Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1914, Page 7, Image 9

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    rm; nke: om.wta. fkii'W. xovkmbkn
LlhUf mtar., nur.C.rnJn Co,
fldatltr Btorsfs Yaa Co. Dtraf. IBS.
ave Boot Frtnt it Now Bfacofl rrs
W D Olaslaf Fromptly Midland j
Otass and faint Co. 'Wone 4Joug.
, Baaatlfal All Mo4ra aToaacs for lalt
on the easy rmj-meit plan. BsnK'ts;
R.alty Investment Co. Vhone Doup. S?5. j
A Ctoo Is an of fir In '
Th. Rr Building. CikhI location, too.l
ssrvlce, good neighbors. Th. nulMtn
that to always rew. Office room 101
Todsy's Complot Mint"
rlassifted s.r-ticn tmHy. and appears in
Tha Be. EXCI.rsiVEI.T. Find out what
the various moving picture theater offer.
MIS3 BESSIE FRIEDMAN Fastest amateur typist in
New York contest. Only 19 years old
McGrew's Relatives
Elected to Office
White C. F. McOrtr. cashl.r of th
Live Stock Nation nl hank of South
Omaha, la not In politics himself, ha Isi
feeling rather proud of the fart that he
Tiae some relative who are. and c.f the
additional fact that they were winner at
th election Tuesday, and that they Were
electad on tha republican ticket. '
R. Q. McOrew. a son of C. F. MeGrew.
waa elected to the atof e senate of Wyo
ming on the republican ticket, defeats
hta opponent by a large majority.
Down In Kanrai A. W. Capper, a
nephew of Mr. McOrew, waa elected for-j
ernor. by a aafo majority. Mr. Capper!
I about 49 years of age and la a native j
son of the Sunflower state. He has lived
there all his life, except two years when j
he worked In New York City on the edl- j
torial ataff of the Tribune. When Sen-'
ator Ingalls represented Kansas In the
United Htates senate Mr. Capper waa his
private secretary.
Ever sine he quit school Mr. Capper
has been In the newspaper business. At
this time he Is owner and publisher, as
well as editor, of the State Capitol at
Topeka. He publishes a line of farm
and agricultural paper all over the cen
trat west and southwest, there being
something like a doaen in the list. His
newspaper and printing business gives
employment to more than 300 people.
Americans in Turkey
Probably Are Safe
WASHINGTON, Nov. (I.-Wttn diplo
matic relatione broken off between Great
Biitlan and France and Turkey, adminis
tration officials today awaited formal
notification from the triple entent powers
that a state of war exists with the Otto
man empire.
it was expected triat upon Its recelpl
President Wilson Would Issue a procla
maton of neutrality.
t'rtofflclal advices received here Indi
cate that American missionaries In
Turkey do not fear anti-Christian out
burstsi They long regarded war as In
evitable and prepared to meet the emer
gency. ' American Ambassador Morgen
thau has not indicated to State depart
ment officials that it would be necessary
I f " v , ' X
A - v. : i
w t via.' 'vs.' 5 n
i si,'"- ' - AJ v -h iff
' - V " ' V - J'
j- 4 s "' v . Jr A
if n f bt iiiiaff tfiivHi XimAii i.m.n.r,,,,, !.! 4
As a result of activity Ht City Commls
signer Mot govern and the cltv leaal de-
Jpsrlnient. nil ravin contractors except
I one. who were dr'avlng their wnvk. have
:v"!,:?",r,rv,:n" "?:' rriDOANE alumni and friends
Paving company is mid by Ans'Msnt t"Hy
Attnrnrrr 1- TcPoel to bi th only
firm which has not yet ni.-ule a showlntt
on Its contrnct, wliii h Is for the l"ivlnn
of Kortv-flrst street. He says that b
mill take Mrps at om e tn enforce the
surety bmid given by the Kord concern.
Pifty alitmnl and friends of Tonne rol
Ickc held reunion and luncheon at
llutol nome In connrtlnn with the tench-
eis- convention. Prof. rul llonus tit
Harvard and Treslttent William O. Alien
of I mane college were gucKta of honor.
Thy mndo addresses, as did also FroN.
t. i Carlson and H. It. Hosford tt
I'onne. Hev. FredeUck W. Isvltt of
Plymouth Congregational church wns
toastmiiater. '
.. .1- .... Storo Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M.
Six Meet Death in
Lodging House Fire
NEW YORK. Nov. 8 Fix men were
burned to death In a flic- which swept
for mtsslonarlea in the Interior lo go to through a four-stnry lodging house at K2
coa'4 towna, although thev had been ad-iK'"1" "venue this morning, fifty men
vised to do so by their societies. In thelwer keeping tn the structure when tha
absence of advices to the contrary. offI-i,lr ws dlecovered. Firemen made many
rials' here believe Americana are in
danger. Ample funds are said to be avail
able for Americans.
HEINZE'S sister will
I . ; administer estate
SARATOGA. N. Y.. Nov. 6.-F. Augus
tus Hetnxe, the copper mine owner Who
died here laet nl?ht, left no will. Thi
became known this afternoon .when Mr.
Ilelnsea lawyers obtained from Surro
gate Ostrandef an orderx appointing Mrs.
Mda M. Fleltman of New York City, Mr.
Halnse's aletcr, administratrix .of hla es
tate. The papers filed with the court placed
a nominal valuation of "more than $10,
CW' on Ms estate. The lawyer intima
ted that the estate affaire are aomewhat
complicated and thaU public estimates,
which have been made hereofore, are
largely In excess of Ha actual value.
Mr. Heinse's body waa taken this after
noon to New York City, where the
funeral will be held tomorrow.
no l, thrilling rescues.
Most of the forty-four men who wefe
saved wer carried to the street By fire
men. , '
. The bodies of the elx men who perished
were found oil the bed springs the
tr.atresaes haj been htirned so. charred
that Uicf coulif' net be recognized.
Within thirty minutes the fij-o was out.
The origin wus traced to a store room
on the second floor which contained
lenrlne, used for cleaning.
Mr. Elizabeth Rllter. ?4 year of age,
410" North Thirty-ninth street, died at her
nome after a brief Illness. Deceased was
born in Flonhelm Krela, Alzer Orosher
rogthUin, Hesscn Darmstadt, Germany.
When H years old she migrated to
rasler. Penn.. and later to Omaha, resid
ing here forty-six years. Mrs. IWtter
waa tha wife of the late Henry Fitter
and a member of the German Ctn'fee
club. Surviving relatives are a daugh
tel. Mrs. John A. Turtle. Denver; a
e!ster, Mr. Sophie Richard of Omaha
Funeral arrangement have not been
Charges agains( Patrol Conductor A. C.
Anderson have been prepared by Police
Commissioner A.. C. Kugel and will be
filed w-ith the city commission at Its
next meeting. Anderson Is charged with
violation of police regulation No. IX.
which provides that if a member of the
force willfully maltreat a prisoner, or
uses unnecessary violence, he shall be
subject to Immediate dismissal. In up
I port -of the charge. Commissioner Kugel
'allege that Anderson struck and mal
treated Frank Robb. while taking him to
the police station In the patrol auto,
after Robb had been arrested on a charge
of drunkenness, and had been handcuffed.
A Hitter Ionic .
Aids digestion; Electric Hitter will In
crease your appetite, help digest your
food and tone up your system. 6"c and
$1.00. All drugsifts. Advertisement.
Harry E. Ryan of the Ryan Jewelry
firm haa Just received a money order
from a firm In Turkey for the shipment
of a large amount of stationery to '" '
atantlnople. Charges for transpo
are Included In the payment and a
ent request to make Immediate dellvci y.
Ryan 1 In a quandary, aa Uie development
of hostilities In the country make It Im
possible to meet the demand. Beside t'als
order a large quantity of Sheffield silver
from Birmingham and several crate of
Mlnton china from London have been received.
CHICAGO. Nov. 5. The picturesque
picketing of the Knats lunchrooms in this
ctty by waitresses who have been on
strike for nine .months In an effort to
unionize tho restaurants owned by George
Knats is forbidden In an Injunction issued
Jiy Judge Baldwin In the circuit court
Ouch! Pain, Pain.
Rub Rheumatic,
Aching Joints!
Rheumatism is "pain only." Not one
case In fifty requires Internal treatment.
Stop drugging. Rub soothing, .penetrat
ing "St. Jacobs Oil" right Into your sore
stiff, aching joints and muscles, and 're
lief ccmes Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is
a harmless rheumatism ture which never
disappoints and can not burn the skin.
lilmbe up! Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle of Old, honest ' St.
Jnoobs Oil" at any drug tor, and In
just a moment you'll be free from rheu
matic pain, soreness, stillness and swell
ing. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St (
Jacobs Oil" haa oured millions or rheu
matism sufferers In the lost hnlf cen
tury, and Is Just aa good for sciatica,
neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains.
Advertisement. ,
f J"
Beware of
Mineral Compounds
as they pit your Boiler necessi
tating new tubea. Wliy take
chances? You can buy a reliable
compound, sold on a
to remove scale and prevent pit
ting. It will prolong the life of
your Boiler and
Saves Its Price in Fuel
It will pay you to personally
look Into the matter. A Boiler
filled with scale giTes poor ser
vice and Increases your cost of
We Send Trial Order
We refund cash If you find our
Compound does not do all we
Nebraska Compound and Oil
306 South 12th Street
Phone Noughts 2IMI.
The Mosher-Lampman college students,
chaperoned by the teachers, went on a
bike to Elm wood rark Wednesday after
school. Wlenlea were roasted and served
with hot rolls for luncheon. Fruit and
cookies wer served for a dessert.
After lunch a short entertainment waa
given at the pavilion by ome of the
students, after which the evening was
apeot In playing game and dancing.
Why Ya Khoald I s ( kasabrrlala'a
toouh Remedy.
Because It haa an tatablished reputa
tion wen by Its good work.
Because It la most eflttn,d by thxe
who have Used it for many year, ar
occasion required, and are best ac
quainted with Its good (tualllt'S.
Because it loosens hi:3 relieves a cold
lend aids nature l i restoring the system
to a healthy condition.
Because it does not contain cplum or
any other narcotic.
Because It la within the reach of ill.
It only cost a quarter. Obtalnablo
everywhere. Advertisement.
Deuglae 1S3. 113 ,1th St.
When you want
to reach the public
make it easy for the
public to reach you
' ' .
"The building that is always ntw"
is in easy reach of all and its
location the best in the city.
For offices inquire Room 103
1 1
Burgess-Mash Company
Thursday, own her .1, 1014.
nonr, Itingla 1:17.
Take Advantage of the Two Holidays and Bring the Children Down Let Them Help You Select Their Winter Needs
You'll Find Assortments Ample and Prices Satisfactory. Then, Too, You'll Find It None Too Early to Start Christmas
Buying. You'll Find Assortments of Novelties Now That It Will Bo Impossible to Duplicate Later on.
Remarkable Values Here for Friday in
Vnnra ami Ml' $10.."SO to $U.yoh Tailored Holts. 12.0H
THEY'RE all latest ctylea. beautiful In style, mate
rial and color offerta. Mafia In a variety of fine
materials. HroariYloth. fancy wavps, series, etc.. In
all mot desirable shades. Kecnlar $15.50 to 125 val
Yomen'a 1."1.M Tailot-tMl Hull for ftl.OH
Latest styles, mn do of nerves, fancy weaves and mixtures, in a splendid
selection of nv styles; ood range of colors; positively
worth $!R00. Friday, choice
Women' 7.V Waists, Friday Price, 40-
Jtittt to make things lively In the Waist Section Friday, we offer plain
white lawn Waists with roll collar, trimmed with luce, in sev
eral styles. Every waist a regular 75c value. Friday, price.
Wool SWEATER COATS, Worth to
$1.50, In Three Lots, 25c, 49c, 98c
THESE wool sweaters eome in 1L sixes for men. women
"ami children. (Jrent sample 'Line, slightly muHStd
from handling. Colors while, navy bine, tan, gray and com
binations of white and red, nln) blue and white.
Just the thing for outing, golf, skating and football wear.
75c CORSETS, Good
Values, Friday; 50c
Broken lines of good
quality corsets, regular
75c values. In the
Husement Friday, at.
f8c Corsets, BOc
Full line of all sizes. 19 to 30,
in medium bust line, free hip;
very comfortable. 98c
values, at . . .
Sale of Women's and Children's
GLOVES in the Basement Friday
Four lots that will Interest you. This Idea:
Women's (.loves. 2.V"
Women's golf gloves, black and
colors. Friday, at, per n"
pair mOC
Hoys' (Jaunt lets, 2.V
Boys' Jersey gauntlets, nr
patent leather tops, pair OC
nrg-ta-Mb Oo. Bas.ui.nt.
Women's (lloves, 25c
Women's cashmere gloves. In
black only. Friday, per
Hoys' (JatintletA, fSOc
Boys' leather gauntlets, f"
In tan and black. Price. OUC
"00-yard ma
chine thread,
spool 2c
Linen finish
thread, all col
ors. Spool. .Uc
60-yarrt spool
silk, all colors.
Spool Sc
Nickel plard
safety pins, 3
dozen 3c
Common phm, paper.
Twist, spool He
Shopping bass;
each lOo
Children's hose
supporters, per
pair 7e
Hooks nd eyes,
card Ic
Hair nets, all
shades, 2 for tie
Tape, 8-yard
bolt A
Naming cotton, 4 spools.
K tubrol dery
edgings, all
colors, bolt. Hh:
I Silk finlHh cro
chet cotton, all
colors, spool 3c
Co. as.m.nt.
Big Table of CHINA
Choice, Friday at 10c
fNCLUDINO pint, qunrt and thr.e-
1 Y,"
l stoneware Dltrhrrs. Ksnov
dm nrnteO platss, sups and anil-
rrrs, suit and r"PPr sliakors, saurs
nisnps. cut triass sail dip, huksi'",
t r.Rinnri, mnr rui liilll
1prn, mrtal candle shades,
lln.n candle shades, etc.
Valties 10n to 2&o. I'liolre,
each ,
Bnrrs-rh Oo mat.
. LACES at lc
Including vals' and torchon Inser
tions; also a few edgea. Spe- -
clal aale price Friday, yard. XC
Cleanup of ribbons; dark shades,
good patterns, Vg to 1 Inch
wide. Very special FH., yd. X C
Cleanup Friday in the Basement of the Nebraska Sus
pender, Belt and Garter Co., and Atlas Mfg. Co
Stock of Men's Furnishings -These Prices Will Do It.
Merehnmlise brought forward from reserve stocks of the big purchase offered like this for quick selling:
Men's and Hoys' Holt
Leather In a variety of styles that would sell regu
larly at 50c, 76c and $1, QJJ Ott 1 C-
Bale price Friday OOCi sCOCy IOC
2Sc to ROe Neckwear at 2Sc, 15c, lOe anil Re
Including four-in-hands, wide and scarfs, knitted ties,
ableld tecks, bat wings, etc. Would sell regularly
Choice. . . ... 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c
5c and 10c Arm Banda,
lc, 2c and 5c
Big assortment styles
and colors. Good elas
tic. Choice, 5c, 2c
and. . . t .
Collar Buttons, lc
King collar buttons,
celluloid or metal
backs, with heavy
gold plate. Worth
Co to 8c. Each
25c to 5c Huspenders,
lc, .V,' lOc and 19c
Suspenders for men and
boys. Fire and Police, Ne
braska Cady and other goon
styles. 25c to 50c val-
ties, 19c, 10c, 5c and. XC
i To Petera.
Display case with gross lots
of collar buttons.
Men's Hosiery
Tan and black lisle and cot
ton. High spliced heel, tob
and double sole.
Pair, 12 Vc and
I nion Hulta, 7c
Extra quality Egyptian cot
ton union suits. Slightly im
perfect. Sale
Men's I'nderwear, 45c
Medium weight,' cotton and
Merino underwear. 2-plece,
some slightly soiled, but oth
erwise perfect. Was
up to $1 garment
25c Wool Hose, 17c
Men's heavy wool hose. The
2Cc kind; at, per
Mitts and loves
Heavily ' lined, leather and
fabric. Made of ticking and
heavy gray canvas. Pair
C9c, 39c, 25c, 12V4C Jl
and OjC
Vnlon Suits, 08c
The celebrated "Velaitlo"
union suits. Heavy qq
fleeced. Garment. , vOC
An Unusual Sale of Women's
; . i I ii li
Dress and Street Shoes, $1.95
500 pairs of women's shoes, factory surplus,
perfect in every wny made in b.utton and lace
styles from patent, gunmetal, kid and tan calf
H gf skin, with kid and cloth tops.' Flexible soles
Is I MS and Cuban, military and low heels. Shoos
Y that were made to. sell at $3.00 and 3.B0.
For Friday's selling at, pair $1.05
Women's Shoes at 89c
Her. are 2 SO pairs of women's shoes
that are regular $3.50 and $4.00 values,
lace and button styles in all leathers,
perfect fitting, sixes 2 H to i only,
aft .' (Wo
Bars;s-sTsh Oo
' .
Dress Goods Lengths, 35c, 65c, 95c
HUNDREDS of dress goods pieces, such as serges, batistes,
ing materials, in plain colors and mixtures. Lengths V4
yards long. A5r, tKta and 03c each.
Bale price '
MoHsuIiiie Kllk, 20c
Ono big lot of plain and fancy
silks such as taffetas, messaltn.
and foulards; regular fA
price, 50c. Yard.... CiC
to S
50c Fancy Nllks, 10c
Big lot of flowered mesaallnt
silks, all in good colorings. On
sale Friday In the -s q
Dasement at, yard .... llvC
Underwear and Hosiery for Friday
Child's Hose for 10c
Hoys' and girls hose, heavy or
fine ribbed black cotton, full
seamless. Friday sale
price, pair
Women's 10c Hose, Rc
Women's black cotton hose, regu
lar 10c quality, in th. Basement
salesroom Friday, at, per
pair :
Child's Inion Huits, 80c
White cotton, medium weight
union suits. Drop seat, mill run
of 60c quality; sixes 7, QQ
8 and 9, garment OtC
Infanta' 10c Vests, 12 Ho
Infants' whit, cotton fleese lined
vests, button down the front.
Regular price 19c. ' 4 nl
Friday, at.. J.?iC
Duckling Fleece
Flannels, 7l2c
You will want after
seeing the beautiful
styles and colorings,
several 1-tmonos made
from these flaccy,
warm flannels. Keg ti
ler luc M 1
values from jL
the bolt,
at, yard
Serpentine Crepes, 10c
Her. ar. styles and color
ings that always appeal to
women of taste. The crlnkl.
does not wash out and Iron
ing Is aot necessary.
On sale at, yard . .
Itlearhed Muslin, Hc
Various grades heavy bleach
ed muslins. Fine snow-white
cambrics, soft finished long
cloth. All one yard wide;
mill lengths worth a great
deal more. Sale 1
price, yard OJC
12 He White Flannel, 7 He
White baby flannel. Sufi,
fleecy, firm and weighty.
12 Ho value, at, per 71
yard jjC
I(mnantH at H Trice
All tile odd lensths from
tha tegular Flannel licpai i
miit, (iiiisiiani, 1'ttrrul.
I'l-fpu, Kaleen and Muslin
iJepartmrntA hiive bt 11
tnvHSUreil up ami i h place
marked with yarcluKe and
price. Tim suvlnss will t.
fully one-half.
Kimono Crepes, Be
Fancy, floral, figured,
striped and Persian crepes.
Fast colors; will make beau
tiful comforters, kimonos or
dressing sacquea. Sale
price, yard .....
92.50 Blankets, 1.23 lr.
Slse 72x90, closely woven,
wool finish, extra large and
heavy white blankets, with
pink or blue borders. The
. best blanket bargain to be
had. Here 4 ng
Friday, pair. . . j X .a0
Outing Flannel, Cc
A bigger or better lot
of fancy light and
dark outing flannel
remnants has never
before been offered
at such a low price.
You will find the
small, medium or
large style you want
for making
warm sleep
ing garments
here Friday, yd.
1 n &
Friday Specials in Home Furnishing Needs
One lot of 10 and U
qtiart enamel, seam
less pails, worth lic-
While they
last, at ....
Johnson's Floor Was,
or Old Fngllish: regu
lar 60c spe
cial, Friday,.
Toilet Taper, crepe fin
ish, 4 10c rolls
( at Aluminum KkJllet, Wagner
make; regular $2 values. Friday.
r Was,
4; regu-
repe flu-
yr $1.29
FANCY Turkish and Kgyptlan fruit bas
kets, vases ferneries, cornucopia cord
baskets, sandwich buskets, all sizes, styles
and shapes, specially priced.
1 table fancy
bankets, sped.
1 table fancy
bankets, se I.
1 table fancy
baskets, sped.
1 table fane
baskets, spec! .
Other kinds, styles and sizes, priced up from
7r,c to 310.00
Coal Hods
Coal HodH17 Inches hlRh;
galvanized. Special nr
Friday DC
iVslolene TolMilng Mop, for
hardwood floors. ACkt
Regular 98c value. iiC
OVedar Tollshlng Mops Large
hardwood floors. Regular $1.50
value, at
size for
HlKh-Grade Aluminum Tercolator. (Hi O fi
Worth $2-50; special Friday, at. 3X.Oi7
iiiiBurges-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.ii