Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    '.'iiuwi, iiiuii'ni, iur riDfjU iz
These Bright November Days
Really Demand a New Suit
Women who have already purchased their suits are
fretting the greatest pleasure, and satisfaction in weuiing
th em these bright November davs.
The Section is now offering some very
attractive new suits
For $19.50, $24.50, $29.50
These are values you will appreciate because the
styles are new and original. The fabrics desirable and the
tailoring the best. Other suits up to $S5.
New Coat
$13.50 to $29.50.
Sent to us by our
buyer now in
New York.
The Store for
We have just received an
other shipment of Kay
eer's Venetian Petticoats
three styles in blue,
black, green and brown; a
$3.00 value, $3.95.
(Continued from Page On.)
the question of double and single binii
commercial paper. It did make It e
ceedlngly dear, however, that It had a
preference for tba two nam sort, and
rMt no mm (or tha authorities of th
banks to doubt that It ax peeled careful
Inquiry Into on name paper presented
to them for rediscount.
Insight lata Beewaaala Changes.
The circular discussed the conditions
that have arisen hero and throughout
the world through the war, and gave
some Insight Into tba economlo changes
which might be expected aa a. result.
"It should bo borne In mind that." It
said, "although our 'exports are show,
log a gratifying Increase, there la still
a large cash balance due to European
countries, (or which gold mar he de
manded and that a large quantity of
American securities held abroad may be
returned to the United (Hates, while on
the other hand, more than $,W,ono,000 of
emergency currency must be gradually
"No one can estimate the duration of
the war or predict what will be the fi
nancial or commercial conditions when
ace shall be restored. Our own .Indus
llal development has been greatly fa
iilitated by foreign capital, and we have
lean accustomed to borrow lares sums
unnuslly In Europe and to sell Amerl-
an securities there, which attracted for.
should, to the utmost degree of effi
ciency, organise and make available its
own resources In order that It may pro
vide for Its own' needs and replace the
facilities suddenly destroyed by th clos
ing of so many of the sccustomod chan
nel of credit and trade "
Daaelag Payer.
In defining commercial paper the board
announced certain batilo principles. In
brief they are: That no bill shall be ad
mitted to lediseount by a reserve bank
the proceeds or which have been or are
to be applied to a permanent invest
ment Maturities of discounted bills the
board holds should bs well distributed
so that a reserve bank should be In a
position to liquidate one-third of all Its
investments within tnlrty days. Bills
presented for redlncount should be "es
sentially selMlquldsttng," which the
board explained means that they should
represent some distinct step In the pro
duction or d.strlbutlve process, and be .
of such character that It Is reasonably
sure that they can be collected at ma
In addition to these principles, the board
require that such paper be endorsed by
the member bank offorlng it for redis
count; that the indorser bank waive de
mand notice and protest; that such paper
be Issued or drawn for agricultural. In
dustrial or commercial purposes of the
proceeds of which have been so used;
Teuton Forces Determined in At
tack! Upon Points of AdranUfe
Along North French Coait.
Adversaries to Kaleer's rasapalan
ee Where the troa Htaa of the
Allies Is Cartalltac Ills
PARIS. Nov. 11. it It becoming more
and more evident to French observers
that Oermeny Is now making a maximum
effort In Belgium to carry out Its deter
mlnstlon to penetrate the battle line of
the allies with a rrontal attak and
reach either Dunkirk or Calais on the
English channel. !
This attack seems to be taking place
south of LMxmude. What Is described
in an orriclal bulletin aa "very violent
fighting" in the north, continued this
morning. The foggy weather of the last
few days apparently has cleared and the
Oermens are pushing tho attack.
Nevafthelesa. Paris seems well naXU
fled, with the situation of the allies and
the optimism of the last two weeks con
tinues unabated.
ntady Uerwian rosliloa.
The Herman position, however. It being
given conaldersble' k'loe study. French
military critics, from the standpoint of
strategy, regard the German portion be
tween two adversaries too far from
eaoh other for united efforts In Ihe same
operation, as a favorable one for the
reason that It perml's the use of what
Is called "Internal lines."
This strategy Is slinplo In tho ordinary,
but not always to In practice. A clssslcal
example of Intarnal lines Is found In ths
rsmpalng of in 4 In Franoe. Napoleon,
holding the internal lines, beat the Aus
trian army at ons point, and then after
leaving sufficient force before the
Aumnan 10 noia them in check, pro
reeded by forced marches toward tho
Russian army, which he vanquished In
Its turn.
Nowadays railroad transportation
makes It possible to apply this maneuver
Your Margin
of Health
is very small, indeed,
when the appetite is
poor, the digestion bad,
the liver lazy and the
bowels clogged but
don't remain that way;
today and let it help
Nature restore these
organs to their proper
functions. vBe sure to
French Official Statement Reports
. Capture of Dixmudc by Germans
PARIS, Nor. 11. The French official
statement this afternoon says that the
fighting was resumed yesterday morning
with very great severity between Nleu
port and the Lye. The French forces
J were successful In maintaining their
fronU but It Is admitted that the Oer
mano toward tho end of the day suc
ceeded In taking possession of Dlxmuda
The British troops are described as hav
ing repulsed the enemy at several points.
At other polata on the Una the French
claim slight progress. The text of the
. statement follows:
i "On our Wt wing thef fighting waa re
, sumed yesterdsy morning between Nleu
, port and the Lye with a great decree of
j. severity. Ornerallv iiwiklnr u fr.i
n was maintained In spite of the violence
and the strength of the German attacks
I directed against certain of our points of
I support.
To the north of Nleuport. we were even
able to reoccupy Lomhaertsde and ad
vance beyomf this town, but toward the
end of the day the Oermans succeeded In
taking possession of Dlxmude. We still
hold our positions on the approaches to
thla town, along the canal from Nleuport
to Tpres, which has been firmly occupied.
The fighting wss very hot at these places
"The British troops attacked also at
several points, succeeded everywhere In
stopping the enemy.
"On the right of the front the general
situation shows no change with the ex
eeption of slight progress by our force
to the north of ftolsaons, and In the
region to the west of Vsllly, on the
right bank of tho Atone, Outside of these
Points the state of the weather permitted
only minor engagements, which resulted
successfully for us. Particularly at Coin
court, three kilometers north of the forest
of Perroy. we routed a detachment of the
enemy." s
Morement of Army Aoron Frontier
from Poland in Korember
Thought Impossible.
Germans Ransack Whole of East
Germany for Men and'Oaa. to
Oppose Onslaasrht ef
Tsar's Forces.
King Makes Usual Addreu at Begin-
nag of Session.
alty and I pray the Almighty i
His blessing to your counsels."
ill give
Half BUIIoxt Dollars Granted la
Aagaat frantically All Sweat
ad Half Billion Mora
Will Bo Asked.
LONDON. Nov. lL-r-Klag George opened
today what probably win prove to be a,
purely war session of Parliament. No
controversial political question will be
deliberated, but thla does not mean that
entire harmony will prevail, for the
ui.ii.nwm win do asRed some
.pertinent and uncomfortable question
j about their conduct of various phases of
, the war.
The labor party leaders are especially
primed with questions In regard to pay
for the soldiers, allowances for thiir da-
American Foods
Eeach Belgians
" LONDON1, Nov. ll.Tbe relief ship Tet
lut, chartered by the American commls
slon for relief In Belgium, landed I.SO0
tons of food In Rotterdam today. Three
thousand tons of foodstuffs have been I
rushed to Llego. Namur and o'her remote I
poinrs, where the distribution already
has begun in an effort to relieve tho
acute want in those districts.
In Administering
the affairs of nn estate,
the Peters Trust Com
pany can be depended
upon for promptness
and accuracy often ef
fecting a considerable
savingin expense to the
Appoint us as your
. $200,000.00
- $275,000.00
ft - V
to two point. 1.000 mile, apart Herman j he f errnln .3 7 ,, l UM f
railroad. In particular lend 1 . .Af' V'l,wu" rUBn,n
sdmlrablv to thla nrocetdur. "port feverish
(Copyright. 1911, by Tress PubllshingCo.)
PETROORAD, Nov. U.-Speclal Cable
gram to New Tnrlr Wn.M -A ...
uee. hum an eht mlnmn. kik i ; poiwiuns, out. criticism or
..... v-vminvni vy ine opposition prob-
llaatlon Different Xonr.
activity. They have been able to arrest
German movements on the railway near-
. v(a im. iriiwbjf near-
est the frontier, but farther back the Oer
man lines are crowded day and nleht h
But there la an essential difference.
r i5fiii.ii uu.errers pouu out, net ween man line, am rmmAm .- v ..
NJ?0!t1 m??,n ."f enlur' I tr"ln bringing troops and equipment, and
...t. ut "uun ins operations , enptioialiy artillery, from East Prussia to
the positions behind Thorn and Posen.
of today were not begun In tho saino
manner. 1 he first draft of troops to
east rrusnia was not sent after a victory
in franoe, but after a German detent at
Qumblnnen, and further drafts of troops
now are being sent to thd eastern arena
Population la Panle.
Ths excitement among the German rail
way staff has thrown the population Into
ably will be restrained.
Keginal McKenna, the home secretary,
is expected to make a report on the sit
uation In regard to alien aneinles In
England and that the extent of the spy
peril needs no additional legislation In
thla direction. .
The most immediate business before the
House of Commons will bo to provide
sinews of war In men and money. The
recruiting situation may lead to aomo
steps towards compulsory "servlee. anil
a panic Many thousands of German ' r 'wu'uuu sranted In August having
families have hastily packed their port-, 0 PrcUcally Pent, a further credit
of. the war after German defeat, at j able belongings and have fled behind the cf 'N5 amount probably will be pro!
t foi tress of Posen. fearing the Russian unoer the special war loan act
Invaders. Others are abandoning their p"tl th it session,
homes and making for Breslau and Dres- J wthla the Mouse of Lords all the cere
den. . menial trappings wore used. In this
Evidently the German general staff waa i bo,r king's speech from the throne
convinced that when the Russians had " Tnovoa by Lord Metbuen and see
Augustowo and Warsaw. Thus It Is not
a question, In the opli Ion of French
critic, of falling upon the second enemy
after having peatcn the first, but rather
of retiring before an enemy In a good
ponitlon In an endeavor to .limit the
.. i ..via . i m iiun.iau. una - - mmuii Mm sec-
of Another imrmy still better ! n-Diilnfd the mAvmM w.r.. onde4 by VlsMtmi n,ir t
mat ir in tht rorm of acceptance thejr ! r'-v' l,,,,"'ur" Vl lin" tn Vistula, and had turned the Oermana Ul -(wnmon the ipmh waa moved bv
might be based on transactions Involving Prance, fos the Oermans to boat the back as far as the frontier, the real cam-
the Importation or exportation of goudil,'"1" free, ior a lime at palgn of Invasion would ba conducted
and have a maturity of not longer than """r m ".'cnrnons in oraer through East Prussia.
three months.
Manner of Endorsement.
Acoeptanre must be endorsed by a mem
ber bank and the total amount offered
that they may turn their attention to tho '
This line of argument leads to the con'
vtciion in Parte that the German endeavor
by a member hk ....krV;' "' uru 'th great
i . . , ... . . . . i . . . . . ' aeierniinaiian.
' r. i r. b it mm n r. inn niirn.p him mm. ' n ir i . . - i . i j . . i . i
- - t i - , . fiv mt v-fiitM atiu purifier a ne
iiMra.t with KSimAmm !-, . . ' , . A. . .
- ... '..iiiivhi i t , i fiiifviaia ui iapvr oeiinng ne eiiaorse-
ment of any one parson, corporation or
firm redlscounted for any one bank shall
not at any time exceed 10 per cent of ths
unimpaired capital and surplus, thla not
to apply to bills of exchange drawn
agalnat actually existing values.
Paper diawn for trade In atneka ant
curltles will not be acceptable, nor will dec,4rd tween the Carransa and Villa
uch paper drawn for "merely Invest-' elpmnU of tn constitutionalist army, ao
ment ' and the board Interpret, thlsl co,dln toudvlces received at Juares to-
pnraseoiogy or the law to exclude paper,
Peat Thoacht lasgtoaalble.
It Is likely that they considered It abso-
Sir Robert Prlo and seconded by Com
moner William Middlcbrook.
8poea of tkc Klaar.
In his speech from the throne, at th
Higher Than Before Likely.
'It It probable that at ,the end of .the
war rates in Europe will be higher than
tksy hsve been in the past and greater 1
Investment returns will be yielded. The :
tremendous destruction ,of property and j
waste of capital will not enly check the
flow of European savings to ths United !
Btates. but may dispose foreign Investors .
to return tho eouhlies they now hold. '
Lower money rates in this country would i
d likely to eocentuau this tendency. I
while, on the other hand, high interest :
rates and larger Investment . returns on
pur aide would check it.
"The function of the federal ressrve
tanks Is. therefore, of two-fold char
acter. They should extend credit facili
ties' particularly where the abnormal con
ditions now prevailing have created
emergency demanding prompt accommo
dations, and on the other hand they must
protect tho gold holdings of this country
In jrder that .uch holdings may remain
aAtmute to meet demands that may be
made upon them.
ale) Act wlia Caatlea.
While credit faculties should be lib
erally extended la gome parts of the coun
try It would appear advisable to proceed
with caution In districts not In need of
Immodlato relief, and to await the affect
of the releaaa of reserves and of the
changes which the credit mechanism of
to country w about to experience be
fore establishing a definite discount pol
icy. . :
"Whit the most acute atate of the re
oeat financial emergency appears to have
passed 'tho conditions in other countries.
make It neceeaary that tha United State
War Begun Between
: Villa and Carranza
EL PASO. Tex., Nov. 11. War has been
i imoiy m iney conmqerea It aoso- nnenlnv nr P1i. . .
lutely Impossible for the Russians to bring ' pritan""" King George
a great combined army with Irtiped'O
menta .for a Winter 'campaign across
Poland In November. 'Thla V.-B K . 4nnm I .
I.i " upjccts in every part of tK. mi
concentrated in the prosecdtlon t .
Ilencg thw 'Oermans are now cnce.n
"My Lords and Oentlemen: '
"The energies and sympathies of m.
traUng at high pressure all their available
forces from tha garrlsonr of fortresses
and the reserves in Silesia. Saxony and
fv ""very
X keen apP
the proceeds of which may be used In
Investments In land, plant machinery,
permanent improvements, or transactions
of similar nature, Purchase for merely
tecuiaf.iTe purposes would constitute a
mere Investment' In the eyes of ths
board and ba excluded.
lias Ktaed Limit.
. The board also announced that for. the
present It has fixed the limit which a
reserve bank may tedlscount paper "for
agricultural purposes or based on live
stock." having not more than six months
maturity at per cent of the .capital
bank. This limit may he Increased In
agricultural districts la time of nsed. j
In Its discussion of two and one-name
night from officials of the conclave of
chieftains at Aguaa Callentes.
A preliminary battlo already has oo-
curred at Leon, between the convention
city and Queretaro, itwaareported.
General Pablo Oonsales, the Carransa tjermans occupied that city, has been
commander, has moved his forces from captured by the Russians.
Queretaro north to Sllao to meet the Villa Rome reports that the Austrian army
(Continued from Page One.)
'lorroue issue of the war In which" era
are engaged, i have summoned you now
a praer mat. snaring, aa I am aware you
do. my conviction that this Is a duty of
paramount and supreme Importance, you
should take whatever step, are needed for
Its adequate discharge.
"Since I last addressed you. the area
of the war thai ben enlarged by the'
participation In the struggle of tho Otto
man empire..1 In conjunction iik
allies and in spite of repeated and con, '
vmvocaiiona. I strove to preserve
In regard to Turkey a friendly neutral
Ity. Dad counsels and alien Influence
have driven It Into a policy of wanton
and defiant aggression and a atate of war
Papers, the board announced that It la' mnded,
advance. General Manuel Chao, a VJIa Is abandoning entirely Its positions to exists between us. My Mussulman
chieftain, departed today from Agua. Western Gallcta and will winter at the ublct know well that our rupture with
Callentes with a strong column. I foot of the Carpathians, renewing the TurkT has been forced upon me against
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. Amarlcan! war from that base In the spring. But .m,rw",' anJ I recognise with appreeia
troopa probably will be ordered out of the stubborn defense of Prsemysl and j Uen n eTatitude the proofs which they
vera cms very soon, leaving the Mexl- " eviaeni determination to defend Vra
can tactions to settle their own differ-1 tow hardly confirm this report,
ences, as a result of the recent develop- Dispatches reaching London from Bel
menta, which have brought the guaran- lu(n nd Holland eontinua to-Insist that
tsea the Washington government . de- the Germans are withdrawing many of
. . ' kt . - ... . .
- ---- - w- " "iv- WlVf
have hastened to give- of their loyal de
votion and support. ......
Wf Call for Money.
"My navy and army continue throurh
ut the area of conflict to maintain In
Perhapa, tha
fact that yon are
Inclined to feel
sad, should make
ou happy. WhyT
IBecauee, It may
be a wtrth-while-
hlnt to take' bet- "Mow can
tar care .of yourself.
"Blues" are apt to come from poison
ed blood often are caused by urto add
which the kidneys should filter from the
blood. Strengthen your kidneys with
Doan's Kldnsy Pills the remedy recom
mended everywhere for backache, utis
aeid troabie, bladder and kidney ailments.
A Cue Rijht Here
in Omaha.
Mrs. Thomas Ward, )0a S. tsth St.,
Omaha, says: "Trying to work with a
dull, grinding pain In the back and feel-
n af a Vt a -. htlm i
Uab'aaTacoVdTuo. ih ".mining!
v- ... . ",do io aucoeed Vr.
hoped to establish a central credit bureau
for the benefit of all reserve banks In
which the financial record of the big
borrowing corporations, firms and Indi
viduals wlU be kept.
Until January 11 next a wriUan state
ment of an officer of a bank applying
for the rediscount of any bill that Is to
be used for the purposes designated
will be suffiolent. After that date, how
over, no paper will be redlscounted un
less It bears on Its fare evidence thst
It la eligible under the board's regula
tions, and that the seller has given a
statement to the mem be bank.
To Bo Signed I ader Oath.
This atatement U to bo signed under
oath and will show tha character of
the business. the balance sheet, the
profit and loss account; permanent and
flxeO Investments, slow and quick as
sets; capital, long term and ahort term
loans. It will ahow also tho maximum
aggregate up to whlra the borrowing
concern expects to awll short paper, and
the board says that the giver of the
statement should obligate itself to ob
tain the member bank's consent be
fore exceeding the agreed limit. The
algnature of a member bank on such
paper will be considered binding, and a
guarantee that the borrower's statement
nas neen examined and that the paper
vuiuiifiea wnn roe law.
This Information In tho hands of re.
serve banks will be open to Inspection to
examiners and copies shall be furnished
on request to the reserve board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. ll.-Bpeclal Telegram.)
Dr. a A. Allen of Loup City wa. ap-
I firrtRu'i cmmlMi HA In Mlmmu. rront. tout the Official MnlmunlMtlAiii
cu.toms dues collected by American offl-from the headquarters of the allies do
dale during the occupation, and to pro-not indicate any diminution In the force
tect natlvea who have served Brigadier of lh Oerman attack, which Is prooeed
General Funston probably will be ao-J m wU" uual fury.
oepted aa sufficient. Th tooi situation in Belgium dally Is
Similar pledges from Gutlerres, the becoming mora critical. Even Antwerp,
provisional president, are expected. The wh,cn th mi upplied of the Belgian
American officials have collected several clu!. clamoring for tha provisions
millions in customs duties, which are to;brouht lnto tn country by the Amerl
be turned over to the Mexican govern-ic,n con"""''n.
ment That fact is taken by many offi
cials as a guaranty that the Washington
government's demands will-be compiled
troops from the western battle 1 'u1 measure their glorious traditions.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Nov. l.-(Bpj-clal.r
A surprise wedding waa that of
Mlas Dorothy Roolnson and Arthur In
man, who motored to Olsnwood, la.,
Thursday afternoon and were married
by Rev. Long, former president of Tabor
college, but now pastor of the Congre
gational church. The bride is a nleeo of
P. P. Spencer of Randolph, la., the ap
ple king of southwest Iowa, at whose
home she has lived for several years.
They wilt make their home on a farm
near Randolph.
bo in. Whon a medicine brliura rall.f
takes away all the aches and pains, the
user has reason to be thankful.. One of
my family had thla experience and
praises Doan's Kidney pills." .
50 al all Drugstores
Foe Ur-Mil bum Go. - Buffalo. N.Y
A. E. Thomas of
Miller Seat to Prison.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. U.-(Speoal
Telegram.)-Chester W. Mili.r. v,.
pleaded guilty In Justice court Monday to Br" boura. This treatment will usually
the charge of forging tha nam. or w w P worst case In a day or two.
La.Grippe and Colds
febleis are unexcelled, aa they stop tba
alas, sooibe the nerves, and bring ths rest
so greatly needed by nature to restore tbe
sy. teal to health. Physician, have used
these tablets lor over twenty years, ta tbe
treatment of eoldt, fevers and la grippe, and
have loudd no other remedy more seful la
giete conditions. AaU-kamnla Tablets are
so Inexpensive, sc pleasaal to lake, so sat
isfactory la thalr results, and so uietul In all
coudltlons where there Is pain, that A-K
Tablets skoald always be kapt la the hoase
lor the time ol need- Many of our ablest
pbyslelaas obtain perfect result, la la grippe
and oleanalng tbe system with Ep
som salts erActoid". a very good catbar
tlo, putting tbs patient on a limited diet, end
administering one A-K tablet every two or
Defeated Candidate
Is Deputy Treasurer
(From a tSaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. H.-(Speclal Telegram.)
W. B. Eastham, defeated candidate for
the democ-ratlo nomination as land com
missioner, has been appointed deputy
state treasurer by Oeorge Hall, treasurer
elect Mr. Eaetham'a home Is la Custer
county. He has been a candidate for land
commissioner three or four different times
but never succeeded In landing a stats
house job.
we watch and follow their steadfastness
and valor with thankfulness and pride
and there ta throughout my empire a
flxeA determination ta secure 'at what
ever sacrifice tha triumph of our arms
and vindication of our cause. '
' Ton will be asked to make due finan
cial provision for the effective conduct
of the war. and the only rneaaurea which
will be submitted to yo at thla stage of
the session are such as serin necessary
to my advisers for the attainment of the
great purpose upon which the efforts of
the emrfre are set I confidently com
mend them to your patriotism and loy-
An Old Recipe j
To Darken Hairi
, i
Common garden Sago and Sulphur.
k su-eaKea, faded or fray
hair dark and glossy at once.
Almost everyone knows that Base Tea
and Sulphur, property compounded, brings
back the natural color and luster to the
hair when faded, streaked or gray; also
ends dandruff. Itching scalp and stops
falling hair. Tears ago tho only war to
get this mixture waa to make it at home,
wh ch Is mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays wa simply ask at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Haga and " Bulphur
Compound " Tou will get a' large bot
tle for about 60 cents. Everybody uses
this old. famous redee. berauae no one I
ran possibly tell that you darkened your
hair, as it does It so naturally and even
ly. You dampen -a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your hair,
taking one smslt strand' at a time; bv
TTtnrnlrt thn rrav hsstf AMit f oia I
,uv,.u,j nam. mic ana i wonunenatng at 10 o'olook and
glossy and you look years younger. Ad- j lasting all day. Several good hard coal
Mini tiu it sold, also aome ranges
and soft ooal heaters,
rernttnro of all gaaertatioB mnjt
vi,J.T.,r1 rood ru- ! tlnsns.
neaamg, dishes, books, and one Horse
and Waters f 600.00 Piano la good condi
tion. All will be aold to highest bidden
Sont ml so this opportunity.
uis aaie wail Be Indoors. Cold westhes
$3.50 a Hit and Up
20 High Grade Makes to
Select From.
Fre tuning;, Insurance, stool,
scarf; six months' rent allow
ed on purchase price If ypu de
cide to buy.
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Douglas 1023. '
- -
gj r
Sail 1
A purchase of about 350
rich ugs. at little more than
This is"iiew8 of b uch im
portance that we hasten to
make it public. This sale has
just been consumated. The
rugs are on the way and
Will Be On Sale
I -DAI li
Hovenber 16
Watch Windows for Display
Watch Papers for Prices
n n rl n ii
will not interfere.
Typowri tors i'S
For Rent 1
SI and Up F er Month
Central Typewriter Exchange ,y
Inc. '
807-SO9 South 17th.
raons inui." . m
r m i TTTTTTt T
Csrnithers. a farmer, to two checks for
WO. was clven an Indeterminate sen
Unc of from one to ten years In ths
penitentiary by Judge rrmbertoa of the
district court today.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOUN. Nov. U.-8pclal.-CommlB.
tuners of Burt, Dakota, Boone, Oase
and Stanton counties, the counties In
which ault waa be-un In the supreme
court last week for the collection of the
insane fees due tha state, met with the
atate auditor today aa talked the matter
over wlh him. Neither the commissioners
or the auditor would talk for publication,
but It Is understood that there are
rounds to believe that the counties ara
not anxious for the suit to proceed after
dlscoveiinf that Auditor Howard had a
few cards up his sleeve which he waa
prepared to play If necessary.
.sire- Carol I ae H.ataa. , v
rUATTSMOUTa Neb Nov. .na.
while In miider eases, ease and eomf on loi elaL-Mra Caroline Henton. a rod M
low eiiueai, immediately. Tbsae tablet ere y-tr. - p. , ' ., " .
alto oneieell tor heoralala, Rheumatla hV. ,T w"",jr lo"r.
rwlns. The lalos of Women, IndtcesUoa. Thursday. She Is survived by three
and insomnia. Ail draMlsat have then, i daughters, alra. J. W. Johnson. Platta-
UdM A-K realms tear tkm rK mm. m"lh,;, 11 Mra. W.
J T. OUlUple. Maynard. Neb.
Dresses, Coats, Salts
We never hare been so busy
iaca tha oVenluc of our bouac la'
Omaha aa wa war Wedoeaday, and
De) wonder I
Our Annual November 115.00 Sale
of coats, suits and dresses la .tba
reason. It continues until Satur
day. Values to 140.00.
It la rested, yon r Invited to
Inspect tba offerlnja.
Tha Star for Gentlewomen"
Leaated at 111) Farnam Strwat
3 . r
Tfaester. D. mi
18th and Xarney.
dasttjbx nonuir
' xabt ncxrou ; .:
4a ,
szyxxd m sozsTzg
Ia rive Keels
tarte- at totoo, liiao, i(io, Iroo, aao,
:40, too, TifO. irto.
ia t)
44. - .
Tkls wk: Mile. Natalie a U. Perrarl, Paul
KUUt, Aaa OtaadUr, if Br lea. . Havel V'o
Ho Valtrlo 8utK, M4ri. iud Blllr Hart!
l.kaa. McOood.' (J., OlTbaum TrT Wak.
- PHom: MattaM.- talUrr Mo; Hte ml tn.
t'lw' ""sais. 10a, m,
BiAiiDEIS T . !
nooeai Maass Soe-Sl Tonla-ht 15o-tl Bo
mi mm ;ubV.'
Mat, tao, HijTMrhta iS, "O.
0 Ji rowcirriB- '
T Iran, ia-aS-Ao.76.
iTl,rl? Qu,n". Eln Oreen. 8am
Wlchaia Bobby Harrington and a Btv
taat. Bereaminf satire on Alexander
Bisson's "Madam X.- entitled "Madam
Acuse Me." Ir. iru. K,,rl.,,-
I Te-aJa-ht, hfatlaeea. Tneo, Tan, Bat.
tm Oe M. Cohan's Comsdy,
a exi wtsa -xus Colleg-s Widow.-
TAiAUC ! Vh BJsxg aeJ , I
MltlMM ladaW. Thsr.ti..
HflOa tLm am.) um
W'Mat ef Novti.ber l&. 'Tht Typhoon"
Turpin's Dancing Uatfcny 2&th and Farnam Sts
TuaaaMva m. wT i'mZ: m . "OBay Tnursuay, s a. m. Advanced clasa
y t p' m-, t-P-lo-datv dancea are standardised and eaa- , i. "'
rtate fteaawaa ally. Asaeaihly Sews BatardaT Bvaala. L.-.'tV0-