Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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Council Bluff Highlander Will
Entertain Corington Castle.
Other Fralrnltln to Have Mrt
Ikks TkU Week Royal ele;li
fcnn Will Have Only
Assembly Thli Monlk.
There will he only one meetln of Fern
ramp No. Slffi, Ttoyal Neighbor! of
America on November 12, at their hall,
nil the other meeting falls on Thanks
giving day.
Royal lllahlnadrra.
Wednesday evrnlns; John Hum Castle
No. HI. Council Bluffs, will entertain
the members of Covinirton castle No. 7M.
Omaha, and visitors from several other
castles. The caatlp degree team will ex
emplify the full loutc form of tower
bulldlna; for a lame class of refugees,
Inclurflne fifteen from Covlnalon castle.
lind following the work of tower bulldlntf
refreshments will bo aerved and lancln
will also be a feature.
Fernrllff raatle No. 4 held the flrt
f a aeries of twlce-a-month dances laiit
Wednesday evening.-
Aaelent Order of nltMl Workmen.
Ancient Order of Vnlted Workmen,
Union Pacific lode No. 17, will have an
Illustrated lecture by Prother W. E.
Tnney Krldav evening. It la entitled
y'My Trip Through the South." Hid
Joint meeting of all tha lodges on Tues
day evening.
Tribe of Hea liar.
Mecca court No. 13 will hold an open
meeting; Thursday evening for the mem
bers and their friends. Refreshments
will be aerved.
KalKhte of Pythias.
Next Wednesday evening Nebraska
lodge No. 1, Knights of rythlaa, will
1atow the rank of page and squire upon
several candidate District Deputy
iPysart has been given the conaent of
the lodKe to hold the Tythlan district
meeting In their cantlo hall In the Board1
of Trade toulldlng In the latter part of
January. This will be a large and In
teresting meeting of the lodges sur
rounding Omaha.
Knla;he and Ladles of Seoarlty.
Knights and Ladles of Security, Omaha
council No. 226, will have an open meet
ing Monday evening at Myrtle' hall. Re
freshments will be served.
Fraternal Aid L'aloa.
Company C, Second regiment U. U.
Fraternal Aid union, will give a card
party In Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and
lJouklaa atreeta, Thuraday evening. This
will be followed by a fancy drill by the
drill team. and also a drill by the Modern
i "Woodmen of America . degree team of
Alpha camp No. 1, Woodmen of the
-nunu, naa cnangea its meeting place 10
liarlght's hall, - Nineteenth and Faxnam
streets, and the meeting night to Tues
day of each week. The first meeting at
the new location will be held Tuesday,
at which time a smoker will be given
after the regular business. ' ..,4 ,.v' -
for Representative.
tial, tiermany has planned to set Ha petrol AUrfJ nfllTOt' TP IIWfrDTalU
In ships tlylng the Panli-h. Pedleh and iLUllLft i1uUDI!( 13 UiluLll 1 Alii
Norwegian flags nd carrying the oil In
barrels. L... -
j i. Musrao nmt. writing in the 8un- lUiirerent Counts Vary as to Winners
dav Observer
"There Is prof positive that Up to the
end of the last month Oermany haa re
ceived some thousand of tons of motor
spirits In this manner, and according to
the present chartering arrangementa that
other large consignments are either being
loaded or are on the Atlantic at this
moment on the way to Denmark, Norway
or 8werten. He rays that up to the cor
responding period last year there had
been shipped from America to Denmark
18.J75 gallon of motor spirits, but owing
to the mysterious activity In cargoea of
late the motor spirit shipments to Copen
hagen alone have been nearly 12.ono.no0
gallons this yesr, of which 6H0.OX) gallons
left during the last week In eteptember."
Will Take the Official foe at to
Determine Who la Fleeted '
from Donalaa t'oaaty to
the Legislator.
Omaha and Colds.
Weak, aore lungs quickly relieved by
Dr. King's New Dls-overy; the first dose
helps, nest remedy for roughs and colds
and all lung troubles. 50c and 11.00. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Ree Want Ads I'ruduee Results.
Votes by Mail May
Police Judge Job
Friends of R. J. Madden, 'who Is only
about eighty votes behind Cbarlea K.'
Foster for election as -polio judge, had
one of their hopes dissipated when tt was
wiaiu.ciru mat vn luiufl OK me DailOlS
cast by mall for Douglas county candi
dates, no provision was made for the of
fice c? police judge. Madden's supporters
have been counting on his getting a big
majority of the seventy mailed votes to
help him overcome Foster's lead and win
out on the official count '
- The absence of any place to vote for
police judge on some of the mailed bal
lots Is accounted for by the fact that cer
tain orriclals evidently have Interpreted
tho law to exclude that office from the
list 'of those open to balloting by mall.
The law provides that "county, district
and state" offices may be balloted for by
mall. Madden's friends assert that the
police" Judgeship la a d'strlct office, vaa
that judge haa jurisdiction three ml lea
outside, the city limits. Other lawyers
aay that the position Is purely a city of
fice, and not Included within the provis
ions of the law.
The edition commissioner haa not yet
maJe a ruling on the matter, but will
have to do so soon, before the mailed
votes are added to the precinct totals for
which thex are Intended.
Kroonlnnd la Hel-ased.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. -The American
steamer Kroonland haa been released by
Uritlsh officials at Olbraltnr and will
sail today, leaving the coppt-r and rub
ber of Its cargo for a verdict of a prise
With different flguvea on the vote for
atate representative showing that various
candidates are elected and with none of
the several sets of figures agreeing ex
actly. It looks as If some of the twelve
representative offices are still "every
body's race,"
The candidates whose election seems
certain ami on whom all statisticians
agree, are Barrett, Hunter, Negley. How
ard and Richmond, democrats, and Lund-
gren, Palmer, Chambers and Minor re
publicans. Below those nine the count ap
pears so close that the election of the
other three representatives from Douglas
county will be unsettled until the official
canvass Is completed.
Some figures Indicate that Brennan will
get in, making six democrats to the house
from thla representative district Other
figures encourage Foster and Btockham.
republicans,' to hope for election.. A-set
pf figures John Laraen, court
house carpenter, and Dan Westergard,
causes the former to telleve that he and
Hurgess and Druescdow, all republicans,
will get under the wire.
Tabulations by clerks In the election
commissioner's office, based on unofficial
clerks' returns and oth-r' figures In the
rases of two precincts whose returns were
lost. Indicate that Druesedow and Lraen
are elected as tenth and eleventh on the
list, with either Rurgess or Drennan as
the twelfth representative.
t-ovely and gueenan, democrats, are sMl
In the running, according to their friends.
With so many candidates still having a
chance for the three uncertain places on
the Douglas county delegation to th?
house, there la plenty of hope and fear
for them all, until the official canvass Is
"Hilly Nixon, tn official mascot at
police headquarters.' Is dying at the
county hospital from tetanus, the result
of Jabbing himself too often with a hypo
dermic needle, t'hyslclans In charge de
clare that "Hilly" cannot live.
Nixon has been a familiar figure
around police headquarters station for
more than three years. The police officers
and station attaehca provide him with
meala and he sleeps In the garage. He
came to the station years ago, a con
firmed drug fiend but In spite of his
misfortune, he possessed so many good
qualities that he made scores of good
I Young Girl Falls
Into Clutches of
Greedy Loan Sharks
A mixed conceit will be given by the
Orr.ce Lutheran choir at the Or are
Lutheran church, Twenty-eixth street
and Woolworth avenue, Tuealay even
ing, beginning at 9 o'clock.
In addition to the chorusea by the choir,
a number of soloists have been secured
to fur-ilsh spccli.l music, Including inn;'
by Haxel Kllver, soprano. An elght
plece orchestra will accompany the
(horuees and there will be several In
strumental numbers. Nineteen special
numbers have been provided for the pro
gram, the proceeds from which will be
used to effect Improvements In the ar
rangement of the cliolr and organ.
J. W. Woodrongh will speak before the
Omaha Philosophical society on Sunday
afternoon . at 3 o'clock In the society's
hall. Nineteenth and Farnam etreets. the
subject being "Dangers an Safeguards
of Popular Government"
Following the opening address the sub
ject will be thrown open to general dis
cussion, when ' anyone having some
thing to aay may take the floor.
The atory of how alleged loan sharks
worked a poor telephone girl, through
Ignorance of their methods. Is told In an
equity petition Med In district roirt
I Friday by Rosewater Cotner. attorneys
I for Hazel Jacobson, MM South Seven
teenth street. , .
Accon-ing to lllss Jacobson's allega
tions, she went to the Guarantee Loan
company, SH Kaibach block, a year ago,
and borrowed $"5. It waa to be paid back
In alx monthly Installments of ffi.r.0 each,
or X) In all. She managed to meet four
of the payments, a total of I2'i, but was
unable to make the other two.
Then, she alleges, the manager of the
loan company, Joseph J. Doogan, Induced
her to sign a second note for $25. The
company kopt H? eft the money to cover
her former ouilfiatlon and paid her $1'.'.
She was to pay back the second loan like
the first, In six payments of !.& each,
or (C9 again. She says she has paid four
of 'them, or $28.
Now, although she has receded only $37
from the company, and haa paid back
$52, she declares In her petition that the
company claims $13 Is still due It She
asserts that Doogan has filed an as
signment of her wages with the telephone
company, making It Impossible for her
to draw her November pay check, and
that he threatens garnishment proceed-
Miss jHCobsc.n petitions the court for
an accounting, and an order compelling
the loan company and Its manager to
pay back whatever money is found to b
due her and to deliver up the note and
I salary aeslcnmenls held against her.
She also asks that the defendants De re
strained from annoying, harrasslng and
embarrassing her. and from enforcing
the note and assignments or bringing
garnishment proceedings.
LEmnress Gives Part
of Home for Hospital
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.)
LONDON, Oct. IS Although the Em
press Eugenie Is almost ?9 years old, she
is taking tho greatest Interest In the war
and has set aside an entire wing of her
houe at Farnbnrough Hill for the use of
wounded officers.
Several ln.lurcd officers are now re
cuperating there and their aged hostes:!
personally supervises their care. Her es
tate Is near the great camp at Aldershot.
which King George and Queen Mary visit
frequently. Practically a;l of Empresa
Eugenie's men servants have Joined the
army In France. Nevertheless she enter
tains many of the dlstii.gulshed military
men who visit Aldershot, apol"Rll,ln ,or
her plain fare and explaining that her
copks have more Important work now
than preparing food for an aged empress
and her guests.
133 (?
11K& press
eivets, Impoite
o omti
II I I II llll nil ail 1 1 Wl I sail HI
Over 15,000 of this season's most fashionable materials to be offered at nn rv
erage of less than half price-in many cases for as low as one-third ofthe actnal vail
ue. A sale that calls for the unrestricted attention of everyone who appreciates
really wonderful bargains and an opportunity to save Mg'nxmcy '.
Jigs aid dtcss
Tl C:ll $1.75 40-in. Satin de Luxe
1 lie OllKS $2.25 40-in. Crepe Canton.
$1.95 40-in. Crepe Mandarin
$2.50 40-in. Faille Sublime.
$1.79 40-in. Beautiful Crepe de Chine.
$2.50 40-in. Lyons Print Radium Silks.
$2.95 40-in. Ottoman Silk Tailleur.
$2 40-Inch Valour -Rrnrjifii
$2.50 50-in. Artificial Silk Furs
$1.75 24-in. English Velvet Cords
The Velvets
$L6927-in. Boulevard Dress Velvets
$2.50 36 and 42-in. Lyons Fancy Dress Velvets ' "
- 1 ; ; V; $1.9527-in. Black Velvetina Dress' '.Velvets
$2.25 54-in. Imp. Gabardines Dress Goods
$2.00 50-in. French Serges
$2.00 50-inch Chiffon Broadcloths
$2.75 54-inch Imp. Scotch Suitings
$3.00 54-in. Imp. English Mannish Suitings
$2.50 40-inch Imported Ombre Shadow Print Chiffon Cloth
$2.00 Imported 40-inch Pompadour
and Dresden Gauze Fabrics olU4
$2.25 ImDorted 40-Inch All-
Over Pattern Crepe Chiffons
$2.00 Imported 40-Inch Fancy
Marquisettes Georgette Crepes
$1.75 Imported 40-Inch Voile
Aeroplane, the Height of Fashion.
Rich Laces Very Low Prices
STew Blaok Sottted aa4 Tlrared Hets 44 Inches wide".
Oriental and Shadow Tlounoinfs 18 and 27 Inches wide....
'Trtnesss and I4erre jtaeea 12 and IS Inches wide...
Blaek Ket To tat-erf -lOmbroHlflred In Whlteturt.ww.t.
AU-Orer Shadow Xta 40 Inches wide
Wash Blonde X.ts In Muck, white and creann 73 Ins wide.,
too CfcasUUr Xos li inchM wide
rid'tQ. Vartenpiwnnea . , , Up,to I
2Bc 1 Vatnea
Values 08c
Yd. Kiteital
Bradley Is Hearing
Final Arguments on ,
Lumber Rate Case
The four years" fight of the Traffic
bureau of Omaha and Council Bluffs to
retain the IS cent rate on southern yel-;
low pine lumber ha culminated In a
final healing before ICxamlner Uradley if
the Interstate Commerce commission at
the fedoral building Saturday niomlnti.
after two hearinKa In Kansas City last
wevk. E. 3. Venn, manager of the Traf
ft.j bureau, while In Waahlnton last
e- protest! d the hearing be'ng held
In Kan City November I, as It would
dlafranchlse local witnesses and deprive
them of their votes here. Bo the com
mission arranged for a hrar'ng In Omaha.
A meeting . of all the lumber dealers
was held Friday to discuss the situation
and determine the testimony to be given
In support of the fact that the X cent
yellow pine ra'e Is hlsh enough. The ad
vance) waa suspended at tha Instance of
the Traffic bureau Until March . WIS,
but the prvwi.t hcailng will' determine
whethe r the rate ahall rema!n at 26 cents
for two years more or be advanced to 4
cents afUr the foreKolng date, in accord
ance with the doalre of the railroads.
and Khadow llfo
x. 4 'Inches wide.
Cotton ClunjT' Inner
' tlon 8 Inches
wide A . . .
Shadow ' Iacw 12
to 18 Inches wide
Camlaols for-Corset
la and S4-laeh Shadow X,aoe aad Ort
. ental monaolags Jreat variety of
at y lea and worth up to 60c a yurd.
Special Monday, i 39 C
Shadow aad Oriental 80c Value
Zaoes In Cream,
White and' two
tone; 4 to.d inches
Wet Top and Shadow,
noanolaga : " I n
t'rram and White;
It Inches wide,....
Pretty "ValenoUpaes
Xaoes in ' Krench, Ger
man and diet maUsh
sets; sJho Beading and
Fce combined
Torohoa Laoea Sdgea
and Insertion Vs to S
Inches wide
15c VaL
4-Inch, 6-Inch, and 10-Inch Beautiful Embroidery E dges
In Swiss, Crepe and Organdy. Dainty colored
edges for collars and vestccs on real sheer Or
findy and Crepes; also. .very pretty eyelet designs on
'fine Cambric, suitable for underwear. Special Monday
Another Day of New Blouses
MONDAY, a new lot of
Dainty Blouses will be
presented to you on our Second
Floor - You will be more than
ever Impressed with the. fact
that -Originality" Is the key
note of the wonderful 'success
of this section when you see
the beautiful Blouses we will
display' tor you Monday,
We oiUiuate not only styles but special niattiriala and maklnir an
well as trades and by this specialisation . we are enabled to quote
very reasonable prices on the very finest blouses.' New 'models for to
morrow: , : ..
Germans Thought
' to Be Getting Petrol
Via North Countries
(Correpondcnce of The Associated Press.)
LONDON, Oct n.-FaUure of Germany
to exhaust Its supply of petrol Is at
tributed by writers la the London press
to a supply of oil supposed to be shipped
from the United States to Germany by
way of Norway. Lxnmark and Sweden
According to Albert Ud(r"tt. who con
tributed an article on thla subject to the
current Uaue of a prominent motor jour-
"The Cape Blouses"
Iq Shadow Lace
At $3.98 and $5
New Drtur CLiilon BLOUSES
at $5 to $12.98
Shadow Lace and Silk
Net Blouses
At $5.98 $12.98
Georgette Crepe Blouses
At $5.98 " $7.50
iTI HQ FIT T11 ideal petticoats for a Bmooth,
iVLiVF -J 111 close, perfect fit. AVe have received an-
Pa IS rtif o otlier lare shipment of these most prno
reillCOaiS tical petUcoats.
They are made of the finest of Silk
Jersey , with close-fittinvr elastic tops
Made to tit smoothly around the hips no wrinkles no skirt
strings, but snug and comfortable. Come In and allow the demon
strator from tb factory to explain to you, the wonderful merits of
these garments.
variuna; Cotton Black, I
Whjta. and oTam spools IC
Elastio Kemnauts AH ! -
. colors. Kttch aa 2G
Woodj Ooat SaSg. . . r
srs neiJv,r... W 6
tea All Colors. Hall... UU
Oood, Kooks aad Xyee I
Black -and White. Card. IC
rfa Bpools Uoea OIA-
Thread 8 pool 2C
"Mertlok" and "Clark's"
Thread Spool '. atu
Boo-Tard Bpools Thread ' I n
ftpool ....... I C
BUk Seok Cord Special QQ
Xarre Bottles Machine C-
Oil .lftp valna MnnJiv UU
ewtng- lffaohlae Heedles
Monday, tune s. .
Blxy's yet OU Shoe
rollflh Ttottlj.
Warren's Qroarraln CQ.
West Xleotrla KaU
Coxlers LrfirKe card
Bone Hair Pine Moh- Cp
day, dosen . . . "I
Women's gtte rin-oi Hose
Bupportera--Mon- ""inn
day, pair" I :V 1 VU
Hair Vets Made of real hair,
16o and 19c values.
Monday, each
Z.arge 14-Tard Bolts of
Cotton Tape Special . .
Unea Tape Good qual
ity. Any size, bolt . .
Good 7lojDr Kopa
Mondav. each .......
Keary Steel Skirt
Markers 25c value ..
Z. M. O. Crochet Cot
ton Monday, ball ....
lOO-ya. BPool Sewing
Bilk Monday v . .
Bna Silk Any color.
Special, spool
Wash raging All col
or and font. Unit .
Beadle Cases aad O C n
Work Boaes et fc UU
some sugniiv
dn.maged but
all . serviceable
and practical
Home are ad
justable. They
are worth up
to 113.00. AH
on special sale
Monday at
prices ranging- from
18.00 down
Oood Safety Fins Mon
day. S dosen (or . . .
Embroidery Scissors
29c values, each
Baciaa Stocking Test
Monday, pair
Tatting Shuttles
Worth to 25c. Each
Ocean Pearl Buttons Poi. le
Oood Sold Bred Bsedles I
Re value . Package. . .
White & Colored Dress Fabrics
Best Quality Heavy Brocaded TuNsah Silk and Cot
ton Drews Material, 30 Inches Wide la all the
new shades for street and evening wear. These
goods, bought In the regular way, would have to
' retail for 50c per yard, but we bought them un
der unusually advantageous . D
conditions. There is & large 1 rer
- assortment of colors to select f
irom monaay ai
30-laon Plain Tnssah BUk
and Cotton fabrics
Kxcellent for Founda
tions, Slips, Draperies.
l.iningn, etc.
Value 29c
yd. Monday
Cream White Irish Round Thread Linen
Extra heavy. Can be used for many pur- Q C
Good 60c values. Monday, yard wwt
Art Zdnea IS I Fine White Organdy 45
Inches wltfe. nm Inches wide. 1 ft
Special Mon- ZjC Special Mon- I H
Plain Colored Bosslaa
Cords and fruuv.
Satin Poniards In
dark grounds, 27 inche
wide and worth
15c yd. Tocloae
out, Monday
day, yard
day, yard
Genuine Bed Seal Dress Sephyrs
In all the wanted neat Checks,
i-ialiB and titrlpee beau- ry
tllul coKirinKB. Uo val- gyyC.
ue, on sale Monday, yard...
Brass Percale in a choice assort
ment of Indlpru, Light Blue, Ury,
black and White and Shepherd
Checka; all perfect heat m
Bookfold Uooda. Hpeclal S
sale Monday, yard
Oeaolne Bverett Classlo Dress
Gingham That old reliable Ureas
labile, in a big variety of .
new fall deaUna. Kxlra f3. C
special sale Monday, yd....vv
36-lnch French Printed Silkoiine
In a beautiful assortment of neat
Floral dealgns; also plain T 1
shailra. ltegular lifc 'AC
quality Moniluy, yard
Geanlne Amoskeag Shirting Madras
32 Indies wide. Ueautltul
Stripes and Checks neat color
ing!, absolutely fast. IKe
value, bpeciul, Monday
Highly Mercerized Black Sateen,
Ilandloom woven. Perfect black
now so much. In demand for
Trimmings, Tunics, etc. m g
loo value on sale Mon- I lip
day, yard V
8d-lnoh Paaey On ting- Plannel In a
big variety of lieut btriuta ana
Checks, Pink and Blue fast col
orings; warm ajid fleecy.' n I
" UWe value; Monday, at; fi'5'C
yarit v
White Shaker and Twllldowns Plan
nelr 27 Inches wide. Kxtra wel;ht;
warm flwy nap on both I
sidoa. 10c value; Mon- U2C
day, yard
Genuine Duckling Fleece Flannel
That beautiful Kimono, Wrapper'
and Dressing Saciiue material. In
long desirable lengths easily
matched. Values up to p
lKVsc yard. Special Mon- S
day, y-uixl .
Tina ateroerlaed Dress Poplin In a
choice assortment of leading
anadeB and colors absolutely fast.
irfnKina up to 20 yams.
Kerular l&c and lo
grade. Monday, yurd . . .
Sd-tnca Bleached Muslin Kxtra fine
flnWh, ao(t and easily
laundered. (0 value;
Monday, yard
M-taoa Vableaohed aCnslln Bea l-
ful, fine woven fabric;
very easily bleached,
tc value: Monday, yard..
ra fine
Be 1-
We offer for Monday's selling s
special lot of pretty Undermus
11ns in the daintiest designs.
Gowns,, Skirts. Envelope Chem
ises, Combinations, etc. Several
sample garments of each
lot are included
sal. The values
up to 12.50 per
dent. Special Monday.
ns. etc. several
of each t
in this Jk
s range T u
er gar- II
THE graceful "Moyen Age
with its "Grecian" simplicity
will commend itself to every Miss and
woman. The charming and youthful ef
fectiveness of these dainty rocks make them
indispensable for parties you will surely be
attending this season,.
Smart Afternoon and Bridge Frocks
Many classy models In
Chiffon, Velvets and
l-ace or Net Tunics over
Crepe "Meteor. The All
Velvets, Crepe de Chine
and PhnrmaiiHA. anme-
times combined with Lace or Chiffon; In
all the good afternoon shades. About
20 different models.
Special Sale of About 2G0
and Serge Dresses
Monday we offer
you choice of a
splendid new 7
lots of sample
and odd dresses
collected for
this sale. Every good quality of Silk
and Serge. Every new model or style.
All colors.. Values to $20.00.
New Fur Trimmed Suits
$19.O(M25.0 1
mwmm fill kmx
1 ti
The smartest of the season's styles
are reflected in these nobby Fur
Trimmed Broadcloth Suits- Jauntily
cut coats with Trim Yoke Skirts.
Suits $25
New models have been .added
thla pant week to thla aristo
cratic line of suits. The very lateat
style ldeaa of suits at much higher
prlcea have been correctly reproduced in our Fashion
seal Sulia. Tou would have to pay from IS. 0 to 110.00
more anywhere else to equal them.
New Coats for Women and Misses
The smartest styles. Really
exceptional values, Fabrics
most in vogue. Excellent
tailoring and ihnva all a
wonderful selection assuring you the right
style tor your Individual preference.
Special Showing and Sale of Coats
Worth Up to $22.50
We have brought together 250
eluding every good cloth and
style of the season and of
fer you choice Monday at...
coats In-
tyew and Dainty Negligees
$3.98 to $15.00
Lovely garments In Soft Laces,
Crepe de Chines, Jap Silas, Alba
tross, Wool ChalUec, Padded
Silks, etc
Long Silk Kimonos
A very special offer.
One lot of pretty fig
ured Silk Kimonos in
good length and full
cut; Satin Bordered; plenty of
pretty colors. Values up to
Silk Jersey Petticoats
Extra special Monday.
We offer choice of a
big assortment of
fine Silk Jersey Pet
ticoat. Many with elastic tops
Every desirable color. Worth to
mmmmmmmil re ad the other ad on page s mmmm