Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Uiger Torpedoed by Submarine tnd
Founders, But All Officers and
Crew Held Saved.
Dlapateb from Athena Annnaacee
that Radian, Oeatroyer Haa Cap.
, tare Two Tarklah "all
Ins; Vessels.
Leave no Doubt Nipponese J$gb.tinj
Teutons While Allies Cringe
in Background.
VALPARA1BO. Chile, Nor. fi A nimor
haa been circulated here to the effect
that the British battleship, Canopua, haa
sunk off Coronel. Thla report In officially
denied by the Chilean admiralty.
Uaattoat aU.
LONDON, Nov. 12 Tt little British
torpedo Kunboat Niger, which vii built
twenty-two years ano and ha been uaed
as a tender, la the latent victim of a
Oerjnsn ubmarlne. Jt van torpedoed
yesterdny morning In the 1'inwns, north
of the Htrslts of lover, and foundered
Immediately. The officers and crew were
The admlraMy In announcing the loss
of the ahlp aay:
"Tha Niger, Lieutenant Commander
Arthur T. Mu'r, waa torpedoed this morn
ing (November 11) In the Downs. All the
officers and seventy-seven of the crew
were saved.
'"Four men were Injured. It la thought
that there waa no loss of life." j
in ivijrer nss neen employed In seml
combatant duties.
Saalc Off I real River.
A dispatch, to tha Exchange. Telegraph
company from Deal aaya:
"Tha Niger was sunk off Deal pier.
An explosion waa heard and the vessel
disappeared within fifteen minutes, floats
were Immediately sent out to search for
tha crew, one reaching the spot In tlmo
to rescue forty men. while the Niger
waa sinking. Other boats rescued the
remainder of the rrew and landed them
on Deal beach."
Tha .Niger carried a complement of
eighty-five men. The gunboat waa built
In ISM. It had a displacement of 810 tons
snd was 230 fret long. Its armament con
els ted of two 4.7-Inch guns, four three
pounders, one machine gun, and three
elghteen-tnrh torpedo tubes. Ita speed,
when It was built, was ls.3 knots per hour.
Tarklah ahlpa Takea.
PARIS, Nov. 11 Ths following dispatch
haa been received by the Itavaa agency
from Athena:
"It Is announced that a British de
stroyer hss captured two Turkish sailing
ships near Tenedoa.
"The town of Herat, Albania, has been
pillaged and completely destroyed.' An
archy reigns at Avlona, Albania. Parti
sans of Kemal Bey to the number of
1.600 forced the governor to haul down
tha Turkish flag and hoist tha Albanian
colors. Eased Pasha sent 600 soldiers to
Avlona and they disarmed tha Inhabitants
and restored tha Turkish flag."
Gold Production of
Black Hills Exceeds
Seven Millions
riERRE, 8. D., Nov. 12. (Rpeclal.)
Two hundmd million dollars of gold pro
duct Ion from tha Black Hills Is tha show
ing of tha annual report of State Mine
Inspector Ellerman. While gold produc
tion for the year 19M was less by 171.RX
than In was for 1911. the output for tho
year waa I7.3X.610 S3. Tha total output
of recorded gold production since miners
war admitted to that county being 1191.
T7S.J70. Most of tha ore handled In that
section is a low grade ore, the average
for tha year being S.6s per ton, and as
soma of the ore shipped for smelting waa
up to near ISO a ton, the average was be
low the S3.8 for much of It.
The report shows 3.040 employes In tha
mining Industries of tha Black Hills,
with 1.341 underground workers, tha low
est wage acale being S3 for eight hours'
work. Thare were fourteen accidents In
the mines for tha year of which four
rroved fatal.
Kaiser Orders All .
. . . Captured Moslems
Sent .to Turkey
- LONDON. Nov. 12. 7:0 a. m l-An
Amsterdam dispatch to the Central News
'The kaiser haa ordered that all Mo
hemmedaiia captured from the allied
armies bn aent to Constantinople to serve
In the Turkish army.
'IA. telegram front Bucharest. Rumania,
says that Halll Bey. uncle of Enver Bey,
the leader of tha young Turks, hss ar
ilved there on a special mission In be
half of Turkey."
Heavy Artillery ftelg Shipped
la tn tory of londna
LONtnj.V. Nov. 12 (Kpeclal Cablegram
LONDON. Nov. 11. -(Special Cablegram
to New Tork World and Omaha Bee
A Daily News correspondent, who has
Just arrived In l,ondn from Port Arthur,
"The war Is greatly regretted by for
eigners, as It hss resulted In a flood of
scurrilous) Japanese cartoons and de
nunciations showing the lowest respect
for white men. The Japanese newspapers
leavo no doubt In the minds of their
resders that Japan Is waging and fight
ing war against the Teutons, while Brit
ain, Kuenla and Frsnce cringe thankfully
In the background.
"In Vladivostok there was a great ur
moll over I ho dispatch of D0.O00 soldiers
to the weslwsrri. Every Herman of the
extensive Teutonic colony already had
been shipped west to Uie prison camps.
Japanese fions Cross Asia.
"I have obtained corroborations from
two persons of an account given me of
the passage of a quantity of Japanese
heavy artillery In ctmrgA uf Japane of
ficers over the trans-Hlbcrlnn railway to
Poland. Considerable secrecy was ob
served. At least two and possibly more
long trains of Japanese guns have gone
Ut the front
"One passenger train, constating of half
a mile of cars, left dally for the west
leliig hauled at a snail's pace by an anti
quated locomotive, all the good loeo
motlvea In Hlbcrla having been . requisi
tioned for service In Russian Ioland and
an extraordinary collection of Belgian,
German, Russian and American locomo
tives la attempting to copa with tha
Kverg Bridge Picketed.
"Extraordinary precautions are taken
to safeguard the enormous supplies of
troops, horses and guna that have been
weeping over the line day and night
since early In' August and that as yet
show no sign of abating. Every bridge
from Vladivostok to Petrograd Is picketed
by troops and the tunnels are lined with
"In spite of the strict official reticence
I learned that many attempts have been
made by Oerman agents to blow up the
long many spanned bridges over tha great
rivers of northern Russia. Every pas
senger train nearlng a multi-spanned
bridge la boarded by a squad of Cos
sacks armed with rifles, bayonets and
Most Have Maada Voided.
"The passengers are roughly told to
move away from the wlndowa and alt
with their hands visibly folded In their
Learn How to Secure Quick,
Safe Relief
The liver la the largest gland In tha
body, weighing nearly fouri pounds. Its
main purpose la to aid digestion and make
glycogen for the blood. Bo It la Import
ant to keep It working right
If your liver Is laxy and your kidneys
throb with a dull ache, you need tha sci
entifically blended and chemically pure
cartionaieU lllhla drink called Hheuma
salts. Lame back, shooting pains, tired feeling,
dissiness and nervousness simply mean
that your liver and kidneys are clogged
with Impurities snd that poisonous urlo
acid Is retarding their work of aldlnx the
digestive functions and filtering the
If your liver needs flushing and your
kidneys are not working right, ask your
driiKgist for about five ounces of Ilheu
masalts. Take two teaapoonfuls In a glass
of water before breakiast each morning
and In a few days all tha palna In your
back will be gone and you will feel as
"fine as a fiddle."
Kheiimaaalta Is a delightful carbonated
drink that cleana out tha stomach and In
testines, eliminates toxins and poisons
and loaves tha Intestinal ranal clean and
sweet. It Is a urlo acid solvent as well as
a sultne laxative. Acts quickly without
griping or nausea. Ins for growing
II your druggist cannot supply you.
Isps. I ssw a man vigorously prodded
with a bayonet for sleepily rubbing bis
eyra In contravention of orders, when he
had been suddenly awakened at o'clock
In the morning for a bridge crossing.
"Two efforts have been made to blow
up the great ungsti bridge at HarMn.
A train attendant' told me that an at
tempt made by Hermans to blow up the
Kama river bridge near Perm had been
narrowly frustrated "
John Puten. convicted of manslaughter
for the slaying of Tony Operltta In Boulh
Omaha, hss'heen given an Indeterminate
sentence of from one to ten years In the
state penitentiary. I
Yill4 YOU UI(B
adrift mis
will Help i You
Realize this ambition, when
assisted 'by Cuticura Oint
ment, by Keeping your scalp
clean and free from dandruff,
itching and irritation.
Samples Free by Mall
Cuueurs Reap sad OtotiMut soM taraoctant the
world Uborsl Mmpls ef art aisueS fne, wtik M-s.
book, atfdreai "Cuttenra,'' Dept. 3AH. Sastoa.
Mrs. VVitTsIow's Soothing Syrup
To Your Home
Read These Bargains
Former Hale
Price rrice
$:lfto llil1lin upright 3178
f..1 Harclman upright 8275
9JBO Kmepsm upright ..$75
92SO Hchmollcr & Mueller
upright ft 148
9400 Hteger & i Sons up
right SI 75
UOo Davis 8on upr't 81 50
92SO Ilawltnn upright . . $95
9BOO Hrhmoller & Mueller
upright 9165
4KO Htegrr St Hons up
right 9275
4RO Emerson upright 82JM)
l)0O Rlrhter upright . -8158
$00 Vsner upright. . 8148
$3RO Rehmoller 4k Mueller
upright 8105
$42 Ntogrr & Soon up
right 8225
Woo A. B. dilute grand 8275
$BOO Steger & Hons up
right 8290
Free Stool and Scarf With
Evtry Piano. Every Instru
ment Fully Guaranteed or Money
Remember the Place.
SchmoIIer & Mueller
Piano Go.
Omaha's Onlr Exclusive Piano
Florida Grape
Fruit Special
Extra Fancy Quality, nothing finer
grown. We have consigned to us a
special car, and sells, regular
for 7c, Friday & Saturday ea.V
Dozen :
HI ay den Bros.
StreBa-taeaa H'rsk Kldaesa.
. Klectrle Bitters will mere than surprise
you after tha first bottle, Uet a bottle
today; ssf and sure. Mk and $1.00. All
druggists Advertisement.
LEJTVER, Colo.. Nov. 1!. Speoll Tele,
gram.) Judge Hiram P. Rennet, for fifty
five years one of Denver's moat prom
inent dtlsena and Colorado's first con
gressman, died today from angina pec
toris , with which ha had been III for sev
eral days.
Judge Ben net waa SS years old, and he
fore his coming to Colorado In ISA, he
bad served In tha Nebraska territorial
legislature several times, lis la survived
by five children. II. P. Bennet, Jr.. and
stobert A. Bennet of Denver; Major J.
Kertnet, now of Texas City, Tex.: Mra. U
D. Sharp of Fort Benton, Mont, and
Mra J. Q. Hughes of Greeley.
Admitted to tha bar in 11, ha prac
ticed at Ulenwood, la., and served a term
as county Judge. In 184 be located at
Nebraska City, Nub., and tha same year
was aent to tha territorial senate.
In 1865 ha was the free soil candidate
for delegate to congress from Nebraska.
waa elected by a small majority, but the
saat waa given to hla democratic op
ponent after a contest In the house of
representatives. In ISM he waa again
elected to tha Nebraska legislature and
becama apaakef of tha house for two
Ker 141 B rati at.
Never take pepsin and preparations
talnlng papain or othr dtgeetlve term,
ents for Indigestion, u the mora you take
tha mora you will have to take. What la
needed to a tonic Ilka Chamberlain's
Tablets that will enable I be stomach to
perform Its unctions naturally. Obtain'
abla svary where. AdvortiaameaC
m&J Calumet Baking Powder is a -wonder- I M i
-Jj worker on baking day. j ' jA
f Wonderful for its saving of jf 'A
ime-its satisfaction its economy. y'fj j
STo more expensive baking failures, ' My I
10 disappointments. Calumet in- iB'7
ures greater happiness. Its leavening
lualities are greater its results surer 1
han any other baking powder its, SvS
;ost is moderate. S
Warld's IS Foe4 fip ulliia. Ckieeae. PL Sjh,
Perls rias.Ui.a. U
-Friday a Great Bargain Day-
at 25c
Boys' 39c Knick
erbocker Pants
For one day only we will wu
Boys' Pants that always sell at
3 9c and are pood values at tbat
price. Most all ar dark colors,
sizes 5 years to 15 yrs., fr
Friday only aDC
No C. 6. 1). or Telephone Orders.
Boys' $2.95 i nr
We Jnst received over 100 new
Suits In brown, blue and gray
diagonal weaves. They are ac
tual 12.95 suits, FrI- Qf
day your choice at. .
Ages 6 to 17 Years.
JilafiisiM?i'rt'lE- ST(?Fr: .. 1
Suits, Friday.
25-Cent Hair
Ornaments for.
The entire surplus stock of one of
Artierlca's greatest Importers.
Back Combs. Side Combs, Bar-
rettes, etc., at about 1-5
the regular cost; they
go on sale Friday, val
ues to 25c, at
Seldom in a life time will you
find these values equaled.
Men's $10 All Wool
Blue Serge Suits
This unusual offer Is for one day
(Friday). A guaranteed all
wool Suit made in this season's
best style, good heavy nerge,
sixes for young men and men.
Only about 25 of these suits
will be sold at this price Fri
day. $10.00 Serge J7 Cfl
Suits . J imV
Men's, Young Men's $3, o4S
$3.50 Corduroy Pants atP&
Fine or "roarse weave, In , all col
ors. They are made by Marx &
Haas and every pair have these
famous wonder waist-band. Ev
ery patr is a bl$ djo AQ
value at P'
All Blzes from 27 to 50 waist.
Remnants of Cotton and Silk Mixed Goods All Kinds
Three to Ten-yard Lengths, on Sale in Five Big Lots Friday:
Table 1
Values f r o ni
;i to 10( oj
Table 2
Values from
7Vc to nl
12M;c yd. ...O2C
Table 3
Values from
10c to loo
Table 4
V a 1 u e s from
vnrd . . .
Table 5
a lues from
15c to 25c
Closing; out from the bolt
Arnold's Superfine loc Flannelettes,
36 Inch tHo
16c Seersuckers 7Ho
15c Khlrtlns; Madras 8'-0
lo Shepherd Checks 10c
1 2 Vsc. Flannelettes 7Ho
12bc Voiles, small flKures 5o
25c Silk striped Voiles TVfcO
Extra BPeclala for Friday.
1 case of 1'rult of the Loom, yard
wide SHo
1 rune of unbleached Muslin,
Inch wide .: 4Hc
1 cuse of Apron Checks, fast colors,
t 9140
1 cuse of slightly soiled Towels, 6V4C
grade 9He
1 rase of 11.25 Cotton Blankets, per
pair 85o
New Dress Goods Under
priced Dress Goods Remnants Skirt ami dress
lengths, plain anl novelty weaves; in 3
lots at, yard .28c, 48c and 68c
Half and Less Regular Price.
Dress Fabrics worth
to $1 Yd. Serges,
Panamas, crepes,
diagonal suitings,
albatros, etc., 36 to
54 inches wide, at,
yd., 38c and 48c
$1.C0 All Wool Frenc:
All Wool Storm
Serges, Fancy
Plaids, Bedford
cords, crepe suit
ings, fine coatings,
etc.; up to $2 yd.
values, choice 98c
h Serges 45-in. wide,
in all new colorings; on sale, yard 68c
Matchless Silk Bargains
Remnants of Fine Silks Up to 75c yard val
ues, iy2 to 10-yard lengths, plain and fancy
weaves, in all-colors; at, yard 28c
fl.OO Hilk Poplins, 36 inch wide, the sett
son's most popular silk, in all colors, at,
yard . .68
Dress Satin Messalines and fine Palet de Soie,
two beautiful weaves, 36-in. wide, all new col
orings, $1.25 yard values; Friday, yd., 88c
Imported Costume Velveteens, full line of
colors, U In. wide, at, yard ....81.08
New Roman Stripe Velvets and Silks, all new color
combinations, at '. 9S I I
Many Other Specials Shown.
We have selected the following articles for thjs sale.
None worth less than $11.50 and up to $20; one day only.
ROCKERS Heavy arm rockers; leather seat and back.
Tapestry, mahogany and wicker; your choice.
fumed oak, round bent glass
ends, genuine quarter sawed
oak, 6 ft. high, 3 ft. wide.
fumed oak, leather box seat.
extension, 45 in. top, fumed or
golden oak, heavy base.
golden or fumed, Spanish upholstering.
Brass Beds, Ladies' Desks, Dressing Tables, Couches,
Book Cases and Wardrobes. Tt will pay you to come
and see these articles on sale.
tufted back, good springs.
DRESSERS Golden oak, ma
hogany or Circassian walnut
fumed oak, massive tops and
heavy legs of base, round or
MATTRESSES The best genu
ine felt mattress made.
Drugs and Toilet Articles
Remember, Try Hayden'a first
for all your drug wants. You will
26c 4711 White Rose Glycerine
Soap 18Ho
11.00 1 qt bottle Beef. Iron and
Wine 4S4
26c Masaatta Talcum ISO
Sso Peerleea Powder ISo
75c Baldwin's Vivian Violet Toilet
Water BOo
SOc Pond's Vanishing Cream ...B9o
60c Milkweed Cream 36o
25c J erg-en's Benzoin and Almond
Lotion ISo
60c White Cross Face Powder 890
60c La Blance Face Powder . .380
1 Phenolthalax Laxative Wafers
at aso
2 dosen Aspirin Tablets or Cap
sules flSo
$1.00 Sal HepaUcu eso
60o Dlapepsln ...o
16o Mentholatum 14o
60c Canthroz !l9o
60c Uromo Seltser aso
36c Caatorla ..fl4o
Ammonia Powder, 3 pkg-s lOo
1 lb. Green Castile Soap lOo
See demonatratlon of the Aubry
Bisters and the Baldwin Toilet
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts at Most Re-
markable Bargain Prices in Domestic Room Friday
Tailored Suits To dr Qr
$15.00 values pDiJD
x New long coat styles, satin
lined, in all colors and
Women's and Misses Dreesee, to $7.50
values, at. choice
Messalines. Poplins, Serges. Including new long tu
ntc, pleated and plain effects, and long basque styles.
Children's Winter CoU
1 3 and 4 values, full loose styles
with belts and Balmac&an
sleeves, high storm collars, near
ly all sizes, at 82.98 & S1.08
Winter Coats $15 n q
values at pOlfD
52-inch black plush coats,
with large shawl collars,
greatest values ever.
Heavy Winter Coat dn Q
on sale Friday. . .pOiD
Brown, grey and blue zibe
lines, with plush storm col
lars. .
85c Gingham Aprons
Light and dark colors, on sale,
t ...19t
Sateen Petticoats, to 69c values,
with 14-ln. pleated flounce 39
94.00 and $5.00 Dreas Skirts, all good J -1 aq
styles and fabrics, at . p 1 uO
175 of them In black or blue serges, pleated yoke
moaeis, aiso iancies; greatest values ever offered.
Children's Dresses
1.50 values, in wool fabrics,
sizes from 6 to 14 yrs., at 95
Heavy Beaver Shawls, $2-50 vals.,
grey or brown, at ....S1.49
Friday Linen Bargains
Guest Towels, all pure linen; hemmed, 15c values,-
each 10
Sliver bleached satin
damask, all pure lin
en, $1.00 quality, at,
rd 75C
Table Padding off the
bolt, heavy double
fleeced, 39c grade, at,
yard 2t5C
Bed Spreads, full sire, crochet, hemmed or fring
ed, 11.98 quality, each S1.25
Marseilles Bed Spreads,
heavy weight, full
size, $2.75 grade, at,
each 81.9S
Bed Sheets, size 81x90.
French seam. well
made, 75c quality, at,
each 50
Blanket Sale
Your Rousing Specials Friday.
No. 2850. best value for $2.75, at S1.48
No. 2852, best value for $2.98. at SS1.4J9
No. 2891. best value for $3.25, at $2.!i8
No 2892, best value for $4.00, at $2.95
No. 2894. best value for $3 50. at S2.48
Comforters at Special Prices.
In the Domestic Room
Misses' and Boys' extra heavy fleeced Under
wear, all sizes. Vests, Pants or Drawers.
Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hosiery, all sizes,
'ivc values, at
Ladies' heavy fleeced
or cotton ribbed Un
ion Suits, regular
and extra sizes,
worth to $1.60, G9e
Men's Handkerchiefs,
Turkey red, Indigo
blue and white. Reg
ular 10c values, at,
6 for 25
Boys' Flannel Shirts with military collar, pearl
buttons, coat styles and one pocket, colors
blue, tan, gray and dark gray. Regular $1.50
values, at 98t
Ladies' square knitted
Wool Shawls, in two
lots, values to $1.00,
t .-49t and 25C
Misses and Boys'
heavy fleeced Union
Suits, all sizes 2 to
16 years, to 75c val-
ue. 49
Men's guaranteed Hose, 6 pairs in box, colors
black, tan or assorted, all sizes, guaranteed
to wear 6 months. Extra values, box, at 49
Men's Wool Union i Ladies' heavy fleeced
Underwear, all sizes,
Vests or Pants, 66c
values, at 40
Suits, all sizes, val
ues to $3.50, at
$2.50. 91.9ft, 91.45
19 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar Sl.OO
eydsa'a Mass tha moas lor tu
reople, not tha Trusts
4-lb sacks best high rrade Diamond
H Hour, nothtna finer for bread.
plea or . a lies, per sack 91.40
10 Iba. beat white or yellow corn
meal !
f Iba choice Japan rice r. . So
The beat hand picked navy beans, 16.,
'Cans oil sardines a6o
4 lbs. best pearl tapioca See
10 bare beat branda laundry soap S6o
forn Klakea. pk o
rape Nuts, pks; 1
All regular 16c cookies. Friday, lb..
All rerular IS He cooklea, Friday, lb..
at 100
All regular 10c cooklea, Friday, lb.
at S l-3o
I'arker Rouse Catsup, bottle ..Sl-30
id oa. Jar pure California honey too
20 os. Jar pure California marmalade
at 8 00
Chow Chow, quart ISO
Sour plcklea, quart lOo
New Imported rfigs. lb. SOe
New California peaches, lb. . .Sl-So
New California cooking figs. lb. 1-So
New California raisins, lb.
Oolden Kantoa coffee, lb SOe
Hershey's cocoa, lb aoo
or&xM boutxebbt tiobtuui
Fresh carrots or beeta bunch ...4
Fresh ahallota, 1 bunches fur . lOo
Fresh head lettuce, per head ...THo
Fancy wax or green beans, lb. TUa
Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb 7e
Fancy California cauliflower, lb. 7a,
New rhestnuls, per lb a
t large soup bunches jo
2 stalks fresh celery ,
large grapefruits gag
Fancy cooking applet, perk too, S6e
Old beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips
or rutsbagas, per lb. IHe
Fancy red or yellow onions, lb. . Bo
Tha best freak eggs, dose a ago
The beat creamery butter. In car
ton or bulk, lb 340
Fancy country creamery butter, per
pound Sla
Fancy dairy bwtter. lb aao
Full cream cheese, lb lae
raacy Washington or Idaho or Jona
than apples, psr boa tl.35
j r Try HAYDEN'S IFirst &