Tim TIER; OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. XOVKMnKIl 11, 1914. Nebraska WAIT CLAIMSjflS ELECTION Secretary of State Declares He Will Wi by Hair. LEGISLATIVE FIGHT WARMS UP I Believe He I Eat Everything "Doe" Taairr of Soatk Omaha Id ts Be Castlas; A boat for hp. port Recretarr et ta I'pper Chamber. ' T (From a Staff Correspondent.) -LINCOLN. Nov. 10. (Special.) It may take the official count to settle the ques tion who has beon elected secretary of state. Both Mr.' Walt and Mr. Pool claim the place by a small majority. Mr. Pool has not the exact figures to show his majority, but claims when all the counties are In it will be sufficient to land. On the other hand, with four counties to hear from and which gave Mr. Walt 235 majority four years ero when the two contested for the office. Pool Is behind thirty-five votes. These counties are Ar thur, Blaine, Loup and Wheeler. Official returns are coming; In fairly fast, but It Is likely to be several days before the last one appears. Indications point to a pretty fight for the Important legislative positions. In addition to those mentioned for president of the senate, the name of Senator Phil Kohl of Wayne appears to meet with a I For I Know a Stuart's PvsprpaU Tablet Will IMgwt Any Meal At Any Time. How oftn lo we ee men who can not t and how often do we hear other men boasting of their abtMt'as to eat. The secret of all he Oth Is digestion. Tho secret of digestion Is the Juloes which are siirpll'd by the body to sep arate the Ingredients noeded from those that are of no use to the system. lS4 Famous Swimmer Is Almost Left Behind In Middlo of Ocean BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. lO.-Puke Kahanamoku, the world's champion short distance swimmer, on his wny home to Honolulu, after a series of exhibitions on the Taclflc roast, came near being left alone In the middle of thw Pacific In un witting punishment for a daring bit of foolery, rassengera on the Steamer Wll- helmlns, which arrived from Honolulu today, brought this story. Kahanamoku sailed from here Novem ber 4 on the Matsonla of the same line as l the Wllhelmlna. Four days out .from San1 The Pessimist "Tonr aoPetlts die. ' ruts us. Ton sat like a giant slot," The Optimist "BsUsve ins, I give my Body what it tells me to give It, and whether it be midalght or aoon X al ways obey appetite and then I sat a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet." When a heavy meal has been eaten the entire body Is called upon to furnish the digestive organs with forces to take car of It. The more the strain the weaker become the forces to take care of tlio next meal as well. A Stuart's pyspepsla Tablet aids Na- 11 f In K?Q tllTA'a nWn wr f k. 111 great deal of favor. Senator Kohl Is not . tablets Br8 filled with the' very Ingredl- cms aiiu rainni'M so neeaiui to every normal and perfect stomach. One quality or Ingredient of a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will dlgt S.fldO times Its weight In food. Think If you can to bo casting his eyes longingly toward I what a big help this means to a depleted th. 1h t eretarv rvf the senate. How-! digestion. -Other Ingredients sld In butld- . ling up the digestive Juices and blood. The ever, another newspaper man. Editor D. I Btomach and intestines have their duties A. ueil or tne urana isiana rm rri, i iigiiienea ana . tnus irritation, soreness an orator of the Bryan class by any moans,' but he is a tireless worker and has many friends amomr the lawmakers. "Don" Tanner of ' South Omaha Is said Francisco the two ships passed each other and stopped to transfer a stow, away caught aboard the outbound Matsonla. While they lay to Kahanamoku leaped overboard and began showing off his prowess as a swimmer to the other pas-j sengers. Before the officers knew he was overboard the, two vessels began to get under way again In opposite directions. Passengers raised a clamor and a boat waa lowered and sent back after him. Is also In the fight for the same place and both have claims which will make them worthy of consideration, fialrl la Prison Asraln. Henry Oulrl, sent to the Nebraska peni tentiary from Douglas county for for- and raw linings are permitted to be cured by tne system naturally, quickly, harm lessly. Thousands of dyspeptics and stomach sufferers would be glad to tell you what Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have done for them. This Is whst makes there tab lets sold in every drug store in this coun- gery for a term of five years and paroled trv. price 60 cents. after having served less than a year,, hasi To anyone wishing a free trial of these ln been sentenced to serve seven rears ' tftblpts P'eese address F. A. Stuart Co., Just been sentenced to hm seven years IM 8tuart BM)f Marshall. Mich., and a In the .Wisconsin penitentiary for a like srnau ampie package will be mailed free. offense. ' Gulrl was paroled to Omaha parties at the request of a prominent Omahan, who believed the young man had been sufficiently punished, but soon after be ing given his liberty disappeared. . and ' nothing had been heard of him until no tice of his Incarceration in the Wisconsin prison appeared. Hall to Wymore, adjutant General Hall will go to Wy- Sixteen Cars in' Ditch at Seward SEWARD,' Neb., Nov. 10. Speclal Telegram.) The extra freight going east on the Burlington was wrecked here today, sixteen cars belnr smashed. The more tomorrow to look tip the proposl- cars were ioadea i. , rult. Four tramns tlon of .reorganisation of the company of escaped with slight hurts. The train was guards at that place. The town has juat'in charge of Engineer Art Blgnell. Sup erected a new armory building and the erintendent Blgnell left with his wreck business men are anxious that steps be ing crew for the scene of the accident taken to reorganise the company and . , ' promise their support If the right kind of a company Is formed. Snnday Ball a Go. Lincoln - will have Sunday base ball at "Tigers Boost," the downtown park, the nrnnrttlttnn whirl). waa submitted to the ' AfrA rarrloil kg Woods BrOS. LINCOLN FIRM CONSIDERING BIG BID FOR WAR HORSES (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 10. (Special Telegram.) of this city have- been the assistant city attorney In his report'"?? y Now Yortfirm to submit I U1U 1UT t UI IllOllIIia UUIBCB 1VI kllO to the city commission last night. There has been a great deal of contro versy over the matter, . opponents of the . . I 1 1 M 1 Jl .V proposition iiaviuu uewwuu vuw. mi . . ..... i . . . j m oaay wm proposition naa 10 nave a majority ui tui , votes east at the election. The city at torney decides that a majority of all votes cast for or against the proposition will govern in this case, declarNg that the worda closing the act, "for tho pur pose," makes the election a special elec tion when a proposition is voted on at a regular election. This gives the propo sition a majority of 281, - . ' Kennard Recounts Stories of Olden Days (From a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN," Nov. 11. Special.) J. P. Kennard of Lincoln, 87 years old and the first secretary of state of Nebraska, i - J .1 1. m .. a .lit. mamIh. mvA congratulated Governor Morehead on his UNIVLKSI I T rnCbIUt.N I i IU MEET AT OAKLAND NEXT-YEAR English, French and Russian armies, The an'mals must be delivered within the next ninety days. The bid sent in around the " 16.000.000 mark. The railroads have s' ready been con sulted regarding sufficient cars for the shipment so that If the bid is accepted shipments will begin at ence. Omaha High Still Without Game for Thanksgiving Day All the high school foot ball fans are waiting for word from one of the Chi cago schols settling-, a date fr .Turkey day. The school that had been scheduled at the beginning of the year waa Lane Tech., but that school has dissolved its team. As soon as .he had found this to be true Mr. Reed got Into correspondence six of the other ChlcMo High schools and up ton this .time has received an swers from four of them saving that they hnd nnen dates for that day and all that' Connecticut , . . , ,, ' . ,,,,, 1 New y strongest,-.. '.: . .. ' . . Thre of those that answered are Crane Tech, Bo wen and Marshall, and of these Crane Tech Is thought to be tho strongest and the likely one. and th likely one the Omaha High team will meet on Thanksgiving. . HAD COUGH GINCE CHILDHOOD Mrs. Wm. Hohmann. 174 Lincoln Ave, C h I c a g 9 , X1L, fr rites: "I suffered with -catarrh of bronchial tubs and had a ter rible cough ever Since a child. "I WOUld Sit up In bed with pillows propped up behind me, but still tho o o u gtt would, not let me sleep. 1 thought and everybody else that I had consumption, "I am well now and cured of a rhronlo cough And nor' throat. I cannot tell you how grateful I am, and 'I cannot thank Peru n a enough. It has cured where, doctors have failed and I talk Peruna wherever I go, recommend It to everybody. People who think they have con gumption - better' give It a trial." Rovised State Returns 7.n S,7( 81.KSJ K7.5U Crop Yield in This Country is Above General Average WASHINGTON. Nov. 10,-Yleld of all crop In . the, United States Jn ,1M was 10I.J percent, or !.l per cent above the average, according to statistics announced today by the Department of Agriculture. The average of yields by states follows: Maine 11.4 New Hampshire.il) t Vermont 102.7 Massachusetta .lis S rNebrsiika Rhode island 1114 117.7 ork 110.7 New Jersev ....t'HB Pent-sylvanla .:Mto Delaware 100.J Maryland 113.9 Viiplnla 8 West Virginia . M.I North Carotna.imi 8outh Carolina. 1.7 KANSAS MEN TO BANQUET ' AT THE UNIVERSITY CLUB James W. Green, dean of the law school at the University of Kansas, will be In Omaha Friday as the guest of R. 8. Horton. He le on his way to the Kansas Nebraska foot ball game at Lincoln Sat urday. Mr. Horton has arranged for Judge Green to meet all former , Kansas university men at the University club Friday evening at an Informal luncheon and smoker. All Kansas men will be welcome. , . election. Besides ' being the first secretary of state of Nebraska, Mr. Kennard was a delegate to pie first convention held by the republican party,' called at Indianapo lis. With Colonel J. H. Presson, record ing clerk of the executive J offices, Mr. Kennird went over old times, much to the edification of those standing around. Both men were delegates to the first state republican convention, which was held In Plattamouth In 1867. "I had the pleasure of voting for you for the republican nomination for secre tary of state," said Colonel Presson. "Yes, I remember that convention very well." replied Mr. Kennard, "and I also recollect the one the democrats held at Nebraska City at the urn) time. Our convention at Plattsmouth passed a res olution favorable to state organization, wh'le the one at Nebraska City passed on against state organization. "1 also remember very well an editorial which appeared in the Omaha Republican soon after the action was taken to locate the. state capital at Lincoln. I often think of it and wonder what kind of an editorial that editor would write now If he was alive. He said that the state capital had been located In the sand bills, where there was nothing but coyotes and Indians, and on the edge of the Great American Desert, in a God forsaken lo cality where the foot of man would never tread." WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Benjamin I. Wheeler of the University of California was elected president, and Oakland, Cel. chosen as the place for next year' meeting, at today's session of the an ual convention of state university presi dents. Next year s convention will be gin August 90. The fifty delegates to the convention were received today by Pres ident Wilson. LARGE CROWD WITNESSES COURSING MEET START BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 10. (Special TeUrram.l-Tlie first "day's program of the three days' coursing meet of the Na tional association opened here today with a larre crowd In attendance. Sixty dogs were entered from Mlwourl, Iowa, Kan. sas and Nebraska. Ed Fisher of Wlnfleld Kan., i Judge and Sam Blvens of Be atrice Is slipper: -Following are the entries In the first round of all-age stake: Calverone, ; Mr. Oetchen, 4; Rosebud, B": Rod TOIllon. 8: Little Eva, 0; Mr. Can non. 8; Lalv pw. 4 Fotrunate Neverset tle, ; Little MldVet. IS; Seam Clam. 7; King Athletic. 0: Miss Can Trip, 24; Love Trail, 8; Go Winner. 6; quicK iep, ; ine . Taxpevtr. 1: Ok Psrton. B; Freckles, : , Dr. Klllen, 8: White Child, 11; D'amond ! Wedre. 4; Neverscttle. 14 Union Spy. 0; , leopard Lady, 14:Helen Barton, 0; Rag- Ing Rhyme, 12; Golden Fleece. : Hard ' Pine. 9; Klllrn Parton. 4; Sister Never settle. 6: Rambling Sam, 2; Dr. Ross, 3; Lady "reentaw, 8; Jonn ruinin, i; Lone some Trail. 6;' Elsora Neversettle. 7; So ciety Whirl. Fabulous Fortune, 23; Town Talk-, 8;' Ride Alone. 0; Million Dol lar Mvstery, 10; Kitty Altona, 1J; Bit of Fortune, 8; Runaway Margin, 0; Rambling nn 7- Irlh Landlord. I: Flying Pearl. Or Dixie, Jr.. 4: Forest Flower, 4; The Kaleer, : 7; Grace . Rockwell. . 8; Paid Deficit. 6. - '" - Governors Plan.to. Remove Some of- , Halts to Business - MADISON, Wis., Nov. 10. Problems connected with the regulation of corpora tions so that while comply.ng with the laws of che state they are not discouraged by different -law from doing business in another- state were brought up for solu tion before the seventh annual govern ors' conference which opened a five-day session here today. 1 - The executives of more than half the states,, many former governors and governors-elect were present when Gover nor Francis El McGovem of Wisconsin called the meeting to order. The re sponse to the welcome extended by Governor- McGovern, Mayor Kayser and President Van Hlse of the University of Wisconsin, was , delivered by ' Governor Carey of . Wyoming, j While the question of making uniform state laws long has besn under considera tion at the conferences, the delegate declared that finally definite plan were nearing completion . for-: removing what was called a dlsuouragement to business Mlsnnurl North Dakot.i 8onth Dakota Kansas Kentucky Tennensee Alabama silKSissippI .. Ixjutslana ... Texas Oklahoma ... Arkansas .... Montana Wyoming .... Colorado .... New Mexico. A rtuona I'teh Nevada Idaho ......... Washington ,. Orexoii California ... M i9 3 Alt .1!. mi 101 9 M.4 110 1 .....1031 1U3.7 10S.7 ltsj.n HI Georgia 111.2 Florida w lRe unio ....n.l Indiana - ti.1 Illinois .1 Michigan 111.4 Wiaconxln - 106.1 Minnesota M Iowa 104. v For Durns, Bra I era and Sores The quickest and surest cure is Buck len's Arnica Salve. Every household should have a box on hand all the time. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. .. 7. . .108.8 . .110.0 .. !7. ..101 t ,.11X ,.. w.J ,. J01.4 ... W O ...10. Shore Well Thnnuht Of. A lot of base bkll men tliink that Ernest Shore, the elongated twirler that Illll Carrigan got from Haltlnione, will be the sensation of the American league next year. ' Soveroof. (Klshly-one Counties.) Morehead, dem n. 11011. rep W,"" Cklef J tiat lee. (Pifty-e'.Kht Counties! Mnlienbeck Heese Lleatenant fiorernor. (Elghty-f.iu. (Yontles.) Pearson, ileni Hons In nil, rep S-rre.tary of Stale. (Elnhty-KlX Counlles.) Pool, dem Walt, rep Andltor. (Peventy-one Countlea) Smith, rirm Minor, rep State Treasurer. Seventy-ons Counties.) Hrll. dem Hamer, rep Attorney General. (Seventy-one Countlea) Peed, dem Sears, rep: Woman Raffraae, (Seventy-four Conntlen and Thirty-six Pwlucia.) I For : l.i 75a Airainst 8R.6S9 Workmen's Compensation. (Sixty-nine Counties.) For .70J Against da, County t'andldnten. Red Willow County Judge, F. M. Col- fer; Clerk, V. K. Dutrher. dem.: eherlff, L. A. Kltrh, dem.; treasurer. A.' It. Wood. ren. : commissioners, K. S. Moore, rep., and Nattgew Stewart, rep.; coroner, Dr. O. A. De May, dem,; surveyor, P. M. Iell, dem.; superintendent. Julia Barnes, rep. : attorney, J. M. Soniervllle, rtm. Richardson County Judge. J. Wtltse; clerk. Ora Marsh, rep.: sheriff. Dan Rate- kin, rep.; superintendent, l. 11. Weber, dem.; attorney, J. K. Leyda, rep.; cor-, .ner, M. Ueneker, rep.; resister of deeds, N. B. Judd, dem.; county board, demo cratic. . Kimball County Juris. F. J. Billows; cleik, Amos.; dem.; sheriff, Forsllng. rep.; tresfurer. Burrt, rep.; commissioners, Atlklnn, dem., Phillips, rep., and Hnyder, mp. ; coroner, Irey. rep.; surveyor. Young, rep.; superintendent, McKlhaney, rep. Uoone County Judge, F. G. Daten; rlerk, J. MeCllntlok, rep.; sheriff. O. Anderson, rep ; treasurer, S. Ioken,dem.; commissioners, H. R. Smith and B. TIs thamer, dem.; coroner. Dr. Howard; sur- t'Avnr IT XI ailllW ftilnelntn,lAnft I l,n. nah C. Johnson: attorney, W. J. Denahrn. dem. Dixon County Judge. F. P. Fsles; A. N. Porter, rep.: sheriff. A. IT. Maskell. dem.: treasurer, Owen McOulllen, rep.; commissioners, A. L. Sehcenoaugh, A. L. York, I. Kills, Henry Harney; coroner, Dr. J. R. Graham, rep.; surveyor, O. P. Sullenburger, dem.; superintendent. A. V. Teed, rep.; attorney, C. A. Kingsbury, dem. Madls.-m County Jurtge, Mv R. MeDuf fee: clerk. V. T. Hodson.- rep.j sheriff. C. S. Smith, rep.; treasurer, W. M. Dar lington, rep.; vc-glster, F. II. Taylor, dem.; commissioner, W, S. Crook, rep.; coroner. It. H. Foster, dem.; surveyor, C. 1'. Huntley, rep.; superintendent, N. A. Housel, dem.; attorney, W. L. Dow ting, rep. Howard County Judge. R. A. Hagirart, rep.: clerk, K. 1). Hahensky. dem.; sheriff, W. H. Atwood, rep.; treasurer ''. A. all. dem.; commissioner, Frank Bower, dem.; Theodore Krogh, dem.; mroner, Ir. R. F. Jester, dem.; sur veror, L. I.nrsen, dern.; superintend-1 ent, V. P. Baker, ciem.; attorney, Charles Ihihoy. dem. Vhase Cumtv-Juds N. M. Bender; clerk. O. K. MeCaHum,- dem. ; . sheriff, FaI Hlne, rep.: treasurer. Allan Orsnt, dem.; eommlssloners. Henry Orelm. dem., Emery Norman, dem : coronen L, W, Smith, rep ; urryor, C. A. Towell, rep.; superintendent, Eva Mnriand, rep.; at tornev, p. V. Scott, rep. Buffslo County Juris. F. 3, ItverettJ clerk, J. H. Dean; sheriff. 8. B. Funk: treasurer, M. N. Troupe: . register, T. J. Brett! ccroner. Dr. A. D. Csmeron: sur- Vfyor Fugene Morey; superintendent. S. Klllett; attorney. Albert U. Toiirrsen Tierce County Judge. O. T. Kelley riy-m. : clerk, II. EX Hnhn. m.; sher f r, George W. Ooff. dem : treasurer, John Theisen. dem.: reslsrer, II. 1C. Rohn dem.: eonimlsslonrr, Utobert Neunmnn dfm. j coroner. Dr. Frank G. Salter, dom.; surveyor J. F. Hlndlk rep.: superlntenfl ent, Iettln Scott, dem. ; sitorney. M. H. Lenmy,' rep. corintv, Wyoming, discontinued: ChuswKter. mall to - Fire Voder Control. NEW YORK. Nov. .-The Lamport M Holt steamer Rcmhrinlt. whose wireless cnerator reported In mils fr help thl erternoon that It wns nn f're 'J mile off Csne Henrv, wss vld to l' steaming for Norfolk. Va., tunluh- with the flro under control. The vessel W.le-1 from, I'sltlniore last Saiirdny Trr St. Nasalre, Airhip Sighted OverHarwich LONIHJN. Nov. 10. A dispatch ,to the Rvenlng Ne' from Dover says: "A ti.e result of a report tht n air ship had been sighted over SheerneM, the sea'rrhlibht corps was busy all night. Later the airship was reported over llsr wlch. ' " "Firlmi was hesrd In eastern Cliffs be tween 1 and o'clock this morning." Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Nov. )0.(Sprrlnl Tele gram.) Nebraska pensions granted: Olive Way.. Omnha. Ill': Ueorse (lardells. Omaha. 8.10: Amanda Fmchl ch. Loup City, I $12; Dbirnh Mills. HcoU s Bluff, til; Lot- lie L. Vr!ght. Oakdale. m. ln the recommendation of Democratlo Commllteeman Wsde, D. George Skinner hss been appointed pension surgeon at Vn Interset. la lturnl letter enrrlers appointed: Ed Hedges, Chugwater, Wyo. ; John A. 8y kora at Dnnte and Oscar T. Chandler at Wrselnston r'pr'nga, S. D. Kistnrr(-e st (mldsmltn, I .a ramie wwwwwwmwisssssswiswss Best Laxative For Childfen When your baby is cross and fret ful Instead of tho happy, laughing? lit tle dear you are accustomed to. In all probability ' tlw dlirestlon ha tiecome deranged and the bowel need atten tion. Give It a mild laxative, dispel the irritability and bring - back the happy content of babyhood. The very best laxative for children Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, be cause It cdntalns no opiate or narcotic drug, Is pleasant tasting and acta gen tly, but surely, without griping or oth er distress. Druggist sell Dr. Cald well Syrup I'eps'.n at fifty cent and one dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 451 woHi.ingion ni IF THE BABY IS CUTTING ILETH USE Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC Ouch! Backache! Rub Lumbago or Pain From Back , V Ah! Pain I gone I QuIcklyT Yes. Almost Instant relief from soreness, stiffness,' lameness and pain follow a gentle rubbing with ','Bt. Jacobs Oil." Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and like magic, re lief couiea. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless backache, lumbago and sciatic cure which never disappoints and . doesn't burn the skin, i - Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop thoso toTturous "stitches." In a mo ment you will forget you ever had ' a weak back, because.lt won't hurt or.be stiff or; lame. Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle fit - old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from your 'druggist; now and get this lasting relief. Advertisement. s j DENTISTRY Our painless extractl om and filling la the talk of tbt'lOWD, Our satisfied patlenti are epre a d t a g tlia Glad New. Crown and bridge teeth as low as $3.50 BAILEY 15? DENTIST 80 yrarg a denttet. 20-year gtnrante. 706 City Nat l Bank Sky Scraper. BAKERS TALKING BREAD AND NOT FIXING PRICE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nov. 10. 'Special Telegram.) -Tie Master Bakers' Association of Ne braska la In session here, the first meet ing being held this aflernoon. About ICO tre present. They were welcomed by Mayor Zehrung nd the response was by Senator George F. WoU of Fremont. T. F. Naughton of Omaha is one of the busy men about the esion and say that the association is working on ths proposi tion of making saUsfactory bread and 1 oot figuring on the price. . : t . Wesies mt Bedeatarr Habits. Women who get but little exercise are likely to be troubled with constipation and Indigestion and will find Chamber, lain Tablets highly beneficial. Not so good as a three or four-mile walk every day, but very much better than to allow the bowel to remain iq a constipated condition. They are easy and pleasant to take and "most agreeable In effect. Ob tainable everywhere- Advertisement J ' Bee Want Ad Produce Results. Don't Blame the Butcher Eat Less Meat Ye, meat is hitfh. But we eat too much meat , under the mistaken impression that it la needed to nourish us. Est lew meat substitute. FAUST MACARONI It contains far mora autrltloa taaa mast Basis tuseated also ssk your doctor. Yo caa make mh rich, ssvory dishes with this excellent leed. Try it awhile you'll fori bettor. $c mud tOc pkgt. Buy May. atAuu. aaorncfts, at. lwi, m. WsVisoawir mtfPM'MHi&aBSSI For Indigestion and Biliousness those foes of comfort and well-beinjf there is one family remedy universally regarded as the , best corrective of deranged conditions of the organs of digestion. Present suffering is 'relieved .promptly, and ' worse sickness prevented by timely use of BEECMArJu'S POLLS Let this wonderful remedy tone your Btomach, stimulate your liver and kidneys, regulate your , bowels and you will feel improved throughout- your entire system. a few doses will prove to you ''why, for the common and minor ailments of life, Beecham's Pills Are the Right First Aid Sold evorywkara. la loses, 10.. 25s. Dvoctioao si Vsiae Eo isliy t Woau Mu Cnry Be. eior: Are you again dreading trie annual return oiy that same unwelcome visitor, Big Coal Bill, with his destructive brood? Or are you preparing this winter to bar out yP;:?mStWW torever tnose awiui pests ot oid fasnioned heating devices by fort ifying your home with an outfit of the silent, cleanly, convenient, repairless,-radiator hfating n RICANr pAnTATr.Tc VA. DEAL IBOILERS IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators completely reform the whole heating ques tion for the rest of your days give you. healthful heating at a big fuel saving, and stop, making cleaning slaves of the women and ruining your carpets, curtains and furnishings! IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators give you uniform comfort in every part of every room and hallway, with no burned-air to breathe, and so easy to run that you N ' r 4 1 a!m . . .a12s110'w TVkOnA A,,lAin IntflAV I a VfitMn I " wuuu&i --ui iiiuix Diiiipiiuiky aim xcuauiiiLj. iiiou uumia iuwt.1 yuui iiviuy expense, give you full enjoyment of every square foot of your home space in coldest weather, and every dollar you invest adds just that amount to the selling value of your building, or adds 10 to 15 to rental returns. If you would bar the gateways to your farm or city home, store, office, school, church, etc., against old-time heating pests, write U3 to-day. Our free book: "Ideal Heating" and full information docs not .obligate you 1S1u CTi Bain ha in any way. Prices are now most attractive! it i til 1 1 . - t ' " I Ssi AN0.4 1J W IDEAL Boilsr so4 420 sq.ft. of M ia. AMERICAN R.di.tor., cottiu tUs wm S200, wfued tohtst thUcttfS. At thU pries tits food. ca b bousht of sny svfmiobU, compotcjit fitter. This did swt ia ciud eooc of labor, pips, valvM, frsiflit, te., hleh vary accordiae te ciiaiatic aad otber cojulltiaa. IDEAL Boilsrk ere BnadslDslsasforeoom cottago up to UfEcat ublic buudina coat tors than tfes chaap beating dsvicaa, wblcb aoiy last a yaaxs. JMIMMM Another great labor-saver Stationary Vacuum Cleaner, at $150 You can wonderfully reduce house-labor and highly increase home health and cleanliness by use of ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner sits in basement j works through iron pipe running to all floors i carries all dirt? dust, insects and their eggs, etc., to sealed bucket in machine; cleans carpets, furnishings, walls, ceilings, clothing. Ask felso for new "ARCO WAND "catalog (free). Inquiry puts you under no obligation to buy. 4 8old by all dceJer. No exclusive scents. AMERICAN IADIATOCIOMPANY Write Department N-80 413-417 South Tenth St, 'Omaha, Public thprnssn at Caicago, Nsw Tark, Bearoa. rVwUmo, PnilaoVrpals, Wsahiagton, Balrfma mr ' w r.wvc,HM, miriimi, viumw. v-Bene.. Dunw, ruuuwfo, wrataoa, isciiuiaa, usoviL uaata suruaua. Kaar OrUaoa, UKtiaaapoiia, Ukloaufcaa, Oaiaba, Uiaacapalls, Bt. Paul, Bt. Luuaa. Kaon, City, Lxavar, Saaula. Portland. SpoKSCM. i . i Aagdca, eaa rcaauaoo, cwaoucrd lUut.), Umdaa, raris, tlruaacla. ttarlia, rjka, Uilaa, Viesaa 11 iJ ,J , XaT ,M fd a V a4 e ' f f -4t s. f r. .r .. f. , rm m f t-m nm tmm 4m 4o VWL Aa W AM Ml jt ia w tmtt. t