THE BEE: OMAHA," NOVEMBER 1HU. WANT ADS V'wnt dreoelved at" any time, but to Inmrv proper claesl flea Hon must be pre inlM before II o clock noon fr evening edition and 7:30 p m. for morning and Biindar edition. Wsnt d received after rh hours mill be under th heading. "Too l,te to Claselfy." CASlJ RATES. Peven consecutive times 1 cent a wora wrh Inwrtlnn . Thrre tlmn within orle week, 14 cent word each fnsertlon. On tiro I ornti word. CIURIE RATES. f "even consecutive time. 8 cent a line each Insertion. . . Three time within one week. 10 cents a line each insertion. One time. II cent a line. . Count sic average worrte to a Una. Minimum charge. I" cents. An advertlim7nt Inserted to h run un til discontinued mutt be stopped YtJ"tn tti order. N You ran pint your want ad In The Boe ty ''telephone ttler iooo. Unclaimed Answers to the - "Swappers' Columa" Hundreds of other answers nave been called for and delivered during the la st week. It la reasonable to suppose that en o( the iople below have mad. the de sired .waps-th.efor. do not call tor tha balsnce of their answers. Bee Want Am sc. sr. J4.-9 1') 14K2 IT! JK7 1471 ltV.l 1472 1M 1473 lf 14sl lf7rt 1574 J&U li74 1MI lf77 J615 153 JFI7 l-'' 151 1587 iw4 ism aura net result. B.C. 9 C. . . S C. B O. 121a i77i ua l mi j:7 ln7 3?2 KT ISM 1408 J 27. liKd 1X42 1411 1236 l:-K 1844 Hia 1J4.1 II 17 141 147 l 13.3 14?4 l.4 I 'JOT 1361 MM J:f IB JM 14:l 1 1.174 K'3 l.v 1303 1378 14: it 1 1441 131 iw itso 1445 lata ism H4 J.WJ 1S14 1403 14M ue vox i 1464 RATIia AKD FUMERAL KOTICBS LAWLEn-Mathew, aged 4 years, died Novembef 10. M4. ' , Funer ii- Thursday afternoon at 130 P m fronTresldance. 1KB North Seventeenth street. Interment at l'eorla. 111. ortunvT.iTt a imi w ed 39 years. Funaral mrr ces Friday at 130 P. m. at Xountaa Memorial enurcn. BIRTH AMD DEATHS. Births Maria and Maria Caeioppa, X326 South Twentieth, sjlrl; A. T. and fcsala Iiavls. The Traverton. boy; B. F. ana Matilda Knel. Bll Bouth Th rty-Wth venae, boy; Carl and Alice Freeberg, 13 Maaon, boy; Hoy and Kins I'lanteen, l0t JSortli Thlrty-tourtn, boy; -Clyde and Maud Phillip. 4" Urown. boy; John and Jly Vvgal, M Bouth Fortywtlrst, two 'ueatha-Anna Da Wol. 17 years. J2l North Twenty-fourth; Iwldget Oahogan, X) years.-aU Michigan avenue; Tony U tlreggo. 1 year, lill f aclflc; Ida F. Hlrsh. W yoars; hopitali Anna ,C. Nlllaan, 6 year. 4n01 North Twenty-ninth; Uuaen Ir-urcell, as year, hospital; Margaret . Hul llvsn, 0 years, 115 Burt; James Todd, ii years, ho.ptul; John F. Waller, U years, SO Dodge.' ' TODtVH WIPLKTK MOVIK riitM.KAMS KxcluniTel In The) Ue ret. MONROE. tr-. FARNAM. The Myntery of Omyeon Hall. -ret Eclair. Th t'ountlci" Count. Joker com. Broken llnrrler. Frontier. loiarll Ulnffa. ELITE NO. J. ' M3 H ROADWAY. The lloprlo(, (lme I.nMn. William llenrv Jones' Courtship. Vita. Four .Minute ltte. Sellg v Rorkli. b31 lilfOADWAY. Trey O" Heart No. 15. 8-reel O. Pesl. Tnle of a Ixinesont I g. Victor comedy. oath Urnana. I1EHSE. 24TH AND N. The Hold l Uibln. To Midnight Hide of Paul Revere. It. Edison. The Laundress. Kssany. MAU1C. 24TH AND U. Those Persistent I-over. Crystal comedy. The Link That Bind. J-reel Hei. Vnarte vltle. ORPHEEM, 24TH AND M, BO. OMAHA. Series No. 30 of the Mlillon-Dollar Mys- , tery will he shown hers Wednesday. ' Two thrilling reels. ANNOUNCEMENTS HAZEL Leaf Pile Cone. Hest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; fiflc postpaid; sample free, tilierman A Mrfonnell lrng Co , Omaha eliin siinoiiiicement lK.ig. l'tlii. Co. LUCKY wed'ilny r'n-aat Hrodegaard' LAWN COVKRINO. WALNUT 192. IjK.N'rifl'l H V All kind of liental Work done, under reretul supervision, at th the Crelghton College of iJonll'lrv 8. lKth 8t. Children' teeth stralkh'ened. FEFft very moderate. Extractions free. GET Y. M. C. A. tlckot for Xmas. UTVB WIKB BUH1NEHS MEN OF OMAHA A B C ot Omaha A ALL WATCHES, O.amonas ana jew elery. special price, riept. and tct Uuy how, 11 a week.' Western Watch UO-, lUKim hi. and Jewelry block. Karbavo 1 " VERY ELECTRIC LIGHT 1 a Mas-a M In th Jee building (tne nuiiains - ' that Is always new), and current Is furnished free. For office Inquire room 103. NEW - and second-hand electrio fans and motora. LeUron Electrio Works, .1 8. mh. Dougl I17. - MAHA PILLOW CO., 107 Cuming. Doug. 247. Renovates feathers and mattrease. ot all kinds, makes feather mttrae apd down eovsra 0 ' BUILDING rKHMITI. Edmonds company, WCi Pierce frame dwelling, t3,m A. Theodore, 1W8 Bouth Twsnty-fllth,-repairs. H,. TODAY'S COMPLETE - MOVIE PBOOUAM9 Gxcluslvely In Tb Bet. tws Vswa. - CAMKRAPHClisK, 1403 DOTja The Lynbrook Tragedy, l-reel Kalexo. Vironcho Wily, Favorite. Essanay. Two's Company. Ellon. I.UTE NO. X. "I FAKNAM. Hoaeinary, That's lor Remembranoe. -r. Bellg. Ham and the Vlliian Factory. Kl. The Wife's Mralagem. Olograph. FAl-NAM. HIS FAitNAM. The Tear That Burned. l-reel Mai, dr. Mothei hood. lteauty drama. The Iead Line. Prince comedy. iiU-r XUi-ATk-K. Ibitl ANI UAKNEY. Horn el Paramount Plotures. VAIltw 614 N. 16TU t)T. Lord Cecil Intervsnee. Lubln. Tne Pukaoned lilt, l-reel Edison, felippery hum ana urwn-ivyw monst-r. J-AKLOiU I IV DOUULAB. Shadows. ' J-real Imp. 1 hey lHdnMt Know. Cry, comedy. P1UNCE8S. U17-1H DOUOLAB. Toience O'Rourke. Gentleman Adventurer. His Heart, His Hand. His Bword. U-r. An 111 tnd, coin. The Two Thieves. Nestor. aiartsw ALHAMBRA, 1S14 N. 24TU BT. Amateur Night Tonight, tteven Uood Acts. , Kegujan. Program ofPlcturea. ALAMO. Hi Father's Bon . ItTH AND FORT. J-reel Victor. . Tha Close .pill, Sterling comedy. ., ,. . Her Life's fctory. Powers. i 4'LlFTON, Military Ave. and iiurtiette. " Hill Ooea In Business for Htmsolf.-Kom. His Faith In Humanity. American drama. ; Million LeSllar Winery, No. 1 l elu)tJt)Bt Lovera. crystal comedy. Tha bride of Marblehead. 2-r. Victor. . Ina rentwr Lady. Powera i VRANK'Dn, S4TH AND FRANKLIN. ' t he Menace of Fate. Weel KaJem. Jiioricho Blliy Rewarded. Essatiay. . Vnder Fale Colora Vitagraph. f HIPPODROME,"" loTH AND CUMINO. V "Weekly Mutual Topic. 11 i His Long I-oal Friend, Royal comedy. jf Tragedy of tie North Wood. -r. Horn, ; IT. KSTll AND LOCUST BTB. 5 An American Heiress. Lubln. I JtiAie Coney Inland NikhUnara. t-r. Vita. y rue uoia iinei. niograpn. 'I 1.0THROP, 34TH AND LOTHKOP. ,r lli.on Lollar 111 nun y. No. 1H. luk-Fcd lioy. MajMtic drama. Atubel a New Prank. Keystone comedy. I LUSTAU . 240ti ' CA LDW KlU 4 The Tenth Commandment. I-reel Imp. i Heinle Outing. Mining comedy. VACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In th home. BaMluary MrvlH I'n aM R UiAm WE rent, repair, sell needles snd part for . all sewing macnines. su- lltn and Harney. iJougia 1681. AeesaaiaaU. MKLVILLK D. THOMAS COMPANY. ''i'y "at. nana uiog. l yier IK10. E. A. DWORAk, C. P. a., 433 Ramge Uing. Douglas i4o. BAKEH, VAWIKK Sk WOLF, v pius ougiaa ue. Addlms MaahtBee. Daiton Adq.iig Machines, 411 B. It. D. 144s. Adder Men Co., t Wales) W. O. W. D. to. Arehlteets. Evereu o. Dodds, U Pa-ton Pile. D, Kill. Attractions. OMAHA turn ex., 14th and Doug. Motion pnnuro macnine and film bargalna ail 4 MMf at Upalrlav. Magneto repair work a specialty. -'D. 1418. aotloaaetrs. Dowd Auction Co., HZt W. O. W. Red B85. irkra. U Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1C17 Far. Mia Prist Ins. HORNBY CO, Blue printing, under new owuvriiip. ma ununi ruai. 15k. V. 4147, Brass Foaadrlea. PeJton-Mitchell Co., 17th and Martha Bt. alldlas 4 Ueirlar. E. FRANTA, 6U Paxion ink. Doug, 1157. llstera sa4 Wall JDlgglag. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? BCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. lalilvralsi La a da. W. T. Bmlth Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. IX tl. Coal Dalera. i 50 Johnson's special, also Victor nut. I6.W Phone D. 1701. IIVK WIItK KLMINFJ4M MKX OF OMAHA Motlaat, atvraae anil 4 leaalagr. W. C. FKRRIN. IMh and Capitol. Ty 17 Violet Ray, tnnss.. C fee TIM-. P. Wit Kathleen M ark, m a s sa ge k bat hD.T 'M. Clara I-. hath and massage. 1 ou.-7ril MIm j-V h midt. mass, ba t h. e lec. ts. I. 7)3. MIkb Fisher msss . eiert treat. Red htiTK. MISH UoMhN. hath, mass. Km. 724, Neville hlk.. P'.th and Hnrney. I). 42W. MAPHAUK. ii!t p. ',th Ft. Mrs. Uteele. iliC50iUrj ,tOLAS f.T72 Mssssxe. Ansa liilisnn. It. i.'4.Nev-Jlle Blk. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1Wi2 Kamiim. It. 2. Doug. tfTnl. Orallst. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy, llll W, O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Phylras. Dr. Rerucha, 103-4 MK'ague Bldg. D. I'ateata. H. A. Kturges. M Brandefs Theater Rldg. I). O. RHrnell, i'nxtnn Blk. Tel. Red U7. I'ntent leeJoproeat. AMERICAN Marhlne Co.. 110 H. 11th St. I'rlntlaa. WATKR9-BARNIIART Ptg. Co., onallty printing. Tel. Doug. 7IS0. r,24 H. 13th 8t. DOUHLA l-rlnt ng Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COIIKY A M 'KK.N7.IE PTO. Co. D. 2844. UtEsTllALL f tg CtTrTwo Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PHI NT I NO CO. DOUU. VU. I'alntlasr aad Payerlas. HIJOH M'.MANUB, 417 N. 40th. H. 72. I'lomea Heaovated. PH.'MES A flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Knitter, 47 Paxton. D. 3M. Ilusrh tvsterailaator. B. 11. B. Roach powder at your druggist Mara aad Time Lock Kxpert. O A TTO Opened, repaired, comb, .SAH H S changed. F. E. Daven- WA A" -'-' port, 1 Dodge. D. im. thve lit'palriagr. Electric Hhot Rep. Co., 1S07 Bt. Mary's Av. las aad khotv cards. E. M. Cl-ARK A BON, 111 BO. UTH BT. Store, anc office Flxtaree. DEUKB, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, eto. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and eUipply Co., 414-18-UB. 12th. D. T34. Steel tellings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 B, 10th. Towel garpllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 2ff7 B. 11th. D. 128. Traaka aad kaltcaaes. FRE1JNU A BTE1NLB, WW Farnam St. Tailors. . CHAB. C. LANDKRTOU. Ifli K. ISth Bt. Veterlaarlaas. DR. Q, R. YOUNO, 4m Center. H. tout. Wlaes aad Llaaera. ALEX JETES, 201-1 8. 13th Bt. Wines. liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to a, 10a Olobe liquor houss. 424 N. lth; California " " i-t vvnie tor price list. henry pollock liquor house, 16th and Capitol Ave.- Ten-cent lunch. yo.u.r f,un'y iWuorg at Klein's Liquor House, 621 N, leth. Douglas UuO. BELP WAXTKD FEMALE Clerical aad Offloe. B T EN DOHA PH ER and bookkeeper; small, pleasant oftlce; salary aocord Bidgl bWty Al,y t M Biats Bank FOR clerical or stsnograplilo positions, try Watts Raf. 4., M Hrandels Thei ractevy aaa Trades. LKARN halrdrassing. Qppenhetm Parlors. Iteaaekeepera aad Doaaeatlea. TUB Servant Olrl Proulem Solved. The --??"" r.un aa'vant Oiri Wanted Ad FKfc,E until you get tha desired results, inl applies to residents of Omaha, bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Be otflcs or telephone Tyer 10W. WANTED Competent maid for general houaework; email family; no laundry work. 411k Harney. H. 43H3. .WANTED Young widow to take care . w. . , ii'.ii.i, vug fllWUr W two eaih day lor board and room. Ad dress t-1 N. 14th Bt., South. Omaha, WANTEDA girl lor general housework; two In family; good wage. Dodga EXPERIENCED' girl for generaT housed work; L-eer Park Blvd. Tel. Tyier 18:M. - , . YOUNO girl wanted for general house work, who wanusvood borne: lamily of two. Harney mi. W ANT E D 0 1 rl for general housework; I In family. 1144 8. Sitd Ht. Harney 2.. t big baskets coal. II. Wagner. Hot NllL Chiropractors. L. Oeddls. D. C, 228 Bee B'dg. Dougl 429J. WANTED Experienced wmte gin lor general huUMiwork Mn rrm.u .u a Cass ht. Tel. Walnut 214. 1 t klaa l'alatlagt. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4942. tlU Uuglaeejrs. M. J. LACY. 611 HEE BLDO. DOUO. 4715. Crcasa Meparatora. The tharile Heparator Co., 12th A Farn. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Evl denoe secur.d in all ease. Tyler 1UM. Usaelag AcaSemlea, Turpln's Dancing Academy, Wth A Farn. CHAMHKR8' Academy, classio. D. 1871. Mackle'e Academy, now open. 1H1 Har. Dressataklaa. Terry Dressmak'g college, 30th A Farnam. BTllANGER In city wants day work, 1 y rs' exportence, 3 per day Walnut Ki41. M1S8 hTURDY, if 4 li Casa. Red .. FABH1 ON A BLE dressmaking; 1607 Corby. WATSON A LUND, 1911 Douglaa ReioT. PALACE. mi DAVENPORT ST. Itedrmplion. l-reel Imp. In and Out. Hterllng comedy. And a good comedy. Bl'BL'RUAN. ' 24TH AND A ME 8. Anne of the Mine, l-reel Vitagraph. The Bquashvllle BchooL Biograph. '1 he Long Lane. Lubin. ath. ARBOR. ISD AND ARBOR STS. Her Lst Chance. Keystone comedy. uorK heart, l-reel Klaw A Erlauger j rodu. turn. - APOLLOi C4 LEAVENWORTH BT? Htart-ellg TU. Tlie Bund of Womanhood, l-reel Lubln. hen hiippery t:im -let the Champion. COLUMBIA. 1710 B. lolTfliTT On the isle ot Sarna. 2-rel Edison. h u the Ham Turned. Lubtu. Hruncho Biily and the Greater. Ksa ' Ursfi, DRUUd at cut price, freight paid on 110 order; catalogues free. Bherman A Mo Coimell Drug Co , Omaha. Neb. bv at lata. Dr. Bradbury. No rain. 1604) Farnam. ' Ir. Totif's alseuisi. dentistry. 4u3 BranuVis Bailey, the qtenlmt, iW City Nat l Hank Taft Denial Rooms, 1M7 Ouutila. I), .lix. Pyorrhea, I r. Fi ka. 724 City Nat Uauk. Kleeirle Sappllea. LRBRON Fie.'. Wks. 1S B. 12th. D. 1174. Kurrlexa. BKN FErA-TER. 1410 N. E4lh Bt. W. TTTT. fcivertlhlag for Worn a. Woman's Kxchaiiko. 437 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. ACCOKDION. side, knite. sunburst, box pleatliik; eovied buttons, all sixes and styles; heiiistilclilng, pilot edging. Ideal l'lealuig Co., 7V) lHiUg'.a Block. D. IvJo. 4'OM KOHT, 24TH AND VlN iuN eiti. Ti,e Tardy Cannon Ball, l-reel Reliance. Our Mutual Uirl, No 47. 1 . , The Love Thief. Keystone. FAVORrTE, 1-iearst-to-UK. -. 1 i.e uiher Man. l-reel Eaaanay. Jo la Legu-y. V tMnraj'k. 1711 VINTON BT. EM. BocTil TH1R1EENTU. 1 n Decision. Hex. ljv and Burgety. J-reel I Ko., comedy, Met Projection In the city. W17 VINTON, l-reel Bison. X. K1C. A Redskin Reckoning Ties Actre. Poweia A .Llo led Wife. U. Ike coir-edy. PABTIME,1Vril AN DICjSAV EN WORTH. Man Who Wa Misunderstood, l-reel Imp ii1'.1. jf!0- ty rUl comedy. inuuh. mi a. ujHhf lf king the QovsromenL t-reel Ja HENSO.V. tsai UKIS 1' or Wed snd Thurs Till .the md of tJe Desert Orow Cold. 1 r tc. The Ac-U-sa. rw, sr. Csriueu'g Washday. Bier. Flwrlais. A. DONAHUE. 163 Harney. Doug. 1001, BATH'S florist. 1K04 FarnanTS. U HENDKUSON, U1 Kai uam. 1). li Member Mortal Telegraph Hel. Ass'n. HESB A eWOBODA. I4U Farnam L Hair Urrul, Harper Method. R. , Balrd Bldg. p. mn lata Trlasaaed. Hat trimmed. 60c. F. Lamberton. Web 10 Live Sioek Heaaedlea. OMAHA Renedy Co.. V7 8. I.tth. Red 4?S Llkllaa- Flalarea aad Wlrlas. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing ana repair work dons reasonable. 241ICUMIND. OUC,LAB ills. Maelt iwlauri aad Ladga gappllra. - r UK. 01 lodge regalh and costumes. lb largest slook ot maaquerade and iiiruui .osiumes in " country. Taes MrwnsBUD, uii nuitro. II. 4116. M Ira. aad tadew Saade Iraaera. 01.IJ shade iik new Midwest pnaue r ai iory. uiv t-n lton. Har. 4-vl. Mirr aau Iraamej-. " WHITE LINE, an A Uth. Dougla 1311 MUllavry. SWITCHES from combing. (0. Psych ir-e. sirs. it. si. ut, mH a, uUv, U. taj. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework. Uund wuw.a A.,,,X reference. Un 1 nn. r.l A hi,, nl.ti.. A YOUNO girl to aasiat with general houaework and heln cara fit .t,n 11 1326. SHU Cass St. . . ' OOOD upstair girl to aaalat with taking a I v wa, V.I1 1 VI I VII. Ml, TJOO, UlKLt ior iteinvrtil louwurn. lliti N. 't. Bouth ItliM.IA RT.K -rklrt I k-atsar. 0 sla.l 4 1 housework; neti not be good cook, nt WANTia-Comptnt girl for enral houaework in new home near car; no Wanhltl-T. Mn. K. M. MliniUrlinrt VL'altini sv4r. WANTED A girl for general housework two in family; good wages. Jkttr Dodge ct. YOUN girl II. 133. for general housework. Mteaettaxeaae. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Youna Women's Chilsllan Association building at Bt. alary s ah. and iitn nr., wnere they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. l,ooh for out l rave I its' guide at Uron sistlon. INTELLIUE.NT woman over 3D, as trav eling manager. Permanent. 6U Brandels Theate uutg. LADIES' A miseea' coats, suits, dresses A skirt vampiea ac wholes ilo prices. Hon- cfl's New York hample Biore. A.4 N. 14th. OOVERNMENT Jobs for women. ITS a month. Mat free. Franklin lustltute. Dept. tioB-T, RucheaUr, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE iH-ncal aad office. BTKNOORAPHER with some railroad ex perience; excellent opportuiuty lor ad vancement; salary $t0 to start. WEST. HKFKKENCU A BOND ASS'N, 752-4 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WAKE UP, MEN! Are you still using the old methods ot looking fur a position T If you are you are losing time and money which you could avoid by letting ua serve you. Ve are dally supplying competent help to ths belter aud larger business firms ot Omaha. Walls Kef. Co., SMM2 Brandeja Theater Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Awe,,,.. -.....! mm swiicltars. WANTED Flrst-rlas stock salesman at nnra for manufacturing proposition In Montana Address P. O. Box 227, Urest Falls. Mont. WANTED. Man between ?f and 4 years of age of good character and who has had some sales experience ran secure permanent position wlih large corporation by mak ing .mmrdlatn application. Will consider sppllcstlon only from men living In Omaha, Coundh Bluffs and riouth Omaha and Immediate vicinity. Would also like to hear from man who can speak Bohemian. Oermnn or Hwodnsh. W hen writing give full particular. Address. I '.IKK, Bee. VM-7 CAN use twenty-five additional edu cated business men throughout the 1 nited State ss representatives to supply the Incronsel demand for the New In ternational Enryclopaedrh owing to the present Kuropean war For full Infor mation address Dodd, Mead Co , New Ynrlc Cty. , WAN rEI Llvfl'agent to push the sale of I'rantx 1'reinler Vacuum cleaners, all points. In the ett of Nebraska, out side of Omaha and Bouth Omaha. This Is a winner for the right parties. For full Information regsrdlng same write Th Korsmeyer Co., 138 S. 10th, Lincoln, Nfh. o WANTED SITUATIONS CHAUFFEUR, married, six years' ea pertence driving snd repairing; cars private or commercial; wife Is willing to work; excellent cook. F. D. E., MO Wash work; excellent cook. F. D. E. 640 W. Washlngto nA vs., Council Bluffs. Iowa. NURSE want rare of children. D. ;. BAKBER wishes work In Omaha; don't drink and steady. Address O lt2, Bee. AUTOMOBILES- I;oo forfeit for any nia:tieio we can't re pair Coll repar g O. Hay-dorfer. 210 N. 18 FOR HALE t-cyllnder Maxwell runabout, 1913 model, Prcpto tank, new tire, Just overhauled; l,'!00 If sold this week. Call Harney ;;44. I tndborrj Bros.. -''72 lsv 1 Kly ng Me; Kiel TRY PELTON'B GARAOI-: for winter atorage; steam heat; make sr rsnirenients now. ?!0i Karniem. nn-enough Omaha Bail. I;en. Co.. '70 Far FORD cars rnlnt'd 2.': other curs uccord Ing to slxq; work gtd Phone 8. 3,r90, FOR BALl-V-Wyne roadster, two pas senger. In good condition, all new gears and new tires, forty horsepower. Phon CM, 211 B. Main Bt.. Cou ncll Bluffs, la. Trdustrlal 'iarsisr Co.. 7')th St Harnev .-'IS WANTED Man between 25 and 3) year i imc, wno nas naa ome exierience SS a salesman and who Is familiar with Omaha real estate. Applicant must be In a position to devote entire energy to our business, and the one who will do so can expect to form a permanent con nection with otio of Omaha largest corporations and cam good money. 'Ap- pmani must ne a resident of Omaha or Immediate, vicinity. Give full particular about yourself when writing. Address E 1M. Ben, o E X P. PIANO salesman for city trade; drawing account and commlssfon. WATTH REF. CO., 840-42 Bran. Thea Cncfnrr nml Triirie. TINNER3 wanted at once on Fontenelle hotel. Eaglo Metal Works. Fontenelle Bldg. Drug store snan: !on Kn-st Hj Bldg LEA RN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tool given. Elegirlo massuge. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TH1-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Dougla St.. Om. 1032 . N Ht.. Lincoln. WANTEDv-Men to learn our trade and accept positions made vacant by for elkners being drafted for European war. This is a splendid chance tor poor men; few weeks qualities; earn while learning; open to everyone. Investigate. Molar Bar ber college, no 8. 14th Bt. MODEL B-6 Detro.ter tourlna car wlih sell-starter, run less than COO miles; genuine bargain at $7M). The T. O. North wall Co.. 914 Jones Bt. Doug. 1707. FOR SALE New Ford. Tcf. P. L4V BUICK roadster, model 30... I I'd Perry touring car, 35 h. p 2') AIco chassis, 30 h. p i'O E. M. F toy tnnneau 3 Bulck, model 1, 33 h. P ' Hudson 20, 6-pass. touring 400 Cadillac 30, D-pass. touring WW Wblte 70, detachable tonneau X Btudebakcr 35, nearly new 700 Ohio 40, completely overhauled 00 Cole six. 1913 model m White 30, 1913, self-starting LOO! wntt 411. lHiz. rine condition i,-uv H. PELTON'B GARAGE, 2205 Farnam St. o EDUCATIONAL LEARN TYPEWRITING ATvHOMK. Three months. 14 00 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. Douglss 2913. IMS Farnam. FOH BALM Faraltare. SEVERAL van losds of furniture and some pianos. Omaha van ana morass Co.. S Pith St New 7d-hand furniture, cash or term"; reasonable. Amrr. Furn. Co.. "05 N. 16th. For 8ale Good base burner. Tyler 120J. Marl laatrameata. PIANO player; a l.qrgaln Tel H. fHt Masleal lastrameat. REAL BARGAIN in. ne and used pianos, new pianos, some of thJ world's best makes, from 10 to 49 per cent off. Hlithtiy used pianos from 1100 up; good, serviceable upright, practice piano, 60. Easy terms. G. H. Harr i'iano Co., 3d Floor Boston Store Bldg. Typewriters. TTPEWRTTF.11S sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. C07 S. i7in. hl-.'NT Rcmlnktons, Monarchs and Binith Premiers of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only yrfy newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rale, three months for IS fr undertroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writer. All makes typewr ters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. l0r Farnam. O. H031. Miscellaneous. (fc ftfl Buy best coal for the moneyt try ipO.OV lt web. MS. Harmon A Weeth. 2-1-nnd mch. Gros Wreck Co.. 2i I'aul. I-W LIBRARY Fine condition. Con sists of United States reports and di gests and many State reports and text books. Write for list and price. Cheap. F-1H1, Bee. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 270.1 Lesvenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready, bargains in used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago 1). 3723 BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A first class meat cutter at one.. Must be strictly sober and must have had experience In a large shov. lop wages for the right man. IIIK CEN TRAL MEAT MARKET, Council Bluff, Iowa. Mlseellaaeaas. LEARN Tartaric Mirror Sllvsrlng It pa vs. Long closely suarded secret of big factories. Particulars free. Wm. Bar- stow, 614 ZmI wt., Oakland, cal. LEARN to play ragtime In 20 lessons. Call or write Ohristensen CcbooU' 4220 Cuming St. Phone Harney 8379. o GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an aut expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right into the auto business from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever have been. Write for H at of opening. Free catalogue. AMERICAN ' AUTO COLLEGE, nil Farnam Ft., Omaha. WANTED Railway malt and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 1,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. ' 86 of payment after appointment Philadelphia Business Col lege. Civil Service Dept.. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egga Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. Wanted'at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; tat us trsln you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, zxi4 n. Ttnn St.. utniDt, eo. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL EVENING CLASS. For tha benefit of those desiring a thorough, practical and theoretical auto mobile education, who do not have time to obtain tha same during tha day, we are organising an evening class. In addi tion to our regular day classes, commenc ing Nov. 18. Wa hava lust added another building. nve- I ftd feet, to our already large space, giving us a total of over 14,001) square feet of floor space, devoted en tirely to the Auto Bchoot ana auto im pairing. Remember that in is is tne place wnere you can obtain the practical auto edu cation, getting your training by doing ac tual repair work, finding trouble, etc.. Just the same as you will do when you go out Into the automobile world, ,,, THE NH-liKASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL "The Practical School." Phone Douglas 3043. 1413-16-17 Dodge SL , Get Catalogue "C." FOR BALE Plumbing and heating busi ness In a good growing town In soutn ern Minnesota ' of 10,000. Address C 1S9, Bee. TO GET In or out of business. Call on OANOESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. P. 3477. GROCERY STORE for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-234. ears Bee. FOR SALE. General merchandise stock, eastern Ne braska; doing 12,600 yearly; stock and buildings Invoice about 11,200. ; QUICK SALES COl, 418 Bee Bldg. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QXnCfC SALES COMPANY. . 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red I2S1. Just Vacated ' A Choice Location. 17th St. Exposure 11x20 FT. AT $20.00. The Bee Building .(Th Building that Is Always New) . a 1 . - Office Room, 103. MERCHANDISE Grocery or hardware stocks bought, sold or traded. QUICK SALES CO. 418 Bee Bldg,, Omaha. PRINT SHOP for sale. 11.200 buys one of the best Job printing plants In the north west. Big prices and lots ot work. Ad dress Box 385, Mitchell, B. D. HELP WANTED HALE AND FK MALIC. WANTED Colored couple to live at n gro Woman's home. Apply 1920 No. 14th Bt, Web. 4408. MEN. WOMEN Get government Jobs; j to 160 month; 1.000 appointments monthly. Writ for list. Franklin InsU tut. Dept. 221 T, Rochester. N. Y. GET government Jobs. 6S to 1160 a month; 1.000 appointments each month. For list of positions obtainable address KS. Bee. MEN WOMEN Get government iuba V to 160 month.. Writ for list of po sitions available. Franklin Institute. Desk 0, Rodieater. N. V. WANTED SITUATIONS W ANTED Work ctiaiulMiriiiaid Ii hoi. ' In Omaha or boutb uiuaha., Phoa a MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes domestic position where she can go nome n.ghia. K.-&), car Bee. WANTED Poaition as housekeeper by refined widow. Phon Harney ,M. WANTED Position as city collector; A-l references, i'hone Harney "634. WANTED Young man stenographer; must be willing to work cheap at atari; Jood future for right parly. Address -1H3, Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial ' positions. WESTERN llEr & BOND ASSN. lil Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. TRAVELING SALESMAN. .176 00 to th. HO OFFICE CLERK. MAIL ORDER EXPERIENCE. IMPLEMENT. .17100 RETAIL CLERK iuu W EST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS N, Originators of ths Reference Business, inr- w,,..m e.uii uaiia uiu. A grata, kales-sea 4 kallaliwra. WE ARE now carrying new member until April 1, 1915. on the first payment. Agents wanted In Nebraska and Ixikoia; no classification; liberal con tract. Mutual Benr'll Health and A cel. dam Ass n . 423 City Nat I Bank Bidg. AGENTS wanted to Introduce patented milk bottle covpr. A splendid houae to house ankle. Large sales; big profits. Sample and circulars for 10c. Puritan Sales .UoPJJ rexeJldg.BhUadphia. WE have a number of openlnk for coin" Prtent su'iBiueii In valiou Uuas. AlidIv at oiu-a Ut Bidg. , WANTED Situation, by energet.c. in dustrious young man of K with A. B. and LL. B. decrees; fair stenographer; one year's experience private secretary ot dean of law school; best reterences. Ad dress Y 175, Be. TRUSTWORTHY expeileiHed house keeper deslies position in smaiL reliable family. Box, uriswoiu, la. e luL.Nii man wains place to work fof board while aiu-uding Uoyle'. voilcge. Teiei.hoiie loUKlaa XbtA W ANT! D A young, man wants to work for room and board; wiu uo anything. Want 10 go to sellout at night. 1104 N 17t,i St. SITUATION wanted as ' caretaker of rooming houe. Address A tM. bee.' EX i.I 1 r. N Cfc.U cliaulleur wiahes to drive private car; caretul driver; knows city very well. Addresa F 6ic Ree. WANTED Cooking uoatliou by culoreii person; day work prererrvd. veo ,Sit RESTAURANT One of best in Omaha. Completely fitted. Good location. Un able to operate properly account other business. Worth double. Cost me 18.600 ; will sacrifice. Consider trade, balance payments. Agt., Mr. Myers, 418 Bee Bldg. SIGNS, show cards. Clark A Bon. D. 137. HEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 140t Farnam St. T tniu l.. 1UU7 S TO the Merchant who needs money quick. write us at once; we are now in a po sition to turn your stock to big money with our special sale plans. United Bales Co., 206 First Ave.. Cedar Rapids, la. YOUNG man with five hundred dollars can secure half interest In exceedingly profitable business. Steady employment; good salary. E-190, Bee. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold, w rite Jim vvray, bioux miy. HAVE two men who want to Invest 1" stock in small banks: one has I2.(W0 and can put In I10.0U0 with services; the other will invest ii.oiw to CO-OPERATIVE REr EKrJINCK CO., 1015-14 City Nat, Bank Bldg lavcstBaeat. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vast about 15,000 In an old established general merchandise business; will- run It with my own help. A good Investment for th man that has some money to loan out. Stock about tlO.oOu. German preferred.' Address Y tM. Bee. To Conservative Investors ... ' tk. j fl- MA,ln farm loans at prevailing rates. Titles guaranteed and Interest-collected without charge to our Investors Tax tree In Ne braska. . ' Peters Trust Co. !2S Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. o Our Nebraska farm mort f "Xj ""gages are not affected by ! European wars, or panics. AmounU 1400 to 130 000. We f f S collect all Interest and principal free of' charge. B0 years In the Nebrsska farm loan field without a loss Is our record. . - . . .1-1. TUTtrrenixcvp cnMDl UV S01 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Omaha. o. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed classea In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Pisces pro vided for- young people to work for hoard. For free catalogue addresa Mosher-Lampman College 1S15 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspart-r camera, with 11 plate holder, carrying case for camera snd carrying esse for piste hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at 1110. Address A 590, Bee. ANTIQUE artistic- Inlaid, drop-leaf card table; bargain. 1912 Webster. Bnkery snd furnace wood. TetFlor 401. 3-STONE diamond ring: V4 K; value $l."i0. Will sell for 173. Friedman. 1328 Dodge. FOR SALE New apd second-hand carom and pocket bill'asd tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collendcr Co.. 407-409 S. 10th St FOR SALE at a discount, a full un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. PERSONAL- RELATIVES of Dnnlel L. Mo 'arty early Union Pacific engineer, cmnmunlcat with Glen G. Jones. 1118 Marsh-Strong Bldg.. Ln Anseies. Cal. Wl'LTBi ASP BUrrMES STEREOTYPE matrlce make the bet and cheapest lining tor poultry houses. 7 hey are 17x23 Inches, stronxer and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. hc a hundredat The Bee office FOR 8ALE Silver " Champion Cockerels. cheap. PhiMps. Fort Crook. Neb. Fixed grain. 11.60 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. 1 MVE STOCK MARKET OF WESl SHIP Itve stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten- t!on. Lira (took Commission Bterchaata. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 1707 Farnarr.. Doug. i46. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. H21 N. 24th. swapper's comaix AUTO Light auto truck, all overhauled. Addrosg S. C. 241. Bee. AUTO CASE Want to swap for auto casings and tubts. 31x4. for other per sonal property. I have a Stanley run about steamer In perfect condition and latest style, and a classy looking car. WJiBt have you 7 S. C. 234. Bee. AUTOMOBILE tCoupe) in first-class condition: 1-50. Will exchange for piano player or diamonds. Address S. C. 245, Bee. A UTuMt bi i.a-s r ui otoer auiuinobll bargains see tne "Auiumoblle" tlai(i ration BICYCLE One year old. 242. Bee. Address S. C. BUSINESS CHANCE-12,000 to $2,500 stock new groceries and fixtures in South Omaha, doing strictly cash business. Will take good auto on same. Address S. C, 244, Bee. BICYCLE for sale. A bargain; condition. 238 Bee Building. ln good BASE burner, Webster 8t. good condition. $10. 1717 FRESH mushrooms. Call Webster 8234. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLTTFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the olfice of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company tc ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. , Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Diamond ring; reward for return; call Walnut 2886. LOST Between Omaha and Lincoln, two new 87x5 Non-Skid casings, two 37x5 red tubes and two S6x4V rims. Finder return tires and rims and receive re v.urd. Standard Auto Tire Co., Lincoln Neb. LOST New black grip containing Jewelry. pictures, set of civet furs and 2 pair of shoes. Finder call Web. 6446. Reward. v Lost Gold monogram watch fob; Initials "E. L. K." Finder please call Doug. 434. LOST Ladv's brooch, between 2fith Ave.' and Center St. Reward. D. 892. LOST Roman gold brooch, set with chip diamond. Reward. . Call Harney 4S86. LOST Phi Gamma Delta frat. pin be tween Auditorium and 16th and How ard. Call Marguerite Jack Bellevue col. LOST String of amber beads Monday about 6:30. Finder please call Tyler 2300. Liberal reward. LIVE STOCK KtIR RALE. Horses aad Vehicles. A GOOD BARGAIN TWO HORSES, WEIGHT 1,150 TQ 1.200 ' LBS., COLOR BAY; SPLENDID TEAM FOR FARM OR CITY DELIVERY: ALSO ONE BET OF DOUBLE HARNESS AND ONE BODY FOR DELIVERY TRUCK. SEE E. A. WEATHERS, BURQEBS-NASH CO., BALCONY. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons ' harness; large stock A attractive prices. Johnson-Daaforth Co.. 1529-33 N. Kith St. GOOD work horse. 1,400 lb., $66; 1.000-lb. horse, $50. - 1322 Harrison St.. South Omaha. Telephone South 10. COVERED LAUNDRY WAGON; A 8AC R1F1CE. Walnut 2155. HAY, $ per ton. ' Wagner. 801 N. 16th. MKDIO'f, STRANGER In city wants day work, II ( y'r' experience. 13 per oay. Walnut 3241. YOUNO lady with two year' experience aa stenographer wants position: can furnish good references as to character and ability. Addrtas J oi. care Bee. RELIABLE coioied woman wants gen eral housework, to go home in even ing. Douglas 54. YOUNG man aa hotel clerk, desires posi tion; email wages expected. Address P Bea - . CHILD 8 nurse or companion, wishes po sition; best references. R.. 6840. BA KER. all-around, first-claas 111 aa on bread and paairy, wants position, city or country. Address B Bee. BOYLES COLLEGE . NIGHT SCHOOL DAY SCHOOL Complete business course; complete shorthand or sienotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Engliah. ' Write, phone or call for 1114 catalogue. - BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Omaha. Nebraska. H. B. BOYLES. PRESIDENT- SITUATION wanted by young man with grocery anl ahoe experience In country town store, city or country experience; speaks Gemiai. Addresa O 184, Be. LADY with 1-year-old boy wants posi tion as housekeeper. lKgg. I. POSITION a P. B, for operator; vpn Wuc and reruw. Douglas 14.7, The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, l:o to 4irt. Night school. 4:16 to 1:15. 1-Uaod Farnam Bts Dougla SS47. EXPE RT lady stenographer wUl take puplla SHORTHAND . touch typewrit ing, apelliiiK, punctuation, etc.. taught and Complete training given for Luainoas ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 424 Douglas bt. Tel. Walnut 2327. FOR BALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship ln Boyles Business col lege. Omaha; good lor either short hs ad or. buainaascoiusea. . Apply at tha vlUue et Otuaha Bee. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost la determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeka. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite S06, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. C. J. CAN AN. Real Estate and Exchangas CAM ERAl-Will swap a 6x7 camera. 2 plates and tripod. What have you J' Ad dress SC227. lisjv dictapIione-elTison PHONOGRAPH with complete onttlt tor mukir.g and re producing' both two and four-minute rec ords, together with supply of blanks; out fit almost new and cost over $4u: Just tho thing for shorthand writers requiring dic tation to work up speed, or can be used for learnlhg foreign languages. Want good visible typewriter, or wiil accept any thing or equal value I cat use. Address 8. C. lf86, Bee. DUE hill for $50; good as cash as first payment on a piano; sell for $25 cash, or trade for groceries, furniture or any thing. Address S. C. 238, Bee. DUE BILL $140 due bill, gooM on player piano, for salo or trade. What have you? 8, C. 225. Bee. ELECTRIC cook stove with coffee per colator, griddles, egg boiler, etc.; com plete with electric Iron, room heater and separate attachments; value $luo; want Victrola, sewing machine, motorcycle or electric library lamp. Address S. C. 235. EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will trade or sell. - Price, $150. S. C. 214. FURNITURE for a 45-room hotel near Omaha, $1,600. Low rate rent on the building. . What have you to offer. AJ dress B. C. 1268. care Bee. ' 1x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold era. The outfit in good condition and a big bargain for tne lot at $110. Address 8. C. 1511 KODAK - EASTMAN l-A. FOLDING pocket kodak; post-card lxe, planato graph lens, leather carrr'ing case, tripod, etc!; almost new. Want visible type wrlter. . Address 8. C. 1587; Bee.. LOTS Two lotsi clear, between Co. Bluffs and Omaha, for anything I can use. Call. Web. .8620. NO. 11680 acres of irrigated land, norm of Sacramento City, all under culti vation. Will exchange for Nebraska ranch or good farm up to $15,000, and assume some. This Is an extra good 80 acres of land. Price, $200 per acre, cash. No. 104 We have I modern houses la Omaha, locatod southwest, that are modern, up-to-date, with an equity of $9,000, which we want to exchange for ' good Nebraska or Iowa farm -about same' value. , .. . No. 1153,350 acres In Utah, near Ogden. . Price, $10 per acre. Will exchange . for eastern Nebraska or Iowa land op- Omaha property or merchandise stock. This land Is clear of encum ' brance, and. we will make someone a good deal on It. . ' No. 81 Some good town property and acreage ln fine western Iowa town, clear of encumbrance, for an Omaha house, about $4,000. No. 82 A substantial modern home of 9 rooms, Hanscom park district; full site lot; barn. To exchange tor northwestern Nebraska land. No.-38 Flour mill, main line U. P., ele vator, warehouse, etc. WIU ex change for good Nebraska land. No. 23160 acres, 6 miles northeast from . Alamosa, Colo. Full-paid-up water right, ln Ban Luis canal. Land Is level and easily tilled.' WUl ax change for Omaha property. , W. T. SMITH CO. D. 28111. 1111-12 City Nat'l Bank. o OFFIci? FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand office furniture; must be 'cheap for cash. Address a. C. 1240, Bee. PLAYER PIANO Used player piano; fine condition; will trade or sell cheap and give terms. Player cost $750 new; has been used but a year, 8. C. 228, Bse. PIANO Almost new Chlckerlng piano, upright, $166; was $500 saw; or may trad. B. C. 224. Bee. PIANO To swsp for Virginia farm land; will pay difference; will trade for lot In Omaha' or Indianapolis, Ind., or Cleve land. O ; will pay difference. Address 8. C. -12$. 'Bee. PLAYER MUSIC A limited number of new rolls for 88-110 te player piano to trade for typewriter, rifle or Edison pho nograph records. What have you? Ad dress B. C. 1677, Bea. ' PIGEONS 1 nave a few pigeons that . I would care to trade for some chickens. Ad dress 8. C. 230, Bee. REVOLVER Will swsp a new .32 fcolfs (new police)' revolver for a kodak, or, what have you? Address B. C. 2:8. Bee. 8HOTG UN vTfl exchange practically new 16-gauge Winchester repeating shot gun for typewriter worth the mtiney. Ad dress B. C. 243, Bee. iBHi.NS. rov..;, ..... 1 In Ik A- Son l I37- Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. H. Tarry cure plies, iittuia and other rectal diseases without surgical op eratic a. Cure guaranteed and 00 money paid until cured. Wr te for book on rectal diseases with tesUmonlula DR. R. TARRY. 240 Bee. MONEY TO LOAN NF.e.D MONEY? See ua. QiMck service. Half usual rate. REUAIU.rt CREDIT CO.. 30 Paxton Block. Dotal as 14IL PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture insta ll net We collect, W r'Utrlbute. Phone Douglas 41Ji and our wagon will call. Call aad Inspect our new home. 1110-1UI-IU4 Douse St. SUIT $20 blue serge suit, new, size 28-29. ' Will sell lor $10 or will wade for some chickens, a hog, or anything 1 can use on a farm. Address S. C. 23), Bee. , T YPEW RITE R Nearly new No. 6 Un derwood typewriter for cash register. Address 8. C. 229, Bee. WATCHES ETC. WJewel llver case watch,- A-l. Hx34 Ansco kodak, new. Iron punching bag r nK for- wall, com- Slete except bag. What have you to swap. . C. 231. Bee. WATCH A 2l-jewel, 25-year, solid gold case Hampden movement watch for dia mond ring. Will pay some cash. Address a C. 240, Bee, HORBE. ETC.t-wTu trade one horse; I small 4 single rig and can't be matched. What have you? S. C. 1067. FOn RENT YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers ars invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at 17th St ami St. Mary a Ave., where they wiil be directed to suitable boarding places Or otherwkte assisted. Look for our Uav eler' aid at Uie Union Station. IF William E. J one, formerly with the Wortha-in Carnival Co., will write to Y 267, Omaha Bee, he will Cud out aoiue Uitug to his satisfaction. x . AparlnMtata aad Flats. 4-Room Apartment Athlone Choice apartment, beautiful oak finish throughout Large living, dining and bedrooms; complete kitchen with Icebox and gas stove and tiled bath. Convenient aid quiet kcat.on at 36th and Douglas 6u. Call us and we will take you to see It. Rental $40 and $46. Peters Trust Co. 1C3 Farnam St. Te,. Douglas 888. 8. W. 24TH AND CALIFORNFa! 6-r . heated, new, water paid, every con venience, $35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1C' Omaha Nat- Douglas 1716. MODERN heated 5 room apartments at - loth and Leavenworth Bis.. LL r.11 Do us las j&ft or 41 Bee ldc ,