THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1!H. Bringing Up Father Drawn for The Bee by George McManiis fOLLY! fJ JULD5HOW xM,. "TO FiNM fx"" H h W mfoca t , LJ CERTAINLY A A EIWT jW. A&ETOF IV" LEATHER AND 0 Vill , ET S ITfl CLEVATitSV p. ? ; k? 1 . -v. J i ( m Tr j Tr Lo JW HAGLWORKIKG FOR PEACE -V ' ''. 1. ' . 'African and Federal League Chief .- .; Seeking' Agreement. .' ' A! fcWTOZ&S MEET IN CHICAGO Nene of Officials Will Vfir Pre. ' dletleo f . C-oadltleae Likely Tla'JU; Baa. at Settle. ; ' ent.-t I . CHICAGO;. Nor. trWlth peace In the base ball world' and possible chani In' the ownership f Ihe'New Tork club up for dlecueelon,'' official pt tha American league went Into annual' aaaon here to day -hfthlnl closed doors.- Routine busi ness, wa .disposed of. si , ha directors' meeting.. twhlch preceded the .twirya mooting.'. . , , . , r Soma Of tha ' magnates frankly disap proved of tha event hlrh led to tha resignation of Frank Chanoa aa manager of. tha Near Tork club, and It waa al4 plana for a ahlft of ownership of tha club would b laid before tha meeting-. Declare " for Feaee. Tba league officials generally declared; themselves for oace'r today, but ' none would vantorJs a prediction of conditions -ndar which, pear might b made -nth the' Federal Jeague.,, One' or. two 'eaJd they hoped, a true- might he agreed upo- to prevent rerasr" bidding Tor bail play ers In' competition between organised base feel, and the Federal league. .... t Connie Mattk, manacar of the FhUadeU phla. club, lb tm aaid..- woujd aak . for some action alnst Hushle Jennlnsa, monster of the Detroit club,' whom ha ecauees of bveaklna; tha laua rules by dlins out Inforinatlen tniMak hal atc4 for wajvera on flank, Reader and Coorab. i i 8er Ceafereaee, . t . It1 was reported that repreaenUtlvea of the American league were tn secret eon ference with uanatae of the rederal league on the subject of peaoa. Ooeslp retorted that the foUowinc solution wee discussed: , . , . 1- JPurchase of .the t American learue club of New Tork by th4 Wards of Brooklyn. t Too Cblcaa National to bo bourht by . Wearhman and Walker, owner of the Chlcao Federala. ' 'Cither tha t Louis National or American club to bo purchased by atock tiolders of the St. foula leafue club. 4. Player and stockholders of the Ted oral aue clubs, not otherwise caned for, to bo protected by the American league, the National league, the Amer ican -association- and the International leaa-ue. Scores Made by the Bowlers on Local Alleys f'ommereial tr,(ir, BRopEOAAnna 1st. f). M. Tot. Lsne 17M rrr n un Klrtson 113 17 in- iM Une , ..i't ih7 1"H l,H Cain ?J m 2ns Jarosh 177 2 A b Mi i Totals K m 17 2W1 ; KANDY KIp u i. ' r-1"1- M-M Tot. Ft-ron ....1S1 m n 4ia Straw l m 4Wi huiti ;....i93 j:a im m i l Wft 'itia 4 Totals .....ui m mtm BTAKS AND STRirKf 1st. M. 8t Tot. Fhr ihb Holonion .....lM Hlnrltka MrDonncll...l4 wmi .).. 1HJ IM 1S8 lift 17 1H4 140 211 IS- 471 2ft '603 'Tot sis AM 79 K9 if,n BESKLIN g OLD MIXER8 ., 1st. Jd. ad. Tor. Chandler ...IM jj w hfs IM 1DI 221 M7 gensele .....li3 114 2nJ : PM P 124 141 . 47 f'lln m 14 U iu i.Tofals 7M mtao . ttryeo Lea. ( TEAM NO.-L- 1st. 2d. Jd.Tot. Pearson . , .J28..m m Kuony m 120V10J J4 AppriqulSt .1117 14, OTl 407 focoM 14 in'lza 417 Jisgenslck ..145 my lag 421 J Totis .1.7 tm I TEAM Nft . 1st, :L.I4.Tot Sullivan Kulton . Holding Shnons , Jones .. ....144 12J IM 42 ....111 1 in: JT2 ....IM 12 IM) XI ....110 M, 110 1115 ....147 IM 110 4 Totals (M KA K 1919 TEAM NO. 4. let. 2d. 3d. T"t. Welly 173 170 IM Ml Wsllaor ,...7 ).' 7 JIS trMinhK'ti IIS in 177 V? .......:1lf IM W S Wsthews ...10 XQ VI 132 Totals 6.19 M (119 19M TKAM NO. I. ' lt. 2d. Sd.Tot. wandfll ....131 139 13J 409 Rembe' ...ii M 119 21 Melster ..11 103 10S 331 Hmlth 124 143 aw Lewta 146 lot 122 43 Tota1aV.... MS 27 1817 Brewsilma'-Klna! Lrastae, CLOTHINO DEPT. 1st. M. sd Tot. .117 n mi rw . M W d2 i-m 11 mi in a?4 .K4 111 . 133 47 .110 .148 m 1S1 NVlson , Rrr son Doyle ,. A immin McLean Totals fWO 67 540 1ST. ruRNisHiNO ooona. 1st. 2d. Sd.Tt Smith 90 113 ,11 KIT Hoover K 94 1T7 Jt Duaher 711 110 . a j.a Kretaer HI 14 14 4T Eaton 313 124 131 46 Totals' .....34 575" liTiSa" Oaaka Oae L.aaiae. DISPATCHKRH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Lucent 1 lis 162 4.19 Moran Ill 107 149 W7 Andersod ... M M es 21 Ryan IM 141 V 4S3 Bland 303 1W 151 149 Totals 733 4 70S 1089 HOT PLATES. 1st. 21. 3d. Tot. Push IM 173 117 46 Wood 173 1X1 11 t Raber 7 123 119 320 Ber I . .134 , 15 77 M Cooper 170 201 1K0 Ml Total 7M 732 654 2137 TAR BABIES. , Int. 2d. 3d Tot. Johnson ;...27.ns, 12J vg C'smpVell IM 110 4K3 Marti 140 .175 lf. 474 Doherty ;..;10 14 12 377 Watt in IM ZX (67 Totals .....719 74 744 2iS COMFORT IRONS. , ' I- d. 3d. Tot. Shatin ...I.aIM 129 111 374 Moran ...t..vHS 1S3. 11 416 Boiler ...1... 149 17 103 433 Murdock ;...14l 13 139 421 Johnson ....169 140 J4 173 Totala 741 T36 84 2J14 DOES. 1st 2d. 3d. Tot. Parkhurs ..146 124 137 m Rentley ;....1M 1J 139 4' Thomas ....113 121 332 Bentley ....137 162 113 4J McDonald ..167 I'H 101 (13 : Totals 749 p?7 861 2097 INTEN8O8. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Hanaen 149 IM. 131 LIS Phlllpp U3 143 12S 8M Schmidt ....ltf 111 147 20 Wood 110 l.Tr'lM 0(3 Weymullcr .lsrifiO 198 tV34 Totala ....'.70 M 'TsTamT SHERMAN DEFEATS ROGERSDLLIYAN Plurality of Illinois Senator Will Amount Approximately to Ten Thousand. RETURNS ABE NEARLY ALL" IN the Nebraska Telephone company took 1WS, later belns; a police operator. When over the city wire aervlce, he accepted a position with It and waa in its employ up to the time of his death. He is sur vived by three sisters, a widow and his father. Tho funeral will be held at the Jones street resldenr-e at 1 o'clock Friday, with Interment at Forest Lawn. Business Houses, in Oconto Burned; Loss Forty Thousand .OCDNTO...Nclu .Nov. 3--(6peclal Tele, gram.-Fire was discovered , Tuesday night at. 10 o'clock in the large building occupied by B. O..Winn A Co., depart I ment store, which waa aoon beyond con trol. The flames spread, completely de stroying Bridge's hardware store, the Oconto restaurant, two. cream atatlons, Rockwell's repair shop,, Eattman & Campari's hardware store, Cave'a barber shop and the Cottage' h6tel." Only the hardest kind of work on the part of the 1 cltlsens saved the GUcrest lumber yard , and Mary's department etore. Had either 1 of these structures burned It would have been Impossible to .have saved any of the ' business district. . Forty thousand dol lars. seems to-be a conservative estimate of loss. No live were' lost.' c ' RUSSIA CLAIMS SUCCESSES Change Noted Since November 3 on , East Prussian Line. THOUSANDS OF MEN ARE TAKEN General ataff at rrtroarrad Says Retreat Almost Precipitate -n Left Wis ef the , . Enemr. BAttK ; mm. FALL OFT Coinptroilir'a Call for Local Bank Statements Shows Less Money: r( ALL BUT TWO SHOW DECREASE Nebraska, National aaeV Paekere Na- tleaal Keep Vp Total Bast- T area Ca4ltloaa Are I Blaiaedl Answering to a call from tha comp troller for October 31. Omaha banka found that deposit had fallen oft quite considerably .during the last alx weeks. Every bank with the exceptions of the Nebraska National and tho Packers Na tional auffered decreases In the amount of thetr depoalte. The uncertain tat of business condition Is given as reason for the decreao. ' t Deposits. Oist Des Moines and Omaha Battle ::. on Gridiron Today Thur afternoon at 3:15 Omaba High ta going to meet a team that la probably the. -strongest la the eUte of Iowa, namely. East Dee Moluee High. Thla will be the first time that Omaha has over played East Do Molnea, but they have played North and West and found them both hard rival. A lWely mas meeting was held" at noon oa . Wednesday In the high school audi torium and a number of the team men wve told what was going to happen to De Moinea on Friday and the Glee club an some original ong they Intend to sing at tho game. No chanae have beea made la the lineup since last Saturday. Wither will not be able to play-end. aa he Is dei llnqueot tn his studtee. -Neville la etllj out on account of a. weak ankle, but oa a pinch the coach may Vuj'hiro in. The strong point of Omaha la the 'forward pee from- Lute to- Wiiaoa.. It waa by tins meaaa.tha the Jeam gained shout three time as much ground In the Sloui gam aa 'the-winners did. -The lineup that enters .will, be: Quarter, Nichols; fullback. -.BeTry;- right half. .Lutea; left half. Johnson: right endt Wilson; right tackle, Phillips; right guard, Engstrom; tenter. Berd;' left guard. Petersen: left tackle, Ke: left end. Morearty. ' ' Tho eamd iiud-will plsy .the deaf boy Saturday 04 a laoe not yej fixed. ALL-NATIONALS WIN ' JFR0M;THE; AMERICANS ' BAN FIlANcfscO. Nov. ' t. -Owing to the masterly piu-hlng of Alexander, who allowed but. two a41etlea. the' All- Na tionals defeated tho Atl-Amerlcens. t to t. In the third game 1 of the local series played bet today. The National bow bav a lead -of one game ever their oppo nent. The aerie will Uat throughout the week4 Score; . 1 , . , R H E. All-Nationals ..,.'....,. T 0 A 'I-Americans f retteries: Alexander and kllllter; Cole ana uciuy. . . j. . , SUNDAY BASEBALL IN: ' . WASHINGTON IS ILLEGAL Omaha National rirsi rvatlonal.. tr H v. 1 Stock Tarda National.. MerchanU NaUonal.-.. City NaUonal Uve mock National.... Nebraska National .... Packers National Corn Ex. National state. Bank of Omaha.. First National .. tJ. 8. National 10.437.417 H tOC If YrH N,lii.l 1 1i ui Merchanu National...'.! sl.U!M9 ty National 3.S4R.e Packers NaUonal I t!let t-orn-Kx. National 3.029i7 btate bank of Omaha.. sJ.&i Total WASHrXOTON, ' Nov. S.-Th court of arpoala here today reversed a ruling of a loner court and held that r'uihlsy base tali n the natlunal capital Is UlegaL !ept. 13, 1914. .,.311 2SJ.013 ... 10 44 41 9.MO.KK3 1S9.104 S.U&0U7 2.1mHl 3.0OO.1A3 S.100.U4 l.U,l l.aa.467 1.0A219 Oct 31, 1914. S10.36,3 ,".110 S.3M.044 .14,4Kl 6.30.744 2.01S.SH1 1,71.7 S.17g.M& l,Ml3,4n L017.343 ToUU .,...$U,970.340 I51.760.mi4 Deaoelte. OctJU U,X13,II TURNS FROM WAR TO POLITICS Wall Street Gives Consideration jk : Bisult of Elections. EFFECT NOT VERY MARKED Latest Victory at Gcrmaa Navy la Alse Factor of Hack Im portance oa the Stock Bichaage. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 Well street temporarily abandoned ita Interest In international affairs tolay to give some consideration to the outcome cf the elec tions. ' With the stock market still under closure, there waa no way of measuring the significance of the overturn In terms of security values, but conservative opinion Inclined' to the belief that under normal conditions the market would have responded with a vlgoroua upturn of prices. On tho other hand. It waa rexarded a a debatable Question whether these poll, tlcal co nd II tone would not have been largely neutralised by the latest victories of the German navy. These were ao rorhpanlej by another aharp rise in Trsnsatlantlc rates, while war risks on ships plying between North and Routh American porta were virtually prohibitive according to reporta. Expiration of the British moratorium waa without appreciable effect either in Ixjndon or here Albeit the London Stock exchange haa formulated, with govern ment aid, an elaborate plan to be em ployed when market operations ate resumed. The plan applies mainly to the carry- Oct 31. 1914. S10.J8K t3 9u4.nO S.343 044 ,14 41 3.340.744 1,01 , 201 1.701.47 i.m.osj L704.W l.&eg.4.vt L017.:4S ProgrreaslT Representation In the ' Legtlela'tare. , lsvRedaced from , .. . . . . , TTrenty-Slito Three Re. pahUcaaa Control lloose. CHICAGO, ; Nov. S.Wlth only 163 sparsely settled precinct , of Illinois to hear from, return thla morning con firmed tho re-election of Henator Law. rence T. Sherman, republican, to tha United States senate. , His plurality In tho 4.43T precincts heari from la t.9U over Roger Bulllvan, demo- craiio jcanaiflate. The vote without the missing precincts follow: Sherman, 35,377; Sullivan. S6S.M6. . ' ... ' Ben a tor Sherman early today declared that hi plurality would tout 10.000 or more, while Bulllvan "atlll contended thai the official count would make him win or. . ; , : Rarm'nnd Rlhlna thm r.M-..l.. . dldate polled a trifle more than half at ftpTmaTI A'TTntf SllffPTS many votea a. ith.r .iniva- Rh.,.l,JC1'Ui1A XlllilY OIUIDIO Medlll McCormlck of XThJrago Is the cW I Frpm Laclt of Officers ', l4tur and tha. only proBrattv- succeea ful tn Chicago. Only two olherromber of the party wre named for the VtWv tur Uth iUU. The progTtivrlt had tWMtvlf Mawikaa a 1 a L.J L COPENHAGEN, i. Nov,, -(Special COPENHAGEN. Noy. v . 4.-8peclaI ' Cablegram tx.-Nw-.-York . World and Omaha BeJ The Oermatt armyv is suf fering from a ahortaM of officers. Tha Preeent return Indicate that the e- . Berliner Nachrichten makea the. follow. ' Ing complaint In thla connection:' ; 1 Cninterrupted and exhausting marches ' publicans elected at least seventy-seven member of the state house of repre- sntatlves. allowing them to aelect tho 1 attended with heavy losses greatly de- eeaaer wiuioui any M-partlsan arrange ment The senate will be about equal a to republic ne and democrat. Tho woman' vote Seemed to . maintain tho same proportion Of the total, caat In each of the three parties.' The expected advantage which the progressive hoped to how through the vote of the women did not. appear In the returna for munic ipal ludgea, In which the women balloted with the men. creased our officers. Officer are sub- turn out to Be unsuitable la active erv- . lce. Things went so' far that-In many, ' places on the western front one lieutenant , has command of two or three battalion. "The war office I making heroic ef- I forte to fill the gap thua created. The emperor haa Issued a decree according ' to which all persons who have had higher ' education will be promoted to officer PKTROOUAn. Nov. S.-The following official communication from the Russian general staff headquarters was given out hero tonight: "A. sudden change ha been noted since November 8 on the East Prussian fron tier, where the enemy, which recently haa been on tho defensive almost everywhere has begun to fall back at certain polnte. This retreat Is precipitate on the left wing of the enemy which was vigorously thrown back toward Blala and Lyek. Our troope took Bakalarjevo, capturing a large quantity of arms and ammunition and making prisoners of a German com pany. fttntiaoe Retreat. . "On the left bank of the Vistula the German continue their precipitate re treat toward the frontier. Their rear guards have been dislodged from Kolo and Prxedborx. On the morning of No vember S we drove back the Austrian toward Klclce. which place our troops occupied, making 600 prisoner and tak ing marmne guns. On the same day we won a decisive victory over tho Ainir, along the whole front from Klelce to cenaomlr. The enemy fell back with all speed. Our troop took Sandomlr. which la an important strategical position." Cagttare Thoaeaaae. ' " the-region south of Kiel: during the-last week we have made prisoners of !00 officer and AK soldier and, have taken a laj-eje number of cannon a well aa machine guns. During the night of November 3 the Austrlana marf . .-1-. of attache which were fiery, b,ut futile. and they retreated. Our troop took a lirm footing In the region of Nieko and nudnik. . j 1 v : j , v "The Turkish fleet' 1 concentrated In the Black Sea with a baae on the Bos phorus. Apparently they are trying to avoid a" fight, with our force. STRYKER INJIATE.. CASE Appears Before Interstate Cbnvmis sion for Lire Stock Interest . OBJECTS TO CARRIERS' CHARGE .'-.'-- .., Increase In Tariff an Cattle" front West Said t Be Greatly Iq Tutor f Chlcaajo and St, Loala ... Markets: ' .- (From a Staff Correspondents WASHINGTON. Nov. t. (Special Tele-, gram.) A. F. Btryker. secretary and traf fic manager of the South Omaha, Live Stock exchange., appeared today before the Interstate Commerce commission In the so-called, advanced live stock rate case, representing the citie of Bt. Jo seph. Kansaa City and Omaha. In oppo sition to the advance of certain rata on live atock . from Colorado, the Dakota, Wyoming. Montana, Vteh and Colorado. The advance as proposed by carrier (the railroad companies' . were not uni form, according to Mr. Stryker,, and fa vored decidedly the markets at Chicago and St. Louie. ...... r The case was tried before a commis sioner at Sioux Falls. 8. V., and Denver and has been stubbornly fought by the carriers throughout. Mr. Stryker 1 also Interested In another Interstate commerce case, known aa the '.'contract '. Taruafloa -ttjeT .: vheretttrtho contention of hi client is that the rail roads sljuldVbe fhtlrely'VeliponMbTdV for the live stock transported". TespooeiDi j r. 11 " ; v 1 iii . Bee readers are 100 intelligent to' over :00k tho opportunltiea In the "want ad" column. They're worth while reading. Most ef the state offices were conceded ; after three montha' aervlce In the ranke. to the republicans. Andrew J. Russell (rep.) was elected state treasurer; Francl. ! "Ploof lAr. rtf TrxVir.n u. man- (rep.), superintendent of public 1 UvUulUU Ul UUUUOUU Instruction, and Charles W. Vail rep.), clerk of tho supreme court. 1 j . .Music . Admitted by Burke i .181.134.070 la.750,9 Omaha National First National V. &. National Stock Varus National, raercnanta National ... City. Nat lane I Live Stock National . NahrA.k m. K . 1 1 n -1 Packers National Com x. National ... btate bn of Omaha Sept. U. L-14. . T 72. 171 . T.fcfc.lM . Cfoi.a'i . 4.C4.M6 . 4.8ni,;i3 . l,i.a . 1.337.473 . 1.M0.M4 . l.ii.?;o . 1K.&23 . 1.0,.7lw Total 34U.279.B63 Lssas, Oct f U 113. 1 7 im First National 3.SW.679 1.4 Omaha NaUonal Lniled (lt National 1.1-4 Nlock Yards National .. 4li.247 Merchants National .... 4.77ti0 t'ltv Nallouai 3.3&10U3 Live Stork National .. 1. Neoraska National .... I.ut.7k3 Packera National ' 1.374.111 Cora Kc. National .... 1.413.&4 Stale Bank of Omaha.. Oct M. 1914. S T.OO.sM 7,!48.i0 t, 734.109 4.W9.&S4 4.9M.W9 l..t.t:i l.:il.341 17MI.&14 l.'l.itS J,lKl.61 L133.1U S3,p.33 Oct. 31, 1914. I 7.0.M 7,:.J.v) 4.734. 108 4.WS.&M 4.94 1.4.3.Wil l.Sll.Ml 1.M3.MI 1.3U1 614 I. Id. 114 Total .. ...t4L3U.4U7 IXKIXSUI FOOT BALL SPECIAL FOR - NEBRASKA-KANSAS GAME For the NebraaVa-Kansa football game to. .be played at Lincoln Saturday, No vember 14. the Wurllngton will run a ape, rial train from Omaha, leaving her early in the morning. Four hundred tickets for tho gam have' beea aent bare to be sold and at tha rata they are going. It Is thought that more will have to be ordered. Willing te Bex. OMAHA. Novi 3 -To the Sporting Edi tor of The tie; I nottoed a challenge In this momliis's paper ttom one of Paul Murray's aludenta, "Kid" Kiousky, ad would I ke to niet him if It could be ar ranged saliefat'tory to 11a both. VOLN14' MERKLE. Ing of margined accounts. The weekly . statement of the Imperial hank of Germany which showed an In crease of 114O.0iO.00O in cold reeerves in the three monthe of war, reflected the large payments msde In connection with th war loan. Foreign exchange waa firm with a minimum of operations, rabies being quoted at 4 81V, and eight drafta at 4 904. More German cotton bills were in the market at ralea unchanged from the early week. Occupants of Buggy Hurt in Auto Crash A automobile owned by R. W. Beeson. Red Oak. la., and driven by L. AV. Zelg ler, his chauffeur, collided with a buggy driven by Walter Perry, at the Intersec tion of Dodge and Thirtieth streets last night Parry auffered a sprained ankle and a . companion, Mrs. Rene Lamps, Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth atreeta, who wa hurled agatnat a curbstone by the Impact, was badly cut about the head and generally bruised. Both were glvea emergency attention by police aur, geons and removed to their home. According to eye-witneases the buggy, drawn by two horses and containing the Injured couple, waa proceeding at a leisurely pace north on Thirtieth street. The automobile, which wa a four-paa senger car. waa also going at a normal apeed west on Dodge, but unable, because of the steep Incline to stop, when it was perceived that tha two vehicle would collide. Zelg ler attempted to awerv hi machine toward tlie north, but his efforts were of no avail, the front of the auto crashing sqiare Into the carriage, demolishing it and throwing Ita occupants to tho pave jnetit After destroying th buggy the machine continued on It course with uch fore that It carried a steel lamp pott before It In It path before It waa finally stopped by colliding with a tree. The machine waa only partially wrecked and Us driver uuiujjred. The corner where "the accident occurred la known to driven as being one of particular danger because of the hill on Dodge street. Juat before the Intersection of Tt.lititith. Thirtieth street i extremely narrow and a full turn oft It onto Dodge Is almost impeaslble. PEIRRE S. D . Nov. S (Special Tele gram.) Congressman Burke thla even- ing admit th election of Ed. B. John- son, hi democrat opponent to the sen ate by 11 bout 3,500. and he baa wired Johnson congratulations. Democrats aet Mlsa M. Alice Maekensio gave a Lleder- congresssman In the Third diatrict Abend, assisted by Dr. B. R. M. Mao- Hatton of Pittsburgh and Mr. Cecil EIGHT JAPANESE WARSHIPS Berryman. aocompanlet. at th Toung Ofta 1311 CO 1ACOT rUII C Women ChrtsUan association audi.! 2,303 MILtS WEST CHILE ! tortura . last evening. Miss Mackenzie' SANTIAGO. Cuba. Nov. 8. A steam chose her program carefully and mlth co'"" hlch haa arrived at Valparaiso. ; good judgment and arranged It accord'- PorU having seen eight Japaneae war , Ingly. Her voice waa a pleasant surprise. "'P1 l E"1 Island in the Paciflo 'as It la of unusually rich' quality, ha cor- about 3.S00 mile weat of the Chilean alderablo volume and la full of bright o""1- Eaater island belonga to the re time. Her tonal work showed finish oub,la ' Cnl1'- both in the lower aa well as la the high! NEW TORK. Nov. 4.-The East and tonea, and there was an evennes of de-! We"' new bureau mede public today velopment which It la gratifying to hear. th following cable dispatch received by Numbers were aung ia French. German. lnem ,rora 10K1 roa or tss row. DISTRIBUTORS OF Union Suits VASSAR Browning King & Col SIOU Or TBS TOW3T uu .ngiisn, many or wnicn ware ex tremely difficult from a technical stand- "The navy general staff made toJay, November 4. at 3 p. m., the following of- bee Want Ads ProOacc Renulta point Mlaa Mackensle nreaent.f them ; f'c'l announcement: eloquently and with good taste. The " 'n November 1. the Japanese fleet writer enjoyed especially "Der Schmied " 1 together with English warships madel by Brahms; the Campbell Tipton num ber, Lourise Relchardt'a alwaya wtlcome "In the Tim of Roses," and the closing number. "A Spring Morning." by Carey. Dr. Mediation gave a decidedly indi vidual and interesting reading of Edgar Allen Poe'e Raven', with musical ac companiment. Thl differ materially from any other the writer haa ever been fortunate enough to hear, but it wa likewise a clear and deeply thoughtful Interpretation. In the latter half of the program lr. Mediation gave a lecture recital unoa Hamlet, which, although lengthy, held the lntereet throughout, both by the material presented and Its manner of presentation, and won a cor dial response from the hearers. There wa but One encore, which Miss Mac kensle granted after her flret group. She wa the recipient of flower and 'a great deal of deservedly generous applause. Mr. Berryman furnished hi ahare )t the evening entertainment- In th accom paniment and the musical aettlng ef the poem by Poe. The proceeds of the con cert will be sent to Germany for us ta lh relief work necessitated by th war. U. M. R. FRANK GARDINER DIES AFTER WEEK'S ILLNESS Freak Gardiner. ae4 44. well knewa to every member of the city fir and police department and to Omaha la general, died at the home of. hla father. George Gardiner, at C-S Jones street. Wednesday. Gardiner was taken 1 with pneumonia a week ago and forced to go to bed. He grew gradually worse. Uardiaor Joined the fire department la f an effective bombardment on the litis and other forts. At S a. m., No vember 2, the Austrian cruiser Kalseria Elisabeth seemed to have been blown up In Klao Chow bay. On November S the floating dock in the Tslng Tau harbor listed and sank.' " PRINCETON EASILY WINS CROSS-COUNTRY RUN PRINCTON. N. J.. Nov. S-Prlnceton easily won the cross-country race against Columbia here today by the acore of 19 to 44. Captain Morrison of Princeton fin. lahed yards ahead of the field, running the alx-mile course in 37 44V Princeton had five out of the first six men to finish. BELLEVUE-PERU GAME FOR FRIDAY IS CALLED OFF The Peru-Bellevue game scheduled for Friday on the Be'.levue field was ca'led off en account of the crippled condition of the latter team. The Underwear Question is no longer a problem to the discrim inating man. . '." (Si He knows that Vassar union suits;'-: fit at the knees over the shoulders, over the hips through the crotch all " oyer, and. they are so comfortable--, it's a pleasure to wear - tsssar Union Salts for Gentlemen : Knit to the form one suit at a tune; Swi it-ribbed fabrics very elastic: cuffj and anklets knit on not sewed on don't roll up or stretch out; specially tailored bunon-hole , . won stretch or putt out; finished like tailored clochee thee delusive feature make Vemr Union Suits di-inenv - ' s . VASSAR SWISS UNDERWEAR COMPANY V Chicago. HI , , X X! : Veteran Geet C. Leslie Tulles, who ha been with the Dallas tTex lesgue team for eighj yeara. aa1 ho always haa beea declared by Owner Joe Gardner to be worthv of a major league berth, le finally on hie way up. It ia announced that he haa been drafted by the Atlanta club of the South ern league. - 3 . Mrraaaell Gees leaater. Tha Wuhineton club baa stxned for a tryout Shortstop ham McCoanell of Phila delphia, who played Ut season with the Hot bl ing club t the O-u-era Rir Uague. Cany & Complete Line im vassar of Union Suits Large Showing JYASSAR": Nebraska Clothing Company CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN-JL