Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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A hot fire that
lasts is the test
of fuel. Vulcan
Coke lasts as
long weight for
weight as the best
Anthracite. A large
part of the coal you
put in your stove or
furnace goes to make
smoke, soot, clinkers
and bad smelling
gases, all '.of-which
cost you as much per
ton as the heat portion of
f our coal and yet are abso
ute waste. Vulcan Coke
is 90 carbon it does not
burn out grates because
the impurities have been
removed. You get it in
the same sizes you are
accustomed to i n ' hard
coal you can control
your fire more easily be
cause it responds to the
draft, more - quickly and
more surely. You would
gladly pay $1.00 a ton
mort for coal if you could
get the qualities of Vulcan
by doing so. But just for
good measure Vulcan cuts
over a dollar a ton off your
fuel bill..
Cot! Products Kit. Co., Jollst, I'.L
, Exeluslv Demeatio Bales Ajr.nta..
Atwill-Makerason Coal A Ccko po,
, , HcOoralck SUif, CUosffe.
Nebraska FuelCo.
Ttkilsat .
1 . .1
Dktr&rtsrt .
Federal Beierro Institutions Big;
Boon, Syi Senator Owen.
l.salaa; Csrrewey Oa4 ew.Htr
Will Hellcre Amr Trapmrr
tress that Mar Arta frvm
Tlsae a Tie a.
'A financial psnle In thla country in
ha. future U absolutely Impossible and
unthinkable," said United Bute Senator
Robert I Owen, author of the Owen
Glass currency bill which created the
twelve reT banks. In hla talk to the
Commercial club at a public affairs lunch-
eon Tuesday Senator Owen came to
Omaha to deliver a lecture at the Audi
torium this evening aa the fourth num
ber of the Redpath series there. He waa
introduced at the Commercial club by
Senator O. M. Hitchcock.
Senator Owen explained the working; of
the currency law In a brief talk, and
Kara some Interesting; comparisons which
are the results of a cloee study of bank
ing; systems abroad. He pointed out that
the Imperial Bank of Germany has long;
operated on a system that permits It to
issue currency on food commercial paper,
"and that principle," he continued, "U a
tower of strength in the Germany em
pire la its present great crisis."
Makes flltaatlaa Mobile.
"The currency law," he said, "haa
mad the reserves of the twelve reserve
banks mobile Instead of fixed and rigid.
Now they can be used and are thua avail
able for commerce. The new law puts
the power of the people of the United
Statea behind our banking system and
therefore behind commerce, behind man
ufacture, behind the Jobber, the retailer
and ovary., other line of legitimate pro
"These twelve reserve banka begin
operation en November 11 They will be
the moet gigantic clearing houaea the
world has aver eeen. The Kansas City
reserve bank eatlmatea now that it will
handle an average of 200,000 itema a day.
They will give Independence to the banka
of the district, for the member banka
will always be able to obtain from them
whstever credit they are entitled to. A
bank of Omaha for example can go thexe
with notes secured by com, wheat, man
ufactured gooda or other products, and
can get United Statea notea issued on
this paper In whatever quantity desired.
And the result la we are going to have
stable business in the United Statea."
Make Yourself Feel
Fine-&-a-FiddleM ; ,
With Famous RheumasalU
It the sever strains of business and
social life are beginning to tell on you and
you .are In a tun-down condition, give
your Internal system a bath.
This la easily, dona by simply dissolving
'a. little , Rheumasalte In a glass' of water,
land you have ' a delightful ' carbonated
drink that elf ens out the stomaoa end In
testines, eliminates' toxina and poisons,
and leavea the intestinal canal clean and
. If you 'are bothered with constipation,
headaches, sallow sktn, coated tongue,
bad breath, indigestion, biliousness,' neu
ralgia or rheumatism. Rheuiuasalta -will
fix you up in short order.
Rheumasalte acta quickly and gently on
the .bowels, liver and.- kldneya without
'griping or nausea. It is a urto acid sol
vent aa well aa a saline laxative, ' ,
Rheumaealts ' contains no calomel er
'other Injurious drugs. Ask your druggist
'fur about five ounces. If they baven't
'RheuiTmsalta. communicate with the fa
'mous Rheumabath Company, Minneapolis,
'Minn., and they will soe that you are
'.supplied. " . .
From Weak
Arch and
Flat Foot
Doa't try to correct
defective arch or flat
foot a'lth a fcunglesotne
arch support to . be In
serted In your shoo. W
have shows made on
scientific principles that
embody all that science
has learned la the cor
rection of broken down
arches. Weak arch or
flat foot Is caused by ex
cessive weight or poorly
fitted shoes. Our scien
tifically correct shoes
will relieve and oure this
defect. You will never
know complete foot com
fort until you have a
Mfu's, 3.0O and f fl.OO.
Women's .5.50
Parcel Post Paid.
We are sole agents for
the celebrated Anatonillt
shoe for men. and women.
1419 Farnara St.
International "Y"
Secretary Talks on
Foreigp Work Needs
- Arthur - Hugh, international student
secretary for the Toung-"Men's Christian
association In China, spoke to some sixty
Toung Men's Christian association, mem
bora at the Commercial club at noon. He
la In America-doing some work in the
financial Interest of the association. He
aid that with the present war situation
IB Europe, Involving the colonies and also
so Urge A proportion of the world, It Is
rapidly devolving on the United States
to support the foreign missionary work.
Commenting on the war situation fur
ther, he declared that It Japan should
become Involved to such an extent aa to
Involve China In any way the war would
immediately center about a struggle
among European natlona for territory In
the Orient or a struma for the division
of Chinese territory.
The Ifyomei Hcmrwly for Catarrh,
Ool'W and Croup m .Moet
Valuable IMsroverr.
The discovery of Hyomel (pronounced
Hlgh-o-me) hss made a wonderful change
In the treatment of catarrh, head cold
and similar ailmenta affecting the nose
and throat you simply breathe a medi
cated air..
Until a few years ago the remedies
generally ased for these diseases were
nauseating drugs, which, when, poured
Into the stomach, usually upset the di
gestion. Hyomel I a combination of antiseptic
oils that mix with the air you breathe so
that 'the health-giving medication must
go directly to the sore, raw. Inflamed
lining of. the nose, throat and bronchial
tubes. It almost Immediately stops the
disagreeable nasal discharges, quickly re
lieves . difficult breathingheals and
strengthens the delicate tissue.
Tou breathe Hyomel using a small in
haler that comes with each complete out
fit 'It Is toot expensive, and can be had
from any drug store.
The. strongest evidence of It curative
value for catarrh. V'fd colds, asthma,
etc.. Is" that' your well-known druggist
Sherman McConnell Drug Co., sell
every package under a guarantee to re
turn your money If you are not satisfied.
Do not delay treatment another day for
Hyomel is not only safe, but pleasant to
use, and nothing to pay If not cured
. - . ,
PLAN 10 MERGE TWO OMAHASj Germans to Have Big
Fair to Help Out the
Widows and Orphans
George Droughan and Will Toung. both
colored, were arretted for breaking Into
the flat of R. C, Strehlow, Strehlow
apartments, when they attempted to cash
a check made out to Mr. Rtrehlow. The
check was for W5 and waa drawn by
N. Leslie Pick In fsvor of Mr. Strehlow.
When the letter's home was entered by
burglars his overcoat which contained
the check, waa atolen. .
The negroea wore at the Brandela
store trying to get money on the papar
wucn uiiiirri naunea mem.
City commissioners will advertise for
blda for a new aeven-paasenger automo
bile for. the police department One of
the old . machines will be exchanged as
part of the purchase price of -the new
automobile. s ; , , ,
Bill to Consolidate Two Cities in the
Cominj Legislature.
Kallr rioawSary Weald He Bo Dt
vlded that Kark la ta Have
Representative la ftovera , ,
era men t ef Whoe.
A bill to merge South Omaha with
Omaha, changing the commission form
of government-to insure South' Omaha's
representation In the1" city council, win
be Introduced In the legislature this win
ter. Mayor ' James C. Dahlman. whe ' has
conferred with legislative representatives
about the proposition, said:
' "A bill will be introduced, and ' In my
opinion there will be little opposition
from South Omaha. We will arrange it
so that . the commission form will be
changed to Insure South Omaha's lepre
aentatlon in the council. , - ,
"South Omaha officials will not be leg
islated out of office. The commission
form election, if the bill' passes, will -be
postponed from July , until some time in
the fall, when the South Omaha 'contin
gent could put up a candidate.
"The plan is to district the, rrierged
cities Into eight districts and elect,, a rep
resentative from each district the candi
dates to be voted on at large."
Mayor Dahlman says" the bill will be
drafted to make the merger lawful when
passed by the legislature, and that a vote
of the people of South Omaha -will not
be necessary. V
The German-American Aid society will
holi the Inst meeting before the big fair
this afternoon at the German Home,
400 South Thirteenth atreet at 1:20
o'clock, when all plana for the fair will
be completed. The fair will atart Satur
day afternoon at the German home and
la to raise funds for the widows and
orphans In Germany, Austria and Hun
gary. Those who attend thla meeting
may bring gifts for sale at the fair". Polls
and donations sre requested and they
may be sent to the Aerman Horn or to
the Oermaa dally newspaper office, 1S11
Howard street.
Qlurtr3ourdi t&rctt east a(0ark GUcnaA
A J- a VCViv a
An Weal Hotel with an Weal Situation
riee Want Ada Are the Best business
City Commissioner J. J. Ryder, st the
meeting of the city council In committee
of the whole, secured the passage of a
resolution directing the city legal dv
pertment to find out why the Missouri
Tsclflo railroad haa not begun the con
struction of the Locust street viaduct as
t'se nianchnrd'g Eczema Lotion
SO Tears ea the Market '
a. B race ft Co, gnpply Drug Stores
WitS.TXi.. Bookll describing
T?? "AEB and their CAU8ES.
Address Prof. J. O. Blanchard. SMI Cot
tage Grove Ave.. Chicago.
3bs3SS6SbsV &
GloeEt Springs oa
Mined by the Original Producers. Sold by the Following Dealer
; People Cool Co. .
I'nlon Fuel Co.
Updike Lumber & Coal Co.
, West Omnha Coal & Ice Co.
Dworak Wrecking Co.
Havens Coal Co.
McCaffrey Ilros,
Nebraska Fuel Co.
Jeff W. Bedford
Hery Foley
Harmon & Weeth
Howell & Hon
C. W. Hull Co.
C. 8. Johnson
Keys I Aim her Coal O.
Lucas Coal Company
Nebraska Distributers.
Tj-fc" T?ni "lru tn Ovprlonk the Onnortuni- '
ties in the "Want Ad" Columns. They're Worth Reading.
Vehicles of all classes will be com-;
pellcd to carry lights at night aa "safety
signals," If an ordinance Introduced byj
Police Commirsloner A. C. Kugel ia !
passed by the council. The ordinance
alao provldea for slower apeeda In con- i
gested districts.
"The ordinance will probably be
amended," said Commissioner Kugnl.
"The mayor objects to making all driv
ers of all sorts ot vehicles equip their
rigs with lights." He believes it , would
work a hardship on many- of the poorer
Nostrils and Head Stopped Up
Fvrom Cold? Try My Catarrh Balm Clears Air Passages; You
Bi-eathe Freely,; Dull Headache
- Goes;' Nasty; Catarrhal Discharge
Stops. ' -' ,.- '
Try''piy's cream Balm.".:-:
Clnt ft small bottle anyway, Just to try
It-Apply a little in the nostrils ary in
stantly your clogged nose ' and stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
1 you will A breathe freely; dullness 'nd
j headache disappear. By morning!' , the
catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal 1 sore
throat will be gone. ..... ' ' ' -
End such misery howl Get the1 small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
Ghost Stories About
Sarpy Crossing Joke
. Publication of stories about an alleged
ghost haunting the Sarpy crossing 'on
the Union Pacific's Lane cut-off and
searing train -crews, has prompted George
Orayt 86a Blondo street, to write Sheriff
Felix McNhane. Gray declares that every
case ha has ever heard of proved to be
ether than ghosts upon Investigation.
One ease, he writes, waa found to be a
white .calf Instead of. a ghoat He says
he would Ilka te help Investigate the
Harpy crossing case with the sheriffs
men. The latter laugh at the report and
declare tt is probably due- to some
woman.' perhaps demented, walking along
the right-of-way at night, or picking up
coal, ,
Polios court waa almost entirely occu
pied with cases of petit larceny, brought
In by local department stores and rail
roads. John Hogan and Albert Hall, arrested
by Detective Finn of the Brandels stores,
were given thirty days each for the theft
of shirtwaists from the 'Toggery" on
Douglas street, where Finn followed
them from his own store.
Hrnry .Sullivan, H, a car washer at Jhe
Buick Auto company, drew a twenty
five-day sentence for trying to got
away with a wool sweater at Townsend's
gun store without paying for It.
James Casey was given thirty daya for
trying to take a Jswelry bog at Bur-geas-Naah'a.
Barney Smith was sentenced to twenty
daya in Jail for taking coal from the Mis
souri Pacific.
Thomas Chekoft and Mary Lane of
South Omaha are going to be married in
spite ot hindrances which have appeared
to check their plana. First. Mlsa Lane
tried to get a marriage license Saturday
afternoon while Chekoff ' was working.
She found the clerk's office closed, so the
wedding was postponed. Then Mrs. Lot
tie Hanrahan went to the clerk'a office
In the court house Monday noon and se
cured the Urease while both bride and
groom were at work. But upon leaving the
court house with the document she lost!
it and searched the streets for some time;
before it was found. Now the young
couple finally have the coveted license
and will be married ia spite of the delays.
They will ve at 111 North Twenty -seventh
street. South Omaha. Aaron Lane ot
South Omaha Is the bride's father.
drug store. This sweet, fragrsnt balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates snd heals the Inflamed, I
swollen membrane which lines the nose,
head and throat; cleara the air passages,
atopa nasty discharges and a feeling of
cleansing, soothing relief, cornea lnmodl
ately, ',''
Don't lay awake' tonight struggling tor
breath, with head stuffed; nostrils Closed,
hawking and blowing. Catarrh .er a eold,
with Its running nose, foul rrtUcoua drop
ping Into the throat, and raw dryneM
la distressing but truly needleas.
Put your faith Just once In "Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear.
. i';,'".';vi3(;vv.,'i
K 3
fit v yzj''
2J. &
Soat worry about those bead noises
of your and doa't negleot them. Worry
only makes them worse, bat something
suns be done, or yon will be ftsaf.
Don't Miss the
Great November Sales
of Furniture, Rugs
and Draperies
i i 1 11 wmuwim mill 11 1
The Greatest Values
in foens Overcoats
. Shown in
Any Omaha Store
500 Smart, Trimmecl Hats
Made to Sell at $7.50 M $10
, ''W-'V.--
It tntHWs i to nsdtcsl tadTlos FREE ea
eurlnc aoisaa.
D your ears ihrobt . .
IX rour ear eraok?
Po jmr Mrs (Ml full?
I your RMrlni fulllnsf r ,
Do rod Bare pttom In Mi earsT
How Ions havo roa haa tbo solmar
Is lb sound ontlm a klowlnr oaf
Is th spun omtlmos a ringing one 7
Are th nolo wont wha you hav a eolet
Da th solsoe or k r awak at night t
Is tkor a Mapping oouna tastb oars wlua
yoa blow your soott -
Answer th auoatloe oa th counon abne
Wouldn't yon like your ease te be like " "VMiaiiet avroui. mi rmi Buiii-
il. -fm wiortil ". nota. H elll n4 ru a lull gMo.lptUs
this one from reoria.
'"Quit fro from any nU la th kws r bji
Iga ot doirnw."
Or this n troat Wlnalpost
"I can hoar as gout as I vr all. thank Ooal
and tbor am no hong, nolo wluunr sow."
Or thli on from Wnahlngtn. D. C. t "I avr
ha Uom arondtul Hu4 not aay aier."
Or thla ona from Vnaont from a km sixty
run OUT "My boaring In fine now. I hoar ynM a
I gig whaa I waa twanty yoara old. N mora hand
nolDoa, nothing but prf t honlth sng th Joy or liv
ing ta yralaa your aervicoa t tb whol unlvorn.'
If you want to know bow to bo aurod f your
baag and oar nolaaa, all you ad to So ta Inli :
anawor th quaotlona. yoa or no, writ your full
aauo and adtrnn plainly oa th .it tog lino, cut
oat th Fro Mogioal Adhrlo Cuupoa nl mall K
at ooo to
ol your on ana atoaloal advlr tre aa to ioor
lmtM. Th nnoetallat I a iraduMi of Duvila
Vnlvvralty. lrlaa, la Madlcino j4 Surgry, ang
waa tormarly a Surgeon la th Brtilah Roial stall
Navy lrlo, aad for Si yoars baa mad a npa- I
clalty of ear troubles.
Hundroda and hundreds of seopl all ovar Can
ada and) th l'altd sto kav bad tbalr boar- '
Ing roatoradM and at bar huadrada of auITorora trwra
Hood Nolaaa hTO bon aad float ilxataoaa
. through hi Naw Mathud.
H will toll yoa all about tt. and lust bow you
Buy b rid right la your ova boma, ot thwao ua
fualng. . tTTlbl. woarlng aounda. which alaioat
thraataa your raaaon at tlrooa. Think of tb )oy
f kwlns fro of th awlul dread that you er
alawly. but nuroly growing deaf and U b abut us
In a worn than brtaoe of otltnoa. ,
Wrlta Mght
crssr apeoialls aUsrosae, lg Trade BnlUiag, Boeten.
W foal Uat tha thna nu
aatatiaorioa bw that It anil
Miss" Jessie Millard, prsstdent of the
Prance-Belgian Relief association, has
heard from Mabel Uoardman,' head of the
Kd Cross workers in the I'nlted Htates,
to the tffevt that only new clothing and
hospital materials are being accepted fur
the sufferers In Kurope. Second-hand
cluthes will not be accepted for transportation.
Baa wa hava - aalja tha atuj
Cvmouatrata rwr oouu an.
lurtif la Snaot arhia
Bvr rvcuvasrl lortujBfMuw I
at ls ft
fcy.JO iuat ia
ltSnsSekuai auna sat ftrvil au 1..
wuu ana u uia, ta lavmous. Vg snisa
tl ia aiXa.tidttisl auywbdrrdi Jsa
Anuria tuday. W Inland to oonvtnoa OU.Outnaoro whutaoy gaara. at oar Jam iS. I
VZl?.?!.!:?! feJiT s-t.j-, whofeEdatlteaaNlXI
aaod. Thla la r- ahauw V ra In oa la, ,t . mmSZ 1 jj
rroa M-aip., rrai uaocwaniuinJt a loooIim alawla! Lti
You r.lust Act At Once
To-t not gotna-torafnao to aaaaut n Sao. . a...
k a litaraily plaanl In your baada'traa. aa ot
:n 1i.yuaoooa. Hi'lUsiS
Vri.,.",V T J-) .a no wiu anii yu.
a r uu wuarta our r ola h,k. .o.i h
Irat oaiW omih
uua Wu-k-B
dj it a
I wawiU
Jr7T? ihaa, tod t-ockat tlk li:l wiin tK
, at,!otly. no taatta w bat you a wltk Um ooort boitiaa. il
"ILiH-' !" yu oar taMd. rCij Prioi!
It Bvu. abawiutly,tt4
don't t:id It oUTal tka
oMTMurn th!! buttkul at
I K.-A1
M ti.a aam li
1 u:a aooa
only wha
Ur.w our off
" aww atM roauuaaaa Kauai a
'a itLin COL. af fa i .
-4 Without araunafit.
kID. and w Wid T-ihTiai
libaral I
aoumaa. ai'. you 11 at yor
I aond L ad luo 1 ?. U .....
I ALik. aa addiiioaal sotti Xa nu to t a
C' aond ta ut fur d
.tuoal u--wa fro dWraotlon offor la tor
KJ ts.h at
io-wio no onwrnMRtoa eiror I for a ItnsJtad
r a, anrmtM far to P-vfwM k aoo wa alxalTbaa to
, Jmhm imi of It wnua tt iaata and aone ia rout
tfaoltod Mom
KasMMs CHy, Site.
)-sJI 7 Your choice
wonderful showing of up-
the-mmute. styles in trimmed
hats. i5ome original pro
ductions and copies of
patterns from our own
work '. rooms.... .; Others a
special purchase 'from
one of America's best
known makers. They
are all flfn.e silk velvet
frames, are, beautifully
trimmed in the trim
mings :mosf in vogue this season ostrich plumes andbands, ostrich
a a . a . a 1 . . .
gamnujres, icatners, turs ;an(l flowers. While the majority of these;:
hats are black, a broad assortment' in colors are included; 'purples,
greens, browns, blues, King George red, sand color, etc. Ths hats
illustrated are .only four of the. many, but will give you some faint.
idea of what to expect in the wonderful bargain-giving sale of trim- Qi
med hats at.
a e e e e e
W3 . ..
$2 and $2.25 Silks 98c
Over 200 pieces of high class Dress Silks
40 inches , wide, including Brocaded
Crepe : de Qiineg, Printed Canfcon
Crepes, Brocaded Silk Poplins, French
Badiunis, Charmeuso Bro- " nn
cadres, etc.,: at yard .OC
AU Broken Lines of Fine Silks to be
closed at less than the cost of manu
facture. .
$1$$2 Dress - Goods 98c
75 pieceslof 54 to GQkin. Wool Dress Fab
rics in broad assbrtment of weaves and
colors, broken li nes f roy . , our regular
stock,' regular $1.50 and $2.00 q q
values, on sale at, yard ; . fjC
Firreet New Fall Ooattngs rO ver .100. pieces, In
eluding aU the popular new weaves and colors,
..atvpop.ular. prices. See 16th St. Windows.
Specials in the DomesticrRbomtM
Four big specials In Comforters
and Blankets.
1 case of $4.95 Blankets, 11-4
full, extra weight, 60 pairs, as
long as they last, pair S2.05
1 case. of Blankets, $3.98, 11-4,
good weight, as long as they
Plr 152.48
1 ease of $6.60 Comforters 31.44
1 case of $7.50 Comforters $5.29
Blankets 50 to $25 Pa.'
Comfortables heavy, st
ch 594 to $15
Bsby Crib Blanket
t . .50?. 75. 81. S3.50
Eiderdown, printed, plain and In
dian patterns for kimonos,'
wrappers and bath robes, at
ywd 35
Geniune Amoskeag Outing, yard
i biia f s ev
White Flannels, colored flannels
and embroidered flannel a at re-
duced prices . . .- .' ' '
12V4c Percales .!. 7e
10c Percales iiC
10c Percales, shorts 5g
10c Outing Flannels .......5c
Simpson's Prints . . .s . . , . . .5
Cotton Dress Goods, -yard 3VS
5, 7H. 10e and. .lU1,,
60 dozen bath Towels, to close,
regular 12 Vic, on sale, ea. 7 Vie
l'case of' ' Mercerized ' Damask,
regular 50e value 34
50 doten Pattern Cloths at half
8-4 pattern Cloths ..... $1,00
10-4 Pattern Cloths ....$1.25
12-4 Pattern Cloths $1.50
W edriesday's Linen
Specials ' :
Lace Bordered Dresser
Scarfs,- 18x54; assorted,
$1.25 values, each -. . .75c
Pattern .Table Cloths, pure
flax, regular- $4,00 values,
each .$2.50
Pattern Table Cloths, hern
. med pr unhemmed, $1.50
; values,, each' .$1.00
Guest Towels, Devonshire
huek, hemmed ready for
use, 19c values, ea. 12VC
n4 AO wai' BbaaiuM tuai
1ua ika lain Sa.-.,.
ius or auaajrwas of eft.aa itttM is
siabmaak, aai laana.
Omaha. Neb.
19 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar $1 12 Bars Beat-Em-All Soap 25c
Trash Bontaara Tgtablas sTow on
the Marks '
Fresh Carrots or-Beats, bunch,, ,.4o
Freah HUaluts, ( bunches loe
resh Head lettuca, heaul TVie
Kuncr . Wax or Oram Ueans, lb.. ,TVo
Kaney Kipe Tomatoes, lb Hs
Fancy (California Cauliflower, lb. TV,o
Naw Chestnuts; per lb. 4..I60
S large Soup Bunches qq
t stulKs Fresh Celery l.fte
Jars Qrapa FYults gs,,
Fancy Cooking; Apples, peck. BOo-SSe
Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips, farsqipa
or ItutabsKas. per lb. .ivie
Fancy lied or Yellow Onions, lb So
Tha Baat rrash Errs. Oosea see
Tha beat Cramry li utter, in carton
or bulk, lb 3
Fancy Country Cresjnery Butter Sto
Taney Iiairy Butter, lb. tso
Full Cream Cheese, lb lo
41-lb. sark best hlrh trade Diamond
H Hour, nothing finer for bread,
plea or cakes, ovary sack (uarari
teed to five perfect satisfaction or
your money refunded, par sack 91.40
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
. meal for .....ISo
lbs. choice Japan Rica SSo
lbs. best Ptsrl Tapioca,. ....... aso
cans Oil Sardines SSo
Th beat Ponies tic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or tlpacliettl, per p. . . . . .Vo
Corn Flakes, pkr. So
nnna-Koll nka. ............ i .. .lOo
S-lb. cans Fevncy t SusaT Corn
. for ,..
1-lb, cans fancy Was, String, Oiwn
or Lima Beans TW
1-lb. cans Karly Juna Peas . .Sl-
tS-os bottle ot California Strained
Honey , , aSo
lO-o a. Jars Pur California . Marma
lade Ce
1-lb. cans Knyder's Tomato Soup TH
SJ-os Jas Pure Fruit Preserves. .13
( cavkea Htkno tcourlnr tioap . . vS5o
Unboxes Hafty Matciiea &b
iba. bal Soda . .' .10
Parker House Catsup, per bottle,
t , 1-ao
Chow Chow, quart .....Ifte
Bour Pickles, quart : IOC
MacLarin'i Peanut Buttrfr, lb. 1SH
New Imported Fir, lb Sue
Near California Peaches, lb. . . l-3q
New Calif. Cooking Figs, lb. S l-3
New Calif. Prune, lb
New Calif. Seedless Raisins, lb. 1-3
New Calif. Cooking Ha lain, lb. 1-S
New Calif. Apricot, lb, 1SH
Herahay'a Breakfast, Coooa. per lb. SOo
Ta&ey Idaho e WaabiiMrtos "-
ataaA AppUs, boa i.3J
It Pays -- Try MAYPEM'S First -- It Pays