Harney. SyNov.l3and 14 Daniel 'ITouman'a Of farina; With Dixmudo In their possession tha,moth disease. Cattle and hoga only will DEATH RECORD Frank Sherman. BHENANPOAH. Ia.. Nov. U.-Rpecial. Frank Sherman, a retired farmer, who waa yeara old. .died at the home of hla daughter. Mra. Clyde Oulbereson. ten j miles south of here, yesterday. Ho waa! born In Pennsylvania, He la survived by two sons also,. Will and Wesley Sherman, who live near North hro, Ia. Mrs. C. C. 'healer. HENDERSON. NeS." Nov. 12.-(Spc)al.) Mra. C.C. Regier died at tha family home, three miles west of thla village. Wednesday morning. She waa 30 years of age; She leaves a husband and one son B years of age. Funeral service will be held FTtdajr afternoon. .lira. A. C. Pratt. FLATT8MOUTH,. Neb.. Nov. l.'.-tHpe-claD Mrs. A. C. Prstt. sged W years, passed away in the- Nebraska' Maaonlc home hers and her body W'as taken to her former home In Palmyra. Neb., for Interment Invaders today wero less .than fifty miles from Calais and much nearer Dunkirk, and the fight they have, been -putting up In the face of tremendous losses seems to bear out what had also been said that be accepted from states now not quar antlned, and will be slaughtered as. rap Idly as thoy can be sent to the packln houses. The quarantine order partially AuGtion Sale lifted hv tha state veterinarian doe. not! . . . . thev will not abandon this struggle toi .... ..!" v an nxoraga wo., bus awnta Bl ira-rniii ints xltBbi xmuib bivao w DAVID HIGG1NS In Bis Original Kola in the famous Xaolnf Flay "His Last Dollar" BRANDED MAY R0BS0N. S-baV" BAT.t MAT., aso; yiOKTg, 85o to $1.60. Daya, Beginning Sunday Mat., hot. IB. He Fell in Love With His Wife tfan. Mat. ; 35c, boo; Evenings, 95c' 91.00 fosgh Reremmends ChasnVerlala'a Remedy. "Last winter I used a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Retnmlv for a bad bron chial rough. I felt Its beneficial effect immediately and before I had finished the bottle I was curml. I never lre of recommending this remedy to my friends." writes Mrs. William Bright. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. crushed. Tho English and French theory is that the holding of Dixmudo la only temporary; that Us history will be much the same as that of other towns which hsve been taken and retaken in the fight ing on the Yser. Left of Yser. In certain places north of Dlxmude, the Germans are at least on the left bank of the Yser, that is, on the side nearest the French roast towns and their attacks, Instead of concentrating to the southward below Ypres, apparently . have been re newed almost on the coast line. Hera they drove the allies from Lombaertsyde, only In turn to be driven out themselves. The official announcement given out by Parts this afternoon says that the Ger mans again are frying to take Lombaart sydc, which' Is to the north of Nleuport, and within a stone's throw of the m How they 'can operate In this locality If Uiitlfh and French warships still ara standing guard oft the shore la not quit c lear lo HrltUii observers. For some time past there has been no mention of naval activity on this coast, but it haa been as sumed that this was explained by the ! reported Uerman retirement from the coast of France and Helgium and the news that they were delivering their at tacks further to the south. hold cattle or to reshlp them. More Cases Discovered. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-Spread of the foot and mouth disease to four more counties In Illinois Hancock, LaSalle, Warren and Mercer and from Bullitt .county to Henry county, Kentucky, waa reported to the Department of Agricul ture today by field Inspectors. Reinfec tion of two herds of cattle In Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, also was reported. Children Poaalbly Infected. PROVIDENCE. R, I., Nov. U.-Fesr thst the foot and mouth disease .had spread . to human balngs was expressed by federal and stats authorities today. . Four children of a Providence man who owned Infected cattle were foupd, to have sores in their mouths. A boy of 14 who had taken care of cows had the most pronounced symptoms. The children hava been examined by several doctors, but the nature of the disease haa not been! determined definitely. ISth treat, Saturday, Hovembar 14, 1814. Commencing at 10 o'clock aad, lasting; all day. Several good hard coal haatera will ha aold, also soma ranges and soft coal heaters. Tarnlturs of all description good dressers, chairs, tables, bookcases and. writing desks, stc. Several good rags, all sixes. Linens, bedding, dishes, books, and ons Horse and Watera 9600.00 Piano in good condi tion. All will he aold to highest bidder. Dont miss this opportunity. This sale will be indoors. Ooll waathai will not interfere. , - r" Extraordinary Trimmed Hat Sale Starting Friday, November 13 Every Trimmed Hat in our store up to and including all AO our $25.00 $Vy)30 hats, only v Every Trimmed Hat in our store up to and including all ?pi Aft hats, only . . . Every Trimmed Hat in our store up to and $ including all the $4.50 Hats, $ only , . 1.98 FLANDERS FIGHT FARFROM FINISH tContinued from Page One.) built brick houses, with their walled court yards and sometimes with deep ditches, make excellent bsses for small detachments and play an Important part In the long battle. The struggle la taking place among tr.e farms in the direction of the border towns of Co mines, Wervlck and Menin. ' The combats around 1-Rassee and Ar ras, where the ltrlthsh are operating, have tihnwn no decisive change. The ground here has been successfully and steadfastly maintained, the Urttixh repelling attack after attack. Aviators Resort Moenirata. Aviators report the movement of troopa and heavy guns on a large scale In the interior of Helgium. some going towards Germany, others tosrd Antwerp, and yet others toward Couratat The explanation of this movement appears to be that solid troops capable of operating In the open are being sent to Eaatern Prussia, their places in the trenches being taken by less trained men. The guna going to Antwerp. It ia believed here, are due to a desire to have a strong flank position against the allies In esse they advsnre on Brussels. The oblect of the continuous German at- tacka in Belgium and In the Arraentleres region, according to some of the French military erltlca. ia to achieve a real vic tory which will oblige tha allies' left to fall back In order to reorganise and repair Ita losses. The Oermsns would then leave aa small a force as they deemed safe to hold tha allies and send the rest sgalnst Russia. HYMENEAL . Woods Anderson. MADISON, Neb,. Nov. II. (Special.) Miss Elisabeth Mae Afderson. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alderson of this city, and John S. Woods of Lin coln were married Wedneaday morning at the home ot the bride'a parents. Dr. Farmer of the Presbyterian church offl- elated. Mlsa Aiderson is well known in Msdlson, and Lincoln also, having been, a teacher of the Lincoln schools for the' last seven yeara Mr. Wooda la a proe-j peroua and highly respected buslneaa roan( of Lincoln, being auditor and collector! for one of the leading lumber firms ot that city. After 4 wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Woods departed on the southbound passenger train for a short honeymoon at eastern points. They will be at home In Lincoln after December 1. Breh la-Rail. YORK. Neb., Nov. 13. (Special.) Miss Christina Brehm and Wallace R. Ball were married at the home of the bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Adam Brehm, $1 A WEEK, 14c A DAY WILL BUV ANY PIECK OK JEWELKY IN OUR KTOIIK. Western Watch & Jewelry Co. 2l Floor Karbarh Blk. 209 South Fifteenth Street. TuiUHlll All Mt Mtlnee Sundty, Thursday, Raturday , EVA LANG CHAS. MILLER - And AMrvMat lavtrs iu STOP THIEF . lTI-. 2So and boo Week of November 16, "The Typhoon" f bona Douglas 494. ADVAJTCEO VAUDEVILLE. Tlli eS; Mil. NsUII. a M. Kerrart. Tsui Klrtsl, Ana Chandler. O'Brien. Havel Co.. Uom Valeria Sejletle, Mario and bill Hart,' Ch McOooda' Oo., Orpheum Travel Weekly. Price.: Matinee, gallery 10c; Beat beat (ex cept Haturrlay and Sunday), oc; Nights, 10c, Sfta bic end Tftc ' "Omaha a rtraT cErrsi" CC4gg tSfTt 1 Daily Mat- IS-SS-SOo. X5y Bvngs., 13-85-50-730. I0A,ls BOWERY BURLESQUERS Fitzgerald & Quinn, Edna Green, Sam MichiUs, Bobby Harrington and a.Hi Cast. Screaming satire on Alexander Klsson's "Madam X." entitled "Madam Xcuse Me." lt'n true bin lexeme. LADIES' DIME MAT. WEEK SATS. A M UKMKNTS. AMERICAN Di- To-night. Xatlneea, Tnaa., Tho., Sat. TIB WOODWAKD STOCK OOhCPAVr Zu Oeo. M. Cohan's Comedy, BROADWAY JONES Ifsxt Wsek "The Collar Widow." Mlaiatrr lralaes Thla Lasatlve. Kev. II. 8tubenvoll, Allison. Ia.. praises Dr. King's New Life Pills fur constipa tion; best for liver and lwls. loo. All druggists. Advertisement. Rub Rheumatism Pain Froiri Sore, Aching Joints What's Bheumstism'? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty requires Internal treatment. Hub soothing penetrsting "St. Jscobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and reller comes in stantly. "St. Jacobs Oil'1 is a hsrmlesa rheumatism and ectatiea liniment, which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Umber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your druggiat. and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness. stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re lief awaits you. Old. honest "St. Jacobs OH"' haa cured millions of rheumstism sufferers In the last half century, and is just as good (or scistics, neuralgia, lum bago, backache, sprains and swellings Advertisement The Flying Squadron of America A National Convention on Wheels; a Movable University SIX GREAT CIVIC MASS MEETINGS FOR MEN AND WOMEN. ORATORY! MUSIC! SONG! ADMISSION FREE 20 Great Statesmen Orators Lecturers Authors . Musicians- Singers. m cities A lalion-Viide Campaign -mm OMAHA. NEB. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 and 14 First M. E. Church, Corner Davenport and 20th Streets Sunday, November 15th Auditorium. Afternoon 2:30. Evening 7:30. Turpin's Dancing Acaileny 28th and Farnam Sts New class for beginners neat Monday and Thureday. i p. m. Tueaitays, S p. ni ' L.'p-to-iate iinca ate atanduriiiieii fuid afrtTsts Lessons Bally. Assembly Heat Saturday Bvealag. Advanced rUs HAKSTET 6W