THE HEE: OMAlIA. FRIDAV. XOVEMlsEI fi, 1014. The Season's Smartest Gown Can be made by the home Dressmaker as illustrated Absolutely correct in style and ean be made at home at a great saving in price. We .have selected a mate rial that is particularly well adapted to this style of dress. This Effective Gown Made of Fine Quality French Serge $267' mm . fl "U: ., jLJ Costs HoqiiiroH 5' o yards of vhtiIs of silk for tho tie 1elt nnd paper juittoiti- nll of which are fccrgfi, collar Hit and included . tpO.O 50c Silk Lisle Hose Friday, 3 Pairs for $1.25 A fine quality of Bilk lisle-in black and white with deep garter, re inforciug double eoles with eight thread heel and toe. AMD 1 HOWARD 111 IDXL!ifC OXXTECNTH fiTRCCTS MOREHEAD'S LEAD SHOWSJCREASE Complete Returni from Donglat County Do Not Note Any . Change. LOBECK WINS TWO TO ONE 117: Offlr f ll f DEMOS' MAJORITY IS TWEHTY-FIYE Tour Congreiiional District! Still Uncertain, According to Latest Returni. ' ' SENATE STAYS BOURBON'BY 14 Celarede, Vi'lscaasla " aad "' Xrvftda Eleetlea fay RfprfwiUtlin , t rspexr Body Ar Tint " Settled. NEW TORK, Nov. 'I. With four con gressional district 1 till! ' uncertain, re sult of Tuesday' election now that th democrat elected to the house US'; republicans, 184;, progressive,-T; soclsllst, 1; Independent. 1.TM would, give thi democrat a majority .In th lower house of 16. Republlcaiia claim, the Cotton' of Jamea J. Brltt over J. M. Gudger, tn the Tenth district of North Carolina, i. M. McLean, republican-progressive. In the Third Colorado district, aad C. B. Tlm bertake In the Second Colorado. . The democrats claim, th election V of O...T. Helvering In the Fifth K ansae. In that rent there would he a democratic ma jority of ' esK.wsil lB Deabt. la the annate, late returns left atUl omewhat In doubt the election In Colo rado, Wisconsin and Nevada. The eleo tlon of Edward Johnson, democrat, over Charles' H. Burke, republican. In fJeuth Dakota, was a rain for the democrat, which offet the defeat of Roger C. Hul llvan. democrat. In Illinois by Senator Lawrence T. -Sherman. Latest report front Nevada showed Francis O. Kewlanla, democrat, leading Samuel Piatt, republican, by a little mora than 2n0, with about two-third of the precinct- heard from. Democrat claim the election of Kenator Charles P. Thomas aver Hubert Work, republican, In Colo rado, and the election of Senator .New land. The repuhlicana claimed the elec tion of Francis E. McOovern -over l'aul Husting tn Wisconsin. Majority ml t-'aarteea. TM result. If carried out, would make the representation in the nest senate fifty-five democrats, forty republicans and ons prog rerslveb,a democratic ma jority of fourteen. Late returns from the First New York district showed that the result aa be tweea Congressman Lathrp, democrat, and Frederick C. 'ideas, republican, was la doubt. The election was first claimed by Kick and then by Lathrop., Com plete unofficial returns today cave Huk a lead of 'feur vote, and an official count probably will be necessary. Add ing this district, but removing the Tenth North Carolina district, later conceded to th republicans front the doubtful col umn, left the number of unsettled con testa still four. - - - State Officers' Vote I.leatcnaat 'nerfraer. Dundy ' Franklin .... Oosper- Merrick Jefferson ... Hall Hurt Krsnkltn .... Washington pit-ward Douglas ..... Totals v Pearson. Iloagland. 821 SM ,.. 1.2W Ml 4f 384 W.7 I.1W i.aos 1.H4 ' 1.673 i m . i.imi l.KH 4 7X6 w l.W lO.TiK) 1A.7M ..,..! J 30.168 periateadeat. ) Whitehead. Thomas. l.a a T7 ..;.tliil m 644 . 1.IM Ml 1.1M ....t , , 1,14 U4 W 44 ........... l.l'ft el , Sl, ' t 1.410 v, ,1U) Heward ...... Marian Washington Kranklln .... Burt Merrick ...... Jefferson ... Oosper . ...... Franklin .... unly i Louiaat i .4to t To tats r. s . .14,184 ,T ' ' U.47 Atteraey tleaeral. Heward ..... Washington Kranklln .... Hurt Hall Merrlik ..... Jtiiferson ... Oonper Dundy ...... Douglas .... Total...., 1.719 ........ l.J3 1,221 fc 1.T47 . 1.0M 1.24 4JS 871 M 19,'tus RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. Maunln. Reward Washington Burt Hall Merrick .... Jefferson .. ttospr Franklin ... Dundy Dougla .... 1.601 . 1.0M . HW) . 1.681 . 1W . l.fcl . el . l.W . t . ,! 1H.S74 ,6W Hall. 1 1.06 1.176 1 1,111 412 PC lt.tU UNIVFRSITT RBOENT8. 1 UHL.M XT.vWI 1 ... ..vw.n. v.ww... .mivtii. Be Want Ads Are the Bent Business Poo iters. DEATH RECORD Mrs. alary Myers. TABLE HOOK, Neb.. Nov. S.-(lpe. ial.) Mr. Mary Myers, wife of Nathan Myeis, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Craig died Tuesday morning.1' She leaves a husband and a young babe some ! month old. Eh wa Jl year old. Dundy 7 is J n Franklin ....1.11 IS THO Ooeper M SU snl Jefferson .... 1,122 - t,IU Merrick tM 7.W I.Om Hell 1.7:7 1,4 I.4M Kurt 876 4 1,040 Howsrd 1.616 1,1x1 ,7t WaKhlngton . 1.133 646 tKO Douglas 6.617 10.W 6.03 --16.1134 1T.4 17.601 Laad CaaBaalsataBer. . 17.K6 Kastham. Iteckmann. May Me deeded t Deride, the Men here af the Lower lloase fraat This Coaaty. Notwithstanding the jjnusual length of th ballot and the number "f officers In volved, The Bee la giving herewith the complete total of tile election for Douglas county. The figure show Governor Mor hred'a plurality o be even higher than Indicated by the first returns, while Con gressman Lobeck score the record major ity of 2 to 1 on his cnlrf opponent The completion of the tabulation makes no changea in the result of the election al ready .announced except possible substi tution on th house delegation to th leg-. Islature. where the low democrat and high republican are so close that the official canvas msde must decide the winner. FOR GOVERNOR Morebead, d... .l.TMji Howell, r 16,110 Hackett, p 43.; Morehead's plurality, 221 LIEUTENANT OOVERNOR. Pearson, d 107W Hoagland, t....(IK Kllngbell, p lsi SECRETARY OF STATE. Pool, d KM(Walt. r 10031 flkailn. p ft? 1 1 Al'PITOR OF rVBT.IC ACCOITNTS Smith, d Atinor, r loia Hanson, p itAi, STATR TREARrRER. Hall, d ., I tinnier, r 6,961 liroatch, p 1.642 I KI-PT rirRtJf! INSTRITCTION. Whitehead, d...6.41i Thomas, r , uavis, p 1,1m ATTORNEY OENERAIa Reed, d 6, I Sear, r U.R46 wins, p &a I x COMMISSIONER OF PtTRLIC UIND8 AND BUIL.DIN08. Eastham, d 6,wil 1 Beckman, r.. Benedict, p l.e'j I 1 RAILWAY COMMIRPIONBR. Maupin (d.) Hall (r.) Harphsm p.. ll7 ITNIVERSITT REGENT. Miller (d.) .... W17IW. H. Miller. Noble 1W7 1 Jensen ........ Love 14X81 Brown ' CONORESS SECOND DISTRICT, li heck (d.) ....127 Blackburn (r.).. 72 Merrlam p ) .. 13721 COITNTY ATTORNEY. Magney (d.)....12U6! Brom (r.) , Llgelow (p.) ... s; SHERIFF. McHhane (d.) ..lMHlBrigg (r.) . Morrow (p, .. 25 COUNTY TREASURER. Flsseeer II. .. 64,2 U re (r.) .... Heluulst (p.).... 6191 COUNTY CLERK. Funkhouer, d.. SWW! Dewey, r More, p 692 REGISTER OF DKEDM Pickett, d 9lU'eare, r Turklngton, p... COUNTY SURVETOR. Lacy, d S77S Adams, r COUNTY fitTPERINTRNnwiMT BeBnlt, d 4M Voder, r ! 1044 Rowan. P I0421 pnT ire 1 t ' rri v niiiu, Madden (d.).... 77M Koe'ter r ) ...... 7Stt tay (p.) M , , , CORONER. 1 Qulgley. d....V. IO0771 Crosby, r 10316 Johnson, p 27(U . ,. . COMMISSIONER-FIRKT DISTRICT. Spratlea, d 6U7 MoDonald, r....UI7S M M SECOND DISTRICT.- Ford, d 643)1 Lynch, r 64T1 Darao, p......... 637Conwer, Ind..... Tia " ' , - FOURTH DlSTRTfrr - O'Cnanor, d...,. XiWfTrHinor, r. Aadreasea, 9...'. 2071) WATER BOARD." " Sherman ..,... ,10iVn Nya Wllheim llutMl STATIC HEN A TOR. Bedford, D 1H26I Hvrert. P... 1143 Howell, 1 OJ7 Ward. P l4 Qulnhy,..D.;.. 1107 Dodge, R ,.lu6 Heagan, D....r M4i Karbach, K..,.. 6MK6 Tanner, D 6641 Kennedy, R 62 Byera, P...11.,. U7 Haunders. R.... 10477 Johnson. P 17321 Yates. R 6674 rsjsons. P 11S STATIC REPRESENTATIVES. Barrett. D U77u KIchardHon. P.. 2311 Hrennan, D.... 6t7M Smith. P 140 .nwi Ftromberg, P... 1476 .104;( Thomas, p 19SI . 6Si4 VanNes. P 14) . 64X71 Young. P fr.i-6 . H Burgess. R 64K3 ..m Chambers, R,... 6412 .KWM1 Druesedow, R.. VIVO .. 64(H Foster, R 67 .. K1 Larson, R 69 6nW Ir fUM ' -on- R w J?J?' lun''n, R 624 . 1M1I Miner. R 6401 . ISI Palmer, R MAI . IMi rimlth, R 6,3J . m; Stockham. R.... 6781 BLTftKHE J I KTIf ' IT Hollenbeck M, Reese JCIK3E OF DISTRICT COURT. EHsh 1227J!rtrissman JL'IXIK COUNTY i:ni'BT Brady M17 Crawford CONSTABLES. Andnin Id ) .... eW.Church (r.) , Hryant (d .... V) Hnnael r.).., Fleming (dA .. 7(74 Miller "(r.) .., (ireenhagen (d) ffTfltt! Hereon (r.)- , risnsen to.; ... ewttn nimpsoa (r I . Klrby (d.) UllMliMt r.) .., ,.10,061 ,. sros J 136 I.. 6446 .. 6099 ...10166 ...I7S4 ..13081 ..11.756 .11446 .11674 67! X4 Howard. D. Hunter. I. ... Llnehan, D... Ively, D Morgan, D.... Murray, D.... Nea-iey. D.... Queenan, D.. Richmond, l. Ryan, D Burdick, p... Halstead. P.. Keyser, P.... Merrill. P Musk. P Nelson, P... . !uo 1 315 .11663 Dundy Frsnklln .... Oosper ...... Jefferson .... Merrick .... Hull Burt .. Washington Howard ..... ttoutfla .... Total is,K3 Rtala Aadltar. Smith. Nine counties, complete.. 6 6S Duuglss 6.U1 Totals 16,607 Treasarer. Hall ' Nine counties, complete... 6. MS ., 6.9C& 16,7t Minor. 6.776 16.M7 lMula Total. Jefferson Burt Gosper ., Douglss . Totals.. lamer. 6. 013 . 6.91 FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 74 .7404 76 7473 74.6 ism Brltt (d.) Cansn lyeeile ... Morearty Psnuska Smalley Baldwin 6-VTlalborne M'J4Tomatock . M6IHascaU . , 4ti"u4Kerr 6lLeeider .. M0Qnau ... , 76071 7Sl 7101 165S .16.794 Baaresaa Jaetlee. Hollenbeck. 71 611 266 6. .....11.17 16.6M Reese. 710 6S4 29J 6..W4 Woman Suffrage a Thousand Votes Behind in County Women' suffrage failed ta carry la Dougla ceunty by about 1.600 votes, acv cording to the complete returns. For rampua removal th majority wa about 1.3U6 In favor of removal. Followtag is th complete vote oa th amendments. EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY BILL. 10.664 Want Ad Produce Keeulta Cascarets for Costive Bowels, Sour Stomach, Cold or Headache That awf'4 sourness, belching of acid and foul gas; that pala In the ait of th stuotach. the heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bloating after eating, feeling of fullness. dUslrtea and sick headache, nivalis your atonuvrb la aour-eyour. IKer I torpd your bowel constipated. It isn't your stomach's fault It isn't Indi gestion It' Itlllousne and constipation. Try Cascarets; they sweeten th tosnach. reinov th our. fermenting food and foul garr: tak bile from th liver and carry off the conatlpatsd waste matter from tha bowels. Then your atornarb trouble, headache, had raid and all uch. misery ends. ' xa..' - T-wasP. MTn a . 4 -AS CARETS W0K WHILE YOU SlR Yes No . Yea Ne . Yea No . Yea No . Tea No . JS?. For Against ARMORY BILL. SUFFRAGE. TAXATION. JURT. TEJUt OF OFFlCi. CAMPUS REMOVAL. 1676 . T.676 . 660 . 6.4V . 6.61 J . 6.ta .16.361 . 4.444 . I.7T6 . 4.14T . ITflg . (.Kit . T.7S . 6.M6 ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF SINKINO OF GERMAN DESTROYERS Taken October 17 in the North Sea by an officer of a British ship which went to the rescue of survivors. V.-'i V. :- VW '-'. .V-:.. -. :.. J '':":' ! f ' (.' I ' . , - , - .. - ...... -v . . . 1 : , - ' - . , -.. 1 if 'F-.- ; "f ' ' , 1 f :. "'. "".. ! ? v " vJ. -JT4- i i . ' war - x. r 1 1 . - " .1,-1 .. v.'- 1 ? f " fc - t. ----t f-.-:-ie TEACHERS! Who like fashionable tlot,he8 In exclusive models should attend our rpeclal sales for teacherg. CLOAK 6 SUITS GOWNS DRESSES The House of f.lenagh "Tbe itor for OeBtlswoB." Located at 1613 Tamam it- POOL IS RUNNING BELOW MOREHEAD (Continued 'ram Pge One.) Walt. Kelly. 110 and Burt. . which are nearly complete; also the totals of these counties oa th governor. 1914 191 Pnnl Walt Franklin 12!tt 1J V Antelope 1101 1227 17 ; 1 Burt. Ml of IS...... M2 161 ivii iiiu Johnaon K4 W1 1306 1020 York 13W1 1774 f14 119 Clay 1704 103 104 ISi Furnas f2 17 1.4 1446 Dundv 27 7 "4TB '06 Box Butt r6 4g 4! Col fa 410 S0 4 lor DodR if ioo r44 im Heward 17a) 1616 l4f ' 17ffl Jefferson, 19 of 21 IM 1;W4 13CB fiaundera 2027 1712 i!40 21fr7 Hooker '.. ISO 1J4 lWi 114 Wehstor lion 9M 14'. lr? Goaper 419 422 4A4 44 Merrick 9M lOPl IMi 676 Hall 17OT 1W1 2006 2124 Totals ill04 S03M aW7l . 23S94 Pamu dlKtrlcte. 1914: Morehead, Howell, 20601. -. , Th result on governor are as follow: Th vote on governor outald of Doug la' county to far reported I'. -1914-. 1812 How- Sack- More- AI-" ell. ett- head, d rich. 1.3X9 .... l.f 1,648 1.676 m 4)0 1,116 .. m k77 -6o7. l.iWS 70S 67 1,KM (16 m 1,310 i& 5J4C1 16 794 yta H U 73 466 LRti 6.13' 67 76 76 1.313 61 l.f-a 6.21 L5 44 ' 124) 1.021 1,027 1.M4 L163 1,041 More head. AnteloD . 1.2ft Adam .... 2.000 Boone ..... Mai . Box Butt. 743 HutUr .... 1,012 Burt, 1 tlOO Brown, 16.... 62 Boyd.. T....r- 43 fuming ., Lf4 . Clay, un'f.. l,t6 Custer. 11. t'hsae. I Case ... Colfax . Deuel, 8. Doris . Dundy, un'f 1.741 litfT L6fi Mi 716 7 .3 1.146 , IMi 2,2.77 4nl Dakota, J... 20 Fillmore. 2. 76 Frontier ... 671 Franklin .1276 Furnas .. 1,1119 Gage, 22.... 1.710 Greley, un'f 1.0B4 Grant, t 103 Gosper .... 413 Hall 1.627 Harlan. 11.. 7M Hamlton, 17 1.VJ9 Howard. 11.; 601 Hooker ... 1 Holt. 3 InS Johnson .. 1,029 Jefferson, 16 1,4W Kearney. 16. 849 Knox, 26 1.672 L'caster. 66 f.7 Lincoln. 81.. 1,223 Imogen. 1.... 62 fticfh ra'n. I 4t) Madison. !.. 147 Nance .... 671 Nemaha '..1.408 Otoe Pierce. . si Polk Phelp ... Platte. 11.., R'h'daon . Kloux. ... Seward .. Saline .... Scolt B., Farpy. 11.. Htanton. !. 8aunder.. Thurston . Thomas ., vayne 5.. Wssh'lon. I.1M) 20 . 1,620 27 U2 34 106 i.m . 46 : 3M ,. 117 .... .... 1,69,. 1.078 Let ' 126 736 644 - 60 67 .... 2.32S 1.44 - 17 1.116 911 12 .... .... 2,111 1.996 T .T 4 I 61 110 102 96 617 796 ' 11! ' 1,138 1,079 1.876 1,104 1,161 .... 1.06T 621 663 369 6f 1461 1,72 7.V. i.b i'm 21 ) 600 120 ISO 4 140 79 60 1.22 T 13S 47 .lot L6X3 82 m 1791. ftiibti Webster York TaI MUT felt 9 10. dais It OS Dougla ..ISA'S 10.110 .... U0t Gd. total... 62. 469 66.011 2 64679.644 .U8 Twent-elaht counties complete and 176 precinct outs)d of Dougl. Complete. Caagress first District. No. 1614. ' 19a Pet. Magulre. Keavia. Magulre. Clark. FAIRBURY MAM FATALLY SHOT IN THE RIGHT HIP FAIRBURT. Nab.. No. l-faHa Tel- gram.) Clarence Ward. 14.year-old son of Mr. and Mr. Tm Ward, wa fatally hot In th right hip with a rtfl today while hunting with eavoral eompantana Owing to th Falrtory schools esjoytng three days' vacation, tbe lad war out hunting, aad young Ward attempted t drag the gun through a fence after him, and It wa discharged He aa removed to his hem and medical aid summoned. tut the bullet could sot ba located. An operation will be made with X-rsv to detcrm'ne th location ef the bullet 4 7 Third No. 1914.- Tcts fttniMH Cumlag 16A9 fierce 1U7 Colfax, com.. .1014 TJt n Will. ..&.(. Knox, S ISM feoone, com... ii04 Nance, com.. 919 Merrick 1249 Thuratn. cony 11 67 Wayne, . com.. 1011 . Ant lope, com. 14.12 sun, o pci...Ll(U District. . Bpiilm'n. M MM 61 1214 1107 611 m SV6 ca 1181 1109 1912.- flteplt. Cook. I KM lino 7195 ,1598 Ml 11K3 9M 1016 1504 1364 Total 1127 11029 15411 Distrtc. K'73 90 624 1474 1274 990 10)9 71 10 1520 1561 12617 rosrtk No. 1914 Pcta. Sloan. Hamilton. 17..1S63 Seward, com. lHIS York, com.... 2149 ! Jeffvrson, 19..HS2 Blunder 2?I2 Polk 1231 Saline 127 Fillmore 2J7J Total ruth No. 1914 ; Pet. Shallen- -1912.- Rhodes. Sloan. Sklles. 1113 14S3 1553 1S21 17J 1592 20TO 1814 1W 1628 1430 11 242 2110 19 1272 1019 iv 2iaa . km 1123 2446 1U8 10X4 15676 12346 District. -1912- berrer Dundy, com.. 338 Hall, com 1516 Phelpa, com.. 96 Webater. com .1192 Frontier. Zi... 00 Franklin, coml.144 Furnas, com.. 1170 Clay., com 1777 Nuckoll com HS Harlan ....... &2J Oosper 4U Barton But her- Barton land 434 2068 1070 1160 108 998 1J33 lfi.16 1315 443 314 19rtl 99 m fS 1242 1271 1711 16.18 14 478 47R 22M 1352 1361 fc7 10 120 1X48 1382 m.7 469 Total. ..11676 11837 Sixth District. 12165., 1J252 No. 1914. 1912.- Pet. Ktnkaid. Tayior.KlnkaH. Taylor. Brown. 12.... 5 24 ,47 . 22J -mwusv a pota.; 11 . -.- jng . . . isr . 1W Box Butte c'm 612 Hooker 218 .539 74 664 26- C. A. Klvera (dem ). . . Pan Hooper (dom.). 29 W.. C. Elmeltind (dem.1. O. W. Merrllth (dcm.J. 20 Edwin Jeary rep. . . A. H. Hutton (rep ). Ralph Moseley (rep.). C. P. Peterson (rep.). J. H. Mockett, jr., (rep.). : William Foster (dem.). 81 G. B. Dalby (rep.). George Ptelnmeyer frep.). ' 32 D. B. BUuser (dem.). . 34 J. A. McGuIre dem.). 3i Oeorxe Llyaett (rep.). 27 Nicholas Meysenberg (dem.) 40 K. B. Nelson (rep.). 42 G. II. Matteson (dem ). 43 John M. Ward (rep.). 44 T. M. Scott (dom ). 45 George Jackson (dem.). 4-G. W. Llndsev (dem.). 47 J. C. Snyder (dem.). Albert Tlbbetts (dem.). 48 J. E. Cox (rep.) A. L: Scudder (rep.). 49 T. M. Osterman (dem.). n n. .1 A nlcv (rep.) 53-D. H Cronln (rep ). rft P. Sorenson (dem.). 58 N. J. Taylor (dem ).- George Greenwalt (dem.). 69 J. E. Harris (rep.). M. A. Hostetler (rep). ' 61 J. A. Barker (dem.). 62 8. M. Patterson (dem.). SU. O. T. Anderson (rep.). . BR Albert LaBounty (dem.). TO Fred Hoffman (dem.). 73 F. W. Broome (dem.). 75--R F. Btarns (rep.). . 78 W. I Batca (rep ). 77W. W. Wooodhurst (rep.. Olympic Cancels flalllags. BELFAST, Ireland. Nov. '5. The ier sailings of the White Star steamer Olympic have been canceled, today the crew wa paid off.... ATTENTION VISITING SCHOOL TEACHERS! BIG MILLINERY SALE FOR THIS KEEK 100 beautifully trimmed Hats, values to $13 50, specially priced tor this week, The House of Menagh 1613 . rarnam ftreet. . a Z.XTB nriuAwcw poun IT CANNOT Tak the place of a husband. ( BUT IT CAN 1. Keep the family together. 2. Educate the children. 3. Create a valuable estate. , 4. Relieve the widow from financial worry. i . !. Place her abov th neod of marry ing for a home. S. Increase the esteem In which the husband and father Is held by wife and children, and 7. Prolong the life of the man who thus protects his family, because his mind is relieved from anxiety about th future.- Call or write for rate and particulars. , TheMidwestLife N. Z. B.NELL. FHI6IDEMT A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY SCXIKG HO" - f AITICIF AT7K6 LOT CRrjJJlJICE OXLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK BU1LDIN6, LINCOLN. OMAHA AOCNCV CITY NATION At BANK BUILOINO CINI6AL CE"Tt CI06CI CROCKIa, f A. f lit KIT AND B.J.K166CIsTIlr1 2 . 1.140 . 1.1-W . LM1 . 983 . 1.020 2,200 . 146 . 1.956 . 3.286 51 1.131 110 1.2S7 l.Ofvt 211 252 1.355 , L190 Ll 2.054 112 1.446 l.aii 46 607 m 1,814 704 154 .' 894 1.140 1.0u0 73 45 61 126 , 152 6V, 1,711 2.240 l",024 1.807' T 2.740 158 1.025 I.2M . t 1.01 1 22 2.3f4 677 19 1 1 30A 1.286 . 1.046 153 1.65J 1.217 1.724 l'.iii tW9 1,622 133 1.528 1,654 69 80S 176 1.176 658 11 20 1.384 1.356 L613 559S 1770 1404 1131 1968 13942 tncaster 64.. 5318 6480 670 Otoe, com 2106 119 r ieinaha, oom.UM 1.T1 150 .'r.hnson com. 74 '1173 . i7 Rlehdsn, cotn l4 2S94 SIM Cass, com 2257 8l Xl.t Total UT00 1S6S 15917 aad DUtrUt. No. 1914.-Lo- Pet. beck. Wash.. rorn..H7it Sarpy. 11 101 (Dougla 127 si Totals..... 16326 Merrtum, progressive, total Wa 1382. Total 1598 ' 670 ' 1216 S(at.Leg Ulatare. SENATE. I Walter Klechel (rep.). 8 J. M. Gates (dem.). . 4 C. L, Saunders (rep.). N. P. Dodge (rep ). J. W. Bedford (dem.). E. B. Howell (dem.). L. J. Qulnby (dem.). B Wallace Wilaon (dem.). H. P. Mhumway trap.). 7- Phll Kohl-(dem ). II Charles Xrumbech (dem.). 12 R. C. Plller idem.). 13- H. V. Hoagland (rep.). John T. Marshal (rep.). 15 William Grueber Idem.). 17-C. E. Bandatl (rep ). 19-W1II Brookley (dem.). 16 J. H. Buhrman (dem ). , 20 W. L. Weeaner (dem.). 22 Peter Wink (dem.). v 23- C. W. Beal (dem.). 26 D. M. Douthltt (rep.) 27 B. K. Busheef rep.). 23-;tarl D. Mallory (dem.). HOUSK. 1 W. T. Rteschlck (dem.). 8 W. C. Parrlott (dem.). 8 A. N. Dafoe (dem.). F. A. Keuter (dem.). 7-M. J. Kme (dem.). Jacob Sas (dem.). 10 Henry C. Richmond (dem.). John C. Barrett (dem.). Jerry Howard (dem.). Richard C. Huntor (dem.). Joseph Loveley (dem.). Jamea Brennan (dem.). Thomas Murray (dem.). John I. Negley (dem.). Nela Lundgren (rep.). J. P. Palmer (rep.). W. N. Chambers (rap.). B. C. Miner (rep.) 11 C. C. Van Deusan (dem.). 11 Charles W. Orr (dem.). i Orai.t eMars (rep.). 21-F. Kock (dem ). 2 Kenry Claybum (dem.). Richard C. Regan (dem.). 27 J. B. tlnJelar (dem.). wm- jyr Tanoramic ind. If Views of Omaha" Vi If Th most cemplet book-l . . . ...... I f i let-ol its Kina ever puonsn- i i -II ed. ...'-Beautiful- blrd'-eye I 1 i- - . 11 viewg of greater . Omaha, I I j ' :: tnni Jswiq. t.v - Ff.'i 1 1. 'V I 0 Fine for-mailing. .:' ' 'II mwmmmmt&s&-liSmTmmm . 6; Newsatand. ', . Black. Lol Bald bum, beck. rlge. 9A5 11' 1M7 47 ' 8S8 723 7isV . 127b 3MJ SJU ' WW0 15614 Dull, Splitting, Sick Headache Tou . tak a Dr. Jamea Headache Powder and In Juat a few moment your bead clears and all neuralgia and pain fade away. It' the quickest and uret relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerva-rat-klng. Bend aomeone to th drug ator and get a 'dim package now. Quit. uf faring If ao needless. Be sure you . get Dr. Jam Haadach Powdara-thaa there will ba no dlaap ointment. Advertisement. Does your undertaker firice mark his caskets and urnishings? . If not, what is to prevent him from using a "get what I can" policy with you? We price mark everything in plain fig ures the only afeeua.rd against a fluctuating price. 4thond Dodgm if)' AMISKMENTS. 7 STOP THAT ITCH WITH BESINOL! There's a world of. comfort for tor tured skins In a warm bath with Res nlol Soap and a elmolo application of that soothing; antiseptic Reslnyl - Oint ment! In a MOMENT all itching and burning are gone, healing begins, and aooa the akin la rree frrrni the unsjghtly, . tormenting eruption. Doctors everywhere , prescribe Retsnol freely and have done j so for nineteen years, therefor It Is not j an experiment but a. treatment of test- j ed and proven value. Ian t that the kind of treatment YOIT want? ' Reelnol Ointment '50.: and 1.J) and Reainol Soap (25c), are also speedily ef fective for pimples, blackhesds, dand- ruff snd sores. "MMd by all dmgg'stiv For trial free, write t Dept.. S-R. Res Inol. Baltimore. Md. Advertisement. AUDITORIUM Saturday Hight, Genille-Heache World's Greatest Contralto. ' Refteryed Beat 50c, 75c, $1.00. General Admission Balcony 60e Sale now on at the Audjtorium. Mall order -accompanied by check ad dressed to J. M. Glllan, Mgr., will be pronrptly filled. UIDD THEATCH P. SO 69 XlaTJar 16th and Harasy at. , a Day gtartlng nidar, Hot. S Beery W. Savage rreaeat, 8aAC2mXI AJaSOOXU la . ' Oao. Ad' Xolifdoal Comedy "The County ChainrianM;;: Start Sat. 10, lltlB. llsSO, 148, SJM, . 4:16, mUO, 6H5, tlOO. lis. , ,rj M Sump. COo. THE SIGN THE LORD'S COMING EXPLAINED. . lilt Is III SLg tt Tlf Comlst? IitL 11 There ig a m ; that ta why Paul wrote; Children of tight. - axe not in the dark that tbe Lord's day thould overtake you aa s ttjtef. 1 Th, 5. It thoo 6 halt not watch I will come upon thee a s thief and thoa ahsit pot stow what boor I will come spon tbae. Re. I: a. Uodcntand tbe sifs and haves rauooal reaaon for your hopes sod fear. NCW LIGHT ON THC PROPHCCICS Daniel snd Revelation. Behold. I make sU things new. Rev. ft: 5. Nw interpretation ; tbe man of sis ex plained, t Tbea.1 ; the time of trouble ; the battle of Arma geddon; bow he will coma, what it means; tbe origin snd destiny of mas. Make the Bible s new book ; no otber explanation of tbe prerntllennial coming; like it. . Kom. s: xs. iimeiy tor tbe many wno Oeairs light on tbe coming snd time. Dan. 19: t, la Save this. 25e. Elmsr Wolfs. P. O. Box 8T4, New York. N. Y I Lletl-7; Ct "liisiip LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., -' Distributors. sha Oong-laa laeS and kava a ease eat kom. AM l'-.MICXTl. uugut, U1 Weeai jmrntm. suu., YanraV Sat. XT A XJsJta, SOII.C and aooiat player la XlNDLIlfl) Price SSo and BOo, , west Week. "Stop Thief." ' OMAira g tvm cmrtSB" iJBni LtfUi lly Mat, 16-9-eo. lJLJf Ernga.. 16-36-6 0-76. Tanaevtlle' Oraatsat XaUrtalaar. BEN WELCH iu New Show Ifan. Te ssspvt ssilrss "Tuore Witer" as Trtsoo, itt the skow lor TMclxra' CeaieDiiaa iMk: dltoeesi tnm alisi su si ksoM. 6lat fun m town. svapues' nnaa mat, week pats. rvl ERICA 1VT OougiM 1 Kit ATMs. 147. To-night, Matlneea, Tne.. Tba.. Sat. TBS WOOOWAKO STOOX OOsCTASX" Presents th Comedy THE RAINBOW. 25 ANV SEAT 25 vTeek Mev. S SSOAPWAT JQtfBS. igAJ sea? ADTAJtCED ' Tivtirnu. Tk.s : Jokssr A Esiaa Sar. Hanr Rums A Gsoro i-'oi. Alios buuWr, lk Attstrsllea UeUuV Wrrll Co-. KY4 g.era4. Miller a Lrls. Orp Travsl Weily. Priest: MsUM. wuw, is; bt auurdsr see . I. Hi tse. tae. to, s4 nc. BRAHCE1S CADIRIA TOnOaTT S.1S, Saturday 3 Show I 10 A.M t giSO, S P.M. SabOAOO PKOtO Speetaola 1 Baala. Sat. Mattaa I So; Eveaiag S9o-6a-oo Special Sates to CoUdrea Sat. 10 A. at. Tear Say Beglaalag Ban. Mat, Vot, s HIP VAKI V LICV UALV g pedal Suaoay MaUaea. PTloa 8Ao-6oe Turpin's Dancing Academy 28th and Farnan Sts New class for beginners next Monday and Thursday. 8 p. m. ' Advanced el as Tueoiays, t p in l'p-to-dat dances are etandardlzed and easy to learn PB1TATS USSSOBS DAJXT. BABBIT altX I