12-A IIK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: XOVKMBER 8, 1DU. Don't Wear A Truss! After Thirty Yearn' Ktppr1iir I Have rYcnlucod An Aillanc for Men, Women or Children That Core Rupture. X Sn4 It On Trial. If yn btra trlea mn-1 evenrthtns come in mm. w n.re others fall I a n.re 1 ntn ITttfrt Wcw. Mass allaclied cotlis todar GERMANS IN FRENCH WOODS Cutting Down of Christmas Gifts Would Hurt Trade Scattered Detachments of Teuton Left Behind When Army Movei. Suggestions for the New Home BURY SEVENTY THOUSAND ; rm EIBt 1! Awir Thill Mnriy " Thirty Tboasand Their Om n tlnnalttr- y. r ... v- I not think of cutting down your I Christmas presents. Oive freely nccord- ilred Vmrln Firemen Iny ' Ing to your means. If your heart Is heavy for the nt'onlifd phonic of Europe yon need not l.e ft Unions In giving, nut whether the giving I Joyous or In the i minor kry, there never was a Christmas when the nlxlKntlon to give wan mere (Correspondence of the Associated Pre".) pressing. ESTKRNAY, Franc, Oct. 1. Parlies The proposal to cut off C'hrlstrnis pres of Orrivan soldiers separsted from ths enta grown out ot that wrll meaning but I ma'n bodies of trcors during the German . mistaken view of life which dwrlla so irctre.it from the Marno are Mill hiding; much on the superficially practical" In the woods In thin vicinity. The French sldo that la blind to alt the practical con-ar.-ntra passed on and there ere too few slderatlons underlying the mainly grace sn'rtlrrs left In thla part of France to j ful or decorative afpecta of life. A Design for Moderate Priced House hunt down the Herman atrsgsiera. incy 'live upon the country but otherwise com j mlt no dHpiedatlona. Along the wnie rouniiwui general contraction of Christmas present making thla year would unquestionably have far-reaching disastrous effects. -It would mean to manufacturers and Tha above la O. B. Brooka, Invtntor of the Appliance, who enrsd bluisslf ana who la bow giTlng- others tha bsne flt of tils experience. If rap tured, wrl.e him today, at Marshall, Mich. ana I will send joa frea mf atlmtntnl hook oe Knnture and Its fare, showing my Appliance end, giving r'J prlies an1 namr of many jmople aha hsre (rted It and aers cured It lea Inslant re; lef ib all nihera fall. Hemembcr, 1 us ao lalees. no harness, no Ilea. t send on trial to pror whst t a Is tnia. Yna an the Judge and ona haem en m II InMrated hook and read It you will as en thusiastic as mr huiulredt of ptlen' whona let tars ftn can also read. Fill out frre coupon to low and mall tooar. It's wall woi-h yoer lm whether Tea try mr Appllaix-e or ot. !who have returned point out burial places .Jobbers heavy unsold storks; to retailers of those who fell In the fierce fighting It would mean shrinkage of trade and . In t'.ils neighborhood and for sixty miles disappearance of profits; to the trans t the east. The dead were burled by WO ' portatlon Interests It would mean the loss I Paris firemen, assisted hy BOO civilian ! of regular annual business; to the) wage 'laborers. It Is said that the tally kept by I workers It would mean widespread lack .the firemen shows that 70,0(10 dead were . of employment. With many out of work burled, about 30,000 of them French. Tha , In thla city at present It la pitiful to greatest slaurhter was In the marshes j think of the eagerness with which some near Susanne. Fifteen thousand fiead 1 thousands of men and women must look are buried in long trenches at the bottom forward to the Christmas flurry as a f '' i 4.. r j r. 4 f , ifftitllMlMstfiffitlin' Tmjm nrromicATTOir cottfoh ICx. O. E. Brooks, 388 A Btata BU, Marshall, Mloh. Fleam send ma hr mall. In plsln wranper. TOUT llluetratad hook and full Infirmatloa ateut your Apvllanoa for tha eura of rupture. Name Addres rnf Htate 1 a - For Grip, Influenza. Coughs, 8orc Throat Don't wait until your bonrsj begin to aelie, take Humphreys' 'Seventy-seven'' at the flint wieeze or shiver, to get best result. ' rieant to take, handy to curry, flt the vent pocket. For aale . by every dealer In medicine from Cun ada to Cape Horn. , Two sites, 2So and $1.00, at all drug gists or, mailed. v Xamphray's Homeo. Medicine Co., 1E William aireet. Htm 1 or k Advertise ment. , , I of a wooded hill. French and Germans are burled aepa. i rately. On the long mounds above tha j French trenches have been set up rude wooden crosses; a few wild flowers have i been scattered on the mounds and some' 1 times large stones have been placed at either end. Caps of French soldiers. showing the name of the regiment, have been placed on the crosses of the stones. The t rent-lies In which the Oermans at burled are unmarked. The son of Oon era! von Moltke Is burled near Eater- nay. hampllloa Destroyed. -hamplllon, about two miles southeaut of Coulomtnlers, Is tho farthest place i south reached by the Oermans on their march 'or the Inveatment of Paris. The village did not have more than twenty fiv.j houses. All were burned. Twelve Inhabitants have returned and among other repairs have patched up tha schoot houoe. Blx children are being taught there. Htrewn over the pluln near Fere Champenolee are small piles of empty cartridge shells, pieces of broken rifles, artllicrv mrrlivp, fr.ifm.nti nf uni forms .nd various other wreckage from! the fighting. In an open space about two miles long by a mile wide were some thickets where the German quick-firers had been concealed. On the ridge be hind were placed 1 on ir-range giins. which were doing great damage to the French. It aa here that three regN ments of Turkos asked to be allowed to charge the height on which was the ar tillery. Nothing was known of the quick firers In the bushes In the middle of tha field. The three rnglments started. When they were within easy range the German quick-firers opened upon them. Only about half a regmont succeeded In get ting forward and taking tha machine guns. Reserves were then brought up and another charge resulted In tha cap ture of the German (una on tha hills after tremedous hand-to-hand encounters. mm : ili.W.TJTfJilttF t'Miiniii in n a GERMAN TROOPS HELP THE BRUSSELS POLICE (Correspondence of tha Associated Press.) BRUSSELS, Oct. Sl.-Absoluta order Is maintained by l.lko German troops In co operation with tha rirusaels polU. Kng I'sh, Russian and French subjects who are between the ages of 20 and ii resid ing here are being arrested and sent to Germany a prisoners of war. Belgian men of arms-bearing uges are being forced to labor upon military works. The German military government la enforc ing contributions by drawing checks upon tha banks and .compelling tha ba.iks to cash them. No money may be pcld out to depositors. English or French news papers are sold furtively at from t to 10 franca apleca. The vendors carry on this trade at great personal risk. hope for earning a few daya' pay. How much mora pitiful would It be If thla hope were defeated. Wise givers will naturally adapt their Christmas, remembrances In this troubled year to the prevailing temper. Ttllltar lan consideration will be likely to guide them to an unusual extent. Hut It la to be hoped that the inspired trlflo will not be entirely dropped out of currency. The pretty card with genuine good will be hind ita conventional wishes, the foolish bit of finery or unnecessary house orna ment that expresses a sympathetic thought, the sparkling stone which Is ultra-precious because of the sentiment It betokens, will servo not only to warm the festival of peace with some of Its accustomed glow, but further and hers et the practical folk take heed tha money spent on them, filtering back-over the counter thiough the channels of trade to the starting place of the toy or Its materials, will help in some degree, great or little, a long Una of anxious capital ists hnd workers, great and small, to weather hard times. It Is the genial privilege and joyous duty of all. to relax their purse strings this year for Christmas presents aa far as prudence will allow. Modestly Related. "Was dat you dat th'owed Rasor .Tim out'n do met In' las' nightT" asked Miss aim mi jtirown. "Vaslntk-ied.' replied Mr. Kraatua Pinkly. "An' It was very good th'owln'. II, done reach dn mlddla o' de road In two uounrea. "What wera da troubleT" '"Tweren't no trouble, u wero a pleas ure." Washington Star. "Ttr'rx'i ... isj ' UWl4?&Zr-t,t ! . . ft 1 ' -( . . . i f .-, ti 1, l. Livo a Lito lorth LlvSng Kerve-IUcked, Weak-Willed, Eon Down Men tnd Women, Find a Great Serve Strengthened, in Kellers'. Sanitone Wefara, COo COXFREE. Bomo folks Just exist, when ago sreis a grip on them: others live, lux uriata and" arc Joyful. KelloRga Ban Itone Wafers will make you one of tha glad onea ambltloua, full of fI "nd rnK-nrve4 as cf old. All tow doctor and real-cures from r?s)Kl I r . a. 4 .1 W jjjf"MsWMaaMskMBfcBaMrii" H r I ,x KalfeaVs Saak auj 1, Wafer Kaw Yaw Narras bpariU aa 1 W bLwid B, Dan to Deersheba, couldn't vttallia your played out nerves aa will Kellosx a Ban itoii Wafers. They dlriwl tha brain fag ana nervousness ttia weak will, laaal tude and worry. They braca up nten and womnn who are sliding down tha hill of Ufa and fill them with courage, renewed nurve-healUi and hope- ll.U) a bog at di uyg sts. bond your nam and address today with six cents In stamps to help pay postage and parking tvr a free Uv trial box of Kellogg a Miui'tone Wafers, to) K. J. Kel U.Ktf I'd., x.M iloffinaalrr lilock. Battle Creek. Michigan. Tha regular 1 o0 sixe of Kellogg' s Han Itoita Wafers are for aula la Ouuiha. by cli. rinan & alci'onnell lrug Co., Ivi fix IMh r-t; Owl Orug I'o , alt 8a. lirbt ; Hen ton Irug Co.. liCl Fat nam HL; Loyal l'harniacy, iVT-SW No. loth BL ; HJ1 lrug tj., 1jI Farnam Bt. ; Harvard fhariuacy, 24Lh and t vntrn eta. No free boa from druggists. Importation Laws of England Hard on Dogs of War Refugees (Correspondence r the Associated Press.) DOVER. Oct. 31.-Englund has a law regulating the Importation of dogs which has caused great grief to refugeea forced to seek the safety of British soil. Tha law requires all dogs to be held In quar antine for six months before .they can be given liberty In England, and officials at portg of entry have no authority to waive It In any case. Many Belgian women and 'children saved their dogs when war drove them from home, and managed to keep their peta through all the ruah and scramble of the exodus, but when they reached Folkestone, Dover and other ports of entry they wore told that English laws would not admit animals which were not held for six months. One woman at Folkestone aaked to be taken back to Ostend with hor dog, but Ostend was closed. In fact It waa prob ably In the hands of the Germane, who held lesa terror for her than the order that she must leave her dog. Finally she consented, to have one of her friends drown the pet, as she said she could not bear to have It locked up In a compound for six months. Few refugees had any knowledge of the strict English law about animals. How ever, some of the experienced travelers who came from Belgium managed to slip small pets past Inspectors because of the great ruah and the hurried examina tion given all luggage. One Flemish refugee brought hla wife. eleven children And a dog to Folkestone. He was penniless,, but unwilling to part from the dog. and asked that quarters be obtained for the family In Folkestone so thoy might be able to visit the dog every day. Women Police to Stop Women Following English Soldiers (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) LONDON. Oct. 31. In order to help sol diers observe Lord Kitchener's Injunc tion to be more than coldly courteous to women the National Union of Women Workers has undertaken the duty of patrolling the territory outside the sen try llnea. Tha service of the women police are gladly accepted, since the army authorities complain that the sol diers are being lured fiom Lord Kitch ener's chilly Ideal by women camp fol lowers. Not only young girls, but the matured have been couslng serious rr. actions of discipline at the, camps, causing recruits to overrtay leave and run the guard Unoat Meantime an effort Is made to In crease camp attractions such as concerts and to provide other means of diverting the men. The first police womaii In London took her station the last week In tha Old Bailey. Her special duty is to look after the caaea of women and children. Ehe ts one of a oorpe belnsi trained by Nina Boyle of the Women's Freedom league. The league haa offered to provide fe male patrols for London's streets and parks In the Interest of the proprieties, but Its offer baa not yet been accepted by the police department. j- I in . m lit te. ''' "-jggsaggsl ' WEST AHEAD CF EAST IN INTERIOR LIGHTING ff J TrVjC-r-t em 0. The west Is far ahead of the cbsI In appreciation of the point of Interior light In tho construct loti of bolidlrs, accord ing to Construction News, and Is plan ning buildings for light and air and ac cess on the basis that these command more tenants and more rent. Western landlords recognise that It pays to sacrifice aj.trge part ' the area or the site In each building floor If higher rentals can be obtained for the net space, but more particularly If the building can be kept full., and they real ize that the less you build to meet exist ing conditions the less will be the loss If a change or removal of the building be comes necessary. Space, Irrespective of light, air and ac cess, is of no value at all, but acres of expensive floors have been and are being added on the basis that It Is. The stolen' llttht Is, of course, responsible for much of thla mistaken attitude, says the News. When a box of a building can be run up on a site occupying t& per cent of the area it looks like a lot of valuable prop erty on each floor. Much of the interior Is, however, dependent for light on side windows overlooking abutting property. Usually this Is built upon later, and then the apace inside the building Is darkened and Its value lessened. Sooner or later the tenants are hurt and theli costa Increased by artificial light, and out they go to get a reduction of rental which "sweetens" their stay. COURT ORDERS PELL COTTON SOLD AT 9 CENTS NEW VORK. Nov. 7. Federal Judge Mayer signed an order today permitting the sale at 9 cents a pound of 80,000 bales of cotton owned by the suspended firm of 8. H. P. Pell & Co. to a cotton cor poratton syndicate. This decision left the New York Cotton exchange free to decld upon an early date of reopening. INTERS THAT POINT TO HOME BUILDERS' SUCCESS 1 Twelve states and Canada are represented by Its share holders. 2 Bulldera" Profits and Bank- era' Security without 11.00 of Speculation. WITHOUT $1.00 of contract ed debt beyond current monthly bills. I Werer signs a Promissory Bote nor hypothecates a mortgage. Always pays Cash Dividends payable Jan. 1st and July 1st and has extra, profits over to carry to surplus. Nobody has ever waited be yond the 30 days' notice to Its Fiscal Agenta when money Invested is wanted back. Our booklet is free to you. Write or phone Douglas 601 3. -evKrlAwAtTrlslVBsvcr AMMerxT4' . sai' Sing, i !. J.Je. This Is a splendid design for a moderate priced home. The rooms are all large, well lighted and arranged to give a home of this slse the luxuries of a much larger one. The neat vestibule, coat closet with mirror door, colonnade opening, buffot and large sun room, are very attractive features. The attic can he finished Into two largo bedrooms. An attic stairway Is built In tho house shown above. Per sona desiring further Information con cerning this, place can do so by getting Into touch with the Bankers Realty in vestment company, ground floor. Bee building, by whem this house as shown above was constructed. REAL ESTATESAtES CASH Many Omahane Paying Cash Honey on Real Estate Purchases. CARPENTERS BUILDING ENGLISH ARMY QUARTERS (Correspondence of The Associated Press ) LONDON. Oct IS. -Carpenters are working day and night at the army en campments to provide winter quarters for the recruits of Lord Kitchener's new force. The new huts are not warm structures, being either of wooden or corrvgated Iron walla, with Iron roofs. But theli completion before winter la considered highly Important to the health of the men, who are now sheltered In teats. About 6uu.(ki0 are encamped on the Salisbury plains In the southern part ot England. They are be'ng housed at the rate of (.Out a day. Portable huts are to be aent to the expeditionary force aa soon as a fixed base la established. PROVES OMAHA'S PROSPERITY If Reported "Hard Tlmea" Really Tree Real Eatate Deals Would call Bo of the "Easy Teirm" Variety. In view of tho feeling among a few people In thla part of the country that times are a little hard. It la Interesting to hear of the numerous rash sales which are being made by Omaha real estate men. It conditions were actually am some th nk they are, one would expect to see practically all real estate sales made on easy terms. For example, the following' salea were made recently through the Osborne Realty company for cash: Krancla McQlvern, ts.lOO; Tlllle Norberg,' 21CW South Thirty third, to Fred Marconnit. 14.000; Traver Bros., ad Parker, to Anna Heinbach, (2.r0; building lot to Traver Bros,, Twenty-seventh and Burdette, etft). The following sevlus were made through the aunt company on which from one third to one-half cash pas paid on the spot: Fred Robertson's house, at 23ut Booth Thirty-fifth, to Clifford Phribly. U.OuO; John Newman's house on Wool worth avenue, to Gilford Pomeroy, I3.JM; Emma Summer's house at 43U North Thirty-sixth avenue, to George Faxon. ti.SOO; Traver Broa., tSU Farter, to Martha Larson, S3.S00. Thla part ot the country Is going to be more prosperous than ever, because of the European war. Omaha la completely tied to tta rural districts and any stim ulus to the latter Is a stimulus to the city. There U every cause for optimism and very little excuse for pessimism. I 'roe peels were never brighter than they are today, and everybody will benefit If everybody strives to lake full advantage of the situation. We Will Furnish The Money and Build Your Home Complete. You can pay for it on Easy Monthly Payments. This company offers the most up-to-date system of home building service. Our efficient organization offers you the combined services of the Architect, Building Contractor, Planing Mill, Keal Estato Agent, Real Estate Owner. And the Loan Institution which furnishes money to people whone only means of buying a home is to pay as they earn; on the monthly payment plan. We will be pleased to liave you call and talk your plans over with ns. Rankers Realty Investment Company Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Telephone D. 2326. I .f.7V . i' Jack Frost Has Arrived Are you prepared to meet his advances? Prepare your home against him at once by equipping it with a furnace that will keep It warm and do It economlcaUy. For Prices and Information, Call the Following: BUDOLFH LABSIir, 718 Bo. Sbth St. XSITBT KOOXITBUB0K 3163 So. 15th tit. rASJKA.it SHSalT BXETAX. WOBXS fiV . Varnam Li. ' BEHSXEI1J SHEET 1XXTAJ. WHS, 1816 Cooling St . MEAD, aoa MU1ary Ave. 84th and Amea. B. B. PRICE, 6009 Underwood Ave. . o. o. JOHirsoir, 4037 Blnney St. 0 W. BOSTON, riorenoe, Web. 90M. KOBNig, Bo. Omaha, Hab. BEZ.SON TIW TVS.tr ACTS WOBKS OonBoil Blnffs, la. W. B. WII.I, ZA MS, Bsnsoa, Neb. Agsaoiss in Wsarly All Towns. STANDARD Furnace & Supply Co. Weir All-teel MABTJTAOTVBBBS ABB JOBBZBS Oas and Boot-Consuming rnrnaoes. 411-413 Bo. loth St. Omaha, Bob. Bssblt All-Cast Overdraft r . f 'VMaaawaaanBia i REPAIRS fok Furnaces. Stoves and Boilers WATER FRONTS PROMPT SERVICE OUR HOBBY Omaha Stove Repair Works 1906-8 Bong-las Street. ' rnone Tyler 80, Storo Your Gooes Where They Will Bo Safe Where You Know They Will Be Safe Security and Efficient Service Always jcrM' STORAGE GO. 1 rrritsj?s -a? The most mod- equlppednd the safest warehouse and storage structure In the middle west. Klre proof, rat and mice proof; dust proof and dirt STORING MOVING -PACKING Phone us about prices on separate locked rooms. Douglas 4163. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE 006-818 South Sixteenth St. CO. tjtjujaiAira sm enwrap WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. REPORTS INCREASED TRADE The Western Automobile Supply com pany of Omaha ss one ot the best equipped automobile supply houses In Omaha, and Ita business this year la far In excess of the business done In October a year ago. It Is fully equipped an A car ries In stock most everything that an j automobile owner or dealer need. It la j making some rhsngea In Its building to J meet the demands ot this Increase In lualncas- They report good sal re for this month ao far. Bee Want Ads Are the Pest Business Boosters. safe r.:oio Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONB DOUGLAS 353 ' Brighten Up Your Home A clean, bright house haa a decided effect on the disposition ot the occupant. A little paint, varnish or enamel will go a long way toward making the house "homelike" and cheerful Now is the ideal time to tone-up the property. yUk uu. Our knowledge Is at jxiur aervlce. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Douglas 4750. 1609 Farnam St P. 8. Paiut your acre-ens now before packing them sway for Uie winter. J