THK HKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVKM HKU 12, 1014. Greatest cf AH . Human Blessings Nebraska Ths most wonderful thing: In the worid Is lovs expressed In the helpless Infant. And among those aids and comforts for xpectant mothers Is the . well known 'Mother's Friend." , This Is an external application to nable the abdominal muscles to become wore pliant, to expand naturally without undue pain from the strain upon cords and ligaments. In almost every settled community are women who have enjoyed the blessing of this famous remedial and hrlnful mhm. cation. ( Their daughters have grown up lo learn of Its splendid assistance. Applied as directed upon those muscles Involved It soothes the fine network of Berves with which all the muscles are . imnl i n.l . . . . - . v.. xiiun imira or inn pains o much dreaded may be avoided and the period of expectancy passed through In ease and comfort. Anything that adds so much comfort must be counted as a blessing Indeed. In a little book sent by null much use ful Information Is given to Inexperienced iinrrs. ii iens now to use v&iother's Friend" and how to avoid caking breasts. tM a bottle to-day sod write for book to HrsriflelU Regulator Co., 409 Lamar Hid., Atlanta. Us, e lure tod get "iluUitt's ffrlend." FIGURES SHOW POOL WINNER Ninety-Three Counties Give Demo crat Majority of l'.lll Oyer Wait EACH ONE IS CLAIMING VICTORY Hoaaland IX-faeil tnr Mratenaat Corf rser Workmen'! tompei. aatloa Carries by Majority 4t Over Thre Thousand. nri iaoi r m For over 25 years a Reliable Jewelry Store in your midst catering to every body a wants. Store and Shop Products the Best. Prices the Fail est. T. L Combs & Co. II 25 , Special Discount on Some Silver Plated Flatware to make room for XMAS STOCK See Window Display JLW xIewelers ISA DMIA T , OMAMA IS!?? M J Cold in Head ss-ssaassaWssi assa asasMBH ' Relieved In one minute. Honey back if it fails. Get a 25c or Mo tube e( ONDON?S Catarrhal Jelly Use It quick. For chronle nasal ca tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, cough , sneezing, note bleed, etc. Write for free sample. The first drop used will do good. Ask druggists.- Kondoa Mfg. Cat, Minneapolis, Mia m n r -f INSTEAD mna soon iooks, ana nuking your condition worse by using physic Pills, and drastic mineral waters, try the natural and better plan of building up your stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys with the pure corrective energising salts of fruit contained In In any man, woman.chlld or baby who drinks K each 91,234 W.7u dye by making pure blood, strong nerves, healthy tissue. 11 per Jar at your druoout or by mail from us. Stewart rMMl Co. SM.. Oilcan, r. ;iri'aF;Ha;"i' HOTELS AND RESORTS.. r r ' The Elms Hotel Frank F. Dunlap, Manager, Excelsior Springs, Me. A paradise for overworked and nervous people. Home of the most wonderful healing waters In the world. FINE GOLF COURSE Neud for Booklet. Secretary of State Walt has been de feated by Charles Pool, according to re vised figures of ninety-three counties, by a majority of 1,111 votes. , The "vote of Greeley county, coming In at the last moment, giving Fool 475 lead over Walt, cut Into the majority the republican was maintaining. Lancaster county's official vote also reduced his lead another Jso votes and a comparison with official returns received at the state house In Lincoln was made with local figures. Secretary Wait at Lincoln will not con cede his defeat, btit Insists that official returns will show his election. Penmon Beats lloaglaad. In ninety-three counties Pearson has a majority over Hoagland of 1.8M. deciding the election of the democratic candidate. Governor Morehead retains his lead and In eighty-one counties he has a plurality of 17,133. In ninety counties the workmen's com pensation proposition has a majority of 4,469 and is undoubtedly carried, (overnor, (Eighty-one Counties.) Morehead iri.n n. Howeii (rep.) m, lilirrme Justice. tt .. . Seventy-two Counties.) Kollenbeck ........ I.,. ,m V, 69,796 Llente.nnnt Uovrrnor. (Ninety-three Counties.) Pearson (dm. loS,m Hoagland (rep.) .....101.B49 Secretary of State. (Complete. Ninety-three Counties.) Pool (dem.) jnvras Walt (rep.) 102,724 Aadttor. c. .... Seventy-seven Counties.) Smith (dem.) 87,00 Minor (rep.) M 804 Treasurer. ' ffVflntvAVAn CaiikM.. Han (dem;).::. .. Hamer (rep.) Attorney General. M (Seventy-eight Counties.) Reed (dem.) ., Sears (rep.) Woman Snffrasre. (Eighty Counties and 33 Addlonal Pets.) Vr 80.M0 Against 90,489 Working-men's Compensation. (Ninety Counties.) For . g5iM0 Against 8i19x 4 WAIT CONCEDES HTS 19 BEATEN Finally Gives I'p Figkt to Pool la -ace of the Retains. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. 11. (Special.) There Is little doubt at this time that the , democrats have, walked' away with most of the pie In Nebraska as a result of the election. While ,the official count la not yet made and a few counties have not yet reported to the secretary of state, suffi cient Is at hand to justify the belief that the offices of governor, treasurer, auditor, secretary of state- and lieutenant gov ernor have been gobbled by the demo crats,, while the republicans will have to be satisfied with state superintendent, land commissioner, railway commissioner and regent of the university. Mr. Walt ,at noon today conceded the election of his democratic opponent by 800 at least, with a chance that It may run considerably over the; 1,000-marfc, Countr Candidate. Antelope County County Judge, J. Q. Ingrum; clerk. Perry H. Peterson, rep.; eheriff, L. . Bennett; treasurer, A. E. MaW sacher; supervisors, Hans Schutt, dem.. A I Wyman, derfTr and P. W. Payne, dem.; coroner. D. L. Fletcher; surveyor. W. L. Staple; superintendent, D. M. Murphy, wiu'i iwriicy, u. xu. uacHson, rep. Flala sheriff, urer, M. F. Bhonka, dem.; supervisors,. M, . ucm., mj, o. tonraa, rep., j. 1. bvbiio. aem., r. v. Binaelar, rep.; coroner. Dr. J. C. Woodward, dem.; sur veyor, J. W. Funk; superintendent, F..J. Vogeltance, dem.; attorney, B. F. Farrel. Custer County County Judge, N. P wight Ford; clerk. Robert B. Watters. dem.; sheriff. Joseph F. Wilson, dem.; treasurer. M. 8. Eddv. dem.; register. George B. Porter, rep.; supervisors. R. J. Mills, dem., Fred W. Hayes, rep., H. B. Scheringer. dem., John Walker, dem.; cproner. Dr. H. B. Landis, rep.; surveyor, A. J. Van Antwerp, rep.; superintendent, T. C. Orlmes,' dera.; attorney, Frank Kelly, dem. Thurston County County Judge, C O. Crlberg; clerk, Joseph F. Conway, dem.; sheriff, Pat Dorcey. dem.; treasurer. Emory Walter, dem.; supervisors, Frank Baker, dem.. C. C. Frum. rep W . K. Mitchell, rep; coroner. Dr. H. H. Johnson, dem.; surveyor. W. A. Racely. dem.; su perintendent, Carrie J. Kellner, dem.; at torney, J. 8. Larkln, rep. Nanoe County County, judge. O. F wSw cl,erV M- Jonem- i! sheriff, Charles K. Peterson, rep.; treas- VerV.FIank ' rfm. P-: aupervtsors, w-Wldle. rep.. A. L. Wolle., rep. and g. W. Hunt, rep.; coroner, Benjamin Peterson, rep.; surveyor, A. B. Ellsworth, dem.; superintendent. Chios Ha Id rid re. dem.; attorney. William F. -Rose, dem?: clerk of district court. Howard Downing, dem. Adams County Clerk. Henderson, rep.; sheriff. Cole, rep.; treasurer, Mcintosh, rep.; register. Larson, dem.; coroner, Heartwell. dem.; superintendent Sullivan, dem.; attorney, Fouti, dera. ' . Franklin County County Judge, Robert son; cl.rk. O. Mitchel, dem.; sheriff R. Walker, dem.; treasurer. Ed Van Btelnberg. rep.; supervisor. James Jami son; coroner, Ella P. Sumner, dem.; sur veyor. R B. 81ms. dem.; attorney. George Losey. dem. r1ti!.ay-CountyrB1?'r,l.7' 7aul - Bonnl field, dem. ; elerk. ' Ward K. Newcomb dem.; treasurer. Albert Orient, dem.: su perintendent. Mabel E. Kirk, dem ; sur veyor, Charles M. Prlckett, dem at torney. M. Lt. Corey; coroner, A. J. Jenl son, dem. ' . .... Wheeler County County Judge W- T Harrington: clerk, C. J. Brown,' dem ; treasurer, Henry Fletcher, rep.; sheriff Joseph H. Kinney, rep.; superintendent, Edith Vowler, dem.; surveyor, John Kel son, hoc; attorney. Jesse M. Shrevs, rep.; commissioner, J. D. Kenner, dem.; Peter DshlHtlne, dem. Blaine County County judge, William turner, ciera, u. jn orris, rep.; sherlrr, R. 8. Tost, dem.; .treasurer, H. C. Cox, dem.; commissioners, 'O. B. Honder, dem.; Ross Wilkinson, dem.; Ben Donahue, rep.; coroner, EX J. Mitchell; surveyor. Warren Demary. rep.; superintendent, A. L. fahambiln,' rep, , . Dawes County County judge. E. M. PIt,.;iy!,,clerk' Ro'Hn Q. Smith, dem. sheriff. Vet Canfleld, dem.; treasurer, Harry Adams, dem.; supervisors, Miks Christensen, dem.: John Blumdeli,' dem., coroner, H. C. Gibson, dem.; surveyor, H.. D. - Mead;-superintendent. Carry L Munkres. dem.; attorney, Edwin- D. Oites, dem.. . ( Greeley County County Judge. Jesse L. Scott; clerk, Philip R. Kerrigan. , dem ; eheriff, Fred Miner,-, rep.: treasurer, W. p. Towner,' dem.; supervisors, Fred Weeks, rep.; W. K Reed, dem.; coroner, George W. (VMalley, dem.; surveyor, Prosper Franoola, rep. ; superintendent. Margaret L. Tracy, dem.; attorney, James P. Boler, dem. , . Thomas County County judce. Pat Cunningham; clerk, C. T. McMillan; sheriff, W J. Necly; treasurer. John N. Neely: supervisors, J. C. Ewtng, W. A. Howell; corsner, 8. E. Overman; sur veyor, I. K. Hander, sr.: superintendent. cisr'a B. Runyan; attorney. John H. t'vunl Aruiur County County judge. O. D. Headache, Golds, Costive Bowels, Take Cascarets Get a 10-cent box now. Tou men and women who can't get feeling right who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dull ness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upeet, bothered with a sick, gassy, dis ordered stomach, or have a bad cold- Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely . forcing a passage way every few days with salts, cathar tic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of . the system all the constipated waste matter and poison In the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a, 10-cent bog from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels regular, and head clear for months. Don't , forget the children. They love Cascarets because they taste good never gripe or sicken. Advertisement- Williams: clerk, George F. Culllnan, dem.: sheriff, George Bates, rep.; treasurer. H. A. - Staples, rep.; su pervisors. F. , R. Sonwrs. rep.: C I Boggs, rep.; coroner, M. G. Twidwell, rep.; surveyor. C. H. Collins, dem.; su perintendent. E. Minnie Crouse. dem. Deuel County County Judge, Isaac Woolf; clerk, J. O. McCormlck. rep.; sheriff, Andrew Peterson, rep.; treasurer. H. Epperson, dem.; supervisors. George Kalb, dem.; James Brown, dem.; coroner, M. B. Platty. rep.: surveyor, S. W. Terry, rep.; superintendent, Retta F.. Brown, rep.: attnrlney, L. O. Pfelffer, rep. Wayne County County Judge, John Button; clerk, Charles W. Reynolds, dcrti.; sheriff. George W. Porter, rep.: treasurer, Lambert Roe, rep.; super visors, P. M. Corblt, dem.; George F. Ter ran, rep.: coroner, William Rechenhaner, Ind.; surveyor, R. H. Jones, rep.; super- HOWS SLOAN BIG VICTOR GENEVA. Neb., Nov. 11. (Special.) Official vote on congressman for Fourth congressional district. Rhodes. Sloan. Mllllkan. (Dem.) (Rep.) (Soc.) .. 1.M7 .. 1.127 .. 3.344 .. 1.254 .. 1.401 .. 1,070 .. 1,4S .. 1 8!3 ,.. 1 fi4 .. 1.821 .. 1.1121 ' Counties Butler Fillmore .... 93,467 , 85,166 Hamilton .. Jefferson .. Polk Saline - Saunders .. Seward Thayer York rr. . 1 , Sloan's majority for the district was 4,790. He carried every county In the dis trict except Thayer county, where Mr. Rhodes lives, and that he lost by 87. . .18,921 1.780 2.SSS 3,311 1,471 1.604 1.174 2.141 2.302 1.NI7 1,534 2,191 21,711 48 2R 107 80 183 C8 Nebraska ISAIAH TAMINOSIAN ASKS ' FOR HIS OLD MOSLEM NAME (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Nov. 11. (Special Wsalh Tatnlnoelan, who gives his address as 49l5 Chicago street In Omaha and 1017 O street In Lincoln, has appealed to the supreme court to have his. name, under wiilch he travels now, taken from him and that he be given the name, under which he was baptise) In Egypt, Maham med Nadir. He petitioned the Douglas county court to mske the change, but the court refused, declaring that there was not sufficient grounds for doing so. The bill of particulars filed with the clerk of the supreme court contains a translated copy from the decree of law of the supreme court of Egypt, which cost him five plasters. 1 In his , deposition In the rase he sets out that he worked In the stare of John Wannamaker as a janitor, but lost out In the great financial panic of 1893. He then joined Barnum A Bailey's circus as a "Howling and Whirling Dervlsher." and performed acta as performed In Turkey. He became a Cathollo priest while with the circus. In 1898 he went to Omaha during the Trans-MlssteslppI exposition and was a Methodist evangelist. After the exposi tion, he alleges, that the presiding elder of that district Interfered with hie preach ing, and he withdrew from the church and became a congrertknallst. He says his wife Is a Swede and belongs to the Lutheran church and docs not approve of his religion. . . " " )! "I 1 , ',. "'.1 .1. 'I.I " ' l ' ' ,; 1 'TV ' " 4i J i III 1 M nil II 1 y hi sjifru j 1 . m. See Oar 1 1 m Window Displays NATIONAL GUARD PLANS INCREASE IN COMPANIES (From a Staff Correspondent.) Intendent, Tearl Sewell. rep.; attorney, T.l " V , A. Klpllnger, dem. piINCOLN, Neb., Nov. ll.-(Speclnl )- ' 1 The State Military board will meet next OFFICIAL VOTE IN FOURTH Monday to take up several matters of Importance. Among others will be the proposition of putting In a cavalry troop at Holdrege and an artillery battery at Hasting. . . Cass County Besalts. PLATTSMOLTH, Neb., Nov. -(Special.) The Cass county officers were all re-elected except two. Miss Ed a Mar quardt, republican, succeeds Miss Mary E. Foster, democrat, as superintendent of publlo Instruction by 409 majority, and jjjj 1 Dr. J, F. Brcndel, democrat, succeeds 07 1 B. I. Clement, republican, by 858 nu ts 1 Jorlty for coroner. County is usually I Hmit.lli.Bn il 1 .,im ftshvjkv-tir... f nr h nail ; 'Miimiiiin 11 miiii, r! n! ii 11 1 Ti..pi in. i imii 11 my; November Days are Oveifcoat Days , and This Store is the "HOME OF THE OVERCOAT" Now is the one logical time and this is the one 'logical place- to cnoose mat new uvcrcoat. natever. tup color the style or trie size you may want rcmeiiiher this is tho store where' you are sure t( UtfWtMtf ' j . 1 . t .h. . Balmacaans : Chesterfields Chinchillas $10 to $3fr $15 to $50 $15 to $40 Gloves For street and dress wear -several leath ers all ' big I values-r-, 1 ;lli,dsli 1 ji :;M!:-iM',.!iV1ii.,:i,r'':ij!. :' '('HiLmIi h , ,. ! :ii;,:h,!,! t , 724 ! a majority of 428. The Want Ad Columns of The Bee Are Read Dally by People, In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. i miLurnry, i. tu, jaCKBOn, rep. fax County County Judge, Adolph 1: clerk. Edward F. Vrsak. rep.; Iff. John R. Bartunek. dem.; treas- Tito Children Burn to Death. STELLA. Neb., Nov. ll.-(Speclal.) Mrs. Jennie Hager has received word that the large farm house occupied by her son, Fred Hager, near Claremont, 8. D., was burned and his 2-year-old daughter, Frances, was burned to death, and the 9-month-old 'baby so badly burjjed that It died a few days later. Nothing was saved from the house and in lt was also burned the furniture belonging to Mrs. Charles Morsey, who Is Mr. Hager'a sis ter. - . Aged Woman Takes Poison. GREELEY. Neb., Nov. U.-(8peolal.) When Joseph Plnkerton, an old soldier, returned . about 4 o'clock - Tuesday from carrying the mall on Rural Route No. L he found the lifeless body of his wife lying on the floor of their home. She had taken carbolic acid with suicidal in tent Mrs. Plnkerton had been In poor health for some time, and her mind had been' affected thereby. ' Department Orders. . WASHINGTON. V. C. Nov. ll.-(8pe-clat Telegram.) Iowa, rural letter oar rlers appointed: Decorah, David R. Baker; Dunkerton, John B." 'Albright; Ha warden, Ralph Wheeler; Monmouth, Harry B. Preeton. United States National Bank of Omaha has been appointed as a reserve agent for Firtt Natlonl Bank of Fremont, Neb. : t - Would You Trust A Man whoso . surroundings, mods of life, and food and drink, have combined to make him treacherous. Indolent and unreliable? ' : i ' And food and drink are among the chief causes. Coffee one of the commonest beverages contains a drug, caffeine, which affects stomach, liver, heart and other organs. 8ome. persons are strong enough to stand the attack of the 1 coffee-drug, but to most people it is a poison, and sooner or later is bound to tell '. . s If you find coffee Is hurting you, quit it and try POSTUM This healthful food-drink is made of prime wheat and a bit ' of wholesome molasses, carefully blended and roasted. It con tains the food elements of the wheat and molasses and nothing else nothing Injurious or harmful. Serve Postnni piping hot and lt Is delicious and Invigor ating: ;': "There's a Reason" for POSTUM What Portraits? - , ,-- ..- . , ; ... ( ; . 1 j Better Xmas Gift : .Y1'- ';. V'' ' 1-4 ," t ' 1 . Did the idea ever occur to you that one or two dozen artistic portraits of yourself would 'make ideal remem brances for as many 'friends t ' , Portraits possess - abundantly tho requirements of - the ' ideal gift for Christmas. ' ,:' t ' , ' What can - surpass . them for tho purpose!;, A good pictufe-ythe kind tha-V makes an impression requires time for artistic posing, So, have your sit ; ting' at once to be sure of the very , best possible result. Telejphpne at Once to Anyr of These ' Good Photographers and Arrange an Early .'Sitting1 Cliaclii ; H.' Cidj,,252l Sheroiu A. a.. Web. 3791 F. A. RlnohrV IBIli and Firnam. . Daugli .1132 He;n Mutilo, Cor. !6!h ml owird Dou!it 4BI Rodstrom itudio, I8H Frntn Street, Ooiulas 5622 Lonlen etudio, 1517 Finttn Slrn . Dougas 3004 SiaJbarg K ftln r. 107 So. I6tb St.0bur!as 2387 Rtfoibrant SiodU, 1322 Famig St.,-' DddkIIs 3541 - J. W. Sko.!und, 920 nor.h24ifc St;; Djuglti 135 i ;!viV-i:,-V;M1V..-','i.- . ,,ri.!''i..;.';l-vi',ii''-J ,ii,.': , .;! r: L : i . - ' 1 ,..'' . -, '-' -, t , i . ; ' ' ' .... t t ', .... ,.- .., i ' ' . " "" ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' 1 ' ' - '1'' " m ill' 'y": l ' ' : . V "" - ' i . . . .. . ' ome Deer- Blatz Beer enjoys a reputation for ;qiiality unique and enviable in the industry.', ' It is a known and admitted fact that Blatz 5 is the finest tasting beer b revved.' I " ; , ' If you want the best flavored beer possible to buy buy Blatz for your home. ' Gives: greater satisfaction costs J no more. Always the same good old' ! J Milwaukee, ,.. . ; V; : : leads them all Blatz Company 802-810 Douglas St., P"' Dough es2 OMAHA, NX3IIAS1XA .. . , t i T if mm mm if '. W& twm, "!;".' ii,;'..,:.;,,;?'